Site Details: Strone

PA23 7UJ
Operator: Bakkafrost Scotland
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Sep 2018
Total losses: 34.6 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2020
Total losses: 41.5 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2022
Total losses: 7.4 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related; Handling
Gill Health Related; Handling
Site should be fallow within the next 2-3 weeks. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related; Handling
Gill Health Related; Handling
Business correspondent contacted. Handling prior to harvest have exacerbated mortalities. Site to be fallow in 2 weeks. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill-health related; Handling (Harvests)
Gill-health related; Handling (Harvests)
Site fallow in week 32. No further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Handling (Harvests)
Handling (Harvests)
Harvests - Site fallowed wk32
Site now fallow.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Monitor for FW treatment after Sgian Dubh
First report this cycle. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
FW week 40/41
Mortality still ongoing, FW treatment planned for WK40. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Site contacted for further information, FW treatment sheduled for week 41. Mortality has reduced on site back below reporting threshold.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill health related
Gill health related
Freshwater treatment scheduled wk30
First report this cycle. FHI visited 13/06/2024. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease (furunculosis)
Bacterial Disease (furunculosis)
First report this cycle. Business contacted for further information. Mortalities below threshold in week 32. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0298

Fish suffered a PGD insult toward the end of 2019, DIA conducted 21/11/2019. This has meant the gills have been more compromised since then. Environmental conditions in the Loch with DO being low normally occur slight later in the year
(August/Sept time) but recently have dipped lower which has resulted in increased mortality w/b 6 July 2020.
Plans are in place to move fish to a different site in the same CoGP farm management area which has better environmental conditions, site is currently also using aeration stones in the worst affected cages and has started harvesting to reduce biomass.
Lice levels have been very low through the cycle.
Mortality SAL: 20-23/07/2020 0.29%, 1,178 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 0.61%, 2,557 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 1.48%, 6,682 morts (reported to FHI); w/b 29/6/2020 0.44%, 2,000 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 0.25% 1,200 morts;
Mortality WRS: 20-23/07/2020 0 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 37 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 16 morts; w/b 29/6/2020 0 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 2 morts;
Mortality LUM: 20-23/07/2020 36 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 291 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 129 morts; w/b 29/6/2020 33 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 69 morts; [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0341

Mortality information (last 4 weeks)
Week 33 - 79381 - 32.84%
Week 32 - 8182 - 3.09%
Week 31 8627 - 2.17%
Week 30 - 3287 - 0.82%
Week 28 - 6682 - 1.48%
Dinoflagellate combined with solids in water after heavy rainfall resulted in environmental insult. Mortality is now back at normal levels and appetite are doing well.
Fish have been doing really well but have succumbed to an environmental insult caused by a multitude of factors in the loch.
Environmental event lasted only a few days and mortality levels are back to normal. Harvesting procedures have commenced and fallow is expected within the month. Environmental insult combined with historic PGD is thought to have been the main source of high mortality. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0246

Increased mortality
Week 35 2020 - 2977 fish 3.12% - end of cycle - Fish being harvested out, small number of fish left on site. Reported to FHI
Water temperature was above 14 degrees Celsius so full ECI could not be completed. Fish observed during VMD sampling looked healthy and in good condition. Fish were feeding deep so hard to observe. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0491

Site inspection by , observed by .
The fish looked healthy and they were feeding well, though deep in the water column. Two dead fish observed.
The site has been inspected on the 15/07/2021 but the water temperature was found to be above 14 degrees Celsius. So full
ECI could not be completed. Case type changed to REG, CNI, SLI. Biosecurity, containment and sea lice records were found to be adequately maintained and therefore they have not been inspected again. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0511

Site inspection and paperwork conducted by , observed by & UKAS auditors.
The site is stocked with 14 pens of 2023 Q1 SAL, stocked from Applecross (FS1336), Loch Langavat (FS0149), Hebridean
Smolts (FS0394) and Ormsary Hatchery (FS0575). The site is also stocked with a mix of wild caught ballan wrasse (Scotland) and farmed wrasse from Otterferry (FS0001).
Pen numbers and stock origin : Applecross - 1, 10,11 & 14. Loch Langavat - 2,3,4,5 & 6. Hebridean smolt - 7,8 & 9. Ormsary -
12 & 13.
Cleanerfish mortality - Week 44 (150, 0.27%), Week 43 (167, 0.30%), Week 42 (42, 0.08%), Week 41 (633, 1.13%)
Cleanerfish peaks in mortality : Week 15 (1.75%), Week 17 (3.63%). Mortality events associated with failures post input.
A period of low level mortality occurred onsite between weeks 35 and 41 of 2023. The site reported mortality just above the 1% reporting level to the FHI in week 37,38 and 39.
Through routine fish health checks the site identified a mild bacterial infection throughout Q3 of 2023 which seems to be now resolving. The bacterial infections appear to be secondary to other insults, it is thought that low O2 in Loch Striven has resulted in a poor immune response in fish which has allowed a mixed bag of furunculosis and SRS to present in outlier fish. Last fish health report dated 25/10/2023.
The site was inspected in a calm sea state in overcast weather. Visibility allowed observation of the stocks to approximately 3 meters. The majority of the stock observed appeared healthy, the general population of fish observed across all cages could be seen shoaling well and responding positively hand feeding by the site operator, which was observed when capturing fish for
VMD sampling.
Clinical signs of disease were observed during this visit and four fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. Across the site, evidence of bacterial infection was clear as many fish were observed with small, circular lesions. Of the 14 cages stocked, approximately 3 to 15 moribund and lethargic fish were observed in each pen. Pen 14 had the largest number of moribunds observed at approximaly 15, 2 fish were observed hanging vertically, 6 fish were observed having a darkened body and exophalmia. All moribund fish observed had small circular lesions present. Clinical signs of disease were similar in each cage across the site in varying degrees of severity.
Fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from pens 14, 3 and 2 which appeared to be the worst affected cages based on the visible clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection.
An additional 9 fish were removed for VMD sampling, 6 of these fish had a few small circular lesions although appeared to be otherwise healthy. No gross pathology was observed.
The site conducted a round of freshwater treatments in week 41. At the time of inspection the stock were in withdrawal of
SLICE and Optomease. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0524

Site was re-visited following a positive PCR for ISA (2023-0511). Sequencing to determine if positive for ISA HPR-0 or ISA
HPR-deleted was unsuccessful due to small volume of sample. Case has not yet been closed and FHR has not yet been issued.
Statutory sample of 150 fish was taken from the site. Fish from every cage were sampled. Few moribunds were observed
(generally 1-2 fish per cage) and these were prioritised for sampling. Where there were not enough moribunds to make up the sample, clinically healthy fish were sampled.
Site is sharing a shorebase with Sgian Dubh (FS1281). Sites have separate entrances to the shorebase office, with foot baths and disinfectant at the entrance for Strone staff. Site staffs are using site-specific PPE, changing rooms, equipment and boats
(with Strone workboats being moored in a seperate location from Sgian Dubh workboats).
No movements on or off the site had occurred since the last inspection.
Site is stocked with a mix of farmed and wildcaught wrasse. Wrasse mortality for Wk44 was zero.
sampled: F1-6, 11-16, 23-28, 33-38, 45-50, 55-60, 65-70, 75-80, 85-90, 95-100, 105-110, 115-120, 125-130, 137-142,
sampled: F7-10, 17-22, 29-32, 39-44, 51-54, 59-64, 71-74, 81-84, 91-94, 101-104, 111-114, 121-124, 131-136, 143-148.
Moribund fish: 1-10, 19, 22, 47, 61, 78-79, 81-84, 92, 101, 112, 114, 118, 120, 122, 124, 132-133, 136 and 139. [Original PDF]
