Site Details: Loch Greshornish

Isle of Skye
IV51 9PN
Operator: Mowi Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Aug 2018
Total losses: 38.4 %

Production cycle end date: Jul 2020
Total losses: 28.7 %

Production cycle end date: Jul 2022
Total losses: 59.5 %

Production cycle end date: Feb 2023
Total losses: 10.7 %

Production cycle end date: Aug 2023
Total losses: 19 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Complex gill diseases with AGD and HSMI.
Complex gill diseases with AGD and HSMI.
Mortality increased considerably in week following (WB10/01/2022) to 8.73%. PSI conducted on 07/01/2022. Florifenicol treatment ongoing to adress Moritella and P.Skyensis. Site to be contacted later this week to assess situation. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Complex gill diseases / Pasteurella Skyensis infection / Treatment losses
Complex gill diseases / Pasteurella Skyensis infection / Treatment losses
Mortality in week following (WB17/01/2022) 1.15%. PSI conducted on 07/01/2022. Florifenicol treatment ongoing to adress Moritella and P.Skyensis. Site to be visited start of February by FHI.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Pasteurella Skyensis / HSMI
Pasteurella Skyensis / HSMI
Site to be visited w/b 07/02/22.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Complex gill diseases / Pasteurella Skyensis infection / Treatment losses
Complex gill diseases / Pasteurella Skyensis infection / Treatment losses
Site visited 09/02/2022. HMSI, CGD, AGD and Pasturella skyensis were confirmed on site. P. skyensis was treated with Florocol and latest health report confirmed that P.skyensis and HMSI are no longer being detected in the stock. Six moribund fish were removed during the inspection. No clinical signs of disease were observed internally, but poor gill health was noted on all the fish examined. Mortalities reduced the following week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Complex gill disease issues ongoing on site causing significant mortality.
Complex gill disease issues ongoing on site causing significant mortality.
Site visited 09/02/2022. HMSI, CGD, AGD and Pasturella skyensis were confirmed on site. P. skyensis was treated with Florocol and latest health report confirmed that P.skyensis and HMSI are no longer being detected in the stock. Six moribund fish were removed during the inspection. No clinical signs of disease were observed internally, but poor gill health was noted on all the fish examined. Mortalities have reduced from previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill health, runts, seal damage
Gill health, runts, seal damage
Historic mortality event picked up through site inspection
Reminder of requirement to report to be issued through FHR

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Moritella, physical damage, runts and seals.
Moritella, physical damage, runts and seals.
Historic mortality event picked up through site inspection
Reminder of requirement to report to be issued through FHR

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Moritella & Predation
Moritella & Predation
Site visited 09/02/2022. Business correspondent contacted for further information. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Thermolicer treatment mortality
Thermolicer treatment mortality
Site visited 09/02/22. Mortality levels wb 06/06/22 indicate mortality levels decreasing but week not complete at time of submission. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Predator/Gill Health
Predator/Gill Health
Site fallow end of week 28.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Infections
Gill Infections
Site now fallow
Site fallow. No further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish
Site contacted for further information, Mortality occuring from Jellyfish stings to the gills. Blooms of Jellyfish are present currently and causing persistant issues, the site are planning to move their stock to Maol Ban (FS0519) to avoid further jellyfish damage.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish
Site now fallow
No further action - site fallow.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish
Site now fallow
Site fallow.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Treatment Losses (Thermolicer)
Treatment Losses (Thermolicer)
First notification, FHI to monitor


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0116

28/10/2019 1.4 kg 2.06% AGD + AGD treatments 15297
30/12/2019 2kg 3.07% Mechanical lice treatment in fish affected by AGD 21445
06/01/2020 2.1kg 2.21% Mechanical lice treatment in fish affected by AGD 14961
27/01/2020 2.3 kg 1.94% Treatment related mortality 12752
03/02/2020 2.4 kg 1.11% Treatment related mortality + AGD 7129
10/02/2020 2.48 kg 1.09% Treatment related mortality + AGD 6922
17/02/2020 2.48 kg 1.2% Treatment related mortality + AGD 7547
Lump fish input from ROI and Anglesey (Ocean Matters)
ERM - starting antibiotic treatment on Monday. Biomar supplying premixed Florfenicol. Observing lethargic fish with haemorrhaging internally. Mowi vet diag ERM.
All fish input from Lochailort Feb/March 2019. Fish moved off site to Noster in May 2019.
Input of lumpfish from ROI not in movement record book. Transport cert was available, input 28/2/20. Input 23/2/20 from
Ocean Matters was in book.
Send out new movement book - sent 17/3/20
Mort disposal; Currently skipped and removed by Billy Bowie to Dundas Chemical, Moss Pary, Dumfries. Normal practice would be incineration on site.
On inspection in excess of 30 moribund fish observed in each pen, about 10% of these moribund fish with dorsal lesions mainly behind dorsal fin.
2/2/20-10/3/20; 8789 morts for last 7 days attributed to ERM. 23/2- 1/3 10093 morts attributed to treatment and ERM 15/2-22/2
7547 morts attributed to AGD and treatment.
No treatments this month (March). Last month (Feb); Extended FW treatment across site. Pens 4,11, 3, 5, and 2 treated with salmosan in Feb 2020.
Mort records available for cleaner fish; 133 morts in past week attributed to handling. Approx. 2500 morts from 1/1/20 to
10/3/20. Cleaner fish stocked at 12%.
VHP states fish will be vaccinated for ERM, Furunc, Moritella
Contact with site manager 19/3/20 for update; Movement book has been updated. Lump fish are netted out from the crowded fish prior to being pumped onto wellboat for FW treatments. Discussed the antibiotic treatment and the non-feeding moribund fish. Increased effort to remove moribund from the site, health team on site this week for further testing and investigate lesions observed in the fish. Have seen a drop in appetite from population. Confirmed the fish are not vaccinated for ERM.
Last lice count 9/3/20; Site average; gravid female; 0.16, females; 0.15, males; 0.15, pre-adults; 0.39, chalimus; 0.61, calagus;
0.01, AGD; 0.46, PGD; 0.52.
Lice figures were higher in Feb but fish were FW and salmosan treated and numbers have now come down. Pre-treatment figures 28 Jan; female gravid; 1.23, females; 0.68, adult males; 0.31, preadults; 0.7, chalimus; 0.52, caligus; 0.18, AGD; 1.11,
PGD; 0.42. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0184

Reported mortalities; 23/03/2020-29/03/2020, 1.23%; Yersinia and PD related mortality 7240 morts;
Antibiotic treatment finished 28th March; Site Inspected 10/3/2020 (AFH-2020-0116) diagnostic samples taken. Duty Inspector spoke to operator following the report of increased mortality and noted that mortality had reduced the following week.
20/04/2020-26/04/2020 ,1.26%; Post treatment, physical damage 7027 morts;
"Lice treatment finishes this week, the morts are expected to drop off during next week". Site Inspected 10/3/2020 (AFH-2020-
0116) diagnostic samples taken. FHI to monitor mortality levels, should they remain above 1% in following week, PSI to be carried out.
27/04/2020-03/05/2020,1.58%; Increased mortality due to acute treatment losses and physical damage, recently treated sealice and CMS positive 7637 morts;
"Lice treatments finished this week, the morts should be dropping off during this week". FHI visited in March 2020, (AFH-2020-
0116) diagnostic samples were taken. FHI to monitor and PSI to be carried out.
Morts for last full week; 4/5 534, 5/5 576, 6/5 327, 7/5 355, 8/5 430, 9/5 371, 10/5 296. Total 2889 - 0.6% attributed to CMS.
Current mortality around 240-300 per day but spike yesterday of 460/day/site.
Site is harvesting the large grade fish above 4 kg both live and dead haul via Mallaig.
Health team have been on site twice in the last month. Observing burst heart cavities and internal haemorrhaging. Positive test results for CMS, HSMI, PD, Yersinia, moritella. Lesions observed during FHI visit have improved.
Recent salmosan tarp treatment, No mechanical treatments planed due to CMS. Reported 60% lice clearance and average adult female lice currently 3.05. Planning a further tarp treatment.
With presence of CMS and requirement to treat lice it is thought that the mortality levels may continue to be above the 1% reporting threshold.
PSI case completed due to COVID 19 situation preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0002

On-going mortality reports over the threshold since w/b 4/10/2021 attributed to AGD, treatment loss (FW) and with time HSMI.
Most recent weeks attributed to complex gill disease with AGD and HSMI.
Looking to stock LUM in the next 2 months. Used to have WRS but with all the FW treatments these have perished.
PatoGen report: HSMI, 2/15 positive for P. skyensis from pen 6, since that result have stepped up morting multiple times per day and very proactive at taking out lethargic fish as soon as possible. Also increased use of footbaths and disinfectant sprayers. 9.2C Water temperature. Still up at about 10C about a week ago. Another heath visit scheduled for next week, to see if P. skyensis is in more pens, as only one pen samples before. Morts get opened up frequently and mostly seeing gross pathology consistent with HSMI.
Current site manager in place since November 2021, since then have done short 3-4h FW treatments more frequently to knock Amoeba (AGD). Will switch to low dose peroxide tarp treatment over the weekend/ next week. Have seen some
Moritella as well. After peroxide looking to use Florocol next week for 10 days. Feeding has been poor. Reduced pellet size again so this has seemed to increase feeding again. Will start feeding organic diet as a trial as well for 3 weeks to see if there is a difference.
Stofnfiskur stock.
Gill swabs get sent away weekly currently to try and monitor the situation with the gills closely. Seeing some AGD on the gills at the moment so hoping the peroxide treatment will improve the situation.
Enviro nets and doing swim throughs, rather than doing net cleaning in situ to help with AGD/gill issues. Site has a good flush.
Last year issues with micro jellies causing gill irritation. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0020

Remote inspection on 02/02/22 with , observed by
SAL - Loch Lochy, Stofnfiskur
Lumpfish from Dorset, farmed - stocked in week 4 2022
On-going mortalities over the 1% threshold since October 2021 attributed to AGD, freshwater treatment loss and HSMI.
Pasteurella skyensis was also detected in pen 6 in 2 out of 15 fish, this was followed by a Florocol treatment for the whole site.
The latest health report showed the site still has complex gill issues and some AGD but the Pasteurella skyensis and HSMI are no longer being detected. No wrasse left on site due to freshwater treatments (44,000 fish lost) - site staff mentioned they did not have equipment to remove cleanerfish during FW treatments, issue raised with FHI senior management.
Site inspection and VMD sampling carried out by , supervised by on 09/02/2022. The main population was deep in the water column and difficult to observe due to weather conditions. An average of 3 lethargic fish per pen were observed, mostly runts. Six of these fish were examined and no clinical signs were found internally. Externally, the fish showed signs of poor gills. The fish sampled for the VMD appeared healthy and had been feeding well. [Original PDF]
