Inspection Reports
We broke down the inspection reports from here into individual sites and made the case information searchable text.
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Bakkafrost Scotland FS0594Case Number: 2020-0483
DownloadCase paperwork completed 9/11/2020, site inspection conducted on 11/11/2020.
Peroxide treatment conducted last week all pens were treated, freshwater treatment planned soon.
Cleaner fish to be input soon.
Poor weather conditions made stock inspections difficult however no issues noted and the fish sampled for VMD seemed in good condition.
Holes were observed on three pens two of which were not large enough for stock to have escaped through however one of the holes was ~30cm, in diameter and was below the water line further along the same pen another hole of similar size had been repaired with cable ties. Site staff were to repair immediately. All holes were considered to be caused by seals. The location on the pen would reduce the likelihood that any fish had escaped. The manager was informed to report this to the FHI.
Freshwater treatments are planned for next week so pen count should be completed then.
On return to the lab a mortality event report of 37,281 (4.03%) was received by the Inspectorate for the site w/b 2/11/2020, the remote inspection was conducted on the 9/11/2020 but there was no record of this event having occurred, it was also not mentioned during the remote inspection or the site visit. Following discussion with the site contact regarding this omission, it was reported that the mortalities had occurred post peroxide treatment and were removed from the pens over the weekend and had not been input to the database. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0141
DownloadAdditional mortality peaks - 27/12/2021 14,082 fish (3.19%) post transfer losses due to high level of fungus. 30/08/2021 5,105 fish (2.16%) due to Hydrolicer treatment and underlying fish health issues.
Two lethargic fish observed across the whole site. New seal pro nets have been installed. Biomass consent has been transferred from the Kenmore site. There are a number of pen collars present at Kenmore but these are waiting to be removed.
Remote inspection conducted on 5/5/2022 with paperwork completed by observed by , physical inspection completed
10/5/2022. VMD sampled by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0273
DownloadSite/stock details and mortality records inspected remotely on 14/08/2024; lead by , supervised by . Treatment, sea lice and FMS records inspected remotely on 16/08/2024; lead by , supervised by . Movement, transport, biosecurity, health surveillance records inspected on 20/08/24; lead by , supervised by .
For increased mortalities, in recent weeks, MV Bakkanes which has an ensiler has been used but this has now stopped as coping with normal process of Billy Bowie skips onshore.
Salmon transferred in Jan, Feb and Mar 2024 from Applecross Smolt Unit (FS0500), Kinlochmoidart (FS0146) and Loch Lochy
(FS0150); first input was 29/01 and last input 10/03. After transfer to site an increase in mortality was observed as a results of furunculosis in the Applecross stock (risk assessment seen for movement of stock). Mortality then settled down before a period of elevated mortality observed initially in pens 4 and 5; mortality was attributed to Enteric Redmouth (ERM) bacterial disease. Mortality in week 33 remained elevated with site staff observing red eyes and exothalmaia. AGD levels now beginning to rise on site, freshwater (FW) treatment scheduled for 22/08/2024 - pens 3, 4, 5 and 14 only initially.
Feed response across the site is still good even with plankton in the loch disturbing the routine feeding schedule. Increased mortality removal has been implemented onsite (3 times daily) and the in house biologist visits have been increased to every week. During site inspection, site biologist was also present.
FW treatment occurred in week 23 and 29 (3 hour flush); SLICE treatment ended 18/07/2024.
Wrasse origin - wild (Tobermory, Mull) and farmed (Otter Ferry Seafish Ltd, FB0012).
A farm management agreement between operators within Loch Torridon (M17) is currently being written and will supersede the current statements inspected on 16/08/2024. [Original PDF]
Amhuinnsuidhe Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0148Case Number: 2021-0171
DownloadSite has been fallow since mid December 2020. Copy of movements since last inspection submitted electronically. No plans to re-open so status of site changed to inactive.
As site fallow since December 2020 mortality records not checked. [Original PDF]
An Camus
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1341Case Number: 2020-0035
DownloadPSI carried out following notification from business of increased mortality attributed to gill damage resulting from an algal bloom. CMS and AGD also present in stock.
Aeration system in place to mitigate against algal bloom. Feeding has been reduced.
Wrasse wild caught from Hebrides, Lumpfish from Ocean Matters, Anglesey
Site first stocked in April 2020 from neighbouring site Stulaigh (FS1259)
Remaining 3 cages to be stocked from Marulaig Bay (FS0865) in next few weeks.
Freshwater treatment carried out when fish first stocked and four weeks subsequently, to treat AGD. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0093
DownloadFish came on from Loch Lochy. Successful transfer with low mortalities.
Slice treatment completed at the end of February and had good clearance. Visual gill scores were at ~0.05 in March.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but those that could be observed appeaered to be in good condition and were shoaling nicely.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0154
DownloadStock transferred onto site from Kingairloch (Loch Ness, Aquagen ova) in January and March 2024. Site was fallow for 6 months prior to transfer. Delayed input due to plankton in the area in October 2023, risk assessment completed for transfer between management areas. Salmon split into Marulaig Bay in May.
Lumpfish on site from Ocean Matters. Received first batch of locally wild caught ballan wrasse on 31 May (input into pen 7 with large grade as no lumpfish in this pen). Expect to input more wrasse to increase percentage stocked to ~2%.
Strategic treatment of fish with SLICE in April 2024. Freshwater treatment in May 2024 due to poor gill health.
Main cause of salmon mortalities is poor gill health and poor performers. Main mortality cause in lumpfish is Tenacibaculum
(three cages of lumpfish treated with florfenicol post delivery). Mortalities are removed daily using Foover and sent to
Whiteshore Cockles for disposal.
Two weekly mortality events above threshold not reported for previous cycle. In addition, the percentage for one weekly mortality event (wk 26 in 2023) was recorded incorrectly in the mortality event spreadsheet (reported correctly by company at the time). Corrected to 1.41%.
Fish feeding well, but had been on starve for 2 days due to presence of plankton. Approximately 1-3 floating dead fish seen in pens 1-6. Two moribunds removed from pen 1 plus two feeding fish from pen 1 for VMD, diagnostic samples taken from all fish. [Original PDF]
Applecross Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1336Case Number: 2020-0095
DownloadFirst cycle of fish going through the site.
Surveillance frequency number of movements offsite could not be assessed properly due to being the first cycle of fish and no movements have occurred yet. Estimate of movements off resulted in site being assessed as medium.
Sites thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0551
DownloadSite inspected to collect information regarding disinfection procedures.
Paperwork completed by supervised by , visit conducted by observed by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0591
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
The site is split into two distinctive sections relating to development stage, a fry section containing 8 45m3 recirculation unit tanks and a separate parr section, consisting of 8 175m3 flow through unit tanks.
Fish in both sections were observed to be in good health, no clinical signs of disease were observed from the physical inspection of the site. Fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. Mortality has been low in recent months and the fish appear to be progressing well in their development stages.
A mortality event from 22nd - 28th August 2022 is still under internal review following a loss of 53.33% which affected all 8 tanks within the fry section of the site. It is believed that water supplied to the site had become contaminated prior to water intake which lead to a rise in hydrogen sulphide levels leading to significant mortality within the fry section. Following a deep clean of the sites water reserve and facilities, the site was restocked and no further issues have occurred.
The sites own thermometer was used to obtain a water temperature reading for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0216
Download13/2/23-19/2/23 3.93% 0.3g fish fungus 124,528 Formalin treatment
1/5/23-7/5/23 6.04% 0.5g fish fungus 184728 aquasen/cress treatment
8/5/23-14/5/23 27.73% 4.5g fry 797,014 fish
15/5/23-21/5/23 10.42% 216330 fish - parr section
From mort report; "This mortality was in parr unit (separate from the fry unit detailed in wk18 mortalities). Issues with pH in water. Lag between pH buffer added and probe feedback. Changes have been made to probes and protocols for improved real time feedback to reduce lag and improve response. Mortalities in remaining stock being closely monitored and they may be culled. Discussed with and he will inform APHA".
Historic mortality event from 22nd - 28th August 2022 a loss of 53.33% which affected all 8 tanks within the fry section of the site. It is believed that water supplied to the site had become contaminated prior to water intake which lead to a rise in hydrogen sulphide levels leading to significant mortality within the fry section. Following a deep clean of the sites water reserve and facilities, the site was restocked and no further issues had occurred.
Currently in the fry section 8 tanks with 1309989 fish @ 0.7g which will be ready to move to the parr section in 6 weeks. Parr section was stocked on 10th-18th April 2023 from the fry section
Peak daily mortality in parr section; 8/5/23 34500 2.52%, 9/5 83768 6.26%, 10/5 134352 10.76%, 11/5, 140576 12.61%, 12/5
148919 15.29%, 13/5 96505 11.7% 14/5, 86693 11.9%, 15/5 107932 16.82%, 16/5 17234 3.23%.
Records checked and adequately maintained; site details, mortality records and health surveillance records.
In the parr section the prob monitoring the PH is placed just after caustic soda or bicarbonate soda is added. This results is the readings from this probe jump up and down so the cut off from this probe has been over-ridden. There are 8 tanks in the cycle but only 4 were stocked at the time of the incident. 10 cycles prior to this one with no issues. 24/5/23 TMS used to cull remaining stock due to compromised (burnt) gills.
Health reports from 15/5/23 from Pharmaq; gills evidence of lamellar surface damage with adhesions, hyperplasia and lamellar fusion. Epithelial cell necrosis/apoptosis and detachment sometimes associated with debris containing filamentous bacteria and lower numbers of large segmented filamentour bacteria like organisms. Hyperplasit filament thickening and clubbing. All fish showed eosinophilic or hyaline globular inclusions within kidney and splenic macrophages. Post acute gill pathology may indicate recent irritant or toxic gill lamellar surface damage.
Poxvirus results from 12/5/23 - PCR 5/5 positive Ct values range 23.5-26.9
Cycle consists of; Tanks-probes- drum filter- biofilter - doser- probes- tanks - Also concrete mixing tank which had a thick biofilm above the water line but below the water lie was stripped clean. Thought combination of caustic soda and bicarbonative soda may have removed the biofilm into the system. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0056
Download2023 Fry elevated mortalities: Wk 45 25438 (1.35%) first feeding morts
Fry mortalities for the last 4 weeks wk 10 212 (0.01%), wk 9 2734 (0.17%), wk 8 24822 (1.50%) gut fungus, wk 7 14187
2023 parr increased mortalities: wk 30 34626 (2.51%) caused by burrowing following a power failure and loss of light.
2023 July parr wk 9 309 (0.02%) wk 8 185 (0.01%)wk 7 140 (0.01%) wk 6 1127 (0.07%)
Gut fungus had caused an increase in fry morts salinity was increased to treat. Salt back ground level increased to 1.3ppt, normally sits at 0.6-0.8 ppt.
Paperwork inspected on the 4th and 5th March 2024, site inspection conducted 5th March 2024
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols. Thermometers are regularly calibrated against a mercury thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0381
DownloadThe site was inspected due to a mortality event report received by the FHI for wk 36. mortality records were inspected with the last four weeks being:
Wk 38, 3521 (0.1%), wk 37 213558 (5.75%), wk36 382624 (16.95%), Wk 35 694 (0.03%), mortality event due to water quality issue. No other peaks in mortality noted during the period checked.
The cause of the mortality was a water quality issue. The site has a large ‘make up’ fresh water storage tank that supplies all the Applecross sites, there was a huge demand placed on the storage tank as contractors started to fill up tanks in one of the smolt on-growing units and also lorry transport tanks were being filled with water. The level inside the tank dropped by around four meters still leaving 2 meters within the tank however, due to the influent water and discharge pipes being located one above the other, the low levels resulted in turbulence that caused sediment to be disturbed which went into the pipeline that feeds the sites, the Applecross Hatchery being the first on the line. This resulted in a spike in hydrogen sulphide which increased to 0.03 milligrams/litre stressing the fish and causing a rapid decrease in oxygen. The emergency oxygen was used to bring the O2 levels back up.
On investigation it was found that the water tank had a hole in the roof likely from a storm but this had gone unobserved. They suspect that here has been sediment build up from organic matter landing in the tank as the influent water is screened to 30 microns, ozone and uv treated prior to being in the tank.
The water tank itself was newly installed however the specification it was built too may not be adequate for the conditions on the site as it is fairly exposed, talks are on-going with the contractors.
By the time of the inspection a cherry picker had been used to repair the roof. Ozone has been increased within the refreshing loop to further sterilise the water.
It was reported that the low water level was not really an issue as it was not low enough to trigger the low water alarm.
The system is to be put onto an effective flow through configuration to allow the tank to be fully drained, cleaned and disinfected. The pipe configuration is to be changed so that the influent water pipe is opposite the outflow pipe which should result in less turbulence when water levels decrease.
Histo samples had been taken, which revealed damage consistent with acute gill insult, damage to other tissues indicate an acute water borne insult.
On inspection of the site no moribunds or clinical signs of disease were observed.
Wk 38 mortality data was amended on the 27/9/2024 following communications with the company and shows the data for the full week. [Original PDF]
Applecross Incubation Unit
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1333Case Number: 2020-0541
DownloadUnhatched eggs not yet measured out as still given stragglers a few extra days. 10 comp hatch units with 8 trays each (80 trays total) 60 trays stocked. A few weeks fallow in between batches planned for cleaning and disinfection in January 2021.
Current batch of Ova arrived 20/11/2020. No treatments applied in the hatchery. Hatchery has it's own recirculation system, separate from the system for the fry unit. Single biosecure entry point to the unit. Plan to eventually have 4 inputs of ova to the unit every year to have fish ready each quarter, however implementation depends on the progression of building works and refurbishment of the other units (smolt).
Due to biosecurity concerns used sites own thermometer.
Accompanied by APHA Vet for training. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0549
DownloadSite inspected in order to gather information for the authorisation of a new watersource and a full records check was not completed. Only registration and authorisation, stocking details and movement records were checked.
Inspection completed by , accompanied by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0479
DownloadSite thermometer used due to biosecurity restrictions. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0057
DownloadMortalities for the last three weeks: wk 9 4153 (0.27%), wk 8 32279 (2.07%), wk 7 11274 0.72%) (site only stocked three weeks ago).
Site recently stocked with Stofenfiskur and Aquagen ova, inputs earlier in the year from Ormsary (Hebridean stock type).
Stock only moved to Applecross Hatchery for on-growing.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols.
Paperwork completed on the 4/3/2024 and site inspected on the 5/3/2024. [Original PDF]
Applecross Smolt Ongrowing 1
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1360Case Number: 2024-0058
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA Vet following reports of significant mortalities.
Initial mortality event report was wk 3 50,620 (3.56%), wk 4 30,488 (2.22%), wk 5 147,668 (11.01%).
During stocking of the site there was an issue with the pipework, a burr on a reducer resulted in some physical damage this was replaced and transfers continued without further issue. Mortalities continued to increase post transfer, some fungus was reported but following disease screening furunculosis was identified as the underlying cause of the elevated mortalities. In week 5, on veterinary advice, the fish were transferred to sea (Aird) to reduce the infection pressure within the system. The site was fallowed on the 6/2/2024, A full clean and disinfect was to be completed.
Due to the issues that have occurred onsite, the surveillance frequency could not be assessed appropriately as the frequency of movements on and off site were not representative of normal site operations, the site will remain medium risk. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0444
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities in other Applecross units (FS0500 &
Unit first stocked in December 2023. Current stock has been in the unit since 23/10/24. More transfers planned this week from
Applecross Smolt Unit 2 (FS1362). Mortality has increased in week 46 due to fungus. The flow in the tanks has been increased and the salinity raised to 5ppt. The mortality rate will be below the reportable threshold in week 47 (updated
Fish appeared in good condition and displayed a good feeding response. A small amount of lethargic runts was observed, these would quickly swim away when approached with a net. Minimal fungus observed in the main population. The fish removed for VMD sampling appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0480
DownloadSite inspected and VMD samples taken.
Upon the physical inspection of the stocks approximately 20 - 30 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in each tank. A few fish in each tank were also observed having fungus. A routine fish health inspection was conducted by the FHI on 19/11/2024
(2024-0444), since the last inspection this unit has been stocked with a further 511,711 fish. Mortality on the site since the date of last inspection has been mainly attributed to transfer losses.
The fungus is being controlled onsite by increased flow and the salinity has been raised to 5ppt.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Applecross Smolt Unit
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0500Case Number: 2020-0540
DownloadMortality notifications 2019: w/b 10/12/2018 (wk50 2018) <70g @ 3% damaged pipe; w/b 7/10/19 (wk41 2019) 5g to smolting
@4.5% fungus; w/b 14/10/19 (wk42 2019) 5g to smolting 1.15% fungus;
Mortality notification 2020: w/b 14/9/20 5g to smolting @ 2.73% fungus; w/b 21/9/20 5g to smolting @ 2.11% fungus & handling
Site currently short staffed and tanks were being checked during the inspection, so 1 or 2 morts observed in some of the tanks. One tank had 5-10 fish with visible fungus but these were all swimming actively. Overall water was peaty and no visible fungus observed in any of the other tanks (fungus is more visible in peaty water conditions). Some issues with fin nipping
(dorsal fins) recently on site, this was apparent across the site but more prominent is some tanks than others. This is due to fish taking some time to fully come back onto feed post vaccination and feeding not having been optimal recently as well as this strain of fish being thought to be more aggressive, but feeding rate has been adjusted and this is expected to resolve issues with fin nipping.
Accompanied by APHA Vet for training.
Required documents received and reviewed for MIX and EC/VMD issues raised on 26/01/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0487
DownloadApplecross Smolt Unit (recent mortality):
Wk44: 26830, 1.99%
Wk45: 66245, 4.98%
Wk46: 50810, 4.07%
Wk47: 7012, 0.59%
(Site manager could not remove culled fish from mortality total)
W/b 08/11/2021- 6.66% Mortality event
Some confusion regarding naming of the site. Site staff have been distinguishing between the smolt unit with Applecross and
Russelburn, when they are operating under the same authorisation.
Paperwork and sampling completed by supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0006
DownloadThe mortality levels before the 21/12/2021 included the mortalities from the flow through unit at Russel Burn. For reference,
Russel Burn comprises of two units; a flow through unit and a recirulating smolt unit. The flow through unit was demolished on the 11/01/2022. Therefore, Russel Burn now only houses 7 tanks, which is also known as Applecross Smolt unit.
Nevertheless, the reported mortalities almost totally comprise of morts from the smolt unit.
Recent mortality w/b 03/01/2022 (week 1 2022)- 4.79% as a result of Fungus
Fish that were transferred on 27/12/2021 and 28/12/2021 to Aird reported a 2.19% post transfer mortality. Further smolts have been transferred as of 12/01/2022 to the SW site Aird. The majority of mortalities observed were in the smolt unit, with almost all affected stocks now fully transferred to SW sites. Pre-transfer checks were conducted.
Smolts went out yesterday- Aird sw sites. Majority of mortalities have been in the smolts which have now been transferred.
Pre transfer health checks are conducted. The remaining stock on site are being transferred to SW sites in week 5. There is one tank of Native Hebridean stocks at 54g average weight remaining and is planning to be transferred in week 14 2022.
These fish will be transferred to Sgeir Dughall and Greanamul. The remaining stock with lower levels of fungus are being monitored and treatment are available if required e.g. Aquacen as well as raising salinity levels to 4.0 with the addition of salt.
Vaccination occurs in the parr unit prior to smolt unit transfer.
Mortalities are disposed of in bins which are uplifted by Billy Bowie and taken to Dalry. This is a common process with
Applecross site.
In regards to transfers, the site is fitted with a pipe from the smolt unit 1km from the wellboat docking site.
PSI paperwork conducted by , observed by on 13/01/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0017
DownloadRemote paperwork by 01/02/22. Site inspection carried out by 02/02/2022.
Fish that were transferred on 27/12/2021 and 28/12/2021 to Aird reported a 2.19% post transfer mortality. Further smolts have been transferred as of 12/01/2022 to the SW site Aird.
On 19/01/22, the fish in Stofinfisker stocked tanks 1,2 4 and 6 were noticed to be behaving strangely (loss of equilibrium and coming to the surface). At time of incident water parameters were checked and normal for ammonia, nitrite, CO2, pH, O2, alkalinity and salinity. Monitoring of the stock was increased with staff being on site throughout the whole night. Water samples were taken when the change of behaviour was first noticed and further samples taken during the event. These have been sent away for heavy metals.
20/01/22 - Mortality levels in the 4 affected tanks had increased to 90% and decision was made to euthanise the remaining fish with T.M.S. Fish were sampled for histology showed gill irritation and secondary liver and spleen pathology. Considered to be a toxic irritant to the gills - water quality or water bourne insult considered the cause. No conclusions but hydrogen sulphide thought to be the cause. The effected tanks have been cleaned and the pipes pumped through, Looking for a dead spot in the pipe work or bio filter. This is the 2nd cycle of fish through the site.
Mort removal occurring over two days and are disposed of in bins which are uplifted by Billy Bowie and taken to Dundas
Chemicals Dumfries. This is a common process with Applecross site. With the resent increase mortalities, morts have also been collected by Fergusons Transport for disposal at Dundas
Fish in tank 7, Native Hebridean origin, showed similar signs at the time of the event but the mortality levels were far lower.
This stock was not euthanised and have since recovered. No lethargic or moribund fish were identified during the site inspection. Mortality levels have greatly reduced post event and were only at 57 (0.018%) fish out of 321,696 at the time of inspection on week 5, 2022 (wb 31/01/2022).
Aquacen was only administered to the stock that perished/were euthanised. Fish remaining on site were not in withdrawal from
APHA were also present at the site inspection following reports by 3rd party.
Site thermometer used to take water temperature for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0220
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
Sites own thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
Fish treated with Aquacen (formalin) on 25/10/2022, fish are nearing end of withdrawal period. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0515
DownloadThe current batch of fish will move in the ongrowing unit (ongrowing 1) in December.
No plans to use ongrowing 2 until Q3 2024.
Ensiler in the processing of being built and not yet commissioned. Fish will be ensiled in the future. Ensiler to be commissioned by the end of the year.
Fish will eventually be released to sea at 500g. There will be a phased approach to increasing the size of the fish with the next batch being released at between 200g - 230g. The plan is to release the fish at 500g by 2026/27.
Fish will be kept as parr in the smolt unit
Background salinity can be controlled. Salinity increased post vaccination or when fish show signs of disease. Salinity usually kept at 2ppt and raised to 5ppb post vaccination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0059
DownloadInspection conducted with APHA Vet due to elevated mortalities.
Fungus became an issue in January post vaccination with mortality event notifications submitted to the FHI, 2024 wk 5
165,230 (24.53%), wk 6 42,855 (4.47%).
Mortalities for the last four weeks wk 9 36,638 (4.82%), wk 8 16498 (2.12%), wk 7 5965 (0.76%), wk 6 42855 (4.47%)
Two populations within the system LHS March 2023 and LHS May 2023 predominantly May 2023 cohort recorded the highest mortalities.
3 tanks were culled using ms222. 132,682 from tank 4, 68947 from tank 2 and 54024 from tank 7.
Treatments with formalin and salt for the saprolegnia however an issue with the supplier of salt prevented higher levels of salinity being achieved impacting on effectiveness
Furunculosis was confirmed by PCR (report issued on 23/2/2024) a treatment of Aquatet prescribed this was on-going on the day of inspection.
On inspection of the stocks no moribunds were observed, fish were showing a strong feeding response to the medicated feed.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer.
Paperwork inspected on the 4th and 5th March 2024, site inspection and VMD sampling on the 5th March 2024. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0177
DownloadTimeline of mortality events:
A review of the biosecurity on site was undertaken prior to the transfer of fish into the smolt unit, where the farm was zoned off and additional biosluices were put in place to minimize horizontal contamination.
Fish were vaccinated into the smolt unit which ended on 11/05/2024. Pre-transfers tests showed that positive results for furunculosis were reported on 14/05/2024 in S04 (VHWP inspected on 20/06/2024 which showed timeline of testing and mitigation measures noted). Feeding rates had reduced following vaccination (15/05/2024) and it was suspected that treatment may be required. Mortality began to significantly increase on 16/05/2024. Aquatet (oxytetracycline) was administered on 15/05/2024 to 24/05/2024. As a result, mortality and moribund removal was increased to 24hr shift. Extra staff has also been brought in to support the mortality and moribund removal. A second rise in mortalities was noted on 01/06/2024, with a second round of Aquatet administered on 04/06/2024. Due to stock shortages Florocol was only admistered on 12/06/2024 (10 day treatment; end on 21/06/2024).
Health team inspected the fish on 04/06/2024 and subsequently on 10/06/2024, where latterly many moribunds were observed, with a significant majority population seen to be healthy and feeding well. Third party health report from the
11/06/2024 (bacteriology) confirmed sensitivity results, which highlighted that aquatet was partially effective but fully sensitive to Florocol.
Currently, there is an 8 week window between next crop in the smolt unit; plans are to clean and disinfect for two weeks and the reboot the biofilter for 6 weeks.
Business is currently reviewing procedures and planning future mitigation. Additional immunity is being considered for future populations but require further research and work with additional vaccines. There is also a focus on biosecurity, where procedures involve a cleaning protocol between populations, swab for pathogens and if there is evidence of specific pathogen, killing of the biofilter will occur. The biofilter will be cleaned with caustic soda, which will be added in circulation, followed by
AquaDes (periacetic acid). To ensure removal of gross bioflims, pressure washing will be conducted. Also, business used an
ATP swabs, which will confirm if any living material still present in the biofilter.
Peak mortality noted for the 1st cluster of experience mortality on 19/05/2024 with ~4.50%, specifically in tank 1 and 5. The second cluster of mortality had a peak rate of ~3.50%, where tank 2 and 6 saw the majority of the mortality.
Treatment Withdrawal: Aquatet ( remaining 774 degree days as of 20/07/2024); Florocol (150degree days; prescription seen);
SLICE (treatment began 17/06/2024; withdrawal period 200 degree days)
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer.
Site and paperwork inspection conducted 20/06/2024. During site inspection, fish in smolt unit observed to be swimming well and actively feeding. Very few moribund or lethargic fish observed in the tanks. Mortalities that were observed were found to have haemorrhaging on bellies and some exophthalmia. Some fish were observed to be swimming well but had evidence of large healed lesions. 5 fish lethargic and moribund fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0445
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities.
The previous biofilter had been killed due to the Furunculosis outbreak in June 2024. The site has been successful at preventing the return of Furunculosis, however because of the new biofilter it was not possible to keep the salinity elevated or treat against fungus. For this reason, mortalities have increased due to Saprolegnia. The salinity was raised once the biofilter was fully established and the mortality rate is now improving (1.6% in week 47 - updated 25/11/24). The fish were due to be vaccinated in week 47 but this has been postponed to week 48 to help the fungus issue clear even further.
During the inspection, the majority of the population appeared in good condition and displayed a good feeding response.
Around 3-5 dead fish were observed in the waste collectors, per tank. A small amount of runty/lethargic fish were observed with healing saddleback lesions residual from the Saprolegnia infection. These fish swam away quickly when approached with a net.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. The site temperature was 12.8 degrees. [Original PDF]
Applecross Smolt Unit 2
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1362Case Number: 2023-0283
DownloadApplecross 3 new sites
Applecross Smolt Unit 2- almost complete and looking to stock 2-3 weeks time from Applecross Smolt unit. Was able to inspect all the site.
Applecross ongrowing 1- will be complete in August 2023 and was able to inspect some of the site
Applecross ongrowing 2 - will not be complete until October 2024 - not able to inspect any of the site.
One transfere line for all three sites - underground with no water return. Line out from each site joining I output pipe.
Smolt Unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 share a grading area separate from the sites. Ongrowing 2 will have its own grading area.
Sites will have site specific staff generally. Smolt unit 2 and ongrowing one are entered from a communal service corridor which has shared office and canteen space. Entry into the sites is via two separate rooms where PPE and disinfection will be carried out prior to entry. The rooms were available for inspection but sinks benches and storage for the PPE was yet to be added. Smolt Unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 have a one way fire door out of the site into the service corridor but these doors will only be used for emergency exit. Both sites will share a common food silo from where food will be piped into the sites. Ongoing 2 will have a separate food silo.
Each site will have a mort disposal cone which Morts will be tipped into and pumped to a mort disposal tank off site from where morts will be pumped into tankers for disposal. Destination not determined yet.
The plan is to grow the fish on site to 450g with an estimate of 10 million fish capacity once all three sites are running.
Vaccination will be carried out prior to input at Hatcher 2 and ongrowing 1 and 2.
All three sites will be full recirculation Smolt 2; 4 tanks 1185m cubed, Ongrowing 1; 2300m cubed, Ongrowing 2; 2300m cubed.
• Info on site separation, connectivity and movement of staff and fish between different areas/sites. Is access only from separate external doors to each site? Or are there internal doors/passages for moving between sites? Are there any fire escape routes which compromise site separation and biosecurity?
Fish will be moved on from the Applecross Hatchery for ongowing at Applecross smolt unit and Ongrowing 1 and 2.
Ongrowing 2 is not build and is due for completion in October 2024. I therefore recommend that authorisation for this site is considered at a later date when the site can be assessed. From conversations it seems that the site will be totally separate from smolt unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 although attached.
Smolt unit 2 and Ongrowing 1 are physically septate with floor to ceiling walls. They will share a service corridor which will include shared canteen and office facilities however to access each of the sites you will need to pass through one of two
PPE/disinfection rooms on either side of the service corridor. One for each site. In addition each site will have a emergency exit which will operate one way from the site into the service corridor. I was informed this would not routinely be used and only used in emergencies.
At the time of inspection the PPE/disinfection rooms were empty but I was informed disinfection points, PPE storage facilities and sinks would be put in place prior to stocking. The emergency exits were operating as a two way door but I was informed this will also be changed to a one way door with the standard fire door bar on one side. My inspection of Ongrowing 1 was limited as it is still a building site – due for completion in August 2023. I was able to view the shared service corridor and two of the tanks. I was not able to access the water treatment area for Ongrowing 1. I was informed staff would generally be assigned to work at only one site.
There is also a second area that serves the two sites. A communal grading area which is accessed externally and can supply fish to either Smolt unit 2 or ongrowing 1.
Provided the sites are operated as described I saw no risk of cross contamination between the two sites. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0513
DownloadToxic ammonia issue in 26/07/23 - 01/08/23 caused by a blocked waste discharge pipe. Approx. 213,000 fish (31%) lost in total. Facility had been open for 2 months before issue and this was the first batch of fish on site. The blockage was caused by a foreign object being dropped. The pipe now has a grate over it to stop anything similar happening in the future. The pipe was unblocked asap and fish transferred to sea.
Prior to toxicity issue, mortality was increased due to salinity supply issue on site. This increased Saprolegnia and approx.
21,000 fish lost (2.3%). The salinity supply issue has since been rectified. The fish were sent to Tarbert South. Veterinary approval received to transfer the fish to sea.
Ongrowing 1 to be stocked in December 2023. Ongrowing 2 to be stocked in Q3 2024 (approx.)
Salinity can be increased post vaccination if health issues arise. Background salinity kept at 2ppt and raised to 5ppt to treat minor issues such as fungus post treatment.
Fish smoltification slowed artificially by controlling light exposure and temperature. Temp is kept at a constant 12 degrees C.
Before transfer to sea, light exposure to be increased. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0446
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities.
Ongoing Saprolegnia infection. Salinity increased from 5ppt to 9ppt to help mitigate the issue, and mortalities are finally dropping (5.2% in week 47 - updated 25/11/2024). The fish are currently on starve as some are due to be moved to FS1360 next week, this will help by reducing the biomass in the unit.
Mortalities have been ongoing since the end of September, when a communication failure within the ozone system resulted in too much ozone being released into the tanks and compromising the gill health of the fish (Tank 1, Jan 2024 stock). The system has since been upgraded and the site now operates on 24 hour cover, with staff working a night shift. Ozone handheld probes are also used in addition to the automated system.
2 weeks later, fish were transferred from Kinlochmoidart Hatchery (Nov 2023 stock) with a pre-existing fungus problem, these are the fish that are currently still battling the Saprolegnia infection.
During the inspection the water in the tanks appeared very turbid, due to the ozone extractor fan being switched off for the past
24 hours for a repair. The majority of the population appeared healthy, no feeding response could be observed as the fish were on starve. Several moribund fish (mostly runts) could be seen swimming in tanks 3 and 4, 10 were removed and examined internally. No gross pathology was observed and therefore no further fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. The site temperature was 12.9 degrees. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0818Case Number: 2020-0355
DownloadCleaner fish from Ocean Matters. About 6,000 LUM lost since input. 723 lost on the week of transfer. Mortality increased from background mortality to 892 per week in the last month. Wk 34: 892, wk 33: 809, wk 32: 654, wk 31: 404. FVG and company biologist have been on site and taken samples but everything has come back as inconclusive so far. Thought to be bacterial.
Cleaner fish supervisor will visit the site the day after the remote inspection. Mortality of cleaner fish has reduced in the last week.
Hydrolicer on site 24/08/2020 treated 3 cages. Hydrolicer recommencing treatments on day of the remote inspection after being stormed off the day before. 85-90% lice removal on Monday.
Four SLICE treatments in the cycle so far. 14/10/2019 - 23/10/2019 (prophylactic), 16/12/19 - 22/12/19, 02/03/20 - 08/03/20,
18/05/20 - 24/05/20. Successful treatments and synchronised with other site in the loch.
Bird nets, tensioned nets, seal blinds, ADD's, contract with Rentokil for shorebase.
Patogen took gill swabs to check for the presence of AGD on 30/07/2020. 12 fish sampled, 6 fish came back as positive.
Reportedly no clinical signs associated with AGD on site.
Hydrolicer treatment taking place while on site, increased mortality for the duration of these treatments.
VMD fish appeared healthy when sampled
Paperwork completed by , site inspection completed by on 22/10/2020
Site thermometer used as case inspectors not working. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0182
DownloadCleanerfish on site are from Otter Ferry. The farmed ballan wrasse were introduced onto site w/b 23/05/2022, with only 5 pens stocked. Remaining pens will be stocked with wrasse in June 2022. Lumpfish were introduced onto site on 08/11/2021.
SAV detected from a sampling conducted on 01/02/2022. Low level PD ongoing for a couple months, with mortality and feeding not being affected. Positive samples were found in pen 3 and pen 9.
Last freshwater treatment conducted w/b 09/05/2022. Cleanerfish have been handling the treatments well as site has put in place measures to mitigate against cleanerfish loss. The freshater treatments are limited to 1 hour to ensure that ballan wrasse survive. In addition, new system includes a dewatering facility where ballan wrasse and lumpfish are captured and are stored in a seawater tank until treatment is complete.
Harvests are conducted as live haul and are taken to Ardyne and then onto processing at Cairndow.
Lumpfish mortality:
2020: WK43 1917, 8.00%
Wk51, 2432, 12.25%
2021: WK9, 15153, 93.94%
Wk10, 63, 6.30%
Wk20, 880, 101.62%
2022: Wk19, 757, 2.25%
WK20, 1043, 3.17%
Wrasse mortality:
2022: Wk21, 469, 3.65%
During site inspection, very few lethargic fish were seen (approx 1 per pen) and has been linked to the low grade PD on site. Ne
Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by o 01/06/2022.
Site inspection conducted on 07/06/2022 by and supervised by . VMD samples were taken by on 07/06/2022.
All sampled fish were found to be healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0183
WRASSE - overall low mortalities. Most mortalities attributed to black losses during 2022 wk36 6875 (7.9%) & 2023 wk5 1200
LUM - overall low mortalities. Most mortalities attributed to black losses during 2022 wk33 4473 (17.87%), wk34 2399
(11.74%), wk35 1711 (9.54%), wk36 13356 (83.3%) & 2023 wk5 2200 (85.11%).
SAL - elevated mortalities during 2022 wks 27 to 37 (mort count for period- 83310) mainly attributed to Pancreas disease.
SAL - input of fish in oct 2022. elevated mortalities wk 50 2271 (1.17%) - diagnosis pending/ AGD/ transfer/ treatment, wk51
2070 (1.01%) - diagnosis pending/ AGD/ transfer/ grilsing, wk52 2517 (1.24%) - diagnosis pending.
- 2023 elevated mortalities wk1 4064 (2.03%) - diagnosis pending/ treatment/ grilsing, wk2 2188 (1.11%) - diagnosis pending/ grilsing, wk4 2444 (1.41%) - Anaemia/ grilsing/ treatment, wk6 2901 (1.71%) - AGD/ anaemia/ treatment, wk10 1874
(1.14%) - CMS/ Gills
SLICE treatments had been conducted 11/04/2024. Recently conducted routine FW treatments for AGD 23/05/2024.
Site experienced early algae blooms in April 2024.
Visibility into the cages was poor. Fish were responding to feed well. There was low number of runts and some deformities.
Three fish were observed to have physical damage but were healing well.
Inspection, case paperwork and VMD sampling conducted by supervised by . SLA inspection conducted by , shadowed by . [Original PDF]
Ardessie A
Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd FS0517Case Number: 2020-0445
DownloadCase paperwork completed by on 14/10/2020, Inspection by on 20/10/2020
PD (SAV 5) reported in stock earlier in the year but not causing issues some AGD treated with peroxide
Mortality event had not been reported earlier in the year as site contact thought only unexplained events were to be reported.
2020, week 30 1.95% 1,322 Ardessie A, AGD treatment with peroxide resulted in increased morts, background PD considered a contributing factor.
Mortality data collected for the Ardessie B site during the inspection, 2020 week 30 Ardessie B 2.68% 3417 AGD treatment with peroxide resulted in increased morts, background PD considered a contributing factor.
Site inspected and VMD sampled by - Fish looked health and feeding well. Very little fouling on nets. A few mature fish spotted but no health concerns observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0330
DownloadFollowing the mortalities due to gill health issues and handling for husbandry operations, there has been a return to normal mortality, with fish shoaling as normal and no moribund fish observed. The site has planned to start harvesting from the end of this week. A seal was observed close to the pens but predator mitigation was in place. Lions mane jellyfish observed on site.
Records show observed cleanerfish mortality is very low. Nets are kept clean by swim-through and air drying. Although registered separately, the two Ardessie sites are operated as one for production purposes. Inspection and remote paperwork undertaken by supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0069
DownloadSite originally received an input of fish from Corry Farm in May/June 22 after a fallow period, but these fish have been harvested. Fish left on site originally came through Lochailort hatchery, Loch Arkaig before coming onto site in Dec 22 from
Loch Torridon for their 2nd sea winter. The site manager reported that they have been performing well since input. Site experienced elevated mortality over the winter months, attributed to maturation.
Fish will be graded beginning of April to separate the population into harvest fish and broodstock. Production fish are scheduled to be harvested in the summer, when the selected broodstock will be moved to a FW site (potentially Elphin or
Inverpolly, TBC (Update 29/08/24: application to stock broodstock at Inverpolly was received 08/07/24)) later in the year. The site will have a fallow period before fish on neighbouring Ardessie B will be split between the two sites and ongrown. Neither of the FW hatchery sites are currently authorised to hold broodstock. This was discussed with the site manager and the business correspondent is aware that an authorisation amendment application will need to be submitted prior to any movements occurring.
Company biologist generally visits the site each month. Fish were positive for CMS, HSMI and Yersinia in Feb 24, but these are not causing elevated mortalities.
Site (CoGP MA 10d) was already stocked with fish from Corry Farm (MA 10b) when fish from Loch Torridon (MA 11a) were received. Neighbouring site, Ardessie B, also received an input of fish from Loch Duich (MA 14a). As a result, the MA has been stocked with multi yearclass fish from more than one MA. This should only occur for broodstock or harvesting purposes and the broodstock farm should be at least 5km or one tidal excursion (whichever is greatest) from another farm, harvesting station or processing plant. Ardessie A is situated within one tidal excursion and within 5km of Ardessie B. An authorisation amendment application was received on 16/10/23 and this is being dealt with separately.
Wrasse mortality since input: 66%
Lumpfish mortality since input: 86%
Mortality events over reporting threshold according to records available on site:
Wk50 2023: 1.26%, Wk49: 1.59%, Wk48: 1.03%, Wk47: 1.65%, Wk46: 1.95%, Wk45: 4.31%, Wk44: 2.17%, Wk43: 3.88%,
Wk41: 1.22%, Wk38: 1.06%, Wk37: 1.56%, Wk36: 1.22%, Wk32: 1.06%, Wk25: 1.51%, Wk1: 1.41%
Wk52 2022: 1.57%, Wk40: 2.43%, Wk39: 3.09%, Wk36: 1.2%, Wk34: 3.98%, Wk33: 2.64%, Wk32: 2.8%
Wk45 2021: 4.28%, Wk43: 3%, Wk42: 1.42%, Wk40: 1.51%, Wk39: 1.3%
Fish on site appeared to be in good physical health upon inspection. Good body condition and responsive to feed.
Remote inspection completed on 21/03/24. Site visited on 27/03/24. [Original PDF]
Ardessie B
Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd FS0675Case Number: 2021-0331
DownloadOn the date of inspection mortality was 1,800 fish for the site, with the highest numbers of mortality occurring in the middle of the pen group. Moribund fish were near the surface and particularly in pen corners. A number of fish were also observed gasping on the surface or working their opercula. Pens were being aerated. Lions Mane jelly fish observed on site and some fish were seen to have signs of interaction with jellyfish tentacles. Upon inspection of the gills of the fish removed, evidence of mild gill damage was observed, attributed to PGD by site staff. Site began H2O2 treatment on the day of inspection based on veterinary advice. The company currently operates both Ardessie A and B as one site. Veterinary reports are for the two sites referenced as one. Site advised that when conducting veterinary site visits to distinguish between the two sites. A bung was observed missing on one of the mort bins stored at the shore base, site staff reminded to ensure all bungs remain in place for biosecurity. A seal was observed near the site but predator mitigation was in place. Observed cleanerfish mortality is low.
Inspection and remote paperwork undertaken by supervised by . VMD samples by . Sampling F1 - F3 by and F4 & F5 by supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0070
DownloadFish came on from Loch Duich (FMA 14a) in Dec 23. Fish were positive for PRV-1, Moritella and Piscirickettsia at time of transfer but were not showing clinical signs. Site was fallow at time of transfer, however neighbouring site, Ardessie A, was already stocked with a different yearclass of fish that came on from a different CoGP MA. SW to SW transfer RA available for inspection.
Fish have been performing well since input. Site has not done any medicinal treatments with the exception of anaesthetic use for sea lice counts. Last FW treatment was completed in August 2023.
Fish on site will be graded later in the year where some will be selected as potential broodstock and split down into Ardessie A which will be fallow, while the remaining fish will be deadhaul harvested.
Cleanerfish mortality since input: 17%
Mortality events over reporting threshold:
Wk33 2023: 1.44%
Wk40 2022: 2.43%, Wk39: 3.71%, Wk37: 2.25%, Wk32: 1.37%
Wk41 2021: 12.47%, Wk40: 2.81%, Wk39: 14.01%, Wk38: 4.49%, Wk37: 1.19%
Fish on site appeared in good physical health on inspection and were responsive to feed.
Remote inspection completed on 21/03/24. Site visited on 27/03/24. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0851Case Number: 2022-0485
DownloadCleaner fish stocks attributed as black loss. Have experienced poor performance of cleaner fish - both wrasse and lumpfish on site. Constant low level mortality since inputs with occasional instant losses after input. AGD identified within stocks but uncertain of cause of mortality. Company considers no remaining stock on site although a small number of wrasse were observed.
Several lethargic fish (Atlantic salmon) observed across the site but not in great numbers. 3 fish removed for diagnostic sampling.
4 x slice treatments since input, 4 fw,1 Salmosan + FW - whole site. Hydrolysing one and a half rounds. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0013
DownloadSalmon peaks in mortality 2022: wk 47 6853 (1.68%), wk 48 5458 (1.36%) mainly attributed to SRS.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2023: wk 1 2282 (1.15%) mainly SRS.
Wrasse peaks in mortality 2023: wk 5 1400 (54.6%, wk 6 400 (32.92%), wk 9 200 (24.54%), wk 11 378 (66.20%) all recordd as black losses.
Lumpfish mortalities for period checked were mainly all black losses, 2559 (91.63%).
Elevated mortalities recorded through August and September post transfer but reduced into October.
~12 fish noted with physical damage, strong startle response so not removed for further examination.
Some walkways were buckled.
No plans to use cleanerfish this cycle. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0245Case Number: 2020-0031
DownloadMortality report received from business on 24/04/2020. w/b 13/04/2020 - 5215 (1.03%) attributed to CMS and physical damage from recent sealice treatment (Thermolicer), majority attributed to CMS.
FHI contacted business for further information and to conduct a PSI.
A previous mortality event was reported by the business: w/b 30/03/2020 - 5625 (1.08%) attributed to CMS and physical damage from recent sea lice treatment.
Additional weeks checked for mortality during inspection: w/b 06/04/2020 - 4796 (0.9%), w/b 20/04/2020 - 5532 (1.1%) - both weeks mortality attributed to CMS.
Sea lice have been kept below reporting levels since week 14 2020, following average adult female lice numbers being above
2 from week 8 2020. These were reported to FHI, numbers reduced following a combination of mechanical and medicinal treatments. Average adult female lice numbers currently at 0.7
Site is currently harvesting out pens worst affected by CMS, pen 6 to be empty by 03/05/2020 and pen 11 to be empty by
PSI case conducted as unable to visit site due to COVID-19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0273
DownloadFish came onto site on 17/02/2021 from Lochailort hatchery (FS1269) and Loch Lochy (FS0150).
Fish are double stocked so will begin moving to Loch Alsh on Friday 30th July.
3 Slice treatments have been conducted since fish arrived on site, one in March, one in May and the most recent one in July.
Last treatment was completed on 16/07.
Florfenicol treatment conducted in March for Pseudomonas infection in Lumpfish.
Lumpfish were stocked at 12%. Mortality across the site since their input on 09/02 was 22.3% (48,499)
Salmon mortality across the site since input has been very low (2% since input).
Lep numbers have remained low since input and site manager attributes this to the presence and effectivess of the lumpfish on site. Caligus numbers increased to >1, <2 towards the end of June. Slice treatment completed in July and numbers reduced <1.
Fish were sitting deep in the water and were difficult to observe, although they appeared to be shoaling well. No moribunds or mortalities were observed on this site during the inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0001
DownloadIncreased mortalities reported weekly since w/b 6/12/21 due to SRS and complex gill disease.
Yesterday trial peroxide treatment of 2 pens, this has caused increased mortality in the treated pens so have put off treating the remaining pens for now.
Vet report says mortality is driven by gill issues (complex gill disease) not bacterial infection. PGD, AGD, anaemia, environmental gill insult.
Looking at different treatment options like freshwater. However gills are damaged and any handling is likely to increase mortalities. Discussion on-going as to how to manage the situation.
Some sort of environmental damage possibly jellyfish or plankton bloom at some point. Gills damaged PGD in
September/October, then issues with AGD which were thought to be improving until situation started to deteriorate again in
December with complex gill disease causing large level of mortality (all reported). Water temperature still fairly high for the time of year around 9C.
SAL Stofinfiskur stock. WRS imported from Ireland. LUM from Anglesey. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0019
DownloadRemote inspection on 02/02/22 by , observed by and .
SAL Stofnfiskur stock from Lochailort hatchery. WRS all wild sourced from Ireland, England and Scotland. LUM (farmed) from
Anglesey (Ocean Matters).
Increased mortalities reported weekly since December 2021 due to SRS and complex gill disease. SRS treated with antibiotic and no longer detected. Complex gill issues persist, although mortalities are decreasing.
H2O2 - 05/01/2022 partially treated site (2 pens) then encountered high mortalities and stopped treating site.
Sea lice treatments carried out are site specific, not in conjunction with other farms in the FMS.
Site inspection carried out on 08/02/2022 by , observed by . VMD sampling done by , observed by .
The main fish population was feeding deep in the water column and 3 moribunds in total were observed. These were brought into the lab for examination but no clinical signs were observed. The fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy both externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0318
DownloadWrasse are wildcaught from around Gairloch, Loch Ailort, Mull and Uig and lumpfish were transferred from Ocean Matters
Cleaner fish mortality since input - wrasse 25,185 (17%) and lumpfish 10,716 (6.9%).
Salmon came on from loch ailort at the beginning of 2023 and are reported to be performing well so far. Micro jellyfish were present in the water from June until last week so feeding was reduced to avoid interaction. Feeding increased again once volume of jellies had reduced.
Lep and Caligus numbers very low since last inspection. Calagus beginning to increase so site has an Alphamax treatment planned for wk29 followed by a prophylactic Slice treatment.
Live haul harvests are taken to Mallaig.
Deltafav treatment (Alphamax) was completed on Monday 17th and site manager reported a 90% clearance in calagus from the fish following an increase over the weekend. A slice treatment had begun on the day of inspection.
No moribunds were observed on the site and fish appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. Fish sampled for VMD also appeared in good condition externally and internally upon examination and demonstrated a strong feed [Original PDF]
Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd FS0056Case Number: 2021-0333
DownloadInspection and remote paperwork by , overseen by . sampled F1 & F2, Sampled F3 - F5 under supervision.
Mortalities removed by dead sock and ensiled at Ardmair shorebase before disposal by biogas or incineration. Ardmair is currently divided into two pen groups, A and B. At the time of inspection the site was experiencing approximately 600 mortalities per day. Pharmaq Analytiq diagnosed complex gill disease in week 35 with AGD present. Upon inspection fish behaviour was lethargic with numbers of moribund fish observed near the surface and around the corners of pens. Recent mortality has occurred at both pen groups, with group B more affected. Mortality per pen on group B on the day of inspection was approximately 70 per pen with population N23 (currently in pen 5) the worst effected. The smaller grade fish were significantly more affected than the large grade. The fish on pen group A were displaying similar clinical signs of disease, although was not as wide spread. H2O2 treatments 23 & 24, 30 & 31 August and 01 September. Samples taken for diagnostics were pooled, two fish from population S6 (currently in pen 6 on pen group A) and 3 fish from population N23
(currently pen 5 on pen group B). Wrasse are stocked on site and are working well, with no signs of elevated numbers of sea lice. On inspection of the site's FMS the date of review was not present, FHI have advised that this is to be updated. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0375
DownloadHistopathology reports - 17/08/22 - waterborne or handling related damage. Signs of AGD but no amoeba detected. Gill inflammation.
Nothing found in site plankton trawls to indicate harmful plankton but health surveillance suggests otherwise.
Recent freshwater treatments - finished 28th August 2022. Had been going on for 2 weeks. No medicinal treatments.
Lice levels have been very low. A few caligus around but never had to treat.
Wrasse wild caught each day by the company - keeping numbers seasonally but suggested to keep note monthly in the movement book. Other site has a method to keep track weekly and this could be proposed for this site but company are waiting to see what Mowi want.
Paperwork and inspection completed by , supervised by . F1 sampled by , observed by . F2, 3 and 4 sampled by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0071
DownloadFish came on from Corry Farm (FS0057) (via Loch Merkland (FS0612)). RA available for SW to SW movement. First batch of fish came on in the summer of 2023 and a second batch of the same yearclass was received in February 24. Fish are reported to be performing well with good feed conversions.
Fish on site have been diagnosed with very minor PGD which has been helped by FW treatments, CMS and HSMI, although not causing elevated mortalities. Site has not done any medicinal treatments for sealice since the last inspection. Site manager has had good clearance using FW combined with FLS and cleanerfish. Only medicine that is used on site is tricaine for lice counts.
Wildcaught wrasse and farmed lumpfish have been stocked onto site. 58% mortality in the wrasse has been recorded since input and 31% in the lumpfish.
Site conducts deadhaul harvests to Loch Duarts Dingwall processing plant.
Only site within CoGP MA.
Fish appeared in good physical health on inspection, with the exception of a handful of individuals who were showing some damage to their snouts due to rubbing on the net and some physical damage to flanks and heads which occurred during transfer to site. Some runts were observed but these could not be caught so were not removed during the inspection. Fish sampled for VMD had very good body condition, gills looked good with only very minor signs of PGD observed.
Mortality events above the reporting threshold that were not reported to the FHI as agreed by industry:
• Wk39 2022 – 1.23%
• Wk52 2022 – 1.2%
• Wk31 2023 – 1.07%
• Wk32 2023 – 1.22%
• Wk33 2023 – 1.33%
Remote inspection completed on 19/03/24. Site visited on 27/03/24. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0249Case Number: 2021-0060
Download2020 above 2: wk41 2.02AF; wk44 4.12AF, wk45 3.38AF, wk46 2.29AF, site fallow from wk47. Towards the end of the cycle last year when numbers increased had planned a hydrolicer treatment however this was abandoned as due to availability for harvesting sites in the area, the site emptied earlier than originally anticipated (site fallow 2020 wk47 rather than December).
2021 all counts 0
Historic sea lice notification for 2020 data above reporting criteria received 28/4/2021. (Data recorded from records checks above.) Confirmation that no data above reporting criteria for years 2018 & 2019.
Paperwork completed on 21/04/2021 by , shadowed by . Physical site inspection on 29/04/2021 by . Stock in trial pens at very low density and deep in the water so difficult to observe. Good feed response in the two mobile pens. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. Two mobile pens have a larger mesh outer net with a smaller (mesh) shallower net inside it, this means there is a space between the nets at the bottom and this is hoped to prevent any possible seal attacks, site does not have a history of seal issues. All new nets have been put on the site with stronger more rigid mesh to prevent possible seal attacks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0100
DownloadFish came on Nov 2023 - Just trout for this cycle as far as manager is aware. 6 Pens from Kinnaird. 3 from Frandy.
Mortality levels seem to be slightly higher in Frandy fish - nothing coming back on samples but hearts seems larger.
Last Salmon harvested out September 2023. Fish leave site dead. Been using the Nove Scotia (deadhaul) boat recently but this cycle they might use the harvesting equipment on shore.
Grumbling mortality - seems to be from failed fish changing from brackish water to this concentration of salinity.
Treatments this cycle: SLICE at start of Feb 2024 (7 days)
Is the only site in management area so isn't fallowed synchronously.
Latest health report: 7th March 2024 - no significant findings regarding tests (Aeromonas, Piscine orthoreovirus, IPN, moritella viscosa, SAV, PDV, yersinia ruckeri, PMCV or ternacibalum spp.) but an increase in the number of misshaped hearts could be observed.
Sealice: Lice levels increased just before the harvesting period in 2022 (2.74 in week 20) and 2023 (3.67 in week 32).
During physical inspection of the site fish appeared healthy, shoaling well and had good feed responses. Fish taken for the statutory ISA sampling had no lice on them and appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Ardtaraig Hatchery
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0648Case Number: 2021-0254
DownloadMIX inspection conducted - ECI could not be completed due to water temperature being above 14 degrees Celsius, VMD samples not taken as fish are too small at the moment. ECI and VMD to be completed later in the year. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0316
DownloadAll current fish on site from Iceland- Stofinfisker
Fish doing well - 2021S0 -load going out Pegal bay in Orkney. Fish on withdrawal; Aquasen 500 degree days - (Formalin) - ongoing and Cress (pyceze) - 500 degree days withdrawal- treatments for Fungus. No gill issues,
4294 total morts on last 4 week - 0.68% -fungus (3112).
6-12th Sept 1095 0.18% 13-19th Sept 1648 0.26%, 20-26thSept 851 0.14%, 27th -3 Oct 700 0.11%
Furunculosis in June 2019 used aquatet (August 2019) and florocol (June 2019) -Mortality levels were not above the reporting threshold. issue prior to vaccinations - now vaccinating at 20g to stop furunclossis and fish are now vaccinated twice. The effected fish; 2019 S0 stock. - went to sea and preformed well.
Fish sampled for VMD last treated 28th September 2021 with Aquasen (formalin).
Movement book not inspected at time of visit. The site is due to be visited in Nov for EC case. EC not completed at this time due to time constraints.
Remote case by ; Site visit be [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0450
DownloadAll current fish on site from Iceland - Stofinfisker
Recent mortality -
03/10/21 - 10/10/21 = 2948 fish (0.47%)
11/10/21 -18/10/21 = 4165 fish (0.67%)
12/10/21 - 19/10/21 = 3712 fish (0.59%)
20/10/21 - 27/10/21 = 107 fish (0.02%)
Site inspection conducted by and observed by on 03/11/2021.
Fish appeared healthy, with some minor dorsal fin erosion. No mortalities observed on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0508
DownloadArdtaraig Hatchery is currently made up of four units, an incubation unit (Comp Hatch), Unit A, B, C and F which are all fry/ongrowing units. Units A, C and F are currently stocked with 2024 S1 fish from Benchmark Genetics, Iceland. Fish have performed well this cycle, mortality has remained low throughout the duration of this production cycle.
From the physical inspection of the site, fish were observed as being very active and shoaling well. No clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection.
Fish removed for VMD sampling were health both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0559Case Number: 2020-0340
DownloadMortality information - Last 4 weeks
Week 33 - 20643 - 2.27%
Week 32 - 4042 - 2.37%
Week 31 - 3867 - 2.22%
Week 30 - 292 - 0.21%
Dinoflagellate combined with solids in water after heavy rainfall resulted in environmental insult. Mortality is now back at normal levels and appetite are doing well.
Fish had been doing really well but have succumbed to an enviromental insult casued by a multitude of factors in the loch.
Enviromental event lasted only a few days and mortality levels are back to normal. Harvesting procedures have commenced and fallow is expected within the month. Enviromental insult combined with historic PGD is thought to have been the main source of high mortality. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0244
Downloadnew site manager - update details on aquadat
ADD's fitted, but not in use, unless needed.
Weather was very sunny, however fish were feeding very deep so difficult to see. Fish sampled for VMD were in good condition.
Water tempreature was above 14 degrees celcius so ECI could not be completed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0497
DownloadNB - BMP, surveillance frequency, CNI, SLI and AMA paperwork completed through case 2021-0244. Inspection of stock and site conducted with respect to sea lice and containment. The site was found to be satisfactory with respect to sea lice levels on site stocks and in relation to sea lice data. The site was found to be satisfactory with respect to containment.
Low lice counts - avg. female between 0.00 and 0.05 per week.
Fish on site deep down and difficult to see. No moribund or lethargic fish observed, mortality reported as low. Wrasse observed round the edges of the cages near the surface grazing on algal growth. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0105
DownloadStock Origin: Strone and Sgian Dubh (December 2023 and January 2024 inputs)
No Wrasse on site- currently no plans to have wrasse for this production cycle.
Optomease used on site instead of Tricaine.
Gills scores have been good on site since input.
Site will be full again by 13/04/2024 - input from fish from Strone and Sgian Dubh.
Net washing occurs every 14 days.
At the time of the site inspection, pen 4 was scheduled to receive a transfer of fish from Strone, and pen 10 was being harvested out. Pen 10 was not inspected due to harvest occurring.
During site inspection, only 4 moribund fish seen across the whole site. These were not removed.
One fish was removed for VMD and appeared to be in a healthy condition.
Paperwork relating to ECI and part of the CNA conducted remotely on 03/04/2024. The rest of the paperwork was conducted on 10/04/2024. [Original PDF]
Badcall Bay
Loch Duart Ltd FS0067Case Number: 2021-0568
DownloadFish came on from Clachbreac and Loch Gairloch.
Fish were FW treated during transfer and also received FW treatments in August, September and the most recent one on
24/11/2021. Paramove was used in August 21 but lice numbers have remained <2 throughout the cycle.
Wrasse mortality since input is 1,500 (~1%).
Fish appeared in good body condition with the exception of some individuals displaying seal damage. Two wrasse mortalities and one salmon mortality observed across the site.
Fish carcass was discovered on site, outwith the net of cage 5. Suspected seal predation. Dive reports inspected from the previous day (7/12) and noted that a hole was discovered in the net of cage 7 measuring 8 mesh across. The hole was stitched immediately and an initial escape notification was received by the business on 08/12 - no fish are expected to have escaped. The nets on site are HDPE and are tensioned. Top nets are also deployed on all the cages. Site no longer uses
ADDs and no longer has a MML. Business is considering moving to predator nets beginning of next year. Divers were on site on the day of inspection, dive report was requested from the business - no further holes were discovered in any of the nets.
Site was inspected as satisfactory with regards to containment on the day of inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and displayed a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0006
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 25/01/2024 by , observing. Physical inspection lead by on 07/02/2024, observed by .
Site details mention that there are three cages groups but there are now only 2. Check planning amendment in 2021 to find out grid references. One cage group in operation
is new manager. Manager for both Badcall Bay and Calva Bay
SAL GRO and WRS normally held
12 24x24 steel cages on site at the time of the inspection
No longer a fax machine on site. Number should be removed from site details
Transferred fish from Calva Bay in May 2023
Mostly wild origin wrasse on site caught off coast of Skye, Sutherland and Cornwall. Some WRS from Otter Ferry
Shared waste disposal skip located at shorebase for all mortality in area.
Optomease used to anaesthetize closer to harvest time. Harvesting at the time of the inspection
ADDs on site licensed by NatureScot as they company hold a research license. The license allows the company to use an
ADD to deter cetaceans in exchange for information.
Freshwater treatments were undertaken at end of summer-early autumn 2023. They were done to target gill health issues not lice
Approximately 2 fish observed with signs of predator attack
Calibrated site thermometer used to take temperature. Due to sub-zero temperature, temperature was not displayed on inspectors field thermometer. FHI 045 Thermometer fail sheet completed. [Original PDF]
Bagh Dail Nan Cean
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0805Case Number: 2020-0537
DownloadSite had experienced a drop in feed, health screening identified piscirickettsia, this was treated with Aquatet and mortalities attributed to this have dropped.
Feeding response has reportedly increased over the last few weeks and the stock displayed a good feeding response at time of inspection. 4 fish removed for VMD appeared healthy. 3 dead observed across site, not fresh dead therefore not sampled, these were removed by site manager during inspection.
Visibility was good at time of inspection, 5 dead observed across site, not fresh dead, therefore not sampled. 7 lethargic fish observed across site deeper in the water. With the exception of the 7 lethargic and 5 dead, the fish were shoaling well.
Site is stocked with wrasse and lumpfish, numbers have been increased on last cycle and now aiming for 7% stocking of cleaner fish. Cleaner fish are now fed from the barge through the same feeding system as salmon, may also reintroduce the feeding stations around the outside of cage if required.
Site has replaced the hamster wheel top net supports with poles around the cage. Site manager prefers these as it removes equipment from the water that the fish could damage themselves on.
Site hoping upgrade cages from 12 x 120m circles to 8 x 160m circles
Site utilises ROV mortality removal system, which reportedly works well, also capacity to use uplift system if required.
Following confirmation of piscirickettsia, the site has been operating separately from the other Mowi sites in area and not sharing staff or equipment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0136
DownloadFish were transferred onto site from Loch Lochy and Glenfinnan in April 2020. Stocking density has been significantly reduced this cycle.
Thermolicer treatment was completed last Wednesday (12th) and average sea lice numbers have dropped to below 0.15 for all stages.
Ensiled waste is collected by Billy Bowie and taken to Energen, Cumbernauld.
Site manager reported good health and has observed a high feed conversion rate within the stock on site.
Site has done both live and dead haul harvests this cycle.
Fish were sitting deep in the water and only 3 lethargic fish were observed across the site. On the fish that were observed, some physical damage was noted but fish were active and demonstrated a strong escape response.
Lumpfish mortality across the site for April was 4.4%. Lumpfish observed on site appeared to be in good health.
Very few wrasse observed across the site. Mortality for the month of April was 1.2%.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 19/05/2021. Site inspection completed on 25/05/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0505
DownloadPSI conducted following reported increased mortality on site. PSI conducted by , shadowed by .
Recent mortalities
Week 43 - 13,645 Q4 fish at 3.57kg (2.44%)
Week 44 - 17,222 Q4 fish at 3.75kg (3.16%)
Week 45 - 7000 (~1.5%) so far - 90% are treatment related. Suspect peak was environmental insult on gills. Some CMS also reported. Vet report from 28/10/2021 - Gill anaemia and CMS suspected (fragile atrium and/or congestion distal intestine), seal damage, general congestion, poor performer, ERM suspected in one fish. 174 fish investigated in total. Samples collected and results from Patogen - 03/11/2021 - PMCV 4/4. Previous report from samples on 19/10 - negative for skyensis and Yersinia.
3/4 positive PMCV.
Mortality attributed to gill problems as well as CMS, 2 pens (2 and 10) responsible for significant share of mortality, harvesting these pens has commenced on site, both will be empty by end of the week. Site manager reported that mortality numbers at beginning of this week have improved. Wrasse mortality - 17% since stocking. Background mortality reported as pretty low - single figures normally, main mortality is due to treatment but also some Atypical furunculosis in last few weeks. Last few weeks wrasse mortality - wk 43 - 3.53%, wk 44 - 4.46%, wk 45 - 3.18%, wk 46 - 0.26%.
Other peaks in mortality (salmon):
Week 31 - 1,561 Q2 fish at 6.26kg (1.01%) gill disease
Week 32 - 4,199 Q2 fish at 6.43kg (2.75%) gill disease
Week 33 - 2,007 Q2 fish at 6.55kg (1.71%) gill disease
Mortalities attributed to microjellies. Site fallow on 24/08/2021
Week 36 - 15,715 Q4 fish at 2.88kg (3.27%) mortality in fish transferred from Loch Erisort
Week 37 - 11,918 Q4 fish at 2.86kg (2.02%) mortality related to fish recently transferred
Week 38 - 13,997 Q4 fish at 3.07kg (2.42%) mortality after thermolicer treatment
Sea Lice
Sea lice above CoGP levels from wb 14/06/2021 to wb 30/08/2021 and between wb 20/09/2021 to present.
Salmosan and physical treatments carried out to reduce the lice load.
Average adult females/fish above 2 in weeks 25 (2.06), 31 (2.39), 38 (2.75), 39 (3.88), 40 (2.61)
Average adult females/fish for the last 4 weeks: week 40 2.61, week 41 1.49, week 42 1.19, week 43 1.34.
8 cages stocked as of 13/11 as harvest ongoing. Another 90000 due to be harvested over next couple of weeks.
Stocked from Loch Erisort - 03/09/2021
Ensiled material collected to go to Energen.
3 or 4 pens treated with thermolicer following input. 10% wrasse input within 3 weeks of current stock.
Some AGD about - 19/10 AGD swabs - 16/19 positive - CT values from 23.56 - ~30.
FMA usually fallows synchronously but this year did not.
Salmosan treatment has been fairly effective - full site treated. Current numbers 1.7 Thermolicer due next Thursday. Probable gill treatment after that - H2O2 due to wrasse. Wrasse reported to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0578
Download21/10 - gill treatment started and mortality started to flare up.
Stoffinfisker and Aquagen on site, both have experienced similar levels of mortality. Recent mortalities on site have been attributed to complex gill issues, Rickettsia and Moritella. Mortality is constant across the whole site, however pens 6, 9, and 3 appear to be worst affected.
Cleaner fish mortality - LUM - 182,756 - 100% main cause has been flavovirus - 86,614 mortalities recorded. <100,000 not recorded.
Wrasse mortality - 31,484 Since input across the site. Background mortality.
Additional information on lumpfish mortalities -
During the inspection it was found that the site had suffered 100% mortalities of their lumpfish since input. Of these 86,614 were recorded with cause and around 100,000 had not been recorded. This has been referred to the Animal and Plant Health
Agency, as they have responsibilty for welfare. As ~100,000 mortalities of lumpfish were not recorded, these were not reported to the FHI, or the company vet.
Only 3 cages inspected on site due to timing constraints.
Site thermometer used as case inspector's was unavailable.
Paperwork conducted by , observed by , Diagnostic sampling carried out by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0089
DownloadRemote inspection covering records carried out 08/03/2023. Site inspection completed on 14/03/2023.
Cleaner fish mortalities:
Wk. 7 - WRS @ 165 (1.3%) & LUM @ 1308 (2.49%)
Wk. 8 - WRS @ 178 (1.42%) & LUM @ 1490 (2.9%)
Wk. 9 - WRS @ 134 (1.08%) & LUM @ 740 (1.48%)
Wk. 10 - WRS @ 82 (0.67%) & LUM @ 825 (1.7%)
FMA not fallowed synchronously with other operator in the FMA but that operator is farming RTR and there is high amount co- operation and communication between both operators in area.
Fish remained low in the water so hard to see. Side netting goes down 16m into the water and then a further 13m to bottom of the cone. Only a small number (avg 3/pen) lethargic fish visible with the occasional one showing some physical damage. Once back at shorebase the fish were observed shoaling as expected via the cameras in the pens. Fish removed for vmd sampling were in good condition with no signs of disease upon external and internal examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0465
DownloadCurrent fish on site moved on from Maclean's Nose: wk33. Previous cycle fish were harvested and site was fallowed out in wk
31. 13/08/2023
Stock origin of fish: Loch Lochy, Ireland. Transferred to site from Maclean's Nose.
Cleanerfish mortality 2023 (recent 4 weeks):
Wrasse; Wk39, 4.96%, 2275; Wk38, 2.61%,1230; Wk37, 2.49%,1205;Wk36, 1.30%, 488 (attributed to furunculosis)
Lumpfish culled following harvest of fish from previous cycle in Wk31.
2/08/2023 - culled out the lumpfish.
Health visits: more swabs taken on 05/10/2023, AGD, 2/10 positive. Health checks conducted every 2 weeks.
Movement of fish from MacLean's Nose: first two deliveriesfish exhibited AGD. Pen 2 and 3 were experiencing higher levels of
AGD. Gentle peroxide treatment in the well but stopped immediately as temperature was too high. Mortality in wk 33 correspondes to this treatment loss. Risk assessment in place ( dated 11/08/2023) for transfer of fish from 13/08/2023 - inspected.
Site inspected on 11/10/2023 (7/8 stocked pens inspected) and two moribund fish removed for diagnostic sampling. F1 was observed to have many small, almost circular lesions on its flanks and operculum. F2 presented with very pale, grey gills. Due to weather, one pen was not inspected.
Pen 1 harvested out 11/10/2023. Plans to harvest pen 10 12/10/2023. movement records inspected: some harvests conducted via deadhaul. Either shipped to Larne or Blar Mhor from Oban pier. [Original PDF]
Balta Isle
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0717Case Number: 2021-0224
DownloadRemote inspection carried out by , observed by , on 16/07/2021. Physical inspection carried out by , observed by
on 20/07/2021.
VMD sampled by , observed by .
Q14 SLI - If fish are held without treatment for sea lice during harvest then welfare of fish is prioritised. Any pens that have an increase in lice numbers will be harvested first, or harvest will be postponed to treat to prevent part populations being held without treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0239
DownloadSite inspected in a calm sea sate with good visibility. Fish were observed shoaling and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection, fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Fish at Balta Isle tested positive for PD in December 2023 and have been subject to reduced apatite until recent weeks. During the inspection of the site, a larger than normal range in fish sizes was observed in the worst affected pens for PD (Pens 1 & 2).
Despite the PD diagnosis, mortality onsite has remained very low throughout the duration of the current production cycle.
The site treated with freshwater from 27th April to 20th May 2023.
Balta Isle operates souly within its own disease management and acts as a nursery site supplying stock for further ongrowing at Cooke Aquaculture sites in Shetland. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Egg Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1363Case Number: 2024-0033
DownloadSite receives three females per box along with ovarian fluid from Aquagen.
When eggs are received into the unit, the bags containing the ova are dipped into virkon. The ova are then rinsed and subsequently rinsed. Once fertilised, the ova are then rinsed for a second time, before being disinfected with buffodine and rinsed again.
Any unviable eggs and hatch fails are removed via discharge pipe and end up in the collective Barcaldine ensiler.
Counts for unviable eggs occur at 65% development.
Movements of green eggs from Aquagen:
Occurred on 18/12/2023, 04/01/2024 and 11/01/2024. Trial batches: 12/12/2024 and 15/02/2024
Currently, next input into green egg unit not confirmed yet. Once fallow, site will be cleaner and disinfected and shutdown until a new date is set for an input.
Formaldehyde used on site to prevent/treat fungus (prophylactically). One treatments have been conducted: 16/02 (250ppm for 25mins). Flushed until all traces of formaldehyde removed (tested). Current plans to treat once per week.
Trial batches are also currently in the facility and unviable eggs have been removed. Viables ova will be culled prior to them hatching and will be disposed in ensiler. First trial: ~66000 unfertilised, unviable or mortality after shocking. Second batch
~35000 unfertilised, unviable or mortality after shocking. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine First Feeding Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1325Case Number: 2021-0088
Downloadhealth check post transfer; Flavobacterium, Yersinia and SGPV all negative.
Mort/site/wk; 2021 Wk 13 - fallow Wk14 0.2%, wk15 0.34%, wk16 0.1% -mainly deformities.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0088
DownloadNo treatments have been carried out in the First Feeding Unit since last inspection so no records to check.
Site split into 2 separate units, each consisting of 8 tanks. Water temperature in each unit at time of inspection was 11.1 &
12oC. Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
No moribund or lethargic fish observed during inspections. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Hatchery Incubation 1
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1321Case Number: 2021-0089
DownloadStock currently on site; Aquagen Scotland - Holywood Dumfries
Previous stocks; 27/11/18 - Aquagen Norway. 21/3/19 - Kindrum - ROI 21/1/20 Kindrum, 2021 - Aquagen Holywood. current stock; soft eggs - high fail hatch but post hat have been ok. week 13 2021 - 0.64% 9059 mainly failed hatch week 14 2021 - 5.59% 78767 mainly failed hatch week 15 2021 - 2.74% 36469 mainly failed hatch week 16 2021 - 0.86% 11056 mainly failed hatch
Buffodine used at ova input - no treatments
Pre transfer heath reports QPCR -IPN, PRV, PMCV and histo by Vet group - all reports since opening have been negative for viruses.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0380
DownloadSite to be stocked for the next 7 weeks.
Contact details require to be updated for all freshwater sites as previous contact person has left. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0459
DownloadMost recent mortality attributed to ova mortality or hatch fail. No treatments have been carried out on site for at least two years yolk sac fry on site. A very small number of dead observed.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0459
DownloadMost recent mortality attributed to ova mortality or hatch fail. No treatments have been carried out on site for at least two years yolk sac fry on site. A very small number of dead observed.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0022
DownloadHealth screening conducted prior to fish moving's between units (from Incubation to first feeding etc): IPN and PMCV and histology
Ova are transferred in boxes from Aquagen and brought into the incubation rooms via hatches, where ova are immediately disinfected with buffodine and then placed into comp hatches. No treatments have been conducted on site for two years.
Alevins observed with majority in healthy condition. Since input performing well.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity considerations. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0053
DownloadInput 1/3/24 from Aquagen Scotland
Current fish on site 14/3/24 Fanad Mowi Kindrum Ireland. Input. - cert says incubation 2 but went into incubation 1
Ova tend to be on site for 10 weeks before moving off to first feeding unit.
No treatments in incubation units waste note; last movement 21/12/23 to Barkip
Incubation 1, IPN and PMCV PCR NEGATIVE 4/1/24
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity reasons. Site thermometer is checked between each fish batch against a thermometer which is calibrated annually. Records were not available for inspection.
Paperwork observed by . [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Hatchery Incubation 2
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1322Case Number: 2020-0533
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on the 01/12/2020 and the physical inspection was carried out on the 07/12/2020. Accompanied by for remote inspection.
Waste is ensiled onsite and transported to SSF Barkip by
The site was stocked in week 48 from Holywood. Eggs disinfected with Buffodein on arrival - 1% for 10 minutes.
Site temperature used as inspectors thermometer was faulty. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0090
DownloadInput from Holywood - fish currently on site. Previous inputs from ROI.
31/3/21, Aquagen Holywood, current stock; soft eggs - high fail hatch but post hat have been ok.
Morts site/week; wk13- 0.52% 7861, wk14 2% 29864, wk15 5.35% 78053, wk 16 0.33% 4556 hatch fail
Buffodine used at ova input - no treatments
Pre transfer heath reports QPCR -IPN, PRV, PMCV and histo by Vet group - all reports since opening have been negative for viruses.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0023
DownloadThe origin site had reported a 3% hatch at packing. A 10% accumilated mortality had occurred in the 5 weeks since arrival.
No further issues observed since week 5. On arrival to site, ova is disinfected with buffodine.
One ensiler is dedicated to all the incubation units, where it is then transferred into the Barcaldine's site ensiler and taken away by waste carrier to Barkip.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted on 16/02/2022 by , supervised by
Site inspection conducted by on 22/02/2022, supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0023
DownloadHealth screening conducted prior to fish movings between units (from Incubation to first feeding etc): IPN and PMCV and histology
Ova are transferred in boxes from Aquagen and brought into the incubation rooms via hatches, where ova are immediately disinfected with buffodine and then placed into comp hatches. No treatments have been conducted on site for two years.
Alevins observed with majority in healthy condition but a few mortalities observed. Increased mortality at input from wk51 2022 due to failed hatch/ ova mortality.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity considerations. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0088
DownloadEU 3rd country imports - consignment due 05/04/2023 500,000 ova from Iceland (Benchmark Genetics)- into incubation 2
EU 3rd country imports - consignment due 25/01/2024 1,250,000 ova from Republic of Ireland (Mowi Ireland)- 2 million into incubation 3 but movdat details Incubation 2.
EU 3rd country imports - consignment due 13/03/2024 382,500 ova from Republic of Ireland (Mowi Ireland) - this movement went into Incubation 1 but certificate and movdat detail Incubation 2.
Iceland import over a year ago so not included in surveillance frequency. Informed they do not intend to import more ova from
Iceland in foreseeable future.
Inspection and paperwork by observed by
Ova generally held on site for 10 weeks before transferring to first feeding unit. Current stock input 6/3/24 from Aquagen -
No treatments on site. Incubation 2; IPN, and PMCV PCR NEGATIVE - 4/1/24
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. Site probes are checked between each batch of fish. These are checked against a calibrated thermometer which is done annually but records were not available for inspection. waste note; last movement 21/12/23 to Barkip [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Hatchery Incubation 3
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1323Case Number: 2021-0572
DownloadSite thermometer used due to operators biosecurity practices.
Very good biosecurity on site and good separation between units.
No issues observed on site, ova have been on site for 3 weeks.
Each unit on site is usually stocked for approx 10 weeks. There are usually 5 batches of fish through the whole site every year [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0381
DownloadSite to be stocked 31/08/2022, then stocked for the next 10 weeks.
Contact details require to be updated for all freshwater sites as previous contact person has left. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0460
DownloadResent mortality low but attributed to hatch fail. No treatments in over two years.
Very small number of dead fry observed. site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0460
DownloadResent mortality low but attributed to hatch fail. No treatments in over two years.
Very small number of dead fry observed. site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0327
DownloadMost recent input of ova from Aquagen on 14/06/2023.
Last Stofnfiskur batch came in August 2022.
Current ova experienced slightly eleveated mortality on input. Deformities have been observed in some of the hatching ova.
When ova are received at the hatchery, eggs are disinfected with buffodine before input into the comphatches.
General health check is conducted when ova are received, with 200 eggs inspected. Before moving to first feeding unit, fish are inspected and tested. Current batch of eggs will be tested in August before moving to first feeding unit at the end of August
Site thermometer was used for biosecurity reasons - 5.0. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0031
DownloadStock origin: Comp hatch 1, elite Aquagen; Comp hatch 2,3,4,5, fanad
When ova are received at the hatchery, eggs are disinfected with buffodine before input into the comphatches.
General health check is conducted, with ~200 ova inspected. Prior to moving to first feeding unit, fish are also tested (pre transfer checks that include, IPN, PMCV and histology).
No treatments have been conducted on site.
Alevins observed with majority in healthy condition but a few mortalities observed. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Hatchery Incubation 4
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1324Case Number: 2020-0534
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on the 01/12/2020 and the physical inspection was carried out on the 07/12/2020. Accompanied by for remote inspection.
Waste is ensiled onsite and transported to SSF Barkip by
Site thermometer used as case inspectors faulty. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0025
DownloadOne ensiler is dedicated to all the incubation units, where it is then transferred into the Barcaldine's site ensiler and taken away by waste carrier to Barkip.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity considerations.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted on 16/02/2022 by , supervised by .
Site inspection conducted by on 22/02/2022 and supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0024
DownloadHealth screening conducted prior to fish movings between units (from Incubation to first feeding etc): IPN and PMCV and histology
Ova are transferred in boxes from Aquagen and brought into the incubation rooms via hatches, where ova are immediately disinfected with buffodine and then placed into comp hatches. No treatments have been conducted on site for two years.
Alevins observed with majority in healthy condition but a few mortalities observed. Increased mortality at input from wk51 2022 due to failed hatch/ ova mortality.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity considerations. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0032
DownloadStock origin: all comp hatches fanad
When ova are received at the hatchery, eggs are disinfected with buffodine before input into the comphatches.
General health check is conducted, with ~200 ova inspected. Prior to moving to first feeding unit, fish are also tested (pre transfer checks that include, IPN, PMCV and histology).
No treatments have been conducted on site.
Alevins observed with majority in healthy condition but a few mortalities observed. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine On-Growing Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1326Case Number: 2021-0574
DownloadSite thermometer used due to operators biosecurity practices.
Although registered as 1 site, it is operated as two separate units (2 units of 8 tanks), each has a separate access points, separate PPE, separate equipment and separate RAS.
On-growing Unit 1
WK 45 - 1,490 (0.11%),
WK 46 - 2,451 (0.18%),
WK 47 - 1,899 (0.14%),
WK 48 - 1,960 (0.14%)
On-growing Unit 2
WK 45 - 1,201 (0.1%),
WK 46 - 1,411 (0.1%),
WK 47 - 1,346 (0.1%),
WK 48 - 822 (0.06%)
Very good biosecurity practices in place incl controlled access. Feeding is controlled from central stores and pumped to hoppers at each tanks
No dead or moribund observed, fish appeared in very good condition. Water was very peaty, although good visibility from observation deck. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0089
DownloadTreatments; Aquacen /formalin- Cress /bronopol - (pyceese out of stock) - 500oc day withdrawal - on withdrawal - for fungus
Case paperwork and inspection by , observed by
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. Site thermometer checked between inputs against a calibrated thermometer
(annual calibration). Records were not available for inspection.
Mort figures for site split into units 1 and 2. Units 1 wk15 0.42%, wk14 0.12%, wk 13 0.16%, wk 12 fallow - Unit 2 wk 15 0.12%, wk14 0.08%, wk13 0.04%, wk 13 0.02%
PCR tested negative for salmon gillpox, flavobacterium and ERM.
About 4 or 5 dead fish were observed in the mort collection tanks associated with about five tanks. These were observed with
Saprolegnia. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Pre-smolt Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1327Case Number: 2021-0143
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 20/05/2021 by , shadowed by , physical site inspection on 24/05/2021 by and
Site currently at 14C, normally kept between 13-14C
Currently on Batch 9 in the pre-smolt unit: this is split into batch 9-1 and 9-2
Stock on site appeared in good condition during physical inspection with no moribund/lethargic fish noted. Fish responding well when fed.
Water temperature taken from site thermometers for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0129
DownloadFish will be going from the barcaldine smolt unit to sea in Q4 (Aquagen).
Cress or Pyceze alongside Aquacen used for fungus treatments. Currently only able to use Cress.
Movements from fish from ongrowing to presmolt noted in the mortality records as mechanical - any associated mortality related to transfer but only in the first 48hrs.
No fish moved into the pre smolt unit from out with GB. Only transferred from ongrowing (FS1326).
13/09/2023- Aquacen
22/05/2024 - Aquacen in 2021 always treated after grading but due to not seeing any fungus, these precautionary treatments have stopped.
13/09/2023- Cress
22/05/2024- Cress (only one tank treated but all tanks in the unit will be treated in subsequent days) in 2021 always treated after grading but due to not seeing any fungus, these precautionary treatments have stopped.
Site will be changing from use of Tricaine to Syncaine.
During site inspection, a small percentage of fish were observed with white fungus lesions on the tail. No lethargic or moribund fish were observed and therefore no samples have been taken. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Smolt Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1328Case Number: 2020-0364
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely by DJM on 09/09/2020
Movement records now kept in Excel spreadsheet instead of physical book
Mortality Last 4 weeks
Week 36 - 517 - 0.03%
Week 35 - 258 - 0.02%
Week 34 - 108 - 0.01%
Week 33 - 124 - 0.01%
Medicines stored in secure area.
Cress (Bronopol) and Aquacen (Formalin) used post vaccination.
Site inspected on 14/09/2020 by JET accompanied by APHA vet as part of APHA's professional development programme.
Movement records copies taken.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0022
DownloadRed vents observed on a few fish removed for VMD sampling. A couple also had slightly swollen spleens and yellow pseudofeces the biologist thought this likely to be the result of recent vaccination, these were not included in the VMD sample.
Diagnostic samples were not taken as the fish were not moribund or lethargic and had no gross pathology indictative of listed disease.
Fungus is often seen after vaccination, but fish are not treated until there is a significant burden.
For transfers, the fish are transferred on to wellboats through gravity fed pipes. To ensure that there are no escapes, the pipes are flushed before leaving the facility, and secondary screens are in place in the pipes so that any remaining fish are contained.
One batch of parr are sent to Knock hatchery for ongrowing.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity considerations.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by and supervised by on 16/02/2022.
Site inspection conducted by and supervised by on 22/02/2022.
VMD sampled by on 22/02/2022, supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0091
DownloadSite consists of 2 separate units with each unit containing 8 tanks. Avg. weight in unit 2 is 66g, while 98g in unit 1.
Fish consist of Stofnfiskur and Aquagen origin. Fish observed in tanks looking good and healthy with no moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no signs of disease both externally and upon internal examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0328
Download25/07/2023 - three tanks are already empty and 2 are planned to move offsite (200,000). 9.5 tanks plan to remain for w/b
Site aims to grow fish to 120g smolts however due to some delays fish may sometimes move out larger.
Recent Mortality (2023)-
Smolt unit 1 (Aquagen): Wk30 0.1%, 36; Wk29, 0.1%, 60; Wk28, 0.1%,79; Wk27, 0.1%, 78
Smolt Unit 2 (Stofnfiskur): Wk30, 0.01%, 63; Wk29, 0.01%, 59; Wk28, 0.01%, 69; Wk27, 0.02%, 163.
Last treatment conducted 20/05/2023: Aquacen & Cress. Administered following vaccination when fungus was observed.
Fish observed during health inspection and sampled for VMD were found to be healthy and in really good condition.
Fish are not in withdrawal except for T.M.S
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons - 12.5. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0271
DownloadFish are planning to be transferred to sea in Sept 2024 (120-150g)
01/07/2024- First fish were transferred into smolt unit. All fish transferred are Aquagen stock.
Last transfr from pre- smolt was occurring during site visit. Fish were being vaccinated into smolt unit on the day of inspection.
Electronic movement records inspected during site visit.
Ensiled waste taken to barkip biogas
Treatment of fungus on site (treatments began on 03/07/2024) Aquacen was administered. Pyceze used in conjuction with aquacen also.
During the site visit smolt unit 2 was receiving fish from pre-smolt following on from vaccination.
Fungus lesions were observed during site inspection; tanks 7 and 5 in smolt 1 were observed to be most affected. No moribund fish were observed. Fish were seen shoaling and feeding well. Smolt 1 had already been treated fully once and plans are to continue treating for the next few weeks. A few tanks in Smolt 2 are due to be treated and these are planned for the days following vaccination.
VMD samples were taken on 23/07/2024. All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy internally and externally.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. Site thermometer checked against a calibrated thermometer. Annual calibration occurs. Procedures and calibration checked. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0418
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by
The business refers to the site (FS1328) internally as smolt unit 1 and smolt unit 2.
Inspection scheduled due to the business reporting high mortality events attributed to saprolegnia, post-vaccination and
Aquacen (formalin) bath treatments. 31/10/2024 third party health report identified the presence of saprolegnia, 2/10 positive detection. Aquacen and Cress (bronopol) treatments are on going. These fish were vaccinated from 30/9/24 to 23/10/24 in the pre-smolt unit (FS1327). The current fish in pre-smolt unit have a low fungus level which is being controlled with salinity. Going forward the business is aiming to control fungus in all units with salinity rather than formalin and/or bronopol.
Stock currently held at the smolt unit is predicted to go to sea at the end of November, this will be done under veterinary advice. [Original PDF]
Barvas Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0076Case Number: 2020-0175
DownloadFollowing increased mortality company began investigating. PCR and histology was completed and the fish were found to be positive for IPN (CT values between 13-18)
Week 15 saw an increase in mortality of compromised fish - 7.04% (86,573) due to low temperatures. Heating equipment was brought on to site and mortality has since reduced. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0322
DownloadSite planning to be fallow by October 2021.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by , supervised by on 21/09/2021.
Site inspected by , shadowed by on 14/09/2021.
VMD sampled by , supervised by on 14/09/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0492
DownloadSite confirmed after inspection as fallow. Site is to be inactivated.
Estate correspondent highlighted that they are currently seeking a tenant for the hatchery. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1279Case Number: 2021-0260
Download5 dead observed across site, not fresh dead. Mortalities are removed using an ROV, which was reported to be very effective at the task. Nets are washed every two weeks, by net wash boat.
2 fish sampled for VMD appeared in very good condition and no sea lice observed, very few treatments reported to have been required this cycle, last treatment in May was FW followed by Salmosan, this was reported to have given a very good clearance.
Site has quite a strong tide, fish will be transferred from Ness of Copister at the end of the year for ongrowing. No issues reported on site.
Good visibility at time of inspection and fish observed shoaling well and appeared in very good condition and of uniform size.
Remote paperwork conducted 15/07/21, site inspection conducted 21/07/21 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0302
DownloadMortality records, sea lice records, treatment records, FMS and BMP checked remotely on 14/08/2024 by whilst supervised by . Health surveillance records were inspected remotely on the 02/09/2024 by whilst supervised by
SW to SW transfer risk assessment checked - satisfactory
Farm management did not note sharing of sea lice data and treatments, however this is highlighted in their sea lice management strategy. Also note all sites operating within the area are owned by the same business - satisfactory.
Elevated mort's (note are below reporting threshold) - 2022 wk33 1694 (0.96%) handling/ transport (1115) gill health (339).
2023 wk24 2804 (0.93%) sea lice and treatments. These mortality were not specific to any cage.
Harvesting was being conducted at time of inspection
At the time of inspection cages 2, 4 and 6 were being treated by a hydrolicer. Cages 1, 3 and 7 were treated on 21/08/2024 - some fish had lose of scales due to the hydrolicer treatment but appeared to be swimming and shoaling well.
Overall population of fish were in good condition and shoaling well. Fish had a good feed response. 4 runts that were lethargic and 2 fish were observed to have lesions across the site. 14 mort's were observed at time of inspection, mort's were attributed to hydrolicer treatments. High number of wild lumpsuckers were observed on site - note these are not wild caught for the purpose of cleaner fish, lumpsuckers have entered as small fish and grown whilst in the cage (No authorisation concern). 2 fish were sampled for VMD. Sampled VMD internal condition was good.
Inspection of site and all records/case paperwork was carried out on site and completed by whilst supervised by .
VMD sampled by whilst supervised by .
Reasons for sea lice notification discrepancies and corrections were received on 03/10/2024 and 05/11/2024 and were found to be satisfactory. Reasons and corrections were inspected remotely by [Original PDF]
Bay of Cleat (North)
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1080Case Number: 2020-0527
DownloadInspection of site records carried out remotely on the 26th November 2020 by with shadowing. Inspection of stock on site carried out on the 2nd December 2020 by WJM.
Water clear with good visibility of the stock. Fish shoaling well and responding to feed. No issues observed while on site. Fish removed for vmd sampling appeared in very good condition externally with no lice noted. No gross pathology observed on internal examination of fish taken for vmd sampling.
FMA not fallowed synchronously but RA conducted in accordance with CoGP 4.3.101. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0351
DownloadFish on site will not be harvested. The site is used for smolt production before fish get moved off around 2.5kgs to neighbouring sites for final ongrowing and harvest.
Fish have been performing well so far with no significant health challenges. No medicinal treatments on this crop (with the exception of tricaine used for weekly sea lice counts); only FW baths combined with a flush have been completed on site and is reportedly resulting in 80-95% clearance.
Companies biologist will be visiting the site in wk32 to perform gill and lice checks along with water sampling.
Mortality events above reporting threshold:
Wk45 2022: 2,260 (1.15%), wk47: 5,390 (2.78%), Wk48: 3,712 (1.97%), Wk49: 2,892 (1.56%), Wk50: 10,289 (5.66%), Wk51:
2,426 (1.41%), Wk52: 2,607 (1.54%) - all attributed to poor gill health combined with seal ice treatments and early maturation.
2023 wk31 3% (13489) recorded as handling.
FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, however a risk assessment was available and was deemed acceptable at the time of inspection.
Mortalities for the last for weeks, wk35 796 (0.21%), wk 34 (723 (0.19%), wk 33 817 (0.22%), wk 32 794 (0.21%) attributed mainly to environmental, handling and transport and other.
Water temperature at 14.3 so REG only completed. Full inspection of the site conducted including completing checks for CNA.
Stocks seemed in good general health, one dead and two runts noted across the site.
CNA paperwork and remote inspection completed by with records checked up to 4/8/2023 but site inspection cancelled due to changing priorities, completed on site CNA and inspected mortality, medicine and sea lice records from 4/8/2023 to
3/9/2023. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0523
DownloadFish will be transferred to Skelwick Skerry and potentiallly onto Moclett (if being used next year).
Treatments on site: only FW treatment conducted - Wk37, brought caligus levels down as well as managing AGD/gill health on site.
ROV used to remove morts. Divers only are called out to site when required (~2 weeks).
Health staff on site every week; sampling conducted every week.
Paperwork inspected: Mass mortality appendix, containment plan and marine biosecurity plan and all deemed satisfactory.
Farm management agreement highlights that sites does not fallow sychronously and does not stock synchronously either. Risk assessment in place and inspected - deemed satisfactory.
Due to adverse weather, the site inspection was not conducted. Therefore only paperwork was inspected remotely. Movement and waste transfer records not inspected due to not being able to get to Orkney to inspect these records. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0555
DownloadSite was visited earlier in the year, but due to high water temperature, EC inspection had to be rescheduled.
Wellboat is expected on site this week after the inspection for a FW treatment.
Fish came on from Loch Shin, Garasdale and Yetts O' Muckart. Fish have been feeding and growing well. AGD has been diagnosed on site and is the main cause for mortality. HSMI has also been detected on site but is not causing signfiicant mortalities. Mixed stock from Stofinfisker and Aquagen. Stofinfisker stock have not been coping as well with the AGD and have made up the majority of the mortalities in recent weeks. Wk46 mortality event has been attributed to AGD combined with a period of bad weather and the site being unable to FW treat. FW treatment has been scheduled for the weekend following the inspection.
Site is being used as a nursery site and fish will be transferred to Skelwick and Moclett in the new year. Passive grading will be done in January and the largest fish will be moved first.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but those that were observed appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. 2 moribunds and 2 mortalities were observed across the site. No other clinical signs were observed so were not sampled.
Updated 21/12/2023 VMD samples collected were surplus to requirements and will not be processed. [Original PDF]
Bay of Cleat (South)
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0595Case Number: 2022-0156
DownloadNo equipment in the water. No future plans to restock/ put equipment back in the water.
Discussed with site operators and paperwork will be completed to inactivate the site.
Previously kept potential broodstock on site but moved in 2020. Last EC inspection conducted in 2017. records were collected d
Inspected by and on 17/05/2022. [Original PDF]
Bay of Ham
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0122Case Number: 2021-0366
DownloadSite in long term fallow. Still may be used as a nursery site so continuing to remain active.
Only movement records inspected and a copy taken.
No pens on site but grid is still in place.
Accompanied by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0282
DownloadSite has been fallow since the 17th June 2018. No current future plans to use the site due to its small tonnage license but this may change.
Site was observed from the road 27/06/2023 - there is no equipment currently in the water except grid cans.
Paperwork carried out over Teams 27/06/2023. [Original PDF]
Bay of Holland
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1349Case Number: 2021-0468
DownloadPaperwork - Mortality and sea lice conducted remotely on 04/11/21. Site is within DMA 8B, but is not within a CoGP FMA, however it is included in the FMAg for O2 - between SSF and CAS.
Treatment records, health reports and movement records inspected during site inspection on 10/11/21
Site has poles for top nets rather than the central support, these were reported to work well at the site and cope better with large motion through the site. Also planning to fit these to the Mill Bay site.
Fish will be split to the Mill Bay site at beginning of 2022 after it has undergone fallow period. With fish at both sites being grown to harvest. All dead haul harvests at site. Bay of Holland has a smaller tonnage than Mill Bay, so may have been used as a nursery site, however, for this cycle some fish will be grown to harvest.
Mortality removal conducted using ROV, this was reported to work well.
Mortalities very low on site, no issues noted or observed. Fish removed for VMD appeared in very good condition with no sea lice.
A thermolicer treatment was conducted in early October, this reportedly gave a very good clearance
Site uses an Aquascale to measure weights of fish, this was reported to be very accurate and removes the need to handle fish for sample weighing, used especially on run up to harvests.
Currently 11 x 100m cages on site, grid has capacity for 16 x 100m cages.
No dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed during the inspection, CAS were training two new members of their health team whilst conducting gill scores. Mortality removal was also on-going during the inspection, using an ROV which goes between
Westray, Stronsay and Rousay sites, mortalities were very low.
Weather conditions were poor on site at time of inspection, with winds gusting to force 7 and a large swell >1m going through the cages at the southern end of site. Fish were deep in the water.
Site is currently organic and no medicinal treatments have been used for sea lice. Only treatments T.M.S. for lice counts/gill scores. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0091
DownloadFish were split down from Bay of Cleat site (FS1080) into Bay of Holland and Mill Bay in Wk16 2024. Fish originated from
Holmwrangler, Carlisle. SW to SW RA available for inspection. Mix of Stofinfisker and Aquagens on site. Both stocks were reported to be performing well at Bay of Cleat prior to transfer in recent weeks. The pre-transfer health check noted mild environmental damage to gills and some minor bleeding from the gills, but fish appeared healthy otherwise.
Previous crop that were on site were hydroliced in June, August and September 2023 and thermoliced in July 23. No medicinal treatments were conducted since the last inspection, other than anaesthetic use for sea lice counts.
Fish are vaccinated against IPN and Furunculosis.
Site will be deadhaul harvested to Kirkwall.
CoGP FMA is not fallowed synchronously. RA available for this.
The general population of fish on site appeared in good health and were actively shoaling in the cages, although were difficult to observe as they were sitting deep in the water. Feed was used to bring the fish up for closer inspection. A small number of lethargic fish were observed across the site, but no other clinical signs were observed so no diagnostic samples were taken on this occasion.
Fish sampled for VMD had a strong feed response, appeared healthy externally and no gross pathology was observed.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 02/05/24. Site inspection completed on 08/05/24. Inspection completed by and shadowed by . [Original PDF]
Bay of Vady
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1020Case Number: 2020-0513
DownloadSite records checked up until 20/11/2020 by on 20/11/2020
Site inspection and VMS sampling by - 25/11/20, movement records collected 24/11/20
3 cages remaining on site, currently harvesting site, with fish going through Kirkwall plant. No issues observed on site, fish were shoaling well and very good visibility on site at time of inspection. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and was in very good condition. No sea lice observed.
No issues reported on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0281
DownloadThe company makes a treatment plan on a case by case basis for lice management procedures and harvest strategies where parts of the population need to be held without treatment.
Farm management area is not fallowed synchronously as it includes both Cooke and Scottish Sea Farm sites.
Paperwork completed over teams 27/06/2023
Mortality event Wk19 2023 was not reported as it was within the 6 week post stocking period.
Site inspection and VMD samples carried out 28/06/2023.
During inspection of the pens on site a total of 7 moribund fish were observed hanging by the edges of pens. All other fish were deeper in the water column and shoaling together. Feed responses observed were good. A few fish were observed swimming with their mouths permanently open. The manager confirmed these fish were dubbed "screamers" and were unable to close their mouths at all however despite this a number of these fish were growing well.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Bight of Bellister, Dury Voe
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1121Case Number: 2020-0380
DownloadWeather very calm during site inspection, very good visibility. Fish were shoaling well, deeper in the water. No current issues reported on site. New sea lice procedure, counting 100 fish per cage every week (where possible), also targetting cages for treatment where lice numbers have started to increase, very low level used to trigger treatment. All treatments have given
100% clearance so far. Extremely low trigger for teating, 0.01 adult females per cage.
Fish on site are smaller grade from Swarta Skerry, Dury Voe. Some lumpsuckers on site, but low level and no plans to add more.
No Issues noted on site and fish sampled for VMD appeared in good condition.
No lice skirts installed on site due tides experienced there. SLICE treatment due to begin next week, caligus numbers have increased, but not causing any welfares issue. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0108
DownloadRemote inspection conducted 19/04/22 by , observed by
Site inspection, collection of movement records and VMD sampling 26/04/22 by , observed by
All cages have double nets installed these have stopped issues with seal predation that had affected previous cycles. There was an increased pressure on site due to predation by cormorants, two cages particularly affected, these had additional top net supports put in place and this alleviated the problem.
Fish were deep in the water, but appeared to be shoaling well, 9 lethargic fish observed across site, attributed to Thermolicer treatment the previous week, varying degrees of physical damage on these fish. Fish sampled for VMD appeared in very good condition.
Site is counting 10 fish per cage and sea lice treatments are targeted at cages with higher numbers, rather than treat the whole site. This was reported to work well and reduces handling on cages were the sea lice numbers are low.
Nets washed by Ocean Farms Services, net washing on-going at time of inspection.
Excellent visibility at time of inspection.
Cages 5 & 6 are most exposed to tides and weather on site, due to this they are currently fallow, cages 1 to 4 were stocked with more fish, that will be split down to cages 5 & 6 in the summer once the fish have acclimatised to conditions on site and are at a size that will cope with the tides. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0599
DownloadMortalities are collected by Hendersons and sent to Pelagia for biogas generation.
Pens 1-4 (4 the worst 23,000 since input) have been quite badly affected, pens had a higher stocking density (since split down). 10,11
WK42 - 5203 (1.26%) WK40 12,161 (2.84%) WK38 17838 (3.97%)
WK40 - Treatements - Peroxide treament WK38 (cages 1 and 3) - perxide treatment was abandoned following high mortalites on the treated cages
WK38 - Thermolicer treatment cages 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 cages 5 and 6 were unstocked, cage four was done with freshwater as fish were thought to be unable to cope with treatment
Health reports - 12/11/2022 - Gill damage was highly variable throughout the site with around 70% of fish having poor GH.
AGD was tested for and found to be present on the site, however there was little evidence of clinical signs.
40% of fish shown to have moderate levels of gill damage, but with a high level of visually healthly gill tissue remaining.
Remainder (30%) were significanlty affected with little healthy tissue on the gills.
Lice levels were relativily high in all stages and treatments were continuing There was little evidence of grazing on the fish's skin.
13/09 - Overall fish appeared to be in good condition, with some lesion/scale damage. Gill health was continuing to decrease at this time, with higher PGD scores. Gills were bleeding in the anaesthetic water
Sea lice - Moderate - high.
Inspection by , observed by
Physical inspection of cages could not be undertaken due to weather. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0010
DownloadMortality (recent weeks):
Wk4- 0.34%, 535
Wk3- 1.00%, 1968
Wk2-1.6%, 3992
Wk1- 1.74%, 3924
Wk52- 2.27%, 4794
Wk51-1.88%, 3594
Wk50- 3.55%, 9425
On the day of proposed inspection, inspector informed that 4 seals were in observed in pen 12. Site was due to start harvesting pen 12 on day of site inspection, however due to seal observation, pen is required to be secure prior to the commecement of harvest. Divers were called immediately and inspection of the net was conducted 2.5 hours after seals were seen in pen. Efforts were made to coax seals out of the pen via the pens, however seals did not cooperate.
The stock on site are from Barcaldine Smolt Hatchery (Stofinfiskur).
The site visit was planned following recent weeks eleveated mortality, above the reporting threshold. The main cause of mortality on site was attributed to PGD, CMS and AGD. Most recent health report highlighted that post FW treatment (which concluded 22/12/2022) gills have improved.
All nets on site are Seal Pro nets, dating back to 2017. The mesh size of these nets is 36mm x 36mm squares. The net in pen
12 was last inspected in 16/06/2021, with strength tests highlighting overall satisfaction by Morenot.
Divers arrived on site and conducted a dive survey the net of pen 12. Five holes were identified with the biggest whole being 2 x 2 mesh squares. Divers on 25/01/2023 patched the net using cable ties and net rope. Dive checks usually occur monthly.
The nets after the production cycle are then sent back to Morenot for servicing and repair. Following the service, reports are generated to determine suitability of the net in the next production cycle.
At the start of the cycle, the site operates a double net system, with a smaller inner nylon net that is removed once maximum biomass density allowed by the RSPCA welfare standards is reached. There are plans in place for the nets provider to change to Knox nets for the next production cycle – continuing to be Seal Pro nets. In addition, the double net system will be reintroduced but with a larger and more robust inner net that will not need to be removed during the production cycle. In addition, the pen design will change to have higher poles as well as custom netting that is more durable.
From the size of holes observed from the dive report it was determine that no salmon would have been able to escape, not did a seal enter via this route. The theory is that the seals were able to get in the pen by hauling themselves over the hand rail and under the top nets which were pushed back to allow the site to start harvesting. The site staff, prepare the site for harvest to allow well boat access to the pen. To ensure that seal are not able to access the pen again, bungee cord has been used to tie the skirt of the top net tighter to the pen net. Divers were also present on site on the 26/01/2023 and 27/01/2023 to check the condition of the remaining pens on site which are scheduled for harvest, with the exception of two pens. Two remaining pens will be on site till March 2023 when site fallows. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0079
DownloadSite inspected in overcast conditions with a flat sea state, visibility of the stocks was good. Fish were observed shoaling well, 2 moribunds (pens 2 and 4) and 2 runts (pen 10) were observed during the inspection. Site staff were conducting lice counts during the time of inspection, fish appeared healthy with clean gills and good body condition, lice counts were low.
1 fish was removed for VMD sampling from cage 8, the fish appeared healthy both internally and externally.
Most recent treatments were with Salmosan on 18/05/2024 and with Slice on 31/03/2024. Both were clear from their withdrawal periods on the date of inspection. The site are currently using MS-222 for anesthetization. [Original PDF]
Bight of Foraness
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0292Case Number: 2021-0228
DownloadVMD fish looked health when opened.
Remote inspection was carried out on the 27/07/21 by . Physical inspection was carried out on the 22/07/2021 by , observed by . VMD sampled by , observed by .
Site has had some issues with seal predation. No damage to equipment - seals predating on fish at side of cage, or in dead sock. The site has trialled Seal Pro nets in the past, but did not find them effective.
AGD has been found on site and freshwater treatment is scheduled to begin 02/08/2021.
Issues raised - Documentation received on the 26/08/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0322
DownloadPen 10 being particularly affected by seal predation - tensioned nets in place, but planning to put on predator nets on whole site at next freshwater treatment while fish are on the boat being treated.
Mortalities removed daily by staff and feeding response observed using cameras. Divers visit monthly for net inspections. Take daily water samples Monday to Friday to monitor for plankton. Fish are live harvested.
Stock on site from Girlsta Hatchery and Barcaldine Hatchery.
SLICE treatments for this cycle of fish in April (4-10th), May (22-28th) and July (11-17th)
One weekly mortality above reporting levels not reported at time of incident (10/1/22), but this was under previous operator.
Recorded as mortality event MRT04167 and no further action required. Not raised in fish health report as occurred under previous operator.
Operate boats out of Setterness base, but office for this site and Poseidon located further along road.
Fish feeding deep in water, but no moribunds observed. Unable to catch fish for VMD during initial inspection so returned following day. All fish sampled appeared healthy.
Mortality and sea lice records completed remotely on 21/7/23, other paperwork and inspection completed on 24/7/23. VMD sampling completed on 25/7/23. [Original PDF]
Bloody Bay
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0964Case Number: 2021-0479
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit and originated from Stofnfiskur.
Mortalities started increasing in wk33 and have remained above 1% across the site since. Samples taken by Pharmaq in
September 21 confirmed the presence of AGD, HSMI and SGPV.
Site has been destocking through harvesting. Worst affected cages have been targeted first. Harvest ongoing and site will likely be fallow by the end of the year.
Weekly lice counts have remained relatively low since input, although the site has been treated to prevent lice counts increasing. Site received thermolicer treatments in wk17, wk25, wk26 and wk28 and a hydrolicer treatment in wk30. Alphamax bath treatments were done in wk29 and wk32, but the site manager has reported that the addition of cleanerfish has significantly helped reduce and keep lice numbers low.
Combined cleanerfish mortality since input (July 21) is at 2%. Cleanerfish observed during site inspection appeared healthy - no cleanerfish moribunds or mortalities were observed across the site.
The majority of the fish on site appeared in good health and were active. 3 mortalities and 8 moribunds were observed across the site, 5 moribund fish were removed for diagnostic samples.
A boat was due to arrive on site later this evening to harvest a further cage. Site is doing live haul harvests to South Shian processing plant.
Gill swabs are being taken every 2 weeks and plankton sampling is also being conducted. Very little plankton has been observed in the water column and dissolved oxygen at the site remains steady around 9mg/L.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0146
DownloadUpon physical examination of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes, no clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection. Internally, fish sampled for VMD from pen 5 appeared
There is some mild AGD on site currently, the site plans to grade the stock towards the end of April and have scheduled a freshwater treatment.
Slice treatment scheduled for 16/17th April.
Wrasse mortality - Week 13 (0.14%, 10), Week 12 (0.22%, 15), Week 11 (0.16%. 11), Week 10 (0.09%, 0.29. 51)
Lumpfish mortality - Week 13 (0.33%, 63), Week 12 (0.58%, 100), Week 11 (0.31%, 53), Week 10 (0.29%, 51) [Original PDF]
Bow of Hascosay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0477Case Number: 2020-0349
DownloadSite inspected to collect VMD samples. Only 2 lethargic fish spotted across site. All other fish behaving normally, responding to presence and coming up for food with no clinical signs of disease noted. Fish appeared in good condition. Fish sampled for vmd looked in good condition internally as well as externally.
Site also in the process of harvesting and should be fallow early to mid November. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0420
DownloadThe fish were input growers from Wick of Belmont and input to site in April 2022. Plans to begin harvesting end of December
2022 and be fallow Jan/Feb 2023.
ROV system used to collect and check morts on site. All harvests on site conducted via deadhaul. Fish are then transported by bulk tanker to the processing plant. All movements off site are related to harvests.
During site inspection, 1 to 3 fish were seen in majority of pens that were lethargic. Upon inspection of stock during lice counts,
AGD visible and severe in some cases as well as informed that low level CMS has been observed on site. Lice levels increasing in the area due to temperature and increase in wild fish. Site plans to treat for lice and gills in October as a precautionary measure.
VMD samples taken on 13/09/2022. All sampled fish were observed to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0420
DownloadThe fish were input growers from Wick of Belmont and input to site in April 2022. Plans to begin harvesting end of December
2022 and be fallow Jan/Feb 2023.
ROV system used to collect and check morts on site. All harvests on site conducted via deadhaul. Fish are then transported by bulk tanker to the processing plant. All movements off site are related to harvests.
During site inspection, 1 to 3 fish were seen in majority of pens that were lethargic. Upon inspection of stock during lice counts,
AGD visible and severe in some cases as well as informed that low level CMS has been observed on site. Lice levels increasing in the area due to temperature and increase in wild fish. Site plans to treat for lice and gills in October as a precautionary measure.
VMD samples taken on 13/09/2022. All sampled fish were observed to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Bring Head
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1023Case Number: 2021-0476
Downloadsea lice spreadsheet average adults female; 20/9; 0.32, 27/9; 0.34, 4/10; 0.4, 18/10; 1.21
Mort disposal; Not stored shipped out twice a week. - All SSF in Orkney use ensiling facility at TwaTt, ensiled material is then transported to Shetland Pelagia increased morts get a bulker (lorry) and are taken whole to Shetland Pelagia.
Fish input in November 2020 from Toyness (Barcaldine origin). - all fish on site moved on at about 1 kg
Site morts; wk 39; 3% (reported) wk 40 0.25%, wk 41 6.85% (19660 fish peroxide treatments, low oxygen and CGD, reported), wk 42 0.48% wk 43 0.37% Breakdown of Wk 41 morts; cage1, 6.2%, 1850, cage3 8.7%, 2330, cage4 6.8% 1832 fish, cage5 18.8% 5240 fish, cage6 7.%, 2310 fish, cage10, 6.3% 1920 fish. - CGD and peroxide treatment.
Harvesting on Monday, first harvest - Live well boat- Scalloway processing plant
Peroxide treatment week 41. hydrolicer treatment start sept 2021. Slice treatments; 14-22 June, 18-26 Aug, Paramove 8th -
12th October.
Seal pro nets, Top nets, Tensioned nets- Seal predation at times of large tides [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0364
DownloadFish moved on from Toyness in march 2023 - toyness is a nursery site.
Stock origin: Knock and barcaldine (stofnfiskur and aquagen)
FW- 23/03 to 06/04, Wk 12, all pens: FW treatment at input - 0.85% 5400, mortality below threshold.
Slice Wk 19, all pens
Slice Wk 25, all pens
FW wk 27, all pens
All harvests are conducted via live haul. Optomease used instead of T.M.S before end of crop due to shorter withdrawal time.
Health surveillance: weekly gill swabs,but usually once a month health visits conducted.
08/08/2023 - gill swabs - no AGD detected. Site has also bee seeing mild bloody spotting initially thought to be due to caligus but determined that jellyfish are issue. non-synchronous fallow risk assessment available as sites in FMA do not fallow synchronously: inspected 17/08/2023
FMA- reviewed annually, but discussed every 6 months.
During site inspection, seagulls were observed landing on bird net and weighing it down. Site has highlighted that birds are an issue but all mitigation measures in place. In addition, an upside down fish was observed in pen 8, removed to inspect it and deemed that no clinical signs were observed and therefore no diagnostic sample taken.
1 fish was removed for VMD sampling and was observed to be in healthy condition. Fish on site were observed to be shoaling well and feeding well too.
In addition to the routine inspection, a statutory inspection was conducted due to confirmation of BKD at Chalmer's Hope
(FS0993) - within one tidal excursion of the inspected site. The inspection was conducted to rule out signs of clinical BKD. No fish were observed with signs of clinical BKD. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0666Case Number: 2021-0454
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 03/11/2021 by
under supervision of .
Fish waste currently being held by TWMA Shetland and is to be used to produce biofuel by SEM once fully approved and operational.
Upon inspection of stock, fish appeared health with no signs of clinical disease. Fish taken for VMD showed no visual signs of disease internally or externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0014
DownloadPaper work and site inspection conducted by .
Burrastow have had a successful cycle, very low mortality has occurred onsite since input. There are currently 4 cages stocked and the site plans to fallow the site by July of this year.
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish appeared healthy and were observed responding positively to routine feeding regimes and shoaling well. No clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection.
The site has recently had a spike in sea lice, sea lice counts were last taken on 03/02/2023 and an average of 4.35 AF was recorded for the site. The site are planning to conduct a hydrolicer treatment as soon as possible. This will be the first sea lice intervention treatment this cycle, prior to this spike the site have had good success keeping sea lice at low levels by employing sea lice skirts at each cage. No physical damage, typical of a high burden of sea lice infestation was observed on the date of inspection. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0252Case Number: 2022-0478
Download2021 Sal mortalities wk 16 5197 (1.36%) CMS, wk 14 7160 (1.34%) CMS, wk 13 6911 (1.27%) CMS , wk 09 5094 hydrolicer and 2454 CMS (1.30%)
2020 Sal mortalities wk 52 2500 fw treatment, 4840 hydrolicer (1.36%)
2022 lumpfish mortalities wk 44 2498 (2.49%) mainly without diagnosis.
2021 lumpfish mortalities wk 05 2057 (2.33%) handling, wk 04 3830 (4.14%) handling and treatment.
2020 lumpfish mortalities wk 52 4526 (4.54%) handling , wk 51 2365 (2.32%) handling, wk 42 2179 (5.80%) handling, wk 31
1322 (5.13%) post transfer, wk 30 1069 (3.99%) post transfer
2021 wrasse mortalities, wk 01 295 (4.52%) handling
2020 wrasse mortalities, wk 42 3614 (30.82%) atypical frunc and handling , wk 41 1952 (14.27%) atypical frunc and handling
5 x 160m circles now on site. All fish input from the Scalpay site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0207
Download2022 peaks in salmon mortality, wk 44 6598 (1.42%) mainly transfer losses but some AGD recorded.
2023 peaks in salmon mortality, wk 1 4922 (1.12%) mainly AGD some runts, wk 2 5330 (1.22%) mainly AGD some runts, wk 3
6370 (1.48%) AGD and post hydrolicer, wk 4 4451 (1.05%) mainly post FW treatments losses and also AGD. Site fallow end of wk 9.
2022 peaks in lumpfish mortalities, wk 45 5980 (6.11%) recorded as without diagnosis.
2023 peaks in lumpfish mortalities, wk 2 5716 (4.92%), wk 3 6306 (5.70%) attributed to AGD.
No peaks in wrasse mortalities for period checked.
Some ensiled waste went to Duranta Tees side Ltd some to Whiteshore Cockles
Yersinia ruckeri identified post transfer following FW treatment.
Site was stocked with fish from WRS Corry site (SW to SW transfer), satisfactory risk assessment was available for inspection.
Fish were transferred off to Muck last cycle (SW to SW transfer), satisfactory risk assessment was available.
2023 Q4 stocked into Moal bhan, Cairidh, Sconser Quarry, the site in Scalpay is stocked with 2024 Q2. The area will not be fallowed on a single year class area this cycle but will in the next cycle.
Lumpfish rocket trailed onsite, a rocket shaped hide that can be used in the pens to allow the extraction of lump fish from the crowd prior to treatments.
Only three pens in situ at the time of inspection but the site has permission for five.
No lump fish recorded as being stocked but >20 MVG were noted in pen 16. These must have been transferred in with the stock from Corry, manager is to check with source site. [Original PDF]
Cairndow Hatchery
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0323Case Number: 2020-0007
DownloadFish on site will be 2020 S0 -Put to sea in October. They will be held onsite until about 10-15g then transferred to Loch
Garasdale and Furnace,
Current stock imported as ova from Stofnfiskur.
Mortalities are ensiled on site and collected by Hasco about once a year. Transported by tanker to Energen biogas plant,
Deerdykes wk 13/1/20 Issue with spate and matting caused mortality increase due to suffocation in C section; 16,000 morts on Sat
18/1/20 and 65,591 on Friday 17/1/20. Morts now back to normal.
Last cycle some fish held until S1. Not planning to do that this year due to water shortage in the summer.
High morts in spring 2019, poor water quality resulting in morts attributed to fungus and lesion only in C section. - 27/5/19 approx. 70.000 lost at 0.25g in C section. 10/6/19 peak; about 153356 morts for C section in week. Wt 0.4g
Site thermometers used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0554
DownloadEggs going into 18 tanks today. Eggs arrived from Iceland last night and being laid down today.
Morts ensiled - waste removed by Hazco to either Energen Biogas or Scottish Water Deerdykes anaerobic digestion plants.
Import of eggs from Iceland - certificate checked - ICE GJ 36/21 - dated 26/11/2021 - arrived 01/12/2021.
Also checked ICE GJ 09/21, ICE GJ 02/21 (departed 12/01/21 signed on 07/01), ICE GJ 34/20, ICE GJ 14/20.
All original certificates available on site.
Increased mortality in one tank in March 2021 due to water issues - 4.89% of the batch (roughly half a tank) but site percentage for week below reporting threshold (2.45%). A couple of other slight peaks in mortality due to failed hatch.
Aquacen and Cress used - no withdrawal recorded- both should be 500 degree days. Issue raised but no further action required as template updated during visit. All other required information recorded in treatment record.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity measures on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0063
DownloadUnreported mortality 2022/wk21 5g to smolting 2.03% (27,952); first feed to 5g - 0,72%; whole site 1.4% stock split: for 2023/wk06 whole site 2.02% (64,286) of which 55,000 failed ova.
Ensiled wasted collected by Denam environmental.
Water temperature: UnitB = 9.5C, Unit C = 9.4C, Unit E = 3.6C
Smolts: Some fin damage was evident in some tanks, some tanks this seemed to be more the pectoral find in other tanks this seemed to be more the dorsal fin. Water very clear and otherwise fish appeared to be in good condition. Fish sampled for
VMD appeared healthy.
Fry: These appeared to be in good condition. Aquagen (from Quoys) and Stofnfiskur stock on site. Aquagen stock seemed to be moving through the water column more freely, whereas Stofnfiskur stock appeared to congregate at the bottom of the
Alevins: Appear to be in good condition. The way these are hatched in small tanks, rather than comp hatch tray makes removal of dead eggs more difficult. Dead egg with fungus were observed in a few tanks. These don't appear to cause any issues and will be removed once fish are moved. Site generally very little fungus problems.
Surveillance Frequency assessment amended 16/10/23: Compliance with CoGP/Regulator changed from Yes to No, adding 3 points. Changing the surveillance frequency from Medium to High. EC report reissued with amended surveillance frequency. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0011
DownloadTemperatures across three different units ambient E unit 6.3, C unit 11.5, F unit 7.1
Ova mort S0 2024 (Batch 1) 100,000 from the 21/12/2023 to 6/2/2024 mainly fungus/unhatched etc. (5.84%)
Ova morts S1 2025 (Batch 2) 5/1/2024 to 6/2/2024 47892 (3.84%) unviable eggs
2024 S1 mort from 6/1/2024 to 6/2/2024: 12633 (3.84%) fungus.
Elevated mortalities w/b 8/5/2023 parr batch 1 9065 (0.92%), fry batch 1 9215 (0.93%) both IPN in these batches.
W/b 19/6/2023 batch 2 7087 (1.39 %) low water levels, high temps followed by heavy rain. 26/6/2023 Batch 2 (2023) 18580
(3.71%) water chemistry issues following high rain (disease testing carried out no issues noted). 3/7/2023 Batch 2 2023 16252
(3.37%) continuation of water chemistry issue. 12/9/2023 batch 2 5605 (1.96%) Furunc identified coupled with spates touch of fungus also. 25/9/2023 batch 2 8458 (3.11%) furunc spate conditions and fungus.
W/b 9/10/2023 Batch 4 2024's 5739 (1.67%) landslides resulting in large amount of clay mud accumulating in the tanks.w/b
18/12/2023 batch 4 6915 (1.99%) spate fungus, w/b 7918 (2.33%) fungus, w/b 1/1/20234 (4346 (1.31%) fungus
October 2023 massive landslides resulted in deluge of clay/mud building up in the tanks blocking screens, influent filters and outflows, tanks did overflow due to backup. No escapes possible due to filters in place.
Some fungus observed.
Medicines records were inspected but no VMD samples were taken.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols. [Original PDF]
Calva Bay (Calbha Beag)
Loch Duart Ltd FS0068Case Number: 2021-0168
DownloadRemote inspection done on the 28/05/21 by , supervised by . Physical inspection done on 02/06/2021 by supervised by .
Mortality event wk 34 2019 to wk 8 2020 - reported - gill health issues
2020 wk 10 - 665 fish (1.04%) wk 17 490 fish (1.06%) - not reported at the time, report received 28/05/2021
Freshwater treatments 28 - 30 April and 1 - 7 May 2021 for AGD
Paramove 50 treatments in Nov and Dec 2020 for AGD
No issues on site. Fish looked healthy when sampled for by for VMD (observed by ). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0007
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 25/01/2024 by , observing. Physical inspection lead by on 07/02/2024, observed by .
Primary cause for mortality is predation
Apr, Jun, Aug 2023: freshwater treatments. Jan 2023 and Mar 2023: Paramove 50 treatments. Both treatments used to combat gill health issues. All cages treated within the same week. Area treated synchronously.
Mostly wild origin wrasse on site caught off coast of Skye, Sutherland and Cornwall. Some WRS from Otter Ferry
Optomease used to anaesthetize closer to harvest time.
ADDs on site licensed by NatureScot as they company hold a research license. The license allows the company to use an
ADD to deter cetaceans in exchange for information.
In the process of replacing all nylon nets with anti-predator nets. At the time of the inspection two cages had already had the anti-predator nets installed, the others will be installed in due course.
Approx 6 fish observed with signs of predator attack.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically healthy and no signs of disease internally.
Hides for wrasse in place.
Calibrated site thermometer used to take temperature. Due to sub-zero temperature, temperature was not displayed on inspectors field thermometer. FHI 045 Thermometer fail sheet completed. [Original PDF]
Camas Glas
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0413Case Number: 2021-0270
DownloadCleanerfish Previous peak mortalities:
LUM- 2020: wk16, 3251, decomp and wounds; wk17, 4114, decomp, wounds, culled (1648); wk18, 2235,decomp, wounds, culled (756); wk19, 1493,decomp, wounds, culled (400). Dropping after wk17.
SAL previous peak mortalities:
2019 wk 40, 2.94%; wk41, 9.54%; wk42, 4.90%; wk43, 2.73%; wk44, 2.41% (post treatment morts)
Recent mortality:
LUM mortality: 2021 wk27, 197, decomp and wounds; wk28, 1277, decomp and wounds
SAL mortality: 2021 wk27, 2301, 0.34%; wk28, 2088, 0.52%;wk29, 2519, 0.38%, physical damage; wk30, 2849, 0.43%
WRS mortality: 2021 wk27, 53, wounds and fin damage; wk28, 85, wounds and fin damage; wk29- 814, mostly lumpfish
Sea lice- wk9 2020 , not reported over threshold
Concussion main cause of physical damage, looking to install bird poles to mitigate further damage.
Site uses environets, these seem to work well on the circle pens. A couple of pens had some warping of the handrail, this was reported to be due to completing swim-throughs when the temperatures were high, the plastic becomes slightly more maleable and when the weight of the wet net is supported on the handrail some warping occured. A trial of dyneema environets is ongoing with one pen fitted, the net is significantly lighter reducing strain on the pen structure.
The water was very clear allowing a good inspection of the stocks. Wrasse and lumpfish all appeared in good health. The salmon appeared very jumpy however no issues with lice are reported and the fish sampled had zero lice burden. Due to the issues with concussion the 'hamster' wheels are being replaced with bird poles.
Remote inspection conducted on the 29/07/2021 by and observed by . Site inspection conducted by on
05/08/2021. VMD sampling conducted by and observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0541
DownloadThe site was inspected following repeated reports of increased mortalities.
Slightly elevated background mortalities through the production cycle. Elevated mortalities recorded post bath treatments.
Mortalities above the reporting threshold have been recorded and reported to the FHI as required.
Mortalities above reporting threshold since last inspection Wk 38 1.27% 8142, wk 39 4.44% 27987, wk 41 1.36% 8146, wk 42
5.83% 34396, wk 45 1.13% 6232, wk 46 8.16% 44328.
Mortalities for the last four weeks: 55330 10.2%. Mainly attributed to AGD loses and physical damage post treatment. Seals have also been attributing to losses, this is most likely exacerbated due to moribund/lethargic fish, most recent week (47 total morts 1961/site 0.39%)
It is reported that the fish have been problematic since input with mortalities being recorded after crowding events. There was no issues with treatments but mortalities occurring post treatment.
On inspection of the site no moribund/lethargic fish were observed , visibility was reasonable so observations of stocks was good.
Extensive testing has been carried out by the company, gill health issues have been identified including Paranucleospora theridion, Branchiomonas cysticola, Gill poxvirus. Tenbaculum maritum was identified in samples taken from gill and kidney. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0058
DownloadSite currently holding approx. 300,000 fish for another site. These fish will be moved off in March/April and the remaining 6 pens will be split down to stock all 12 cages.
Yersinia ruckeri - antibiotics treatments just finished. Manager thinks this was brought about by stress of freshwater treatment
29th-31st December. Health surveillance Pharmaq report on 08/02/2023.
Antibiotic treatment was on the 9th February - Flofenicol In feed for 10 days. 500 degree day withdrawal period. Pens 1, 3, 5,
7, 9, 11. Morts have decreased but still remains an issue. Cage 7 was the worst due to freshwater issues when treating. Pen 2 and 6 haven't been treated. Product name - veterin 80.
ERM, RTFS, pasturella, furunculosis, IPN, - all fish on site vaccinated for.
SLICE 20th December - 27th December. Whole site treated. Recorded as 500 degree day withdrawal.
Peroxide bath treatment scheduled for next week for gill issues.
Ensiling system is new for this cycle - no movement off yet but will use Billy Bowie.
All lumpfish from Ocean matters. 22-27g Came in 13/10/22 and 12/01/2023.
Brand new seal pro nets this year with seal blinds.
Sealice treatment last cycle were Salmosan, SLICE, thermolicer, hydrolicer.
Paperwork inspected by , supervised by . VMD sampled by . Diagnostic F1,4 and 5 by , F2 and 3 by .
On inspection of pens approximately 10-20 moribund fish with popeye were observed in all pens except 2 and 6. Pen 7 had approximately 30 moribund fish observed.
Lumpfish mortality: Wk 4 - 1.51% (1421), Wk 5 - 2.71% (2506), Wk 6 - 3.07% (2630) and Wk 7 - 2.24% (1859) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0424
DownloadInspection taking place following several mortality notifications since mid-July being over the reporting criteria. First mortality event reported for wk 28 at 1.01% (10.597 fish) and peaked at wk 33 at 5.24% (49,691 fish).
Recently mortality has reportedly been falling since wk 33. The mortality notification for wk 34 was down to 3.69% (33,209 fish).
Mortality has been attributed to multifactorial causes as PD, SAV, AGD, PGD, Pasturella skyensis and Rickettsia have all been identified on site. Caligus levels are reported to be rising at wk 30. Rickettsia being treated with florfenicol and is reported to be effective. A freshwater treatment has been carried out on 28/05 - 09/06 to deal with AGD and caligus. Another freshwater treatment was due to take place on the week of the inspection but has been postponed to reduce potential for physical damage following a successful antibiotic treatment
Pasteurella skyensis test positive from 07/08/2023. Fish vaccinated against this.
Antibiotics (florfenicol in-feed) used on site, finished on 22/08/2023 after a week long treatment.
Cage 2 mortality highest this summer (from Loch Ness). Loch Ness fish went to cages 2 and 6. Mortality in cage 6 is in line with other cages
Fish reportedly feeding well on week of inspection. Feeding has increased substantially since antibiotic treatment
At least one of the biologist team on site each week.
Fish from Loch Lochy and Loch Ness (both hatched in Loch Ailort)
Cages are 100m plastic circles
Background mortality is dealt with by ensiling. Due to increased mortality skips are being used currently. Two companies are used to dispose of increased mortality. One (J.A. MacDonald) takes mortality to Whiteshore Cockles and Dundas and the other (Billy Bowie) disposes of fish at Barkip and Dundas.
Peroxide treatment ended early on 11/08/23 as fish in cage 2 did not respond well to treatment and mortality increased. Water temperature at the time was about 15 degrees C.
Thermolicer treatment from 19/06 - 22/06 and 10/07 - 13/07 to deal with lice levels
Peroxide used on 17/7/23 and 11/07/23 both to treat for AGD
Alphamax treatment from 27/07 - 30/07 and 30/08/23 - 06/09/23 to treat rising Caligus levels
All lice treatments are reported to be successful.
Feed supply issues (caused by excessive heat where the feed was stored at the feed mill) meant that the fish ate less feed than planned for the 8 weeks before the inspection.
Farmed and wild wrasse on site. [Original PDF]
Caolas A Deas
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1291Case Number: 2021-0309
DownloadMortality last 4 weeks:
WRS 2021: wk 35, 601; wk34, 788; wk33, 114, wk32 no entry
LUM 2021: wk35, 66; wk34, 235; wk33, 785; wk32, 1670.
Increased Mortality in Cleanerfish:
LUM 2021: wk8, 6447 (freshwater); wk22, 8321; wk23, 7228; wk29, 5690; wk30, 11621 (extended freshwater) ;wk31, 10030
(extended freshwater)
Causes of mortality: sealice treatment (freshwater ), tenacibaculum
SAL: Pen 8- still experiencing pressure of yersiniosis, morts are reducing. Entire site still continuing Florfenicol treatment.
It has been accepted by industry that freshwater treatments will lead to elevated lumpfish mortalities. No alternative solution was given. Site manager said that it is difficult to dewater lumpfish as a result of size and shape. Staff try to remove fish as much as possible with hand nets. Increased handling may also contribute to mortalities.
Elevated lice on site: scheduled hydrolicer treatment.
Site inspection conducted on 15/09/2021 by and shadowed by .
VMD samples taken on 15/09/2021 by , observed by .
Remote paperwork conducted by , supervised by on 23/09/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0166
DownloadInformed by operators of presence of BKD, site visit arranged and IDN placed [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0173
DownloadFish input from Trilleachan Mor on 09/04/2024 (wk15). Site fallowed out previous crop on 04/04/2024. Risk assessment inspected 06/06/2024.
Stock Origin: pen 5, Lochailort, Fanad; rest of the pens, Inchmore, Aquagen
Harvests deadhaul and livehaul- to Blar Mhor.
Statutory inspection conducted following report from the business that clinical signs of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) have been observed on 23/05/2024. The detailed sampling of fish by the business commenced on site following the observation of clinical signs at Seaforth (FS1042) and subsequent CDN placement. The stock origin of fish currently at Caolas a deas is noted as Trilleachan Mor (FS1118). Fish previously transferred to Trilleachan Mor originated from Seaforth (same batch of fish).
During the site inspection, all stocked pens were inspected and 5-10 lethargic fish were observed in the majority of the pens.
The majority of these fish were found to be deformed. From the ten fish that were removed, 4 were sampled following the observation of clinical sign relating on BKD.
The 4 fish sampled showed signs of swollen, grey, granular kidney, bloody ascites, swollen spleen with granules and yellow pseudofaeces.
Pen 5 on site was noted as the pen with increased mortality compared to the rest of the site; this is also the pen that originally during routine health surveillance from the business, clinical signs of BKD were observed.
On the day of inspection, pen 1 was receiving a passive grade/targeted harvest - permission to move dead fish off site was given by FHI on 27/05/2024.
Health team visit every 3 weeks.
A few wrasse were observed on site during site inspection. No records relating to cleanerfish because site did not think that there were cleanerfish on site. Site mentioned that cleanerfish may have been transferred from Trilleachan Mhor - ~5% remaining on site. [Original PDF]
Carnassarie Hatchery
Kames Fish Farming Ltd FS0757Case Number: 2021-0473
DownloadSite only recently reactivated and stocked in the middle of October. Site had previously not been used for several years and further clean up work is still on-going to improve facilities. Only a small number of tanks is in use currently. Broodstock kept on site to establish own egg production. Site is equipped to strip fish. Green eggs and milt will then be transferred to a hatchery in
North Yorkshire.
No treatments conducted and no medicines currently stored on site. [Original PDF]
Carness Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0390Case Number: 2020-0514
DownloadSite records checked up until 20/11/2020 b on 20/11/2020
Site inspection and VMD sampling by on 25/11/20, movement records collected 24/11/20.
Visibility excellent on site at time of inspection, 1 dead fish observed on bottom of net. Site currently harvest and likely to be fallow before Christmas, fish showed good feeding response and appeared healthy. Fish sampled for VMD were in very good condition, only chemical treatment required this cycle of fish (transferred in Feb 2020, from nursery site) has been hydrogen peroxide for slight AGD, this hasn't caused issues so far this year. No issues reported or observed on site at time of inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0167
DownloadIDN placed on site as it is located within 1 tidal excursion of site confirmed with clinical BKD - Meil Bay CDN2024002.
Site visit arranged. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0170
DownloadSite inspection conducted due to IDN for BKD.
Sal peaks in mortality 2023 wk 43 2970 (1.21%)predation/other, wk 44 2846 (1.17%) predation/other
Sal peaks in 2024 wk 03 1975 (0.91%)predation/other, wk 4 1823 (0.85%)predation/other, wk 6 20012 (0.95%)predation/other, wk 7 1805 (0.86%)predation/other, wk 9 2014 (0.97%)predation/other.
Only salmon held on site.
No recent disease problems reported.
No movements on or off site since the last inspection.
No clinical signs of disease observed. [Original PDF]
Chalmers Hope
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0993Case Number: 2020-0512
DownloadSite records checked up until 20/11/2020 by on 20/11/2020
Site inspection and collection of movement records 24/11/20 -
Fish displayed good shoaling behaviour, they were deeper in the water, but visibility was excellent at time of inspection. No dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and in very good condition. MA never fully fallow, operator only stocks S0 inputs within MA.
Planning to expand site, moving from 12 x 90m circles to 12 x 120m circles, also plan to move the site further from shore.
No issues reported or observed on site at time of inspection
Site completed a FW treatment three weeks ago, slight AGD, but not causing any issues, FW was reported to be successful at reducing AGD levels. Treatment was conducted using the new Migdale wellboat, this removes the reliance on having a reservoir of FW as the wellboat can produce it's own. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0038
DownloadFish came on from Lyrawa Bay (FS0054) and after slightly elevated mortality following transfer, the fish are reported to have performed very well on the site with low mortality levels since. AGD scores have also been very low.
Site has only used Tricaine for sealice counts since input. Site manager shared his observation that leps are becoming more prevalent in the water so a hydrolicer treatment has been scheduled for next month (March), alongside harvesting the site which is currently ongoing.
All harvests are deadhaul.
Majority of population appeared healthy and in good condition. A few individuals were noted across the site that displayed physical damage as a result from a hydrolicer treatment that was conducted at the end of 2021.
No moribund fish or mortalities were observed in any of the cages.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0359
DownloadIDN placed . Phonecall from business informing us of suspicion of the presence of BKD. FHI to visit 16/8/23. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0360
DownloadSalmon were moved from Fara West (FS1017) to Chalmers in Wk30. Mortality data is from input.
Salmon originated from Ardtaraig Hatchery (FS0648) and Yetts O' Muckart (FS0371) (mix of Stofinfisker and Aquagen). Yetts fish have been feeding and performing well. Few moribunds observed in the cages stocked with fish from Yetts (1-6). Cages stocked with fish from Ardtaraig (7-12) had high numbers of moribunds that were dark in colour, most exhibiting exopthalmia and some physical damage to flanks with visible haemorrhaging along the throat and ventrum. Fish were removed from these cages for diagnostic sampling.
Mortality events above reporting threshold:
Wks 48, 49, 51 and 52 2022 - all events attributed to poor gill health on site combined with environmental insult.
Wk4 2023 - also attributed to poor gill health and environmental insult.
Wks48 and 49 mortality events were not reported as required. Mortality notifications for these weeks were submitted retrospectively, NFA.
Last crop had a hydrolicer treatment in March/April 2022, followed by a thermolicer treatment in April 22. Current crop have only had a Salmosan treatment in July following transfer from Fara West and Tricaine for sea lice counts and sampling.
Last crop were dead haul, harvested out by 21st June 23. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0119
DownloadFish came on from Fara West (FS1017). SW to SW RA available for inspection. Fish originated from Yetts O' Muckart
(FS0371) and Ardtaraig (FS0648). Site was diagnosed with BKD in August 2023 and CDN is currently in place on site
(CDN2023001). Mortalities have been low since the last inspection.
Site is currently deadhaul harvesting to Stromness before fish are taken to Kirkwall for processing. All fish waste from the site is taken by bulker to Dundas Chemicals for further processing.
Salmosan was completed in Dec 23 and a hydrolicer was on site at the beginning of April 24. No other treatments (medicinal or mechanical) have been done since the last inspection (with the exception of anaesthetic for lice counts).
The CoGP FMA is not fallowed synchronously and a RA for this was available for inspection.
There were several moribunds observed in almost all of the cages on site during the inspection, exhibiting dark bodies and exophthalmia. The moribund fish that were observed had a higher than average lice load but the lice load on the general population reflected records. The site currently has a CDN for BKD. Some also had physical damage to the flank and head which was attributed to the recent hydrolicer treatment in the 2nd week of April 24. The general population of fish that were sitting deeper in the water were difficult to observe but appeared healthy externally and were actively shoaling in the cages.
The fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically health externally and internally and had good body condition. 1 moribund was removed and opened for internal examination. No gross pathology was observed so no diagnostic samples were taken on this occasion.
The site is currently harvesting 3 days a week and is expected to be fallow in the coming weeks. No live movements of fish have taken place since the last inspection so no records collected.
Paperwork was inspected remotely on 02/05/24 by . Site inspection was completed by , shadowed by . VMD fish was sampled by under the supervision of .
Sites holding susceptible and/or vector species covered by movement restrictions are automatically scored as high frequency, irrespective of the surveillance frequency score.
Non-reported sealice counts received 14/06/24. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0252
DownloadSite fallow since 25/06/2024. Disinfection completed 30/07/2024.
Most equipment still out of the water.
Cages were lifted out of the water by crane, then scraped with garden hoe and power washed to remove all organic material then disinfected with Virkon Aquatic. Nets currently at Morenot Aquaculture (Shetland) for cleaning and disinfection (already completed, paperwork available). Cages inspected as clean.
All feed pipes have been removed and will be replaced.
All boats and feed barge have been power washed and disinfected.
Cameras and feed spinners removed, cleaned and disinfected.
Mooring cans cleaned and disinfected.
Disinfection records inspected as satisfactory.
Confirmed Designation Notice for BKD (CDN2023001) to be revoked. [Original PDF]
Clachan Hatchery
Hebridean Smolts Ltd FS0398Case Number: 2021-0371
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by , supervised by on 29/09/21.
The stock comes from October 2020 Stofnfiskur (Benchmark, Iceland) eggs, arrived in Mingarry hatchery (FS0145).
380,000 2021 S1 smolts were transferred to Tarbert South (The Scottish Salmon Company) in September 2021. 20,000 smolts were found dead upon the arrival of the wellboat. The suspected cause of death points to smoltification issues, even though the pre-transfer chloride tests proved that the fish were ready to go to sea.
100,000 fish remain on site split between two tanks. These fish will be transferred as 2021 S0 to Scotasay (TSSC) on the 19th of October 2021.
The site will then be stocked with the fish currently held at Loch A'Clachan (FS0627) after a 2-3 week fallow period.
The salmon were dipped at 1g, 5g, and 10g against ERM and injected at 50g with Alphaject 2:2 and PD vaccine.
The fish were then treated with formalin to prevent infections post vaccination.
An ERM outbreak during the summer was treated with a round of Florocol and a successive round of Aquatet.
Site inspection done on 05/10/21 by , observed by . VMD samples collected by .
No issues on site and all fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0467
DownloadMIX inspection paper work and site inspection conducted by , observed by .
The site last conducted feed mixing in August 2021 for a 10 day Aquatet treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0467
DownloadMIX inspection paper work and site inspection conducted by , observed by .
The site last conducted feed mixing in August 2021 for a 10 day Aquatet treatment. [Original PDF]
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0892Case Number: 2020-0009
DownloadMorts are frozen on site and regularly taken to Ormsary for incineration
All fish going out as S1 starting wk15 - Loch Duart and Organic Sea Harvest small amount of fish with fungus observed on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0061
DownloadVet reports seen dated: 21/06/2021 (no significant findings, suspect issues with Sarolegnia & transfer stress); 15/09/2021 (no significant findings, some mild gill issues); 17/09/21 (no health issues observed - ok for SW transfer); 24/08/22 (2 fish sampled, some gill damage but not significant); 25/8/22 ( fish in good condition, recovered from fungus, no Saprolegnia observed)
Only outside tanks are in use. One floating mortality observed in one tank. No moribund or lethargic fish observed.
3 mortality event reports updated on return to lab. Slight difference in percentage for 2 and the third had the wrong site name entered.
updated 27/04/23 - clarification of difference between submitted mortality reports and the figures provided during the inspection was received. The original figures were correct, errors had been made when producing the report for the inspection.
Mortality event spreadsheet updated further. One additional week had not been reported at the time - this was also added. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0237
DownloadFHI was notified in wk 29 that site was experiencing increased mortalities in recently vaccinated stock. 8 tanks were vaccinated and graded into outdoor tanks on 10th July, with mortalities first observed on the evening of the 14th July. Fish were presenting with bloodshot eyes and reddened vents, both observed by husbandry staff and internal & external vets.
Stock origin: Stofinfiskur (organic)
Indoor tanks (3/12) are stocked with fish at 30g, 15883, unvaccinated
Outdoor tanks (8/9) are stocked with fish at 40g, 176538, vaccinated (planned move out of facility in Wk35)
Fish moved from Ormsary at 10g to Clachbreac in Wk 20 2023.
Mortality since input to site in Wk 20, up until Wk28 very low.
Site uses flow through system. Water quality monitoring indicated that all parameters were within acceptable limits (DO,
Vaccine used: Microjet 6 and PD1 in combination
Vaccination audit indicated the depth of needle penetration was satisfactory, however blood was observed at entry point of needle.
From the vaccination record, calibration comments described depth and site of vaccination and indicated no issues.
Mortalities have been observed to have severly eroded fins and fungus.
Treatment records indicate that formalin was last used 25/7/2023 to flush fish for fungus signs following vaccination (post vaccination plan). Formalin administered in all stocked vaccinated tanks.
Vaccinated fish are due to go to sea in 4 weeks time. Internal and external health checks will be conducted prior to output. Fish vet checks only occur at site when necessary/issues arise with health of fish.
Fish health reports seen following histology and bacteriology samples taken on 17/07/2023. No positive samples found and
Saprolegnia suggested as primary cause for fish sampled in tanks B1 and B7.
Two moribund fish with severe loss of equilibirum were observed in tanks B4 and B7 respectively and removed for diagnostic sampling.
No other moribund fish observed during site inspection.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0140
DownloadUsually freeze mortality at the end of each day, then at the end of each week the morts are taken to incinerator at Ormsary
HQ. As disease has been identified on site the fish are now emptied into a lined mortality bucket, then taken to the incinerator daily at Ormsary HQ.
Two weeks after input mortality was very low at 0-5 fish per tank per day. Mortality began to increase in wk 19, identified cause; fungus. Morts increased further in wk 20 with furuncles observed by the site contact and 3rd party vet.
Mortality began to increase in tanks B1 and B6 first. Then mortality also began to increase in tank B7 days later. Mortality in other tanks has been considerably lower at 3-17 per tank per day on the week of the inspection.
Input from Inchmore on 16/04/2024
Fish currently on a diet including florfenicol (florocol). The 10 day treatment ends 24/05/2024
Fish vaccinated with Micro 6 (furunculosis, vibrio, IPN, mortitella protection), PD1, new Mowi P.skyensis vaccine on
01/04/2024 at Inchmore.
Vet report from 13/05/24 observed moribund fish in every tank. On day of FHI inspection just 2 moribund fish were observed. 3 fish taken for analysis by 3rd party vet, all samples tested positive for Aeromonas salmonicida (furunculosis)
The plan is to move fish off the site on Sunday 26/05/2024 [Original PDF]
Clashnessie Bay
Loch Duart Ltd FS0933Case Number: 2023-0046
DownloadSalmon came on from Duartmore and Loch Na Thulle in April 22.
An input of wild caught wrasse was received over several inputs between June and September 22. Total input was 17,700.
Only medicinal treatments conducted were SLICE in June and August and Paramove in September, October and November.
All other treatments have been FW. Site reported a good clearance of lice following treatments.
Potential broodstock are moved off site to Outer Bay (Loch Droighniche) (FS0671) towards the end of the year.
Mortality above reporting threshold:
Wk51 2022: 11,123 (2.69%)
Wk50 2022: 14,754 (3.46%)
WK48 2022: 17,966 (4.01%)
Wk47 2022: 6,306 (1.39%)
WK46 2022: 8,813 (1.9%)
WK44 2022: 20,025 (4.12%)
Wk43 2022: 7,838 (1.59%)
Wk42 2022: 5,667 (1.14%)
Wk40 2021: 387 (4.77%)
Wk39:4,604 (10.18%)
Wk38: 7,716 (10.98%)
WK37: 11,133 (10.23%)
WK36: 16,036 (12.02%)
Wk35: 14,452 (9.24%)
WK34: 4,735 (2.63%)
WK33: 3,936 (1.79%)
WK32: 3,249 (1.36%)
WK31: 2,958 (1.22%)
Mortalities during both cycles were attributed to PD and AGD on site, exacerbated by harvesting.
The general population of fish on site appeared in good physical health. The fish in cages 2 and 15 are targeted by the local seal population and physical damage was evident on these fish. A seal was observed in cage 15 during the inspection. Divers arrived on site while inspector was present. No hole was discovered in the net at the time of inspection. An enhanced containment inspection was completed while on site.
The fish in cage 4 also had some physical damage observed, however this was instead attributed to a recent FW treatment, rather than seal damage.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good physical health on examination. [Original PDF]
Cliff Site
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1095Case Number: 2022-0523
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
1 VMD sample collected and sampled by .
Visibility was very poor during the time of inspection, fish were observed responding well to routine feeding operations. Some fish were clearly observed when caught in a hand net for removal for VMD sampling and appeared healthy. Mortality onsite has been very low since the date of input.
Some Blue Green algae was observed on the waters surface within an empty pen and a small amount in Pen 3. Historically the Loch has been heavily affected by blooms of blue green algae however the fish have never suffered any health issues as a result. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0088Case Number: 2021-0444
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 03/11/2021 by
under supervision of .
Fish waste currently being held by TWMA Shetland and is to be used to produce biofuel by SEM once fully approved and operational.
Upon inspection of the stock, fish were showing no signs of clinical disease. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy with no visual signs of disease internally or externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0015
DownloadPaperwork and site inspection conducted by
On the date of inspection the site was stocked with 11 cages. The site is now on the harvest plan, one cage has already been harvested and two other cages are on starve with plans to harvest this week.
Cloudin have had a successful cycle and have incurred an approximate mortality of 5% since input. Upon physical examination of the stock, fish were observed responding well to routine feeding regimes and were shoaling well. There was 1 fish in cage 2,
2 fish in cage 5 and 3 fish in cage 6 that were observed with severe damage to the tail. Only one fish from cage 5 was able to be removed for closer examination and diagnostic samples were taken from this fish. This was the first fish with this condition witnessed by the site manager who claimed to have not seen a fish with this condition in the history of the site. Other than described above, no other clinical signs of disease were observed on site.
Cloudin has seen a spike in sea lice levels recently. The most recent sea lice count was taken on 03/02/2023 and accounted for an average of 4.02 AF. The site are planning to conduct a hydrolicer treatment as soon as possible. This will be the first intervention treatment for sea lice this cycle. Each pen is fitted with lice skirts and have historically worked very well at this site.
Sea lice figures for the cycle have remained very low up until week 4 2023. There was no physical sea lice damage observed on site during the physical inspection of the stock.
18 VMD samples were taken from two fish, cages 1 and 5. No internal clinical signs of disease were observed. [Original PDF]
Cole Deep
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0489Case Number: 2021-0269
Download1 dead observed near middle of cage 9, not fresh dead. No issues reported on site, sea lice numbers very low. There had been an increase of caligus at neighbouring sites, but numbers still low at Cole Deep.
1 fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy, with very few lice observed, no adult female Leps.
Very calm weather and good visibility. Fish were deeper in the water column, but cages being fed showed a good feed response. All feeding at GSS sites is now conducted remotely from a central 'control' room at the main office in Lerwick.
All harvests for site are planned to be dead haul. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0223
DownloadFish visually inspected on site appeared healthy with only 2 lethargic fish observed across the whole site. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no gross pathology when examined.
Mortality records showed mortality levels were at 1.63% & 1.51% for pens 9 & 7 over week 44 2023. This was attributed to failed smolts/ post transfer but overall site mortality level remained below reporting level. Whole site mortality reach 1.6% week
47 2023 (21/11 - 27/11), again attributed to transfer of stock and physical damage. This was reported to the FHI. [Original PDF]
Collafirth 3
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0999Case Number: 2020-0077
DownloadSite fallow and has been since the last inspection on 26/07/2017. No mortality records to check. Site not being planned to hold fish again but is planned on being used as a location to hold equipment. To be made inactive. Still 2 pens on site but no nets. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0455
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 26/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 02/11/2021 by
under observation by .
Water temperature taken from site thermometer as there had been a delay with delivery of package to Shetland office, which contained inspectors thermometer.
Fish observed on site showing no signs of clinical disease in all but 2 pens. Fish in pens 7 & 9 showing to have lesions to the flanks and head in small numbers but were still shoaling with the rest of the population. Fish were remaining deep in the water column but were coming up for feed. Cameras checked to rule out abnormal behaviour of the population. Fish diagnosed with
AGD by vet, gill scores of 1 & 2 observed. Fish currently being treated with salmosan and H2O2. Treatment taking prolonged time due to only having permission to treat 1 pen per day. Predation by seals at site. Morts removed showing seal damage but no containment issue observed. Nets checked monthly by divers. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1296Case Number: 2020-0050
DownloadInspection of records carried out at Croabh Haven shorebase, unable to travel over to Colonsay due to poor weather. Further inspection carried on site under case 2020-0129 in order to inspect records not available at Croabh Haven and site equipment.
Movement records, waste disposal records unavailable for inspection as these are held on barge.
Last mortality removal carried out 13/02/2020 by divers, usually mortality removal is carried out daily using dead baskets, however severe weather over the past few weeks has prevented staff accessing the site regularly.
Further inspection carried on site under case 2020-0129 in order to inspect records not available at Croabh Haven and site equipment. CNA report issued under case 2020-0129 but copied to this case for reference.
Escape investigation
On 17th January, site staff observed structural damage to cage 4, positioned in the middle of the east grid. Divers attended site on the same day to inspect the cage further, a vertical hole in the net of cage 4 was discovered, approximately 1-2 metres in length, the hole was repaired by divers. The incident was reported to the fish health inspectorate on the same day confirming the loss of 73,600 fish. No recapture attempt was made due to the poor weather and fish not being visible at the surface. The remaining fish in the cage were then transferred to Cage 11, Cage 4 is now fallow.
The steel bars are connected to the stanchions via a bracket, fixed in place by a pin and nut. The design of the pin and nut assembly is such that the thread of the pin should be destroyed when the nut is fixed in place so that it is unable to unscrew. In this instance the nut appears to have come off, allowing the pin to come loose and the fixing to fail.
The cages installed on Colonsay are the Aqualine Midgard System model. All cages where removed from site at the end of the last production cycle and taken to Kyleakin for refurbishment and maintenance. This included the installation of the steel bars, previously dyneema ropes had been used. Refurbishment work was carried out by Specialist Welding on behalf of Aqualine, an Aqualine technician was present during the work being carried out. Following completion of the refurbishment the cages were transported in batches back to Colonsay where they were installed back at the site, this work was carried out by Mowi staff. Installation of the cages took place over several weeks. An Aqualine technician was on site for 1-2 days during the installation. After the first 8 cages had been installed, inspection showed that a number of the fixing pins had lifted out of position and some cases the nut was not in place. Specialist welding attended site and replaced missing nuts and tightened all fixings. All cages and nets where inspected by site staff and divers before fish were stocked. Dive inspection records are held on site barge and so were unavailable for inspection.
During the investigation there was no evidence of records being in place for the following:
• Product specification sheets giving details on the equipment used (specs taking into account the environmental conditions equipment will be subjected to on site)
• Manufacturing guidance documents for the installation of the steel bars.
• Works sign off records to show cages had been inspected as satisfactory prior to being transported to site.
• SOP or guidance document for inspection of cage equipment on site.
During the investigation, the conclusion section from an independent investigation carried out by Scale AQ (Aqualine parent company) was inspected. The complete report was not made available for inspection.
The conclusion stated that:
• Net fastening points were incorrect – net fastening between main rope and floating collar are on handrail post.
• Occasional use of under-dimensioned ropes (10-12mm) observed for attachment of main rope on other inspected cages.
• Incorrect fastening of nets means it does not retain brackets in absence of tendon system – causing handrail posts to detach from brackets.
Mowi staff and dive teams are inspecting the remaining 13 cages on site when weather allows, at time of inspection 8 cages had been inspected, with fixings being tightened. New steel plates are being made which will be installed on the current fixings, these will enclose the pin and bolt assembly to aid in holding the fixings in place. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0129
DownloadFollowing an extreme weather event (Storm Brendan) a loss of fish from pen 4 occured due to equipment failure. A pin that holds the base units that house the stanchions in the correct position on the horizontal axis failed. The base units and some stanchions had slid along the pen ring buckling the walkway due to the failure of the metal bracket. Plastic stays holding the stanchions in place had 'popped out' allowing the stanchion to lift up out of the holding bracket and resulting in the handrail collapsing into the pen beneath the waterline as well as a 1-2m tear in the net. It was reported that 73,600 fish had escaped.
A bracket has been placed around some of the pins to prevent excessive lifting. Divers have beeen onsite re-tightening the nuts (on all pens) that hold the pins in place.
Last visit to the site was 7/11/2019, partly completed an enhanced containment inspection (2020 - 0050) on the
18/2/2020 but this was completed on the mainland as access to Colonsay has been challenging due to weather and flight issues. The enhanced containment inspection was completed during this visit to the site.
Dive inspection reports were inspected and a number of repairs have been made to the nets by divers, it is reported that there have been issues with seal interaction during the winter months when there is a lack of wildfish available. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0430
DownloadFish were treated last week for AGD - all pens treated, and worst affected pen had a fresh water treatment.
Some pens had a post treatment mortality spike.
Further AMX treatment planned, but depending on vet advice.
PD confirmed on site, AGD progressed quickly
Weather has made it difficult to retrieve mortality everyday.
Mortality numbers dropped by 50% from Friday to Saturday and 50% again from Saturday to Sunday
Plan to thin the site down during fresh water treatments to reduce biomass in each pen.
Pen 9 - was worst affected.
Fish handled crowding fine during treatments, at next weather window fresh water treatment will be conducted on whole site.
At next weather window fresh water treatment will be conducted on whole site.
Ferguson has collected some mortality, but most is ensiled on site.
Nothing unusual noted in plankton sampling.
Mortality (last 4 weeks)
Week 41 (5.46%) - Week 39 (0.43%) week 40 (2.26%) - Week 38 (0.13%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0201
DownloadFish on from Inchmore (FS8221) and Glenfinnan (FS0742) in April 21.
Mortalities above reporting threshold since last inspection:
Wk44 2021 (1.69%)
Wk43 (1.67%)
Wk41 (5.46%)
Wk40 (2.26%)
- all mortalities attribuited to AGD, PD and post-treatment losses.
Wk49 2019 (1.83%)
Wk48 (1.52%)
Wk47 (1.13%)
Wk46 (1.4%)
Wk45 (1.66%)
- all mortalities attributed to AGD and PD.
3 deadhaul and 1 livehaul harvests were completed in May 22. Going forward, site will only do deadhaul harvests to Ireland.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. Those that could be observed appeared in good health and were active in the cages. Large variation in sizes within the cages, with many runts/poor dooers observed across the site. No moribund fish were observed and 3 mortalities were noted across the site. Not fresh dead so not sampled.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally.
Escape investigation -
Seal was observed in cage 5 during the inspection. No obvious breaches in containment were identified during the inspection.
Divers were called to the site and were in the cage the same day. Findings to follow.
UPDATE 08/07/22: The incident was reported to have been a result of a froyer ring connection failure. Divers repaired the 1m hole in the net of cage 5 on the same day the seal was observed in the cage. The fish were moved into four other cages on the site and the net removed for repairs. All the froyer ring connection points (16 per cage) across the site are currently being replaced. The winch dyneema lifting ropes and the tension bar bolts are also being replaced across the site.
UPDATE 22/03/23: Recommendations in relation to the above case were made for implementation by 20th March 2023.
Following submission of the required documentation, evidence has now been provided to Marine Scotland to demonstrate that the recommendations have been implemented. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0031
DownloadSite inspected following a large mortality event reported from week 41 to 43 2023. The site was inspected in a rough sea state in overcast, windy weather. All stocked pens were inspected with only 4 moribund fish observed across the whole site. The stocks were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. Two fish were displaying clinical signs of disease were captured in the mort sock which were removed for diagnostic sampling. Fish sampled for VMD appeared health both internally and externally.
Mortalites are ensiled on site during more normal levels of mortality, during the mortality event the site sought removal assistance from the Ben Mowi vessel which has an Ensiler on board.
Following the event, the sites company vet diagnosed AGD as the main driver for mortality. The site recently treated with freshwater from 09/10/2023 to 17/10/2023.
Sea lice levels were low at the time of inspection, the most recent treatments were Slice in may 2023 and AMX in July. [Original PDF]
Loch Duart Ltd FS1287Case Number: 2020-0248
DownloadPSI conducted in response to notification of increased mortality on site by the company.
Company are currently conducting a review of their Skye operations and will determine whether the site is to be restocked in
September, if it is decided not to restock site will be made inactive.
Fish were transferred from Gob Na Hoe WK26. Mortality at Gob Na Hoe was low in the run up to the transfer -
WK23 - 462 (0.14%)
WK24 - 990 (0.09%)
WK25 - 1194 (0.11%)
WK26 - 2225 (0.2%)
Fish at Gob Na Hoe tested positive for HSMI, although no clinical signs observed. Risk assessment was in place and transfer w
Salmosan treatments were conducted on the fish in the well boats before fish were released into Corlarach. Mortalities are being attributed to post treatment and transfer losses. Since input mortality has been coming down and it is thought that it will be below reporting threshold in WK28.
WK26 - 6173 (4.34%)
Sea lice numbers onsite - 0.67 AF. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0336
DownloadDecision made to harvest site, due to sea lice and gill health issues, plan to be fallow by November, but possibly sooner.
Jellyfish bloom has also affected Corlarach in addition to neighbouring site Leinish.
Mortality information:
Week 33 - 15250- 6.64%
Week 32 - 34000 - 13%
Week 31 - 11,975 - 4.43%
Week 30 - 3311 - 1.19
Sea lice information
Week 34 - 8.31
Week 33 - No count - bad weather
Week 32 - 5.39
Week 31 - 3.79 week 30 - 2.98 week 29 - No count week 28 - 0.77
Week 27 - 0.53
Remote paperwork inspection by - 21/08/20
Site inspection and VMD sampling by . Accompanied by APHA vet.
APHA visited the site the previous week following reports of mortalities at sites within the area and storage of mortalities at the
Dunvegan pier. Mortality events had been reported to FHI.
No moribund or lethargic fish observed, however, low stocking densities in most cages on site as site was harvesting all cages to fallow, no intention to use site again. Ferguson transport boat on site at time of inspection removing mortalities, these were going directly in to tankers on the Ferguson boat. Large number of dead observed floating on surface of one cage, which was being emptied by Ferguson boat and divers. Due to COVID-19 physical distancing requirements, this cage was not accessed.
It was reported that CGD and jellyfish bloom were cause of moralities. [Original PDF]
Corry Farm
Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd FS0057Case Number: 2022-0124
DownloadActs as nursery site for Salmon up to 1.5kg before they are moved to Ardessie and Ardmair. No harvests from this site.
Current stock from Loch Merkland and Loch Shin (Migdale smolt). Wild wrasse caught in Loch Broom.
The fish are currently on photoperiod, which seems to help diminish seal activity. Seal curtains also in place. The site experienced issues with heron predation in the winter so they have installed two bird scarers (long pole with moving fake bird attached), which appear to work well at deterring the animals.
The cloudy weather during the site inspection made it harder to see the stock, however good response was observed during hand feeding and the fish coming up to the surface appeared healthy. No moribunds or dead fish were observed on site. All fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy both internally and externally. No sea lice observed.
The site has never had to use therapeutic treatments to control sea lice and have managed to achieve a level of zero adult females throughout the production cycle using cleanerfish alone. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0209
DownloadFrom mort spreadsheet; Movement in March to Torridon, 10 hour well boat treatment . 1.77% morts FW wellboat treatment during transport 2374 fish @ 3.6kg- from Ardmair not Corry Farm - Possible CMS - informed during visit that this movement was of larger fish from Ardmair. Thought stress and CMS may have caused the mortality.
Recent tests for SAV ,PRV, CMS - PCR negative
All fish treated for AGD, trap treatments. - Paramove 21/5/23 because it was a gill treatment and not for sea lice it is off label and given a 500oday withdrawal. Fish also on withdrawal for TMS.
Site used as a nursery site as oxygen levels can be low in the summer so fish tend to be moved to another site for on growing.
Mort disposal moved off site whole by Hazco - Denholm Environmental, Grangemouth. - disposal site Binn Group, Bin Farm,
Glenfarg, Perth PH2 9PX. cleaner fish mortality for period 1/1/23 to 7/6/23 ; wrasse 86/site; lumps 3941/Site. Lump mortality attributed to bacterial infection - no treatments undertaken. [Original PDF]
Couldoran Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0301Case Number: 2020-0096
DownloadFish had been recently treated with formalin and Cress.
On inspection of the site no clinical signs of disease noted. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0480
DownloadRAS opened in July, vaccination caused some damage to fish increasing the number of fungal treatments undertaken.
Stofinfiskur eggs seem susceptible to fungus
Loch damph: August S1 crop cull due to unvaccinated fish
As of end 2022 or 2023 hatchery will be self sufficient in egg production for S0s. Currently importing S0s from stofinfiskur.
Site temperature used for biosecurity.
Site inspection carried out by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0138
DownloadCurrently treating for saprolegnia using formalin in RAS facility
Mortality peaks due to fungus and first feeding mortalities. No peaks above reporting threshold.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity
Site and paperwork inspected on 12/05/2022 by , observed by
Observed a small number of fish with fungus on the tail. This was reported to be caused by grading. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0060
DownloadIssues with stock in April following a change in feed, poor growth and increased mortalities were reported, disease screening was conducted no significant pathogens identified. This continued through May with elevated mortalities reported. The fish were transferred to a new diet by the end of May with mortalities reducing.
ERM was identified during June 2023, a second dip vaccination was administered and issue resolved without further treatment though July.
Recirc unit is at 11.5 degrees, remaining tanks at 11.9 degrees. site thermometer used for biosecurity, thermometers are calibrated by biology department, also hand held probe used to calibrate as well.
Peaks in mortality 2023 wk 9 2643 (1.24%) Fungus, wk 17 13641 (0.97%), wk 18 66599 (4.77%), wk 19 72492 (5.45%), wk 20
96736 (7.96%), wk 21 (95941 (8.26%), wk 22 51208 (4.81%),
Mort last four weeks wk 10 828 (0.03%), wk 9 3599 (0.14%), wk 8 8762 (0.33%), wk 7 5978 (0.23%) mainly first feeding poor doers. [Original PDF]
Couldoran Incubation Unit
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1051Case Number: 2020-0097
DownloadFerguson transport completing uplift of mortalities, records show disposal to Deerdykes and also Energen biogas.
Two inputs from Stofnfiskur. No issues to note.
A couple of dead ova observed in each tray in the comp hatch. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0139
DownloadSite went fallow on 29th April
Site and paperwork inspected on 12/05/2022 by , supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0199
DownloadGas issue recorded on the site (w/b 5/12/2022) water demand to the hatchery tanks coupled with a suspected fracture in the site pipe resulted in vortex supersaturating air into the water lines. This was vented through the system into the comp hatches resulting in loss of 1159752 (80.01%), and the remainder of 289861 (19.99%) were euthanized. Additional drum filter has been installed on the influent water to ensure degassing prior to entering the comp hatches.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0061
DownloadSite thermometer used for biosecurity reasons the thermometer calibrated every two years by the lab, checked regularly with hand held probe.
Native Hebridean stock on site.
Four inputs each year.
Peaks in mortality 2023 wk 39 26378 (2.15%) (issue with a blocked pipe one tray affected). 2024 wk 01 58605 (3.24%) water quality due to blocked pipe, wk 4 37694 (2.14%) water quality issue due to blocked pipe.
Morts last 4 weeks w9 9 153592 (9.22%) failed hatch, wk 8 15216 (0.91%)failed hatch, wk 7 3653 (0.22%), wk 6 Fallow.
Buffodiene the only treatment used on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0443
DownloadSite inspected in association with a vet from APHA following a mortality report of 111,427 (7.64%) eggs in week 46 2024.
The site is gravity fed from a dam and while the hatchery (FS0301) supply goes through a header tank, this is bypassed for the incubation unit (FS1051). In the past, this caused issues with total gas pressure (TGP) in the incubation unit. The issue has been resolved by fitting a drum filter, however episodes of heavy rainfall cause debris to block the dam inlet screens and therefore let air into the system which then causes the CompHatch valves to stick and reduce the water flow into the trays - resulting in mortalities. A float switch alarm has been placed next to the drum filter to try and alert the site staff of any issues, but this has been ineffective as the water level dips pass too quickly to result in an alarm.
The farm manager has submitted a proposal to fit a partial recirculating system in the hatchery to solve the issue, and he is hoping it will be approved for set up in the spring. In the meantime, the screens and drum filter are being cleaned more regularly to avoid the creation of air pockets in the system.
The incubation unit is currently fallow but the fry was observed in the hatchery and appeared in good condition.
During the site inspection, it was observed that the size of the pipes feeding the incubation appear to increase and decrease in size, which is probably contributing to the problem of air entering the system. The farm manager is aware of the issue and is certain that setting up a buffer tank and a partial recirc for the incubation unit will solve the issue. [Original PDF]
Coutts Mill
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0388Case Number: 2020-0452
DownloadDuring ECI inspection of Quoys Hatchery, inspector noticed that the ova coming onto the site were from Coutts Mill. This site was made inactive November 2016. An unannounced inspection of Coutts Mill was then carried out. Seems to be a lack of communication within the company led to this. Relevant paperwork was submitted to FHI post inspection and site was reactivated 19/11/2020. Enforcement Notice is being prepared to issue to the operator.
At last inspection the company stated that they had no plans on using the site again so it was made inactive. But brood fish from Turness (FS0451) were brought onto the site October 2019 and subsequently stripped through November to December
2019 then culled. The site was then fallow from 7 December 2019 until 1 October 2020 when more brood fish have been brought onto site from Bay of Cleat (South) FS0595 and are due to be stripped November. Company are planning to repeat this process for 2021.
3 raceways currently holding 719 brood fish. No lethargic or moribund fish visible on site.
2019 Generation Morts.
6 (0.7%) morts for whole generation on site (849) from 3rd October to 7th December
Staff at site also operating at Quoys Hatchery but separate PPE being used at each site along with equipment.
Inspection of mortality records etc completed remotely on 30th October by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0526
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
Fish due to be stripped and the site fallowed by the end of November 2022.
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were active within the raceways and appeared to be in good health. Some light scaling damage was present on a few individuals but no moribund or lethargic fish were observed.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity. [Original PDF]
Creag an T'Sagairt (Loch Hourn)
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0605Case Number: 2022-0477
DownloadAdditional peaks in salmon mortality in 2021 wk 30 1.32% 3604 (CMS), wk 31 1.61% 4426 (CMS), wk 32 1.90% 4139 (CMS), wk 38 3.80 4649 (transfer losses), wk 40 2.61% 6092 records detail 3538 fw to sw transfer loss, 2122 SW to SW. The FW to
SW entry was confirmed to be an error when inputting data.
Additional peaks in lumpfish mortality 2020 wk 39 8594 9.23% (AGD & other non infectious causes), wk 41 7.78% 3695 AGD, handling and transport losses), wk 43 7.19% 6685 (no specific cause)
No issues reported with the new input, fish are feeding well. [Original PDF]
Culnacnoc Salmon Farm
Organic Sea Harvest Ltd FS1343Case Number: 2020-0464
DownloadInspection of records carried out remotely on 29/10/2020
Lumpfish mortality has been low since input. Additional lumpfish input due for November
Application in to MS-LOT and council for using A.D.D on site, as a contingency, seal presence around site is very low.
Site thermometer used as FHI thermometer had a battery failure.
Salmon deep in cages and difficult to observe, Lumpfish seen near surface and appeared in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0483
DownloadMicro jellyfish bloom during September, confirmed as Muggiaea atlantica. No morts directly attributed but some damage to gills likely.
AGD reported to be an issue with P4 being worst affected. A number of lethargic fish were observed in P4 and five were removed for diagnostic sampling. Site is below the mortality reporting threshold however it is likely that levels will be above the threshold by the end of the week.
All dead haul movements offsite. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0335
DownloadWater temperature 13.41 degrees C
Seal in pen 7 - see CNA sheet for details
Peaks in mortality: 14/11/2022 - 2.72% to 26th December 2022 - 4.26% total of 520,638 fish lost due to AGD, complex gill health, jellyfish. These were all reported to FHI. 2023: 1.2% in march but within 6 week stocking period.
Pen 2 (S0) - CMS Pen 4, 6 & 7 HSMI (PCR) but no clinical signs
Ocean matter and otterferry were the sources of lumpfish populations. Currently only 2 cages are stocked with lumpfish.
Lumpfish mortality was checked and no large mortalites to note.
Ensiler has been out of action since 16th December 2022. Morts since then have gone to Invertote to be ensiled.
S0 - Gairloch (FS1061) and Clachbreac (FS0892) S1 - Gairloch hatchery (Hendric genetix) inverkerry smolt unit (FS1061)
Alphamax - 18/07/2023 to 21/07/2023 whole site due to caligus problems. Site one week late in treating due to treatment boat breakdown.
Freshwater in December 2022 for gills, middle of February for gills and end of June - for gills/lice, preventative for AGD
Currently upgrading the seal pro nets specification - extending (doubling) panel round the side. Extra patch on lock off area
(hang from 5m ropes)
Seal fence is attached to 2.5m poles (7 or 8ft high) and stitched onto net. When carrying out treatments etc. the seal fence is lowered and remains stitched to the net.
During physical inspection of site, a couple of moribunds were observed on each cage. A small number of fish were jumping on each cage with the majority of the population shoaling deeper in the water column. Some 'whiteheads' were observed - lice damage due to alphamax treatment being delayed.
When sampling VMD - fish from cage 6 appeared healthy both externally and internally with approx 2-3 caligus lice load each.
The fish from cage 2 also appeared healthy externally and internally with 4 caligus lice load. However it was noted that the liver colour in the fish from cage 2 was very pale. No other abnormalities noted and the site had low mortalities along with no signs of clinical disease other than the few moribunds. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0039
DownloadSite has installed "seal fencing" on all stocked cages. This consists of SealPro netting stitched to the top of the SealPro net, approximately 1-1.5m high, attached to top net poles or additional poles. This has reportedly been very effective at preventing seals accessing pens over the hand rail, additional panels of netting have been installed around netting of each pen and extend above and below the waterline. Operator has regular discussions with Knox nets, who attended the site on 21/02/24, and are also in discussion for specifying the next generation SealPro nets to be installed for next generation of fish.
No containment issues noted at time of inspection.
2 fish sampled for VMD, both appeared in good condition. No sea lice observed on fish removed for VMD sampling. AGD gill scores have reportedly been elevated and a FW treatment was conducted w/b 12/02/24, well boat counts of stock aligned with the numbers that were expected for each pen.
2 dead fish observed across site, these were removed by site staff at time of inspection. 3-4 lethargic fish observed per pen, some deeper in the water column and displaying varying degrees of physical damage.
Site had positive results for Piscirickettsia salmonis, however these have reportedly reduced with the reduction in water temperature and no positives detected in November sampling. Vet conducted an inspection on 16/02/24, but no report was available yet for the visit.
Site has full suite of medicinal treatments if required, but site have been using FW, which was reported to give good clearances.
Paperwork by observed by , Site inspection by and , VMD sampling by . [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0656Case Number: 2020-0429
DownloadSite currently in the process of harvesting and should be fallow by the end of November.
Fish on site looked in good condition with no clinical signs of disease noted. Fish removed for vmd sampling were in good health with no signs of disease internally and externally.
Site paperwork carried out remotely on the 12/10/2020 by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0222
DownloadRemote inspection completed on 31/05/2023 to check site records. Site inspection carried out on 06/06/2023.
Fish observed on site looked to be in good health. Fish all shoaling together as expected. Only 2 lethargic fish spotted across all pens. Fish sampled for vmd were in good condition with no gross pathology identified. [Original PDF]
Druimyeon Bay
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0336Case Number: 2021-0145
DownloadCase paperwork and physical inspection carried out by while shadowed by .
A few lethargic fish noted but fewer than one per pen. Fish removed from pens for vmd sampling appeared in good health with no internal signs of disease. Lice loads reflecting the numbers that have been reported.
Pen 4 & 13 morts slightly higher than other pens but still below reporting level but has reduced recently. PD confirmed on site but levels decreasing. LUM mortalities from 01/04 - 26/05/21 = 1,340 (2%).
Seal Pro nets with a centre weight to maintain tension. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0385
DownloadLumpfish on site from Ocean matters. Salmon transferred from Gometra input March 2021 - Moved in freshwater wellboat.
Cleaner fish were not transported in wellboat.
Morts - normally site boat and skipped at shore base. Due to increased morts Fergusons boat removal from site. Divers in daily to remove mort. Bakkanes - on board macerator. - numbers of fish on site will be reviewed following a fw well boat treatment.
PD runts earlier in the cycle. No SAV observed during current issues
Treatments; Salmosan treatment - June - 2 cages in wellboat. July - FW and Salmosan - all cages. hydrolicer treatment planed for this week. Hydrolicer 9/9/21.
There were a number of mortality disposal methods available for the two sites;
• Billy Bowie- whole in skips to Barkip Biogas (collection docs observed).
• Gogar – Energen Bio Gas- to Dunnswood Road, Cumbernauld (collection docs observed).
• They have a new well boat the Bakkanes - hydrolicer and macerator/Ensiler. Can hold 1000 cube of morts, current morts on- board of 200 cube. - material ensiled with formic acid. Then it will be pumped off into tankers and used as biofuel but uncertain currently of final destination. The boat was present during our visit.
• Fergusons boat for mort removal had been used but was not on site during our visit.
Collection docs were available for inspection from Billy Bowie and Gogar. Capacity for mort disposal was in my opinion adequate and staff numbers at the sites were increased to deal with the mortalities with staff being brought in from other areas. Divers were also present at the time of our visit for mortality removal.
Mort/site/wk; wk35 0.8 %, Wk36 1.5%, Wk37 1.1%, wk38 6.2%, Wk39 4.5%, Wk40 21.96%, Wk 41 7.29% - part week.
Lice is persistent at both sites treatments are giving 85-95% clearance but resettlement is fast and treating every 3-4 weeks.
Seal ice peak 7.91 Caligus week 37.
No jellies observed in water samples. Upwell species were observed. mortality started wk 38 - attributed to environmental insult and anaemia.
Paperwork - , Site inspection (under supervision) , Sample fish 1, 2 (under supervision)- Sample Fish 3-5 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0362
DownloadSite inspection conducted on the 17/08/2022. 12 pens were transferred from East Tarbert Bay following increased mortality and lice burden on site. The transfers were conducted by the Ronjafisk, where the fish also were subjected to a freshwater treatment.
Caligus levels extremely high in Wk 29, 30 and 31. Micro jelly bloom occurred in the week of input, which agitated gills primarily. Then the arrival of Lion's mane jellyfish exacerbated gill issues on site further. Mild AGD observed in gills of fish.
The stock on site originates from two hatcheries: Applecross Smolt unit and Girlsta Hatchery. The fish from Girlsta are a mix of stofinfiskur and Aquagen.
No moribund fish were observed on site, only scaling was evident. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0549
DownloadMort events; 26/9 3.82% 25213 fish; 3/10 9.66% 61355 fish; 10/10 7.19% 55650 fish; 17/10 7.58% 54440 fish
Site inspected on the 17/8/2022 (case no. 2022-0362). Mortality occurring from compromised gill health and PD. The site freshwater treated and the fish are responding well. Mortality is beginning to decrease. FHI to monitor.
Freshwater treatment scheduled for week 44 wk. 24/10/22 8.99% - gill issues, viral (PD) and rickettsia
Morts/site week 44 2022 8.46%, week 45 2022 14.96%
Wrasse mortality reported to be low.
Treatments; freshwater on Ronjafisk 13/9, 14/9, 8/10, 4/11
Health surveillance results; SRS, SAV, PRV and AGD positive by PCR 24/10/22, AGD, PRV, SAV, SRS and T maritimum positive by PCR 4/11/22
Poor weather meant I was only able alight 1 cage. However was able to get moribund fish from this cage.
Site thermometer used as error in T146 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0181
Peaks in mortality - 2022 wks45 to 49 (mort count for period- 142,565) mainly attributed to Pancreas disease and environmental conditions (water quality) reported to FHI during mortality event.
Peaks in mortality - 2023 wks11 to 30 (mort count for period- 71,447) attributed mainly Pancreas disease and environmental conditions (water quality) reported to FHI during mortality event. FW treatments were administered during this period, treatments attributed to some of the mortalities.
Records checked between 09/11/2022 to 10/06/2024 no peaks in wrasse mortality. However, 30,705 black losses was recorded for Ballan wrasse during this period.
There was 773 black losses recorded for mixed wrasse during this period.
Conducted routine FW/ FLS treatments in May 2024.
Site have noted slight increases in salmon mortalities. Suspected gill issues - gills have been scoring high with PGD. Expected to conduct FW/ FLS treatment at the weekend.
Site have observed recent increases in jellyfish numbers.
During the inspection it was observed some lethargic fish across the site, they were observed hanging to the outer edges of the cages. Fish were observed to be nosing into the tide/ current. Potentially gill related issues. 4 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Inspection and case paperwork conducted by supervised by . Diagnostic sampling - Fish 1 & 4 sampled by , Fish
2 & 3 sampled by . [Original PDF]
Drumbeg (Loch Dhrombaig)
Loch Duart Ltd FS0487Case Number: 2021-0567
DownloadSite was fallowed in Spring 2018. Site inspected as fallow and movement records collected. Site to be made inactive at request of the business. [Original PDF]
Loch Duart Ltd FS0770Case Number: 2020-0388
DownloadDead fish waste taken to Badcall prior to being transported to Gray Composting. Fish waste movements to Badcall recorded in site diary.
A proportion of the fish reared at Duartmore are transferred to Loch Na Thuille in October each year where they remain until seawater transfer in April of the following year. Eggs are received from Landcatch Ormsary and are from the companies own broodstock located at Geisgeil. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0525
DownloadFish vaccinated October 2021 with PD1 and Alphaject Micro6.
Fish have reportedly been performing well since input. Only treatments done include one Formalin bath treatment in June 21 and the use of tricaine during vaccinations in October 21.
Fish appeared in good condition and were active in the tanks. Some minor fin damage observed across the site, attributed to the cold water temperature.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0496
DownloadFish were vaccinated with Alphaject Micro6 and PD1 wk39
Fish on site are from companies own broodstock (Geisgeil FS0885) and have been reported to be performing very well with few disease challenges since input.
Costia is generally the primary health challenge experienced on the site, however it has not been an issue this cycle with only one formalin bath conducted in July 22.
Fish appeared in good physical health, however some fin damage was noted across the site.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0045
DownloadFish will be moved off to Clashnessie Bay (FS0933) in the summer.
Fish are reported to be performing well with very few health challenges.
Formalin treatment conducted in July 22 for Costia.
Fish were vaccinated in September 22 with Alphaject Micro 6 and PD1. Last treatment was for Tricaine during vaccination.
Some fin damage was noted in most of the tanks. Attributed to the cold water temperature. Site manager confirmed that the fish are due to be moved to Loch Na Thule Wk10 by helicopter.
Fish appeared in good condition otherwise and were active in the tanks. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally upon examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0009
DownloadDue to the manger being unavailable, paperwork was not observed during the physical inspection and was later inspected via a Teams meeting on 16/02/24. Paperwork inspected by and observed by . Physical inspection conducted on
07/02/2024 by , observed by .
Fish observed through a small window in the side each tank as snow settled on top of the bird net and obscured a view of the fish from above. Water visibility was poor.
Loch Duart refer to Duartmore (FS0770) as Duartmore South and Duartmore Hatchery (FS0067) as Duartmore North.
Some evidence of dorsal fin erosion (possibly due to fin rot or fin nipping) observed on fish sampled for VMD
Calibrated site thermometer used to take temperature. Due to sub-zero temperature, temperature was not displayed on inspectors field thermometer. FHI 045 Thermometer fail sheet completed.
Currently thinning fish (reducing the stocking density in tanks by transferring fish to empty tanks within the site) on the date of the inspection. [Original PDF]
Duartmore Hatchery
Loch Duart Ltd FS0062Case Number: 2023-0036
DownloadOva are businesses own stock which are stripped at Landcatch and then moved into the hatchery. Site manager has reported that the quality of the ova is very good and very few mortalities have been observed since input.
Fish are graded ~3g before being moved off to Duartmore (FS0770).
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity risk. Failed eggs were observed in the trays but were low in number. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0299Case Number: 2020-0367
DownloadPaperwork (excluding movement records), completed remotely by JET on 11/09/2020
Farm management agreement with Mowi Scotland Ltd in place. Scottish Sea Farms hold a memorandum of understanding and farm management statement with Dawnfresh farming Ltd, the other operator in the area. Risk assessment in place for the management area not being fallow, due to continuous stocking by Dawnfresh - Businesses share sea lice data and treatment plans as well as visits between sites.
Site inspected by JET on 16/09/2020
Movement records inspected and copies taken.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0226
Downloadplan to go up to 10 120m pens from 4 pens.
Splitting down pens in October to reduce biomass.
Site stocked on 8th and 9th of May 2022 from Barcaldine.
Slice treatment has just started on day of visit. This is the second scheduled slice treatment since the input of the fish.
No Cleanerfish mortality observed in last 4 weeks. Only small amount of Cleanerfish currently on site.
Fish were feeding deep and were difficult to catch for VMD - Fish observed appeared healthy and clear of lice. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease, no lice were observed and gills looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0541
DownloadMort events 10/10 - 1.2%- Gill health environmental - 7945 fish- scheduled peroxide for AGD treatment
Mort events 17/10 - 4.5%- Gill health environmental - 28952 fish- scheduled peroxide for AGD treatment
Mort events 24/10 - 6.9%- Gill health environmental - 42345 fish- CGD scheduled peroxide for AGD treatment
Mortality attributed to poor gill health - AGD confirmed and the site is reporting high counts for PGD. High levels of Muggiaea atlantica (jellyfish) have been identified during plankton counts. Paramove treatment conducted in week 43, post treatment mortality to the weaker, non feeding population. Mortality has begun to decreased following treatment.
Morts; 31/10 - 8/11/22 -9 Days 6758 fish 1.18%/site lice levels at last count ; adult female - zero, total 0.33 all stages wild caught wrasse on site; Skye, Wrasse mortality has been low
Paramove treatment week 43 for gill issues. 5 slice treatments since input, last one 18/9/22
Site thermometer used as error in T146
87000 morts in October from 99235 totals morts since input.
On inspection moribund fish observed in pen margins. Lesions observed on many fish, some single deep lesions and some fish with many lesions all over body surface. Lesions appeared in August prior to mort issues and bloom.
Mortalities generally incinerated on site but with increased mortalities incinerator unable to manage. Morts are been taken whole and stored at the shore base in Loch Spelve as this site is currently not stocked, is the only site in the disease managements area and Dunstaffnage does not have a suitable shore base. Morts been collected by Billy Bowie. Transport doc are at Spelve shore base so could not confirm the final destination of morts. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0092
DownloadInformation taken from mort spreadsheet. From 10/10/2022 to 20/02/2023 site reported mortality events above threshold attributed to gill health (CGD & AGD). Tarp peroxide treatment in wk 43 2022, FHI visited in wk 45 2022 and DIA taken (SRS and complex gill found). FW treatment started wk 47 2022. Destocking through harvest commenced wk 50 2022. Gill health conditions continued and secondary bacterial infection identified wk 4 2023. FW treatment in February 2023 seemed to improve conditions and mortality events not reported until July 2023 when site harvested to fallow. Highest mortality reported wk 12.20%.
Stocking of wild caught wrasse planned for June 2024.
WRS mortality - peak 0.61% wk 8 2023, week 19 2023 100% mortality in pen 7 (616 fish) (7.45% for site for week); wk 23
2023 23% from pen 9 (5.05% for site for week); wk 24 2023 pen 9 63.99% (215 fish) (16.875% for site for week); wk 25 2023 pen 8 71.63% (101 fish) (23.74% for site for week); wk 26 2023 pen 1, 8 and 9 100% mortality (2769 fish, 40 fish and 40 fish respectively). Last reported wrasse mortality week 45, 2023 (0.09%, 25 fish for site for week). Currently no wrasse on site.
VMD samples were due at the site but fish were unable to be caught using a box net. Sample visit to be rearranged for later in the year.
Most recent lice count; 0.04 average lep juvs, 0.11 mobile lep, 0.03 Caligus, 0.03 average female leps.
Inspection and paperwork by observed by . Diagnostic sampling of fish 1,2 and 4 by and fish 3 by supervised by
SLICE treatment carried out from 11/3/24-17/3/24, and currently undergoing a SLICE treatment which started 15/4/24.
Treatments not carried out in syncrony but FMS details that they can be where appropriate and under vet guidence.
Health reports 9/4/24 0/10 AGD PCR
Health report; 17/1/23 SRS associated lesion, AGD. Site harvest 14/7/23 to South Shian and fallowed. Starting 3/9/23 fish were then moved on from Bloody Bay, fish were fresh water treated during transport. Some of these fish were harvested in
Oct/Nov 2023 and some were moved back to Bloody Bay in Dec 2023. Fish health report 21/11/23 moving fish to Bloody Bay and harvesting - AGD 11/11, PRV 0/5, PMCV 2/5, Furunculosis 0/5, Pasturella 0/5, SRS 0/5. Gill issues and slight heart pathology. Site was then fallowed 6/12/23 until 1/2/24 when stocked with smolts from Barcaldine and Girlsta.
On inspection about 4 to 8 moribund fish were observed in each pen, many with lesion. 4 moribund fish were removed for sampling
Updated FMS received 12/6/24. No further outstanding issues. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0272
DownloadMortalities are disposed of at the Kerrera shorebase where they are incinerated. Mortality movement waste records inspected during site visit. Normal waste disposed of at the marina.
Stock origin:
Pen 6- Barcaldine (Aquagen)
Pen 7- Girlsta Hatchery (Aquagen)
Optomease used on site.
Caligus levels on site had increased and therefore SLICE was recommended and conducted. Prescription inspected during site visit. Last Slice treatment conducted ended on 19/07/2024 - withdrawal 500dd under cascade
The last wrasse input occurred on 20/07/2024. 344 mortalities of wrasse since input - 03/06/2024.
Two fish were removed for VMD sampling from pen 6 and 7. Both fish were observed to be healthy internally and externally. [Original PDF]
East Moclett
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1357Case Number: 2024-0309
DownloadNew site stocked for the first time in week 22 2024. Site authorised for 6 cages but currently only 3 are in the water. The remaining 3 pens will be installed later in the year.
Site to be used as grower site for nearby Cooke nursery sites. Fish were treated with freshwater as they were being transferred (5 hour treatment). Risk assessment available for seawater movement.
Site currently harvesting.
Mortality is uplifted by Foover and taken in mort bins to pier on Westray.
The site is not remote fed, due to its offshore location. Feed blower on work boats conduct the feeding instead.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but those that were observed appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. No dead fish or moribunds observed.
Fish sampled for the VMD had good feeding response and appeared healthy both internally and externally.
10 fish were also removed to inspect the site's sea lice counting procedures. Low levels of sea lice observed, predominantly caligus. [Original PDF]
East of Holm Heogland (Burkwell)
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0960Case Number: 2022-0111
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection and VMD sampling conducted by , supervised by (27/04/2022)
Temperature taken using thermometer T309. Harvesting has commenced onsite, cage 1 had been crowded and was being harvested (dead haul) by Aqua Viknes at time of inspection. Fish are unloaded at Cullivoe and transported to the Yell packing station. Fish crowded for harvest appeared in good condition.
Fish in remaining cages were deeper in the water, but were shoaling well and appeared in good condItion. Good feed response displayed across all cages.
Workboat with ROV system was on site removing mortalities from cages at time of inspection, this was reported to work well and removed the reliance on divers to remove mortalities. [Original PDF]
East of Papa Little
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1278Case Number: 2020-0081
DownloadSite currently in the process of harvesting. Hope to have this complete by late March. Sea lice levels have been above reporting level the last few weeks and physical treatment has been carried out during breaks in the bad weather of late. Fish behaving as per expected and look to be in good condition. Fish removed for VMD sampling inspected and looked healthy internally with no signs of disease and no physical damage externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0224
DownloadFish on site appearing in good condition and all shoaling as in normal behaviour. Less than 1 lethargic fish per pen. Fish removed for vmd appeared in good condition with no signs of disease upon internal examination. First input onto site on
29/03/2023 and there has only been 2,246 mortalities removed across the whole site since input. There was a slice treatment on 17/05/2023 but only 4 pens were treated. [Original PDF]
East Tarbert Bay
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1010Case Number: 2021-0146
DownloadCase paperwork and physical inspection carried out by while shadowed by
Fish removed from pens for vmd sampling appeared in good health with no internal signs of disease. Fins showing no damage. Lice loads reflecting the numbers that have been reported. Site has just begun feeding stock with SLICE.
LUM morts - wk16 326 (0.04%), wk17 533 (0.65%), wk 18 496 (0.61%), wk 19 (706 (0.88%). LUM stocked on site from wk 12.
Seal Pro nets with sinker tube to maintain tension. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0406
DownloadAll salmon input from Geisgil. Transported in FW. Lump fish input from Ocean Matters and Otterferry,
Morts/site/wk; Wk30 0.32%, Wk31 0.9%, Wk32 1.85%, Wk33 1.07%, Wk34 0.96%, wk35 1.19 %, Wk36 1.3%, Wk37 1.4%, wk38 10.84%, Wk39 20%, Wk40 14.5%, Wk 41 0.95% - part week.
Currently divers are removing about 200 morts/cage/day.
There were a number of mortality disposal methods available for the two sites;
• Billy Bowie- whole in skips to Barkip Biogas (collection docs observed).
• Gogar – Energen Bio Gas- to Dunnswood Road, Cumbernauld (collection docs observed).
• They have a new well boat the Buccaness - hydrolicer and macerator/ensiler. Can hold 1000 cube of morts, current morts on- board of 200 cube. - material ensiled with formic acid. Then it will be pumped off into tankers and used as biofuel but uncertain currently of final destination. The boat was present during our visit.
• Fergusons boat for mort removal had been used but was not on site during our visit.
Collection docs were available for inspection from Billy Bowie and Gogar. Capacity for mort disposal was in my opinion adequate and staff numbers at the sites were increased to deal with the mortalities with staff being brought in from other areas. Divers were also present at the time of our visit for mortality removal.
Lice; caligus peaked wk37 at 10.37. Increased mortality had prevented treatment and there was evidence on site of lice damage on some fish.
Treatments;Hydrolicer 24/6/21- 2/6/21, FW and salmosan 18/7/21-23/7/21, hydrolicer 4/8-14/8, salmosan 28/8, hydroliced 1/9-
4/9, hydrolicer 27/9/-4/10, FW panned 13/10/21.
Health surveillance;
AGD- low level. Most resent sample slight higher but not at levels which would be considered to have caused mortality.
PCV - haematocrit levels. Have fallen in last couple of weeks.
CPK -muscle fatigue for PD- have been low levels showing recovery from infection.
Mortality considered to be due to environmental insult but no jellies observed in water samples. Upwell species were observed.
Morts - normally taken by site boat and skipped at shore base. Divers in daily to remove morts. - numbers of fish on site will be reviewed following a fw well boat treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0342
DownloadFish were input on site for the first time in wk17. Fish were input at ~150g and were noted to be soft as well as possess reduced amount of mucus. The stock on site originates from two hatcheries: Applecross Smolt unit and Girlsta Hatchery. The fish from Girlsta are a mix of stofinfiskur and Aquagen.
During the site inspection, fish were observed to be jumpy. In addition, a freshwater treatment and transfer was occuring to reduce the biomass on site so that in the next 3 weeks a SLICE treatment can occur. The freshwater treatment was being administered by the Ronjafisk and exposure to freshwater is ~1 hour. Transfers were to Druimyeon Bay, where 5 pens from
East Tarbert Bay had already been moved to.
From health surveillance conducted on site, 2 pens (1 and 7) were confirmed to have PRV. No clinical changes were observed and is currently not the primary suggested cause of increased mortality on site.
Caligus levels extremely high in Wk 29, 30 and 31. Micro jelly bloom occurred in the week of input, which agitated gills primarily. Then the arrival of Lion's mane jellyfish exacerbated gill issues on site further. Mild AGD observed in gills of fish.
Diagnostic samples taken from pen 1. Sampled fish were moribund and lethargic. In addition, signs of loss of equilibrium where beginning.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0465
DownloadSite visited 17/8/22 and diagnostic samples taken case 20220342. Identified from samples - AGD, IPN, vibrio, aeromonas spp,
Paranucleospora theridion. - PD confirmed onsite along with gill health issues, AGD confirmed onsite.
Weekly morts for site; 19/9 1.21% 7307 fish; 26/9 4.06% 24260 fish; 3/10 10.27% 58941 fish; 10/10 12.85% 66.587 fish; 17/10
8.37% 38559 fish. Freshwater treatment scheduled week 44 - gill health and viral disease.
Morts for week 43 2022 were 48635 fish (11.53%) due to gill issues, PD and rickettsia, week 44 (10.45%), and week 45
Site thermometer used as error in T146
SLICE treatment 11/9/22; Freshwater on Ronjafisk, 15/9, 11/10, 6/11
Histo health reports; 24/10/22 acute SAV, gills with multiple aetiologies- no amoebae; 18/10/22; gills low level environmental, suspect PRV, low energy stores suggesting fish not feeding. 26/9/22 AGD
Wrasse mortality reported to be low.
Due to poor weather only able to walk round 4 cages. However moribund fish were collected from theses cages. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0182
DownloadDuring previous cycle site had black losses of wrasse at harvest (wk 11 2023, mort count - 12,000)
Before site became fallow the site had experienced elevated mortalities that were mainly contributed to Pancreas disease.
Inspection was conducted by supervised by [Original PDF]
Easter Score Holms
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0948Case Number: 2020-0079
DownloadMortalities have been very low throughout cycle since stocking. Monitored daily by camera. First fish likely to be harvested in the next few months.
Sea lice counts very low. Sea lice skirts were in place prior to stocking and just recently removed. Two slice treatments administered one in April and one in July - July treatment due to slight rise in Caligus numbers observed. No other treatments conducted, company generally favour freshwater for sea lice treatments, however other methods are available - chemotherapeutants and optilicer. Details of decision making process for choosing intervention not written into sea lice management plan - to look further into this.
Top nets and predator nets in place - no issues with predation except some bird pecking earlier in cycle which was prevented by tightening sagging top nets.
All records except movement records inspected by remotely.
Site Inspection and sampling by
Stock on site appeared in good condition, site manager reported that gill health had been good this year and lice numbers are low. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. During FW treatments, the site have been splitting the fish over two wells to reduce stocking density during treatment. Site reported very low mortalities attributed to treatments.
Restructuring within the MA with three new site managers (one looks after Score Holms and West of Burwick, one looks after
Langa Isle (East) and North Papa and the third looks after Setter Voe, which is operating out of old Skretting shed in
FW treatment due to be conducted beginning of week 39. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0529
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
Site inspected in rough weather, visibility was poor and fish were residing deep within the pen. No moribund or lethargic fish observed during the physical inspection of the site.
Routine sea lice counts were being conducted during the time of visit, externally no clinical signs of disease was observed.
Moderate to severe gill damage was observed in most fish checked during the lice counts with most fish checked scoring high for PGD. There was a bloom of muggiaea atlantica (micro jellyfish) confirmed at the site in early October which has compromised gill health along with a touch of seasonal AGD. Staff have been monitoring the site daily for plankton levels and has confirmed that jellyfish counts in recent weeks have decreased. With the water temperature on site decreasing the site is hopeful to see an improvement in gill health in the coming weeks. Mortality has remained low and below reporting threshold for this production cycle.
The site treated with FW in week 42, Pen 3 suffered a treatment loss of 5,904 fish resulting from a handling error. Site still below reporting threshold for the week despite this loss.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy from internal examination with the execption of the gills. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0585
DownloadLast site inspection conducted on 26/10/2022.
Additional inspection carried out due to high mortalities reported to the FHI in weeks 48 and 49 2022 attributed to CGD, AGD, and treatment loss. This had to be done remotely because of weather issues and airport strikes.
Week 48 - 6.8% 55,944 fish
Week 49 - 7.7% 58,269 fish
A bloom of Muggiaea atlantica (micro jellyfish) compromised gill health in early October, along with seasonal AGD. Mortalities began to increase in week 47 and a wellboat freshwater treatment was carried out on 6/12 as mitigation. This however, resulted in higher mortality numbers. The site switched to hydrogen peroxyde treatments in the following days (12, 13, 16, 18,
19/12), which have been more successful. All affected cages have now been treated, and will be retreated in the coming weeks.
Only one cage on site is not being treated as it's not displaying gill issues/mortalities. The fish are Aquagen stock rather than
Company veterinarian currently out on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0009
DownloadFollowing consecutive reports of mortality, a site visit was planned for the 24/01/2023. Weather did not permit the inspection of the site on the 24/01 and was rescheduled for the 25/01. Paperwork was inspected on 25/01/2023.
A bloom of Muggiaea atlantica (micro jellyfish) compromised gill health in early October, along with seasonal AGD and most recently diagnosed with CMS. PGD however is the main cause of mortality (24/01/2023). Following a passive surveillance inspection on the 20/12/2022, mortalities continued to be above the reporting threshold. The site conducted its last hydrogen peroxide treatment on 19/12/2022, which was found to be successful. No further chemical treatments have been conducted on site since 19/12/2022. FW is planned to be the next treatment and if weather permits begins w/b 30/01/2023. The FW treatments will target pens believed to cope with handling and attempts will lastly be made in pens 1, 2, 10, 11 (worst affected).
Harvest of worst affected pens is an option. Due to weather and prioritising mortality removal from site, fish health visits have been limited since 20/12/2022, however next scheduled visit along with routine histology, bacteriology and PCR is planned for the 26/01/2023.
The stock origins are from Girlsta Hatchery and Barcaldine Smolt Unit; with primary input of fish from Langa Isle (East) in
September and one pen stocked with transferred fish from Holms Geo in November, respectively.
Mortality (recent weeks):
20/12/2022-26/12/2022: 1.17%, 8074
27/12/2022-02/01/2022: 1.97%, 13470
03/01/2023-09/01/2023: 6.37%, 42780; pen 10, 4, 2, 1 most affected
10/01/2023-16/01/2023: 4.59%, 28820; pen 11, 10, 1 and 4 most affected
17/01/2023-23/01/2023: 2.82%, 16430; pen 10, 1, 5 most affected
White circular lesions were observed on the fish as well as some 'boils'/raised scales on a few fish both observed on site and during sampling. Bacteriology plates of the lesions were taken on F2, F3 and F4.
Last lice count was conducted on 29/12/2022. Weather and mortality removal have not permitted lice counts on site. Last lice counts were conducted using Optimease (only 7 day withdrawal compared to TMS). Fish are currently off feed.
FW treatment boat is planned to arrive on 30/01/2023 and plan is to prioritise to treat those with least mortality.
No cleanerfish held on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0213
DownloadWrasse were wild caught and sourced locally. Wrasse morts - 4 morts since first input on 21/06/2024.
Slightly elevated morts that were below reporting threshold were observed in Pens 9, 8, 10 during April 2024. This was attributed to previous fungal/ bacterial lesions before input - 14/05/2024 2766 (1%), 22/04/2024 3452 (1.3%), 29/04/2024 3954
(0.6%), 06/05/2024 5316 (0.8%). Morts decreased after this period.
Slice treatments w/c -22/06/2024 & 02/05/2024
Site has observed increase in jellyfish numbers.
General stock population was sitting deep in the water column shoaling well and had good feed response. During inspection it was observed that an average of 2 fish per cage had physical lesions on caudal fins, site noted it was attributed to bacterial infection but has not increased mortaility levels. Very low numbers of slender fish and spinal deformities were observed across site. At the time of inspection site had divers on site for mort removal.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted by whilst supervised by . [Original PDF]
Eilean Grianain
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1176Case Number: 2020-0032
DownloadMortality report received from business on 24/04/2020. w/b 13/04/2020 - 19310 (1.17%) attributed to post treatment losses (freshwater).
FHI contacted business for further information and to conduct a PSI.
The business had also previously reported increased mortality w/b 06/04/2020 - 29874 (1.77%) - attributed to post treatment losses (freshwater).
Additional weeks mortality checked: w/b 30/03/2020 - 1800 (0.1%). w/b 20/04/2020 - 3901 (0.2%)
No other peaks in mortality during this production cycle.
The freshwater treatment was for AGD, carried out using a wellboat. Treatment beginning 06/04/2020 and finishing the following week, all 20 cages treated at 2 cages per day. Poor weather during a couple of days caused crowding to take longer, with fish being left in crowd for longer than usual, thought to have exacerbated losses. Pens 9 and 10 worst affected. Mortality has fallen significantly during most recent week (w/b 20/04/20). No further treatments are currently planned.
No other underlying health issues, sea lice numbers low.
PSI case conducted as unable to visit site due to COVID-19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0344
DownloadStorm Ellen struck. In a yellow warning area for high winds from Wednesday into Thursday. Wind: southerly
NO attempt was made to capture fish. The issue of recapture was discussed with local fishery boards.
There has been an increase in the number of local fishermen visiting the area. The site staff are unaware if any salmon have been caught.
Last Thursday 10:00-10:30 call from site letting senior management know that the whole group of cages in the northern half of the site were moving north. Thursday the group was secured by a well boat and tug boat. 6 pens were intact, 4 were damaged
(in the northern half of the site). Divers were in on Friday together with an ROV. Holes in pen 1 (which was written off) and 4 were detected. Four pens were harvested and morted (figures below)
Pen 1: 48,124 (total), 29,125 (dead) 18,999 (missing),
Pen 2 and 3 all harvested (morts - cage 2: 150, cage 3: 1,125)
Pen 4: 46,195 (total), 216 (morts), 16,144 (harvested), 29,835 (missing)
All harvesting on Friday and Saturday. All processed by Tuesday.
Site staff were on site on Thursday, they returned to shore early in the morning when conditions deteriorated. They could see from the cameras on site the pens were moving. The team drove north up on a hill overlooking the site and could see the pens were moving north. The cages swung around 180 degrees north west (clockwise) due to the wind coming from the south east.
The Ronja Fisk well boat and a tug were nearby and attached a bridle rope to a cage to secure the pens. All ten cages were attached to each other.
DC arrived at about 16:00. A tug was operating nearby in Loch Fyne and was called to secure the cages between 16:00-19:00.
Tug called Kingdom of Fife. Most southerly pens and grid buoy attached to tug. Ronja Fisk were also attached to most southerly cages to hold them in place over night. Team on site by about 6am on Friday. Started working to assess damaged pens at 10am. The cages were secured to the grid already. The fish were removed from the pens next. Divers arrived at 8am with an ROV at 10-11am. Took about two hours to check the pens with ROV and divers. The hole in cage 1 was repaired using a sweep net. The sweep net had a lead weight holding the bottom tought and the top was secured to the water line of the netting. Cage 4 was repaired by divers using thread to secure the holes. Fish from cage 2 were harvested first. Had to start on cage 2 as it was on the outside of the grid and the easiest to access. Once this pen was moved out of the way the other pens could be tended to. Then pen 4 and pen 3 harvested. Morts from pen 1 being removed whilst harvesting and removing fish from other cages. Morts removed using "Foover" and uplifts. The "Foover" uses jets of water to move fish into basket and then uses a ROV to bring basket to surface. Morts placed on a mort bin on work boat and either ensiled on the barge, or transferred into skips on Ferguson work boat. Once skips at shore they would have been transported to either Dundas or
Energen Biogas in Cumbernauld. Billy Bowie supplied skips and Ferguson Transport the lorries and boats to shift the waste.
What caused holes is unknown on pen 1. Pens 4 had a buoy wash into it causing a hole. The deformation of pen 1 probably meant that the net had undue stress in places that it wasn't supposed to causing a hole to rip. However this is unconfirmed.
Broken mooring ropes has been sent to Aberdeen for assessment. Multiple mooring lines snapped. Once one went that put more stress on other ropes causing a chain reaction, this is also unconfirmed. Unknown at present how many ropes snapped.
Harvesting of stock was undertaken by Ronja Fisk, Ronja Harvester and Ronja Challenger. Grip fisk and Ronja Viking on stand-by. All fish from affected pens went to Mallaig for processing. All fish to Ireland were planned to be harvested anyway.
Fish not counted on site as the pens have been ROV and diver checked and no holes were found. There are no plans to count these cages as it is thought very unlikely fish escaped without any holes detected.
No attempt made to recover fish due to safety concerns associated with bad weather. has been in touch with fisheries boards. Local people have been seen trying to catch fish using a rod and line but it is unknown if anything has been caught.
Cages moved approx. 200-300m.
WRS from the wild, LUM hatched at Anglesey (Mowi owned).
LUM and WRS were harvested out of the affected pens and were culled at Mallaig.
Mortality before the incident was slightly elevated caused by gill challenges and harvesting.
LUM came onto site at 27g-35g and some are around 120g at the time of the remote inspection. LUM are now between 27g -
120g as they have come onto site at different times
Last lice count was done on 16/08/2020 due to the site staff being busy with harvesting and dealing with latest incident.
Four damaged cages to move off the site the day of the physical inspection. These will go to Kishorn for repair. Since the aerial footage the cages have 'sprung back' into a circular or near circular shape. Nets sent to Knox base in Kilbernie for washing and repair. If the nets are not repairable they will be disposed of by Knox.
Foover removed fish into tubs on a work boat. Morts disposed off in three ways. Ensiler capacity on barge is 64,000L and that was filled up. Second route for disposal was Billy Bowie skips sitting on a Ferguson transport boat. The skips on the work boat were unloaded into Billy Bowie skips on Ferguson transport boat (each skips holds about 12 morts tubs full) and these were then taken to Tarbert where they were unloaded onto a truck and taken to either Dundas or Energen biogas in Cumbernauld disposal points. Third method was the mort tubs on a Mowi work boat were taken to the harbour where a Billy Bowie tanker will meet them to suck whole fish out of the tubs and taken to Energen or Dundas. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0067
DownloadThis cycle input week 44 2021.Lice levels have remained below criteria for treatment; very low peaking at 0.01 week 6 and 7
2022- average adult female. Mortality this cycle peaked at 0.51% wk13 2022 (9842 fish) attributed to physical damage - Health report of 21/3/22 observed. Morts attributed to physical damage due to strong south easterly winds and a smaller amount of seal damage.
Fish input in October 2021 from Loch Lochy, Loch Garry and Loch Ness
Wrasse input in next month or two from Anglesey or Dorset
Lump fish farmed from Dorset input 11/1/22- 15/1/22.
Dead haul harvest with Aquascotia into Campbeltown then tankers to Blar Mhor. Ireland and Blar Mhor will be used for future harvests.
This cycle no treatments apart from 3 hour FW treatment week 10/5/22 with .Aquaskye. - AGD treatment for salmon . Gills looking good post treatment.
Cleanerfish mortality for period input Jan 2022 until 10/5/22 is 13.4% for north part of site and 14.9% for south part of site.
Cleaner fish are not removed for 3 hour well boat freshwater treatments
Large swell on site did not allow access to full circumference of pens [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0440
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by .
Business internally refers to the site as Carradale North and South but site inspected and records checked as one site.
Inspection scheduled due to the business reporting high mortality events attributed to treatment loss and gill infections. Seven pens were treated with freshwater and FLS in week 45 with another 5 pens treated in early October. Treatment of seven other pens is scheduled for the coming weeks. Attempts to remove cleaner fish before treatments are made by creeling and catching with hand nets. Passive grade harvesting has been ongoing at the site since 23/09/2024.
Internal health report from 05/11/24 available indicating AGD and PGD present onsite. Health team scheduled to visit on
Pens experiencing highest mortality were identified for inspection. Two moribund fish were observed across the inspected pens and attempts to remove them for sampling failed due to their swim response. General population were observed to be shoaling well with limited sea lice observed.
Recent Lumpfish Mortality: wk46, 39, 0.02%; Wk45,0, 0%; Wk44,0,0%; Wk43,512,0.33%
Recent Wrasse Mortality: wk46, 165,0.31%; Wk45, 0,0%; Wk44, 0,0%; Wk43, 620, 1.14%
Wrasse mortality historical - 2024 Wk 27, 2870, 4.20%; Wk28,4073,6.22%;Wk29,1487,2.42% (handling related)
Lumpfish mortality historical - 2023: Wk 51, 15784, 6.57% (Storm damage); Wk52, 15460, 6.89%(Pseudomonas). 2024 Wk1,
7955, 3.81% (Pseudomonas). 2022, Wk29, 8751, 5.46% (wounds & fin damage and handling); Wk30, 9846 ,6.86% (wounds or fin damage) [Original PDF]
Etive 3 (Port na Mine)
Dawnfresh Farming Ltd FS1101Case Number: 2020-0476
DownloadAll fish on site input from Etive 2. Originally Kinnard Mill or Rocks Lodge.
Morts stored at shore base in skip- collected by Billy Bowie.
Treatments for this cycle; 6 wellboat salmosan (last one 23/7/20) and 6 alphamax tarp treatments (last one 24/9/20),
Hydrolicer in October.
Last weeks lice counts were 0.12 average adult female leps.
Four sites operated by Dawnfresh in Loch Etive not fallowed in synchrony.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity protocols. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0464
DownloadMort events; 29/8/22 2.42% (6731 fish) furunculosis, 12/9/22 7.02% 26000 fish - plankton bloom
Plankton mainly effected pen P3.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 10/8/22. 19/9 Azasure wellboat treatment. Azasure and Alphamax tarp treatment week 19/9 and
Surveillance frequency sheet completed as noted import on movement records. Surveillance frequency changed from Low to
High. As site has been inspected in October 2022 it will be scheduled an ECI visit in 2023.
Site inspection carried out due to reported increased mort figures however numbers have now reduced to below the reporting threshold and no moribund fish were observed on site inspection. Dorsal sea lice grazing was observed but no head damage.
Four sites stocked in area, Lice numbers for average adult females are as follows; week 17/9/22 Etive 2 3.1, Etive 3 2.9, Etive
4 is 5.2, Etive 6 is 8.9; week 24/9/22 Etive 2 is 5.4, Etive 3 is 2.7, Etive 4 is 12.1, Etive 6 is 13.3
In the last two weeks in the area of Loch Etive 19 pens have been treated, 6 are on harvest plan and 4 remain to be treated.
Have been using well boat and trap treatments, Azasure, Salmosan and Alphamax. Currently have two wellboats for the area, one for 8 days and one for two weeks. Recent heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and hopefully reduce reinfection.
Had been harvesting at an increase level but the main harvest boat was pulled by company operators (not F0456) to work on their sites so rate of harvest has been greatly reduced. Hope to be getting the harvest boat back. Currently harvesting 12-14 tonnes/day but if they get the harvest boat back this can increase to 200 tonnes a week. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0464
DownloadMort events; 29/8/22 2.42% (6731 fish) furunculosis, 12/9/22 7.02% 26000 fish - plankton bloom
Plankton mainly effected pen P3.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 10/8/22. 19/9 Azasure wellboat treatment. Azasure and Alphamax tarp treatment week 19/9 and
Surveillance frequency sheet completed as noted import on movement records. Surveillance frequency changed from Low to
High. As site has been inspected in October 2022 it will be scheduled an ECI visit in 2023.
Site inspection carried out due to reported increased mort figures however numbers have now reduced to below the reporting threshold and no moribund fish were observed on site inspection. Dorsal sea lice grazing was observed but no head damage.
Four sites stocked in area, Lice numbers for average adult females are as follows; week 17/9/22 Etive 2 3.1, Etive 3 2.9, Etive
4 is 5.2, Etive 6 is 8.9; week 24/9/22 Etive 2 is 5.4, Etive 3 is 2.7, Etive 4 is 12.1, Etive 6 is 13.3
In the last two weeks in the area of Loch Etive 19 pens have been treated, 6 are on harvest plan and 4 remain to be treated.
Have been using well boat and trap treatments, Azasure, Salmosan and Alphamax. Currently have two wellboats for the area, one for 8 days and one for two weeks. Recent heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and hopefully reduce reinfection.
Had been harvesting at an increase level but the main harvest boat was pulled by company operators (not F0456) to work on their sites so rate of harvest has been greatly reduced. Hope to be getting the harvest boat back. Currently harvesting 12-14 tonnes/day but if they get the harvest boat back this can increase to 200 tonnes a week. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0118
DownloadSeal pro nets to be fitted as standard when older nets reach end of service life
Mortalities stated on FMS as going for incineration but these go to Barkip for biogas via Billy Bowie, this was discussed with the site manager and will be included in the next review. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0247
DownloadBusiness notified FHI regarding the increased unexplaied mortalities since wk 22 2023. Report of mortality noted that fish may be experiecing gill issues as a result of low DO in the loch.
During site inspection, pen 6 and 8 were noted as pens experiencing the highest mortality on site. Mortalities have only been affecting smaller fish on site; larger and passively graded fish have not been experiencing any issues. Interesingly, pens on the side closer to the shore were more affected. Only one moribund fish was observed and sampled for diagnostic testing. Fin damage on some fish were observed in pens 6, 8, 7, 10. In addition, no lesions or gross pathology was observed. Pens experiencing increased mortality have been put either on starve or partial starve to reduce stress.
Data loggers have been deployed on site to monitor temperature and DO levels. DO dropped to a minimum of 78% overnight from 06/06 to 07/06.
Two year classes stocked on site; 2021 and 2022 with fish from Rocks Lodge and Kinnaird Mill Trout, respectively. Both stocks since input have been doing well, with low mortality recorded, until wk 22 2023.
Fish removed from pen 7 for diagnostic sampling - stock origing: Kinnaird Mill Trout. Input to site on 14/4/2023.
Mortalities on site have been removed via the foover system; has been very effective. Daily removals occuring. [Original PDF]
Etive 4
Dawnfresh Farming Ltd FS1112Case Number: 2021-0209
DownloadPeaks in mortality - week 38 2020 - 3421 - seal damage 0.9% week 45 - 3254 - Handling - 0.9%
Site is continously stocked from pens split at other sites in the loch.
Water very murky, lots of fresh water present. fish looked in good condition, observed one or two fish with fin/tail damage.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0162
DownloadPaperwork, site inspection and sampling by , observed by . conducted an Inspector Competency audit.
Stock details and BMP inspected 11/10/23 before site inspection, remaining paperwork completed on site on 12/10/23.
10 x 100m pens on site, 9 stocked at time of inspection. Site manager reported that site had consent for 12 cages. All pens fitted with seal pro nets, triple panel at the water line and the base of the net.
Last EC inspection was 15/05/21, SLA was conducted on 06/10/21.
Site experienced high levels of L. salmonis during autumn 2021 and Autumn 2022, this was reportedly due to algal blooms within the loch which prevented treatments being conducted. Site manager reported that August 21 the sites experienced a quick resettlement of L. salmonis, which was attributed to a failure with the filters on the treatment boat (Skamik system).
1-2 fish observed per pen, with lesion behind dorsal fin, these fish were very active and shoaling with the general population, no dead or moribund fish observed during inspection. Most recent health reports detailed no conclusive bacteriology findings for cause of lesions.
Fish in most easterly cages observed facing in to the current, which was reportedly much stronger than usual due to increase water being released down the river Awe from the power station following the prolonged period of heavy rain. All fish appeared healthy and pens away from the two pens at the eastern end of the pen group, were shoaling normally. Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good condition, with no sea lice visible.
Unsure of future plans for site at present, currently applications in for changing species on site from RTR to SAL, outcome of those applications will determine the next stocking date, at present the site is due to fallow by the end of the year. [Original PDF]
Etive 6
Dawnfresh Farming Ltd FS1288Case Number: 2021-0210
Downloadall fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease.
Peaks in mortality
Week 9 - 2020 - 4939 - Seal - 0.97% week 3 - 2020 - 4567 seal - 0.85%
Water was murky on site, lots of fresh water present in the loch. Fish appeared to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0355
DownloadRemote inspection undertaken by , observed by on 16/09/2021. Physical inspection undertaken by , observed by .
Input of fish next week. 195,000 at average weight of 200g.
Largest fish (everything over 3kg) on site being emergency harvested at the time of inspection and over the next 3-4 weeks.
Usually harvest fish at 4.5kg but having to harvest early due to pre-empting lice issues.
Reportedly a substantial lice burden. Just Leps, very few Caligus on site.
Blair Mhor processing factory has had to close down due to COVID which hindered efforts to remove fish from area.
Some evidence of gill issues consistent with a plankton bloom. Pharmaq was the company who took the samples and reported on 16/08/2021. Site staff usually take water samples and check themselves to look for plankton but have been unable to due to staff numbers. This staffing issue appears to be long term issue due to poor quality of staff joining the company.
Larger fish are experiencing a higher mortality rate.
New "Skamik 1.5" lice cleaning system used on site. The system uses brushes and jets of water to remove lice. It was used on
Skye (Organic Sea Harvest) before using in Loch Etive and reports were very good. They used it on site at Etive and lice clearance was very good and mortalities were low. Following the treatment lice numbers rose sharply on site. It is thought that there was a leak in the lice collection system that allowed lice to be discharged back into the sea, however, this was not confirmed by Skamik team
Escape: Pen 8 (S8) net lifted before treating. Alphamax bath treatment was about to be used but was aborted as the fish looked distressed during the crowd. Divers called in to check for morts after the crowding and they spotted a hole in the net, this was immediately repaired using cable ties. The hole was approximately 2m x 0.5m (no shape reported), hole 2-3m below base line. Nets are about 17m deep. Net raised by 7m before the treatment. Well boat on site on Monday following remote inspection to count fish and final notification will be sent once this has been completed. Site staff looking up and down Loch looking for escaped RTR. Some RTR caught in River Awe, approximately 40 fish caught. The fishery trust senior fisheries biologist has been in contact with the company about the catches. The site staff are currently in the process of installing seal pro nets on Etive 6. All nets in Loch will be delivered to site by the end of the financial year. They will be installed as they arrive and when staff have time. About 5 years ago there were no seal problems on site but recently there have been more seals observed close to site. Two Ortec systems being used in Loch Etive, on Etive 4 and Etive 6. Been in use for approx. two years, and there was a marked reduction in seal numbers and morts caused by seals when it was first installed, but the affect has reportedly reduced over the years. Many more seals in area being observed by staff. Etive 6 is closest to Connel bridge where most seal activity is.
Increase mortality on Etive 4 and Etive 6. Mortality on other sites in the Loch has been slightly higher than average. Divers used to take fish out but dive team was out of action for 10 days due to COVID. Boat breakdowns also hindered the removal effort. Issues with getting dead fish out of the cages and off the shore base. Biggest issue was getting fish out of the cages.
Divers always used. They had issues getting enough skips to shorebase to shift the fish. Billy Bowie and Gogar used to remove skips. Most of pick-ups were Billy Bowie. Low bridge that has to be passed under to get to the shorebase so Billy
Bowie can only use small skips to remove waste or they won't fit under the bridge. Tide is also an issue and they can't use uplifts in strong tides. Incinerator has been removed as it kept breaking down. Hoping to get a new one soon. Mass mortality
SOP submitted via email. Reportedly followed during the mortality event. Was last reviewed at end of August this year by health manager since the increase in mortality in the area. Actual procedures have not been changed, just the wording of some sections. In the future the Skamik will not be used again as it was not tried and tested. They will only use tried and tested methods to reduce lice numbers. Hoping to use a Ferguson boat in the future to remove fish directly from cages and place the removed fish onto skips on the deck of the boat. These could then be taken away by boat.
Observed daily cage inspection record kept on barge
Whole of Loch Etive not fallowed synchronously. Etive 3, 4 and 6 being emergency harvested at the time of the inspection.
Emergency harvested conducted as the site manager is pre-empting issues from the lice.
Final escape notification has been changed since the initial notification. On the initial notification it was though that the hole observed by the divers was caused by a seal. However, the reason for the hole being created has been revised and now the dive team think the hole was caused by a down weight being dropped too quickly by an inexperienced member of staff.
Currently there are many inexperienced staff on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0119
DownloadMortalities stated on FMS as going for incineration but these go to Barkip for biogas via Billy Bowie, this was discussed with the site manager and will be included in the next review. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1233Case Number: 2020-0297
DownloadRecent Mortality SAL: 20-23/07/2020 0.05% 434; w/b 13/07/2020 0.06% 549; w/b 6/7/2020 10,666 1.21% w/b 29/06/2020 9,932 1,09% w/b 22/06/2020 1,451 0.15%
Mortality LUM: w/b 13/07/2020 2,167 morts (FW treatment) w/b 6/7/2020 13 morts w/b 29/06/2020 58 morts w/b 22/06/2020 0 morts
Lumpfish don't cope well with crowding, FW treatments or the Hydrolicer. Looking into options to exclude lumpfish from treatments but currently no feasible way to remove them.
PD diagnosed in stock on site, some issues with AGD & CGD. Sea lice have been low all cycle. Freshwater treatment currently ongoing. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0173
DownloadFish on site from West Strome (2020 S0), Loch Huamavat, Geocrab Hatchery and Clachan Hatchery (2020 S1). Delivery from
Clachan Hatchery was delayed and higher mortalities post transfer in pen 3 due to fungus. No issues with other inputs.
Site will stock with mix of lumpfish and wrasse at later date.
Fish have had Slice treatments in March and May. Only used Salmosan once during last cycle during transfer of some fish to another sea site. Hydrolicer treatments have been improved with clearance rates above 90% and less physical damage of fish.
New hydrolicer due to arrive with company later in the year which can process 300T per hour.
Site reported tuna and seal in pen 7 on 11 October 2020 and reported to FHI (MSe111020SAL1). Hole believed to have been caused by tuna and seal entered pen through the hole which was repaired. No fish escaped.
The 2020 S0 stock is due to be thinned soon and will be transferred to Vacasay in the autumn to make room for grading of S1 stock.
Water dark and fish low, but no moribund fish observed. All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Remote inspection conducted on 2/6/21 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0586
DownloadRecent Mortality events (FHI Notified):
0.67 Wk49
5.18 Wk48
2.52 Wk47
2.17 Wk46
1.03 Wk45
Stock origin is all hebridean smolts. Positive effects have been seen after freshwater and hydrolicer treatments. The north group experience the higher mortality on site, specifically pen 1, 2 and 3. In the south group, pen 13 is the worst affected currently. Pen 15 has been harvested out. Pen 14 also will be harvested out by January 2022. AGD is the overlying issue. In addition, low zinc levels has been identified in the population, compromising the skin health. New diet has been delayed as a result of weather; to aid skin.
Last treatment:
FW: 08/12/2021
Cleanerfish records:
Wk36 to Wk39 increased mortality as a freshwater treatment.
Mortalities disposed of commonly at whiteshore cockles. Due to high mortality, some have been ensiled on the wellboat
In previous cycle (2020), tuna made a hole in the pen. Reported to FHI.
PSI conducted on the 14/12/2021 by , supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0274
DownloadWrasse peaks in mortality 2021 wk 51 (1855 (60.6%) AGD, treatment.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2021 Wk 40 17134 ((1.46%) AGD, mechanical treatment, pysical damage, wk 45 11884 (1.03%)
AGD, wk 46 24864 (2.17%) AGD, wk 47 28226 (2.52%) AGD, wk 48 56567 (5.18%) AGD, wk 49 42914 (4.14%) AGD, physical damage, wk 50 27686 (2.79%), wk 51 21111 (2.21%) AGD.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2022 wk 22 26863 (3.35%) pending diagnosois wk 23 25765 (3.32%), wk 24 12608 (1.78%) pending diagnosis, lesions, wk 25 9811 (1.57%) CMS, wk 27 6569 (1.15%) CMS, post treatment, wk 28 10848 (1.92%) CMS post treatment, wk 29 6262 ((1.21%) wk 40 2103 (2.12%) physical damage.
Fish feeding well, no issues this cycle since input. [Original PDF]
Evanachan Salt Water
Otter Ferry Seafish Ltd FS0001Case Number: 2020-0436
DownloadNo water quality or predator issues on site. Production of juvenile halibut is undertaken for transfer and on-growing on Gigha.
Pigmentation issues are ongoing but this does not affect the fish.
Wrasse and lumpfish are on-grown for use as biological sea lice control on salmon production sites. Have periodic issues with atypical furunculosis in wrasse and have AGD present in lumpfish. Environmental enrichment is used in the tanks along with reducing the light levels. Demand remains high for cleanerfish production. Improvements are being undertaken to production facilities.
Site is never fallow but good biosecurity between production units and cleaning and disinfection between production batches. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0449
DownloadRemote inspection done on 28/10/21 by , supervised by .
Recent mortalities:
1-28 October - 17,886 (2.86%)
1-28 October - no mortality
1-28 October - 3,800 (1.04%)
Other peaks in mortality
July 2021 (9.65%, 82.3g) - atypical furunculosis, fish treated with antibiotic
November 2020 (16.27%, 12g) - atypical furunculosis, fish treated with antibiotic
January 2021 (12.33%, 1.6kg) - atypical furunculosis, fish treated with antibiotic
March 2021 (14.6%, 2.2kg) - atypical furunculosis, fish treated with antibiotic
April 2021 (17.1%, 2.6kg) - atypical furunculosis, fish treated with antibiotic, strain now included into injectable vaccine
May 2021 (18.56%, end of cycle) - end of cycle, most fish culled due to lack of demand
Physical inspection done by and observed by on 03/11/2021.
Populations looked healthy with no apparent clinical signs of disease. Background mortalities observed in some of the tanks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0189
DownloadThere have been new facilities (J building) added within the Salt Water unit, and have been on stream since December 2021.
Site details will change to reflect additions.
The majority of the fish that are transferred onto site are from the Evanachan Marine Hatchery.
In the next couple of months, site is actively trying to increase production of ballan wrasse and broodstock. In process of sourcing wild caught ballan wrasse from a fishery. Upon arrival to site, these will be put into quarantine. Previously fish have been caught from Isle of Skye and Mull.
Regarding disposal of mortalities, morts are recorded daily and removed. Upon removal they are frozen and the incinerated.
Site is looking at possibilities to ensile mortalities for future use, due to the high cost related to incineration.
Fish are transferred on and off site via Solway or Migdale Transport. No processing occurs on site.
In the nursery units, fish are fed with live feed such as artemia, rotifers and cryopreserved barnacle larvae. Then all fish are fed with various dry commercial feeds.
J building- ballan wrasse 2022: Wk23, 0%,0; Wk22, 0.6%,951; WK21, 0.71%,1177; WK20, 0.86%, 1751
New nursery- ballan wrasse 2022: Wk23, 0%, 0; Wk22, 0.97%, 982; Wk21, 1.50%, 1546; Wk20,1.92%, 2017
SP tanks- ballan wrasse 2022: Wk23, 0%, 0; Wk22, 0.07%, 3858; Wk21, 0.05%, 2721; Wk20, 0.08%, 4466
No mortalities recorded in last 4 weeks in BP2
Sea lice risk assessment available detailing that regular checks at sampling will occur.
Remote inspection conducted by and supervised by on 02/06/2022.
Site inspection conducted on 09/06/2022 by and supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0107
DownloadTreatment in Wrasse; bayril-( enroflaxacin active ingredients) specific written vet instruction Bute and Cowal vets. No withdrawal applied for wrasse as they are not intended for human consumption.
Atypical furunculosis, wrasse juv 1-12g, fish off feed then increased mort - given infeed Florfenicol. Dip vaccine at 3g-all vaccinated now. Fish with atypical frunc were not vaccines as only IP vaccine available and fish need to be 20g.
Wrasse tested by PCR March 2023. 5 tanks tested- 3 positive for ADG and Atypical furunc
AGD - still an issue whole room treatments 4-5 days in reduced 20-25 ppt salinity
Mortality; Wrasse 38000 fish; growers and juveniles from a stock of 600000 - 6.3% - atypical furunc.
Lump fish cull 23/2/23 ago due to lack of customers, 132000 were culled (10-90g) euthanised with MS222 and disposed of by
Billy Bowie - Barkip- Bakkafrost, Mowi, SSF were due to take the fish but an issue with vaccines led to delay in supply and orders were cancelled also many of the destination sites were having gill issues and multiple wellboat FW treatments.
They have therefore planed to get no more lumpfish imports from Norway. Lumpfish production is to be scaled down. Last imports from Norway on April and May 2022
Salmon on site from Ardtaraig and Furnace for feed trails. Will be grown out for harvest. No sea lice have been observed on site. Intake water is course filtered, sand filtered and then UV treated. Discharge is not treated.
Wrasse feeding cycle, Rotifers, Barnacles larva, artemia, pelleted feed, mussels (cooked and shelled).
Sea lice - Intake water passed through sand filter then UV treated. Lice have never been seen on site in any of the species but are inspected regularly.
Site thermometer used to biosecurity reasons [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0858Case Number: 2021-0166
DownloadRemote inspection done on 28/05/21 by , supervised by . Physical inspection done on 01/06/2021 by , supervised by .
Wrasse brought over from Ireland during last cycle.
Mortality event observed in week 16 2019 - 1,530 fish (1.1%) at 2.9kg post treatment, not reported to Marine Scotland.
No issues on site. Fish looked healthy when sampled by for VMD (observed by ). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0126
DownloadRemote inspection done on 22/04/2022.
Farmed wrasse from Otter Ferry, wild caught wrasse from Orkney. No longer importing cleanerfish from Ireland.
The nets had been washed the day before the inspection and therefore were very clean. The fish looked healthy, with a good feeding response. No moribunds or dead fish observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0525
DownloadPeroxide treatments in October (tarp), September (tarp), August (wellboat) and July (tarp). A further treatment is scheduled for 19/11/2023
One moribund and one runt removed for diagnostic sampling. A number of lethargic fish were observed in all cages but displayed a good startle response so could not be caught.
AGD scores increased in July mortalities started increasing in week 34 peaking in week 38 (3,317 (1.92%)) and 39 (3,756
(2.19%)). Mortality numbers rapidly increased in week 41 peaking in week 43 (26,479 (14.48%)) and week 44 27943
(17.80%)) before reducing in week 45 (2,079 (1.56%)) however this week numbers are increasing with 4,921 (3.68%) recorded to date 16/11/2023.
Wrasse mortalities last four weeks:wk 46 8 (0.12%), wk 45 16 (0.31%), wk 44 23 (0.45%), wk 43 5 (0.10%). [Original PDF]
Fara West
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1017Case Number: 2021-0053
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely by , shadowed by 18/06/21
Site inspection by , shadowed by 23/06/21
VMD fish sampled by
Site thermometer used, due to issue with display on FHI thermometer.
1 dead observed across site at time of inspection, visibility poor at start of inspection, however, visibility improved half way through site inspection. Fish were deeper in the water, but showed a good feeding response. Feeders had been switched off to enable capture of fish for VMD sampling
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and were in very good condition.
No issues observed or reported on site, fish on site are organic fish
Site is to be used as a nursery site, with fish moved to South Cava. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0252
DownloadFish came on from Ardtaraig Hatchery and Yetts O'Muckart.
Current production plan moves fish off to Cava later in the year before harvest.
Slice completed in Feb 23, followed by a Salmosan treatment in March and a hydrolicer in May.
FMA not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, however a risk assessment was available and found to be adequate.
General population of fish appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. Several runts and fish with spinal deformaties were observed during the inspection. These were removed and humanely culled where possible.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good physical health and demonstrated a strong feed response. Very few lice were observed on the fish removed for sampling. [Original PDF]
Fishnish (A)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0427Case Number: 2021-0483
DownloadFish came onto site in December 2020 from the Barcaldine Smolt Unit.
Site had a Salmosan treatment in June, a thermolicer treatment was done in July, peroxide in September and Slice towards the end of September, beginning of October 21.
Fish were sitting deep in the water, but those osberved appeared to be healthy and were active. Lots of wrasse observed in the cages which also appeared to be in good health. 18,014 wrasse were input over June, July and August 21 and only 135 mortalities have been recorded since then. Site manager reported their effectiveness in keeping lice numbers low.
1 mortality and 1 moribund were observed across the site. Moribund was removed and culled. No clinical signs of disease so fish was not sampled. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0147
DownloadThe stock at Fishnish A have performed very well this cycle in the 160m pens so far, mortality on site has been low since input and the fish are developing well. Upon the physical inspection of the stock fish were observed shoaling well with no clinical signs of disease observed. Internally, fish sampled for VMD were healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0543
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit, mix of Stofinfisker and Aquagen (cage 2 and 4) and aquagen only (cage 3). Site manager reported a significant variation in size between stocks, with the stofinfiskers not performing as well as they Aquagens.
Furunculosis, AGD and PGD have been detected on site. Fish were reported to have had lesions resulting from the infection however a course of Aquatet was completed in September and the fish have been reported to be feeding well again and gaining weight. Lesions had reportedly healed well following course of treatment.
Farmed lumpfish were imported from Ireland in December 2022 but staff struggled to remove them before a 12hr FW treatment so all were lost as a result, with none remaining on site. APHA have been made aware of this.
Wildcaught wrasse were stocked onto neighbouring Fishnish B site before being moved into Fishnish A in Dec 22. The site was also stocked with wrasse during the summer months over several inputs in June, July, August and September. Since input the site has lost ~50% of the wrasse. A total of 26,206 was input into the site, and the majority (12, 854) were lost during a FW treatment in December 22.
The wrasse that were observed on site generally appeared in good physical health. There were a handful of individuals observed across the site were slightly lethargic.
Mortality events above reporting threshold:
Wk37 2023: 4,364 (1.11%), wk38: 11,319 (2.92%), wk39: 5229 (1.39%), wk40: 4160 (1.12%), wk43: 5587 (1.54%).
Slice was administered in June, followed by a FW treatment in May, thermolicer treatments in June and July and an Aquatet treatment in September.
Moribunds were observed in all cages, but low numbers (~1-2). 5 moribunds were removed from cage 2 which was the worst affected cage in terms of mortality and diagnostic samples taken. Several poor performing fish were observed, particularly in cage 4. These were not moribund but were anorexic and some spinal deformities were noted.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good physical health externally, internally and responded well to feed.
Site staff informed inspector during visit that a seal had entered one of the cages on site recently. This had not been reported to the FHI as required and a retrospective notification was requested. Cage 4 was slightly mishapen which the site manager had attributed to strong currents at the site and a spell of bad weather recently. This had resulted in the top net being stretched and it had lifted away from the bottom net, leaving large gaps where predators could ingress.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by [Original PDF]
Fishnish (B)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0694Case Number: 2021-0484
DownloadFish came onto site in December 2020 from the Barcaldine Smolt Unit.
Site had a Salmosan treatment in June, a thermolicer treatment was done in July, peroxide in September and Slice towards the end of September, beginning of October 21.
Fish were sitting deep in the water, but those osberved appeared to be healthy and were active. Lots of wrasse observed in the cages which also appeared to be in good health. 8,791 wrasse were input over June, July and August 21 and only 190 mortalities have been recorded since then. Site manager reported their effectiveness in keeping lice numbers low.
1 mortality was observed across the site. This was removed at the time of inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0534
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine (a mix of Aquagen Elite and Aquagen). Both stocks are reportedly performing well. A small number of moribunds were observed across the site but no other clinical signs of disease were observed so not removed for diagnostic sampling.
One cage of farmed lumpfish were transferred onto site from Fishnish (A), but staff struggled to remove them and were all lost during a 12hr FW treatment. APHA have been informed. Wild caught wrasse from around Orkney, Oban and Skye were stocked onto the site over several inputs in June, July, August and September and have been performing well. ~300 mortalities have occurred since input.
Slice treatment was completed in December 2022, January, February and March 2023. A FW treatment was done in May, the thermolicer was on site in June and July and a course of Aquatet was completed in September. Fish were vaccinated against
IPN and Furunculosis while in the FW hatchery.
Biomass on site is higher than preferred. Due to the water temperature dropping significantly in the weeks following the
Aquatet treatment, the withdrawal period for the Oxytretracyline may exceed 55 days. The fish have been sampled for residues and the site is awaiting results. If the fish have withdrawn from the treatment then the site will be passive graded and 9 harvests will occur between now and the new year to reduce biomass on site.
Average adult female leps combined above reporting threshold:
WK18 23: 0.63, WK20 23: 1.39, WK25: 2.56, WK28: 0.55, WK29: 1.56, WK31: 1.25, WK32: 1.14, WK33: 1.2, WK34:1.1,
WK35: 1.61, WK37:0.76, WK38: 1.78, WK39: 1.6, WK40: 1.2, 43: 1.9, WK44: 0.89.
AGD diagnosed on site and levels are remaining at moderate level.
Fish were removed from feed for a prolonged period during the summer months under veterinary instruction due to increased levels of jellyfish experienced on site
VHP, FMS and BMP all state mortalities are getting incinerated on the site barge, however, mortalities from this site and
Fishnish A are both being transferred in mort tubs back to a common skip at the shorebase before being uplifted by Billy Bowie and taken to Barkip for ensiling.
Tricaine was recorded in treatment record when Optomease was used.
Site staff informed inspector during visit that a seal had entered one of the cages on site recently. This had not been reported to the FHI as required and a retrospective notification was requested. With this said, the site was inspected as satifactory in terms of containment at the time of inspection.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0696Case Number: 2022-0054
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit via Fishnish. Input at Fiunary in wk21 2021. Four treatments have been conducted since input: Salmonsan and Azasure in May/June 21, Alphamax and Paramove in September 21. Fish are performing better this year and have good gill scores and low lice numbers. CMS has been confirmed by PCR and histology samples taken in
January 22, but not causing significant mortalities.
Wildcaught wrasse were input in June 21 and have been performing well to keep lice numbers low. Original input was 24,900
(6,150 mortalities since input (24%).
Site using Optomease this crop as anaesthetic for sea lice counts (alternative to Tricaine). Active ingredient is Benzocaine.
Site is doing live haul harvests. Harvesting is ongoing and fish are taken to South Shian for processing.
Fish were sitting deep in the cages but those that were observed appeared active and in good condition, with the exception of a few individuals who had lesions on their flank. These fish were also quite active and were not moribund, so no attempt was made to remove them with a handnet.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0127
Download2022 Wk 31: fallowed out previous crop (28/07/2022).
2023 Wk 3: input of new stock onto site. Stock origin: Barcaldine Smolt Unit (Fanad stock), transferred at 150g. First input on
Aquatet, oxytetracycline : 12/10/2023 - 15/10/2023 (720 degree days). Withdrawal end date: 13/12/2023.
Paramove: 08/11/2023- 06/12/2023 (different pens), Hydrogen peroxide.
FW treatments: 20/11/2023 and 01/02/2024
Optomease has been most recently used, but site plans to move back to using tricane again.
Wrasse mortalities:
02/06/2023 input of wrasse. All Scottish wild caught. advised that any fish with lesions to be culled out - after furunculosis
2024: Wk 19, 109, 0.64%; Wk 18, 227, 1.31%; Wk17, 251, 1.42%; wk16, 137, 0.77%
Wrasse dewatered in FW treatments and attemptes are made to creel out fish before any treatments.
Confirmed Furunculosis on 27/09/2023, aquatet treated from 12/10/2023. Prescription of aquatet inspected.
Confirmed CMS 03/11/2023 - no mortalities associated.
Health visits: when required and issues. Once every three months. Gill swabs taken every week usually.
Most recent health report confirmed that furunculosis and CMS present on site, however few/no mortality has been associated with either diseases.
During site inspection on 20/05/2024, a few moribund fish (3-5) seen in each pen but were either too fast to catch or too deep.
Two fish were observed with exophthalmia but not able to be removed due to being too deep. Otherwise, fish were observed to be in good condition. Site noted that over the previous weekend microjelly fish have started to appear, as the site in July
2023 experienced issues associated with them. One fish was removed for VMD sampling; fish appeared to be in great condition with no lice observed.
The majority of paperwork inspected remotely on 15/05/2024. Movement/transport records, predator and containment plan, biosecurity records and dive records reviewed during site inspection on 20/05/2024.
An escape investigation was also conducted on 20/05/2024, following notification from business on 06/03/2024 that a hole in pen 6 was observed on 04/03/2024. The hole observed was 21cm in diameter and found at 16m. A box net was lowered to cover the hole until divers repaired it on 05/03/2024. ROV footage of hole was observed during the escape investigation.
Recommendations were made to review site specific contigency plans and maintain records of any updates. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1275Case Number: 2021-0142
DownloadA mortality event for week 44 2019 was reported as 1.3% but the farm record indicates it was actually 1.45%. More mortalities were added to FishTalk shortly after the figures were reported to Marine Scotland. This does not affect the actions taken by the
FHI at the time.
Remote inspection carried out 15/07/2021 by observed by .
Physical inspection and VMD sampling carried out by observed by .
Fish appeared healthy and behaving normally, no dead fish observed. Less than one moribund/lethargic fish per pen.
The fish removed for VMD sampling appeared healthy, with no clinical signs observed. No sea lice present. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0238
DownloadSite inspected in calm weather with good visibility. Stock were observed shoaling and responding positively to routine feeding regimes.
Four fish in cage 3 and three fish is cage 5 were observed as moribund / lethargic. No further clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally.
The site completed a cycle of Slice treatments at the end of May and are planning to conduct a further FW treatment scheduled to commence 10/06/2023. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0567Case Number: 2022-0487
DownloadSite used to hold split of fish from other sites. Issued by: FHI Date of issue: 12/05/2020 No letharic or moribund fish observed. Water dark in colour - difficult to see stock on site. No issues or concerns. Slight increased mortality, especially cage 5 & 6 - suspected AGD, awaiting some results. Mortality dropped across the site in past week. Physical and freshwater treatments - 3 x hydolicer, 2 FW treatments one on transfer 13 Aug and the other 29 September [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0415
DownloadWild caught wrasse on site
Freshwater only (no FLS) used to treat the AGD.
Two full cages harvested on 07/10 (cage 3) and 09/10 (cage 4). These were harvested due to high mortality from AGD
Pseudo-nitzschia plankton bloom in the area over the last month had caused some mortality.
Last biologist report (from 21/10/24) states that the fish showed signs of PGD but little sign of AGD since last treatment. Also some sign of lesions. Gill health is reported to be stable
Biologist visits twice weekly.
During blooms fish fed alternate days
Freshwater treatment occurred on 29/07/24 all cages for AGD. Second freshwater treatment occurred on 05/09/24 also for
AGD. No FLS used. Gill swabs reportedly have shown the treatments have been successful at reducing AGD.
Moribund fish are removed as and when observed by site staff. Each cage is walked around everyday to remove moribund fish.
Wrasse numbers at harvest do not match-up with numbers counted or removed at harvest time. These losses are classed as black loss on the system. Up to 52% weekly black loss for wrasse on site since input. Input of 1,367 wrasse to cage 3 out of these 985 attributed to black loss. Input of 1,455 wrasse to cage 4 and 680 attributed to black loss. Both cages have now been harvested. Total wrasse black loss over the site is 51.32% (4,385 fish). Manager does not know how this discrepancy has come about.
All ballan wrasse stocked on site. Agreement written by Bakkafrost and signed by wrasse supplier states that all wrasse must be between 12-24cm. Wrasse supplier and site staff perform a visual check of wrasse size before/at input.
Environmental conditions are more favourable and mortality is reportedly reducing.
Site manager will continue to monitor fish health with the help of biologists and if health issues occur again the site will be harvested.
One moribund fish was observed on site during the inspection but was too deep to catch with a hand net
Accompanied by from the Animal and Plant Health Agency who asked questions regarding fish welfare and inspection of livestock. The case was referred to APHA following reports in increased mortality from the business [Original PDF]
Furnace (FW)
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0339Case Number: 2020-0395
Download21 VMD samples collected from 5 cages. Inspection of the smolt undertaken Fry tanks and hatchery were not inspected during the visit.
Within tanks A1 and B1 one moribund fish from each tank was removed for further observation. No obvious post-mortem signs of disease were observed and therefore no diagnostic sampling was undertaken. The fish observed on site looked in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0084
DownloadPaper work inspected remotely by 22/04/2021 shadowed by
Fry on site currently doing well. Mortality levels remaining low. No issues noted during VMD Mixing inspection. No medicated feed mixed since last inspection. If required it is only prepared in small batches to feed affected tanks. Medication is pre- weighed by Fish Vet Group before being sent to site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0239
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 22/07/2021 by , observed by . Physical inspection conducted on 27/07/2021 by
, observed by .
Underground tank used to collect ensiled waste. Separate ensiler for smolt unit and hatchery, both "on-site".
Import planned from Iceland in December 2021.
Water temperature very high at the time of the inspection at about 18.6 degrees C. Temperature kept above 16 throughout the cycle.
Some abrasion visible on the flank of some fish, reportedly due to some fish attacking others.
The site is on a recirculation system.
Eggs are kept on site in comp-hatch units. Once the fish have hatched and are large enough to move through into the grow-on tanks they can be pumped through pipes into the larger grow-on tanks,
One fish sampled for VMD showed signs consistent with vaccination damage. The site confirmed that fish from that tank had been vaccinated. Once the fish was opened up, no other signs of disease were noted, so no diagnostic samples taken. All other fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0080
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 22/03/2022.
Site inspection carried out 29/03/2022 with all units inspected. Only 5 tanks stocked at time of inspection along with hatchery.
Stock in hatchery all hatched and to be moved to to tanks over the course of the next week. Stock on site appeared to be in good condition with not a great degree of variation in size. Fish removed for VMD sampling appeared in good condition externally and internally with no clinical signs of disease. No lethargic/moribund fish observed during inspection.
Water temperature taken from site thermometers for biosecurity purposes. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0062
DownloadRemote paperwork inspected on 21/02/2023.
Different parts of the site fallow periodically. Smolt unit fallow from end of March until June. Comp hatch fallow from mid-March until mid-June. Alevins going into 6 tanks on separate recirculation system from the smolt unit until transfer to the smolt unit.
Water temperature smolt unit 13.3C, water temperature alevins 8C
1-2 floating morts observed in 2 tanks in smolt unit, overall fish looked to be in good condition. Fish samples for VMD appeared healthy. Alevins also appeared to be in good condition with little to no deformities or failed hatch observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0012
DownloadSmolt mortalities (A and B Units) last five weeks: week 5 765 (0.06%), week 4 785 (0.06%), week 3 309 (0.03%), week 2 174
(0.01%), week 1 371 (0.03%), background fungus.
Ova mortalities (E unit): week 5 22458 (1.4%), week 4 4285 (0.27%), ova only recently on site so only two weeks data.
Peaks in mortality 2023 (A and B unit): week 48 16189 (1.27%) (SGPv), week 47 34793 (2.65%)(SGPv) . Week 37 14281
(1.15%) (SGPv).
Water temperature: A and B 13 degrees, comp hatch 8 degrees, site thermometer used for biosecurity. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0839Case Number: 2021-0194
DownloadFish were feeding quite low, fish observed during VMD sampling appeared healthy and in good condition.
Site experiences severe weather regularly.There was a containment breach incident in 2020 where uplift system tore through the net, 5 tonne ring system for keeping net tensioned has been introduced as well as seal pro nets.
Site is stocked with farmed lumpfish which were observed at sides of pen and in hides, lumpfish looked healthy and in good condition. There has been issues with black loss in Cleanerfish (mortality unaccounted for discovered during harvest or grade.)
Site manager mentioned steps are being taken to try and reduce this by implementing new hides and more of them to improve survival during winter months when Cleanerfish are most vulnerable to bad weather)
All weeks where Sea lice numbers were above the reporting threshold were reported to the FHI as required. week 15 (2019) black loss at end of cycle - Lumpsuckers - 62 400 -
2021 Lump fish mortality (last 4 weeks)
Week 19 - 600 week 20 - 326
Week 21 - 248
Week 22 - 240 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0419
DownloadPSI conducted follow reports of increasing mortality on site. Low dissolved oxygen in week 34/25 affected gills, and incidence of AGD increased in routine health samples taken and morts went over 1% in weeks 37 and 38 and over 4% in week 39. This week so far 0.78%. Freshwater treatment undertaken wk 40/41. Sea lice levels generally below CoGP but over 2 in week 38.
Lot of moribunds on site affecting average counts and being removed where possible. Moribund fish generally uplifted by Billy
Bowie to Dundas, but sometimes also go to Barkip or Energen - Biogas. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0269
DownloadInspection of paperwork and site undertaken by accompanied by .
Two stock of fish on site at the time of inspection from Landcatch and Applecross.
Wrasse caught from wild from around Mull. No average weight taken. All wrasse ballan caught between 12cm - 24cm. One cage not fully stocked with wrasse due to availability issues. The cages will finish stocking with wrasse soon. Artificial kelp on site.
FLS system in use on site during the inspection. The clearance of lice and survival rate is reportedly increased compared to other lice treatments. Hydrolicers no longer owned by company. FLS also used in March as lice numbers were slightly increased. A treatment was conducted in May due to AGD. Company policy is to use FLS as well as freshwater treatment if lice are observed on site prior to treatment for AGD.
Sites on Mull reportedly get PD each year. PD resistant fish are being bred in Western Isles and the plan is to stock them onto sites in the future.
Site switched from TMS to Optomease to anaesthetise fish. Switch was made due to ease of administration and safety.
Product contains benzocaine.
SLICE treatment administered 27/03 - 02/04 as prophylactic.
There is reportedly a plan to move smolts onto site bigger at about 400g, next cycle fish will come on at 240g, which is bigger than previous stockings.
Vita Aqua Feed block used to feed wrasse. This is reportedly not pasteurised.
The site temperature (over 14 degrees C) was discovered after the paperwork had been completed.
Site was not inspected after temperature observation, although VMD samples were taken. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0350
DownloadSite inspected after company reported increased mortalities wb 10/07/2023. All pens showing similar levels of mortality. No specific pens showing elevated levels from other pens. Cleanerfish mortality levels have not significantly increased as in the salmon stock on site. Site diagnosed with PD at the end of February 2023 but mortalities did not increase. AGD also recently high but did not show increased mortalities. AGD levels were reduced through FW treatment. Cause of recent mortalities is being put down to a combination of PD, jellyfish damage and AGD but with environmental factors being the main driving force.
Secondary Tenacibaculum also said to be driving mortality levels from recent health reports. Neighbouring site of Geasgill also had high levels of Muggiaea on site recently.
Site currently carrying out FW treatments which had started the day prior to inspection. A 6 hour FW treatment per pen is being undertaken and expected to finish within a week. Wrasse are being separated out so are not going through the treatment process. 2 pens had been treated by the time inspector was on site and looked to have improved from the stock in the remaining pens. Fish were seen to be swimming slower with slight gasping for air but wouldn't necessarily be classed as lethargic as they were responding and diving adown when approached. 2 fish were caught for sampling but only pale gills were observed. The wrasse on site did not appear to be suffering to the same extent with no wrasse observed gasping for air.
Mortality numbers for week 31 (31/07) look to still be elevated but appear to be reducing from previous weeks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0529
DownloadSalmon came on from the Ormsary Smolt Unit (FS0575) and Applecross (1 cage of this stock remains on site) and were performing well until a period of elevated mortality during June and July. The elevated mortalities were attributed to PD, combined with FW treatments. Mortality has since reduced and has been below the reporting threshold since wk41.
Slice treatments were completed early on in the cycle (in Dec, Feb and Mar) and only FW treatments have been conducted since.
Site normally grows to harvest, however fish were split down and 2 cages were sent to Lamlash for ongrowing. Lamlash lies in a different CoGP area (M-48) and a different disease management area (20) to Geasgill (M-37 and 16a). Lamlash is the only site in its DMA and both sites hold the same yearclass of fish. Lamlash was also fallow prior to receiving fish from Geasgill.
Wrasse that were on site at the time of transfer, were moved across to Lamlash with the salmon. A risk assessment was completed and was available for inspection.
Site conducts live haul harvests to Carindow.
Mortality above reporting threshold:
Wk37-50, 52 2021.
Wk1, 5, 18, 21-22 2022.
Wk28 2023: 20,535 (2.97%), wk29: 53,901 (8.02%), wk30: 85,914 (14.93%), wk31: 49,593 (11.01%), wk32: 35,268 (8.8%), wk33: 27,165 (7.43%), wk34: 12,633 (3.73%), wk35: 15,741 (4.83%), wk 36: 3,981 (1.28%), wk37: 5,478 (1.79%), wk38:6,485
(2.16%), wk39: 3,493 (1.19%), wk40: 3,773 (1.3%).
Mortalities above reporting threshold this cycle were attributed to PD, combined with poor gill health and treatment losses. All were reported with the exception of the event that occurred in wk44 2021. Information was collected during the inspection and a notification was submitted retrospectively. NFA.
Fish were vaccinated against furunculosis, IPN and 22Q3 stock were also vaccinated against PD. Fish displaying clinical signs of PD were observed during the inspection, but were unable to be caught using a handnet. Fish in the next cycle will be vaccinated with the Claynav PD injection following positive results during trials.
Wk36 2021: 1.03 average adult female leps. Reduced week after. Wk38: 2.5 (physical treatment), wk41: 1.89, wk42: 1.51, wk43: 4.38, wk44: 3.78 (physical), then dropped to 0.48.. Wk21 2023: 0.98 then 1.14, then 0.6, 1.58, 0.65.
Wildcaught wrasse sourced from the local area were input to site in June and have been performing well since input. Appeared in good health during inspection. Site has lost 12,101 wrasse since input.
The general population of salmon across the site appeared in good condition and were actively shoaling in the cages.
Lethargic fish exhibiting physical damage were also observed in most of the cages. Physical damage had been attributed to previous SRS infection followed by secondary bacterial infection. The extent of the damage ranged from minor to moderate.
Where these fish could be caught with a handnet, they were removed at the time and humanely dispatched.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Geisgeil (Tank Site)
Loch Duart Ltd FS0885Case Number: 2021-0526
DownloadFish came on from Outer Bay (FS0671) in June 2021.
No treatments have been done on the site and fish are reported to be in good health.
The males are being stripped beginning 30/12 and the females will be stripped shortly after. Milt is being exported to Norway for cryogenic freezing as contingency for supply issues.
Fish appeared in good condition and were active in the tanks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0146
DownloadTreatments - No treatments have been carried out on site. Tricane is only used when fish are going for stripping. "Hands off approach" currently due to the CMS on site. Fish came onto site with CMS from the sea water sites
Mortality - It was noted that in 2023, fish culled for stripping were recorded as "unspecified mortality". Site were reminded that fish culled for stripping should be recorded as culls and these numbers should not be included in any mortality figures.
Health surveillance - PCMV testing - latest report 22/10/2024 - all 14 fish sampled had PMCv (Piscine myocarditis virus)
During the physical inspection of the site, the fish were observed through a small flap in the tank covering. Visibility was limited due to the peaty water however all fish observed were swimming well with no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Geocrab Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0562Case Number: 2022-0445
DownloadLast mortality event and report was on the 08/08/2022 where fish were 23.6g (Q1). Mortality reported a 2.03%, 38955, transfer stock to lochs. Elevated water temperatures and issues with the oxygenation system, fish were transferred out to fw sites, fish will be moved back when systems are repaired. Only 2023 Q1 transferred, 2022 Q3 were not affected. Transfer stock to lochs
(FS0737 & FS0149) temporarily
The last fish moved off site, Wk37, 17/18 09 2022, Gravir.
Ensiled on site and transporter takes waste tanks away.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
During the site inspection, hatching eggs were observed and minimal amount of unviable/failed eggs were seen. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0445
DownloadLast mortality event and report was on the 08/08/2022 where fish were 23.6g (Q1). Mortality reported a 2.03%, 38955, transfer stock to lochs. Elevated water temperatures and issues with the oxygenation system, fish were transferred out to fw sites, fish will be moved back when systems are repaired. Only 2023 Q1 transferred, 2022 Q3 were not affected. Transfer stock to lochs
(FS0737 & FS0149) temporarily
The last fish moved off site, Wk37, 17/18 09 2022, Gravir.
Ensiled on site and transporter takes waste tanks away.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
During the site inspection, hatching eggs were observed and minimal amount of unviable/failed eggs were seen. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0447
DownloadNo clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection of the site. Fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. The site was inspected in fair weather with a good level of visibility.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0279
DownloadUpon inspection of the site, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection of the stocks. A statutory 30 fish test for VHS and IHN was conducted due to the water temperature being over 14 degrees at the time of inspection. Due to the small fish size, the 30 fish tested were pooled into 6 samples. The site is planning to fallow in August 2024, plans for re -stocking are unknown at present.
One mortality event was reported W/b 08/01/24 due to fungus. The site promptly treated with formalin and mortality returned below the reporting threshold the following week. Fish have recoved well and mortality has remained at low levels since.
All fish removed for sampling presented healthy and free of any signs of disease, both internally and externally.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Girlsta Hatchery
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0504Case Number: 2020-0058
DownloadRecent smolts stocked to DMA 3a went to sea at a reported average weight of 190g, site manager reported that movements went well, but were delayed due to adverse weather. No issues observed or reported on site. Grading operations were ongoing during the inspection, with the large grade due to go to sea in April 2020 to DMA 3a. Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good conditions and were of uniform size.
No treatments have been required with exception of salt due to increasing nitrate levels. Site is examining possibility to move intake pipe work to deeper water, it was reported that by doing this the intake water temperature could be reduced by upto
An input of ova is due for delivery on Thursday 20/02/20, from Stofnfisker.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity procedures on site. Water temperature in the parr/smolt unit was 11.2oC, temperatures in fry unit are higher, but kept at 14oC or below.
Mortalities on site very low and fish showed good shoaling behaviour and feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0223
DownloadTWMA - used in event of mass mortality.
Fire in WK23, O2 delivery cabinet caught fire, cause unknown. Oxygen was quickly isolated and the site was evacuated. During
Hydrogen sulphide event - caused by turning on equipment that was turned off for a long time. In contact with FHI and institute in Norway (Niva), they advised that there were signs of a water borne insult to the fish, most likely hydrogen sulphide. Site now running at least one tank in line to ensure that there is flow throw throughout the site, there is also monitoring of H2S. Trying to avoid anaerobic conditions throughout the site to prevent it happening. No issues since and mortality did not go above reporting threshold (WK36 - 44,200 1.11%, WK37 - 49,651 1.27%)
Only treatments that are done is salt treatment when there is a spike in nitrite as a water treatment.
Site thermometer used instead of inspector's for biosecurity.
Inspection and casework carried out by and observed by VMD - tanks 17/18/19 carried out by , observed by
, tanks 20/21/22 carried out by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0040
DownloadHatchery experiences low mortality across all 4 units (incubation, first feeding, parr and smolt).
Most recent ova input from Aquagen observed an accumulated mortality of 3% specifically due to stress hatching.
Site still having issues with hydrogen sulphide spikes in the system. Issues occurred during Autumn 2021, with an accumulated mortality of 30,000 over three separate incidents.
Site has not treated since 2014 with medicines, therefore no recent treatment records to inspect. Salt is used on site if there are spike in nitrates.
The one smolt tank was observed and noted to exhibit different swimming behaviour than other tanks. This tank was seen to go with the flow within the tank, rather than against it.
In addition, upon removal and inspection of some fish, slight red vents were observed. This was attributed to the fact that fish ha
Paperwork inspected on 01/03/2022 by and supervised by .
Site inspected on 07/03/2022 by , supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 07/03/2022 by and supervised by . Fish sampled were seen to be in good health. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0013
DownloadPaper work and site inspection conducted by
The hatchery has experienced very low mortality since the site was last inspected. On the date of inspection, the site was stocked with only Aquagen fish, which are due to go to sea by the middle of February. The site usually takes 3 batches of fish per year with the other supplier being from Iceland.
Site is due to be restocked within the next couple of weeks with 1.95 million ova (Aquagen).
Daily morts are frozen and taken to the incinerator plant in Lerwick. If any culling is to take place or in the event of increased mortality, morts are removed and taken as whole fish waste to SEM.
From the physical inspection of the site, fish appeared to be healthy with no clinical signs of disease observed. Fish sampled for VMD displayed no internal clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0210
DownloadTemperature noted is an average from the fry and smolt units.
First feed morts: 2023 (no longer on site) - 2023 wk22 2.05% 35912. Smolt - 2023 wk41 1.28% 15297, wk42 2.10% 24756, wk43 0.93% 10641. Parr - 2024 wk13 1.95% 35456, wk14 1.87% 33231. Fry (poor performers/ deformities) - 2024 wk25
0.91% 18811, wk26 2.87% 59033, wk27 2.82% 53975
Saprolegnia confirmed on site via company routine surveillance. Treating with Aquacen and Cress. Fish have been improving since treatments.
Site observed slight increases of mortalities post vaccination. Fish vaccinated week 25.
General population of fish were shoaling as expected, responded to external stimuli and had a good feed response. In the
Smolt Unit some fish were observed to be lethargic with low presence of fungus.
5 healthy fish were removed from 2 different pens for VMD sampling. During VMD sampling visual inspection was conducted on the fish, the fish were observed to be healthy.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted by whilst supervised by . VMD sampled by . [Original PDF]
Glenan Bay
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0590Case Number: 2020-0532
DownloadGill issues caused by toxic algal bloom started in wk 33 with PD further compromising fish health, type of bloom could not be confirmed.
Mortalities: week 33 6840 (1.7%) week 38 4589 (1.19), week 39 4392 (1.15%), week 40 5413 (1.44%) week 41 10071
(2.71%), week 42 (20109 (5.57%) week 43 13566 (3.98%) week 44 10939 3.34%) week 45 4345 (1.37%) week 46 (458
(0.15%), week 47 496 (0.16%) week 48 524 (0.17%)
Freshwater treatment finished end of November which had a positive impact on gill health and mortalities.
Hydrolicer permanently stationed in Loch Fyne with targeted treatments administered.
Treatments with Salmosan and freshwater 26/10/2020 to 2/112020, good clearance achieved. slice and hydrolicer also been used this year.
Some fish observed lethargic in the pens but could not be removed due to startle response. Some fish with physical damage also observed, attempts were made to remove these but also could not be caught. Site manager reported that any moribund fish are removed as soon as is possible with the pen surface checked when removing mortalities. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0114
DownloadWaste is uplifted by Billy Bowie and transferred to Dundas Chemicals for disposal.
Mortalities between 2020 WK35 and 2020 WK48 were caused by PD and AGD combined. Fish were treated with fresh water which brought down mortalities. These were reported to the FHI at the time.
Sea lice - 1.18 AF 2020 wk38 Sea lice levels remained under the CoGP recommended intervention level, with the exception of
WK38, which had 1.18 AF recorded. Hydrolicer was onsite soon after and numbers reduced.
Seal pro nets will be installed next year, tensioning of nets has been increased, although there are limited issues with predation on site.
Cleaner fish Mortality - 9233 since input. Majority of fish were "black losses" due to fish dying, but not being recovered in mort basket.
VMD fish looked healthy when opened.
Due to covid-19, paperwork was inspected remotely on 06/05/2021 and the physical inspection took place on the 11/05/2021.
Paperwork and site visit conducted by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0492
DownloadPrevious cycle fallowed out 14/06/2023. Fish input to site wk39 2023 from Migdale, Harris Lochs and Heb Smolt.
Came on with fungus, initial high morts on input - ~11% in the first 12 days. Risk assessesment in place for transfer of fish with fungus from all stock inputs.
Transport records observed. No issues.Movement of wrasse noted.
Caligus not deemed an issue on site. From treatment records, last slice treatment was conducted on 23/10/2023, with all pens done on the same day.
Fish sampled for VMD were in very good condition and were seen to be healthy. No moribund fish were observed during the site inspection.
2023 (previous cycle/wrasse mortality: black losses):
Wk5, 1703, 11.66%
Wk6, 4111, 31.87%
Wk7, 2566, 29.20%
Wk9, 2743, 43.31%
Wk10, 2665,74.21%
Wk12, 738, 79.78%
No current plan to use wrasse on site for this cycle. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0742Case Number: 2020-0353
DownloadPSI carried out following report of increased mortality by business - w/b 10/08/20: 61,188 (8.07%)
Recent transfer of fish onto site from Inchmore (FS0226). 200,000 on 13/08/20 and 105,000 on 14/08/2020.
On days of transfer site temperature recorded as 17.2 °C and 17.4 °C respectively. Dissolved oxygen levels on site were normal.
On the 14th, fish transferred on 13th appeared lethargic and mortality began to increase. Water samples showed no significant plankton levels. Examination of the fish, showed some minor gill pathology. A significant amount of vaccine was observed in the gut and increased levels of adhesion were also observed. No plankton was observed in the gut. No other pathology was observed.
Fish had recently been vaccinated at Inchmore with PD7 and a Pasteurella skyensis vaccine.
Subsequent water samples on 17th and 21st showed increasing levels of plankton with Asterionella sp and Cyanobacteria identified - 25/ml and 70/ml respectively, however by this time mortality had reduced significantly.
Mortality affected only the newly introduced stock, with a loss of approximately 20%. The mortality is attributed to a stress event, potentially influenced by the transfer of the stock, high temperatures and increasing plankton at the site.
The following week (w/b 17/08/20) mortality fell to 672 across site. The two weeks before the mortality event, mortality was 11 and 35 across the site respectively. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0487
DownloadSite does not currently mix feed and hasn’t mixed feed onsite since before 2014. Licence to be maintained on site for the future.
Paperwork completed 11/11/2020. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0063
DownloadStock on site have been vaccinated against PD with Ajmicro 1 and 6.
Haemorrhagic smolt syndrome (HSS) and nephrocalcinosis are present on site. HSS has been the most significant cause of mortalities, however is not causing large mortalities within the population on site.
Ensiled waste is collected by Fergusons and taken to Scanbio in Inverness.
Fish came onto site from Inchmore (FS0226).
Site has begun moving fish off to sea sites. ~112k fish will be moved to Colonsay (FS1296), the remaining stock will go to
Seaforth (FS1042).
Site is prophylactically treating against fungus every 2 days using Formalin and Cress (Bronopol).
A few moribund fish observed across the site (~4) displaying fungal lesions.
Case Paperwork completed remotely on 21/04/2021. Site inspection completed on 28/04/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0505
DownloadFish came on from Inchmore (FS0226) and Lochailort (FS1269). Fish were meant to be 65g at transfer, but were closer to
90g. Fish appeared healthy pre-transfer, however following transfer, Saprolegnia developed and mortalities began to slowly increase. Treatments of Pyceze and Aquacen have been completed to control the fungal infection.
Mortalities are incinerated on site, however large culls are stored in IBCs at the shorebase before collection by Billy Bowie and taken to Dundas or Barkip for disposal.
On day of inspection, some cages were being loaded into lorries for transport to Eilean Grianain (Carradale) (FS1176).
Inspector observed good crowding in the cages that were being pumped into the lorries.
Site is made up of 2 cage groups (Salmon Bay and Black Bay). Fish were difficult to observe as they were sitting deeper in the nets and the water was dark in colour. Selected nets were raised to aid removal for VMD sampling. Fish that were observed in the raised nets were active in the cages, however infection with Saprolegnia was evident across the site. Mortalities were observed in most cages, however few moribunds were observed. These were being removed by handnet during the inspection and were examined. Some individuals had significant fungal growths around the head, tail and flank.
Fish that were sampled for VMD were mostly healthy externally and internally, with the exception of a few individuals which had fungal growths on the body. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0388
DownloadFish due to transfer to Loch Etive sites and Camas Glas in October/November using lorry and wellboat.
Current stock from Inchmore and Lochailort Recirculation Units (restocked from July 2024 through to October). Site had been fallow since mid-December 2023.
Some of the fish (350,000) were vaccinated on site (triple vaccine - Alphaject micro 1 PD, Alphaject micro 6 and Pasteurella skyensis/ERM) using vaccination machine which can vaccinate 15,000 fish per hour. Majority of stock was vaccinated at
Inchmore before transfer.
Mortality peak in previous stock in October/November due to fungus. Normally incinerate on site, but two uplifts of whole fish by Billy Bowie during this period.
Monthly health inspections conducted by Mowi staff. No health issues raised with current stock.
Water dark and difficult to observe fish deeper in pen. Two pens were very active possibly due to predator activity in the vicinity
(cormorant observed by site staff). Fish sampled for VMD in excellent condition and appeared healthy.
Seven fish observed across site with evidence of fungal infection. One removed for further examination, but no other clinical signs or pathology observed so no samples taken for diagnostic purposes.
Record & document check, site inspection and VMD sampling conducted by , observed by and UKAS assessors [Original PDF]
Glenforsa Hatchery
Benmore Estate Ltd FS1320Case Number: 2022-0055
DownloadTriploid trout fry came on from Ae fishery in September 21 @ 5.9g. A batch of trout ova also came onto the site from Ae in
January 22. Site not currently authorised to hold Brown Trout.
Trout are ongrown and released into a nearby loch (Loch Bearnach) for angling as part of the estate. Loch is not currently registered as a fishery. Stocking consent will need to be sought. Transport records for the movements are also required to be recorded.
Salmon ova are stripped from adults caught on the river Forss, ongrown in tanks and then released back into the same river catchment.
Fish on site were active in the tanks and no moribunds or mortalities were observed in any of the tanks.
Water through the site is sourced from the River Forss. It is directed through a header tank before being distributed into the holding tanks. No treatment on intake or discharge
No medicines have been used on the site since it was authorised. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1099Case Number: 2020-0073
DownloadSite fallow and has been since wk 1, 2017. It may be used as a nursery site this autumn, after which there are no future plans to use again so to be made inactive. No pens currently in the water at site location but area is still marked by a buoy at each corner of the grid area. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0266
DownloadSite fallow, one barge in water, but no facilities present on site.
Site was to be made inactive, however, following the recent acquistion by Scottish Sea Farms site to remain active. Future of site unknown. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0570
DownloadNo cleanerfish on site.
Mortalities have gone to Setterness so delivery notes will be up at Setterness. No delivery notes from this cycle currently. Next bin of mortalities will go to Energy Recovery Plant (Lerwick) as mortalities increase.
SLICE treatment - 31st October - 6th November.
Inspection of pens could not be undertaken, as weather was too rough to get onto site. Points in biosecurity records checked to ensure that procedures were recorded, however assessment of whether they were implemented on site could not be conducted.
Paperwork completed by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0016
DownloadFull ECI paper work completed by on 08/02/2023.
Site inspection and diagnostic sampling could not be carried out as weather conditions were unsafe. The site is scheduled to be revisited in due course.
The site was stocked between 30/11/2022 and 07/12/2022 with fish sourced from Migdale and Barcaldine. Cages 1, 5 and 6 hold Migdale fish only and pens 2, 3 and 4 are stocked with Barcaldine only.
Following incial input to the site some post transfer mortality occurred up to two weeks post transfer. The site was treated with
FW followed by a peroxide treatment on 25/01/2023 in order to combat AGD which was confirmed by the company vet on
10/01/2023. Following treatment, gill scores for AGD have decreased and an overall improvement to gill health has been observed. Mortality onsite however is still elevated with the three cages stocked with Barcaldine fish accounting for the majority of mortality on site. Approximately 50% of the mortality on site in recent weeks have been reported having lesions, positioned around the vent and flank. Approximately 40% of the mortality accounted for in recent weeks has been recorded as having an unknown cause, where no obvious clinical signs of disease have been associated with these fish and 10% has been classified as input failures.
Most recent vet report 10/01/2023 - Positive for AGD, no other significant results. Further samples have been taken since the
10/01/2023 however the report has yet to be issued.
Mortality removal - Secured in site specific mort tubs transported to shore then transferred to SEM Energy Ltd. Most recent pick up, 07/02/2023 940kg.
Present week mortality (Week 6) - 1.16% 7,838. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0078
DownloadMost recent fish vet report dated 06/02/2023 detailed AGD detected 7 out of 14 samples on 22/02/2023. Histology samples taken detected no further pathogens from fish sampled.
On the date of inspection the weather was fair, with good visibility into each pen. During the time of inspection, site staff were conducting routine mortality removal which allowed for closer observation of the fish onsite. Cages 1 and 6, stocked with fish sourced from Migdale (Loch Damph) were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. These fish have been at sea a little longer than the rest of the site, input in October 2022. Mortality in cages 1 and 6 have been low throughout the current production cycle at Gletness compared to the rest of the site, these fish are the largest of the site, averaging around 1 kg. 7 fish in cage 1 and 8 fish in cage 6 were observed with lesions to the flank. VMD samples were taken from cages 1 and 6, no internal signs of disease were observed.
Cages 2, 3 and 4 are stocked with fish from Barcaldine smolt unit. Mortality has been significantly elevated in these cages over the past 6 weeks, accounting for the majority of the sites mortality. Many fish were observed in these pens as having circular, uniform lesions to the flanks and around the vent. Many fish with lesions were lethargic and moribund. Less frequent behavioural signs of clinical disease observed included flashing / loss of equilibrium and spiralling. Fish from cage 5 (Migdale -
Loch Shin) displayed somewhat similar clinical signs of disease to cages 2,3 and 4 in smaller numbers, with an additional observation of mild dorsal and tail fin rot observed. 5 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from cages 2, 3 and 5.
Gletness currently operates as a nursery site, plans are in place to transfer the current stock to Sweening Voe 3 on 22nd
March 2023.
New site manager - details updated.
Mortality removal - Secured in site specific mort tubs transported to shore then transferred to SEM Energy Ltd. [Original PDF]
Gob a Bharra
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0683Case Number: 2020-0327
DownloadLumpfish mortality - 7.46% since input.
Paper work completed on the 28/08/2020, however site visit could not be conducted until 21/10/2020.
Vmd fish appeared healthy when sampled.
Site thermometer used as case inspectors not working [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0031
DownloadInspection conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams, no physical inspection conducted at site.
Two initial notification submitted in February 2021 (MSe250221SAL1 and MSe220221SAL1). During the latest event a seal was observed in the cage, and in the earlier event a hole was discovered by the net cleaning team. No fish were thought to have escaped during either event.
The company used to use a person with a MML who was deployed to sites around Loch Fyne when required. He will no longer be used due to a change in law regarding MML's
The site now has a license to use an ADD, required during a recent policy change.
Weather before both incidents was windy, but the wind was not enough to cause an issues by itself.
Fish will be harvested on Saturday from cage 9. Most recent notification.
About 38,533 lumpfish were input on the site. Left with about 2,000 over the site. Unsure exactly how the LUM have died.
Maybe due to increase procedures around within the cage e.g. net washing etc. Estimate taken from observing cleaner fish on the sorting table during grading. No moribund fish were observed during the cycle. TSSC biology team were notified but there were no moribund fish to sample.
LUM hatchery reared from Ocean Matters.
Although initial notifications for escapes were received, it is thought no fish have escaped.
All lice treatments using Hydrolicer this year, Optilicer also used last year. Lice numbers have not caused any issues.
Mse220221SAL1 - cage 10, most south westerly cage. Initially net lifted to stop fish escaping. Then a patch was placed over the hole by yhte dive team, using nylon thread to secure it. Fish moved to another cage (cage 5) as the hole was big and they had capacity on site. Hole possibly caused by the net rubbing on a bridle during bad weather (manager is 99% sure this was the cause). The bridle rope was the only thing close to the hole. Edges of the hole were frayed suggesting that it had rubbed on something. Fairly sure there was no snag as the hole did not have clean edges that you would expect from a snag. FNC8 system (flying net cleaner, distributed by Akva Group) is remote controlled and comes equipped with HD cameras and lights to see any damage. One cage is cleaned every week during which the nets are checked for damage. FNC8 travels between sites in the area (disinfection takes place between sites). External company (Inverlussa) comes in to inspect and adjust bridles at end of cycle. The company has attended since escape.
Seal pro nets will be used in the next cycle. Always been many seals on the site. They have had problems on and off for several years. They did have a contractor with an MML but no longer due to policy change.
MSe250221SAL1: possibly caused by seal. The edges of the hole were not as frayed at the first event. Little significant boat activity close to cage, so unlikely to be caused by boat handling. The hole was small but so was the seal. The seal swam out of the cage once the edge of the net was dropped and the divers chased it out. Patch placed over the hole and stitched onto net using nylon thread. Fish will be harvested out of the cage by Saturday (20/03/21), the fish will be counted off the site. Should have numbers next week. The net will not be used on site again as they are switching to seal pro nets.
All nets have seal blinds at the bottom
Although cleaner fish were on side during time when the breaches in containment occurred, it is thought very unlikely that any escaped as there are very few left in the cages and both the salmon and cleaner fish were very low in the water column and the holes were closer to the surface. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0082
DownloadRecords inspected remotely on 22/03/2022 by .
AGD confirmed on site by PCR in 2022 but does not appear to be causing issues currently.
Fish difficult to see as they were remaining deep in the water. Those visible were shoaling as expected and appeared in very good condition with no moribund/lethargic fish observed during inspection. Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in good health upon internal examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0488
Gob na Hoe
Loch Duart Ltd FS1175Case Number: 2024-0205
DownloadWrasse mortality last four weeks: 53 (1.97%).
Sal mortalities last four weeks: wk 26 4470 (1.53%) mainly post treatment, wk 25 1510 (0.51%) mainly post treatment, wk 24
342 (0.11%), wk 23 262 (0.09%).
Salmosan treatment administered during transfer onto site with discharge occurring at Leinish.
Only sea lice medicine available is hydrogen peroxide. FW and wrasse are the main sea lice treatments but mechanical treatments could be administered if required.
On inspection of the site a number of lethargic fish were observed with physical damage, three were removed for further examination but no gross pathology was noted. There was an issue with a FW treatment the week before which resulted in some abrasion. Site staff have been removing moribunds on a daily basis. The general population appeared in good general health and were shoaling and feeding well.
Site was stocked with a sw to sw transfer from two separate management areas (Stock from Loch A Chairn Bhain (FS0621)
(known by the company as Reintrad) and Loch Maddy (FS0853). Risk assessment for these movements was available however these types of movement are not in compliance with the CoGP.
Records were inspected remotely on the 27th, 28th June and also the 1st and 2nd July. Records were also inspected on the day of inspection.
Issues raised: information was provided on the 2/9/2024 to clear the issues raised. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1267Case Number: 2021-0192
DownloadGrumbling mortality wks 37 (2020) - week 16(2021) attributed to background PD - low mortality. wk 48 2019- Percentage mortality slightly higher in company records than what was reported to FHI - 1.32% - Site manager explained that extra fish were found at end of cycle and that’s why number has changed in fish talk.
Issues with black loss (less fish retrieved at end of cycle or grade than expected) at end of cycle with cleaner fish. Site manager suspects that mortality is not being identified where cleaner fish stick to sides of pen and don’t end up in mort basket before rotting away. Site manager mentioned that efforts are being made to reduce black loss. Site are trialling new and different hide set ups and increasing the amount of hide available to Cleanerfish. This will help provide sanctuary during rough weather as well as reduce stress.
Cleanerfish mortality (last 4 weeks)
Week 19 - Wrasse - 8 - Lumpsucker - 11
Week 20 - Wrasse - 6 - Lumpsucker - 10 week 21 - Wrasse -2 Lumpsucker 2
Week 22 - Wrasse - 9 - Lumpsucker -6
Cleanerfish mortality picked up during regular mortality removal is generally low, however there is issue with black loss during grades and harvests. (see details below)
Wrasse Black loss recorded as mortality - Picked up during grading in week 16 2021 - 10995 mixed species and 8807 Ballan
Lumpsucker Black loss from movements off site - week 35 9770 and week 36 3398
2020 weeks 13 , 17 and 18 - 4146, 4464 and 2365 - Lumpsucker Black loss from end of cycle harvesting. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0492
DownloadFreshwater treatment being undertaken this week using Ronja Fisk. Each cage is being treated for three hours.
More freshwater treatments in April (same time the fish were graded and split with Gigha) and August. Treatments were reportedly successful and cleared AGD very well.
Swabs taken every two weeks for AGD wk 42 mortality was increased due to lice treatment (alphamax). Not thought to be caused by treatments itself but caused by crowding of fish prior to treatment. The whole site was not treated due to issues with crowd, just 1 cage treated.
Hydrolicer used in wk 42-wk 43. Reportedly successful. Worked better than failed alphamax treatment as they aren't needed to be crowded for so long.
Biologist visited in wk 42. Taken blood samples. They noted the gills were in poor condition but lice and plankton levels were low
Caligus numbers were an issue since last inspection and were up at 13 (average per fish) in week 42 but that fell to 0.6 after hydrolicer treatment. No physical damage caused to fish
Last treatment using SLICE in July. Treatment was prophylactic as lice were not at a level that they would usually treat at. The treatment did reduce lice numbers.
LUM mortality elevated in wk 42 lumpfish mortality due to treatments and harvests.
Harvested 4 cages already. Site has been continually harvested since wk 42 and this will continue until early next year when the site is fallow. Largest fish being harvested first.
Wrasse on site are ballan wrasse from the wild. Lumpsuckers are hatchery reared [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0081
DownloadPaperwork by , observed by
High winds prevented access to site, paperwork completed at shorebase. Site staff were unable to undertaken daily duties at site due to adverse weather. Site observed on camera's at shorebase and large swell going through site which is exposed, especially to westerly winds. Fish are fed from shorebase feeding station, they were observed shoaling well.
Site manger reported that mortalities have decreased as water temperatures have decreased, although temperatures are still reported to be over 14oC, (14.2oC was displayed by site systems at time of inspection).
Site staff controlling/monitoring feeding from shorebase reported that wrasse could be observed feeding on sea lice, where as the lumpfish didn't display the same behaviour. Bakkafrost are reported to be moving from lumpfish to wrasse for cleaner fish and these were reported to be the last batch of lumpfish that will be input to a Bakkafrost site.
The pens on the westerly side of the site were reported to be worst affected by microjellies (muggiae), although all cages suffered mortalities. From most recent health report muggiae were still being observed in the 5m and 10m trawls, although other species of micro jellyfish were now at lower levels.
Site reportedly trialled skirts to keep microjellies out of cages, these were reported to be ineffective, aeration was also used and this was reported to have a positive effect, with the numbers of microjelly fish observed in cages reportedly almost half of that outside.
WRA mortality w/b 09/10 - 13 (0.07%), w/b 02/10 - 71 (0.36%), w/b 25/09 - 255 (1.29%), w/b 09/10 - 459 (2.26%)
LUM mortality w/b 09/10 - 31 (0.11%), w/b 02/10 - 65 (0.24%), w/b 25/09 - 274 (0.99%), w/b 18/09 - 475 (1.69%)
Worst affected pen (pen 2) was harvested on 10/10/23 and the second worst affected pen (pen 14) is due to be harvested next week (W/B 16/10/23), the site manager expected the mortalities to drop below 1% after pen 14 was harvested. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0270
DownloadInspection of paperwork and site undertaken by accompanied by
LUM stocked at 95g but they are not routinely weighed. Hides used in cages. Reportedly no more lumpfish will be used in the company. They will be replaced with wrasse.
Samples taken for the presence of PD and have come back as negative.
Stocks of fish from Kinlochmoidart and Landcatch
Freshwater treatment and FLS being carried out during the site inspection. Started on 19/06/2023.
SLICE used from 20/04/23, 21/02/23, 09/12/22 and 14/10/22 for 7 day treatments each a time. Treatments used when caligus numbers were on the rise. Not to levels that will cause welfare issues.
Three dead fish observed over the site.
Sites on Mull reportedly get PD each year. PD resistant fish are being bred in Western Isles and the plan is to stock them onto sites in the future. PD is suspected at Gometra, but samples have been taken and have returned as negative.
Site switched from TMS to Optomease to anaesthetise fish. Switch was made due to ease of administration and safety.
Product contains benzocaine.
Due to feeding activity, fish sampled for VMD all had to be taken from the same stock. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0237Case Number: 2020-0489
DownloadSite is made up of 3 sets of four 36 meter steel pens. All pens were inspected fish looked clean and healthy, no health issues were observed on site.
Site had 5 movements of Ballan Wrasse from Ireland from 1 supplier. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0542
DownloadRemote Inspection completed on the 25/11/21 physical inspection on the 1/12/2021
Site to be used as a nursery site this cycle. One more input to site due on the 2/12/2021.
No issues on site, fish feeding well. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0063
DownloadWrasse mixed farmed from Anglesey and wild from Northern Ireland.
Site inspection and VMD sampling done on 16/03/2022 by , observed by .
No new movements since last inspection on 01/12/2021. The main population of fish on site appeared healthy. Small percentage of fish with lesions in pens 5 - 8 but still fairly active, the fish swam away quickly upon approach. The fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0242Case Number: 2021-0200
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 17th June by , shadowed by . Physical inspection conducted on 23rd June by
, shadowed by .
Site carried out Slice treatment during Sep, Oct & Nov 2020. Further Slice treatments carried out during Feb and April 2021.
All stocked pens went through a FW bath treatment from 1st to 6th June 2021.
Sea lice count carried out on site during inspection. Counts reflecting data being submitted weekly. A small number of lethargic fish spotted but only at 1 per pen. No morts noted. 2 pens had a high number of fish with physical damage from seal predation but also showing good recovery with open wounds being healed. 1 pen is fitted with Seal pro nets and showed far less physical damage from predation. Remaing pens to be kitted out with Seal Pro nets within the next month.
PD and PRV has been detected on site, but no increased mortalities as a result.
Cleaner fish mortality rates have been above expected since input, company not 100% sure of cause. No signs of concern noted during the inspection, therefore no diagnostics taken.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good condition externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0556
DownloadMost recent treatment (non medicinal) was freshwater on 16/11/2021 for 6 hours. Site manager said that this has helped reduced AGD on site. Mortality has reduced below the reporting threshold for Wk47.
Targeted harvesting has occurred, where most affected pens were harvested out. Pens 1 and 2 were harvested out wk47 and pen 7 was harvested on 02/12/2021.
Site was struggling to treat the AGD as a result of unavailable well boats to do the treatment. When freshwater became available, the treatment was limited to 3 hours, where it should have been 6 hours. As a result, lice numbers increased and fish subjected to hydrolicer treatment. Reason for Wk45 5.68% mortality.
PGD still remaining on site and appetite is slowly increasing.
Cleanerfish (lumpfish and wrasse): none since wk32 as a result of being subjected to the AGD and lice treatments
Hole was discovered on 02/12/2021 above the water line and 12 inches big. 4 seals in pen 5.
PSI conducted by and supervised by on 03/12/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0349
DownloadSite inspection stopped early due to an unsafe sea state, only 4 stocked pens inspected.
Site manager not present during the site inspection as he was on annual leave, the remaining paperwork was inspected remotely on 14/08/2023.
At the time of inspection, Gravir was stocked with 567,879 SAL at an average weight of 2.4kg in 12 120 meter pens. Visibility was poor on the date of inspection due to the rough sea state however clinical signs of disease were observed in some of the stocks visually inspected. Pens 1 - 4 were inspected due to mortality onsite at the time being predominant in these pens.
Approximately 10 fish were observed as being very lethargic / moribund in these pens. Most fish however were just out of reach to the hand net when attempts were made to capture due to the conditions on site at the time. Two fish from pen 1 and two fish from pen 2 were removed for diagnostic sampling. The stock were observed on camera back at the shorebase following the onsite inspection. Healthy shoaling populations of fish were observed in each pen.
The stock at Gravir were diagnosed with PD in early May of 2023 and have been recording mortality above the reporting threshold since 28/05/23. Mortality attributed to gill health has also occurred since 03/07/23 onsite, believed to be caused by an increase in jellyfish numbers in the area. Two recent reports detailing the results of health survailance on the stock have showen positive results for AGD and furunculosis, dated 25/07/2023 and 04/08/2023.
Most recent treatments were concluded on 07/07/23 and 28/07/23 which consisted of 6 hour freshwater bath treatments followed by FLS.
Freshwater and FLS treatments have been conducted regularly since December 2023 this production cycle at Gravir, initially the site was treating with freshwater using one hour bath treatments increasing to 3 hour bath treatments around March/April, and more recently to 6 hour bath treatments. The site has sustained a 100% mortality of its cleanerfish stock this production cycle. 353 wild caught ballan wrasse were input on 21/10/2022 and 70,932 Lump fish were input between 02/11/22 and
07/12/2022. From inspection of the cleanerfish mortality records, the last recorded mortality for wrasse onsite was in week 7 of
2023 and for lumpfish week 15 of 2023.
During the visit a member of site staff explained that the majority of the cleanerfish mortality was due to fish being lost during freshwater and FLS treatments. There was some doubt over whether the cleaner fish had been removed prior to these treatments. It was confirmed by the site manager during a remote inspection on 14/08/2023 that they had not been removed prior to treatment. From inspection of the Lumpfish mortality records, approximatly 22,000 fish had a recorded cause of mortalty from input untill week 15 of 2023 as AGD, the remaining stock was unaccounted for within the sites mortality records.
Site is stocked with fish from Geocrab, Applecross and Hebridean smolt.
Mortality removal onsite is usually carried out by whiteshore cockles, who remove whole fish waste from the site mort skip, positioned at the shore base. With the recent increase in mortality, excess mortalities have been removed and ensiled using the Bakkaness vessel.
REG inspection conducted as water temperature was over 14 degrees.
One issue was raised regarding the sites movement records : Movement of fish offsite to Portree (FS0708) in March 2023 was not recorded in the sites movement book. Issue raised with site manager and the record has since been updated. No further action required.
Case sheet and report ameneded on 25/01/2024. REG inspection not required as ECI is not due untill 2024. Case is a
REP/DIA. Report amended and re issued due to an error in case detail. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0463
DownloadSite inspected in order to conduct a further round of diagnostic sampling following increased, further mortality at the site since the date of last inspection, which was 31/07/2023.
Gravir has been harvesting the site out since the start of August this year, during the physical inspection of the site, only one pen remained stocked with 6,000 fish. Due to the size of the pens (120m) only a small number of fish were observed during the inspection, two fish were captured and removed for diagnostic sampling. Of the fish observed during the inspection, clinical signs of disease were observed. Fish appeared extremely lethargic and moribund, some fish presented with a loss of equilibrium in their swimming behaviour and other were observed as being anorexic.
Recent health checks conducted by the companies vet revealed positive results for furunculosis and AGD, which is consistent with the diagnostic findings achieved during the last FHI diagnostic.
No treatments have taken place since the last date of inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0429
DownloadSlight discrepancy with the fish input figures from the freshwater site due to an issue with the counter, it was estimated that the figures were 10% out, figures have been amended at both sites to reflect this.
Site has had a new barge with ensiling facilities on board, no waste has been uplifted since the last inspection as there is not enough waste.
Fish have settled in well post input and showing a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1282Case Number: 2021-0202
DownloadSite is due to install seal pro nets next cycle, not in response to seal presence around the site, but just as a precautionary measure.
Fish on site came on from both Langavat (FS0149) and Geocrab Hatchery (FS0562). No cleanerfish stocked this cycle.
Wellboat was on site during inspection for grading and freshwater treatment.
The stock on site appeared healthy, with very few lethargic fish osberved across the site. Due to bad weather, the site had not been graded for 6 months so there were still several runts observed in the population. Where these were able to be caught, they were removed and culled during the inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0407
DownloadWrasse - did have wrasse on site but not wanting to use in future due to being unable to capture before treatments.
Raised mortalities - Wk37 - Wk41 2022 - due to gill issues. Raised mortality this year since Wk18 2023 due to Frunculosis,
CMS, Gill issues due to jellyfish/environmental challenges.
Freshwater and hydrolicer (FLS). Alphamax 21st July.
Optamaze used for sedation - shorter withdrawal period
Health reports:
13/07/2023 - bacteria suggestive of Aeromonas salmonicida. Moderate to marked myocardial pathology suggestive of CMS.
Liver necrosis in one fish. Gill pathology compatible with previous environmental damage.
15/08/2023 - PGD, reduced mucous coverage. Underlying infections (frunculosis or CMS) combined with gill issues.
Site had frunculosis in June - not too much of a problem currently however some fish are still showing signs.
Fish from Landcatch FS0575.
Site thermometer used as the battery on the inspectors died.
On physical inspection of the site, two pens were actively being lifted for harvest. The slight crowding brought fish closer to the surface where they were observed. Fish showed no signs of distress, very few lice and appeared healthy. In the other two stocked pens four and six moribunds were observed. The rest of the population were shoaling deep in water column which was hard to see. Any fish observed appeared healthy with few lice - these fish are being harvest tomorrow.
Fish for VMD samples were taken from pen 4. On examination only two caligus were observed on each fish. Internally, both fish appeared healthy but one had fat on its spleen. [Original PDF]
Grey Horse Channel
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1122Case Number: 2020-0188
DownloadMortality information - reported. week 14 - 1.01% - 4566 fish @ 3.3kg- Clinical CMS week 17 - 1.47% - 4757 fish @ 3.4kg - CMS and PD week 18 - 2.04% 5514 fish @ 3.4kg - Losing fish due to CMS and PD, 1 pen had acute losses from treatments. week 19 - 1.89% 4996 fish @ 3.4kg - CMS and PD - Fish being harvested out
Site to be harvested out. Starting 16/05/2020 site expected to be empty by end of may. All pens were first thinned to see if that would help mortality, still seeing consistent CMS and PD mortality so decision to harvest out site was made.
FVG did a full diagnostic which confirmed the presence of CMS and PD. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0377
Download5 pens to be transferred to West Loch Tarbert in October due to temperature variations being too high in West Loch Tarbert in the summer while the temperature profile in Cheesebay is colder and more stable.
Lumpfish will be delivered in November to be stocked at 6-10% - from Wales
Salmosan treatment start of September 2021.
Peroxide treatment week 38 2021.
Stock from two different hatcheries. One stock performing worse than the other - not feeding well, lethargic, growing slowly and positive for AGD. Pen 12-13 worst affected, lost 3.5% in week 38.
2 small holes found in pen 12 at 0.5m depth initially thought to be caused by predator damage. Three seals observed on site. incident reported to FHI (Marine Scotland incident reference: MSe061021SAL1) and said to be caused by lumpfish feeder rubbing against already patched net. The holes were repaired upon discovery and the following corrective action will be taken: feeders will be pivoted away from the net to leave a greater distance between them to prevent future holes. In some cases feeders will be removed of cages completely where they are not required. No fish have been lost.
Site currently replacing all top nets.
Physical inspection carried out by and on 06/10/21. VMD sampling done by observed by .
The fish sampled for the VMD showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0163
DownloadRemote inspection carried out 18/05/2022. Site to be visited following reports of increased mortalities.
A number of seal attacks occurred starting from week 14 2022 which account for most of the mortalities. AGD has also been identified as the additional cause of mortality in the stock transferred from Grey Horse Channel Outer (01/04/2022) This stock has been performing poorly since input, not feeding well and growing slowly. Pens 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Harvesting has begun in April and the site is expected to be fallow by August 2022.
Mortality events: weeks 41, 44, 45, 51 & 52 2021 plus weeks 6, 14 - 17 2022 reported to FHI.
Mortalities for weeks 10 & 13 2022 not reported to FHI, see mortality events for additional info.
During the site inspection no moribunds or dead fish could be seen in the cages containing Glenfinnan stock. Some seal damage could be observed in the main population. The pens containing the fish moved from Grey Horse Channel Outer also had a small number of anorexic and lethargic fish near the water surface. Three fish could be sampled and brought to shore for further checks and upon internal examination it was found that they were sexually maturing. No gross pathology was observed. The fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy both internally and externally with minimal sea lice load. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0458
DownloadPeaks in salmon mortality 2022, wk 22 7457 (1.84%), wk 23 4,773 (1.22%), wk 24 5,449 (1.41%), wk 25 5,618 (1.48%), wk 26
7,432 (1.99%), wk 27 8,966 (2.60%), wk 28 4571 (2.03%) all AGD and seal predation with some physical damage. Wk 36
1396 (1.55%) all AGD, wk 37 2013 (1.51%), wk 38 2677 (1.16%), fw treatment losses.
Peaks in salmon mortality 2023, wk 35 14017 (1.23%), wk 36 24 989 (2.21%), wk 37 18820 (1.70%), wk 39 15408 (1.39%), wk
40 47228 (4.43%) AGD poor doers.
Salmon mortalities for the last four weeks, wk 44 32,807 (3.72%), wk 43 26590 (2.93%), wk 42 45,333 (4.75%), wk 41 63,864
(6.27%) mainly AGD and treatment losses but also some poor doers.
Peaks in lumpfish mortality 2023, wk 28 12,932 (7.51%), wk 29 28,381 (17.82%) tenacibaculum.
Peaks in wrasse mortality 2023 wk 41 5957 (19.95%) runts and some AGD recorded.
Lumpfish mortality last four weeks, wk45 159 (0.14%), wk 44 166 (0.15%), wk 43 430 (0.39%) wk 42 511 (0.46%).
Wrasse mortality, last four weeks, wk 45 532 (2.27%, wk 44 45 (0.19%), wk 43 214 (0.90%), wk 42 949 (3.86%)
Most recent treatments have included paramove in August and September, freshwater in November, October and September.
Lice numbers are currently low.
Piscirickettsia recently identified, antibiotic treatment is planned.
A number of lethargic and moribund fish observed in all cages.
Some walkways had minor damage following recent storms, these are to be repaired when possible. [Original PDF]
Grey Horse Channel Outer
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1334Case Number: 2021-0378
DownloadIssue with AGD in recent weeks.
Lumpfish will be delivered in November to be stocked at 6-10%.
Stock from Inchmore Hatchery.
Issues with Caligus, treated twice with Alphamax at the end of August. No consent for Slice.
Week 37 2021: 4-8,000 dead fish per pen. Peroxide treatment delayed, treatment started on the 18th of September, treated 3 pens before machine broke down, treated the rest of the pens after 3 days. Mortality reduced once treatments were completed.
Peroxide treatments ongoing - Pen 51 (worst affected) treated on 3/10, pens 48-50 on 4/10, pens 41-42 on 5/10 and pens 43-
44 on 6/10 (treatments ongoing during inspection). The most recently treated pens had a number (between 10 to 40) of floating mortalities on the surface, while those treated earlier in the week had much lower numbers of moribunds and no dead fish on the surface.
Physical inspection carried out by and on 06/10/21. VMD and diagnostic sampling done by , observed by
The fish sampled had poor gills but showed no other clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0164
DownloadRemote inspection carried out 18/05/2022. Site to be visited following reports of increased mortalities.
The main cause of mortality has been attributed to seal predation. Complex gill disease issues have also been identified and an extended freshwater treatment was conducted in week 18, which exacerbated mortalities but alleviated the gill problems.
The site is in the process of changing nets from nylon to SealPro to try and reduce seal damage. Two nets are left to change and these are the pens still experiencing higher mortalities, the remaining cages are currently experiencing background mortality numbers.
Mortality events: weeks 40 to 44 2021 plus weeks 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20 2022 reported to FHI.
Week 11, 13, 17 not reported to FHI, see mortality events for additional info.
The weather conditions during the site inspection made it harder to observe the fish as they were deep in the water column.
Fish with seal damage could be observed swimming amongst the main population. The site staff was observed removing mortalities from one of the nylon net pens and the majority of the dead fish also presented seal bites. A small number of anorexic, lethargic fish was also seen in most cages, however these fish would swim away when approached. Three surface dead fish seen on site. Very little sea lice was observed on the fish.
The stock has been problematic since input - not feeding well, lethargic, high percentage of poor performers. Some of the fish were transferred to Grey Horse Channel in early April to thin out the cages. Three lethargic fish from this stock were removed from Grey Horse Channel and upon internal examination, it was found that the fish were sexually maturing. No gross pathology observed.
Harvesting will begin at the end of May and the site expected to be fallow by August 2022. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0153
DownloadMain salmon mortality causes are seal predation (particularly pens 50 & 51) and poor performers. Looking at adding extra measures to prevent seal predation. Main cause of lumpfish mortalities is Tenacibaculum.
Salmon on site are from Groatay and Grey Horse Channel, lumpfish are from Ocean Matters. Site currently has 8 pens
(permission for 12), but will be adding another 2 to thin out stock and will also transfer some fish to Grey Horse Channel.
Harvested some salmon in May.
Freshwater treatments in March and April.
Site known as Greanem within company.
No moribund fish observed, fish deep in water. Two fish removed for VMD sampling appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0051Case Number: 2021-0204
DownloadMovement records collected and site inspected as fallow. Cage structures remain on site but are expected to be removed and dismantled in the near future. Site to be inactivated. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1083Case Number: 2021-0311
DownloadSite disposes morts at whiteshore cockles.
4 pens are being transferred to West Loch Tarbert in the next couple of weeks. Reason is due to previous problems with disease at West Loch Tarbert. Smolts failed often there due to temperature fluctuations. Growing them to a specific size at
Groatay and then transferring to West Loch Tarbert.
Cleanerfish are planned to come on site in first week of November after pens have been thinned down (6%-10% lumpfish)
Stock on site is from Loch Arkaig and Glenfinnan.
Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by on 01/10/2021.
Site inspection conducted by and supervised by 05/10/2021.
Samples taken for VMD on 05/10/2021 by and supervised by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0280
DownloadPhysical site inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
Sampling conducted by & , F1 and F2 by and F3 by .
The site was visited in response to sustained elevated levels of mortality above the reporting criteria. CMS and AGD confirmed onsite.
11 cages currently stocked, 6 pens of ex Stulaigh stock and 5 pens of ex Grey Horse Channel Outer Stofnfiskur stock.
Visibility on the date of inspection was good, fish were observed feeding deep. Numbers of lethargic and moribund fish were observed in pens 33, 31 and 30, 3 fish were sampled for a diagnostic.
The site recently treated with freshwater on 08/07/2022.
Multiple sightings of seals near the cages during the inspection on site at Groatay. Nylon nets currently in use, the site have plans in place to put in seal pro nets. Seal colony nearby. Site is experiencing seal predation.
During physical inspection of the site, a loose bullet casing was found on the walkway of pen 32. The casing was removed from the site and passed onto Marine Scotland Compliance. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0518
DownloadSalmon peaks in mortalities 2022, wk 39 2,978 (1.25%), wk 40 5,145 (2.19%), wk 41 4,766 (2.07%), wk 43 1,361 (1.15%), wk
44 1,304 (1.36%), wk 45 1,013 (1.07%), wk 47 3,801 (8.52%), Mainly seal predation and pasteurella but some poor doers,
CMS and gill health.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2023, wk 39 13,475 (1.46%), wk 40 17,625 (1.94%), wk 41 32,901 (3.70%), wk 42 40,777 (4.76%), wk 43 14,795 (1.81%), wk 44 15,330 (1.69%), AGD the main issue some poor doers in wk 39 also.
Lumpfish peaks in mortality 2023 wk 28 10,280 (8.15%), wk 29 21,970 (18.97%), wk 30 3,913 (4.17%), mainly tenacibaculum.
Wrasse peaks in mortality 2023, wk 39 494 (2.11%), wk 41 687 (3.05%), transport losses and without diagnosis.
Wrasse mortalities last four weeks, wk 44 146 (0.66%) wk 43 297 (1.29%), wk 42 456 (1.95%), wk 41 687 (3.05%).
Lumpfish mortalities last four weeks, wk 44 104 (0.12%), wk 43 111 (0.13%), wk 42 391 (0.46%), wk 41 161 (0.19%).
Paramove 50 was administered in mid August, September and October and freshwater in September and November to treat
Pisckiricketsia recently identified, anti-biotic to be administered.
A number of moribunds observed in all cages inspected. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0155
DownloadOrganic production at site.
Main causes of salmon mortalities on site at the moment are poor performers and seal predation. Mortalities due to AGD have reduced significantly since late 2023/early 2024. Main cause of mortality in lumpfish is Tenacibaculum.
Freshwater treatments (4 hour) throughout January to April on specific pens as treatment for AGD. Plan precautionary freshwater treatment for AGD in June. Hydrogen peroxide treatment on 2 pens in December. Site also stocked with lumpfish from Ocean Matters and wild caught wrasse.
Monitor for plankton and jellyfish, but have stayed below trigger levels for placing fish on starve. Small jellyfish (<1cm diameter) seen in and around pens during inspection.
Fish split down to Grey Horse Channel and Grey Horse Channel Outer during this cycle.
A few poor performers seen in pens with small grade and a couple of lethargic salmon were caught and removed. One had an extremely distended abdomen and the other several small lesions along abdomen. One feeding, healthy fish also removed for
VMD sample. All three included in diagnostic sample. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1261Case Number: 2021-0352
DownloadVMD sampled by , observed by .
CNA/ESC Inspections on 17/03/2021 and 30/10/2019
Mooring works ongoing, winter check in September.
Site monitored by cameras above and below water from feed centre in Loch Boisdale. Generally able to get out to site in rough weather but working on the cages can be difficult due to large swell. Group formed for exposed sites to share experience with sites from Canada and Faroes. Only other Scottish site in this group is Colonsay.
Lumpfish stock almost gone due to two 12 hour FW treatments. Issues with Pseudomonas, treated with Florocol in June 2021.
Stocked in Erisort, transferred with the fish in wellboat from Erisort in FW for 6 to 8 hrs. Farmed juveniles from Ocean Matters.
Not graded out prior to FW treatment, hand netting some lumpfish out during crowd. No facility to separate cleanerfish from salmon. 21,670 fish died due to handling and lice treatments and 9,307 due to Pseudomonas in August (88.06% mortality).
Input count 47,948 - total mortality until August 43,746 (91.2% total) - reported to APHA.
Not taking fish from freshwater sources, just growing fish on from other SW sites. Not mentioned in FMS.
Pens 6, 8, 9, 10 from Rum Q3
Pens 1, 2, 3, 4 Erisort Q4
Pens 5, 7, 11, 12 Erisort Q3
Sea lice data missing in 2021 for weeks 16-28 now submitted to FHI.
Alphamax treatment in August for Caligus, very effective.
Freshwater treatment in weeks 31 and 32 2021
Thermolicer treatment weeks 34 and 35 2021 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0186
DownloadFish came on from Loch Lochy in April 24 and have been vaccinated against Furunculosis and IPN. A mix of Fannads and stofinfisker stock. Large variation in weight at input but both stocks have been reported to be performing well since input with good feed intake and good growth. Site currently only stocks for 6 months before fish are moved off for ongrowing at other sea sites. No harvests are completed from Hellisay. Stock scheduled to be moved off to Loch Tarbert and Groatay in September for ongrowing to harvest, with the site being fallowed by October 24.
Mortalities above threshold since last inspection:
11/10/2021 - wk41 - 1.39% - 8,950 - Gill Diseases and PD
29/11/2021 - wk48 - 1.09%- 1,082 - CMS
05/09/2022 - wk36 - 2.35% - 11,352 - CMS
12/09/2022 - wk37 - 1.2% - 5,666 - CMS
19/09/2022 - wk38 - 6.38% - 29,680 - Gill infections / Jellyfish.
26/09/2022 - wk39 - 7.91% - 27,065 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
03/10/2022 - wk40 - 11.84% - 29,280 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
10/10/2022 - wk41 - 1.65% - 2,468 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
New cohort of fish:
21/08/2023 - wk34 - 3.12% - 26,740 - AGD
02/10/2023 - wk40 - 2.6% - 20,840 - AGD
09/10/2023 - wk41 - 30.53% - 197,610 - AGD / Low oxygen
16/10/2023 - wk42 - 21.1% - 59,540 - AGD / Low oxygen
30/10/2023 - wk44 - 100% - 80,145 - AGD / Environmental - whole pen of fish lost due to low oxygen and bad weather combined with compromised gills. Only cage left stocked on site before fallow.
All mortality events were reported as required, however there were some discrepancies between site records and FHI records.
These were a result of transfer losses and delays in final counts being received from the wellboat. Retrospective updates have been submitted and FHI records updated as required. NFA.
Health challenges last 2 crops were mainly AGD, exacerbated by environmental insults (Muggaeia atlantica from July followed by Apolemia uvaria in September). Fish will be gill swabbed every week and a FW treatments has been scheduled for July in anticipation of AGD developing on site.
SLICE treatment completed on 13th June 24. A 2nd SLICE treatment is planned for July.
Only site in DMA and CoGP MA.
Fish on site appeared in good physical health at the time of inspection and were active in the cages. One deformed and one moribund were observed in Cage 2 and were removed at the time for examination. No clinical signs observed so no diagnostic samples taken on this occasion. Fish removed for VMD were in good physical health and appeared clinically healthy externally and internally upon examination.
Sealice counts were observed on 2/3 cages. 20 fish per pen were removed for sampling. No leps were observed on any of the fish and 2 caligus were noted on the last fish from cage 1. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1053Case Number: 2022-0360
DownloadSite inspection and paperwork conducted by , supervised by .
VMD samples collected by .
Site recently stocked with fish transferred from Burrastow (FS0666) and Cloudin (FS0088). Mortality has been very low since the date of input. All epidemiological units were inspected onsite with no clinical signs of disease observed. Fish appear to be in good health, shoaling well and were observed responding positively to feed. Only 3 moribund / lethargic fish observed across the site during the time spent on site.
Mortality levels on site have not exceeded reporting levels since last inspection. [Original PDF]
Holms Geo
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0749Case Number: 2020-0382
DownloadWhen fish were transferred from Teisti Geo to Holms Geo in August 11th 2020, a fire occurred on the well boat. The fire cut all power to the well boat and the wells could not be oxygenated. The fish could not be removed from the wells. This caused the death of 29,000 fish.
In the last cycle of fish 28,000 (19.08%) fish died in July 30th 2018. A crash in oxygen levels over night (reportedly due to a plankton die off) caused the death of 6,500 fish. The fish were immunocompromised due to CMS. Fish killed as a result of
CMS numbered 21,500 fish.
No sea lice treatments yet this cycle.
Caligus numbers on the way up, so SLICE has been ordered for the site and they will be treating using SLICE on the week of the physical inspection.
Caligus numbers elevated, but Lep numbers still very low.
Treatment intiated on individual cages once the lice count hits average of 0.01 adults females per fish. Bath treatments not synchronised between sites.
Currently no AMA in place as regional manager recently left and there was no body to conduct meetings between the two companies. In the meantime Greig and SSF have written up FMS's and are willingly sharing those between each other. Once new regional manager starts a new AMA will be drawn up. Reportedly, sealice data currently shared with Grieg on a weekly basis.
Remote inspection carried out by on 11/09/2020 via Microsoft Teams
Site inspection and sampling by
No issues noted on site, sea lice skirts not installed on site at present, may put these on, but this is still to be decided. Sea lice extremely low, with an extremely low trigger for treatment. 100 fish counted per cage per week and trigger is 0.01 adult female, treatments are being targeted to specific cages that reach the treatment level.
Hoping to get another site manager in to share management of the sites, after the promotion of previous site manager. weather changeable during the inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0238
DownloadFish from Barcaldine (Aquagen)
28/05/2022 - 3/06/2022 SLICE all pens treated
VMD samples taken from pens 3 and 10 by .
During site inspection no dead fish were observed. Fish deeper in water but those observed looked healthy with good feed reaction.
Remote inspection carried out by on 15/07/2022, supervised by . Site inspection carried out by on 21/07/2022, supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0211
DownloadAt time of inspection net washer was present due to this there was a slight increase of fouling on site.
General population of fish were shoaling as expected, responded to external stimuli and had a good feed response. On average 3 deformities were observed per pen, but responded to stimuli.
There has been an increase in jellyfish numbers across the site.
Last treatment - Slice 07/05/2024
Wrasse were wild caught. No Wrasse mortalities since input.
3 healthy fish were removed from 1 pen for VMD sampling. During VMD sampling visual inspection was conducted on the fish, the fish were observed to be healthy. Sampled VMD fish in withdrawal from tricaine.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted by whilst supervised by . VMD sampled by [Original PDF]
Holywood Breeding Centre
AquaGen Scotland Ltd FS0614Case Number: 2020-0107
DownloadSite had a high rate of egg fertilisation, however there was then trouble with white spots appearing on eggs and early hatching. P waste collected by Billie Bowie and transported to Dundas Chemicals.
Received a shipment of eggs from Norway on the 17/01/2019. ( (no-0028399). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0031
DownloadNo site wide fallows planned but individual holding units are emptied, cleaned and disinfected between cycles.
Site inspection done by observed by
No fish held currently for production purposes, but may have smolts in autumn 2023 for future broodstock. Some brood fish on site are landlocked and have been held only at Holywood. Other broodfish have come in from sea sites. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0030
DownloadInput of broodfish next week from Loch Eribol. Next output 1/3/24 to Barcaldine. Stripping season ranges from August until
January. All stocks on site leave as ova. Trialling the movement of green eggs to Barcaldine egg unit.
Treatments - ova; Formalin (aquacen) 3 times a week at 500ppm. Broodfish last treatment 22/12/23 - Formalin.
Stripping season 2023/24; 26/9/23-9/1/24 - 42 252 500 ova
Brood fish morts 25/9/23 to date; 64 morts. Ova mortality this season has been as expected ranging from 20-25% including culls per batch.
Water supply from borehole at 10.8C. Ova are chilled to 4 or 8C depending on requirements. ova only on site prior to hatch - culls of non viable eggs average 20-25% per batch laid to moving off site prior to hatch. 3 ova batches sorted on 28/2/24; 2,482,729 living count 841,910 culled/dead [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1337Case Number: 2020-0516
DownloadCase paperwork completed by on 24/11/2020.
Fish brought on site week 44, 2020. Morts collected and transported to Shetland for disposal.
VMD sampling by 26/11/20. Fish sampled at pier next to shorebase due to company H&S COVID-19 policy and concerns regarding movement from a higher tier to lower tier. Fish brought ashore by site staff, all fish appeared healthy. Site inspection re-scheduled for 2021 Q1. No issues reported on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0050
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely by , observed by 18/06/21, Site inspection 22/06/21 by , shadowed by
One fish removed for VMD sampling. Fish appeared healthy and in very good condition, sampled by .
Site has experienced low level sea lice numbers and currently undergoing third SLICE treatment of cycle, no sea lice observed on fish sampled for VMD. Very good visibility at time of inspection and population showed good shoaling behaviour
All new equipment on site for start of cycle last year, site very well maintained. Site staff reported a higher than normal level of growth on nets, due to net washer currently awaiting a part from Norway. A net wash company will be employed until part arrives. Site staff also reported that the top 2m of the net were worst for growth, due to very good visibility at the time of inspection the nets could be observed deeper in the water with much less growth.
The site may receive stock directly for next cycle rather than a split of fish from another site.
Good biosecurity on site, with foot mat used between pens and disinfectant sprayer to spray down oil skins and boots between sites. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0250
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine and have been performing well this cycle.
Thermolicer was on site at the time of inspection.
2 Slice and 2 peroxide treatments done at the end of 2022. Azasure completed in December 22 and only thermolicer, freshwater and AMX done in 2023.
Management area is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis. Risk assessment has been developed. This was inspected and found to be adequate.
Background CMS and HSMI have been detected on the site but are not causing mortalities.
Fish on site appeared in good health and were actively shoaling in the cages. <5 moribunds were observed across the site and were removed during the inspection and humanely culled. No clinical signs of disease were observed so diagnostic samples were not taken on this occassion. ~12 mortalities were also noted across the site but were not fresh dead.
Fish removed for VMD sampling appeared in good external and internal health and demonstrated a strong feed response.
Very few lice were observed on the fish at the time of inspection. [Original PDF]
Inch Kenneth
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0593Case Number: 2021-0195
DownloadAll equipment has been removed from the site, Site to be made inactive at businesses request.
Last movement off site was the 20/11/2019 - Site was originally meant to be fallow by harvest in May 2020. Decision was made to move remaining fish from Inch Kenneth up to Gometra to consolidate stock as there were empty pens there. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0226Case Number: 2020-0087
DownloadDead fish and waste incinerated on site unless volumes are too high for the capacity of the incinerator. In these instances, waste is collected by Billy Bowie and taken to Dundas Chemicals.
Very few moribunds and 4 mortalities observed across the site.
The site is currently vaccinating against SAV. Mortalities have therefore been attributed to vaccination losses. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0508
DownloadRemote inspection done on 18/11/21 by , observed by
Q1 fish - Q2 to be transferred to Loch Lochy
Q2 fish - to smolt at Inchmore before going to sea
Recent Mortalities
Q1 Spare (Mowi Ireland) - all transferred out to Loch Lochy 17/11/21
Week 45 - 191 fish (0.01%)
Week 44 - 280 fish (0.02%)
Week 43 - 321 fish (0.03%)
Week 42 - 218 fish (0.02%)
Q1 - Mowi Ireland
Week 45 - 1,411 fish (0.07%)
Week 44 - 1,484 fish (0.08%)
Week 43 - 890 fish (0.05%)
Week 42 - 794 fish (0.04%)
Q2 - Aquagen Holywood
Week 45 - 3,217 fish (0.12%)
Week 44 - 2,432 fish (0.09%)
Week 43 - 3,145 fish (0.11%)
Week 42 - 3,508 fish (0.13%)
Peaks in Mortality
Week 23 2021 - 117,908 fish (7.35%) - low oxygen issue while grading, reported to FHI
Week 26 2021 - 317,068 fish (11.22%) - hydrogen sulphide build up in supersat line while not in use, reported to FHI, APHA inspection conducted - supersat line now constantly aerated to prevent issue
Site inspection carried out on 25/11/21 by , supervised by .
The temperature in the fry tanks (Q2) was 14.2 degrees, while the temperature in the smolt tanks (Q1 - sampled for VMD) was
11.5 degrees. Very little mortality observed.
Some background mortality observed in the smolt tanks. The smolts are currently being vaccinated, with tanks 4, 6, 7, and 9 already completed. Very little machine damage observed on the fish.
The fish for the VMD were killed using TMS and sampled by , observed by . All fish looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0166
DownloadQ3 total mortality from input to date - 35.97% (690,554). Attributed to poor egg quality/failed eggs.
29% of that total occurred during the first 5 weeks. Mortality during the last 4 week period was 0.96% (24,183). Attributed to deformaties. Ova were a mix from Ireland and Dumfries.
Q4 total mortality from input to date 29.5% (982,778). 27.94% of the total losses occurred during the first 11 weeks incubation.
Mortality in the week before the inspection was 0.19%. Total mortality over the last 4 week period was 1.35% (41,179).
Q2 total mortality from input to date 19.22% (764,733) over an 8 week period. Mortality in the 2 weeks before the inspection was 0.59% (20,758). Total mortality over the last 4 week period was 4.46% (161,403).
Peaks in mortality all occurred within the first 6-weeks post stocking so were not required to be reported. However, business has reported these and a record has been made for them.
Fish observed in the tanks generally appeared in good health with only a few individuals displaying some damage to fins as a result of nipping.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
Paperwork and inspection carried out 24/05/2022 by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0149
DownloadStock on site are a mix of Aquagens from Hollyrood in Dumfries and Stofinfisker. Next egg intake is due on Friday 7th April from Stofinfisker.
2022 Q2 smolts will be moved off to Hellisay, Grey Horse Channel and Cheesebay in May 23. Parr are also moved off the site to Loch Lochy, Glenfinnan and Loch Garry.
Elevated mortality was observed in both stocks following intake, but was attributed to failed/unviable eggs and poor egg quality. Although these mortalities occurred during the first 6 weeks post-stocking and so were not required to be reported, they were reported to the FHI and a record has been made.
Slight increase in mortality following vaccinations last week, but below reporting threshold. Fish vaccinated with Micro6, PD1 and Ridgeway Skyensis.
Site treats prophylactically at first feeding, generally one treatment per week of Cress and Aquacen until the fish reach ~0.7g.
Thereafter, the site only treats fish when required. Saprolegnia is often observed post grading so Q2's received a Cress and
Aquacen treatment last week following vaccination.
All age classes on site appeared in good physical health during the inspection and were active in the tanks with good feed responses demonstrated.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity risk. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0354
DownloadInchmore is made up of a Hatchery unit, a fry unit, and an ongrowing unit. The hatchery unit consists of 4 facilities (A, B, C &
D) and the fry unit has two sub units (A&B). Between the early hours of Friday 04 to Sunday 06 August 2023 (wk 31) Fry Unit B sustained a significant mortality of 1,132,880 fish (69.67%).
The cause of this mortality is currently unknown, the fish in this unit were transferred over from hatchery units C & D the previous week. There was an initial transfer related mortality of 420,040 fish (16.85%) immediately post transfer into fry unit B, however the mortality reduced and recovered soon after the initial transfer. Following this transfer (week 30), Fry unit B received its first routine treatment of formalin and cress at the beginning of week 31 (31 July - 02 August 2023) which saw a reduction in mortality from 13,027 on Monday 31 July to 3,944 on Thursday 03 August 2023 in the unit. The same batch of formalin and cress were also used to treat other units within Inchmore which did not sustain any mortality. Following the mortality event in week 31, the current stock left in Fry unit B have recovered well and mortality has now reduced to normal levels. PCR and Histology samples were taken from fish in Fry Unit B on Friday 04 August 2023, along with water samples by
MOWI's fish health team, results of which are still pending.
Upon the physical inspection of the remaining stock in Fry unit B, fish were observed shoaling well and responding actively to the movement of the fish health inspector and the site manager whilst walking around the tanks. A few lethargic / moribund fish were observed around the mortality filter in each tank. Tank 3 and 13 in Fry unit B sustained the highest count for mortality during the mortality event in week 31 of the tanks still remaining that contains stock, so fish were removed from these tanks for diagnostic sampling.
Inchmore's ongrowing unit is made up of two smolt sub units (A & B). Another significant mortality event occurred between week 28 to week 30 within smolt unit B, which is stocked with a mix of Q3 Stofnfisker and Aquagen fish. The mortality event peaked between weeks 29 and 30 which occurred immediately post vaccination. Mortality in this unit rose from 3.89% in week
29 to 8.49% in week 30. It is thought that this mortality may have been due to some form of compromisation from high losses which occurred previously in the production cycle at incubation. In week 31 mortality in this unit reduced to 0.42%, all Aquagen tanks received a post vaccination treatment of formalin and bronopol following the mortality the previous week, fish now appear to be doing well again.
From the physical inspection of smolt unit B, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. The water quality appeared slightly dull and murky which was limiting to visibility, this was due to a recent clean of the unit's biofilters. A few lethargic/moribund fish were observed around the tank's mortality filters, several fish with deformities were also observed during the inspection of this unit. Fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from tanks 5 and 8 as these tanks were most heavily impacted by mortality during the recent event.
Mortalities amounting to anything less than one tonne are incinerated onsite, any excess mortality is removed by BR solutions as whole fish waste.
Stocking details as of 08/08/2023:
Smolt Unit A: 2,077,800 2023 Q4 AquaGen SAL @ 27.88g, 9 tanks
Smolt Unit B: 1,633,626 2023 Q3 AquaGen & STOFN SAL @ 67.08g, 9 tanks
Fry Unit A: 1,515,155 2024 Q2 AquaGen & STOFN SAL @ 4.13g, 15 tanks
Fry Unit B: 492,172 2024 Q2 STOFN SAL @ 0.38g, 15 tanks
Hatchery A + B: 4,075,366 2024 STOFN SAL @0.1g (OVA)
Hatchery C + D: Fallow.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0095
DownloadLast inspection to site was a diagnostic on 08/08/2023. Records have been checked from last ECI inspection 18/04/2023.
4 hatcheries, 2 fry units and 2 smolt units
Waste - if large volumes they will get an uplift to Barkip Biogas.
Started vaccinating in week 10 and will be vaccinating for another week.
Recent Mortalities: Q3s - Wk9: 1.46% (59,472), Wk10: 0.7% (27,891), Wk11: 0.75% (29,803), Wk12: 0.42% (16,640) - all mortalities due to failed hatchings and fish deformities. Q2s - Wk9: 0.05% (2333), Wk10: 2.23% (94,888), Wk11: 1.11%
(46,276), Wk12: 1.48% (60,854) - all mortalities were due to failed hatchings (just finished hatching late last week).
Previous mortality peaks over threshold: the Q3's for 2023 Wk30: 9.39% (172,726 fish) - after the jump in mortalities the health team investigated and concluded mortalities were due to specific genetics - Only 0.9% mortalities during this week were from the stokinfisker fish.
Bath treatments - Smolts: Aquacen and Pyceze 23/03/2025 (500dd). Last year due to compromised eggs there were lots of fungus resuting in bronopol formaldehyde and Cress treatments.
Health report 20/02/2024: 1/14 tested fish was positive for flavobacterium psychrophilum. Fish were sampled and tested after some fish in Fry B were lethargic and had lesions on their sides. Fish sampled showed nothing of significance internally except lethargic fish had not been feeding.
Week 4 and 5 2024 eggs were culled out (2.5million) due to failed eggs (Aquagen stock) - lost 16.09% (302,098 eggs) in the first week on site.
Site's own thermometer used due to biosecurity
Paperwork and physical inspection carried out 25/03/2024. During physical inspection, 3 tanks in the fry units had approx. 2 or
3 mortalities. Fish in the fry and smolt units were swimming well and in tanks that were being fed (some tanks were on starve due to upcoming vaccinations), good feed responses were seen. Fish that had just been vaccinnated and transfered into the smolt units had recovered from the anaesthetic and were shoaling well. In the hatcheries, staff were picking out fish with deformaties. Fish for VMD sampling were taken from the fry units (pre vaccinaction) - all fish appeared healthy for externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0136
Tanks in affected unit were treated with Aquacen and Pyceze Tanks 1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14,15 were treated first .Tanks
3,4,2,8,11,12 treated the following day. These tanks were seeing higher mortalities due to the delay.
Last treated 22/05/2024 - started treating 17/05/2024 - bath treatments of Aquacen (500dd) and Pyceze (0dd) in withdrawal
Reason for treatments day apart was to reduce impact on the bio filters.
Q2 2024 wk 20 0.01% (62) wk 19 0.01% (151), wk18 0.01% (262), wk17 0.02% (500) - IP vaccinated wk 13/14 0.09% (since been transferred out to sw sites prior inspection).
Fry @ 2.5g - wk20 0.2% (7130- runt die off) wk19 0.07% (2329),wk18 0.14% (4803), wk 17 0.3%(10554) - (wk16 transfer to tanks die off of deformities and runts 1.36% (48701))
Fry @ 0.34g - wk20 7.63% (288799), wk19 3.95% (155608) (week transferred from hatchery to fry units), wk18 0.32%
(12804), wk17 0.47% (18557) - impacted by Fungus/ Saprolegnia.
Alevin @ 0.1g - came in week 15 - wk20 3.64% (164155), wk19 3.28% (152864), wk18 0.11% (5115, wk17 0.38% (17625) - eggs poor performers 10 to 15% classed as non viable - lots of nose/ spinal deformities
The majority of the fish population appeared to be feeding and swimming well. There was some fish hanging around the sides of the tanks that appeared lethargic with signs of fungus but were responding to feed and external stimuli. Site are expected to conduct further treatments the following week. Mortalities have significantly reduced since treatments. Wk 21 mortalities were reducing by approximately up to 50% per day. Samples were not taken.
Visual inspection and case paperwork conducted by whilst supervised by . [Original PDF]
Invasion Bay
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0212Case Number: 2021-0234
DownloadSome information was provided on 06/07/2021. Details provided:
Last cycle: VHP, Treatment Records, Site Details, Mortalities
This cycle: VHP, Site Details, Cleanerfish Movements, Lice and Mortality Data
Lumpfish peak mortality- 2020 Wk28, 1613 ,pseudomonas; 2021 Wk18 1217, wounds and fin damage; 2021 Wk24 1004 emancipation; 2021 Wk25 1137, pseudomonas
AMX treatment for caligus 20/7/2021 to 23/7/2021.
Remote inspection conducted by on 27/07/2021, observed by . Site inspection conducted by and observed by
(04/08/2021). VMD sampled by , observed by .
Three fish diagnostic sampling (04/08/2021): fish 1 taken by , observed by . Fish 2 and 3 taken by and observed by . Two fish were moribund and a third that was removed was also included in the sample. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0076
DownloadFish just been input from organic sea harvest. These to be ongrown to harvest. Risk assessment had been completed for the sea water to sea water transfer with satisfactory mitigation in place. FW treatment administered during wellboat transfer.
Stock is grown to organic standards so new input does not alter status of stocks held on site. The fish sampled appeared in good health with no clinical signs of disease, gross pathology or lice observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0094
Downloadelevated mortalities 2022 wk 45 6767 (1.44%) mainly AGD but some runts and seals. Wk 49 21825 (4.78%) mainly AGD, some poor performers, runts and seals. Wrasse wk 48 1003 (4.12%) wounds/fin damage wk 49 737 (3.16%) fin damage/wounds and handling, wk 50 718 (3.18%) handling fin damage/wounds.
Stock were transferred on from Loch Harport due to issues in the area with jellyfish.
No wrasse imports from Ireland since the last inspection but this is likely to continue this cycle so surveillance frequency will remain high. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0041
DownloadStock of salmon: Fanad from Loch Harport. Arrived on site with AGD (Risk assessments in place)
Mortalities are ensiled on site and taken away by billy bowie.
Cleanerfish mortality 2024:
Lumpfish- Wk6, 2.28%, 1307;Wk5,0.56%,510;Wk4,3.48%,1598;1.39%,649
Wrasse- Wk6, 4.42%,215;Wk5, 0.17%, 61;Wk4, 0.83%, 300; Wk3, 0.48%, 176
Elevated mortality: WRS, 2023 Wk38, 5.57%, 1800(fin damage); Wk41, 2.64%, 1037 (fin damage). LUM, 2024 Wk51, 2.75%,
1374 (fin damage and handling). 2023 Wk22, 5.49%, 1140 (fin damage and handling).
Treatments 2024:
Wk2, Wk4, Wk6 - thermolicer
Treatments 2023:
Florocol :Wk45 and Wk46 - only pens 6 & 8 (SRS, rickettsia), split into two pens to isolate the pen that was initally affacted 16.
Alphamax - wk48, only pen 13, caligus increased in one pen, treatment went well.
Cleanerfish origin: lumpfish - ocean matters wrasse- scotland wild caught. No imports of wrasse from Ireland since 2021.
Health manager/vet visits sites every month. Last visit in jan 2024.
Environets; net changes happen every 14 days. The figures of cleanerfish have been readjusted 30/01/2024. During treatment,original figures of cleanerfish were not seen therefore readjusted. Recommendations on noting readjustments should be noted.
Site has not had any wrasse movements from Ireland since last inspection, however possibility that such imports may occur in next production means the surveillance frequency remains high.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 14/02/2024. During site inspection, moribund fish were observed, some with large lesions.
Two fish were able to be caught and removed for diagnostic sampling. In addition, one fish was removed for VMD sampling; it was observed to be healthy and in good condition.
Date records received and issues resolved on 12/09/2024. [Original PDF]
Inverawe (East) Etive 2
Dawnfresh Farming Ltd FS1067Case Number: 2021-0208
DownloadAll fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease.
Water was very murky, lots of fresh water present in the loch. Fished looked to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0588
DownloadFHI received a report of increased mortalities on the site of an unknown cause. Two pens were affected both have stock from
Kinnaird Mill.
The site was inspected on the 7/12/21 some runts were observed as well as a number of lethargic and moribund fish, bilateral exopthalmia was evident in the majority of the lethargic/moribund fish. Five were removed from the pens for further examination and diagnostic sampling. Gill health has been poor.
Mortalities had been slightly elevated from week 43 until week 47 where 1.55% (3303) was recorded, week 48 reduced to
0.52% (1090). Divers were to be on site shortly to complete morting. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0463
DownloadMort reports; 29/8/22 1.63% (6593 fish) furunculosis.12/9/22 6.17% 14878 fish, plankton bloom.
Fish input; splits from other Etive sites and Rocks lodge in January.
All fish were vaccinated for Furunc. Etive 2 and 3 have had antibiotic treatment.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 9/8/22 - withdraw period ended 26/9/22. Currently on withdrawal for Azasure (azamethiphos) in pens E1 and E6.
Health reports; 12/7/22 - furunculosis, Piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI). 14/9/22 Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion
Certificate available for import 18/5/22; wrong number and site destination but they had consulted with at the time and email correspondence available to view.
On site inspection 3 dead fish were observed. No moribund fish were observed.
Lice numbers 17/9/22 3.1 average adult female, 24/9/22 5.4 average adult female. No lice damage to the head area of the fish on inspection. Grazing damage - grey skin observed on the dorsal surface of some fish. Two well boats available next week for treatment of all the Etive sites and tarp treatments planed at Etive 2 and 3. Very heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and it is hoped that this will reduce reinfection post treatments. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0463
DownloadMort reports; 29/8/22 1.63% (6593 fish) furunculosis.12/9/22 6.17% 14878 fish, plankton bloom.
Fish input; splits from other Etive sites and Rocks lodge in January.
All fish were vaccinated for Furunc. Etive 2 and 3 have had antibiotic treatment.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 9/8/22 - withdraw period ended 26/9/22. Currently on withdrawal for Azasure (azamethiphos) in pens E1 and E6.
Health reports; 12/7/22 - furunculosis, Piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI). 14/9/22 Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion
Certificate available for import 18/5/22; wrong number and site destination but they had consulted with at the time and email correspondence available to view.
On site inspection 3 dead fish were observed. No moribund fish were observed.
Lice numbers 17/9/22 3.1 average adult female, 24/9/22 5.4 average adult female. No lice damage to the head area of the fish on inspection. Grazing damage - grey skin observed on the dorsal surface of some fish. Two well boats available next week for treatment of all the Etive sites and tarp treatments planed at Etive 2 and 3. Very heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and it is hoped that this will reduce reinfection post treatments. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0161
DownloadPaperwork and Inspection by , observed by , Inspector Competency audit conducted by . Stock details and BMP inspected on 11/10/23 prior to site inspection, remaining paperwork inspected on 12/10/23 at shorebase.
Site currently consists of 6 x 60m circles, stocked with 2 pens of 2021 year class (48,183 @ 1.407kg) and 4 pens of 2022 year class (96,121 @ 1.430kg).
No inputs to site since Jan 2023, fish are normally input to site before being split to other sites within Loch Etive. Current applications in planning system to change species from rainbow trout to Atlantic salmon. It was reported that the intention was thought to be to use the sites as nursery sites if successful in changing species. It was reported that no fish had been taken on to site with the intention of fallowing the loch (dependant on out come of planning application) of rainbow trout.
No issues noted on site, fish were observed shoaling well and no sea lice were observed on the fish sampled for VMD.
All sites within Loch Etive are now reported to have seal pro nets with triple panelling at the waterline and the base of the net.
Historically it was reported that from mid November the salinity in the sea loch drops, until spring the following year, which reduces the need to conduct sea lice treatments.
Sites have switched to Aquafarmer in June 2023, prior to this records are in a different system.
Scottish Sea Farms (SSF) also operate within the FMA, no FMAg in place ,but a copy of SSF FMS was available and it was reported that regular communications are held between Dawnfresh and SSF. An MoU is in place between Dawnfresh and
SSF and Dawnfresh also have a risk assesment for not synchronously fallowing their sites.
Site manager reported that with the heavy rainfall experienced recently the water temperatures had dropped by a couple of degrees over the last 2 weeks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0246
DownloadBusiness reported unexplained increased mortality for wk 22 2023. Site inspection was scheduled for 07/06/2023.
During site inspection, only two pens were stocked on site which were both experiencing increased mortality in week 22.
Following the inspection of stock, no moribund fish were observed. Fish were observed feeding well and no clinical signs of disease were seen so no fish were removed for further inspection . Fish in these two pens have been placed on starve to reduce stress and see if this lowers mortality.
Site had deployed data loggers, measuring DO and temperature since wk 22. Trends in data showed that DO drops to ~71% over night. In addition, from the plankton trawls conducted, there are no signs of harmful algae currently involved in unexplained mortalities. Visibility in the loch is currently limited to 3m however.
Diagnostic sampling has been conducted on site to establish reason for mortalities experienced in wk22 - on day of inspection, still awaiting results. Health visits are usually conducted weekly, but have increased following the issues experienced on site.
Temperature recorded on site: 13.12C [Original PDF]
Inverkerry Hatchery
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS1061Case Number: 2020-0484
DownloadSlice had been mixed in 2020, all records of mixing maintained as required.
The hatchery and smolt unit are going to be rebuilt with production commencing next year if all goes to plan. Comphatches will be input to the hatchery with some first feeding tanks.
All medicated feed was used at the nearby smolt unit and the hatchery has not been stocked for a number of years so no medicine records to inspect. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0103
DownloadFish have only been stocked for 4 days. Site has not been stocked since 2010 so no mortality records to inspect. Same for treatment records and results of health surveillance. Fry looked good and have had no issues since input. plan to have 3 compatchs for eggs installed. This has been delayed. Currently only fry on site. Site has not been stocked with fry since 2010.
Currently fish are moved on from Ormsary and then are going to be stocked into the inverkerry smolt unit. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0383
DownloadSite will be stocked November 2024 to April 2025.
Mortality usually between 2-50 per week per tray. Usually on the lower end of that except when failed hatches occur, resulting in 50-200 mortalities per tray per week. Mortality checked daily and mortality removed but main pickings are done once or twice a week. Only one mortality above threshold last cycle - wk 20 2024 (4.03% for 1st feeding to 5g) due to runts.
Eggs for input onto site are imported from Iceland and most recent health certificates (2023 input) were seen while on site.
Hatchery consists of 3 tray units with a total of 48 individual trays and 9 indoor tanks.
All paperwork inspected on the day of inspection. [Original PDF]
Inverkerry Smolt Unit
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0265Case Number: 2021-0102
DownloadSite under development - 24 8m tanks replacing 76 3m - still keeping 41 5 meter tanks. Completed by July/august 65 in total. all stock on site stofnfiskur origin - moved onto site from Ormsary.
Mortality (last 4 weeks) - Week 15 (3606 0.24%), Week 14 (1915 0.29%), Week 13 (2002 - 0.28%), Week 12 (3468 0.49%)
Mortality data submitted after inspection. Could not get a mortality report on site at time of inspection due to technical issues, daily mortality records for 2 weeks prior to inspection viewed, no sign of increased mortality.
Fish treated with formalin at weekend, early signs of saprolegnia. Stock treated with Slice before moving to sea sites. tanks E2 and G8 being exported to France. Some damage in both tanks noted on the pectoral fins, looks like a mixture of abrasion damage with some aggression. Fish looked healthy otherwise, no moribunds observed
Disinfection records inspected and all ok. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0564
DownloadPhysical Inspection conducted by , shadowed by . No clinical signs of disease observed on site. Export certificate signed by . 5,500 SAL at 20g exported to Aquatech Group, Malta by Migdale Transport. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0476
DownloadWithdrawal for anaesthetic tricaine as vaccinated recently
Increased morts 13/8/23 2.73% 1 tank C2 vaccinations. 16678 - adverse vaccination reaction. outstanding issues following visit ; no weekly % for site back to 31/11/21, frequency mort removal documentaion no provided; results of samples from August not avalable; All information required supplied by emailed 13/11/23
Inverkerry Hatchery currently fallow. Stocking at end of month from Stofinfisker.
Fish at smolt unit vaccinated 16/10/23 till 27/10/23
Aquacen - formalin used at site post vaccine
Morts collected by Fergusons to Barkip or Inverness
Health report results; 18/8/23 = severe fungal infection compatible with Saprolegnia sp. on gills and skin. Glochidia sp - metazoan in all gill samples. 23/8/23 - mortality event derived from multiple factors- stress induced by increase temp and vaccination handling, background Glochidia sp. and saprolegniasis. 23/2/23- nephorocalcinosis and mild sphaerospora infection.
Paperwork and sampling Inspection and [Original PDF]
Finfish Ltd FS0264Case Number: 2021-0164
DownloadRemote inspection completed 26/05/2021 by , supervised by . Physical inspection completed 31/05/2021 by , supervised by
Since last inspection the site has moved away from producing a combination of organic and non-organic fish and is now rearing solely organic fish.
Site now owned by MOWI Scotland Ltd.
Recent issues: PCR positives for Costia and SGPV in the Q4 fish and Flavobacterium sp. in the Q2 fish. Not causing mortalities, with Aquacen formaldehyde and Bronopol treatments being carried out under veterinary advice.
Peaks in mortality: Wb 19/08/2019 site mortality 2.22% due to high temperature and spate conditions and PKD positive fish - reported to Marine Scotland on the 06/09/2019. Wb 17/08/2020 2.48% mortality in Q2 standard fish once again due to high temperature and spate conditions with fish PCR positive for PKD. Overall site mortality was 1.3%, therefore below reporting threshold.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity measures.
No issues on site. Fish looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0567
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
VMD feed mixing inspection conducted, no issues raised. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0478
DownloadMorts ensiled on site and moved off once a year. Ferguson to Barkip
2024 Q2 fish on site being moved to Arkaig this year. Were input as ova from Ireland- Kindrum. Next input Jan 2024 from
Brood fish were in LLB but have now moved to Carnasserie for stripping. last treatment May 2023 -Aquasen - Formalin, Cress Bronapol.
22/5/23 - 22/5/23 Florfenical for RTFS. -1000 degree days. Medicine mixed on site.
Paperwork and sampling , Inspection and (supervised) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0107
DownloadStock origin: Q4 2024- Kindrum Ireland, input as ova 12/01/2024. Q2 2025- Kindrum Ireland, input as ova 28/03/2024.
Site operates as a flow through system, fed from the River Polly.
Increased Mortality since wk 13 2024: Following report of increased mortality within the Q4 fish, received on 11/04/2024. Initial report for w/b 25/03/2024 noted poor performers in Q4 fish. Following samples being taken on 26/03/2024 and 28/03/2024, results returned on 02/04/2024 positive for Flavobacterium psychrophilum (RTFS). Under veterinary advice, site started treating for RTFS with florfenicol on 04/04/2024 (10 day prescription inspected; end date 13/04/2024; 500DD withdrawal).
Health report from 13/03/2024 was also inspected - showed that samples were taken from fry within the hatchery, to screen for
Flavobacterium, salmon gill pox virus, IPN, SAV, PRV, PMCV and Yersinia. This increased surveillance was conducted due to health challenges in previous cohorts.
Health sampling by business was conducted 15/04/2024 and confirmed salmon gill pox virus and Costia in Q4 fish, as a secondary infection. Treatment began in all tanks on 17/04/2024 with Aquacen formaldehyde and Pyceze/Bronopol under veterinary advice (200ppm and 400ppm respectively).
Mortalities occurred in all tanks similarly; A site inspection and diagnostic test was carried out on 17/04/2024, where 5 tanks were sampled (~60 fish removed). During site inspection, the I-J tanks with fish experiencing increased mortality were inspected and in all tanks, a few fish were seen with pale bodies and darker heads. Few mortalities were observed in the top hat of the tanks. In general, fish were observed to be swimming well and noted to be feeding better.
Site is currently planning to improve and stabilise the water input from environmental influences by installing new filters/disinfection equipment. Currently there is no filtration in I-J rows, except for in the hatchery. Plans to review and improve filtration on side currently being conducted, which includes installing 10micron mesh filters, and potentially disinfection. Works should commence in May 2024.
Site inspection was accompanied by APHA. [Original PDF]
Invertote Salmon Farm
Organic Sea Harvest Ltd FS1344Case Number: 2020-0036
DownloadPSI carried out in response to notification from business of increased mortality in lumpfish.
Lumpsucker mortality: 10/07/20 - 16/07 - 822 (2.83%), 17/07-23/07 - 2198 (7.79%), 24/07-30/07 - 4063 (15.62%). Mortality for this week so far at 5573 (25.38%).
Vet attended site on 23/07/2020. Vet report stated mortality most likely attributed to increased stress due to high Caligus burden and secondary skin infections from opportunistic bacteria (Tenibaculum and Vibrio spp.)
AMX tarpaulin treatments carried out on all cages (30/07 - 03/08) with lice reduction of 91% - 97% per cage recorded.
Salmon mortality has increased this reporting week (from 31/07) with losses so far of 11,091 (3.6%) attributed to post- treatment mortality. A mortality report is to be submitted to the FHI at the end of this week when the reporting week is complete.
Average Caligus levels before treatment reported as 65 (lumpfish) and 45 (salmon). Following treatment numbers fell to 4
(lumpfish) and 3.6 (salmon).
Average adult female sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) numbers have been consistently around 0.1.
Wrasse caught from Skye area. Lumpfish stocked from Anglesey (Ocean Matters)
Salmon stocked from Inverkerry (FS1061) and Girlsta (FS0504)
Neighbouring site Culnacnoc Salmon Farm (FS1344) to be stocked with S0's. Risk assessment for non-synchronous production in place, inspected during authorisation process.
Discharge consents in place for tarpaulin treatments. Site intends to only treat with Alphamax. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0465
DownloadInspection of records carried out remotely on 29/10/2020
Caligus levels increased during July and August, resulting in increased mortality of fish, Alphamax treatments carried out reduced caligus levels significantly (91% - 97% per cage) and mortality fell as a result.
Recent mortality levels in lumpfish have been low (0.05% - 0.1%). Increased lumpfish mortality occurred during July and
August from 8% up to 25% during w/b 03/08. Mortality attributed to caligus damage and secondary bacterial infection. FHI were notified of this increase at the time. Lumpfish treated with Alphamx alongside the salmon, mortalities have subsequently fallen to low levels since September.
Wrasse mortality has been very low throughout the cycle.
Application in to MS-LOT and council for using A.D.D on site, as a contingency, seal presence around site is very low.
Site thermometer use as FHI thermometer had a battery failure.
Salmon deep in cages and difficult to observe, Lumpfish and wrasse seen near surface and appeared in good condition. [Original PDF]
Isle Ewe
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1084Case Number: 2023-0215
DownloadLast fish harvested out of the site 30/10/19 with no issues to report. Site viewed from the shore and no equipment present. No plan to reuse the site in the foreseeable future. Forms to make site inactive submitted to business correspondent.
Movement book signed and completed correctly. [Original PDF]
Jubilee Loch Shin
Migdale Smolts Ltd FS0890Case Number: 2020-0350
DownloadInspection of stock due for export to France (INTRA.GB.2020.0026007, MD20/099). 6 pens (1, 5, 17, 22, 23 & 27), 315,000 parr.
A number of fish noted to have fungus-like growth on them but all were actively swimming. 2-3 dead fish/pen observed.
Discussed with site manager that these will be removed from healthy stock prior to export of the consignment.
Disinfection certificate of the wellboat being used checked on site and accepted. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0406
DownloadFallow 25/3/20 restocked 13/5/20 from Landcatch, Mingarry and Kintail
Fish moved out to Cole Deep yesterday next smolt output will be beginning Oct.
Medicine records not available. Told verbally fish on withdrawal for formalin (Aquacsen) and TMS. Small amount of fungus observed in fish. Mortalities on site attributed to fungus. Fish vaccinate about 3 weeks ago with a formalin treatment about 2 weeks ago.
While on site a fish escaped from the hand net onto the slatted walk way. Inspector caught fish before it escaped. A small hole in the hand net was repaired. Site manager told to complete a potential escapes form. Ask to implement checks for hand nets prior to use and reintroduce the use of netting placed over work surfaces when removing fish onto walkways.
Site visit undertaken at short notice. No paperwork completed at time of visit due to social distancing. Requested paperwork received 30/10/20. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0460
DownloadSite inspection on Sunday. Some (~2-3 per cage) dead fish observed floating in some cages. A low prevalance of fish with visible fungus-like growth observed in all pens. Between 5-10 fish per pen but these were actively swimming. Visibility was limited, the water was peaty which usually means fungus-like growth is easier to see.
Confirmed with the site manager that the pens will be skimmed of any slow moving fish near the surface prior to loading with any fish with visible fungus-like growth being removed.
7 pens inspected for export. Disinfection certificate for lorry submitted electronically 30/10/2020. Certificate
INTRA.GB.2020.0026005-V1 (MD20/098) issued on 01/11/2020. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0477
DownloadAll fish on from Kintail, 1st - 18th June.
Morts incinerated on site
Export of 291,479- from pens 3, 14, 19, 22 and 27. All inspected and no moribund fish observed. MS/2021/0040 to Cherbourg
France. Helicopters will remove the fish from the cages onto one of 7 lorries which will transport them to a well boat at
Invergorden. Disinfection certs viewed for the 7 lorries and the wellboat the MV Migdale. Estimated time of dispatch, 9/11/1 at
Aquasen (formalin)- 9 cages tarp treatment for any fungus issues.
Tricaine used for vaccination, Spring output currently being vaccinated.
Morts for last 4 week all less than 0.1% for the site/week; wk43, 138 morts, week42; 126 morts, week41 104 morts, week40
121 morts - attributed to bird damage, fungus or unknown. Mortality levels have been very low this year.
Treatments; 2021 S0 are not on withdrawal for TMS. 2022 S1 are currently being vaccinated so are on withdrawal for TMS. All fish are on withdrawal for Aquasen (Formalin)
Unable to collect VMD samples due to adverse weather conditions. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0566
DownloadSite was visited earlier in the month but due to strong winds, VMD samples were unable to be collected.
Fish were vaccinated on 15th November with PD1 and Alphaject micro6.
Fish were very difficult to observe in the cages due to the dark water colour, but fish removed for sampling appeared in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0545
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by
Visibility was poor due to dark and peaty water. A few fish were observed with light fungus in a few pens but the vast majority of fish observed appeared healthy. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally.
Fish are currently in withdrawal for AQUACEN (Formalin). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0312
DownloadFormalin used recently to treat Costia and white spot that historically are an issue in summer months as water temperatures are at their highest. Costia and white spot have not been a problem this year as treatments have been successful. The site is treated as routine when water temperature hits 12 degrees C before signs of disease are present. Fish were last treated
26/07/2023. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0137
DownloadSite inspection undertaken to observe procedures for transfer of stock onto site, following reports of feral farmed fish being caught in Loch Shin.
A lorry consisting of 4 tanks arrived on site where each tank was subsequently unloaded to a tank of equal size that is secured onto a transfer barge holding 2 tanks. The barge is then towed out to the site where the fish are then pumped into the pens. All pipes are securely fastened and manned at both ends with water and oxygen levels constantly being monitored. A sample of net to be used on site is taken to source site prior to transfer to ensure it is a suitable size for incoming stock.
No issues were observed with the transfer process, with all pipework securely connected. All equipment appeared in good operational order and site procedures were followed.
A total of 1,131, 247 were transferred onto the site in May 2023 for the 2023/24 production cycle. The final output of stock from the site to sea water came to 1,068,032 with a total mortality count through this cycle of 53,577 (4.7%). There was also 2 culls during grading in August and October 2023 of 9,368 fish. This then brings the total number of fish on output, mortalities and culled for this cycle to the same number of fish upon input.
The average weight of the stock on output in February/March 2024 was 97-100g. There was a small output in October 2023 with an average weight at the time of 46-50g.
Transfer of fish onto site observed on 18/06/2024. Paperwork completed remotely on 02/07/2024. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0206
DownloadSite inspection conducted to assess the containment measures during the vaccination process.
The pen is initially crowded by lifting two loops and then a float line is used to crowd fish towards an uplift pipe nozzle connected to a mobile vacuum snail pump. The pipe is a flexible polypropylene clear 6 inch pipe with connectors double clamped by standard connectors (spanner tightened).
The vaccination machine is situated within a container secured to a large raft moored alongside the pens. Fish are pumped from the pen to the holding tank where they are de-watered before being transferred into the anaesthetic bath.
After dosing, the fish are then transferred onto the vaccination machine (Inoca semiautomatic) line where they are hand fed onto a belt and vaccinated and transferred to the exit pipework and flushed down through a quatro counter box, this allows the fish to be spot checked for vaccination quality and also counted before being returned to a pen via rigid 6 inch pipework.
Connections on the rigid pipework are held together with small ratchet straps fed through small slots and is supported by metal framework. Prior to work commencing the setup is inspected by the site engineer to ensure it is secure and appropriate.
Once the pen is empty the pipework continues to be flushed for several minutes to ensure no fish remain within the uplift pipe before being transferred to the next pen.
Nets on site are all dynema and are serviced by Highland Aquateam for washing, repairing and strength testing prior to use on the site (records maintained). Daily checks of nets above the waterline is conducted and prior to restocking an empty pen the net is lifted out of the water and visually inspected.
All stages of the process appeared to be secure with no containment issues noted.
The vaccination machine setup SOP was available for inspection, the setup observed was in accordance with the SOP. [Original PDF]
Kames Bay (west)
Kames Fish Farming Ltd FS0271Case Number: 2020-0204
DownloadReported mort event; 31/05/2020 3.5kg rainbow trout 9.2% FW Lice treatment - Vet report inconclusive to cause of death, assumed osmoregulation as the cause. 9097 morts. Mortality began to occur 15hrs post treatment. Divers, uplifts and dead basket used to clear the mortality from pens as quickly as possible. Morts disposed of using ensiler and fish waste uplifted.
Morts 8-14 June Estimate 1.1%. Mort figures to be submitted when figures are finalised. Fish were placed in the well boat, inter-Caledonia for transport from Shuna Castle to Kames West. 9 hours in well boat. A small trial had taken place prior to well boat with no issues. Fish were fine in well boat and on unloading. Mortalities started to appear 16 hours later. Vets visited and histo samples taken, The result are still outstanding. - conclusion osmoregulation problem, no signs of gross pathology and no mortality in the untreated cages. Lice levels had been low and gill health good. No disease issues at the site.
Site is being harvested. Killed at kames pier and processed at South Shian or Blar Mhor.
Water temp currently 11.4oc [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0465
DownloadSee case 2020-0241 for majority of paperwork for visit. Previous case carried out as REG, CNI and SLI as water temperature too high for ECI.
Salmosan treated under cascade so 500 degree day withdrawal.
Heavy metal testing - samples taken on Tuesday, no results yet.
Lice counts match submitted.
Harvesting is carried out on one cage at a time to enable treatments to be carried out on other cages if necessary.
Biosecurity records, FMA and surveillance frequency, harvest & lice strategy not checked again - site manager confirmed no changes.
Paperwork completed remotely by 29/10/21, Site visit by .
Low numbers of mortalities observed in a few pens. No moribund or lethargic fish observed. In some pens there appears to be some issues with the feed digestibility causing some red coloured oil from the feed to swim at the surface. Company is looking into it and hope to resolve this as soon as possible. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0027
DownloadStock origins:
Kames Hatchery: pen 1 = deeper than the rest, growth best in own stock
Westmill: pen 2&3 = really aggressive feeders (larger fish on site due to larger size at input at ~350g).
Glenkens: pen 4
Seal predation was observed in pen 1 but no mortalities associated. To prevent any interest from seals around the pens, live net change occurred; nets changed from 18mm mesh to a 25mm mesh with heavier twine (Boris nets).
Site has had experience with Caligus problems previously, with some physical damage observed but treatments have been effective in reducing lice burdens on site.
Last treatment on site was on 05/05/2022: Salmosan.
Medicines are kept at the hatchery in a locked cupboard/room. Only T.M.S and disinfectant kept at the shorebase.
Any future harvests on site will occur via a new boat (deadhaul) and landed on pier, rather than previous methods of a harvesting by pushing pen to the pier and pumping fish to harvest station on the pier.
Fish sampled for VMD was observed to be in a healthy condition.
Records demonstrating that the issues raised relating to the farm management statement have been addressed were received on 05/04/2023. These records have been found to be satisfactory. [Original PDF]
Kempie Bay
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0359Case Number: 2021-0083
DownloadPeaks in mortality - 2019/wk36 (3.12%) week 37 (2.50%) - End of cycle mortality - Low numbers - Reported to FHI
Week 44 (2020) - 1.14% - post input mortality - reported to FHI.
No fish on site between last inspection (2016) and 2018.
Movement of Lumpfish from out width GB onto site from Bantry at end of 2020. Health certificates inspected on site.
Visibility very poor during site visit, fish sitting deep, good feeding response, easy to catch VMD fish.
Remote paperwork completed by observed by [Original PDF]
Kerrera B
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0663Case Number: 2020-0478
DownloadRemote inspection undertaken on 20/11/2020 by . Two UKAS assessors and also present.
Fish input in March
Wild caught wrasse from Scotland
Reportedly wrasse seem to be working well at keeping lice numbers low
AGD diagnosed, gill scores taken but not increased. Diagnosis from gill swab. Paramove 50 treatment used and was reportedly effective. PCR taken as part of routine surveillance for the business.
Current stock of salmon from Knock. Wrasse landed at Uig and Tobermory.
All mortality currently incinerated. Ensiler can be used if mortality is increased.
Trained fish health specialist on each SSF site. This person conducts lice counts, and routine histology samples. Anything more serious reported on site, a biologist or vet will be sent to site. FVG used.
Treatment vessel could operate in any of 35 SSF sites. Equipment and vessel disinfected between sites
No farm management statement between different businesses in the CoGP management area. An FMS is in place for all sites operated by SSF in the area.
Predation mitigation methods: bird nets, ADD (when required), tensioned nets, MML [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0200
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine smolt unit (FS1328) in April 22. Site had been fallow since July 21.
Tenacibaculum confirmed on site and is reported to be the main cause for any observed mortality. Mortality across the site since input has been low (<1% each month).
SLICE conducted on 03/05 and 23/05 in response to increasing Caligus numbers. Treatments were successful and had good clearance.
Site conducts live harvests to South Shian.
Farms located within FMA are stocked with multiple yearclasses. A risk assessment is in place for this and was available for inspection.
Wildcaught wrasse from Uig put in last week (9th + 16th June). None observed in cages. Site manager reported that they sit deeper following input.
Fish appeared in good physical health but were observed jumping a lot due to an increased presence of jellyfish on site over the last few days. Many were observed in the water during the inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0093
DownloadPlaned input wrasse in June - wild sourced
Gill score currently zero. Some Caligus observed but low numbers
Fish on from Barcaldine and Girlsta 17 and 18 Feb 2024
During mortality issues in October 2022 fish mortalities were moved to South Shian and macerated.
SLICE treatment started 12/4/24 and on-going until 19/4/24
Last cycle; peroxide and slice treatments for lice only. Fish on from Lismore West FW treated on transfer
Morts this cycle since input 541-seals, 343 lesions, 373 failed smolts, 100 fungus. Fungus issue on input and lesions observed on inspection of site. Have been tested for moritella but were negative 7/3/24.
Treatments not carried out in synchrony but FMS details that they can be where appropriate and under vet guidance.
Last sea lice count; pre-adults 0.13; Caligus 0.53;Average adult female leps 0.
On withdrawal for Optomease (Benzocaine) and SLICE.
Inspection and paperwork by , observed by .
Updated FMS received 12/6/24, all issues resolved. 17/6/24 [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0241Case Number: 2020-0539
DownloadCleaner fish mortality - WRA - 24.1 % LUM - 53% since input Lumpfish mortalities were suspected to have been caused by
Tenacibaculum maritimum and florocol has been administered.
Hydrolicer treatment in week 47 led to an increase in mortalities, although mortalities remained below the reporting threshold.
Peroxide treatment for gill health, limited excess mortalities.
PRV-1, the causative agent of HSMI was confirmed onsite during routine health screening, although there has been no associated clinical signs.
Sea lice numbers remained below intervention level until week 49 when they rose to 1.1. Site has been conducting mechanical treatments since WK 47 when numbers began to rise.
accompanied for remote inspection which was carried out on 04/12/2020. Physical inspection took place on
Site temperature used as inspector's thermometer was faulty. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0058
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 20/04/2021 by , shadowed by
Physical site inspection on 27/04/2021 by
Lice: 2021 wk15 1.27AF and 2021 wk16 1.31AF planning treatment within two weeks. Possibly salmosan treatment or mechanical treatment.
Are working on agreeing a Farm Management Agreement but this is not yet in place. Farm management statement inspected.
WRS left over from last cycle, with risk assessment. New input of lumpfish for current stock. Risk assessment for SAL movement from Port na Cro to Kingairloch inspected. Movement required due to biomass.
Some smaller slower moving fish observed in some cages, a few fish with lesions/damage observed deeper in the water column in a few pens, however these were swimming actively and were out of reach. Two lethargic fish were removed and dispatched. One had a damaged eye but was otherwise a large health fish, the other one appeared to be a poor dooer with darker coloration. The fish was opened up but no gross pathology was observed so no samples were collected. From the last pen 6 dead lumpfish and a few SAL mortalities were removed. This pen had been attempted to do a swim through the previous day but the net had gotten tangles with a rope, which is thought to have been the cause of the mortality. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0053
DownloadLUM - all farmed from Anglesey, Otterferry, Weymouth
WRA - 50% wild, 50% farmed from Anglesey and Weymouth
No cleanerfish form Ireland currently but may import them again in the future.
No FMA in place but health teams communicate between sites in area re diseases and treatment plans.
Farms in area include RTR sites stocked with multiple year classes and no fallow plans.
Slightly increased seal activity observed due to raised Tenacibaculum moribunds presence, especially pens 5 and 6. No seals o
Remote inspection done on 10/03/22 by , supervised by
Site inspection and sampling done on 15/03/22 by , observed by .
Fish currently on photoperiod. Small percentage of lethargic fish observed in all cages, mostly runts with some lesions present around the mouth & head. Worst affected cages were 5 & 6. Five fish removed from pens 1, 5 and 6 for diagnostic sampling.
No internal pathology observed.
The main population and the fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy and appeared to be feeding well. [Original PDF]
Kinlochmoidart Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0146Case Number: 2020-0488
DownloadMortality peaks.
2020 wk 27 - 1.24% - 11,000 - Kinlochmoidart - quality cull from grade.
2020 wk 21 - 1.22% - 11593 Suspected disease, fish diagnosed with ERM - Red mouth- antibiotic treatment conducted.
2019 - week 14 - quality cull before going to sea. 1.98%
2019 - week 2 - quality cull 1.81%
Visibility in some tanks quite poor, fish observed seemed healthy, a few instances of nipped fins were observed.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0169
DownloadSite only received fish last week so no mortality has been recorded
Site uses a flow through system for parr and two recirculation systems for the smolts.
Last import of ova came onto site in January 2020. Site has retained the heatlh certificate as required, but no longer intend to receive ova from outwith the UK.
Fungus, mainly saprolegnia has been observed on site, but is only present in low numbers and is being managed successfully with no significant mortalities.
Water was very dark during the inspection so was difficult to observe the fish. Those that could be observed, appeared in good condition with only a few individuals displaying signs of fungal infection. Some fin damage was noted in most of the tanks, but manager advised that this damage had come in on the fish but was being mitigated through the use of four feeders in each tank to reduce aggression/fin nipping. He reported that this had worked well and the damage to fins as a result of nipping had reduced since the fish arrived on site.
Site thermometer used for temperature due to biosecurity risk.
Paperwork completed by and (MIX). Site inspection carried out by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0285
Kirk Noust
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0645Case Number: 2021-0365
DownloadCase paperwork submitted on the 27/9/21 and inspected on 28/9/21 site inspected on the 5/10/21 accompanied by .
Additional peaks in mortality: 2021, Wk. 29 1904 (0.75%), Wk. 30 1866 (0.74%), Wk. 31 1277 (0.51%) Wk. 32 1769 (0.71%) attributed to jellyfish/environmental.
FHI thermometer left ashore, therefore site thermometer used, temperature well below 14.
Leps reported to be on the increase in Orkney, some jellyfish issues recently.
Seal pro nets installed reported to be very effective.
Site is used a nursery site so no harvests occur.
One dead fish observed. Some jellyfish observed in a couple of pens. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0280
DownloadLatest Health report (22nd June). No significant results.
L.salmonis above suggested criteria for treatment at 0.6 in Wk 8 2022.
The company makes a treatment plan on a case by case basis for lice management procedures and harvest strategies where parts of the population need to be held without treatment.
Site was stocked between Oct-Dec 2022.
Mortality peaks last year Wks 44 and 45 were not reported to FHI as it was within the 6 week post stocking period.
Farm management area is not fallowed synchronously as it includes both Cooke and Scottish Sea Farm sites.
Going forward the site is to grow smolts for the companies Hoy site.
During site inspection of the pens, a few fish were jumping. Majority of the population were deep in the water column and shoaling well. No moribund fish were observed across the whole site.
Paperwork inspected over Teams on 27/06/2023. Site inspection and VMD samples carried out 28/06/2023.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0802Case Number: 2021-0261
DownloadSite fallow since previous inspection. 10 cages on site, no nets on cages. One new cage due to go to sites in Unst, with the remaining cages being older cages from Unst that are being stored on Kirkabister.
Unsure of future stocking plans for site. [Original PDF]
Kishorn A (South)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0709Case Number: 2021-0095
DownloadLumpfish from ocean matters.
Sea lice numbers have been above the CoGP suggested criteria for treatment, sea lice numbers not above the reporting threshold, targeted treatments are administered. Treatments triggered on individual pens.
Early strategic treatments administered synchronously but targeted treatments given when required
Fish processed at South Shian
A number of lethargic fish were observed across the site, these could not be caught for further examination due to startle response. The general population appeared in good general condition.
Remote paperwork inspection carried out 30/04/2021 by ( shadowing). Site inspection and sampling carried out
05/05/2021 by and .
2019 weeks 34 (1.7%) 1,659 fish, week 35 (7.2%) 3,783 fish, week 36 (6.6%) 3,210 fish - Complex gill disease/end of crop.
Added to mortality events. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0120
Downloadmortality levels have been elevated since autumn 2022 following an environmental insult resulting in CGD. Bacterial lesions have been an issue, vets report detail Tenibaculum finmarkense as the causitive agent. Increased husbandry efforts have brought mortality numbers down. AGD also confirmed.
Reports of seals gaining access to pens, these have not been reported as escapes. No fish lost as all entered between top net and top line of pens. Additional fixings have been installed to reduce access.
Number of moribunds, lethargic fish observed in most pens. Some lesions present. 3 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Very low lice numbers. [Original PDF]
Kishorn B (North)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0804Case Number: 2021-0093
DownloadPaperwork completed on 30/4/2021 by and Site inspection and sampling completed on the 5/5/2021 by and
Report of seal in pen but no fish reported to have escaped.
A number of moribund fish observed across the site, some with physical damage. 5 sampled for diagnostics.
2019 Weeks 37, 38, 40 mortalities already reported to Marine Scotland.
2019 week 39 2.98% (3,892 fish) Complex Gill Disease. Added to mortality events. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0314
DownloadSalmon came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (Stofinfisker origin) and Girlsta Hatchery (Aquagens). Stofinfisker stock is reported to be performing well, however the Aquagen stock reduced feeding in recent weeks and the decision has been made to begin harvesting these cages. Reduced feeding combined with the presence of AGD/CGD on site has resulted in the entire
Loch now being placed on a harvest plan, with all Kishorn sites expected to be fallow in the coming months. Livehaul harvests are taken to South Shian
Wildacaught wrasse have come on from Orkney over several movements in July/August/September 22 and June 23. The lumpfish on site were imported from Ireland in Nov 22. Wrasse morality since input: 5,157 (12.17%). Lumpfish mortality since input: 9,413 (23.53%).
Site staff had already removed moribunds in advance of the inspector arriving on site, so none were observed in any of the cages. Some lethargic fish were observed in most of the cages on site and had higher than average lice loads (compared to the general population) with some damage to the base of the dorsal fin and top of the head noted. These fish however, were responding to movement and could not be caught using the hand net, so were not sampled. The general population of fish that were sitting deeper in the water and shoaling well, appeared in better physical condition, with lower lice loads and higher body weights.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good physical health externally and internally upon examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0356
DownloadIn week 26 the site identified a large increase in numbers of micro jelly fish (Obelia) whilst conducting routine plankton checks which resulted in acute gill damage leading to an initial spike in mortality in week 26. The levels of mortality reduced in wk 27 following a reduction in plankton levels that week however mortality began to spike again in week 28 to present as a large population have developed very pale gills (anaemia from blood loss) following the initial insult which is causing on-going higher mortality. Plankton levels are currently low. The site are currently undergoing targeted harvests to reduce biomass.
Site inspected in a calm sea state, sun and little cloud cover which allowed for good visibility of the stock. From the physical inspection of the site, the visible population of SAL appeared lethargic and slow moving in all pens. Some weaker, moribund fish were observed resting against the net walls with strong operculum movement observed. Pens 2 and 5 appeared to be in the poorest condition in relation to fish health, 2 fish from each pen was removed for diagnostic sampling. One fish in cage 8 was observed hanging vertailly which was also removed for sampling.
Only 6 pens remained stocked at Kishorn North, the site has been moved up in order of priority on the companies harvest plan and is now planned to fallow by the 18th August.
Site thermometer was used to record the water temperature as T309 was faulty.
Site is positive for AGD, last health check conducted in week 30.
Cleanerfish mortality : Week 31 - Week 28 : Wrasse : 2.33% 330 fish. Lumpfish Week 31 - 28 : 1.7% 619 fish. [Original PDF]
Kishorn West
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1274Case Number: 2021-0094
DownloadReported sea lice number Wk 14 0.46 adult female Leps, site records for Wk 14 were 0.41 adult female Leps. Discrepancy due to second count conducted on site.
Some physical damage observed, site staff were actively removing these from the pens. Some runts and lethargic fish observed however these could not be caught for further examination. The general population appeared in good health.
Virtual inspection led by supervised by . Mortality and medicine records inspected up to the 30/4/2021 during virtual inspection. Site inspection and sampling carried out on 5/5/2021 by and
2019 Weeks 30, 35, 40, 43, 44 Mortalities already reported to Marine Scotland.
Week 39 2019 - 1.7% mortality (3,742 fish) Complex Gill Disease. Added to mortality events. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0315
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine in June/July last year and were performing well until recent months when feeding reduced.
Wrasse are wildcaught and lumpfish came on from Ireland in December 22.
Wrasse mortality since input: 7,915 (23.87%). Lumpfish mortality since input: 11,297 (22.59%).
AGD/CGD on site has been attributed to elevated mortality in recent weeks. Entire Loch is now on a harvest plan, removing the worst affected cages first. Live haul harvest are taken to South Shian.
Freshwater treatments have been conducted since the beginning of the year but business wants to reduce handling before harvest.
Site staff had already removed moribunds in advance of the inspector arriving on site, so none were observed in any of the cages. Some lethargic fish were observed in most of the cages on site and had higher than average lice loads (compared to the general population) with some damage to the base of the dorsal fin and top of the head noted. These fish however, were responding to movement and could not be caught using the hand net, so were not sampled. The general population of fish that were sitting deeper in the water and shoaling well, appeared in better physical condition, with lower lice loads and higher body weights.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good physical health externally and internally upon examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0355
DownloadSite inspected in a calm sea state, sun with little cloud cover which allowed for good clear visibility of the stocks.
From the physical inspection of the site, a large population in each pen was observed shoaling and moving actively. There were approximately a dozen to two dozen lethargic / moribund fish observed in each pen. 5 fish displaying clinical signs of disease were removed for diagnostic sampling. The gills of all 5 fish were very pale and anaemic, indicative of a recent environmental insult, internally the fish appeared healthy, with no clear signs of disease observed.
The site is currently using both wrasse and lumpfish, both species were observed during the inspection with both stocks appearing healthy. No clinical signs of disease were observed across the site in either of the two cleaner fish stocks. Lumpfish are from Bantry (Ireland) and Wrasse are wild caught from Scotland.
In week 26 the site identified a large increase in numbers of micro jelly fish (Obelia) whilst conducting routine plankton checks which resulted in acute gill damage leading to an initial spike in mortality in week 26. The levels of mortality reduced in wk 27 following a reduction in plankton levels that week however mortality began to spike again in week 28 to present as a large population have developed very pale gills (anaemia from blood loss) following the initial insult which is causing on-going higher mortality. Plankton levels are currently low. In recent weeks the site have been conducing targeted harvest to reduce biomass, the site is now planning to fallow by the end of this month as mortality is still elevated and on-going.
Site thermometer used to record water temperature as T309 was faulty.
18/07/2023 - 3/6 fish sampled tested positive for pasturella, 6/6 positive for AGD.
Cleanerfish mortality : Wrasse - Week 28 to Week 31 was 0.41% (60 fish).
Cleanerfish mortality : Lumpfish - Week 28 to Week 31 was 0.54% (139 fish) [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0254Case Number: 2020-0170
DownloadMort event 30/3/20 - 5/4/20 2.04% attributed to fungus(reported to FHI). Transported to Kishorn South. The following wk
(6/4/20) 3654 morts attributed to fungus fish (not reported) only one tank of fish remaining on site containing 35,000 fish- transported to Eribol.
Fish reported to be doing well at sea water sites. Moved under vet advice.
Currently only ova on site from Aquagen. Thought these will remain on site until transfere to sea.
PSI carried out as unable to visit site due to Covid-19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0535
DownloadSite used as overspill for Barcaldine.
Fish were vaccinated on the early November against IPN, PD,
3 stocks on site, Aquagen, Fanad - MH Ireland, - Aquagen - Rivastad Norway -
Eggs coming onto site disinfected using buffodein 1% [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0478
DownloadFish have historically been imported from Northern Ireland and Norway, however site is now receiving stock from Aquagen in
Fish were vaccinated against IPN and PD in wk37. Furunculosis was present at the start of October 21, 3-4 weeks following vaccination. Site responded with a Florocol treatment which cleared up the infection.
Since input, site has treated with Cress, Florocol and Aquacen in response to bacterial and fungal infections.
Fish appeared in good condition in the majority of tanks across the site. Mortalities were observed in tanks A1 and A6 and site manager reported that these tanks were positive for A.salmonicida. Discussions were ongoing with the company health team at the time of inspection on how best to proceed. Mortality has otherwise been low since input and has not exceeded the reporting threshold.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity risk. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0385
DownloadCurrent stock due out by end of year, but stock coming down from Girlsta in November.
Some site numbers missing from movement records but resolved during visit.
Ensiled waste removed by Billy Bowie to Barkip.
Spike in mortality in previous stock due to feed issue but below reporting threshold.
Recent morts mostly single figures per tank per day - with the occasional slightly higher. Mainly attributed to fungus.
Regular screening for Furunculosis and ERM conducted.
Glochidia present on gills of one fish in latest samples. Not present in Knock water source.
Site thermometer - ice point check carried out 18/06/2024.
1 dead fish seen across site. Approximately 10 fish with obvious fungus. Fish generally in good condition with normal behaviour observed. [Original PDF]
Kyles Vuia
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0927Case Number: 2020-0037
DownloadSite inspected to carry out escape investigation and enhanced containment inspection, following incident which may have given rise to the risk of escape occurring when FHI last inspected the site on 04/12/2019.
Site has been experiencing increased seal predation over the last few months, new ADD system has recently been installed on site, subsequently mortalities attributed to seal damage have reduced over the past month.
During inspection 1-2 lethargic fish were observed in the majority of cages. In cage 4 several lethargic fish with lesions visible on the flanks were observed. % fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. The remaining lethargic fish observed on site were removed from the cages and dispatched.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Escape investigation
During a the previous FHI inspection on 04/12/2019, a seal was observed in cage 5, the seal was then seen to leave the cage.
Divers arrived on site the same day to inspect the cage and net and discovered a hole near the base of net, approximately
25x15 mesh squares in size (nets on site have a mesh size of 15 mm). The hole was repaired by the divers. It is suspected that the hole was caused either by seal damage, or possibly by the lift-up system cone rubbing against the net during recent storm conditions Dive reports indicate that fish were observed to higher up the water column in the cage, no fish were observed outside the cage, and in the following days feed levels had not dropped. The APB completed and submitted the escape notification form to the FHI on the same day, noting that it was suspected that no fish escaped during the incident.
Divers returned to site on 06/12/2019 to inspect all other cages on site, no damage or holes in nets were found, all support ropes for lift up systems were tightened. Prior to the escape, divers inspected cages and nets on 29/11/2019 with no holes or damage observed.
At the time of the escape the site had an OTAK A.D.D. system on installed on site. Following the incident frequencies on the
A.D.D. were adjusted and an additional A.D.D. system (Ace Aquatec) has been installed on site, with both systems running.
Mortality attributed to deal damage have fallen since.
Nets on site are currently STAR mesh, these are due to be replaced with Seal pro nets at the end of this production cycle. Seal pro nets are currently being installed on the neighbouring Vuia Mor site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0166
DownloadPreviously submited mortality event info;
06/01/2020-12/01/2020 5.35% Seal Predation 20728 ADD's being adjusted.
13/01/2020-19/01/2020 3.36% Seal Predation 12323 ADD's being adjusted .
20/01/2020-26/01/2020 1.53% Seal Predation 5405 Adjusting ADD frequency. Site inspected December 2019.
FHI to continue monitoring.
30/03/2020-05/04/2020 1.46% Seal Predation 4607 Harvesting ongoing to reduce biomass.
06/04/2020-12/04/2020 1.43% Seal Predation 4190
Site last inspected on 26/02/20. CNA, escape investigation and diagnostic carried out
13/4/19-19/4/20 1.8% Seal Predation 2615 lumps on site sourced from Wales.
Currently site undergoing a mechanical sea lice treatment (brushes) and reported to be going well with low mortality levels so far and 88% clearance. Lice levels had been 1.8 adult female prior to treatment. Planning a mechanical treatment every 2 weeks. Site under harvest plan with June as planned harvest out date.
Seal predation has been an issue, both common and grey seals. Two types of ADD on site and seal blind for dead socks. Two seals have been dispatched but in the last 10 days the seals have disappeared from the area. They have been unable to get
Seal Pro nets but will be getting them for the next cycle. Morts attributed to seal predation have seal damage lesions.
Morts in the last 10 days 20/4/20-29/4/20 is 2173 (0.98%) attributed to post treatment and seal damage.
PSI carried out as unable to visit site due to Covid-19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0198
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 15th June by , shadowed by . Physical inspection conducted on 22nd June by
, shadowed by .
Site carried out Slice treatment from 11/03-17/03/2021 and 13/05-19/05/2021.
Seal Pro nets now deployed at site with company also looking to raise height of nets (~0.5/1m) to aid in prevention of seals gaining access to pens. Electric fence has been installed on one pen to deter seals from accessing walkways. Installation of the fence has shown early signs of detering seals.
Weekly mortality rates, weeks beginnning 18/01/21 (wk3) 7501 (1.67%) and 25/01/21 (wk 4) 7184 (1.62%) reported to FHI.
Explained reason was seals. Mortality levels dropped below reporting criteria on week 5 and have remained below since then.
No moribund/ lethargic fish spotted. Stock on site remaining low in water so hard to observe
Fish sample for VMD appeared healthy- internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0416
DownloadPSI conducted following reports of high mortalities during August and September. Site was due to be visited in wk37 but could not be due to covid19 isolation of site staff.
Mortality rates low across site 0.04% in week 31, 0.23% in wk 32 up to 3.99% in wk 33 and 5% wk 34. FW treatment in wk 34.
Mortality reduced following FW treatment but increased again following handling for sea lice treatment week36/37.
Routine visits of health biologist to sites every 2 weeks in Summer, regular haematocrit and gill swabs taken but quick onset of anaemia and some AGD which seems to have been exarcebated by a plankton/jellyfish environmental event. However, daily water samples haven't shown anything conclusive although water cloudy and full of sediment. Water quality is poor and low rainfall over summer months also. During this period aeration of water has been on 24/7.
Site was stocked in Dec 2020.
Sea lice levels - 28 12/07/2021 0.55
29 19/07/2021 1.86
30 26/07/2021 0.44
31 02/08/2021 0.70
32 09/08/2021 1.26
33 16/08/2021 No count on vet advice
34 23/08/2021 No count on vet advice
35 30/08/2021 1.53
36 06/09/2021 3.52
37 13/09/2021 1.21
38 20/09/2021 0.00
39 27/09/2021 No count on vet advice [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0181
DownloadKyles Vuia completed stocking for its current production cycle in December 2022 with stock from Kinlochmoidart and Jubilee
Loch Shin. The Salmon stock have performed well so far this cycle with good growth being achieved and mortality onsite remaining very low.
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to hand feeding at the pen side. No clinical signs of disease were observed onsite during the inspection. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both internally and externally.
The site conducted its latest precautionary Slice treatment at the end of April which has been successful in maintaining low lice levels to date.
The site sustained high mortality to its lumpfish stock early in its current production cycle. Six lumpfish were sampled by the company vet on 23/01/2023 with all fish sampled showing pathology consistent with severe systemic bacterial septicaemia.
Following this diagnosis the descion was made to cull the remaining lumpfish stock on site. [Original PDF]
Laddie Wood, Loch Garry
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1104Case Number: 2020-0346
DownloadFish came onto site w/b 13/07/2020 from Inverpolly Hatchery. Fish will be moved onto Invasion Bay and Maclean's Nose
Wk48, leaving this site fallow.
Fish have been vaccinated with Alphaject m6 and PD1 as well as against Pasterella skyensis. Post-vaccination bath treatments ongoing using Formalin and Cress.
Water very peaty so hard to see the fish. No fish hanging near the surface and once nets were lifted all fish looked to be behaving normally with no signs of disease or physical damage. Fish removed and sampled for vmd appeared in very good condition with no external or internal signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0504
DownloadSite is stocked with organic fish that came on from Inverpolly (FS0264) and non-organics sourced from Inchmore (FS0226).
Organics are reported to be performing well. The non-organics have been impacted by Saprolegnia, attributed to issues with filtration at the hatchery.
Elevated mortality in wks42 and 43. Attributed to vaccination losses and fungal infection.
Fish have been vaccinated with Micro6, Micro1 PD and Pasturella skyensis.
Clinical signs of PKD were observed in fish sampled on 18/09/23, however fish behaviour and mortality trends did not raise concerns at the time. Prevalence will be closely monitored.
Dead fish and waste from the site is now incinerated on site. Culls are stored in IBCs at the shorebase before being collected by Billy Bowie and taken to Duranta, Middlesborough.
The majority of fish were difficult to observe as they were sitting deeper in the water which was very dark in colour as a result from high volumes of rain in recent weeks. Fish that were observed at the surface were infected with Saprolegnia and fungal growths were prevalent in every cage of fish stocked from Inchmore. Organics have not been so badly affected.
Staff were on site at time of inspection treating non-organic stock with Pyceze and Formalin. Moribunds and mortalities were actively being removed from the cages following treatment. Fish are due to be transferred to sea in the coming weeks.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good health externally and internally and food was present in the gut of all fish. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0338
Download5 fish removed for VMD were observed to be healthy and were swimming well.
VMD sampling conducted by on 17/09/2024.
Site and records inspected and paperwork completed by , supervised by on 17/09/2024. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0423Case Number: 2020-0507
DownloadDue to the on going Covid-19 situation a remote inspection was completed on the 12/11/2020. A physical inspection of the stock was planned for the following week, however due to weather conditions ferry transportation to the Isle of Arran was
Cancelled and the visit had to be postponed.
WRS less than 10% since input. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0548
DownloadRecords checked between 12/11/20 to 21/12/20 as had checked records in case 20200507 upto the 12/11/20 although site visit could not be conducted due to ferry cancellation and will be rescheduled in 2021.
PSI conducted following reports of increased boat traffic in area from 3rd party.
AGD and PGD on site - due to gill health problems in previous cycles, gills are swabbed weekly so can act quickly - FW treat in
September with good results and then treated with peroxide once temp down to 10c 29th Nov-2nd Dec following this treatment morts decreased to low levels
Morts wk47 - 0.54%, wk48 0.59%, wk49 1.81%, wk50 0.17%, wk 51 0.12%
Lice levels on site low across all stages, wild caught local wrasse used. Mechanical and medicinal interventions available if required. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0527
DownloadMorts transported by Billy Bowie
WK 34 (FW Treatment, 2894 (0.62%) WK35 22,048 (6.22%), WK 36 35,108, (10.56%) WK37 - 36,959 12.34%.
2 different stocks on site, mortality consistent across the site.
Main issue on site has been gill health challenges, with one health report suggesting anaemia as well. Fresh water treatments have been conducted 20/08 9/10, 5/10/2022. Mortality has dropped after these, however it has risen again shortly afterwards.
Gills show moderate pathology, comprising lamellar inflammation, epithelial proliferation and vascular disturbances. Lesions are suggestive of a combination of factors, including infectious (Desmozoon lepeophtherii, Ca. Branchiomonas cysticola) and non-infectious (environment, handling) insults. No amoebae are detected, but some of the hyperplastic lesions present may reflect previous amoebic gill disease pathology.
Mild to moderate inflammatory pathology is noted in the heart sample; changes are suggestive of a viral infection, possibly piscine reovirus (PRV). eDNA samples are currently being processed to find out which organisms are present in the water.
Very few (1-2) moribund fish observed. Fish which appeared externally healthy were seen congregating around air diffusers.
These would frighten and scatter when approached. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0372
DownloadSite inspected following mortality notifications received by the FHI. Elevated morts have been recorded on site since May
Peaks in mortality above reporting threshold: 2023, wk 18 3139 (1.92%) wk 19 2909 (2.04%), wk 22 757 (4.68%), wk 24 566
(2.18%), wk 25 (2.75%), wk 26 325 (2.12%), wk 30 11692 (9.80%), wk 31 8281 (7.70%), wk 32 13992 (14.09%), wk 33 8793
(10.31%). week 34 (to date), 3098 (4.05%).
Site received additional stock from Sgeir Dughall in Feb/March, Maaey in May and Geasgill in July. Site was fallowed for 10 days prior to the Geasgill input. Gill issues have been the main issue.
Recent health report details that AGD scores were low, PGD scoring between 1-3, with moderate gill damage noted.
Peaks in mortality 2022 wk 43 3018 (1.61%), wk 44 4869 (2.63%), wk 45 9330 (5.18%), wk 46 5514 (3.23%), gill health the main cause but some external lesions were reported.
Recent treatments have been the FW FLS (15/8/2023) system only which has been effective for lice control.
On inspection of stocks two moribunds were observed however these were too deep in the water column to remove, a number of lethargic fish were observed five were selected and removed for diagnostic sampling.
Wrasse mortalities for the last four weeks: wk 31 0, wk 32 14 (0.59%), wk 33 32 (1.35%) and wk 34 7 (0.30). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0027
DownloadFish came on from Applecross and performed poorly in the first 2-3 weeks following transfer. However, have been performing really well since with low mortality and low lice numbers observed across the site. SLICE was administered in December 23 as a prophylactic and no further treatments have been conducted since. Last crop were FW treated in combination with FLS which resulted in good clearance.
Sealice counts:
Site stocked in wk50 2023. No lice counts have been above the CoGP treatment threshold since input. Previous crop went above the CoGP treatment threshold for a couple of weeks but numbers quickly reduced following FW and FLS treatments.
Company biologists attend the site every fortnight to take routine swabs and bloods. Additional samples are only taken if there are concerns regarding fish health.
Divers attend the site monthly to conduct sub-surface inspections of nets and moorings. Site has access to its own net washer so nets are also visually inspected every 10 days.
Fish on site were sitting deep in the water on the day of inspection so were difficult to observe. 1 mortality was noted across the site and no moribunds were observed in any of the cages. Box nets were deployed to catch fish for VMD sampling. The fish that were observed in the box nets were in excellent body condition. Gills appeared healthy and no lice were observed on the fish removed for sampling. [Original PDF]
Langa Isle (East)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0433Case Number: 2021-0225
DownloadIncreased mortalities due to mechanical treatments were unreported. Further details in mortality events tab.
Remote inspection completed on 15/07/2021 by , observed by . Physical inspection carried out on the 21/07/2021 by
, observed by . VMD sampled by , observed by .
VMD fish appeared healthy when opened. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0077
DownloadThe site has recently moved it's shore base to south whiteness from scalloway.
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease were observed onsite during the inspection. Fish sampled for VMD were healthy showed no signs of disease internally.
The site is due to fallow in September of this year, however given the successful growth rate the site has seen this production cycle this date may be brought forward. [Original PDF]
Langass Hatchery
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0643Case Number: 2021-0196
DownloadSite to be made inactive.
Last fish moved off site on 26/09/2021.
Movement records collected.
Fallow site inspected by on 05/10/2021, shadowed by [Original PDF]
Lee of Burrafirth
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1116Case Number: 2022-0042
DownloadThe site was made inactive in 2009 and reactivated for fish to come onto site in Nov 2021.
The stock origin of the fish on site are from Stead of Aithness. To reduce biomass on site, some fish were transferred to Lee of Burrafirth.
Weather on the day of the site inspection was inclement, therefore fish were not easily observed. In addition, they were swimmin
Remote inspection conducted by on 03/03/2022, and supervised by .
Site inspection conducted by on 09/03/2022 and supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 09/03/2022 by and supervised by . Fish sampled for VMD was seen to be healthy and exhibited no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Loch Duart Ltd FS0800Case Number: 2020-0249
DownloadPSI conducted in response to mortality report submitted by company on 02/07/2020.
Site was treated with Salmosan during WK23 and WK24. Mortality figures are as follows:
WK24 - 2028 (0.47%)
WK25 - 5751 (1.33%)
WK26 - 11,197 (2.62%)
WK27 - 2769 (0.67%)
Mortality has been attributed to sea lice treatments and has returned below the reporting threshold.
Two other mortalities over 1% had occurred at the site (WK14, WK15) both of which were reported to the Inspectorate.
Current lice levels on site were 2.07 AF and another Salmosan treatment is planned for WK28.
Sea lice levels on site were -
WK25, 1.5, WK 24, 4.1, WK23 2.4. WK22 1.37, WK 21 1.64, WK20 1.1 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0335
DownloadWeek 33 - 107700 - 27.65%
Week 32 - 5400 - 1.37% - Not reported.
Week 31 - 3726 - 0.93% -
Week 30 - 3124 - 0.78%
Mortalities attributed to CGD and jellyfish.
Planning to go in with freshwater next week to treat gills, had previously been treating with peroxide and salmosan.
The vet is on site today (21st August) waiting for histo results, and then a vet report will be sent out in the next few days regarding the current on site mortality.
Fish were observed shoaling well deeper in the water. Although a lot of fish were observed which appeared lethargic, these fish were very reactive and swam off quickly. 8 dead observed across site, with exception of cage 8 where 20 dead were observed on surface, not fresh dead, these were removed by site staff at the time of inspection. The site staff that usually operate at this site were assisting with a FW treatment at Gob na Hoe, and were due to return to site in the afternoon to do daily checks.
Jellyfish numbers increased quickly over a short period of time, resulting in the high losses week 33, mortality numbers were decreasing, but still elevated. A FW treatment was due to be conducted during week 34/35, it was hoped that this would help alleviate some of the losses due to gill issues. If the FW treatment isn't successful, the Norwegian Gannet is booked for early
September and will harvest the whole site over a few days.
Uncertain of future stocking of sites within the DMA.
Paperwork by
Site inspection and sampling by accompanied by APHA [Original PDF]
Linga (Setterness)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1027Case Number: 2021-0147
DownloadOwnership of site about to change so uncertain regarding next input date.
One incident where seal entered cage through damage in top net. The seal was released by the staff on site, as nets on site are seal pros and it would have been highly improbable for it to find its own way out. Divers were out on the same day and no holes were discovered. Top nets are sewn on to the handrails. Application for temporary ADD submitted - denied by local council due to farm being in protected area. The company does not identify this incident as a potential breach in containment otherwise it would have been reported to the FHI.
No mention on FMS that the area is stocked with a single year class but stated in VHWP.
Remote inspection on 13/07/21 done by observed by .
Physical inspection and VMD sampling carried out by observed by .
Fish looked healthy and behaving normally, no dead fish noted and very few moribunds/lethargic fish noted.
The fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy, with no clinical signs observed. No sea lice observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0323
DownloadIPN detected recently in routine health monitoring samples, but no elevated mortalities and no clinical signs observed. Main cause of mortalities has been seal predation. Sinker tubes have been added to nets to help maintain tension. Hope to install predator nets for next cycle.
Mortalities removed daily by staff and monitor fish using cameras in cages. Divers on site monthly to conduct net checks.
SLICE treatments of current cycle in April (5-11th), May (16-22nd) and July (11-17th).
Plan to undertake treatment for AGD in August, but will decide after treating Setterness North if they will use hydrogen peroxide or freshwater.
Take daily water samples (Monday-Friday) to monitor plankton. Samples sent to lab in Lerwick.
Fish on site from Barcaldine and Loch Shin. Barcaldine fish were larger and more uniform in size on input. Number of failed smolts observed in cages stocked with fish from Loch Shin, but no moribunds.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Mortality and sea lice records completed remotely on 21/7/23, other paperwork and inspection completed on 25/7/23. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0240Case Number: 2020-0475
DownloadSite has had a very good cycle so far with very low mortality and low sea lice numbers. One mechanical treatment was carried out and one slice treatment has been carried out to deal with a spike in Caligus numbers in the summer months.
Site has had 7 movements on of Ballan Wrasse from Ireland from 1 supplier. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0059
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 22/04/2021 by , shadowed by
Physical site inspection on 28/04/2021 by
Next cycle plan to get 120m circles.
2021 wk6 AF 0.72, 2021 wk7 0.52 treatment in 2021 wk7, below CoGP in wk8, 2021 wk09 0.55 AF, wk9 treatment for 6 out of
12 cages on site, following week below CoGP levels, 2021 wk15 0.55 AF, following week below CoGP, harvests planned for the next few weeks, will target cages with highest lice counts for harvest first. Just recently also an increase in water temperature which means WRS are working better.
Most pens had a small number of fish with physical damage this appeared to be predominantly damage to the eyes. Most affected fish were deeper in the water, still actively swimming or too far away to be removed. Two lethargic fish were able to be removed which had both eyes missing. These fish appeared to be in good condition apart from the missing eyes. They were opened up but no gross pathology was observed so no samples collected. The site manager suspected the damage was related to recent mechanical treatments. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0051
DownloadWRA wild and farmed from Anglesey
No mortality uplift this cycle.
The site can get a high freshwater influx during spate spells, salinity can drop to 18ppt in the first 3m. This does not seem to affect the cleanerfish as they can sit lower in the water column until the salinity condition improves.
Remote inspection done on 11/03/2022 by , observed by .
Site inspection not possible due to Covid-19. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0146
DownloadRemote paperwork completed 04/05/22.
WRS some wild caught from N. Ireland, some farmed.
Fallow possibly Sep 22 (if current stock moved to Muck or Rum) or July 2023.
Treatment imported from Chile: Veterian (Florfenicol)
Lethargic and moribund fish observed in pen 8-10. Site staff actively remove lethargic and moribund fish on a daily basis from these pens. Fish removed for diagnostic from pen 8 and 9. Lethargic fish also observed in some of the other pens, particularly pen5 and 7. Approximately 10-15 lethargic fish observed in pen 5 and 7 each. Two fish removed for diagnostic removed from pen 5. Overall majority of fish in pens 1-7 appeared to be shoaling normally. Fish a little deeper in the water and at times with the light conditions difficult to observe. At the time of inspection strong tidal currants were observed on site. [Original PDF]
Lippie Geo
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0850Case Number: 2020-0381
DownloadSealice treatment aboard well boat (Ronja Superior, 22/06/2020) Azasure, whole site treated but only cage 6 had increased mortality attributed to this. Fish were held for 3.5 hours. 13,699 atttributed purely to treatment in cage 6. Fish did not react well to treatment, maybe due to stressful sweep and CO2 levels was slightly higher in well reportedly caused by worsening weather conditions. Fish in well appeared blue and stressed on discharge. Mortality was increased in 3 days post treatment then returned to background level. Fish health manager took samples and tested for CMS and HSMI, both results came back as negative.
Cages 1 and 4 treated with Azasure in fully enclosed tarpaulins and cage 5 treated with Azasure on well boat. Lice treatments only undertaken on these cages as adult female lice numbers were not so high on others cages
New thermolicer to arrive at start of new year. It will operate all around Scotland.
Some caligus on site but very few Leps.
Slice treatments synchronised with other site in the area. Bath treatments not synchronised
Treatment intiated on individual cages once the lice count hits average of 0.01 adults females per fish.
Currently no AMA in place as regional manager recently left and there was no body to conduct meetings between the two companies. In the meantime Greig and SSF have written up FMS's and are willingly sharing those between each other. Once new regional manager starts a new AMA will be drawn up. Reportedly, sealice data currently shared with Grieg on a weekly basis.
10-15 metre lice skirts on at moment. Reportedly more effective at reducing lep numbers than caligus.
Remote inspection carried out by on 11/09/2020 via Microsoft Teams
Site inspection and sampling by
No issues noted on site, fish shoaling well and fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Site reported that plankton levels have been lower so far this year and gill health has been good so far. Smolts reportedly came in from Barcaldine ~200g.
SSF have implemented a very low trigger level for sea lice, 0.01, 100 fish counted per cage per week, trigger is 1 adult female for a cage. Treatments are targetted to specific cages that reach the treatment level. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0296
DownloadRemote inspection and physical site inspection conducted by , supervised by .
The site was recently stocked with fish transferred from Holmes Geo, very little mortality has occurred since input and the fish appear to be doing well. All epidemiological units were inspected onsite with no clinical signs of disease observed. Fish appear to be in good health, shoaling well and were observed responding positively to feed.
Animal health survalleince conducted by the companies fish health biologist, last carried out on 01/08/2022. The health of the stock was reported as being healthy with no significant health issues noted. High numbers of phytoplankton were detected from samples taken during the sites health surveillance.
The site was stocked with wild caught ballan wrasse at an approximate stocking of 3%, no mortalities have been reported since input.
9 VMD samples collected by . [Original PDF]
Lismore West
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0914Case Number: 2020-0174
DownloadMort event info notified by business; 16/03/2020 to 22/03/2020; 0.25kg; 3.42%; Environmental - strong tides
23/03/2020 to 29/03/2020; 0.27kg; 2.3%; Environmental - strong tides
30/03/2020 to 05/04/2020; 0.29kg; 1.6%; Environmental - strong tides
Increased mortality removal & health monitoring, mortality returned to below 1% threshold in following week
Additional site mortality levels in 2020; wk15 0.39%, wk17 0.63%, wk18 0.275%
Combination of strong tides, removal of lice shields and small fish resulted in scrubbed fish being observed on site. Had health team in but no significant secondry infections.
Treatments since input; SLICE (10/3-16/3) and (25/4 until 1/5).
Lice levels currently very low count 21/4 0.4 mobile, 0.3 juv, 0.1 caligus, 0.02 oviparous females, 0.08 females, 0 males.
PSI carried out as unable to visit site due to Covid-19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0426
DownloadWeekly mortalities >1%:
Wk11 2020 - 1.22%
Wk12 - 3.42%
Wk13 - 2.3%
Wk14 - 1.6%
All mortalities attributed to physical damage resulting from strong tides. The mortality dropped in the following weeks and has remained below the reporting threshold since.
Average adult female lice was 0.68 in Wk20 (above the CoGP), although was below the threshold in weeks prior and since input, and below every week following until inspection.
Fish came on from Knock over two inputs.
Site will be doing live harvests, with fish going to South Shian processing plant.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe from the cage. Observed good shoaling behaviour and feeding response on the cameras.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0461
DownloadMort event reported 7/12/20 3.27% (7348 fish) attributed to post peroxide tarp treatment. wrasse on farm wild source, Tobermory and Orkney. Delivery yesterday from . Wrasse mortality numbers low with no issues reported.
Mort disposal; incinerated on site. No other movements off dead.
Current morts in salmon attributed to gill issues. Gill scores high currently of PGD, and increasing for AGD, 4/9 positive from last gill swabs. Plankton bloom July and early September.
Last month a fishing vessel run aground next to the site and a sheen of diesel passed over the site twice. Feeding was stopped at the time.
Week 31 until week 35 2022- furunculosis. Treated with florical. 150 degree days withdrawal except the wrasse - whole site treated. 23rd August 10 day treatment. Morts 1.50% cage 8, 1.39% cage 9 week 33 peak mortality. Lost M&S status due to use of antibiotics.
Anaesthetic used on site is Optomease benzocaine which has a withdrawal period is 7degree days when used according to prescription. Fish are not currently on withdrawal
Last sea lice count; 0.02 adult females, all stages 3.98 , average mobile 1.31
Tarp treatment alphamax 18,19 August 2022 last lice treatment. None planned currently.
Not recording person who is conducting the lice counts -will be done going forward.
Thermoliced cage two 10/8/22 as lice numbers higher that rest of site,
No site manager in place for the site and area health manager could not attend at last minute - all documentation was not available during inspection. Have requested; BMP, site specific lice management plan, FMS and health reports. Update
13.2.23 Site visit conducted 8/2/23- case 20230043 and issues resolved. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0043
DownloadSite inspected following repeated reports of increased mortality above the reporting threshold on site from the business.
Stock details: 414741 SAL 2022 Q1 @ 2.6kg, 9/9 facilities stocked. 17398 WRS @ MVG, stocked in 9 of the pens, input on site in October 2023.
The increased mortality on site has been attributed to primarily complex gill health issues with AGD as the primary cause.
Furunculosis was also identified on site. Most recent health surveillance on 24/01/2023 validated that CGD and AGD were primary causes, and negative results were found for furunculosis, SRS, Moritella and PD. Gill swabs have been routinely taken and the site will due to finish screening the site fully again in 2 weeks.
During the site inspection, only 1 dead fish was observed, no moribunds or lethargic fish were seen. Any wrasse observed were observed to be in a healthy, good condition. Only three pens (identified as those that mortality was highest in) were inspected due to weather not permitting access to other pens. Temperature taken on 08/02/2023 was 8.25C.
Mortality, treatment, sea lice, FMS and biosecurity records were inspected. The FMS, sea lice records and biosecurity records were inspected as these were outstanding in case 2022-0461. These have been found to be adequate and have been reported on as per the case 2022-0461. Last florocol treatment for furunculosis was prescribed 21/08/2022- 01/09/2022 (all pens). Prescriptions were inspected. FW treatment was scheduled for the 09/02/2023; limited to 3 hour treatment on the well boat to allow best survival of wrasse on site. Wrasse are also creeled out prior to any treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0114
DownloadSite was due to be inspected following increased reports of morality on site, attributed to handling/treatment event (3 hourFW treatment). Following the treatment, increase in mortality on site observed . Increased handling exacerbated mortalities and attributed to PMCV and PRV detected in recent health reports. Tenacibaculum, Moritella, SRS and Pastuerella skyensis and
Aeromonas salmonicida are noted as background issues (health reports 03/03/2023 negative for all).
Records inspected: mortality records (salmon and wrasse), health reports and movement records, risk assessment for fish transfer.
Pens 1,3, 4,6 still on site following harvest of four pens and movement/transfer of pen 5.
Wrasse mortality (reason noted as black losses and treatment losses):
Wk6 - 1117, 6.21%
Wk7 - 2341, 13.89%
Wk8 - 286, 2.19%
Wk9 - 17, 0.13%
Wk10 - 5, 51%
Wk11 - 51, 0.81%
Planned diagnostic and site inspection not conducted due to the weather conditions being deemed as unsafe. The sampling and visit will be rescheduled for potentially w/b 27/03/2023. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0126
DownloadFreshwater treatment started all the issues. Mortality has been declining week on week.
Histopathology health report dated 03/03/2023 detected microcolonies of bacteria - suspected Aeromonas septicaemia
(Furunculosis) on site.
Fergusons to Barkip
Salmon mortality this week (Wk 13) so far 0.42% - 614 fish (only 3 days in).
Wrasse mortality - Wk 12: 0.70% (44 fish), Wk 11: 0.81% (51 fish), Wk 10: 0.06% (5 fish), Wk 9: 0.13% (17 fish)
Freshwater - 11th feb - 16th Feb
Optomease 7 day withdrawl period
Follow up inspection - see case 20230114 for additional information.
Paper work completed by , supervised by . Sampling of F1-F4 by supervised by , Sampling of F5 by observed by . [Original PDF]
Lober Rock (SMH)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1331Case Number: 2020-0515
DownloadCase paperwork completed by on 24/11/2020.
Fish brought on site wk 51 2019. Increase in morts wk 12, 2020 (3854, 1% - below reporting level) due to physical damage from storms. Mortalities immediately dropped back to 0.1% wk 13.
VMD sampling by 26/11/20. Fish sampled at pier next to shorebase due to company H&S COVID-19 policy and concerns regarding movement from a higher tier to lower tier. Fish brought ashore by site staff, all fish appeared healthy. Site inspection re-scheduled for 2021 Q1. No issues reported on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0049
DownloadMortality recorded for Wk 20 - 0, due to workboat being unavailable due to being in dry dock and weather.
Paperwork completed remotely by , observed by 18/06/21, Site inspection 22/06/21 by , shadowed by
One fish removed for VMD appeared healthy and in very good condition, sampled by .
Due to issue with net washer (awaiting part from Norway), there is increased grow on nets, especially top 2m, it was reported that a net wash company were going to be employed to help stay on top of the growth.
Good visibility at time of inspection, fish were deeper in the water and showed good shoaling behaviour.
Three dead observed across site, one moribund observed, but nearer the middle of the cage. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0249
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine and have been performing well this cycle.
Thermolicer is over on Hunda this week but is scheduled at Lober Rock next week and this is the last time the site is hoping to handle the fish before the site is fallowed in August.
3 Slice treatments at the beginning of 2022, followed by Azasure in May 22 and Paramove in July/September 22. Only freshwater treatmemts at the site so far in 2023.
Management area is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis. Risk assessment has been developed. This was inspected and found to be adequate.
Background CMS and HSMI have been detected on the site but are not causing mortalities.
Fish on site appeared in good health and were actively shoaling in the cages. <5 moribunds were observed across the site and were removed during the inspection and humanely culled.
Some fish were removed and aneasthetised for health checks during the inspection. Gills appeared in good health and very few lice were observed on the fish.
Fish removed for VMD sampling appeared in good external and internal health and demonstrated a strong feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0358
DownloadSite was re-visited following consecutive weeks of increased mortality. Salmon came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328) and had been performing well this cycle up until wk28 2023.
CMS and HSMI had been detected at the site earlier in the year but were not causing significant increases in mortality at that time. CMS, combined with environmental stress (low DO and presence of microjellies) has since been attributed to the cause of the increased mortality in wks28, 29 and 30.
Site is destocking through harvests and site will be fallow by the end of August/beginning of September 23. [Original PDF]
Loch A Chairn Bhain
Loch Duart Ltd FS0621Case Number: 2022-0127
DownloadWrasse mix of wild caught (from GB) and farmed (Otter Ferry).
The site is composed by two pen groups: Reintraid and Torgawn. One dead runt was observed during the inspection and 6 fish with tail damage, possibly caused by seals as the farm manager explained they have been suffering from predation lately.
They have tried to increase the tension of the predator netting to help mitigate the issue. These fish were swimming very actively within the pens. The main population displayed good feeding response and looked healthy, with minimal sea lice load.
The fish sampled for the VMD were in healthy conditions and no sea lice was observed on them.
Sea lice counts (adult female/fish) in week 15 2022 were 1.6 so the site is currently being treated with Salmosan (weeks 16 &
17). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0479
DownloadMort reports weeks 11/9/23 1.01% seal predation; 2/10/23 2.15% Seal predation; 9/10/23 1.57 (updated to 2.15%)Seal predation. Site fitted with high-density polyethylene - HDPE pen nets & predator net gill health treating - finished last Monday. FW treatment. wrasse wild caught - Skye and Scourie and local. Not vaccinated
Harvests dead haul to Dingwall. Recorded in Fish Talk
Morts DHK waste - whole fish in skips at Badcall shore base - transfer notes- of movements off to Fordyce in Portsoy.
All fish on site from Loch Duart - Loch na Thule and Duart Mhor Hatchery
Morts wk 38 0.86%; wk39 0.98%; wk40 2.15%, wk 41 2.15% - seal predation and gill issues (wks 40 and 41) fish taken for VMD on starve for FW wellboat treatment
Site inspection, and (supervised). Sampling observed by [Original PDF]
Loch A'Clachan
Hebridean Smolts Ltd FS0627Case Number: 2021-0373
DownloadRemote inspection done by , supervised by on 29/09/21.
December 2020 Native Hebridean stock from Langass hatchery, will be transferred to The Scottish Salmon Company as 2022
S1 smolts.
The parr will be moved to Clachan Hatchery (FS0398) in November to be graded and vaccinated.
60,000 fish will also be culled due to reduction in demand from customer.
Site inspection done on 05/10/21 by and supervised by . VMD samples taken by , supervised by .
The fish in the cages and those sampled for the VMD looked healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0553
DownloadMortality information kept in a daily diary.
Site is only used for short periods when fish leave Mingarry Hatchery before they go off to seawater sites.
Samples taken for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally. On site fish were shoaling well. [Original PDF]
Loch Alsh (Sron)
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0016Case Number: 2021-0482
DownloadStocked and fish transferred from Ardintoul. Freshwater treated prior to being moved. Stock origin, Stofinfiskur from Loch Loch
Cleanerfish Mortality (recent Wrasse);
Wk44: 1.53%, 876
Wk43: 1.63%, 947
Wk42: 2.63%, 1569
Wk41: 1.08%, 648
Cleanerfish mortality (recent Lumpfish);
Wk44: 0.78%, 239
Wk43: 3.54%,1118
Wk42: 3.45%, 1128
Wk41: 2.41%,808
Lumpfish seem to be in better condition due to handfeeding which keeps the fish away from the nets. Mortalities have reduced as a result through the new cycle.
Other Mortality peaks: Wrasse-2021 Wk 40, 4.49%, 1574; Wk 39, 3.01%, 1088
SAL-2019 Wk47: hydrolicer, anaemia and moribund
SAL-2020 Wk24: clinical CMS
SAL-2020 Wk25: clinical CMS
Wrasse were found to be positive for furunculosis in Oct 2021. W/b 08/11/2021 the fish are being treated with florifenicol (in block form).
Inspection completed by , observed by . VMD sampled by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0177
DownloadAll fish from Lochailort
Morts get transported to Ardintoul to be ensiled and then moved on for biogas
Lumpfish mortality last 4 weeks: Wk 16 - 1.29% (1701 fish), Wk 17 - 1.11% (1434 fish), Wk 18 - 0.68% (876 fish), Wk 19 -
0.88% (1117 fish)
Increased SAL mortality Weeks 20 to 23 in 2022 - 1.11% (3232), 4.04% (9251), 7.23% (10086) and 3.47% (1028) as well as
Wks 43 to 46 - 3.55% (7876), 7.47% (16711), 5.11% (7613), 2.14% (567). All mortality due to jellyfish (gill issues).
VMD samples taken from pens 4, 7 and 10.
Recent health report - 13th April - nothing significant, rising mort numbers due to likely bacteria but TBC. 28th April from vet - nothing of significance, signs of septicaemia.
Rising caligus lice numbers have resulted in planned Alphamax treatment.
On inspection of the site a handful of morts were observed across the whole site. Fish were swimming further down in the water column and had a good feed response.
Site inspection, paperwork and VMD completed by , observed by 16/05/2023 [Original PDF]
Loch Arkaig
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0649Case Number: 2020-0085
DownloadWaste incinerated on site unless the incinerator cannot cope with the capacity. Surplus waste is taken away by Billy Bowie and taken to Dundas Chemicals.
Saprolegnia has been confirmed on site. However it is not causing significant mortalities at this time and is currently being treated with Formalin and Cress prior to transfer off site w/b 16/03/2020.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0064
DownloadFish came onto site from Finfish, Inverpolly (FS0264).
Fish will be moved off site next month. Organic stock is going to Loch Duich (FS0248) and the non-organic stock will be going to Seaforth (FS1042).
Current stock on site has done really well with very little mortality since input. Staff have observed a slight increase in mortality in the last 2/3 weeks attributed to fungus as a result of the fish smolting.
Few fish observed with fungal lesions across the site (<10). These were not moribund and were active in the water.
Case paperwork completed 20/04/2021. Site inspection completed 29/04/2021. [Original PDF]
Loch Ba
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0429Case Number: 2020-0033
DownloadSite has been fallow since 26/09/2019. Currently removing equipment, the site is not expected to be used again in future, to be confirmed with freshwater production manager if the site is to be made inactive. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0326
DownloadSite to be made inactive following request from business correspondent. Physical inspection carried out on 21/09/2021 to confirm site is fallow by and from the shore. Site was fallow and all equipment removed.
Fallow since the last inspection [Original PDF]
Loch Carnan
Loch Duart Ltd FS1280Case Number: 2022-0115
DownloadWildcaught wrasse caught around Uist and Skye stocked at 2%. Mortality since input in September/October 2021 <1%.
Sealice levels have been low since input. Paramove treatments completed in December 2021, January and February 2022.
Crop last cycle was harvested early due to persistant high sea lice burdens following consecutive treatments that failed to signfiicantly reduce the loads.
Gill scores have been low to moderate and fish are reported to be performing well.
Deadhaul harvests will be done for the site.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but appared to be in good condition and were responsive to feed.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0469
DownloadPaperwork completed by 29/09/22, shadowed by . Disgnostic sampling F1-F5 by , supervised by .
Cleaner fish movement records kept seperately electronically. Copies received.
Vet visit 28/09/22 no report available yet.
Beginning of August first successful freshwater treatment. Second freshwater treatment attempted in the middle of August.
Fish did not handle the dewatering well for pumping onto the boat. Treatment was abandoned and not completed for the whole site. Peroxide tarp last week and this week. Peroxide treatment for AGD. [Original PDF]
Loch Creran (B)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0426Case Number: 2020-0132
DownloadAll pens inspected. Zero morts, moribund or lethargic fish spotted. Hard to see bulk of stock as they were remaining low in the water. Fish held in box nets for health and sea lice counts being carried out on the day appeared in very good condition with no damage noticed and 0 scores for gills and sea lice. No internal signs of diseases when sampling fish for VMD.
ADD's removed from water but site has access to them if need be. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0486
DownloadVisit was organised in conjuction with APHA in relation to a welfare complaint made by a third party.
41730 - no of Fish harvested to date.
Timeline of events in relation to mortality and sea lice levels:
Start of September samples were taken for suspected CMS and gills insult, heart inflammation and damage to gills noted. Gill damage from possible environmental insult - CMS was negative in all samples. Minor levels of AGD detected. Slice treatment conducted on 20th of September 2020
Sea lice treatments were planned - 30/09/2020 - but cancelled to due to plankton event. Asterionellopsis and Chaetoceros species observed- Event lasted for about a week going by plankton numbers per litre - no abnormal weather. as soon as mortality increased - mort recovery increased, air lift systems installed the following week, and aeration systems installed as well.
Vets visited the following week - decision was made to halt lice treatments to give fish time to recover from gill issues caused by environmental insult.
Sea lice numbers are now back below the reporting threshold following a round of physical treatments. Thermolicer treatments resumed 15nd of October 2020, with a second round on the 22nd of October 2020 - Selective harvesting was also ongoing during this period.
Diagnostic samples taken throughout mortality event, negatives for CMS. heart inflammation and significant environment type damage to gills noted. most of badly affected fish have now been removed or harvested through targeted harvesting. footage shown from the feeding cameras (06/11/2020) - fish looking healthy, no lice damage observed.
Site visit completed with APHA vet on 10/11/2020 - Windy conditions with lots of fresh water present. 9 pens remain stocked after worst affected pens were harvested out. Residual lice damage was observed on some fish in all pens. Damage Is now healing and no fresh damage was observed anywhere on site. 2-3 fish were observed hanging near the surface in each pen, however would elicit a escape response when approached with hand net. Site staff netted out 3 fish that that sustained physical damage from pen furniture, these fish had increased numbers of pre adult lice and fish and showed signs of slight gill damage consistent with historic environmental insult, No AGD was observed on these fish. No moribund fish were observed in any of the pens, hanging fish appeared to be flushing gills in freshwater layer near surface. Further mechanical lice treatments are planned for when adult lice numbers start to rise again. Site manager and company vet expressed that gills were looking good considering the recent environmental insult. [Original PDF]
Loch Creran (D)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1047Case Number: 2021-0577
DownloadMortalities are incinerated on site, but also use Billy Bowie skips once fish are larger, slips available from previous cycles.
No dead or moribund observed at time of inspection. Fish were shoaling deeper in the water, cages that were feeding showed a good feed response. No issue observed or reported at time of inspection. Site stocked in Sept 2021.
Net washing ongoing at time of inspection. Divers had been on site the day before the inspection, but were weathered off, booked to return the following week to complete mortality removal, mortalities low since input and fish have reportedly come on well since arriving on site.
Weather very calm and visibility good at time of inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0262
DownloadTreatment Timeline:
Wk 9- thermolicer treatment (all pens)
Wk 12- thermolicer treatment (all pens)
Wk 17- thermolicer light treatment (all pens)
Wk24- light thermolicer treatment (all pens)
Wk 27- hydrolicer 10/12 pens
W/b 11/07/2022- hydrolicer remaining two pens
Mortality events:
Wk 19- 2.7%, 12191; following thermolicer treatment in wk 17
Wk20- 2.1%, 9032; continuation of previous week mortality
Wk21- 1.3%, 5429
Wk24- 1.6%, 6826; following thermolicer
Wk25- 2%, 8175
Wk26- 4%, 15943
Wk27- 3.8%, 14441
Inspection of site was conducted in conjunction with APHA, following 3 weeks of notifications of increased mortality above the threshold, as well as a response to investigate claims of a welfare complaint.
Stocking of wrasse on site 24/06/2022; wild caught from Orkney.
Timeline of recent disease:
Routine vet visit conducted in week 9, confirmed PRV +ve results for the whole site (100%), but no increased mortality associated with it seen on site. In Wk 14, histology again confirmed PRV +ve site with moderate levels, and slight increase in mortality seen but still below reporting threshold. Skin lesions seen on site were tested and were found to be a result of secondary bacterial infection; bad weather earlier in the year had affected the fish previously. P. skyensis was tested for during diagnostic taken in Wk 15 but result were negative and mortality remained below reporting threshold until wk 18. Wk 19 samples were positive for furunculosis (5/5). No moribunds were seen at vet visit in Wk 21. As mortality increased from Wk 24- present, PCR samples continued to be positive for furunculosis in Wk 25. As a result, decision to remove leading mort pens through harvest, and as of 18/07/2022 site is potentially fallowing within next 3 weeks. Next pens to harvest out are pen 7, 9 and 11. Site has been using diet with supplementary health ingredients called Assit Skin with Resist Lice from 5th to 25th May.
Presently, fish are on Resist lice diet.
Observations on site:
From the first pen, moribunds were observed exhibiting exothalmia and lethargy. Two pens in particular were observed to have the highest mortality; pen 9 and 11, with ~20 moribunds seen upon pen inspection. Fish removed from pen 1 for diagnostic purpose were observed to have enlarged atriums of the heart, and some moderate petechial haemorrhaging on the liver too.
Raised scales or ‘furuncle-like' bubbles were also seen in sampled fish from pen 1 and 9. Upon observation of pens 4 and 6, fish were seen with more such skin lesions/boils, none of which were observed to be open or ruptured. Lastly, a few fish were observed to be belly up approx. 3-4m below the water surface hanging on the side of the net. [Original PDF]
Loch Damph
Torridon Smolts Ltd FS0375Case Number: 2020-0480
DownloadPaperwork completed on 6/11/2020 remotely site inspection completed 13/11/2020
2020 increased mortalities: week 36 5114 (0.5%) week 37 12,142 (1.2%) week 38 8,444 (0.9%) week 39 7,752 (0.8%) fungus post vaccination, formalin bath treatments being administered
2019 increased mortalities Week 45 2,859 (0.8%) fungus post vaccination
Vaccination ongoing at time of inspection with PD7. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0278
DownloadFish came on from Ormsary Hatchery (FS0681) during May and June 21, with an input from Mill Burn (Old Mill) (FS0831) in
June 21.
Fish were vaccinated with Micro6 and PD1 from the 12th-24th July.
Fish were all sitting deep in the water, which was very dark, and so they were difficult to observe. Individuals that were observed appeared to be in good health.
3 mortalities observed across the site but these were not fresh dead so diagnostic samples were not collected.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0564
Downloadw/b 14/11/2022 2170 (1.4%) fungus, w/b 7/11/2022 1634 (1.0%) fungus, w/b 4/7/2022 9879 (1.1%) post transfer
Fish vaccinated 27/10/2022, touch of fungus in the stock post vaccine. Formalin treatments being administered.
Some fungus evident during inspection. [Original PDF]
Loch Damph
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0300Case Number: 2023-0200
DownloadSite inspected as fallow no plans for the site to be used again, will check with Business to see if it can be made inactive.
Site was stocked last year but only for a short period.
Post transfer mortalities w/b 26/7/2021 18460 (3.36%), fish were transferred onto site from Couldoran due to low water and poor water quality. It is thought that the suboptimal water quality was a factor in the elevated morts post transfer. Mortality events were reported to the FHI at the time. [Original PDF]
Loch Damph
Torridon Smolts Ltd FS0375Case Number: 2023-0442
DownloadThe current stock of fish will be sent to a site in Orkney. One consignment will be sent in Nov 2023 and the final consignment in Spring 2024. At this time the site will be fallow for 6 weeks before being stocked again.
Formalin (Aquacen) treatment prophylactic based on historical disease emergence at this time of year
During inspection of the stock, a small number of fish were observed with a small amount of white growth consistent with
Saprolegnia at the base of the pectoral fins.
Mortality from records submitted post inspection: wk 44: 1,220 fish (0.5%), wk 43: 1,486 fish (0.6%), wk 42: 875 fish (0.3%), wk 41: 214 fish (0.1%). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0374
DownloadMorts last for weeks, Wk 38 1621 (0.2%) wk 37 4202 (0.5) wk 36 10098 1.3%, wk 35 4006 (0.5%), Wk 34 10432 (1.3%), all
Additional peaks in mortality wk 30 11749 (1.4%) wk 31 10389 (1.3%). Furunculosis
Initial peak in furunculosis in week 30, antibiotic administered 23/7/2024 (Florocol), second treatment administered 22/8/2024 and a third treatment administered 3/9/2024 numbers have reduced after treatment.
Some treatments for whitespot/costia with Aquacen.
No clinical signs of disease noted during the inspection. [Original PDF]
Loch Damph
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0300Case Number: 2024-0375
DownloadSite has also transferred from Bakkafrost to Migdale since the last Inspection, the fish onsite are the first cycle for Migdale.
Mortalities last four weeks: week 16th Aug to 22nd Aug 8630 (1.4%), 23 Aug to the 29th Aug 1641 (0.3%), 30th Aug to 8th
Sep 289, 9th to the 15th September 1012 (0.2%). Morts had been low post input until 16th August when a marked increase occurred, samples were taken and furunculosis was identified. Florocol was used for a 10 day course, this reduced the mortalities.
Furunculosis has been an issue, one treatment of florocol has been administered which was very effective.
Aquacen has been used for white spot/costia.
Pens have been slightly relocated, they are now further offshore. Site can still be accessed by a walkway.
Vaccination is due to commence in the coming days.
Surveillance frequency, movements offsite could not be calculated as this is the first cycle so no fish have moved off, data from the other Loch Damph site used as similar in stocked numbers and fish transfer method. [Original PDF]
Loch Duich
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0248Case Number: 2021-0274
DownloadFish came onto site from Loch Arkaig (FS0649) on the 11th and 13th of May 21.
Fungal infection present in salmon in pens 6, 8 and 11 following transfer from FW. Site experienced post-transfer mortality, but this reduced in the following weeks. Total mortality across the site since input was 2%.
Lumpfish came onto site in May from Ocean Matters and were stocked at 8%. Site suffered elevated lumpfish mortalties following transfer, which has been attributed to a Flavivirus infection that was transferred from the supplier. Total mortality since input was 37% (27,000). Site staff increased mortality removal, net cleaning and they were hand feeding the lumpfish to promote recovery. Mortality has since reduced.
Wrasse on site were wildcaught in the waters around Skye and Weymouth. Wrasse are being transferred to the site as and when they are available from the supplier. Stocking began 2 weeks ago and the site manager stated that the site will continue to receive wrasse until they reach a stocking density of 2%. Wrasse mortality since input is 1%.
Average Lep numbers have remained <2 since input, however average Caligus numbers began increasing towards the end of
June (>6). The site received a FW treatment and the average number dropped to <2. Caligus numbers have started to increase again in the last few weeks and so an Alphamax treatment has been scheduled for 22/07 to address this.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe, although appeared to be shoaling well. 6 salmon mortalities and 12 wrasse mortalities were observed across the site during the inspection. These were not fresh dead and so no diagnostic samples were taken.
Some lumpfish were observed near the top of the nets, these appeared to be in good health and were active.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0291
DownloadInformation received via email from a 3rd party for a positive test for BKD
IDN issued (IDN2023001). Inspection organised for 05/07/2023 and 06/07/2023, case number 20230292 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0292
DownloadRecords checked on 05/07/2023 (2 hours on site) while physical inspection of stock was carried out 06/07/2023 (5 hours on site).
Routine inspection brought forward after site reported after one fish (Atlantic salmon) sampled during monthly health check came back positive for BKD through histology and preliminary PCR test. Inspector was informed by a member of the health team that the fish that had been sampled for pre-transfer screen were mort's so may have been dead for a day or two prior to sampling. Site has not seen any increase in mortality numbers with mortality levels over the last 4 weeks being between 0.08% to 0.15% per week across the whole site and no pens showing increased mortalities in comparison to other pens. Main cause of current mortalities has been via runts and gill issues via increased numbers of micro jellyfish on site. Visibility was not good due to run off from recent heavy rain but fish could be seen responding well to feed and shoaling as expected. A large number of mackerel were observed outside the pens.
On average 3 moribund fish were removed per pen but no darkening of the skin, distended abdomens, blisters or haemorrhaging around the vent were observed. All fish removed were poor doers and from marks on the heads had suffered from concussion. Internal examination of all fish was also carried out with no gross pathology observed. The 8 healthy fish removed for vmd sampling were also examined and again showed no signs of disease. By the time of arrival on site the company had already arranged for an ensiler at the shore base and a net cleaner to only be used at the site inspected.
Cleaner fish mort's. from 05/06/23 - 05/07/2023 - Lumpfish 4676 (4.53%), wrasse 1327 (7.8%). The mortality numbers over this time period has been consistent over all 12 pens showing no trends or peaks noted. Only mort's from inspected site are processed at the shore base.
No treatments carried out on current cycle so far. TMS used on site weekly but just for carrying out sea lice counts. Only treatments during the previous cycle were physical sea lice treatments.
Cleanerfish movements have been kept separately but are available and satisfactory. In future all movements (salmon and cleanerfish) will be kept in the same movement record book. [Original PDF]
Loch Frisa
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0428Case Number: 2020-0034
DownloadSite fallow since 09/09/2019. Site to remain fallow during 2020, expecting to be stocked in 2021 during the summer.
The following mortality events occurred since the last inspection: w/b 06/11/2017 - 43650 (10.61%) attributed to saprolegnia w/b 29/10/2018 - 8600 (2.1%) attributed to saprolegnia w/b 05/11/2018 - 9791 (2.5%) attributed to saprolegnia w/b 12/11/2018 - 12226 (3.1%) attributed to saprolegnia w/b 19/11/2018 - 11481 (3.1%) - attributed to saprolegnia w/b 26/11/2018 - 3499 (1.36% - attributed to saprolegnia w/b 03/12/2018 - 2644 (2.06%) - attributed to saprolegnia
All mortality events were reported to FHI as required. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0386
DownloadSite has not been used since 2019 and no current plans to stock. Movement records collected and site viewed as fallow from the road. To confirm with business whether to make site inactive.
BMP not checked as site not used for 5 years.
Updated 22/11/2024 - business wish to keep the site active. [Original PDF]
Loch Garasdale
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0866Case Number: 2020-0006
DownloadGoing to sea 28th March - Stronsay in Orkney.
Fish not vaccinated until 16th of March to prevent fungal issues
Morts are ensiled on site and collected by Hazco for disposal. Collected once a year when site is fallow. Stored in IBCs.
Pumped out of IBCs and into a tanker.
Current stock input from Carindow in July 2019.
No issues with previous cycle of fish
Last treatments were post-vaccine for previous cycle - Formalin treatments - 23/3/19 - 30/3/19
Herons and Cormorant predation; some fish damage but no equipment damage - Changing to Dynema nets [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0458
DownloadInspection conducted remotely only. Site manager has confirmed that medicated feed has not been mixed on site for at least 6 years. Photos were submitted on 26/10/21 of facilities on site. Remote inspection conducted on 28/10/21.
Remote paperwork completed by
Last EC inspection 22/01/2020
Last treatment conducted in March - Post vaccination Formalin treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0065
DownloadWater very peaty and dark with limited visibility. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. 3 fish with suspected fungus patches observed in pen 5 these were still actively moving around the pen but were easily visible due to the water condition. All other pens none observed. Likely site will conduct another fungal treatment prior to smolts being moved to sea. Fish going to
Orkney. [Original PDF]
Loch Geirean
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0195Case Number: 2022-0118
DownloadSite fallow and to be made inactive at the request of the business. [Original PDF]
Loch Greshornish
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0015Case Number: 2020-0116
Download28/10/2019 1.4 kg 2.06% AGD + AGD treatments 15297
30/12/2019 2kg 3.07% Mechanical lice treatment in fish affected by AGD 21445
06/01/2020 2.1kg 2.21% Mechanical lice treatment in fish affected by AGD 14961
27/01/2020 2.3 kg 1.94% Treatment related mortality 12752
03/02/2020 2.4 kg 1.11% Treatment related mortality + AGD 7129
10/02/2020 2.48 kg 1.09% Treatment related mortality + AGD 6922
17/02/2020 2.48 kg 1.2% Treatment related mortality + AGD 7547
Lump fish input from ROI and Anglesey (Ocean Matters)
ERM - starting antibiotic treatment on Monday. Biomar supplying premixed Florfenicol. Observing lethargic fish with haemorrhaging internally. Mowi vet diag ERM.
All fish input from Lochailort Feb/March 2019. Fish moved off site to Noster in May 2019.
Input of lumpfish from ROI not in movement record book. Transport cert was available, input 28/2/20. Input 23/2/20 from
Ocean Matters was in book.
Send out new movement book - sent 17/3/20
Mort disposal; Currently skipped and removed by Billy Bowie to Dundas Chemical, Moss Pary, Dumfries. Normal practice would be incineration on site.
On inspection in excess of 30 moribund fish observed in each pen, about 10% of these moribund fish with dorsal lesions mainly behind dorsal fin.
2/2/20-10/3/20; 8789 morts for last 7 days attributed to ERM. 23/2- 1/3 10093 morts attributed to treatment and ERM 15/2-22/2
7547 morts attributed to AGD and treatment.
No treatments this month (March). Last month (Feb); Extended FW treatment across site. Pens 4,11, 3, 5, and 2 treated with salmosan in Feb 2020.
Mort records available for cleaner fish; 133 morts in past week attributed to handling. Approx. 2500 morts from 1/1/20 to
10/3/20. Cleaner fish stocked at 12%.
VHP states fish will be vaccinated for ERM, Furunc, Moritella
Contact with site manager 19/3/20 for update; Movement book has been updated. Lump fish are netted out from the crowded fish prior to being pumped onto wellboat for FW treatments. Discussed the antibiotic treatment and the non-feeding moribund fish. Increased effort to remove moribund from the site, health team on site this week for further testing and investigate lesions observed in the fish. Have seen a drop in appetite from population. Confirmed the fish are not vaccinated for ERM.
Last lice count 9/3/20; Site average; gravid female; 0.16, females; 0.15, males; 0.15, pre-adults; 0.39, chalimus; 0.61, calagus;
0.01, AGD; 0.46, PGD; 0.52.
Lice figures were higher in Feb but fish were FW and salmosan treated and numbers have now come down. Pre-treatment figures 28 Jan; female gravid; 1.23, females; 0.68, adult males; 0.31, preadults; 0.7, chalimus; 0.52, caligus; 0.18, AGD; 1.11,
PGD; 0.42. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0184
DownloadReported mortalities; 23/03/2020-29/03/2020, 1.23%; Yersinia and PD related mortality 7240 morts;
Antibiotic treatment finished 28th March; Site Inspected 10/3/2020 (AFH-2020-0116) diagnostic samples taken. Duty Inspector spoke to operator following the report of increased mortality and noted that mortality had reduced the following week.
20/04/2020-26/04/2020 ,1.26%; Post treatment, physical damage 7027 morts;
"Lice treatment finishes this week, the morts are expected to drop off during next week". Site Inspected 10/3/2020 (AFH-2020-
0116) diagnostic samples taken. FHI to monitor mortality levels, should they remain above 1% in following week, PSI to be carried out.
27/04/2020-03/05/2020,1.58%; Increased mortality due to acute treatment losses and physical damage, recently treated sealice and CMS positive 7637 morts;
"Lice treatments finished this week, the morts should be dropping off during this week". FHI visited in March 2020, (AFH-2020-
0116) diagnostic samples were taken. FHI to monitor and PSI to be carried out.
Morts for last full week; 4/5 534, 5/5 576, 6/5 327, 7/5 355, 8/5 430, 9/5 371, 10/5 296. Total 2889 - 0.6% attributed to CMS.
Current mortality around 240-300 per day but spike yesterday of 460/day/site.
Site is harvesting the large grade fish above 4 kg both live and dead haul via Mallaig.
Health team have been on site twice in the last month. Observing burst heart cavities and internal haemorrhaging. Positive test results for CMS, HSMI, PD, Yersinia, moritella. Lesions observed during FHI visit have improved.
Recent salmosan tarp treatment, No mechanical treatments planed due to CMS. Reported 60% lice clearance and average adult female lice currently 3.05. Planning a further tarp treatment.
With presence of CMS and requirement to treat lice it is thought that the mortality levels may continue to be above the 1% reporting threshold.
PSI case completed due to COVID 19 situation preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0002
DownloadOn-going mortality reports over the threshold since w/b 4/10/2021 attributed to AGD, treatment loss (FW) and with time HSMI.
Most recent weeks attributed to complex gill disease with AGD and HSMI.
Looking to stock LUM in the next 2 months. Used to have WRS but with all the FW treatments these have perished.
PatoGen report: HSMI, 2/15 positive for P. skyensis from pen 6, since that result have stepped up morting multiple times per day and very proactive at taking out lethargic fish as soon as possible. Also increased use of footbaths and disinfectant sprayers. 9.2C Water temperature. Still up at about 10C about a week ago. Another heath visit scheduled for next week, to see if P. skyensis is in more pens, as only one pen samples before. Morts get opened up frequently and mostly seeing gross pathology consistent with HSMI.
Current site manager in place since November 2021, since then have done short 3-4h FW treatments more frequently to knock Amoeba (AGD). Will switch to low dose peroxide tarp treatment over the weekend/ next week. Have seen some
Moritella as well. After peroxide looking to use Florocol next week for 10 days. Feeding has been poor. Reduced pellet size again so this has seemed to increase feeding again. Will start feeding organic diet as a trial as well for 3 weeks to see if there is a difference.
Stofnfiskur stock.
Gill swabs get sent away weekly currently to try and monitor the situation with the gills closely. Seeing some AGD on the gills at the moment so hoping the peroxide treatment will improve the situation.
Enviro nets and doing swim throughs, rather than doing net cleaning in situ to help with AGD/gill issues. Site has a good flush.
Last year issues with micro jellies causing gill irritation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0020
DownloadRemote inspection on 02/02/22 with , observed by
SAL - Loch Lochy, Stofnfiskur
Lumpfish from Dorset, farmed - stocked in week 4 2022
On-going mortalities over the 1% threshold since October 2021 attributed to AGD, freshwater treatment loss and HSMI.
Pasteurella skyensis was also detected in pen 6 in 2 out of 15 fish, this was followed by a Florocol treatment for the whole site.
The latest health report showed the site still has complex gill issues and some AGD but the Pasteurella skyensis and HSMI are no longer being detected. No wrasse left on site due to freshwater treatments (44,000 fish lost) - site staff mentioned they did not have equipment to remove cleanerfish during FW treatments, issue raised with FHI senior management.
Site inspection and VMD sampling carried out by , supervised by on 09/02/2022. The main population was deep in the water column and difficult to observe due to weather conditions. An average of 3 lethargic fish per pen were observed, mostly runts. Six of these fish were examined and no clinical signs were found internally. Externally, the fish showed signs of poor gills. The fish sampled for the VMD appeared healthy and had been feeding well. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0208
DownloadTwo mortality reports (2022 wk 6 (3888 (1.00%) and wk 13 3954 (1.08%)) had not been reported to the FHI, these have been added directly to the mortality events spread sheet during the remote inspection of records on the 26/6/2024)
Peaks in salmon mortality 2022, wk 14 4448 (1.22%) moritella, physical damage, runts and seal predation, wk 22 2267
(1.10%) mainly thermolicer and seal predation, wk 27 1215 (2.52%) gill health, seal predation, the site was fallow wk 28.
Peaks in salmon mortality 2023 wk 32 9969 (1.22%), wk 33 46077 (5.73%), wk 35 7724 (2.55%) jellyfish the main cause, site was fallowed wk 36
Peaks in lumpfish mortality 2022, wk 14 1483 (3.53%, wk 15 961 (2.93%) handling/harvest losses, wk 46 3861 (5.45%) handling/without diagnosis, wk 47 1732 (2.59%)without diagnosis, wk 48 (1348 (2.07%)without diagnosis.
No peaks in wrasse mortality for the period checked.
Site currently stocked with RTR, once harvesting of stocks are complete the site will revert back to salmon farming.
3 imports from N Ireland from Rocks Lodge, certs available, notification not given to the FHI. First on the 11/12/2023
(UK.SCOT.2023.0000135) of 58,000 RTR, the second on the 13/12/2023 (UK.SCOT.0000136) 58500 RTR, third on the
16/12/2024 (UK.SCOT.0000137) 58500 RTR. [Original PDF]
Loch Harport
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0247Case Number: 2021-0051
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 14/05/21 by
Site inspection by , shadowed by , VMD sampling by
Site uses Environets, changing approximately every 14 days, with the net hanging out of water, this was reported to be effective at eliminating the requirement for net wash on site although more labour intensive during the changing process. Nets were very clean, visibility very good, approx. 40 lethargic fish across site observed deeper in the water. Site has had CMS, but not losing high numbers.
Site currently undergoing FW treatments, reported to be giving very good clearances, this was clearly observed in cages already treated, where shoaling fish had no visible sea lice. Have two tarps within Loch Harport, but also have access to fresh water tarps further north in Skye maintained by another operator. FW treatments are being administered for 12 hours, so only treating one cage per day.
One fish removed from cage 6, hanging vertically. One fish observed nearer the centre of cage 10 below the surface spiralling.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in very good condition.
Site stocked with Lumpfish, and both farmed and wild wrasse. Site undertook a trial where three cages were stocked with only wild wrasse, with the remaining 9 being stocked with farmed wrasse (4,440 Ballan (Farmed and Wild) and 4,368 Corkwing
Wrasse(Wild)) , those stocked with wild wrasse were reported to have had fewer sea lice interventions. Site recently completed their Organic audit and are now operating under the Organic standard. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0180
DownloadParamove (Hydrogen Peroxide) treatments 10th, 14th and 15th May 2023. Deltamethrin treatment 23rd and 24th April 2023 to bring caligus numbers down.
Health report from 24/04/2023. No significant findings - slight PGD (only a few fish)
Above mortality threshold 2021 Wks 30,31 and 32 - 4.18%, 5.05% and 3.51%. Wk 38 - 1.2% all due to jellyfish.
2022 Wks 36, 37, 38 and 39 - 1.66%, 2.94%, 3.57% and 1.2% all due to jellyfish
Last 4 weeks Cleanerfish mortality - LUM: Wk 16 - 1.98% (1088), Wk 17 - 1.73% (930), Wk 18 - 1.01% (536) and Wk 19 -
1.08% (566)
Large increased in lumpfish mortality in 2022 weeks 31, 32 and 33 - 7.62%, 12.32% and 9.27% due to handling for lice treatments (freshwater) and tenacibaculum.
Increased mortality in wrasse in 2022 weeks 31, 32 and 33 - 5.27%, 7.32% and 11.97% due to handling for lice treatments
During the inspection of the site a small handful of lethargic looking fish were observed however all swam off quickly when approached. All other fish on site were swimming deep and had a good feed response therefore no diagnostic was carried out.
When VMD fish were sampled all appeared healthy externally and internally.
Paperwork, site inspection and VMD samples completed by , Inspector competency audit conducted by . [Original PDF]
Loch Huamavat
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0737Case Number: 2021-0390
DownloadFish came on from Barvas Hatchery (FS0076) on 21st August 21. Stock originated from Langass Hatchery (FS0643).
Site will begin vaccinating fish with PD1 and Alphaject micro 6 w/b 08/11.
Mortalities are ensiled at the shorebase. The ensiled material is stored in sealed IBC's before being collected by Ferguson and transferred to the Scottish Water Horizons Bioresources Centre in Cumbernauld.
Mortality since input has been very low across the site, with 0.08% attributed to birds and 0.17% attributed to fungal infection.
Fish have received two treatments of Aquasen and Cress since input (first treatment 26-27th August, second treatment on 6th
September) in response to fungus.
Fish will be moved off site in Spring 2022 by Solway to Eughlam (FS1233).
Fish were very difficult to observe due to the dark peaty water combined with very dull weather. Fish were crowded to collect individuals for VMD facilitating observation of the stock. Fish that were observed appeared in good health and were very active, demonstrating a strong escape response.
Fish collected for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Loch Langavat
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0149Case Number: 2022-0016
DownloadMorts 2020 - issues with fungus. - Reported to FHI wk 36 - 17825 - 2.25% wk37 - 83413 - 10.76% wk38 - 55549 - 8.03%
Water was very murky and fish could not easily be observed. Fish that were observed appeared to be healthy and no signs of damage or clinical disease was observed. [Original PDF]
Loch Laxford
Loch Duart Ltd FS0065Case Number: 2020-0389
DownloadWaste is collected by DK Transport at the shorebase before being transported to Grays Composting.
Fish came on from landcatch.
FW treatment conducted in April 2020 for AGD. Mortalities reduced in the following weeks.
No other treatments.
Fish are health screened every 2 weeks by company biologist.
FVG report from July 2020 identified PD in current stock, however it is not causing any significant mortalities as yet.
Site only conducts deadhaul harvests which are transported to MOWI's processing plant in Fort William. This is due to be reviewed when companies own processing plant in Dingwall begins operations towards the end of the year.
Site is currently stocked with Ballen wrasse (both wildcaught and farmed). Farmed wrasse were transferred from Otter Ferry.
Morts attributed to AGD. Average lice numbers reported to be 10 all stages caligus. Increase levels of caligus observed on the fish. It is hoped the wrasse on site will bring the numbers down. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0368
DownloadAGD was primarily the cause of mortality peaks at beginning of last cycle - Wks 40, 41, 43 and 44 in 2020, mortality of 1.59%
(5,951 fish), 1.59% (5,845 fish), 1.24% (4,427 fish) and 1.82% (6,394 fish).
This year - April started to see changes in bloodwork to see PD. No noticeable changes to stock apart from when this water quality issue has arose recently - gills affected. Diet changed when diagnosed, functional feed - more digestible, less oil etc.
Report by the company due to increasing mortality on site (sample date 27/07/2022) stated that histology samples have shown harmful plankton insult was the primary cause of mortality.
Site has had 2 rounds of freshwater treatment between 14th-25th July. Increased mortality was not observed until after the first freshwater treatment. To try and reduce mortalities the site is routinely cleaning nets, feeding in the morning only, reduced feeding, low stock, swabbing every week for AGD (in case of needing further treatments). Aeration is also on site should it be required.
Salmosan and SLICE were given earlier in the year. SLICE 2nd -8th FEB 2022. Salmosan 18th-22nd April 2022.
Fish only in withdrawal for TMS (tricane) at the moment.
No concerns with wrasse, no increased mortality.
Remote inspection carried out 25/08/2022 by , supervised by . Diagnostic inspection and sampling carried out
31/08/2022 by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0047
DownloadSalmon came on from Duartmore and have generally performed well throughout most of the cycle. Mortalities increased during the autum of 22 and was attributed to AGD excerbated by environmental insult.
Only medicinal treatments were a SLICE in Feb 22 and Salmosan in April 22. All other treatments have been FW (July,
October and Novemeber 22). Site reported good clearance of lice following each treatment.
Site received 5,832 farmed wrassed in July 21 (58% mortality since input) and 8,676 wildcaught wrasse in August/September
21 (50% mortality since input).
Mortalities above the reporting threshold:
Wk38 2022: 2,520 (1.1%)
WK37: 3,421 (1.47%)
Wk36:5,868 (2.46%)
Wk35: 12,684 (5.05%)
Wk34: 26,062 (9.4%)
Wk33: 13,108 (4.51%)
Wk32: 32,474 (10.05%)
Wk31: 13,574 (4.03%)
Wk30: 17,473 (4.94%)
Attributed to poor gill heath on site and positive AGD diagnosis exacerbated by lice treatments.
General population of fish on site appeared in good physical health on inspection. Some runts were observed across the site, but were not moribund. One wrasse mortality was observed during the inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good health externally and internally. Fish are due to begin being harvested in the coming weeks.
No movements on or off site have occurred since the last inspection. [Original PDF]
Loch Leven (1)
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0244Case Number: 2021-0545
DownloadDead haul harvests on site due to restricted access for wellboats.
Some wrasse movements onto site from Ireland.
Additional peaks of mortality:
Wrasse October 2021 7750 (mainly transport losses).
Lumpfish January 2021 6661 (mainly without diagnosis so with wounds/fin damage) , December 2020 4155 (handling/lice treatment, without diagnosis- fresh, wounds or fin damage), September 2020 6025 (mainly pseudomonas) August 2020 5752
(mainly handling but also pseudomonas)
Site manager was not available but assistant manager facilitated the inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0539
DownloadOrganic site
Lumpfish mortality - First input 26th of November - 6th of December. Mortality over period 533 fish across the whole site.
Fish ensiled on-site. Transported by Fergusons to Barkip
Fish are harvested by dead haul, due to wellboat access restrictions.
Site temperature used, as inspector's thermometer was unavailable.
VMD fish appeared healthy when opened.
Inspection carried out by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0055
DownloadSite inspected following suspicion of BKD reported by operator. Signs consistent with BKD were observed by company vet during routine sampling conducted on 08/07/24.
No dead, moribund or abnormally behaving fish observed during inspection, therefore no fish removed for sampling. Fish were observed feeding well and shoaling as normal.
Site consists of 4 groups of 4 x 24m2 steel pens. Site uses environets, reportedly changing these every two weeks during summer months and every three weeks during other times of year. These were reported to be very effective at minimising growth on the nets.
Harvests on site are reportedly conducted by dead haul. There are no plans to split fish from site this cycle and site manager reported that at present the intention is to harvest the site by spring 2025 before restocking in 2025 Q4.
Mortalities on site have been at a consistent level, no recent increased mortality noted. There was a peak recorded in WK 10
2024 - attributed to tenacibaculum. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0264
DownloadInformed by company of suspicion of clinical BKD on site. Two fish sampled (out of 20) showed granulomatous lesions in the kidney (one with lesions on liver and spleen too). IDN to be placed and inspection carried out to confirm or rule out presence of clinical BKD. [Original PDF]
Loch Lochy
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0150Case Number: 2020-0084
DownloadWaste is taken to Dundas Chemicals by Billy Bowie when capacity exceeds incinerator limits.
A few fish with fungus observed across site (1 or 2 per cage) but were sitting deep in the water and exhibiting normal behaviour.
Motalities across site mainly attributed to Saprolegnia and RTFS.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0506
DownloadRemote inspection done by , observed by on 16/11/2021.
Stock from Inchmore input 08/11/2021.
All stock coming onto site are from internal MOWI hatcheries. All fish vaccinated prior to transfer.
Site inspection carried out by observed by on 23/11/2021.
The fish have been recently transferred from the hatchery and are feeding deep in the cages.
Six pens had added photoperiod. No moribunds observed and all fish sampled for the VMD appeared healthy.
VMD sampled by , supervised by .
The fish sampled for the VMD were euthanized with TMS. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0044
DownloadWk50 2022 - transfer mortality, oxygen in lorry 3 froze that day. Site tried to suspend delivery due to weather conditions but the fish were already loaded. 5400 mortality in one delivery during transport. Fish never made it into the loch. Mortality not reported due to being during transport.
Due to fungus, 1 hour bath treatments with a mix of Formaldehyde and Cress (Bronopol) have been given to stocked facilities.
This has been repeated regularly approximately every week.
Most recent health report dated 20/01/2023 - main findings fungus (saprolegnia).
Fish on site will be going to Seaforth and Colonsay.
One mort observed across the whole site.
Paperwork and site inspected by , supervised by . VMD - Cages 18, 28, 29, 30 and 35 sampled by and cages
25, 26, 27, 32, 33 and 34 sampled by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0019
DownloadNephrocalcinosis and fungus main issues on site at present.
One fish seen swimming upside down in middle of cage - outwith reach so not collected for sampling.
Visibility quite good. Fish generally in good condition. A few seen with a small amount of fungus. Some slight dorsal fin damage in some fish.
Transport mortality assigned to Lochy as had not reached the seawater site - below reporting threshold (0.81%)
Paperwork inspected by , observed by . Inspection carried out by both and . Sampling of cages 16 and 17 carried out by . Sampling of cages 2, 29 and 35 carried out by . [Original PDF]
Loch Merkland
Migdale Smolts Ltd FS0612Case Number: 2022-0546
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
Only 3 stocked cages left onsite. Site is due to fallow by the end of November. Mortality has been very low throughout the current production cycle.
From the physical inspection of the site, the water was very dark and peaty, therefore visibility was limited. Fish sampled for
VMD appeared healthy.
Fish currently in withdrawl for AQUACEN (Formalin) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0313
DownloadNo facilities on site. No plans to use site in the future. Site to be deregistered [Original PDF]
Loch Na Shibaidh Mhor
Hebridean Smolts Ltd FS0069Case Number: 2021-0374
DownloadRemote inspection done by , supervised by on 29/09/21.
The site has been used to stock S1 parr during the summer months in the past.
In 2021 it was stocked between June and August with the S0 parr now in Clachan Hatchery (FS0398).
There are no plans to stock the site in 2022 and the square wooden cages may be replaced.
Site inspected and confirmed fallow on 05/10/21 by and . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0468
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
No clinical signs of disease were observed during the physical inspection of the stock. So far morts have been low and the fish appear to be in good health. Highest weekly count for mortality this cycle was 480 which occurred due to predation from
No treatments administered since input.
2 samples taken for VMD, sampled by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0468
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
No clinical signs of disease were observed during the physical inspection of the stock. So far morts have been low and the fish appear to be in good health. Highest weekly count for mortality this cycle was 480 which occurred due to predation from
No treatments administered since input.
2 samples taken for VMD, sampled by . [Original PDF]
Loch na Thull
Loch Duart Ltd FS0907Case Number: 2022-0544
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
Site recently stocked with fish from Duartmore Hatchery on 28th October.
Fish have had a successful input, mortality across the site is low and the fish have taken to their feed well. Upon physical inspection of the site, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding operations. No clinical signs of disease observed.
Historically the site has experienced some predation from cormorants, scare scrows have been installed on site to try mitigate future predation. [Original PDF]
Loch nan Losghainn Mhor
Kames Fish Farming Ltd FS0776Case Number: 2021-0357
DownloadAccompanied by . One mortality observed within the centre of one cage. Fish stock looked in good condition and appeared ready for seawater transfer. Algal bloom in the loch giving the water a green colouration. No adverse effect reported - no decrease in feed rate, abnormal behaviour, or increased mortality. Fish sampled appeared in good health with no obvious signs of clinical disease.
Inspection conducted by and . VMD sampling conducted by - Fish 1-4, 9-12 and 13-17, and by - Fish 5-8. [Original PDF]
Loch Ness
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0434Case Number: 2020-0345
DownloadSite received fish from Inchmore FS0226 on Friday 28th and Sunday 30th August 2020. Post-transfer spike in mortalities in
Wk35. Samples taken by operator showed no signs of an infectious challenge and mortality numbers dropped back to low levels within 24 hrs post transfer. main cause believed to be a combination of transport stress and environmental challenge.
Mortality at this site is otherwise very low.
Site also received an input of fish from Inverpolly FS0264 in July 2020. Fish were vaccinated against ERM/RTFS prior to transfer and are to be vaccinated on site with Alphaject m6 and PD1 in Wk37 and Wk38. Fish will also be vaccinated against
Site details, mortality records, treatment and medicine records, biosecurity records and results of health surveillance checked by NYL via Microsoft teams on 01/09/2020. Remainder of inspection carried out by WJM on 10/09/2020.
No moribund or lethargic fish observed during inspection of stock on site. Fish were responsive and appeared to be behaving as expected. Fish removed for VMD sampling at time of inspection showed no external or internal signs of disease and all had feed in the gut. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0317
DownloadSite received three inputs of fish from Lochailort Recirculation Hatchery (FS1269), Inverpolly (FS0264) and Pettigo (ROI) in
July 21. Surveillance frequency has been updated to reflect imports from outwith GB. All stocks are reported to be doing very well, with very low mortality across the site since input.
Majority of mortalities following transfer from FW in 2020 were attributed to fungal infection, however mortalities across the site remained below the reporting threshold.
Formalin bath treatments were conducted during August 21 for Costia.
Cress was administered following transfer to the site to treat Saprolgeniasis, and again in August 21 for fungus.
Fish were vaccinated against ERM/RTFS prior to transfer and are currently being vaccinated on site with Alphaject m6 and
PD1. Vaccinations are expected to be completed by 9th September.
Fish will be transferred to Eilean Grainan, Loch Torridon and Loch Boisdale for ongrowing towards the end of the year.
Fish were difficult to observe during the inspection due to the dark peaty colour of the water, combined with the fish sitting deeper in the nets. Two cages had been towed to the shore to allow fish to be pumped up for vaccinations. The fish in these cages had been crowded and so were easier to observe.
Fish that were observed appeared to be in good health. No moribunds or mortalities were observed in any of the cages across the site.
Fish sampled for VMD also appeared healthy.
Paperwork completed remotely by on 01/09/2021. Site inspection was conducted by and accompanied by for
UKAS Audit. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0474
DownloadSince inspection last September fish moved off in December then restocked in July until Mid August then restocked again until end of September. Current stock moved on 24th October.
Mortalities for previous stocks - a couple of peaks in Nov/Dec 2021 due to fungus - reported, site to confirm numbers for w/c
15/11/21 and 06/12/21 as discrepancy between figures provided for inspection and those reported at time.
Morts were removed whole to Barkip by Billy Bowie. 2022 Q3/Q4 stocks from July-September were mostly <10/cage/day with no peaks. Morts for current stocks in Site Records sheet.
Formalin and Cress used in previous cycles.
Main mortality in current stock is due to cormorants. Pens 1, 2 and 10 slightly higher morts as closest to nesting area.
Started treating 14/11 for fungus - formalin and cress.
The FHI have received reports of farmed smolts being captured in Loch Ness. An escape investigation was conducted with the aim of determining the source. Some of the captures smolts have been genetically tested which showed them to be of
Aquagen origin. The genetic origin and size (134g and 247mm, 89g and 215mm) match the stock held on site between
04/07/2022 and 14/08/2022.
Movement records showed a difference between the number moved onto site and the number moved off site which was greater than the recorded mortality. The site manager explained that the number moved off includes a 3% 'overage' for the receiving site which accounts for most of the difference. This is company policy - to raise with business correspondent.
The site manager suggested further reasons for the difference between counts. The counts onto site were provided by the hatchery, whereas the counts off site were conducted at Loch Ness using a counter which had been recently serviced. The site manager explained that if the loch is at all rough during counts that the counter can be overloaded and miss fish going through for a few seconds as too many fish going up the pipe at once. The fish are not counted at unloading, the receiving site goes by the counts provided into the wells and tops up as needed with the next load.
During the period 04/07/2022 to 14/08/2022 fish were moved onto site (8 movements), treated on site (8 cages treated over 28
& 29 July - bath treatment) and moved off site (7 movements). Sample weights were also conducted. No other high risk activities were conducted - no vaccination or grading. There is no requirement to drop the sides of the nets during treatments, the net is shallowed and the tarpaulin drawn across. Each cage has it's own tarpaulin which is left in place raised, then dropped as required.
When moving fish off site the procedure is to tow the cages into the pontoon and pump ashore from there. The nets are shallowed and the side of the net dropped to about a foot above the water when pumping. The highest risk part of the procedure is the towing of cages, but no snags occurred during the relevant movements and no holes were found in nets when inspected between stocks.
Standard operating procedures and equipment was inspected during the on-site visit. No transfers were carried out during the visit so the site manager talked through the process and equipment was checked. All equipment was in a good state of repair and the described process did not identify any weaknesses in the procedures.
Unable to locate all documented risk assessments for transfers during on-site inspection -the health and safety risk assessment was available but not the containment one. A signed copy of the risk assessment for using a mobile pen was provided after the visit.
One lethargic fish seen across site - this was immediately after the net had been dropped again after collecting samples so likely caught in net. One dead fish seen across site.
Awaiting confirmation of site number for East Loch Tarbert site supplied.
Site paperwork, inspection and sampling carried out by , witnessed by as competency audit. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0595
DownloadSite inspection undertaken in relation to case# 2022-0474, which was conducted in response to suspected farmed fish being caught in Loch Ness.
The site was visited in order to witness a fish transfer from cages to lorries for further transport.
In order to move the cage the feed pipe is first disconnected. The mort sock was lifted and cleared of any mortalities using a winch attached to a work boat. The sock was then inverted and tied to a rope spanning the centre of the cage to lift it clear of the bottom. The nets were then raised, by hand. There are loops going around the net, at 2.5m intervals horizontally and
1m vertically. In total, there are 7 loops vertically, followed by lead to weigh the net down. The net is raised by 6 m (6 loops) which are then hung in place with metal hooks. As this is happening, staff check the integrity of the net.
There is then 1m of net left below the waterline. The only part of the net which would hang below this is the mort sock, which has been raised, inverted, and fixed in place to prevent it snagging.
The pen itself is fixed to the walkway with 2 ropes and a pin. There are fasteners on each side of the pin to prevent it falling out and it is also secured by rope.
Before these are untied and removed the cage is secured to the boat at two points, using ropes (one either side) and tightened so the bow is pushed tight against the pen.
The boat is backed away from the walkway, for around ten meters. There are no obstacles on the walkway, or in its vicinity which could hinder, or snag on the pen or its net.
There is a loose, set path which is followed towards the jetty and the pen is pushed at a slow walking pace (1400 revs). The second boat accompanies the boat manoeuvring the cage and there are members of staff on the pen itself and on the second boat watching. The speed is determined by the behaviour of the pen as well as that of the fish. If the fish begin to be pushed against the net, then the boat will be slowed.
It is very infrequent that there are any snags which catch on the net, however, as there is very little power being used to move the pen, then if there are any snags it is noticed as the boat will stop.
The depth of the loch is consistent along the path shown (15-20m) as the pen gets closer to the main jetty, it shallows to around 4m at its lowest.
The pen is then secured to the main jetty by ropes and the nets on side of the cage which faces away from the shore is lowered to 4m to give the fish more space over night before they are transferred to the lorry.
Observation of the fish being pumped into lorries could not be completed, due to severe bad weather, which prevented the lorry from collecting the fish. A subsequent inspection was carried out and the observations for the entire procedure were conducted during case 20220600. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0600
DownloadSite inspection undertaken to observe procedures for transfer of stock off site, following reports of feral farmed fish being caught in Loch Ness.
CNA and Escape investigation conducted 16/11/22 - refer to case 20220474
Inspection conducted 14/12/22 to observed procedures for movement of stock from site to jetty at shorebase, due to weather conditions it was not possible to inspect the movement of stock off - refer to case 20220595
Two pens were secured to the jetty prior to arrival of inspector on site. Both pens were emptied during the inspection.
No issues were observed with the transfer process, with all pipework securely in place, all equipment appeared in good operational order and site procedures were followed. Netting was placed over the walkway when intake pipe was moved between cages and during netting of final fish to flexi tubs. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0310
DownloadDue to exposure of the site to the wind, the site is used to hold batches of fish for short periods of time before being moved on.
Fish will be sent to Loch Torridon after some time at Loch Ness.
No treatments have been conducted on the fish since input. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0417
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by . Remote inspection of biosecurity records undertaken 30/10/2024. Movement, transport, treatment and health surveillance records inspected on site 04/11/2024. Remote inspection of mortality records undertaken 11/11/2024 due to the software being down at the time of visit.
Mortalities can also be disposed of via Billy Bowie as whole fish if they cannot be incinerated onsite. Two uplifts during previous cycle and waste transfer notes available and adequate.
No disease issues observed on site at time of inspection. Fish sampled for VMD showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Loch Snizort East
Loch Duart Ltd FS1309Case Number: 2020-0198
DownloadMRT01628 (04/05/2020) - 11,820 (2.23%) - Treatment losses
Mortality last 4 weeks:
13th April - 835 (0.15%) - attributed to physical damage from previous treatments and poor performers.
20th April - 1,362 (0.25%) - attributed to physical damage from previous treatments and poor performers.
27th April - 1,477 (0.28%) - attributed to physical damage from optilicer and poor performers.
4th May - 11,820 (2.23%) - attributed to physical damage from optilicer.
Sea lice counts over 2 since last inspection:
Wk10: 4.8 - Fish came onto site from Uig FS0881 during a freshwater treatment.
Wk11: 3.75
Wk12: No count
Wk13: 2.84 - Site began a H2O2 treatment.
Wk14: 3.45 - Ongoing H2O2 treatment.
Wk15: 3.59
Wk16: 4.51 - Optilicer arrived on site followed by a plankton bloom.
Wk17: 3.71
Wk18: 1.14 - Optilicer moved to Uig.
Wk19: 2.49 Optilicer ongoing.
Site currently using live haul for harvesting, however this is under discussion and may change in the near future to dead haul.
Site recieves all fish from Uig FS0881.
PSI conducted due to current COVID-19 lockdown restrictions preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0466
DownloadInspection of records carried out remotely on 30/10/2020
Average adult female lice counts above 2 from w/b 07/09/2020 not reported to FHI. Previous had breaches had been reported.
Mortality waste stored at Dunvegan before being taken away for disposal
Salmosan and H2O2 treatment carried out w/b 28/09/2020. Lice count unable to be carried out the following week due to poor weather so unable to accurately measure efficacy, the following weeks count (w/b 12/10/20) was lower than pre-treatment levels.
Further salmosan treatment planned for w/b 02/11/2020 weather permitting.
Lower water temperatures seem to be improving the mortaliy levels on site, as well as fish not being treated during October.
PD first detected on site in May 2020, but has become less evident in fish examined in recent months.
Harvesting has now begun.
Site is not due be restocked by business following this production cycle.
During inspection of the site salmon were fairly deep in cages making them difficult to observe.
Salmosan treatment beginning on day of inspection. This had been delayed due to poor weather conditions on site during the past 2 weeks.
Site thermometer used due to battery failure in FHI thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0447
DownloadStocked end of June 2024.
Freshwater treatments 1-6/11/24.
Sea lice above 1 in week 35, freshwater treatment conducted. Sea lice has been below 1 since.
No ensiled waste uplifts since stocking.
Harvests will be deadhaul.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 14/11/2024. Site records checked only for current cycle as the site was transferred from a different business in 2022. The site had previously been fallow since week 51 2021.
Site authorised for 10 pens but only are 9 currently in the water.
Only one pen could be inspected by walking all the way around, the rest of the pens were seen from the boat due to the rough weather conditions. The fish were sitting deep in the water column but they appeared in good condition. Only one dead fish observed. [Original PDF]
Loch Spelve (B)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0253Case Number: 2020-0536
DownloadPeroxide treatment on the 05/11/2020 for AGD. The treatment was successful and there was no mortality.
Sea lice issues during the last cycle. Compromised gills meant the fish could not be treated and sea lice numbers increased.
This led to the stock being removed early, however there has been improvments during this cycle. Site does not have access to slice
Stock on site looked healthy and VMD fish looked healthy when sampled.
Site thermometer used as inspectors failed.
Due to covid-19 physical inspection of the site took place on the 08/12/2020 and paper work was completed remotely on the
02/12/2020. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0132
DownloadSite paperwork inspected remotely by on 12/05/2021. Physical inspection done by on 14/05/2021. During physical ins
Site inspection conducted due to a complaint from Scottish salmon watch. Whilst group were on site they filmed some moribund fish and fish with lesions that appear to be winter ulcers. The complaint was that a breach of the Animal Welfare Act
2006 had occurred.
WRS caught from wild. Caught in west coast of Scotland.
25/03 - 28/03 Paramove for AGD
28/04 - 30/04 Paramove for AGD
Lice levels low since start of cycle and two prophylactic treatments using azamethiphos (Salmosan)
Wk 9 mortality threshold exceeded to 1.29% 5,155 fish. Associated with a azamethiphos treatment combined with higher than average levels AGD and PGD.
Billy Bowie called onto site during peak in mortality to remove excess mortality that could not be incinerated. Fish disposed of at Barkip Biogas plant.
Ulcers first observed in end of March once fish were crowded for treatment
Some deformities observed by sites staff in February in stock, specifically a compressed head. Other deformities observed during site inspection including shortened snouts, shortened opercular, deformed fins and deformed spines.
Sub-population of runted fish developed, formed predominantly of deformed fish. Planned to bring runt fish off site using a grader on board a well boat that will visit on 17/05/2021. Fish taken off live and will be harvested. Larger fish will be left on site.
Two particular cages affected are 12 and 7. Worst cages will be graded first on Monday.
Divers on site on Friday before inspection (07/05/2021) asked to look for deformities during a routine net inspection.
Deformities were observed and communicated to site manager.
Deformities not observed by site staff in all cages.
Proactively been removing runts and moribund fish since April using a hand net.
Complex gill issues diagnosed by FVG on 10/03/2021. FVG called onto site following mortality event. AGD diagnosed by FVG via swabs.
AGD scores improving since mid-April
Fish on site positive for salmonid gill pox, branchiomonas cysticola, piscine reovirus and AGD. Histo results from 13/05/2021, from Pharmaq Analytiq Ltd. Also tested for CMS, HSMI, IPNv but not detected.
ADD was removed from the site after the a change in policy that required a license before using an ADD. Site in the process of
Feed called "Assist-Skin" (from Biomar) has been used on site since the observation of lesions at the end of March this reported
Thermolicer visits: 02/04/2021: cages 3 and 6 treated. 14/04/2021 - 16/04/2021 cages 1, 4, 7, 10, 11 and 12 treated.
During site inspection, 31 moribund fish were removed from the site using a hand net [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0275
DownloadSite has been fallow since 08/09/2022. First input of fish were transferred from pen 10 at Tanera (B) on 02/06/2024 (fanad stock). Next input of fish onto site will be from Fishnish B- potential broodstock. These fish will have a different yearclass from current stock. On the day of the site inspection, only 1 pen was stocked. New net was being installed on pen 2. There are currently no plans to stock pen 3.
WRS planning to arrive on site; 01/08/2024 Wild caught origin. Procedures relating to movements of wrasse onto site were inspected and template transfer records were inspected; no wrasse had moved onto when site was inspected.
Fish were checked prior to the transfer from Tanera (B); no issues identified at the time, fish were observed to be healthy.
Site routinely sample every pen; PCR swabs. Health team visit minium every 6 months. Staff trained in health.
Mortality and waste disposal: plans are to move the incinerator onto the barge and therefore the incinerator is not operational.
Currently, mortalities are stored in sealed bins and transported via pick up to Fishnish shorebase and then placed into skips.
Skips are taken away from Fishnish shorebase by Billy Bowie. Records relating to movement of mortality waste to Fishnish shorebase not recorded. Issue raised.
Mortality levels had exceeded the reporting criteria since the last inspection. Mortality events in 2021 and 2022 had been reported to the Fish Health Inspectorate as required.
Aeration currently being fitted on site.
Biological risk assessment inspected for movements from Tanera to Spelve. This risk assessment has been updated to assess the SW-SW movement to a single site from different a FMA/DMA. [Original PDF]
Loch Tralaig
Kames Fish Farming Ltd FS0468Case Number: 2020-0392
DownloadAccompanied APHA vet for site inspection following welfare complaint in relation to mortalities and moribund fish observed on site.
Site inspection conducted on 17/09/2020 with verbal information provided on mortalities and treatments. Record checks carried out remotely on 22/09/2020. Movement records not checked.
Site manager reported that following vaccination (w/c 10/08) the water temperature on site was approximately 19-20C and therefore did not carry out a formalin treatment immediately. He had thought the water temperature was high enough to avoid issues with fungus. However, fungus did become established resulting in increased mortality - although below the reporting criteria.
First signs of fungus were observed on 19 August and formalin treatments were started on 21 August. Morts started to drop down again around 10/09. The site licence conditions allow for the treatment of 2 cages per day, so treatments take place over
2 days for the whole site.
In future the site manager plans to treat immediately following vaccination to avoid fungus becoming established in the stock.
Mortalities are removed from site in bins and transferred to the shore base at Kilmelford for ensiling. Morts are normally immediately transferred to the ensiling system but there was a breakdown in the system recently resulting in bins being stored until it was fixed. Waste transfer record for last batch of ensiled waste checked - removed by Ferguson's Transport to Energen biogas on 6 August 2020.
Mortality over last 5 weeks - (week ending) - 22/08 - 1.35%, 29/08 - 1.44%, 05/09 - 1.48%, 12/09 - 1/19%, 19/09 - 0.28%.
Total mortality of 8829 attributed to fungus. Cages 2 and 3 were more affected by fungus. Morts peaked at 300/day for cage 3 and 245/day for cage 2 on 30/31 August. Cages 4 and 5 peaked at 78 and 89 respectively - a week earlier than cages 2 & 3.
Morts over last few days - 0-29/cage/day.
Formalin treatments were initially carried out every second day, with gradual increase in time between treatments as fungus levels reduced. Treating 2 cages on day of visit - this was 5 days after the previous treatment. One more treatment for each cage due before stock transferred to sea at end of September/beginning October.
Mortalities had been removed from 2 cages prior to inspection with 16 from one cage and 29 from the second cage. Very few dead fish seen - 2 or 3 per cage floating on surface. No moribund fish seen.
Treatment records were completed correctly for the majority of treatments but it was noted that anaesthetic use for vaccination had not been recorded this year. This had been recorded for previous years. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0243
DownloadRemote inspection undertaken on 22/07/2021 by , observed by .
Last stock of fish moved off site in Sept 2020
No treatments on current stock as it only moved on site last week (15/07/2021)
Site management have decided to extend fallow period in between cycles due to issues with fungus. The site is frequently treated with formalin in the summer months to keep fungus levels low. No fungus observed on fish by site staff yet in this cycle.
Only 2 of the five cages stock at the time of the remote inspection. Later in the cycle, as the fish grow, they will be graded and thinned out into the other cages on site.
There is one wooden cage on site that is only used to transport fish from the shore. When fish are moved on to the site they are transported by lorry, and discharged into this wooden cages at the shore. The fish are then transported in the cage to the plastic circle cages in the centre of the loch.
No Kames staff available to accompany FHI on site visit due contact with another person confirmed positive for COVID. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0067
DownloadBusiness correspondent: change email to:
Will not be stocked with RTR below 5g
Any increased mortality will be disposed of in the ensiler at the shorebase (waste disposal note observed). Most mortality is disposed of in the domestic waste skip
Only treatments on site are for sample weights
Triploid stock on site from Kames Broodstock program
Fish due to be moved off the site week after inspection.
Good feed response observed on site
A small number side swimmers observed close to the middle of the cages. Fish were able to right themselves once feeding
Inspection of site and paperwork conducted by , observed by [Original PDF]
Lochailort Recirculation Hatchery
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1269Case Number: 2020-0347
DownloadSite generally receives 4 ova intakes per year from Ireland, Iceland and/or Norway. Current stock on site was received in 2 inputs from Iceland on 16/03/2020 and 11/05/2020.
Fish were vaccinated with Alphaject m6 and PD1 in June 2020.
Q1 Parr will be moved off site between January and March 2021 to be ongrown at Loch Lochy and Loch Arkaig.
Site details, mortality records, treatment and medicine records, biosecurity records and results of health surveillance checked by NYL via microsoft teams on 03/09/2020. Remainder of inspection carried out by WJM on 09/09/2020.
All fish on site appeared in good health. No clinical signs of disease noted and no gross pathology observed on internal examination of fish sampled for vmd.
Water temperature taken from site temperature monitoring system for biosecurity reasons. Full ECI inspection carried out but is non-compliant as water temperature currently being held at 14.5oC. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0233
DownloadQ3s @ 60g being transferred to Loch Garry 29/07 and 30/07/2021.
Q3(2021)- Wk30, 96, 0.03%; Wk29, 115, 0.04%; Wk28, 118, 0.04%; Wk27, 216, 0.02%
Q4(2021)- Wk30, 2926, 0.13%;Wk29, 433, 0.01%; Wk28, 626, 0.02%; Wk27, 640, 0.02%
Q1(2022)- Wk30, 2105, 0.11%; Wk29, 779, 0.04%; Wk28, 1186, 0.06%; Wk27, 1024, 0.05%
Q2(2022)- Wk 30/29/27 counts not conducted weekly as fish were hatching. Wk28, 3137, 0.45%
Fish were inputted from Aquagen (Holywood) and also Kildrummie (Ireland).
Water temperature (site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons):
Q4 (2021)- 14.6 (therefore 30 fish sampled for VHS and IHN).
Q1/2 (2022)- 13.6
Alevins- 6
Cress has been administered multiple times for the various populations. Last treatment date was 04/06/2021.
Fish were being graded at the time of the inspection. Couple of associated mortalities were observed.
Remote inspection completed by , observed by on 28/07/2021. Site inspection conducted by , observed by on 03/08/2021.
VMD sampling conducted by and supervised by . 30 fish sample: pool 1 conducted by and pool 2-6 conducted by , observed by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0507
DownloadRemote inspection done by , supervised by on 15/11/2021
Stock Origin - Aquagen Holywood
VMD samples collected by , supervised by on 24/11/2021. All fish sampled looked healthy.
Low numbers of mortalities observed in some tanks, no moribund fish observed on site. The fish for the VMD were killed using
TMS and sampled by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0151
DownloadCurrently stocked: Hatchery split into 4 sections, currently 3 sections stocked. 20 tanks in the fry unit, 4 in the Parr Unit and 4 tanks in Smolt Unit 2.
Q3 & Q4 affected by issues with external supplier for feed. This caused mortality, but not above the reporting level. External supplier investigating issue with the feed. No obvious detectable issues with the feed.
Water temperature different across the site. Hatchery 2: 4C, Hatchery 3&4: 6C Fry Unit 14C, Parr and Smolt 1 & 2: 15C, site thermometer used for biosecurity.
Fish samples for VMD, were not in withdrawal at time of sampling. Aquacen and Cress treatments used in the First feed Unit.
Current plan: 4th July starting to put out fish to FW loch sites.
Some trays in the hatchery showed a number of failed eggs (these were seen prior to picking), at the time of visit in the process of picking trays in the hatchery. The remaining tanks that were stocked on site fish appeared healthy. Manager remarked that eggs from Ireland in recent years had been of poorer quality, with increased levels of hatch fails.
Paperwork provided 9/5/22-02/06/22. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0232
DownloadSite inspected in May - fish too small for VMD sampling, site revisited on 28.06.22 for this case to sample fish for VMD before fish leaving site to freshwater loch. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0067
DownloadSite has been having issues with ova specifically in the Q3 populations received in Nov 2021 and Dec 2022 from Aquagen. In addition, increased mortality was observed in the recent Q1 and Q4 Kindrum Hatchery ova inputs (Ireland). In the highest observed mortality events (15.92% with loss of 297980) salinity baths (2.5pp) were used to separate unviable ova from healthy population, allowing for more efficient sweep during picking.
Water input originates from River Ailort. Each unit in the facility has its own water filtration and disinfection system. The water filtration and disinfection system is composed of sand filters and an ozonation component (treats water at 950milivolts for
~1hr)., Water exchange on the whole site is very minimal and therefore is classed as a recirculation system, with the smolt unit exchanging ~2% per day. In the hatchery one full water exchange occurs per day.
Treatment records show that regular formalin and Cress administered to keep on to of any saprolegniosis observed. Buffodine is used to disinfect eggs upon arrival at the hatchery.
Stock details: hatchery a: 1876370, 544 degree days, 0.1g/alevins, Q4 2023 hatchery b: 1484417, 0.1g/alevins, Q4 2023 hatchery c, 1013841, 0.1g/alevins, Q4 2023 hatchery d: 650000, unhatched. Q1 2024, Ova 440, degree days. Arrived to site on 23/02/2023 from Ireland (Kindrum
Hatchery) fry: 1330585, 1.03g. Q3 2023
Parr unit empty.
Smolt unit: 173119 (minus 13000 due to export on day of inspection), 78g. 3 facilities. Q1 2023
Fish sampled for VMD were observed to be healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0082
DownloadAccompanied an OV to conduct an export inspection of salmon smolts to France. No issues to note, OV completed and issued the health certificate (MS/2023/0009) following inspection of stock and disinfection certificates.
No issues noted on site at time of inspection, 20 fish removed from Tank 40 and examined. All appeared to be clinically healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0092
DownloadAccompanied an OV to conduct an export inspection of two separate loads of 13000 salmon smolts for France. No issues to note, OV completed and issued the health certificates (MS/2023/0013 and 0014) following inspection of stock and disinfection certificates. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0333
DownloadMortality in the last 4 weeks across populations:
Q4 (last transfer off 17/09/2024) - wk37 935 (0.06%), wk36 1974 (0.09%), wk35 3071 (0.15%), wk34 3449 (0.14%)
Q1 parr - wk37 4659 (0.16%), wk36 4198 (0.14%), wk35 2576 (0.09%), wk34 5204 (0.18%)
Q1 smolt - wk37 2577 (0.31%), wk36 10321 (0.28%), wk35 9277 (0.25%), wk34 16152 (0.44%)
Q2 parr - wk37 3622 (1.6%), wk36 1739 (0.76%), wk35 2295 (1.00%), 2731 (1.17%)
Q1 fry - wk37 7577 (0.21%), wk36 10321 (0.28%), wk35 9277 (0.25%), wk34 16152 (0.44%)
Mortality events (reported to FHI):
26/06/2023 - eggs to first feed; 3.39%, 346226, unviable eggs/poor quality (on site issues with aquagen 15% mort on arrival)
21/08/2023 - 5g to smolt; 1.72%, 28242, fungal infection + treatments with formalin and Cress
Site has been struggling with mild fungal issues and have been conducting weekly treatments with Pyceze and Aquacen. At the time of inspection stock were being treated.
Stock last vaccinated between 12/08/2024 to 29/08/2024
During inspection stock were observed to be shoaling and feeding well. Stock were observed to be in good condition with very few fish seen with fungus. Little number of mort's were observed (mort's where observed in mort collectors).
Due to site temperatures throughout the year being above 14 degrees a 30 fish EC sample was taken. During internal inspection of the sampled fish were observed to be in good condition. P1,P3,P4, P5, P6 sampled by . P2 sampled by
Fish health representative conduct fortnightly health checks on stock. Last health check was conducted on the 05/09/2024.
Inspection of site and paperwork conducted/completed by , whilst supervised by . For the MIX inspection, paperwork and site visit were conducted and completed by , shadowed by . [Original PDF]
Loch Duart Ltd FS0853Case Number: 2020-0233
DownloadThe site representative was contacted in response to mortality notifications. Mortality has been ongoing since WK 21, however due to the ongoing corona virus restrictions, a physical inspection could not be undertaken.
The cause of the mortality is suspected to be PD. Health surveillance carried out by the company revealed PD on site in
February 2020. It is suspected that mortality has increased due to PD as a result of warmer weather. The company has harvested out 1 pen so far, and there are plans to increase harvests from the beginning of next week (WK26).
Previous to this mortality on site was low. Mortality for the last four weeks was:
WK21 - 1.35% (5708), WK22 - 1.76% (6978), WK23 1.41% (5489), WK24 1.35% (5183).
Mortality for this week so far stands at 0.22%, however it is suspected that the final percentage for the week will be over the reporting threshold.
Mortalities are disposed of via landfill at White Shore Cockles. It has recently been refitted to accommodate dryer and biomass machinery to recycle fish waste into fuel and is currently at the stage of commissioning, however work has temporally stopped.
It is hoped that the plant will be fully operational by winter this year, or early 2021.
H2O2 treatments undertaken in September and November 2019 for AGD, as well as a slice treatment for C. elongatus in July
Sea lice on site have been low for the majority of this cycle, however they have risen above CoGP recommended treatment levels in the last three weeks: WK21 - 0.41 AF, WK22 - 0.37 AF, WK23 1.09 AF, WK24 - 1.09 AF. WK 25 - 1.15 AF. No chemical or mechanical intervention is planned, however more cleaner fish are being brought onto site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0335
DownloadWild caught ballan WRS (locally sourced). Added to site April to September. May add lumpfish during winter 2021.
Pancreas disease detected on site early 2020. Mortalities in Wk21 to Wk43 were confirmed as PD. Low level AGD on site at that time as well. Stock from Ormsary and Clachbreac.
2021: Current cycle have been vaccinated by PD. Ormsary stock.
All harvests are by deadhaul.
Cleanerfish Mortality per production cycle:
2017 1322 ballan wrasse
2019 5137 ballan wrasse
2021 688 ballan wrasse
Site is split into two groups with fish currently stocked in Caolas Loch Portain group.
Fish due to be split down into Ferramus group which is being prepped.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Remote inspection conducted by and supervised by on 28/09/2021.
Site inspection conducted by supervised by on 06/10/2021.
VMD sampling conducted by , supervised by on 06/10/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0519
DownloadMortalities had been low post input (week 11 2023) until week 26 with a peak recorded on week 27 with 1760 (0.32%), mortalities continued to be elevated with a second peak noted in week 32 of 2262 (0.42%) and week 33 2259 (0.40%), numbers had decreased but then had increased in week 36 and have continued to be elevated, mixed causes failed smolts, handling and AGD.
Morts for the last five weeks have been wk 40 8074 (1.47%), wk 41 13,503 (2.5%), wk 42 20,307 (3.85%), wk 43 30,186
(6.11%) and wk 44 21,975 (4.79%). Wk 45 6279, (1.45%) These are attributed to AGD.
AGD the only identified issue on site, two FW treatments have been administered, first in August and a second in November.
Wrasse mortalities last four weeks wk 43 111 (0.83%), wk 44 408 (3.09%), wk 45 8 0.06%), wk 46 10 (0.08)
Slice administered wk 31 due to increased caligus in July 2023 leps have remained low.
A number of lethargic fish were observed in the pens inspected, some lesions were also noted. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0188
DownloadMortality: SAL - Peak in mortality just after the visit last year, weeks 47 (1.76%), 48 (1.99%) and 49 (1.21%) due to AGD. After freshwater treatment mortality levels dropped well below reporting levels and have stayed low since then. Slight increase in mortality (but below reporting threshold) for week 24 2024 following the end of freshwater treatments. WRS - Monthly wrasse mortality has ranged between 1-7% per month since November 2023 with a peak in December 2023 of 403 fish. WRS recent monthly mortality: April - 235 fish, May - 130 and June (up to date of inspection) - 129 fish.
Sealice: Levels have been slowly rising since week 13 2024 (0.15) and reached 0.29 in week 21. Week 22 - 0.53, week 23 -
0.76 , week 24 - no count due to freshwater treatments and week 25 (after freshwater treatments) - 0.00
Treatments: Since November - 2 freshwater treatments. Most recent freshwater treatment 9-15th June.
Containment: Site are currently trialling bird pole top nets with a seal fence on pen 9. Trial has gone well and the site will implement these on all pens in the future.
During the physical inspection of the site, visibility into the pens was reduced due to the overcast conditions and dark water.
The fish observed were shoaling and appeared healthy. A good feed response was observed. Across the whole site only 4 floating mortalities and 2 moribund fish were observed.
The fish taken for VMD sampling had no lice and appeared healthy both externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Lyrawa Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0054Case Number: 2021-0054
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely by , shadowed by 18/06/21
Site inspection by and (supervised by ) 23/06/21
VMD sampling by
8 fish removed for VMD sampling, all appeared healthy and in very good condition. Flesh colour varied between different pens, which surprised the site manager.
No issues reported or observed on site, site is a nursery site for Chalmers Hope.
Site thermometer used due to issue with FHI thermometer display
It was reported that Chalmers Hope is going to be moved further from the shore to a slightly more exposed location this cycle.
No sea lice observed on any fish. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0253
DownloadSite was fallowed in Wk51 2022. Site was inspected to confirm and can now be made inactive at the request of the business.
Mortality events since last inspection and fallow:
Wk38 22: 5,079 (1.98%), Wk39: 6,553 (2.61%), Wk40: 24,622 (10.06%), Wk41: 13,084 (5.95), Wk42: 1,738 (1.32%)
Movement records collected. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1315Case Number: 2022-0161
DownloadRemote inspection on 19/05/2022.
The site experiences a challenge with Caligus during the summer, managed with Slice at input and freshwater treatments are now also available since last summer. Adult female counts are currently 0 but the site has been above 2 in previous cycles - this data was shared with the FHI at the time.
Wild caught wrasse from Scotland.
During the site inspection, the main population of fish looked healthy and feeding well, with no moribunds or dead fish seen in the pens. The fish sampled for the VMD had small numbers of Caligus present, but the site is aware and currently treating with
Slice. No gross pathology observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0462
DownloadSite inspected in calm weather, visibility of the stocks were good. The site was recently stocked on 11th November 2024 with fish split down from Maragay Mor (FS1304). Fish transferred very healthy and no mortality attributed to transfer occurred.
During transfer the fish were treated with Freshwater and FLS. Upon the physical inspection of the stocks fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding. No clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection. [Original PDF]
MacLean's Nose
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0599Case Number: 2021-0539
DownloadRemote Inspection conducted on the 23/11/2021, physical inspection on the 30/11/2021.
Mortality/movement records inspected from 29/May 2019 to w/e 21/11/2021.
2021 salmon, elevated mortalities recorded beginning wk 28, 22,359 (2.11%) across the site attributed to ERM, mortalities continued to be attributed to this for a number of weeks. Antibiotics administered.
2019 salmon, elevated mortalities attributed to treatment loss/physical damage wk 37 7572 (0.65%), elevated mortalities were attributed to bacterial infection wk38 to 49 with 50970 mortalities recorded in total
2019 lumpfish total for May 4953, June 27332, July 13764, no diagnosis.
2021 lumpfish total for June 15210, July 10896 mainly attributed to sea lice treatment losses.
7 pens inspected from the walkways due to swell, remaining inspected from the boat. Poor visibility due to rain and swell. Fish showing a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0071
DownloadSite to be fallow by the end of the month, low mortalities and no issues since last inspection.
Wrasse imported from Ireland earlier in the cycle. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0093
DownloadNo peaks in salmon mortality for period checked. Lumpfish peaks in mortality 2022 wk 49 94769 (53.13%) storm damage.
Also some elevated mortalities post input. 2023 wk 7 2109 (1.99%) storm damage, runts and without diagnosis. Wk 8 1478
(1.43%) storm damage, runts and without diagnosis.
The lumpfish mortality (53.13%) was following three days of severe storms, no issues with the salmon. All pens affected. No issues prior to this with significant lumpfish mortalities. No issues occurred due to storms since. This mortality event will be referred to APHA.
Peroxide treatments for AGD in three pens on the 13th Feb (small fish). Whole site beginning of December 2022 and 12
January 2023.
Bird nets have been adapted with smaller mesh around the base is attached to the net collar to prevent seal access.
Morts removed by ROV FOOVER on a daily basis. Double based nets.
Some runts observed in two pens.
No wrasse imports from Ireland since the last inspection but this is likely to continue this cycle so surveillance frequency will remain high. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0035
DownloadStock origin: fanad, aquagen and mowi stock from Glenfinann and Loch Lochy.
Passive grade conducted 13th Feb 2024.
Cleanerfish mortality 2024:
LUM: Wk6, 0.15%, 63; Wk5, 0.43%,180; Wk4,0.16%,68; Wk3,0.43%,184
WRS: Wk6, 0.20%,106;Wk5,0.61%,327; Wk4,0.25%,135; Wk3,0.41%,220
Treatments 2024:
Last treatment from 07-13/01/2024 was freshwater. 3hr exposure
Irish wrasse from - 13/07/2023, 5790
Mortalities are ensiled on site and then taken away via billy bowie. In the instance that increased mortalities occur, skips are used. Waste transfer notes for both these situations have been inspected. skips for the higher mortality in wk 33. during this time, 6 pens transferred to bdnc due to increased mortality
During August 2023, 6 pens were transferred to BDNC
Feed blocks for cleanerfish have been changed and positive effects seen in overall health of these fish onsite.
Visits from health manager conducted every month, with the last visit being conducted on 29/01/2024
Harvests conducted on site via livehaul.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 15/02/2024. last waste transfer note- 08/10/2023. one fish was removed for VMD sampling and was observed to be healthy. [Original PDF]
Maol Ban
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0519Case Number: 2020-0463
DownloadInspection of records carried out remotely on 28/10/2020
H2O2 treatment planned week beginning 02/11/20 for the treatment of AGD
Lumpfish moved on site from Ireland. Cumulative mortality of 14% since input, a significant proportion related to post freshwater treatment mortality.
5 mortalities observed across site, these were removed by site staff. No moribund or lethargic fish observed.
Site thermometer used due to battery failure in FHI thermometer
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0531
DownloadRemote and physical inspection conducted by observed by . Site is currently harvesting with plans to fallow in
January 2022. Fish on site appeared healthy with no clinical signs of disease observed. No gross pathology observed in fish sampled for VMD. Site thermometer used as inspectors thermometer was unavailable. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0040
DownloadSite consists of 6 x 160m cages. 5 cages are used for stocking salmon and the remaining cage is used for holding freshwater for treatments.
Top nets use poles rather than central net support, it was reported that these worked well and removal of central support removed the potential for fish to suffer concussion whilst jumping and hitting the support.
Caligus numbers had been increasing on site, targetted treatments are being conducted on cages to reduce numbers, when required, Lep numbers have been low throughout the cycle, although increased 2023 WK 4, but not above the increased monitoring level. Numbers have reduced to 0.2 adult females for 2023 WK 6.
Site had received positive results for furunculosis, however, decIsion was made to reduce handling rather than treat, this was reported to have been successful in limiting mortalities and negative results were recently returned for furunculosis.
Although the site has had positive results for furunculosis and CMS, these are not reported to be causing mortalities, but numbers are expected to increase as handling operations become more frequent.
Sites operated from Maol Ban shorebase are numbered sequentially from north to south - Sconser Quarry - Cages 1 - 7, Maol
Ban - Cages 8 - 12 and Cairidh -Cages 13 -17
3 dead observed across site, these were not fresh mortalities and were removed by site staff during inspection. [Original PDF]
Maragay Mor
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1304Case Number: 2022-0162
DownloadRemote inspection carried out 19/05/2022.
The site experiences a challenge with Caligus during the summer, managed with Slice at input and freshwater treatments are now also available since last summer. Adult female counts are currently 0 but the site has been above 2 in previous cycles - this data was shared with the FHI at the time.
During the site inspection no moribund or dead fish were observed, with the main population of fish in the pens looking healthy and with a good feeding response. The fish sampled for the VMD also looked healthy internally and externally, with very low numbers of Caligus observed. The site is currently treating with Slice to address this issue. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0189
DownloadCame onto site with frunculosis from the hatchery.
Health report - 21/05/2024 - Frunculosis is in the background at lower levels (considered inactive)
Mortality: Peaks - 2022 - Week 46 3.2% (18,598) due to freshwater treatment, 2023 - Weeks 32 and 33 12.58% and 12.80% just before harvesting due to CMS. New cycle mortality has been low since input - apart from initial input losses.
Treatments: Last cycle freshwater treatments and FLS treatment. This cycle - SLICE 25th April - 2nd May 2024. Syncaine
(active ingredient Tricaine methanesulfonate) for health treatments but going back to using Tricaine once they have used up the supply of Syncaine until fish are 2.5kg. When fish are above 2.5kg the site will then use Optomease.
Lice: Highest this cycle has been 0.05 and last cycle 0.73 adult females. Lice levels this cycle have been 0.01 or below.
During physical inspection of the site no mortality was seen. Fish were observed shoaling and had good feed responses.
Fish for VMD samples were taken from pens 7 and 9 - all fish were clear of lice and appeared healthy both externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Marulaig Bay
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0865Case Number: 2021-0187
DownloadMortalities above the reporting threshold since last inspection:
WK17 2021: 1.4% (CMS)
WK16: 2.09% (CMS)
Wk12: 2.8% (transfer from Maol Ban and CMS)
Elevated mortalities in weeks 19, 20 and 21 (2021) have all been attributed to CMS, combinbed with a Salmosan treatment beginning in Wk20 and ending in Wk21.
PD has been confirmed on site but not causing significant mortalities.
Some lethargic fish observed in all cages (~4/5 per cage). These fish had a higher than average lice load but this was not reflective of the population as a whole, which reflected the sealice counts that were inspected. Fish are due to be harvested, beginning this weekend (26/27th). Site expected to be fallow in a month.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0481
DownloadRemote inspection carried out by on 05/10/2022.
Mortalities reported to FHI - 2022
Week 36 1.05% (8,666)
Week 37 3.18% (22,972)
Week 38 21.22% (139,023)
Gill health, jellyfish insult although nothing observed over trigger levels.
230,000 moved to Grey Horse Channel week 36/37 to thin site down. Freshwater wellboat (about 4,500 lost in transport). Risk assessment checked. Grey Horse Channel was fallow at the time of movement. The fish that were moved have improved dramatically. Mortalities were down to about 10 per pen 2 days after transfer.
Week 37 freshwater and peroxide treatments. Pens that were treated improved but those that weren't treated then spiked in week 38. Whole site completed in week 38. Mortalities have improved in week 39.
Lumpfish farmed from Dorset Cleaner fish Ltd.
Cleaner fish mortality not counted in the past 3 weeks due to Salmon mass mortality. Lumpfish mortality in week 36 (last recorded) was 0.31%.
Physical site inspection and sampling conducted by supervised by on 06/10/2022. F1-F5 samples by , supervised by . VMD samples collected by .
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed to be quite lethargic in most pens. Few moribund fish were observed across the site. 5 fish were sampled for diagnostic purposes, fish were also removed for VMD sampling. The gills from the fish removed for sampling were observed to be very pale with shortened and ragged filaments. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0086
DownloadMovement of fish from Sconser Quarry on the 06/01/23, report from Patogen on the 26/01/23 of Moritella on site.
Movement records collected during REG. ECI inspection could not be carried out due to adverse weather conditions, follow-up inspection to be scheduled when remaining records will be checked. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0554
DownloadChanged to REG inspection due to SE winds preventing boats getting out to site.
Site cameras observed from the shorebase. Large swell. Fish observed through cameras were shoaling well.
Site fallowed in July 2023.
New input was from 28/09/2023
Wk48 - Treatment for AGD - Peroxide. Higher mortality due to treatment losses.
6 pens are currently stocked with lumpfish from Ocean Matters [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0076
DownloadStock origin: Glenfinnan (Aquagen), Loch ness (Stofinfiskur)
Lumpfish - first batch came with lorry on 26/11/2023; second batch arrived with wellboat in wk 6 2024 (w/b 05/02/2024).All lumpfish stock from Ocean Matters. Only one movement occurred since last inspection.
Hydrogen peroxide treatments 2024:
04/01 to 08/01
06/02 to 16/02 (all pens)
Pen 11 and 12 treated twice
FW treatments - conducted for 6/7hrs
Lumpfish mortality- last 4 weeks wk10, 2414, 4.98%, wounds & fin damage; Wk9, 1721, 3.43%, wounds & fin damage; Wk8, 523, 1.03%, wounds & fin damage; Wk7, 119, 0.23%, wounds & fin damage. Wound and fin damage attributed to transport and handling.
Lumpfish mortality - other peaks
2023 wk51 24,276 40.04% (emaciation)
2023 wk52 15,971 43.93% (emaciation)
2024 wk1 10,343 50.73% (emaciation)
2024 wk2 8,663 86.25% (emaciation)
2024 wk3 584 42.29% (emaciation)
Emaciation as a result of fish deployed at unsuitable weight for site. Note has been made by health manager that fish need to be over 40g in the future.
Health team out every two weeks; last health report 12/02/2024. AGD identified as an issue on site since 2023, with pen 12 being worst affected.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 13/03/2024.
Weather did not permit to conduct site inspection on 20/03/2024 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0112
DownloadLast health report: 12/04/2024 - Monitoring of heart abnormalities (mishaped and size), possible HSMI, CGD, AGD.
LUM mortality: Wk13: 1468 (3.44%), Wk14: 1103 (2.68%), Wk15: 2472 (4.09%), Wk16: 1225 (2.11%) - mortalities attributed to bad weather, pseduomonas and freshwater treatments.
Treatments: SLICE 04/04 to 13/04. Freshwater Wk15.
During the physical inspection fish were difficult to observe below water due to the weather conditions. Fish had a good feed response. Fish caught for VMD sampling appeared healthy internally and externally with only 2 caligus found on the caught fish. [Original PDF]
Meall Mhor Loch Fyne
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0091Case Number: 2020-0020
DownloadCurrently feeding SLICE.
Due to adverse weather conditions visibility was limited. Fish were observed shoaling well in one pen, with limited and poor visibility on other pens due to the weather. A few fish with physical damage to the flank (suspected due to sustained adverse weather conditions recently) were observed in the pens on the more exposed side of the site (particularly pen 2). All compromised fish (less than 10) that were able to be caught were removed and dispatched immediately. Fish were opened up but no gross pathology was observed so no diagnostic samples were collected. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0151
DownloadPaperwork completed by remotely 19/5/2021, physical site inspection by , shadowed by on 20/05/2021
All treatments 2021: 14 & 21 January (wk. 2 & 3) 2021 Hydrolicer treatment; 05 May & 12 May (wk. 18 & 19) 2021. 5 cages treated on the 5th May with the remaining 2 treated on 12th May. (2 additional pens treated that were scheduled to be harvested but weren't so were treated, half of one of the cages was harvested)
From 6-19 March 2021, 2020 S1's from Lamlash FS0243 (Arran) were moved onto the site. Risk assessment for the transfer inspected (dated 4/3/2021). At the same time a few cages of 2019 S0's were left when the 2020 S1's were moved on site.
2019 S0's were harvested out by 13 May 2021. 2020 S1's were SLICE treated at Lamlash prior to being moved to Meall Mhor.
2021 wk. 16 (19 - 25 April) lice count: 4 AF with eggs strings and 5 AF without egg strings = 9 Total AF (10 fish per cage and
9 cages counted = 90 fish) 0.1AF average for site
Site use a box net to select a random selection of fish for lice count.
Sea lice: From 09 March 2020 until current figures have been below CoGP for average AF until 2021 wk13 1.09 average AF.
Down to 0.0 AF following week - harvests took place of the 2019S1 which predominantly had lice on them, the 2020 S1's from
Lamlash had a SLICE treatment before they came and had 0 lice.
Planned treatment next week: hydrolicer
During physical inspection, sea lice count was observed. Numbers counted on the day of inspection consistent with the numbers that had been reported prior to inspection. Waterproof notepad used for count on site has pre-printed table format for recording pen no., fish no and each stage of lice. This data is then immediately transferred to IT system used by company with notepad then wiped clean to be re-used. IT system immediately returned an average count of each stage equal to total number counted/number of fish.
Weather conditions on day of inspection were rough so bulk of stock remained deep in the pen and were not coming to surface when feed was presented. This resulted in the fish removed to carry out count mainly consisting of poor doers. The physical condition of the fish appeared good with only a few fish showing signs of minor physical damage. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0081
DownloadRecords inspected remotely on 22/03/2022 by .
AGD confirmed on site by PCR in 2022 but does not appear to be causing issues currently.
Fish difficult to see as they were remaining deep in the water. Those visible were shoaling as expected and appeared in very good condition with no moribund/lethargic fish observed during inspection. Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in good health upon internal examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0014
DownloadPeaks in salmon mortality 2022: w/b 15/8/2022 4432 (1.37%), 22/8/2022 3149 (0.98%), 29/8/2022 6385 (2.02%), 5/9/2022
(6772 (2.18%), 12/9/2022 3462 (1.33%), 19/9/2022 6198 (2.42%), 26/9/2022 4876 (1.95%), 3/10/2022 7573 (3.09%), all gill health related with some handling/treatment related mortality. 31/10/2022 2659 (1.16%) Furunculosis had been identified with gill health the underlying cause.
Site was restocked with 2023 Q3, some post transfer mortalities recorded for the Q3 input but no other issues with mortalities low.
Peaks in wrasse mortalities 2022: wk 16 229 (7.85%) environmental, wk 38 1952 (35.80%) wk 45 1938 (55.88%), wk 46 1129
(73.89) all classed as black losses.
Peaks in lumpsucker mortalities 2022: wk 13 944 (5.06%) environmental, wk 32 1014 (8.08%) environmental, wk 38 10975
(97.36%) black losses.
No cleaner fish mortality issues noted for 2023/2024.
No cleaner fish to be used this cycle.
Trialling Synacaine anaesthetic
~10 fish observed with physical damage, strong startle response so not removed. [Original PDF]
Meil Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0597Case Number: 2021-0294
DownloadSmolts came on from Yetts O'Muckart (FS0371) in April 2020.
Used as a nursery site. Fish will be moved off to Carness and Quanterness.
Deadhaul harvests go to Kirkwall processing plant within the disease management area. No discharge into DMA.
All mortalities are transferred to Doon Bay in sealed bins where they are collected by a Cooke road lorry and transferred to
Pelagia in Bussy, Shetland where they are ensiled.
Seal presence has been noted around the site. Although not causing damage to equipment, the majority of mortalities at the site have been attributed to seal damage.
Site is equipped with both nylon nets and seal blinds on half of the cages and sapphire nets on the other half. Mortalities attributed to seal damage are higher in cages with nylon nets. Site plans to replace the nylon nets with sapphire nets during fallow.
Sites within the FMA are not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, but there is a documented risk assessment for this which was made available during the inspection.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe. One moribund observed across the site, removed at the time of inspection and humanely dispatched.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0034
DownloadPeaks in mortality 2022 wk 44 44781 (7.73%) wk 45 19302 (3.61%) mainly gill health issues (AGD). Wk 50 6806 1.89% attributed to sea lice (Salmosan) and gill health (AGD). 2023 wk 03 4797 (1.38%) recorded as predator/other (Post treatment morts being eaten by seals likely some gill health related morts).
All morts from Cooke transferred to Kirkwall shorebase, then transferred to Dounby (near Kirkwall) for bulk uplift to Shetland.
Salmosan administered 10,11 and 12th December 2022. No other medicinal treatments administered.
Gill health is under control. Fish may be transferred to Bay of Vady and treat on route.
Inspection of site limited due to high winds. No pens were walked round on safety grounds but seven pens were inspected from the work boat and three from the walkway when moored to collect samples for VMD. Good feeding response to feed.
Three fish were removed for VMD and were in good physical condition, no clinical signs of disease or gross pathology observed. Two leps observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0144
DownloadA visit is being conducted at Meil Bay after receiving notification from the company that a positive BKD result has been found on site through a routine inspection with a Pharmaq vet. One fish was found with clinical signs out of the 4 sampled fish. The other 3 fish had clinical signs of CMS which is a known disease currently on site.
Before receiving the positive BKD result mortalities went to Dounby Yard but would be mixed with other sites mortality. Now mortalities and fish waste will be retrieved by divers as usual but will then be put into specific site mort bins and transferred to
Dounby Yard where they will be kept in a separate area away from other site mortalities. Fish from BKD sites will then be transferred to Dundas Chemicals in a specific tanker which will then be fully disinfected afterward. All divers have separate gear for sites with BKD.
Mortality: Week 19 has no mortality due to bad weather and divers could not retrieve the morts. Week 20's mortality figure is made up of mortality from both week 19 and 20. Site is experiencing a high volume of seal presence on site - trying to grab fish through the nets (Seal Pro). The majority of mortalities on site are currently being attributed to CMS or seal damage.
Treatments: SLICE at the start of April (7th April) - week long treatment. T.M.S for health checks.
Health report: Internal - 29th April 2024 "Fish looked good and feeding well, CMS confirmed through PCR. Signs of CMS observed in some pens. AGD 0-2, non AGD (PGD) 1-3".
Recent in house histo report (from 29th April): 2/2 fish positive for CMS. Internal PCR results for CMS had a mixture of results for CMS but the majority were positive.
Through regular health checks by site staff, no clinical signs of BKD have been seen. Staff are also regularly checking moribunds for clinical signs but none have been seen.
During the physical examination of the site a small number of floating mortalities were observed in six cages (a total of 13 across the whole site). These mortalities were older and had started decomposing. Mortality removal has not occurred on site since the positive BKD result last week. Now that permission has been granted and the mortality removal SOP updated to comply with restrictions placed on site, divers are due on site tomorrow to carry out mortality removal.
Visibility into the pens was reduced due to the dull weather conditions and dark water. Of the fish seen, the majority were observed shoaling beneath the surface and those in pen 5 were observed during feeding and had a good feeding response.
Across the whole site only 5 fish were observed as moribunds but only 3 could be caught using the hand net. All three caught were cut open and examined for any clinical signs of BKD. Two fish appeared healthy internally and so were not sampled. One fish when cut open had clear clinical signs of BKD including granulomas on the kidney and liver and contained bloody ascites in the body cavity. A diagnostic was carried out on this fish. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0147
DownloadIDN placed following information from business about suspicion of BKD. 16/05/2024. FHI to visit w/c 20/05/2024.
No report issued with this case type [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0416
DownloadLast harvest on 7/8/2024.
Cleaning and disinfection of site equipment completed on 4/10/2024. Cages and bird net supports lifted out of the water, scraped, power washed and disinfected. Barge and mooring cans also scraped, pressure washed and disinfected. Used
Virkon Aquatic to disinfect on site equipment. Nets sent to Morenot in Shetland and disinfected on 16/8/2024. Will be returned to site for next input. Date of next input not yet confirmed, but should be later this month or next month.
CDN for BKD to be revoked. [Original PDF]
Mill Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1340Case Number: 2021-0291
DownloadSmolts came on from Sallachy Site (FS0887) and Quoys Hatchery (FS0476) in April 2020.
Fish have been vaccinated with Alpha Ject micro1 PD and Alpha Ject Micro 6
FW wellboat treatment in August and December 2020. Hydrolicer was on site in July 21 and the thermolicer was on site in
August 21. No medicinal treatments have been required since input.
All mortalities are transferred to Doon Bay in sealed bins where they are collected by a Cooke road lorry and transferred to
Pelagia in Bussy, Shetland where they are ensiled.
Deadhaul harvests are taken to Kirkwall procesing plant within the disease management. No discharge into the DMA.
Sites within FMA are not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, but there is a documented risk assessment for this which was made available during the inspection.
Fish on site appeared in good health at the time of inspection. No moribunds were observed across the site.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0090
DownloadMortality events reported:
28/11/2022 - 2.35 - wk48
25/09/2023 - 1.75 - wk39
02/10/2023 - 4.55 - wk40
09/10/2023 - 1.86 - wk41
16/10/2023 - 1.24 - wk42
30/10/2023 - 2.17 - wk44
Not reported:
Wk31 2023 - 1.43% (3,523) (3,065 were attributed to transport/handling) (thermolicer on site in July)
Wk36 2023 - 1.17% (2,810) - Environmental and handling (hydrolicer 1st Sep)
Wk50 2023 - 5.24% (820) - Environmental
Fish came on from Quoys Hatchery (FS0476) via Loch Garasdale (FS0866) and Bay of Cleat (FS1080) in wk16 2024. SW to
SW RA available for inspection. Mix of Stofinfisker and Aquagens on site. Both stocks were reported to be performing well at
Bay of Cleat prior to transfer in recent weeks. The pre-transfer health check noted mild environmental damage to gills and some minor bleeding from the gills, but fish appeared healthy otherwise.
Previous crop that were on site were hydroliced in June, August and September 2023 and thermoliced in July 23. No medicinal treatments were conducted since the last inspection, other than anaesthetic use for sea lice counts. PGD was detected on the site during the summer of 2023.
Fish are vaccinated against IPN and Furunculosis.
Site will be deadhaul harvested to Kirkwall.
CoGP FMA is not fallowed synchronously. RA available for this.
The general population of fish on site appeared in good health and were actively shoaling in the cages, although were difficult to observe as they were sitting deep in the water. Feed was used to bring the fish up for closer inspection. Some fish were observed to have physical damage to the flank and head, which was attributed to seal damage from Bay of Cleat. The wounds appeared to be healing well. A small number of lethargic fish were observed across the site, but no other clinical signs were observed so no diagnostic samples were taken on this occasion.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and upon internal examination and had a strong feed response.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 02/05/24. Site inspection completed on 07/05/24. Site inspection conducted by , shadowed by . VMD fish was sampled by under supervision. [Original PDF]
Mill Burn (Old Mill)
Kintail Hatchery FS0831Case Number: 2020-0094
DownloadHigher than normal deformities noted in this intake. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0018
DownloadRemote inspection on 01/02/2022 with , observed by .
Trial from Aquagen Holywood (85,000 ova) - input 22/01/2022 not successful, very soft eggs upon arrival, 6% mortality before culling all ova. Ova then replaced with another batch delivered in week 5, performing well so far.
Stofnfiskur, Iceland stock input 27/01/2022
Site inspection carried out on 07/02/2022 by , supervised by . No issues observed on site.
Water temperature taken from site thermometer for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0042
Download2022 stock - 4.99% total loss from hatch to leaving site. No particular mortality peaks.
2023 stock - 3.55% total loss from hatch to leaving site. No particular mortality peaks.
2024 stock - 4.31% so far from hatch. Hatch losses approximately 200-1000/tank.
Only alevins on site at present. Low numbers of dead fish seen in the tanks. A few weaker fish, but most appeared in good condition and showed normal behaviour.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. Site thermometers calibrated annually to ice point. Calibration records checked.
Paperwork and inspection carried out by shadowed by . [Original PDF]
Millburn Salmon Hatchery FS0274Case Number: 2020-0526
DownloadSite not inspected. Fish for vmd sampling were collected by site contact and dropped off at Cooke shorebase at Lyness (Hoy) on 01/12/2020.
Fish have not had any treatment while on site so not in withdrawal but fish removed for vmd sampling were euthanised with
TMS. Fish looked in good condition with no clinical signs observed and no gross pathology observed when examined during sampling.
Photo's of movement records emailed through and issue raised with site contact that the site number of source/ destination was to be recorded for all future movements on and off site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0367
DownloadFlavobacterium diagnosed in the stock in June 2021, 4750 in tank 1 and 4119 in tank 1 for the month, florocol administered
8/6/21 and the 24/6/2021, treatment was effective and morts reduced however an additional dose was administered in
September (currently in withdrawal) due to a increase in tank 3.
Paperwork completed by , VMD sampling by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0213
DownloadMorts transported to Cooke by manager for disposal.
Last month the fish had a bacterial infection which was treated with a 10 day course of Florocol. Withdrawal for these fish is double normal withdrawal period due to organic status.
Water temperature 11.2 degrees using site thermometer.
Manager thinks fish are susceptible/weak due to the fluctuations in daily temperatures. For example, on day of site visit the morning the water temperature was 8.5 degrees and by 11am it had risen to 11.2 degrees.
Manager had stated higher mortalities just before the last batch of fish were taken off site as they were delayed by 3 weeks due to Cooke not being ready for delivery of fish. Due to this delay he also went above biomass constraints.
A couple or morts seen in the tank. Fish observed appeared healthy.
Site paperwork and inspection carried out by , supervised by .
Missing paperwork was received 20/09/2022 so issues raised are now resolved. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0437
DownloadInfection with Flavobacterium (RTFS) in May 22 resulted in significant mortalities across the site (71,053 fish lost during the month of May). FVG were consulted and prescription provided for Florocol 19/05/22 - 29/05/22.
Fish haven't yet been counted since the mass mortality occurred in May so site manager is unsure of the exact count. Fish are being graded in November when they are vaccinated with PD1 and Alphaject6 so an accurate count will be available at this time.
Site manager only records mortality count over the month and doesn’t calculate weekly mortality percentages. As a result, the mortality event in May, which resulted in a loss of almost 50% of the stock at the time, was not reported as required. This was discussed with the site manager at the time and he has agreed to record weekly mortality percentage going forward.
During the site inspection, 1 mortality and 1 moribund were observed across the site.
Fish taken for VMD sample appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Siter thermometer used to minimise biosecurity risk.
Paperwork and site inspected by , supervised by . VMD sampled by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0437
DownloadInfection with Flavobacterium (RTFS) in May 22 resulted in significant mortalities across the site (71,053 fish lost during the month of May). FVG were consulted and prescription provided for Florocol 19/05/22 - 29/05/22.
Fish haven't yet been counted since the mass mortality occurred in May so site manager is unsure of the exact count. Fish are being graded in November when they are vaccinated with PD1 and Alphaject6 so an accurate count will be available at this time.
Site manager only records mortality count over the month and doesn’t calculate weekly mortality percentages. As a result, the mortality event in May, which resulted in a loss of almost 50% of the stock at the time, was not reported as required. This was discussed with the site manager at the time and he has agreed to record weekly mortality percentage going forward.
During the site inspection, 1 mortality and 1 moribund were observed across the site.
Fish taken for VMD sample appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Siter thermometer used to minimise biosecurity risk.
Paperwork and site inspected by , supervised by . VMD sampled by
CNI case type was added to case sheet and FHR was re-issued - 12/01/23 [Original PDF]
Milnholm Hatchery
Aqualife Services Ltd FS0305Case Number: 2021-0320
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 7th October by with observing. Physical inspection conducted on 11th October by
with .
All units (stocked and non-stocked) checked. Fish on site appeared healthy and responding as expected. No mort's, moribund or lethargic fish observed during inspection. Site conducting experimental work with no fish going on for human consumption.
Manager unsure when the hatchery will be stocked again, if at all, prior to expiry of lease. [Original PDF]
Milnholm Smolt Unit
Aqualife Services Ltd FS0833Case Number: 2022-0030
DownloadInputs are from Landcatch, Buckieburn or Dawnfresh.
Mort disposal to Keenan Recycling LTD Turrif - approved composting plant.
Sal morts wk7 2022 0.67% (69), wk6 0.58% (60), wk5 0.39%(45), wk4 0.1% (12)
RTR morts 0.1%/site/week or lower over last four weeks
Site used as vaccination trial for automated vaccine machine. No fish moved from the site alive except to Milnholm Hatchery.
Fish are culled with overdose of anaesthetic before being put through automated vaccine prototype.
Mort levels very low with fungus being only issue on site. [Original PDF]
Mingarry Hatchery
Hebridean Smolts Ltd FS0145Case Number: 2020-0502
DownloadVaccination is due to begin at the end of November 2020.
Ova on site came on from Iceland. 2nd batch of ova due to be coming onto site end of November from Landcatch.
Very little mortality observed on site so disposed of in domestic waste <25kg. In the event of a mass mortality or cull, fish waste would be disposed of by White Shore Cockles.
Last treatment was Branzil back in August 2020. Some ERM observed in one tank. Treatment was effective and no further treatments were required.
Fish were very difficult to observe in outside tanks due to the dark colour of the water. Fish removed for VMD appeared healthy.
Site thermometer used as inspectors required re-calibration. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0372
DownloadRemote inspection done by , supervised by on 29/09/21.
The stock comes from Native Hebridean eggs (Ormsary Broodstock Unit, Landcatch).
305,000 smolts will be transferred to Scotasay along with 100,000 fish from Clachan Hatchery as 2021 S0.
Vaccinated against ERM at 1g and 5g.
Currently suffering from grumbling ERM but mortalities remain low.
New input in November 2021 will also be from Native Hebridean stock (Landcatch).
Site inspection done on 05/10/21 by and supervised by . VMD samples collected by , supervised by .
No issues on site and the fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy. One dead fish observed out of 42 tanks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0466
DownloadRemote paperwork completed 28/09/22 by & . Site inspection and paper work completed by , observed by .
New batch of eggs received on Friday 30th September of Stofnfiskur stock, due to go to sea in October 2023. The current stock on site has had a successful cycle with little mortality. From the physical inspection of the stock, no clinical signs of disease were observed. Fish have only been treated with Formalin this cycle and are not currently in withdrawal.
8 VMD samples taken by , observed by .
Water temperature taken using site thermometer due to biosecurity. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0466
DownloadRemote paperwork completed 28/09/22 by & . Site inspection and paper work completed by , observed by .
New batch of eggs received on Friday 30th September of Stofnfiskur stock, due to go to sea in October 2023. The current stock on site has had a successful cycle with little mortality. From the physical inspection of the stock, no clinical signs of disease were observed. Fish have only been treated with Formalin this cycle and are not currently in withdrawal.
8 VMD samples taken by , observed by .
Water temperature taken using site thermometer due to biosecurity. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0552
DownloadSite hasn't mixed food in the last 4 years. Do not plan to mix feed in the future. Company now against using antibiotics in feedstuffs. Site does not currently have all the equipment that would be needed for mixing. However, if mixing was required the appropriate equipment would to sourced and set up. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0461
DownloadMortality on site has been very low since the date of last inspection. Upon inspection of the stocks fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes.
Recently the site has had a touch of fungus in some of the stocks. The site was treated with formalin on 19/11/2024. No fish with fungus were observed during the inspection. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1286Case Number: 2021-0431
DownloadTargeted harvesting on-going on site. Pen 1 being harvested currently, pen 12 next. Likelihood that whole site will be harvested out will be quite high, but restricted with availability and weather.
Weather significant factor with harvesting, treatments and morting.
Operator fed through jellyfish bloom, July/August. Caused significant damage to gills.
Potential for whole site to be harvested.
Boat brought in to help with mortality disposal, being taken to Shetland.
Fresh water treatments concluded 14th of September. Fish took treatments fairly well considering poor gill health.
Lumpfish deployed to help with higher lice counts.
Mortality had reduced significantly in week 42, so far. But data for this week not complete.
Mortality ( last 4 weeks)
Week 41 - 2.26% - 10365 week 40 - 1.85% - 10304 week 39 - 1.07% - 6017 week 38 - 5.94% - 37008 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0096
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 19/04/2022 by supervised by . Site inspection carried out on 26/04/2022 by and . VMD samples taken by .
Site has its own ROV for net inspections. There are regular dive checks. Seal PRO nets are to be installed for next cycle.
Fish observed all shoaling as in normal behaviour and fish sampled for VMD appeared in healthy upon closer examination both externally and internally with no signs of disease.
Site currently passive grading and harvesting almost every second day.
During inspection, 2 fish in pen 7 were seen to have possible seal damage and were caught and humanely killed.
Site currently stocked with fish moved from Cheesebay (moved onto site between 02/02/022 - 19/03/22) due to fish welfare considerations and risk of biomass exceedance at their host site (Grey Horse Channel and Groatay). Muck was fallow for 17 days before Cheesebay fish arrived and will be fallow after Cheesebay stock are harvested in June until restocking at the end of August.
A seal was discovered in one pen on 22/10/2021, divers were called out same day and found a hole (122mm x 36mm) at a depth of 19m and repaired it. It was judged at the time that no escape or circumstances which gave rise to a significant risk of escape had occurred, therefore it was considered that the FHI was not required to be informed. Recommendations were made to review escapes reporting procedure including staff training, and a retrospective escapes notification has been submitted to the FHI.
Closing counts indicated that no escapes occurred as a result of this incident and the site now has double mesh nets on all pens along with seal blinds to aid containment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0436
DownloadFish were moved on from Etive 6 in September (from DMA 15b to 15e). A RA for the SW to SW movement was available.
SRS has been identified on site (particularly liver lesions, rather than external lesions). Antibiotic treatment successfully completed end of October and bacterial load has lessoned. Jellyfish (Apolemia) on site are now the main cause of mortality.
Gill damage consistent with PGD but mild. HSMI has also been observed with blood clots around the heart noted. PCRs positive for HSMI, Teancibaculosis and Pisciricettsiosis. Fish have been vaccinated with Alphaject Micro6, PD1 and against
Yersinia and Pasteurella.
FW treatments since input with FLS have had good clearance rates.
Although site does not fall within a CoGP MA and so is not required to maintain a FMS, one has been created and was available for inspection. Fallow dates are synchronised on a single year class basis with the sites nearest neighbour, Rum
Several moribunds were observed in each of the cages, with more observed in cages 1, 2, 5 and 8. Five fish were removed from across the site for diagnostic sampling. The general population on site appeared in good body condition and were active in the cages with lots of jumping behaviour observed. Fish from cage 4 were removed for a lice count which was observed by the inspector. Very few lice were observed on these fish and they were in good physical condition with some minor damage to fins.
Site manager was informed that the cleanerfish at Etive were culled prior to transfer of salmon to Muck. However, the VHWP and RA stated that wrasse would be transferred with the salmon. Wrasse were observed across the site in several cages and this was raised with the site manager at the time of the inspection. The movement records were updated to include the transfer of cleanerfish to the site and the site manager was reminded that any mortalities must be recorded going forward.
Updated movement records including the transfer of wrasse to site were received 05/12/24. [Original PDF]
Ness of Copister
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1043Case Number: 2022-0419
DownloadNess of Copister is not a harvest site. Smolts are ongrown here to approx. 2kg and then transferred to various other sites around Yell and Unst where they will be grown to harvest size (seen as a nursery site). Input of smolts at 85 to 120g.
Own small shorebase where mortalities are collected at and taken away by bulk transporter to either TWMN (Shetland) or SEM (depending on quanity and available space at facilities).
Stock of fish on site either from Migdale (Jubilee) in Loch Shin (pens 1,8,9,16) and Furnace (pens 2,4,6,7,10,11,12).
Remaining pens will be used for grading.
No cleanerfish on site/company wide.
From site inspection, slight AGD observed. Lice are increasing but not causing concern.
VMD samples taken on 13/09/2022, All fish sampled for VMD were observed to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0419
DownloadNess of Copister is not a harvest site. Smolts are ongrown here to approx. 2kg and then transferred to various other sites around Yell and Unst where they will be grown to harvest size (seen as a nursery site). Input of smolts at 85 to 120g.
Own small shorebase where mortalities are collected at and taken away by bulk transporter to either TWMN (Shetland) or SEM (depending on quanity and available space at facilities).
Stock of fish on site either from Migdale (Jubilee) in Loch Shin (pens 1,8,9,16) and Furnace (pens 2,4,6,7,10,11,12).
Remaining pens will be used for grading.
No cleanerfish on site/company wide.
From site inspection, slight AGD observed. Lice are increasing but not causing concern.
VMD samples taken on 13/09/2022, All fish sampled for VMD were observed to be in good condition. [Original PDF]
Nevis A
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0430Case Number: 2021-0182
DownloadLUM - Swansea, WRS - Orkney
Since input lice above CoGP: 23/6/2020 0.56AF, all other weeks below. Very low numbers.
Only operator in CoGP management area.
Cleaner fish observed on site, salmon deeper in the pens and at times challenging light conditions resulting in decreased visibility. Seal observed near one of the pens during visit. Seal pro nets are being used on site and seals have so far not caused any problems. No moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and in good condition.
Cleaner fish mortality records: Mortality in last 4 weeks between 24-74 per week for the entire site for both wrasse and lumpfish. Increase in mortality wk28 2020 with a peak in wk30 2020 at 2,353 morts, then slowly decreasing. Back to background level wk43 2020. Elevated mortalities related to treatments and some higher sea teamperatures for lumpfish.
Database entry records mortalities by different species but exports from the database don't reflect this. Company who provided the database is currently working on improving this.
Paperwork completed remotely on 3/6/2021 by , shadowed by . Physical site inspection on 9/6/21 by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0532
DownloadThe site has been affected by the swarm of the hydrozoan Muggiaea Atlantica which has occurred throughout west coast
Mainland Scotland through to W. Shetland from end of August causing progressive gill inflammation, this combined with seasonal AGD resulted in CGD with associated high mortality.
Lumpfish came on from Bantry Marine Station, wrasse on site are wildcaught in Orkney.
Mortality events since last inspection:
Wk39 22: 27,017 (6.89%)
Wk38: 19,385 (4.7%)
Wk37: 4,649 (1.1%)
Wk34 21: 75 (1.5%)
Wk31: 957 (1.3%)
Wk30: 1,022 (1.1%)
2021 mortalities attributed to handling events during final harvesting of the site. 2022 mortalities all attributed to poor gill health.
Dead fish and waste are usually incinerated on site, however, due to the large volumes generated during the mortality events, mortalities were transported to Mallaig where they were uplifted by and taken to Ayr for disposal.
The last treatment of the cycle was a peroxide bath completed between 6-9th October 22.
Staff have been harvesting the site which was fallow on 31/10/2022.
Bad weather warning on day of inspection. Site was visited and 5 moribunds were removed from 2 cages for diagnostic sampling. Due to high swell and high winds, only these 2 cages were inspected as unsafe to remain on site. Fish in these 2 cages were lethargic with several moribunds observed in each. Fish removed for sampling had high lice burdens and fish were observed jumping in both cages.
Case sheet was updated and diagnostic report was re-issued on 21/11/2022 due to an update to a correction in the stock origin from the business. A statement was missing from the re-issued report, so a further report was issued on 23/11/2022. [Original PDF]
Nevis B
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0616Case Number: 2020-0497
DownloadMortality data
2017 week 39 - 1.12% - 1315
2017 week 41 - 1.11% - 1279
2017 - week 45 - 6.91% - 117
2017 week 46 - 4% - 63
Was end of cycle, very small numbers of fish. Numbers not reported to FHI.
2020 -Plankton event observed at end of october, followed by a localised mortality event. Mortality back to normal levels now.
Treatments have been taking place to treat AGD.
Fish appeared to be in good condition with good feeding response. All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0097
DownloadRemote inspection carried out 21/04/2022 by , supervised by .
Site inspection carried out 28/04/2022 by and .
Fish in good condition with no moribund/lethargic fish observed while on site. Fish caught to carry out a sea lice count appeared in good health with the lice levels matching the counts being submitted in the previous weeks. The one fish selected for vmd sampling also appeared healthy upon internal examination with no gross pathology observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0538
DownloadWrasse motality on site low <100 pm across the site.
Lice numbers have been low, however prophylactic treatments (alphamax) was administered just after input.
Site temperature used as inspector's thermometer unavailable.
Inspection and paperwork carried out by , observed by [Original PDF]
Nevis C (Ardintigh)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0546Case Number: 2020-0498
DownloadMortality not reported at end of cycle - 2019, low numbers. week 35 - 2.58 - 1385 - Background CGD driving back ground mortality. week 36 - 3.43 - 721 spike in lice number during the summer months, mechanical thermolicer treatment conducted to get number back down. Lice counts went back down to low numbers in week following
Lice numbers above threshold week 27 - 2019 - 2.20 - reported to FHI
Lumpfish imported from Republic of Ireland - 12th and 22nd February 2020 - 15,000 and 10,000
Fished appeared to be in good condition. Good feeding response. All fish sampled for VMD appeared to be healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0183
DownloadLUM imported from Ireland for this cycle (2020), not planning to do this in the future
Above CoGP 2021 wk 22 0.75AF, all other weeks below and generally very low
Recent plankton samples showed high levels of Chaetoceros socialis, struggling this week to catch fish for lice counts as fish are staying very deep in the water.
Hoping not to treat prior to fallowing the site, only 3 cages remaining. Harvest is currently planned once a week but if lice figures increased further this could be expedited and could possibly empty site in the space of a week. Gills slightly compromised, which is another factor site being considered with regards to treatments.
Only operator in CoGP management area.
Cleaner fish observed on site, salmon deeper in the pens and at times challenging light conditions resulting in decreased visibility. No moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and in good condition.
Cleaner fish mortality records: Mortality in last 4 weeks between 51-83 per week for the entire site for both wrasse and lumpfish. Increase in mortality from wk 29 2020 until week 41 2020 with a peak in mortality in wk 35 2020 at 2,364 morts.
Largely mortalities are attributed to treatments for lice and AGD. Some mortalities of lumpfish believed to be attributed to increased water temperatures.
Database entry records mortalities by different species but exports from the database don't reflect this. Company who provided the database is currently working on improving this.
Paperwork completed remotely on 4/6/2021 by shadowed by . Physical site inspection on 9/6/21 by . [Original PDF]
North Kilbrannan
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1365Case Number: 2024-0414
DownloadAll stock on site vaccinated with Alphaject Micro 6 (gives resistance to IPN, Aeromonas salmonicida, Moritella viscosa and some Vibrio strains), Alphaject Micro 1 PD, and vaccination against Pasteurella skyensis.
Freshwater treatment undertaken in wk 35 and 36.
Treating with FLS at the time of the inspection as sea lice levels are reportedly increasing on site.
Farm not within a farm management area in most recent version of CoGP.
Mortality removed from site whole and ensiled on barge at Eilean Grianain (neighbouring site, FS1176). The ensiled waste is then removed from the barge by boat and taken away for disposal.
Fish harvested by dead haul
Some dead fish (approx. 10) observed across the site. These were only observed in cages were stock had reportedly been treated in the hours prior to the inspection.
Although the CoGP management areas have not been updated to include this site, the site manager considers the site within management area M-47, as stated in the farm management statement for the site [Original PDF]
North Papa
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0515Case Number: 2021-0226
DownloadSlight CMS onsite, fish are being harvested and those pens with higher mortality have been harvested first so mortality has remained low.
Company policy has been to limit cleaner fish use due to health concerns for the cleanerfish.
Company operates at a treatment trigger level of 0.1 AF. 14/07/21 - 2.8 AF, reported. Site currently being harvested.
Paperwork carried out 15/07/21 by observed by
VMD sampled by , observed by . VMD fish looked healthy when opened [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0240
DownloadSite inspected in a calm sea state with heavy cloud cover, visibility from the pen side was <2m. During the inspection of the stock 14 lethargic / moribund fish were observed. The site has been burdened by a prolonged period of on-going mortality,
North Papa conducted a freshwater treatment using the Aqua Viking in March and approximately 10% of the stock sustained physical damage thought to have been caused during crowding which resulted in increased mortality in the weeks following the treatment. The site confirmed CMS on 19/05/2023 and mortality has been above the reporting threshold since. Current mortality appears to be affecting all cages across the site evenly. During the inspection of the site three fish displaying clinical signs of disease were removed from cages 5, 6 & 8 for diagnostic sampling.
The site have also been experiencing had a higher than usual burden of Caligus elongatus for the current time of year. North
Papa conducted a slice treatment from 24/04/23 - 05/05/23, followed by a thermolicer treatment from 22/05/23 - 01/06/23.
During the inspection of the site some fish were observed with mild physical damage to the under belly.
VMD samples were taken from cage 10, fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
North Shore
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1033Case Number: 2020-0030
DownloadEnhanced containment inspection carried out following report of circumstance which may have given rise to the risk of escape -
Enhanced sea lice inspection carried out following recommendation during inspection of site on 29/10/19 (case number 2019-
Site fallow since 6 February 2020
Escape investigation
APB submitted escape notification to FHI on 20/12/19 of an incident which gave rise to the risk of an escape occurring on
19/12/2019. Inspection of dive records on site showed the incident occurred on 12/12/19. Site manager advised that updated notification forms should be submitted, detailing the correct date.
The hole in the net was discovered during a routine dive inspections of nets. A hole was observed at the bottom of the net on cage 6, no holes observed in nets of other cages. The hole was 'T' shaped approximately 50 cm2 in size. It is suspected that the cone of the lift up system positioned at the bottom of the net, was shifted out of place during a storm event, usually the lift- up cone sits on a section of the net which is double panelled, held in place with tensioned ropes. The cone was observed as not sitting in the correct position by divers and it is suspected abrasions to the net caused the hole. The hole was repaired following its discovery. Lift-up system was raised and inspected for damage which may have caused jagged edges on the cone, no damage was observed. Lift up was put back in place and secured in position against the double panelled section of the net. Divers returned to site on 15/12/19 to check the repair work and inspect that lift-ups were all secured in pace in each cage. The site has been using cameras in cages to monitor the position of lift-ups. Divers had previously inspected the cages on 05/12/2019 with no holes in nets observed. The cage was harvested out on 08/01/2019. Final counts from harvest indicated that no fish had been lost. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0411
DownloadFish on site were received from Loch Lochy and Glenfinnan. Stock originated from Inchmore and Loch Ailort.
234,028 Lumpfish taken on from Ocean Matters over 2 inputs in December 2020 and February 2021. 117,414 mortalities have occurred since input (49%). 63,668 wildcaught wrasse received on site in May, June, July and August 2021.
Mortalities and waste are stored in sealed bins on site until they are transferred to a common skip at the shorebase. The skip is collected by JD and taken to whiteshore cockles for landfill.
Average sea lice numbers increased in wk32 to 3.39 average adult female leps. The site responded with a Salmosan treatment which reduced the average count to 2.26 in the following week. The average number increased again in wk37 to
3.34 average adult females. A FW treatment was conducted that week, however the count increased the following week to 4.9.
A thermolicer treatment was conducted but the average count the following week was still sitting at 4.38 average adult
In response to the challenges on site from sea lice and the poor clearance rate of conducted treatments, a partial harvest of the site has now been completed, leaving only 6/17 cages stocked.
A further thermolicer treatment has been scheduled to begin w/b 18/10/2021, combined with a peroxide treatment for AGD.
Site is conducting live haul harvests to Mallaig processing plant.
No moribunds were observed in the majority of the cages. Moribund fish were removed from cages 11 and 18 for diagnostic sampling. Cage 11 appeared to be the worst affected pen on the site, with 9 moribunds observed in this cage.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0160
DownloadSalmon input in December were transferred from Glenfinnan and Loch Ness with some fungus issues.
Slice was administered from 30/03/2023 and fish are currently still in withdrawal. Due to issues with Moritella in particular in pen 15, florfenicol was prescribed from 13/03-26/03/2023. In addition, with lumpfish experiencing high mortalities as a result of
Pseudomonas, florfenicol was also administered to this population.
Due to increased signs of AGD, H2O2 treatment conducted wk 9. 18mins 1200 titrations.
Input of lumpfish was in December 2022. Lumpfish came from Ocean Matters Anglesey and Dorset Cleaner fish. Currently the site is holding two pens of cleaner fish - thinning to other pens.
Lumpfish Mortality 2023 (all attributed to Pseudomonas anguillaseptica):
Wk2 to Wk14 - 60509, 50.22%
Wk16 - 4978, 3.35%
Wk17 - 5070, 3.53%
Wk18- 2930, 2.11%
Currently no wrasse on site, but wrasse input scheduled for Wk 25 2023.
During site inspection it was noted that fish were currently on starve due to elevated levels of algae that may cause concerns to their health, in particular Chaetoceros sp. [Original PDF]
North Voe
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0946Case Number: 2022-0041
DownloadDuring the site inspection, fish were seen to be swimming deep and occasionally seen shoaling.
Fish at harvest are transferred off site through deadhaul.
Remote inspection conducted by on 01/03/2022 while shadowed by .
Site inspection confucted by on 08/03/2022 and supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 08/03/2022 by , and supervised by
Sampled fish were observed to be in good health and exhibited no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Noust Geo
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0823Case Number: 2022-0029
DownloadMortality events reported: wk28 - 10/07/2017 - 1.53% (2,345) post-transfer wk36 - 04/09/2017 - 1.5% (879) maturation wk39 - 25/09/2017 - 2.07% (120) maturation wk48 - 29/11/2021 - 4.9% (25,773) gill health wk49 - 06/12/2021 - 9.2% (46,268) gill health wk50 - 13/12/2021 - 6.6% (30,186) gill health wk51 - 20/12/2021 - 1.5% (6,230) gill health wk2 - 10/01/2022 - 2.1% (8,586) gill health
Fish came on from Shapinsay in November 2021 which is used as a nursery site and have been doing well since the transfer.
Paramove was used in January 22 as a profilactive treatment to maintain low levels of lice across the site.
FMA not fallowed synchronosly on single year class basis, but risk assessement is in place. This was inspected and found to be satisfactory.
Fish were sitting deep in the cages. A handful of fish were sitting higher up but these fish were not moribund and evaded a hand net and so were not sampled for diagnostics. No mortalities observed across the site.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0051
DownloadFirst time the site has been stocked straight with smolts.
Recent mortality due to storm damage - abrasions on fish. SE gales (big swell and tide). Week 7 mortality of 1.23% was not reported to the FHI as fish had an average weight <750g and reporting threshold would have been 1.5%.
Last cycle's mortality: In 2022 - Wk14: 1.3% (4753 fish) due to AGD and handling, Wk38: 4.2% (16,865 fish) due to treatments and PD.
Sea Lice - Very low levels so far this cycle. Last cycle a number of weeks were about 1 but site was treated with SLICE and freshwater which reduced levels back below the recommended treatment levels.
Recent gill swabs (11/02/2024) detected AGD in 4/6 samples.
FMA going to be reviewed in April. The FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis but an appropriate risk assessment exists.
Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared healthy both internally and externally. Only one caligus was observed on one of the fish caught for VMD sampling.
During physical inspection of the site, a couple of moribunds were observed in each stocked cage. Fish were a little deeper in the water column with some showing signs of physical damage (abrasions) due to recent storms in the area. Feed responses observed on site were good. [Original PDF]
Olna South
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0764Case Number: 2021-0251
DownloadNo recent issues reported on site, no dead or moribund observed during the inspection. Two fish removed for VMD sampling appeared in very good condition with very few sea lice observed and no adult females.
Only 5 cages stocked as fewer fish delivered than expected, however, it was also reported that the fish delivered were a very uniformed size and are growing well.
Feeding controlled centrally from Lerwick.
Very good visibility and very calm weather.
SLICE treatment planned to begin next week. Only SLICE used this cycle. [Original PDF]
Ormsary Broodstock Unit
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0090Case Number: 2021-0470
DownloadDue to site biosecurity used site thermometer.
Stock details as dated 27/10/21, movement records collected 1/11/21, remaining records checked on 09/11/21 and supplied
Harvest strategy not required, land based site in tanks can easily treat and have control on the water that is taken from the sea. Broodstock site so no harvesting takes place normally from the site.
Lethargic fish were observed in tank F1 and removed for diagnostic sampling. Site manager informed me that the mortality reporting threshold had been breached the previous week. 2021 yearclass had been experiencing mortality and samples had been collected by the biologist to determine the cause, which was still unknown at the time of visit. All other year classes on site appeared to be unaffected with low mortality.
Following on from a positive QPCR result for ISA, the HPR region was sequenced. The ISA HPR type has been determined to be HPR0 (non-deleted type). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0536
DownloadAll mortalities and culls are incinerated on site (noted by weight on record). Incineration log inspected 21/11/2023, therefore records have been noted as available.
Transport records: captured in mortalities as transfer morts.
As a broodstock site, does not fallow synchronously on a single year class basis. This is noted in the farm management statement that was inspected 21/11/2023. No harvesting takes place on site.
Harvesting strategy not required as site has land based tanks and are able to treat easily. [Original PDF]
Ormsary Hatchery
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0681Case Number: 2020-0008
DownloadImported eggs - higher non hatch numbers but low deformities.
Loch Duart - ova arrived as unfertilised ova, Stripped at Geisgeil (FS0885)
Mort numbers per stocks for January; Loch Duart; 1575, Organic sea harvest; 4733, SSC; 28390, Salmonid France; 2903
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
All fish on site moved to Ormsary Smolt Unit prior to feeding. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0471
DownloadSite thermometer used due to biosecurity requirements on site.
Stock details provided 27/10/21. Paperwork discussed 09/11/21 and some provide that day. Following paperwork provided on
10/11/21 & 29/11/21. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0497
DownloadSite thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols on site.
No issues noted on site, start stripping broodfish held on site began in August, slightly earlier than usual. No fungus observed on ova and these are being stored in incubators, no dead eggs observed.
Site also holding eyed ova from Iceland (Benchmark Genetics - Vogavik), these arrived on site 05/10/22 and first sorting of ova conducted 10/10/22 - 486 dead eggs removed from the whole consignment. A further consignment from Iceland is due during week 44, 2022.
Most production for Bakkafrost, however, do stock for Loch Duart. All batches are kept separate. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0535
DownloadSite consists of 31 racks and 5 zug racks- egg incubation. A new section has been built in the facility that includes a wash room and space three racks.
Next input is planned for end of November/ December where green eggs will be imported from Ireland (~1million).
On arrival into the hatchery, ova are disinfected with a buffodine solution. To deal with any fungus in incubators, a formalin flush is administered regularly during incubation.
Mortality from previous cycle (2022):
2022 S0- 58825, 1.425%
2022 S1- 66058, 2.31% [Original PDF]
Ormsary Smolt Unit
Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0575Case Number: 2020-0010
DownloadExport of 315@58g smolts to Wageningen University in Holland, IntraGB.2020.0001584. Transported by Solway Transport.
From tank E1. Vaccinated 20/11/19 and post treated with formalin. Morts in tank low and attributed to fungus.
2020 S1 going to sea starting wk10 to wk17 - going SSC - Lamlash, Loch Duart to Sound of Harris
FVG in for lesions observed mainly in tank X9, suspected bacterial growth, likely Flavobacterium - treatments; florocol, cress and formalin. Morts across the site since vaccination in September about 2.2% in 2020 S1s.
Florocol treatment 16th Jan 2020 - all 2020 S1 tanks treated and currently under treatment finishing on Sunday. Feed mixed on site. wk3 peak morts in tank X9 -146 for the day all with lesions; 13/1/20, tank X10 338 morts due to lesions
Feed mixing licence from 2014 - is an annual licence sent out? Contacted VMD licences are not sent out annually. 2014 one is currrent. Site contact informed 3/2/20 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0331
DownloadExport of 315 salmon parr (ref. no. md20/042, to Wageningen University, Netherlands. Fish to be transported by Solway transport on 18/08/2020. C&D disinfection sheet for trailer to be used submitted by Solway Transport to
FHI and inspected 14/08/2020.
Fish all coming from tank C16. Stock as of 13/08/2020 was 34,681 @ 16.2g average weight. No treatments carried out in the last 8 weeks.
No lethargic or moribund fish noted in the tank. Fish appeared in good health with no signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0391
DownloadExport of salmon to France. No clinical signs of disease in fish due to be exported, mortality in this batch of fish has been very low in the previous 4 weeks. Health certificate issued (INTRA.GB.2020.0020669).
Site stock split between 2020 S0 - 1,901,246 @ 75g, and 2021 S1 - 2,398,754 @ 25g
Fish for export from tank A03, average weight 75g
A03 recent mortality: w/b 17/08/20 - 22 (0.04%), 24/08/20 - 3 (<0.01%), 31/08/20 - 12 (0.02%), 07/09/20 - 20 (0.04%).
Mortality throughout the remaining tanks on site attributed to saprolegnia and HSS, majority in 2021 S1 stock. Fish vet group have attended site and taken samples, no obvious signs of pathology from histology samples.
Records (excluding movement records) submitted via email for inspection on 14/09/2020
Movement records inspected and copies taken during inspection of site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0401
DownloadRegular treatments across the site in response to fungal infection. Treatments are dictated by mortality cause and rates . No treatments have been applied to the stock in A03.
Inspection of stock for export to France. 18,500 20S0 from A03 being sent to BDV SAS France via SARL Transport Desille.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorry which was observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificate INTRA.GB.2020.002199, MD20/059 completed, signed and left on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0402
DownloadRegular treatments across the site in response to fungal infection. Treatments are dictated by mortality cause and rates. No treatments have been applied to the stock in A03.
Inspection of stock for export to France. 18,500 20S0 from A03 being sent to BDV SAS France via SARL Transport Desille.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorry which was observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificate INTRA.GB.2020.0021100, MD/20/060 completed, signed and left on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0118
DownloadSite thermometer used for biosecurity reasons
Due to ongoing covid-19 situation paperwork was completed remotely on the 19/05/2021 and the physical inspection took place on the 13/05/21. Both were conducted by and observed by .
Mortality -
WK18 - 22S0 - 3510 (0.45%), 21S1 2219 (0.06%)
WK17 - 21S0 - 3049 (0.08%)
WK16 - 21S1 - 1232 (0.29%), 21S0 - 3011 (0.08%)
WK15 - 21S1 - 467 (0.11%), 21S0 - 4604 (0.12%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0334
DownloadInspection of stock for export to France (BDV). 36,500 21S0 from E26 and E27 being sent to BDV SAS France via Migdale.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorries which were observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificates MS/2021/0016, 0017 & 0018 completed, signed and left on site.
Formalin is the only treatment that has been adminstered since last inspection in response to fungal infection and post- vaccination with Alphaject Micro PD1 and Micro 6.
Fish were difficult to observe across the site due to the dark peaty colour of the water. All tanks were inspected and fish were caught using a handnet in random tanks for closer inspection. Fish observed appeared to be in good health. One moribund was observed across the site that appeared to be infected with Saprolegnia sp.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good health. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0555
DownloadMortality for last week - total for site 306 (0.02%).
Fish going from tank E1 to France.
Morts for last 4 weeks in E1 - total 24 out of 21550
Movement document MD/2021/0056 issued for smolts going to France, [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0498
DownloadSite holding stock for Bakkafrost Scotland and Loch Duart, most stock on site due to go off as 2023 S1, some are to be held on site for use as broodstock and will be moved to the Broodstock Unit. 10 tanks of S0 smolts still on site and due to go to sea first week of November 2022.
No issues noted or observed on site during inspection. No fungus observed on stock, water very peaty at time of inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Good biosecurity, footbaths and hand sanitiser available between different units.
Vaccination of S1 stock planned for January 2023.
Low transfer mortalities were reported for recent S0 transfers and S1 transfers earlier in year.
Site never fully fallow, individual areas are fallowed and cleaned and disinfected. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0166
DownloadSite thermometer used due to biosecurity procedures on site.
No external sources of fish, out with Ormsary, brought on site, site only receives stock from Ormsary Hatchery.
Site was due to receive it's next input of fry the day after inspection (26/04/23), ~1,000,000 fry were being moved from
Ormsary Hatchery.
Good biosecurity between the different Smolt unit buildings, footbaths and hand sanitiser stations at entry to each.
Site still has 23 S1 stock on site, but these were due to begin moving off this week (28/04/23) and all 23 S1 stock should be off site by 10/05/23.
No issues noted on site and fish sampled for VMD appeared in very good condition, site has been conducting regular Aquacen treatments to prevent any issues with fungus, until the 23 S1 stock are transferred. Water was very peaty, reducing visibility in tanks, however, fish showed a good feeding response and only 3 dead observed across site in tanks.
Site never fully fallow, fallow individual tanks, which are cleaned and disinfected after each batch.
Vet was on site conducting pre transfer inspection of stock.
A transfer of Parr was also scheduled this week. The parr were to be moved to Loch Damph (FS0375) for ongrowing. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0301
DownloadAccompanied official veterinarian for export inspection carried out for 2 consignments of salmon smolts to France (56,666 and
Movement documents MS/2023/0035 and MS/2023/0036. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0036
DownloadNo issues observed on site at time of inspection. Site reported some background HSS, this was expected to reduce after grading when fish will be split over tanks and held at lower biomass.
Highland Aqua on site at time of inspection conducting vaccination. Production fish were being vaccinated with Alpha Ject
Micro 6, whilst those that will be used for broodstock were being vaccinated with Micro 6 and Clynav. Vaccination is due to be completed by 2nd week of December. Site has also purchased there own vaccination machine.
Water was very peaty at time of inspection reducing visibility in tanks. No dead or moribund observed at time of inspection.
Site has reported that there have been fewer issues with fungus this year, temperatures were reported to be slightly lower this year compared to the last few years.
Site is currently conducting works to increase capacity on site by installing a further 28 tanks which will be 8m tanks, these are planned to be in place by May/June 25.
Fish sampled for VMD were in very good condition. [Original PDF]
Ornish Island
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0531Case Number: 2021-0211
DownloadFish came on from Inverkerry Hatchery (FS1061) in April 21. Lice numbers increased in May (but remained below the reporting threshold) so the site received a SLICE treatment in wk20. Lice numbers remained above 0.5 so a Salmosan treatment was conducted w/b 24/05. Lice numbers dropped significantly.
SLICE treatment planned for July following 30day weight.
Lumpfish on site came on from Ocean Matters in May 2021 and were stocked at 6%. Lumpfish mortality since input has been
5.13% (2,612).
Fish observed on site appeared healthy with little to no physical damage observed on the stock. 1 salmon mortality and 6 lumpfish mortalities were observed across the site. Not fresh dead so no samples taken.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0084
DownloadSite is currently freshwater treatment for AGD, although mortality still remains below the reporting threshold.
Most mortality on site is caused by seal predation. Currently moving across to Seal Pro nets 4 have been installed so far, with more coming. On these cages, seal mortality is considerably lower. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1209Case Number: 2022-0101
Download2022 S1: Wk 14, 27501, 7.70% (includes mortality that is related to post transfer mortality and is within 6 weeks). Most affected pens on site are pen 9,10 and 11.
Stock from Loch Garasdale. Only transferred onto site Wk 7 of 2022. Mortality has been above 1% even after 6 weeks post transfer. Stock was transferred onto site at 200-250g due to site having experienced a delay in fallowing and fish were ready for ongrowing. Ouseness is conducting organic production with no cleanerfish present on site.
Prior to transfer, fungus was observed in fish at Loch Garasdale. Fish are transferred on site by Migdale wellboats.
Site has access to ROV and conducts a yearly survey of the nets on site. In addition, mortality is removed/uplifted and checked with the 'Foover'.
Transfer of the fish occurred during stormy weather, including a long journey in the wellboat. This resulted in scrubbing of flanks of the fish into the pens. Fungus increased on these scaled areas. Mortalities began to increase and were attributed to the transfer journey. Further increases in mortality occurred and health visit on the 22/03/2022 from company vet team was conducted with histology and PCR samples sent for analysis. Histology returned with conclusion that primary skin trauma, with secondary bacterial ulceration and penetrating infection were the cause of mortalities. PCR samples came back negative. As mortalities continued to increase, most recent screening has been conducted (PCR) and samples were positive for moritella and Tenacibaculum maritimum. FHI conducted a diagnostic test on 17/05/2022.
4 fish were sampled during diagnostic test. All fish were found to possess lesions on flanks.
Remote inspection conducted by on 13/05/2022, supervised by .
Site inspection conducted by on 17/05/2022, supervised by . Diagnostic samples also taken on this date. Company vet accompanied the inspection. In addition, VMD samples were taken on 17/05/2022 by . [Original PDF]
Outer Bay (Loch Droighniche)
Loch Duart Ltd FS0671Case Number: 2022-0128
DownloadWrasse mix of wild caught (Skye, Dorset, Cornwall) and farmed (Otter Ferry).
Three pens stocked. The weather was calm and sunny and the fish were being hand fed during the site inspection so they could be observed well. The fish were in great condition with no signs of damage and very little sea lice could be seen. Not all of the fish are selected for broodstock so some of the population is currently being harvested.
Sea lice only assessed visually so no records available. No treatments have been necessary since the site has started stocking broodstock. The fish had sea lice issue last summer at Clashnessie Bay, so they were temporarily transferred to
Sound of Harris before being moved to Outer Bay in December 2021. The movement had been risk assessed and the fish have not had sea lice issues since. [Original PDF]
Pegal Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0031Case Number: 2022-0037
DownloadFish came on from Yetts O' Muckart in October 2021 and have been doing well since the transfer. Company vet visited the site in November and December for post-transfer health checks and reported that the fish were in good physical condition and demonstrated an excellent feeding response. Gills were also in good health.
Site is used as a nursery site where fish can be on-grown before transfer to other sea sites where they are grown to harvest size.
No disease issues on site, but site manager has reported an increase in the observation of lice on the site. Fish were treated with Slice and Salmosan in January 22 to reduce loads. Site manager reported that both treatments had good clearance rates, but expected further treatments would be necessary throughout the cycle to maintain low levels.
Seals and cormorants are present in high numbers in the vicinity around the site. Cages are equipped with sapphire nets and tensioned top nets to deter predators.
FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, however there is a risk assesment in place for this which was inspected and found to be satisfactory.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. A handful of moribunds were observed across the site but didn’t display any clinical signs of disease so were not sampled for diagnostics. 2 mortalities were also noted across the site. The population of fish in the cages otherwise appeared healthy and in good condition.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0340Case Number: 2020-0281
DownloadSite fallow since July 2019 with no plan to restock. Site to be inactivated at request of business, authorisation amendment form has been sent to business correspondent.
Site to be inspected as fallow when inspectorate visit other sites operated by the business later this year. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0203
DownloadMovement records collected and site inspected as fallow. Cage structures remain on site, but are expected to be removed and dismantled in the near future. Site to be inactivated. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1256Case Number: 2020-0499
DownloadLumpfish came onto site from Otterferry over 2 inputs. 1st input october 2019, 2nd input April 2020.
Mortality over 1% since input:
30/3 - 1.86% - Treatment combined with PD and CMS
21/9 - 1.32% - Treatment combined with PD and CMS
05/10 - 3.97% - Treatment combined with PD and CMS
12/10 - 5.21% - Treatment combined with PD and CMS
Site has begun selective harvest. 4 cages harvested out over the last couple of weeks to reduce biomass on site. Remaining cages were split to reduce stocking density in each.
Site is also conducting prophylactic treatments for sea lice.
Live haul harvests taken to Arnish processing plant.
Numerous moribunds observed in almost every cage across the site. Many fish were displaying lesions, physical damage and were hanging around at the surface.
Site used a thermolicer earlier in the cycle, however experienced large mortalities suspected to have been linked to the presence of CMS in the population in combination with the stress of the treatment. Fish seem to be responding better to hydrolicer treatments.
Site not due to be fallow until summer next year, however, due to the poor health of stock on site, the site manager explained that it is highly likely the site will be harvested early and will likely be fallow by the end of this year/beginning of next year.
Site thermometer used as inspectors requires re-calibration.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and had a good feeding response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0012
DownloadMortality information 2021 wk 1 - 2218 - 1.15% wk 2 6927 - 3.64% wk 3 1869 - 1.83% wk 4 - 3051 - 4.16% wk 5 end of cycle - fallow.
2021 lice numbers wk 1 - 1.46 wk 2 - 3.25 wk 3 - 2.19 wk 4 - 1.33
Lumpfish mortality wk 44 2020 - 32 258 - 100% - End of cycle -blackloss
Last 4 weeks - wk52 - 825 (2.39%) - Wk1 - 626 (1.85%) wk2 - 509 (1.54%) wk3 - 2633 (8.07%)
Fish were feeding deep making collection of VMD samples difficult. Fish that were observed seemed healthy and in good condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0446
DownloadSite has been reporting mortalities for ~6 weeks. First reports of mortality above 1% were attributed to bacterial disease, with 2 pens testing positive for Furunculosis. Gill health and anaemia became primary cause of mortality on site second week, with freshwater treatments scheduled to aid gills. Last treatment on site was extended 3hr FW treatment.
Pasturella and Furunculosis confirmed by internal diagnostic sampling on 19/09 and 18/08 respectively. In addition, low level
CMS also found. Pen 6 has highest mortality. During site inspection, few fish seen with open lesions. No fish that did possess open furuncle like lesions were sampled as they were not able to be caught.
Gills observed during site sampling inspection were found to be in poor condition and clearly anaemia was present in sampled fish too. Feeding rates on site were low across the board. Lice burden was observed to be low on site.
All fish sampled were lethargic with all being moribund also.
Lumpfish mortality as below from Wk 7 2022:
Wk41, 9159, 99.71% (FW treatment related)
Wk31,1231,10.75% (Mechanical treatment and black losses)
Wk30, 1335, 10.44% (Mechanical treatment related)
Wk18, 2669,13.04% (FW treatment related)
No wrasse or lumpfish on site during site inspection on the 19/10/2022. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0446
DownloadSite has been reporting mortalities for ~6 weeks. First reports of mortality above 1% were attributed to bacterial disease, with 2 pens testing positive for Furunculosis. Gill health and anaemia became primary cause of mortality on site second week, with freshwater treatments scheduled to aid gills. Last treatment on site was extended 3hr FW treatment.
Pasturella and Furunculosis confirmed by internal diagnostic sampling on 19/09 and 18/08 respectively. In addition, low level
CMS also found. Pen 6 has highest mortality. During site inspection, few fish seen with open lesions. No fish that did possess open furuncle like lesions were sampled as they were not able to be caught.
Gills observed during site sampling inspection were found to be in poor condition and clearly anaemia was present in sampled fish too. Feeding rates on site were low across the board. Lice burden was observed to be low on site.
All fish sampled were lethargic with all being moribund also.
Lumpfish losses as below from Wk 7 2022:
Wk41, 9159, 99.71% (black losses)*
Wk31,1231,10.75% (Mechanical treatment and black losses)
Wk30, 1335, 10.44% (Mechanical treatment related)
Wk18, 2669,13.04% (FW treatment related)
No wrasse or lumpfish on site during site inspection on the 19/10/2022.
*Cause of mortality was amended following discussions with the business. Initially cause was recorded as FW treatment losses but corrected to black losses on 06/07/2023. The black losses were observed at the time of a freshwater treatment, where fewer than expected number of lumpfish were observed, rather than the losses being directly associated with the FW treatment conducted. [Original PDF]
Poll Na Gille
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0629Case Number: 2020-0474
DownloadAll fish on site input in May 2020 from Glenfinnan. Site currently undergoing extended FW treatment for AGD and lice.
Mortality since input in May has been 2.2% with no peaks over the reporting threshold
Treatments for this cycle; 2 slice post input, 2 salmosan (June last one), 3 peroxide for AGD, (start of October the last one),
Currently undergoing FW treatment. Fish on withdrawal for TMS.
Wrasse mortality 44% since input. Atypical furunculosis. Treated with florfenicol in June 2020.
Current lice levels 0.16 average adult female.
Wrasse move records kept separately. Request a copy. - received 3/12/20.
Piscirickettsia issues at BDNC. PNG has tested positive by PCR but no associated mortality so no antibiotic treatments. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0133
DownloadFish came onto site from Glenfinnan at the beginning of May 2020.
Wild caught wrasse on site were caught around Mull, Loch Melfort and some were imported from Ireland (not since last inspection). Wrasse were stocked at 4% however, site staff are not observing many in the cages.
Wellboat was on site during inspection conducting FW treatments. Fish in all cages appeared in good health with minimal physical damage observed across the site. No moribunds were observed.
Some lumpfish observed across the site but not many. Those that were observed appeared to be in good health and no physical damage was noted. Site due to receive a lumpfish input next month from Anglesey.
Wrasse mortality for the site was 13% since input (May 2020). Lumpfish mortality was 30% since input (May 2020)
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Paperwork inspected remoteley 19/05/2021. Site inspection completed on 26/05/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0193
DownloadPaperwork and site inspection by , supervised by .
Water dark and fish deep in the water, when fish observed these looked to be in good condition. Feed response observed in several pens. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. Cleaner fish observed near the water surface. A few pens with a few dead cleaner fish observed. A few were trapped in the fold of the nets that are used with swim throughs. Site manager says they try and organise doing these when the tide pushed the fish off the net. 14% Lumpfish stocked.
Previous cycle lice above reporting threshold, following treatment falling below CoGP. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0579
DownloadMortality began after a peroxide treatment (suspected AGD), reported to FHI - Wk38 (1.04% 8930 fish). Bacterial infection suspected, Rickettsia - treatment with antibiotics florfenicol, however no decrease in mortality has been observed.
Companies own health surveillance found Tenacibaculum - +ve in salmon, although no clinical sign.
Most recent slice treatment - ended 24th August 22
Lumpfish mortality since input - 155,645 - freshwater treatment in August
Wrasse Mortality since input - 9982 - background mortality
Lumpfish mortality over 75% since input in may 22:
Week of the 10th Aug 22 - 11,000 from the 1st to the 10th Aug 22 - ~46,000 - Suspected viral infection of lumpfish, flavivirus - although FW treatment was taking place.
There was an outbreak of flavivirus on site, although site manager was told this this outbreak occurred in the hatchery
Lumpfish mortality by month: May 22 - 562, June - 8162, July - 15,979, August - 126067 and September - 3564.
Two salmon stocks on site - StofnFiskur and Aquagen.
Site thermometer used as inspectors was unavailable.
Paperwork completed by , observed by Site inspection and diagnostic carried out by . [Original PDF]
Port Na Cro
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0859Case Number: 2020-0506
DownloadAtypical furunculosis in wrasse treated with florcenicol in June 2020. Piscirickettsia positive by PCR but no associated mots or treatments.
Tube cages on site; one circle 120m and an inner 60m circle. Outer circle is 40m deep. inner one 14 m. Lice skirt on sides of inner circle to 14m then out to outer circle. Fish can only come to surface in inner circle and are fed at 13 metres deep. Fish are caught for lice counts with a passive box net left in inner circle for fish to jump into. This works as relatively small surface for net volume. Suba divers only work 30m so have to use surface support divers. Looking into using mixed gasses. Seals still predate the cages despite no fish available in the top 14m. To allow inspection of the fish you have to climb over the outer hand rail and along a walk way to the inner circle. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0137
DownloadStock originally from Glenfinnan but moved onto site from Poll Na Gille the week before inspection.
Fish were sitting deep in the water. No moribunds were observed on the site.
Few lumpfish were seen, but those that were observed appeared to be in good condition. No lumpfish mortality has been observed on the site since input the week prior.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Paperwork inspected remotely 21/05/2021. Site visit completed 25/05/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0090
DownloadRemote inspection covering records carried out 08/03/2023. Site inspection completed on 14/03/2023.
Cleaner fish mortalities
Wk. 7 - WRS @ 83 (0.49%) & LUM @ 2341 (4.92%)
Wk. 8 - WRS @ 36 (0.21%) & LUM @ 1055 (2.33%)
Wk. 9 - WRS @ 7 (0.04%) & LUM @ 381 (0.86%)
Wk. 10 - WRS @ 19 (0.12%) & LUM @ 498 (1.16%)
FMA not fallowed synchronously with other operator in the FMA but that operator is farming RTR and there is high amount co- operation and communication between both operators in area.
Fish remained low in the water so hard to see. Side netting goes down 26m into the water and then a further 16m to bottom of the cone. Only a small number (avg 3/pen) lethargic fish visible. Once back at shorebase the fish were observed shoaling as expected via the cameras in the pens. Thermolicer had been on site week prior to inspection. Fish removed for vmd sampling were in good condition with no signs of disease upon external and internal examination. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0708Case Number: 2020-0117
DownloadFish went to sea in September 2018.
11% stocking of lump fish - from Anglesey and ROI.- stocked primarily due to farmed origin. hydroliced - end feb reported 98-100% clearance.
Movement book input of lumpfish, 11/12/2019 from ROI not in movement book. Added during visit.
Morts ensiled on barge, removed by Ferguson. 5 removals this cycle. Taken to Energen Biogas in Cumbernauld.
Live harvest to Arnish
Morts,2020; wk 7 768 fish 0.14%, wk8 2091, 0.25%, wk9 1005, 0.20% (post treatment), wk 10 422, 0.09%
23/9-29/9/19 last Slice treatment only on Portree due to different discharge consents as Portree Outer is a new site with new consents,
Routine health checks every 2 weeks by own health team.
Unable to inspect pens due to adverse weather. Fish had been collected from yesterdays harvest and stored at the site shore base for flesh quality sampling by TSSC and EWOS. Pen numbers were recorded. Samples were taken from these fish for
VMD sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0004
DownloadFish were moved onto site in September 2020 and were treated with FW during transfer and SLICE 8 weeks post-transfer.
Site did not experience high levels of predation pressure during last cycle with only a handful of seals observed around the site. However, this cycle there has been a significant increase in the local seal population, with around 24-30 individuals observed.
This increasing seal presence has resulted in an increase in seal damage observed across the site. At the end of Wk53 (2020) a seal was observed in Pen 3. The mortalities for that week are attributed to seal damage, with the following week (Wk1 2021) capturing the mortalities caused as a result of the seal entering the pen.
Stock were removed from the affected pen on 05/01/2021 to a different cage, leaving Pen 3 empty.
Site has since replaced all STAR nets on site with SealPro nets on all cages.
Mortalities over the reporting threshold:
25/05/2020 - 1.26% (Plankton blooms attributed to increased PGD on site, combined with mechanical treatment losses)
01/06/2020 - 1.28% (Post treatment losses)
15/06/2020 - 2.69% (Site undergoing fallowing)
28/12/2020 - 1.52% (Seal damage)
04/01/2021 - 1.76% (Seal damage combined with handling losses while fish were being transferred into SealPro nets)
Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, this inspection was conducted remotely. A physical inspection of the site was not possible.
CNA documents submitted to FHI for inspection 18/06/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0383
DownloadIncreased mortalities at site due to jellyfish, plankton and associated gill health issues.
30/08 - 05/09/21 = 18,687 (3.66%) - Site has been found to be positive for CMS. PGD and anaemia prevalent (wk 33). Gill issue exacerbated by jellyfish/plankton blooms.
06/09 - 12/09/2021 = 25,482 (5.17%) - Some cages have been harvested to reduce biomass on site and fish are scheduled to undergo a FW treatment in the coming weeks to try and improve gill health on the site.
13/09 - 19/09/2021 = 29,321 (6.28%) - The site has had a freshwater treatment and the fish seem to have reacted well.
20/09 - 26/09/2021 = 9,076 (2.15%)
Site currently harvesting live fish to Marybank in Stornoway, targeting worst affected cages.
Fish vet group visit 6/10/21 - this will be there 3rd visit to look at current issues on site. Reporting; Zooplankton, sea gooseberries, moon, crystal and lions mane jellyfish, cyanea sp and phialedla and other hydrozoa. Blooms have been observed onsite for many weeks starting in August and only clearing now.
SLICE on input every 8 weeks for first 10 months until June 2021. FW and mechanical treatments since then. Freshwater treatment at both sites just completed (three hour treatment for gill issues).
Normal practice to ensile waste on site. With increased morts currently have had to use Fergusons boat to remove some fish off whole to Mosspark or Dunfermline.
Fish input 1/9/2020 - Russell burn, Harris lochs. Fish moved off site to West Strome in Jan 2021. Risk assessment completed.
Dec 2020 - seal breached cage 3 at Portree. Replaced all nets with seal pro nets which have stopped seal issues experienced earlier in the cycle. Also seal blinds on nets. ADD on site but not used and would need to seek approval is required.
Lice figures peaked at 5.29 adult females 8/9/21, hydrolicer used and dropped to 0.95 for 17/9/21. Numbers had increased as they delayed lice treatments due to poor gill health over the summer. Last count 26/9/21 was 1.09 adult female. A FW treatment has been undertaken since then. Hydrolicer planned for next week.
Lumpfish losses 12.4% since input Feb-April 2021 from Ocean Matters. Attributed to general background losses.
Mortality levels have reduced significantly since freshwater treatment and only a few moribund fish observed. Four fish removed from pen 3 for diagnostic sampling as this pen had the highest mortality (~ 30%).
Paperwork by , Site inspection by & , VMD sampling by , diagnostic sampling by under supervision of [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0338
DownloadPeaks in mortality - 2021: Wks 44 to 50 mainly due to treatment losses. 2022: Wks 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8 due to gill health issues and treatment losses
Peak in adult female lice wk 42 2021 - 2.18
Most recent freshwater treatment / FLS (hydrolicer) - 07/07/2023 - 11/07/2023
SLICE 19/06/03 - 27/06/2023
Health surveillance - pathogen - 26/07/2023 - traces of PD and piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI)
Another health report - wellfish diagnostics - traces of PD and some gill issues and 'mild bacterial challenge'
During physical inspection of the pens, a couple of moribunds were observed in 5 pens. These were taken out and disposed of by site staff. Lice numbers correlated with those reported however some fish such as poor-doers had a heavier lice load than the rest of the general population which had very few. A freshwater/FLS treatment is due to be carried out the following week
(week 32) to reduce the overall lice population currently on site. No evidence of seal damage was seen during the physical inspection.
VMD samples were taken and fish sampled appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Inspection had to be changed to a REG due to the water temperature being above 14 degrees C - this was the first day this year that the site has been above 14 degrees.
Update 28/08/23 . Discussion with site manager and area manager regarding biosecurity during mortality removal, looking at points highlighted in a video submitted by third party. Improvements had been made to biosecurity following the videos being shared. The site has updated procedures on site to include a bin with disinfectant to clean the brail net in between cages during mortality removal. The mortality transport part of the procedure was also discussed. It was noted in the video that the bin lids had not been secured during transport, however the bins were not full and the weather was calm. The procedure states that when bins are full the lids will be secured. The site manager confirmed that lids are also put on if the weather is not as calm. These points will be checked at the next inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0437
DownloadSite visited following the report of a mortality event on site by the operator business
Aeration present on site and has been running since April, will run until Nov. Looking to install permanent water circulation system
Solmaris corona (plankton) identified and suspected to have caused mortality. Reportedly identified at Greshornish. Fish moved off site due to this species of jellyfish about 2-3 months before day of inspection.
Mortality was reportedly low up until the event. Cage 2 was slightly higher than usual.
Mortality was on the way up in cage 2. Large scale mortality observed on Monday 28th August in all cages. Cameras discovered the morts at the bottom of the cages.
Bakkaness vessel bought onto site (mortality processing vessel). Work boats and well boats all used on the site. Up to ten vessels present at any site, up to 50-60 staff involved (usually 7 staff).
Uplifts used to remove fish. These discharge into nets and then lifted into mortality tubs.
All morts processed on the Bakkaness. Morts macerated and then ensiled on boat.
wk 30: 0.21%, 1,215 fish, wk 31: 0.21%, 1,193 fish, wk 32: 0.23%, 1,294 fish, wk 33: 0.34%, 1,112 fish, wk 34: 0.45%, 2,562 fish (increase in mortality was due to cage 2, due to gill issues), wk 35: 31.14% 175,115 fish, wk 36: 3.1% 12,001 fish, wk 37 morts: 2.02%, 7,582 fish
Bakkaness vessel deck surrounded by steel "gunnel" to act as a bund to stop any spillage entering environment. Another drop bund around mort chute.
Vaccinations:Aquavac, PD3, Ridgeway ERM (dip 1 and 2), Alpha-ject micro 1 and 6.
Outer morts: wk 35 morts: 3.34%, 20,188 fish wk 34 morts: 0.23%, 1,412 fish
Feeding reportedly at 80% (approx.) of expected. It was at 100% before event.
Site staff measure water quality every morning. They measure water temp, plankton, secchi depth, oxygen
Head biologist visits every week due to the issue. Visit frequency is usually less than this during routine times.
Fish on both farms from Stockinfiskur. Fish at Portree from Gravir, Portree outer fish from West Strome
Portree outer mortality has returned to normal after slightly increase. Portree mortality still slightly elevated but reduced greatly.
FW treatment conducted in conjunction with FLS treatment conducted wk 35 and start of wk 36. This was an attempt to flush gills and, as sea lice on site, to flush sea lice.
FW and FLS treatment planned for wk 39.
Lice numbers under control on site at 0.8 adult females per fish.
When fish are transported the mort tubs reportedly are all lidded. No boats are moved whilst mort tubs do not have lids on.
Lids must be removed prior to lifting (due to lid attachment method) and prior to emptying.
Bakkaness vessel (with 900 tonne capacity) transports ensiled waste to Ferguson transport on Kishorn pier taken to Fairlie and Dundas chemicals via tankers.
Cage 1 empty on 20/09/2023 and cage 2 empty on 17/09/2023. Harvested and transported off site live
Site biologist on site regularly to help site staff identify plankton species. If any plankton species cannot be identified, a photo is taken and sent away to be identified.
An APHA officer accompanied the FHI inspector on site. An RSPCA officer also attended the site the same day. [Original PDF]
Portree Outer
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1318Case Number: 2020-0118
DownloadLive harvest to Arnish.
Morts; 2020 wk7 735, 0.17%, wk8 550, 0.13%, wk 9 2194, 0.52 (seal and post treatment), wk10 851, 0.21%
Unable to inspect pens due to adverse weather. Fish had been collected from yesterdays harvest and stored at the site shore base for flesh quality sampling by TSSC and EWOS. Pen numbers were recorded. Samples were taken from these fish for
VMD sampling.
Morts ensiled on barge, removed by Ferguson. 5 removals this cycle. Taken to Energen Biogas in Cumbernauld.
Routine health checks every 2 weeks by own health team. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0005
DownloadStock began moving off site w/b 04/01/21 and site was fallow by w/b 19/01.
Mortalities over the reporting threshold:
08/06/2020 - 1.24% (post treatment losses following mechanical delousing)
15/06/2020 - 1.77% (handling losses while site undergoing reduction in biomass)
22/06/2020 - 2.64% (handling losses while site undergoing reduction in biomass)
29/06/2020 - 1.06% (Handling losses during last movement off of fish. Site now fallow)
Site is currently awaiting the delivery of SealPro nets for all cages on site (expected in March 2021). This site will remain fallow until SealPro nets have been installed.
Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, this inspection was conducted remotely. A physical inspection of the site was not possible.
CNA documents submitted to FHI for inspection 18/06/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0384
DownloadIncreased mortalities at site due to jellyfish, plankton and associated gill health issues.
30/8-5/9 = 11,202 (3.37%) - Jellyfish/plankton, gill heath
6/9 -12/9 = 14,443 (4.5%) - Jellyfish/plankton, gill heath
13/9-19/9 = 16,817 (5.49%) - Jellyfish/plankton, gill heath
20/9-26/9 = 5,144 (1.79%) - Gill health, bloom
Site currently harvesting live fish to Marybank in Stornoway.
Fish vet group visit 6/10/21 - this will be there 3rd visit to look at current issues on site. Reporting; Zooplankton, sea gooseberries, moon, crystal and lions mane jellyfish, cyanea sp and phialedla and other hydrozoa. Blooms have been observed onsite for many weeks starting in August and only clearing now.
Fish input 9/2020 - Russell burn, Loch Damph and Girlsta. Fish moved off site to West Strome in Jan 2021. Risk assessment completed.
SLICE on input every 8 weeks for first 10 months until June 2021. FW and mechanical treatments since then. Freshwater treatment at both sites just completed (three hour treatment for gill issues).
Normal practice to ensile waste on site. With increased morts currently have had to use Fergusons boat to remove some fish off whole to Mosspark or Dunfermline.
Lice figures peaked at 5.29 adult females 8/9/21, hydrolicer used and dropped to 0.95 for 17/9/21. Numbers had increased as they delayed lice treatments due to poor gill health over the summer. Last count 26/9/21 was 1.09 adult female. A FW treatment has been undertaken since then. Hydrolicer planned for next week.
Paperwork by , Site inspection by , VMD sampling by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0339
DownloadPeaks in mortality - 2021: Wks 44 (1.7%), 47 (1.07%), 48 (1.65%), 50 (1.62%) and 51 (2.09%) mainly due to treatment losses and gill health. All reported to FHI.
Most recent freshwater treatment / FLS (hydrolicer) - 07/07/2023 - 11/07/2023
SLICE 19/06/03 - 27/06/2023
Health surveillance - pathogen - 26/07/2023 - traces of PD and piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI)
During physical inspection of the pens, a couple of moribunds were observed in 5 pens. These were taken out and disposed of by site staff. Lice numbers correlated with those reported however some fish such as poor-doers had a heavier lice load than the rest of the general population which had very few. A freshwater/FLS treatment is due to be carried out the following week
(week 32) to reduce the overall lice population currently on site. The majority of the population were shoaling well and swimming deeper in the cage. A good feed response was observed. No evidence of seal damange was observed.
Inspection had to be changed to a REG due to the water temperature being above 14 degrees C - this was the first day this year that the site has been above 14 degrees.
VMD samples were taken and fish appeared healthy both externally and internally with low lice loads.
A one fish diagnostic was taken from a moribund caught during the inspection.
Update 28/08/23 . Discussion with site manager and area manager regarding biosecurity during mortality removal, looking at points highlighted in a video submitted by third party. Improvements had been made to biosecurity following the videos being shared. The site has updated procedures on site to include a bin with disinfectant to clean the brail net in between cages during mortality removal. The mortality transport part of the procedure was also discussed. It was noted in the video that the bin lids had not been secured during transport, however the bins were not full and the weather was calm. The procedure states that when bins are full the lids will be secured. The site manager confirmed that lids are also put on if the weather is not as calm. These points will be checked at the next inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0514
DownloadBiologist visit every week to take routine samples (blood samples, swabs etc)
Patogen do testing for disease and last routine samples came back as positive for CMS and AGD.
Tests in October came back as positive for Aeromonas salmonicida (furunculosis), PRV-1, SAV, PMCV and Yersinia ruckeri.
All with high Ct. values and low numbers of positive results.
No live fish movements since last inspection
Mortality mostly due to environmental issues (approx. 50%)
Fish currently on "EV diet" (extra vitamins). This increases mucus production amongst other benefits. Fish have been on this diet since the summer.
Treatments: FLS treat in mid-august, freshwater in early Sept and early Oct and FLS and FW in early Nov. All have been reportedly successful
Bigger barge to arrive next summer.
About 6 dead fish observed during the inspection of the cages and stock
conducted inspection and was audited by . [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0408Case Number: 2021-0249
DownloadOwnership of site about to change so uncertain regarding next input date.
No mention on FMS that the area is stocked with a single year class but stated in VHWP.
Remote inspection on 14/07/21 done by observed by .
Physical inspection and VMD sampling carried out by observed by .
The main population appeared healthy and behaving normally, no dead fish observed. Between 1 to 6 fish per pen observed with damaged tails due to Caligus, extremely low percentage given the amount of stock on site. The fish removed for VMD sampling looked healthy and had less than one Caligus per fish. No clinical signs observed.
Stock on site originating from Kames arrived by wellboat but combined stock from 3 different sources (FS0270, FS0776,
FS0821). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0484
DownloadFish came onto site 9th March, 15th, 17th March and 27th April and then 1st May 2023 from Girsta Hatchery and Barcaldine.
Wrasse deliveries between 05/07/23 to 17/08/23 by boat. Delivery notes seen.
Health report Pharmac - 29/09/2023 - histology AGD and some HSMI but no IPN.
Peak in mortality Week 42 2022 not reported to FHI - 17.4% (259 fish) - site was destocking at the time, last mortality event report was the week before stating "PGD, site destocking, should be fallow week 42". This has now been reported.
Monthly wrasse mortality - Oct - 4.26% (994 fish), Sep - 1.83% (435 fish) and Aug - 1.04% (249 fish). October increase is due to the recent peroxide treatments and being unable to move wrasse out of the cages.
Last lice counts were 25/10/2023 (last Wednesday) - still in withdrawal for T.M.S
Treatments - last SLICE treatment 17/07-23/07, peroxide 12/09 to 19/09 and 09/10 to 13/10/2023.
Sea lice - no sea lice issues so far this cycle, last cycle 2022 female lice peaked at 4.41 (Wk 14 2022) but treatment in week
15 reduced sealice to 0.79 in wk 16.
Farm Manageent Statement did not identify if one or more year classes were to be stocked on site, however in the VHWP it was stated that single year class was to be stocked.
During the physical inspection of the site, site staff were out collecting the daily mortality and no moribund fish were observed, even in the pens where mortality had not been collected yet. No issues with containment were seen, pens were extremely tidy and all nets tightly secured. Fish were shoaling deeper in the water column and feed responses observed were good.
VMD samples collected from pens 1, 7 and 8. Upon examination both externally and internally, fish appeared healthy with only eye damage noted for the fish from pen 8. An average of 2 caligus were observed on fish caught for VMD. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0813Case Number: 2021-0475
DownloadNo recent entries in mort spread sheet.
Lice counts; average adult female; 13/9;0.04, 20/9; 0.03, 4/10;0.04, 11/10; 9.29, 18/10; 0.13
Fish input from Shapansay (Barcaldine) in 9th September in well boat and had peroxide treatment during the transport. mortality low for past 4 week -attributed to physical damage - very tidal site.
Pervious cycle; morts peak week4 2020 - storm damage <1%
Treatments; SLICE end September for Caligus, planning thermolicer treatment on 13/11/21 due to lep numbers.
Harvest; Live in wellboat - start passive grade in March 2022 -to Scalloway.
Seal pro nets on site but seal generally not a problem, tension in nets, top nets
Mort disposal; Not stored at shore base but shipped out twice a week. - All SSF in Orkney use ensiling facility at Twatt, ensiled material is then transported to Shetland Pelagia. Increased morts get a bulker (lorry) and are taken whole to Shetland Pelagia.
Paperwork and inspection by , observed for audit by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0118
DownloadFish came on from Shapinsay (FS0860) in Dec 2023 and have been performing well since transfer. SW to SW RA was available for the movement. A multi yearclass, non-synchronous fallow RA was also available for inspection.
Wildcaught wrasse that were stocked at Shapinsay were transferred in the movement to site. <550 were stocked on site at the time of inspection. WRA mortality for the last 4 weeks: Wk18: 49 (8.55%) (attributed to a handling event), Wk17: 34 (5.6%),
Wk16: 25 (2.83%), Wk15: 12 (1.34%)
Pharmaq health report from March 24 details very mild AGD on site but not causing elevated mortality. Histology and PCR samples were also taken by company biologist during a recent Biomar visit and were screened for CMS, SRS, HSMI, PD,
Furunculosis and Rickettsia. All results were negative.
Thermolicer was on site in April 24 and the site has reported >95% clearance and low mortality following the treatment and handling. SLICE was administered in January 22, but since then, no other medicinal treatments have been administered, with the exception of anaesthetic for sea lice counts. A FW and FLS treatment is scheduled for the week following the inspection in response to resettlement.
Site live haul harvests to either South Shian or Lerwick.
The general population of fish on site appeared in good physical health at the time of inspection, with good body condition and strong feed responses. There were ~2-3 fish per cage that appeared lethargic with some physical damage noted to the flanks and heads. The lesions were attributed to the recent handling event and appeared to be healing well. One moribund was observed across the site but no other clinical signs were observed, so the fish was not removed for diagnostic sampling.
The fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically healthy externally and internally upon examination.
Paperwork was inspected remotely on 03/05/24 by , under the supervision of . Site inspection was conducted by under the supervision of . VMD sampling was conducted by , under the supervision of . [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0908Case Number: 2021-0295
DownloadSmolts came on from Yetts O'Muckart (FS0371) in April 2020.
All mortalities are transferred to Doon Bay in sealed bins where they are collected by a Cooke road lorry and transferred to
Pelagia in Bussy, Shetland where they are ensiled.
Site has had very low mortality since input and fish are reportedly doing very well, with high conversion rates observed across both stocks.
Average lep numbers across the site are extremely low. Caligus numbers have increased slightly in the last few weeks but are not at a level where intervention is deemed necessary. No treatment planned at this time.
Deadhaul harvests are taken to Kirkwall processing plant within the disease management area. No discharge into DMA. No live movements of fish off this site.
Sites within FMA are not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, but there is a documented risk assessment for this which was made available during the inspection.
A few moribunds were observed across the site that had a higher than average lice load, however this was not reflective of the whole population which appeared healthy. Moribunds were removed at time of inspection and humanely dispatched. No other clinical signs of disease were observed so fish were not sampled for diagnostics.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0033
DownloadIn the current cycle sea lice levels (adult female leps) were elevated on input early treatments appeared to have been successful but since wk 01 2023 where a peak of 4.54 was recorded numbers have remained elevated with week 4 being 3.37 peaks in mortality: 2022 post input wk45 10344 (7.39%) gill health, wk 47 2083 (1.61%) recorded as other, wk 48 8491
(6.66%) recorded as sea lice(post treatment), wk 52 1347 (1.19%)
2023 wk 1 643 (0.56%) wk 2 3582 (3.13%) sea lice (post treatment) and predator, wk 3 1191 (1.07%) sea lice (post treatment) and predator, wk 4 1229 (1.12%) 'other' and predator.
The site only has discharge consent for EXCIS (cypermethrin) however fish were treated with salmosan on a well boat and medicines discharged at the Bay of Ham site which has consent.
Fish transferred From Meil Bay in November and were treated during transfer with FW. 7-11 November for AGD, week 48 treated with thermolicer, week 2 2023 hydrolicer all 8 pens completed, salmosan week 4 2023
Sea lice numbers have been problematic, hydrolicer treatment has initial good clearance however lice reattached post treatment. Salmosan treatment last week is yet to have a post treatment count conducted.
Inspection of stocks was limited due to high winds, pens were inspected from the boat. Fish showed good feed response , the two fish caught for VMD sampling were in good condition with no clinical signs of disease or gross pathology noted. One fish had ~5 adult female leps the other had 0.
Given the elevated sea lice numbers recorded an enhanced sea lice inspection was conducted. Due to the weather, lice counting procedures were demonstrated on the fish removed for sampling . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0168
DownloadIDN placed on site as it is located within 1 tidal excursion of site confirmed with clinical BKD - Meil Bay CDN2024002.
Site visit arranged. [Original PDF]
Quarry Point
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0698Case Number: 2020-0021
DownloadBad weather on-site, very poor visibility.
No mortality events reported this cycle. Last cycle two events - WB 22/04/2019 and WB 29/04/2019. 33.31% (52,887) and
32.26% (25,172) resp. There were reported to the FHI and the site was fallowed shortly after.
19s0 Landcatch
19s1 Fanad
Some seal activity between December and January, 820 Dec, 2200 mortalities, some of which were attributed to seal predation.
High lumpfish mortality in pen 3. 25% over 30 days these will be replaced by Otterferry. Health checks are being carried out, although no results as of yet. Only gross pathology observed is a pale liver.
Slice treatment - Dec 19 - Prophylactic
Farm has stocked 2019 S1 fish from Sgian Dubh, as well as 2019 S0 fish.
Site is not farmed on a single yearclass basis. A risk assessment is in place and the farm management statement has been upd
Thermometer left on previous inspection, site thermometer used instead.
Accompanied by and UKAS auditors [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0181
DownloadFor this new cycle, site is trialling the introduction of wrasse before salmon are input onto site. Wild caught wrasse were introduced onto site on 09/08/2021, with the first salmon input occurring on 27/08/2022.
Fish are harvested via live haul and taken to Ardyne and the onto Cairndow for processing. First harvest at quarry point will begin in July 2022.
Seal pro netting were introduced onto site at the start of the cycle. Hardly predation seen since. In addition, aeration is constantly switched on site due to the loch having a history of severe algal blooms.
Lumpfish Mortality (most mortality of lumpfish is either culled due to end of cycle or black losses):
2020: WK6, 1439, 21.18%
Wk7, 2176, 40.63%
Wk8, 1568, 49.31%
Wk50, 1710, 10.37%
2021: Wk2,1424, 10.11%
Wk4, 2723, 21.78%
Wk8, 6192, 86.10%
Wk10, 127, 12.70%
Wk11, 611, 69.9%
Wk12, 262, 10.0%
2022: Wk14, 1472, 16.17%
Wk15, 1054, 13.81%
Wrasse mortality: 2022- Wk14, 1071, 8.94%
Wk15, 420, 3.85%
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by and supervised by on 01/06/2022.
Site inspection conducted on 07/06/2022 by and supervised by . VMD samples were taken and all fish were found to be healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0015
DownloadSalmon peaks in mortality 2022: wk 29 3712 (1.24%) wk 30 7317 (2.48%), wk 32 3259 (1.14%), wk 33 6495 (2.12%), wk 34
3898 (1.48%), wk 35 4436 (2.04%), wk 36 4909 (2.7%), wk 37 2871 (1.62%), wk 38 (3891 (2.9%), wk 39 3059 (2.77%), main cause of these is PD but also some without specific diagnosis and post treatments. Wk 50 1846 (1.05%), wk 52 2042 (1.18%) without diagnosis and grilse the main attributed cause but some treatment losses as well.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2023: wk 01 2001 (1.17%), wk 03 1706 (1.02%) continuation of losses occurring in December 2022
Lumpsucker peaks in mortality 2022 wk 33 645 (14.6%), wk 34 534 (14.49%), wk 35 767 (24.34%), wk 36 250 (10.49%), wk
37 428 (20.06%), wk 38 (609 (35.57%), wk 39 (54.87%) mainly recorded as black losses but also some harvest culls.
Wrasse peaks in mortality 2022: wk 33 1825 (18.21%), wk34 1164 (14.2%), wk 35 1772 (25.19%), wk 36 805 (15.3%), wk 37
948 (21.27%), wk 38 1148 (32.27%), wk 39 1159 (48.07%) mainly recorded as black losses but also some harvest culls.
Records not maintained for cleaner fish movements offsite in the movement book, but records were available for harvests. [Original PDF]
Quoys Hatchery
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0476Case Number: 2020-0348
DownloadSite became fallow wk 41, 2020. Underwent a deep clean before new stock being moved on site from Cliff Site Wk 42, 2020.
Site only had a mortality of 1937 (0.46%) fish/whole site out of the 425,478 fish brought on site for the previous cycle brought on site 27/05/2020.
No planned imports of ova from other member states.
Fish looked in good health. No moribund or lethargic fish sighted. Fish sampled for VMD showed no signs of disease.
Water temperature taken from site thermometer for biosecurity reasons.
Paperwork completed remotely on the 12th October by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0107
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by , supervised by
Site Inspection conducted by , supervised by
No issues noted on site. Site stocked with fry.
T309 used for inspection, not available on drop down list. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0425
DownloadSite inspection and paperwork conducted by , observed by .
Site thermometer used for biosecurity.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy upon internal examination.
Stock origin - Holm Wrangle (England) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0425
DownloadSite inspection and paperwork conducted by , observed by .
Site thermometer used for biosecurity.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy upon internal examination.
Stock origin - Holm Wrangle (England) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0332
DownloadAll tanks inspected. No moribund/lethargic fish observed. Fish removed for vmd sampling inspected with no gross pathology observed. All weekly mortalities below 0.1% since last inspection.
Site currently installing a separate water filter unit to supply water to the hatchery. The filtration system has a number of filter processes including sand, UV and ozone filtration. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0421
DownloadMortalities from the last 4 weeks - wk45 batch1 0.02% (32) batch 2 0.01% (19), wk44 batch1 0.01% (9) batch 2 0.01% (11)
(batch 2 and were combined), wk43 batch 1 0.01% (6) batch 2 0.01% (11) batch 3 0.01% (7), wk42 batch 1 0.02% (72), batch
2 0.01% (15)
Mortalities have been low across site. There has been no health/ disease concerns since last inspection.
Fish were last IP vaccinated 30/09/2024.
New water intake disinfection system has been put in for the egg/ incubation unit. The disinfection system uses ozone, UV and sand filtration.
Limited visibility due to peat. Overall the stock were shoaling well and had a good feed response. 1 mortality and 1 moribund was observed across. 18 fish were sampled for VMD and were dispatched via Tricaine. Sampled VMD fish had good body condition and internally were observed to be in good condition.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted onsite by whilst supervised by VMD fish was sampled by whilst supervised by . [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1277Case Number: 2020-0500
DownloadMortalities above 1% since input:
18/5 - 11.01% - Human error during wellboat treatment which resulted in low oxygen levels causing mass mortality.
24/08 - 1.47% - Post-treatment losses
05/10 - 2.94% - Post-treatment losses
12/10 - 8.07% - Post-treatment losses
26/10 - 1.11% - Post-treatment losses
Live haul harvests taken to Arnish processing plant.
Very few moribunds observed across the site. Few fish hanging around the surface and those that were had recently been passed through the hydrolicer. Majority of fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe.
Hydrolicer was on site during inspection. Site began treating last week and are expecting to be finished by the end of this week. Manager reporting good clearance of lice; ~93%.
Divers were also on site during inspection checking the nets for damage.
Fish for VMD appeared healthy and had a good feeding response.
Site thermomemter used as inspectors requried re-calibration. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0013
Download16 pens in total, one removed due to damage from wear and tear during fallow.
At most recent input 4 pens of KLM stock were lost. Failed smolt transfer. wk 35 - 7044 - 1.8% (2021) - Post input period.
Sea lice counts - 2021 week5 - 1.40
Week 6 - 1.80
Week 7 - 1.51 week 8 - 0.78 week 9 - 1.01 week 10 - 0.55 week 11 - 2.58
Fish had been fed quite well before the visit, Fish feeding very deeply so was unable to catch for VMD sampling.
Some fish were observed and seemed in good condition and no clinical signs of disease were observed.
Lumpfish mortality (Last 4 weeks) wk52 - 53 (0.2%) wk1 - 958 (3.58%) wk2 - 982 (3.81%) wk3 - 1190 (4.79%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0229
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , supervised by .
F1 sampled by , F2 - F4 sampled by and supervised by .
The site was visited in response to prolonged elevated mortality caused by an early spring plankton bloom causing gill irritation and anaemia. Visibility was good on the date of inspection, with fish feeding deep. A number of lethargic fish were observed across the entire pen group. Pens 2, 8 and 16 displayed the highest number of visibly lethargic and moribund fish, fish from these pens were selected for diagnostic sampling.
The site experienced mass mortality due to input failure at the beginning of the cycle with their KLM stock upon first input, the site lost 4 cages totalling >200,000 fish. Input mortality of KLM stock attributed to Tenacibaculum and a poor feeding response.
Following the input failure of the KLM stock, the site restocked with 550,000 fish from Loch Lochy in early August 2021. This stock is currently still held onsite although mortality for the cycle has been in excess of 60%, most of this mortality attributed to gill health issues suffered from an early spring plankton bloom. The site has conducted 6 slice treatments this cycle with a withdrawal of 500 degree days. Last slice treatment dated 22/06/2022, with all pens being treated over a 7 day period. Daily plankton trawls are conducted onsite, nothing significant has been dected this cycle but it is thought that a plankton bloom occurred and passed through the site in late April 2022 during the night. Around this time high levels of plankton were identified at Scotasay (nearby site within 4 miles).
Mortalities are removed onsite using a mort uplift system and the waste is taken by white shore cockels for landfill. The site employed the Backiness for mort removal between 28th June - 16th July 2022, waste was ensiled on the boat.
Shorebase moved to Scalpay. [Original PDF]
Rubha Stillaig
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0894Case Number: 2022-0184
DownloadSite has stocked salmon and lumpfish. Salmon are from Landcatch (Ormsary), but transferred onto site from Gob a Bharra
(FS0683) and lumpfish are from Otter Ferry and were input on 02/03/2022.
SAV was detected in pen 9 and 10. Pancreas Disease (PD) then was also found in pen 6. Feeding was slightly reduced with low levels of PD found across the site. Pen 9 and 10 are back on their feed fully and feeding well. Mortalities remain low even though PD has been detected. Vaccine has been noted to be helping. During site inspection, very few fish were seen hanging around the pens.
All harvests will be conducted as livehaul.
Lumpfish are culled at harvest but new procedures will see lumpfish being reduced after each cycle.
Lumpfish mortality: from 06/06/2022 : 0.47%, 43
3.63%, 348
4.84%, 488
1.28%, 131
Paperwork and site inspected on 08/06/2022 by and supervised by .
VMD samples were taken on 08/06/2022 by . All fish sampled were found to be healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0412
DownloadFour treatments using freshwater and FLS in the current cycle. Last FW and FLS treatment from 07/10/24 to 08/10/24
One treatment using Slice in April 2024
SealPro nets installed on site.
Mortality removed onto mortality removal vessel (named "Turas"). Morts ensiled onboard vessel and taken to Dundas
Chemicals via road lorry. Mortality removal boat visits 4-5 sites in the area, disinfecting between sites.
Some grilse observed in the cages whilst inspecting stock on site.
Site representative stated that many plankton blooms were observed over the summer when feeding was reduced to keep the fish deep in the cages, away from the plankton closer to the surface. Mortality remained low during each plankton bloom. Site staff are trained to take samples and identify plankton. Several species of plankton were observed in each bloom. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1317Case Number: 2021-0415
DownloadFish have been taken from Hellisay to reduce biomass rather than fallow. Only 2k of Rum fish left - being harvested out tomorrow.
Plan to have 7 pens of Fish from Hellisay stocked at site.
CGD was on-going on site, background AGD, gill checks were seeing anaemic fish, fish bleeding out during lice counts.
Heavy stocked pens were seeing high mortality - Dips in oxygen at night time and late afternoon.
High biomass pens took largest hit at first. Large amounts of jellyfish observed in water at time of mortality event. Mortality attributed to poor gill health and enviromental insult. P. pileus and Aglantha sp identified from water sampling.
Uplifts moved onto site to remove excess mortality - extra boats and bins brought in to deal with mortality.
After test treatment was conducted, it was decided to remove all fish from site, crowds sustaining high mortality.
Round of AMX treatments completed in August prior to event. Very good clearance for caligus, low numbers of leps.
Lice numbers have increased since beginning of mortality event, as treatments could not be conducted due to poor gill health of the fish.
Mortality (last 4 weeks) wb 04/10/2021 - 9.65% - 29119 wb 27/09/2021 - 7.08% - 34444 wb 20/09/2021 - 7.02% - 49282 wb 13/09/2021 - 6.22% - 52598
PSI conducted after repeated notification to FHI of high mortality on site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0052
DownloadRemote inspection done on 08/03/2022 by , observed by .
Recent high mortalities due to CMS. Harvesting targeted for worst affected pens. All events reported to FHI.
Stock from Hellisay. Mowi made the decision to transfer the fish to Rum in order to fallow Hellisay to avoid stocking the site during winter/poor weather conditions. Risk assessment completed prior to transfer.
Lumpfish farmed at Otterferry, input in October.
Some issues with Caligus in summer due to high numbers of wild fish, regular Alphamax treatments to keep it under control.
Site avoids stocking smolts during this period.
The farm is not currently part of a CoGP management area, however they had prepared a satisfactory farm management statement and this was available for inspection.
Site inspection not possible due to weather. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0138
DownloadInspection of records and documents carried out remotely on 12/05/2023.
Site is currently not in a FMA but do have an adequately prepared FMS which was available for inspection.
Site has seen a slight increase in seal activity but no damage to nets but will be changing to Seal Pro nets prior to next cycle.
Only 2 lethargic fish observed from all stocked pens. But no clinical signs of disease. The occasional runt also observed but less than 1 per pen. Fish remained low in the water so hard to see but when spotted were observed shoaling as in normal behaviour. Fish that were removed for vmd sampling looked in good condition. No clinical signs of disease upon internal examination.
Site mainly grows fish to harvest size with a mixture of live and dead haul going to Mallaig. There is the occasional movement off site to other sites but just tends to be a single site per cycle when it occurs. [Original PDF]
Rysa Incubation Unit
Rysa Salmon Farm FS1050Case Number: 2021-0368
DownloadSite to be restocked in January 2022. Poor egg quality reported for last cycle. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0214
DownloadSite currently fallow. Site is only stocked between the middle of January to end of February/beginning of March (approx. 6 weeks).
Eggs came in from Aquagen in Norway on 15/01/2022 - approximately 175,000 eggs.
Inspection carried out by supervised by .
Missing paperwork was received 20/09/2022 and 26/09/2022 therefore issues raised have now been resolved. [Original PDF]
Sallachy Site
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0887Case Number: 2021-0535
DownloadRemote and physical inspection conducted by , observed by . Site recently stocked in week 45. Site has had a successful input with low morts. Fish taken for VMD appeared healthy upon internal examination.
Site thermometer used as inspectors thermometer was unavailable. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0018
DownloadROV on shorebase to inspect nets. Not yet used as divers are still visiting.
Water turbid and fish low in the water column. Few fish were observed during the visit.
Fish removed for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally.
Inspection of paperwork and site conducted by , observed by .
VMD sampled by , observed by .
Calibrated site thermometer used to take temperature. Due to sub-zero temperature, temperature was not displayed on inspectors field thermometer. FHI 045 Thermometer fail sheet completed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0185
DownloadSite inspection undertaken to observe vaccination procedures of stock on site, following reports of feral farmed fish being caught in Loch Shin.
Third party, Highland Aqua, are contracted for vaccinations at the site. Vaccination with Microject6 and PD1. Historic stocks on site were vaccinated by hand, however this is the first stock to be machine vaccinated. Training and cleaning and disinfection certificates were inspected and approved prior to access to the site. Divers were on site the week of the handling event to inspect nets for any damage and to complete repair work where required. Dive reports dated 1/7/24 stated that no holes were observed in any of the nets. Vaccination machine was set up in a shipping container that is lifted from the back of a lorry and placed on a raft before being towed out to the site and tethered to the cages.
Nets are lifted one cage at a time to crowd the fish. An inlet pipe is positioned in the crowd and fish are pumped through the pipe and into an anaesthetic bath prior to moving over a de-waterer and into a large steel tray where 4 members of staff (2 at each side) manually position the fish into wells within a conveyor that passes them through the vaccination machine for injection. Following vaccination, the fish are fed into a discharge pipe that transfers them back into the same cage, albeit within the other half which hasnt been crowded and which is separated by the net being raised.
The pipes going into and out of the cage were tied with at least one, but normally two ropes to secure it to the cage. The inlet pipe was also wrapped in netting and was also placed ontop of a catch net to ensure contingency should the pipe fail or come loose. This is in accordance with the sites vaccination SOP. However, there were no catch nets or net tubing used around and under the discharge pipes, including the section located between the vaccination raft, the walkway and the cage. This was raised as a potential weakness with the site manager and the use of a catch net and net tubing was recommended. The SOP was missing information in relation to chapter 3, points 3.66 and 3.76 in the CoGP and should be updated to include these details where a contractor is engaged.
The vaccination machine itself was located inside a shipping container so if any breaches in containment were to occur, the fish would spill onto the deck but would be unlikely to enter the loch due to the distance and number of physical barriers.
However, improvements could be made by bunding the floor of the container to ensure that any breaches would be contained.
Fish were pumped up and into the machine, through the machine and discharged again within a short time. Mortalities at the site were below 200 fish per week and no movements on or off the site had been completed since the last inspection on
Evidence that the recommendations in relation to the case were made for implementation was submitted by 14/10/24. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0255
DownloadSite inspection undertaken to observe procedures for transfer of stock onto site, following reports of feral farmed fish being caught in Loch Shin.
Farm containment and escape response procedure, fish intake SOP, smolt transfer SOP, Vaki service report, Dive inspection of nets in place to receive fry intake and net certificates of inspection were all available for inspection.
Nets were serviced on 28/03/24 and 23/05/24 with only minor repairs carried out. Dive report from 1/07/24 details that no holes were observed in any of the nets in advance of the intakes on 2nd, 4th and 6th July. The Vaki counter was serviced in
February 24 when a small fault with the visibility was noted, causing issues with calibration. It was suggested that the mirror should be cleaned regularly.
298, 928 fish were input last crop over 3 inputs (108,593, 110,151 and 80,184) on the 26th, 27th and 28th October 2023 at
47g. Fish are only held on this site for a couple of months before moving off to a SW site for ongrowing. A total of 299,498
(count from wellboat at discharge) fish from last crop were moved off to Vestness (FS1210). However, the Vaki count of fish being loaded onto the lorry was 299,812, a discrepancy of 314 fish between being loaded onto the lorry at site, and being discharged at Vestness. This was attributed to counter inaccuracies.
Total mortality for the site was 3,303 (1.1% total of input). A total discrepancy for fish on and fish off the site was 3,873 (1.3% of the wellboat count). This discrepancy has been attributed to variations in counter accuracies and is deemed acceptable.
Stocking procedure: Cages are not towed and remain in place during stocking. Pipes run from the cages to the shorebase and are visually checked at the cage side and at the shorebase but the floating lines are not inspected at regular intervals. A suggestion for improvement would be to incorporate regular visual inspections of the floating transfer pipes in order to detect any faults or failures and that these be recorded, along with any repair work that is undertaken.
Lorries reverse into shoreabse and the transfer pipe is connected to the outlet of each tank on the lorry in turn. The pipes are not secured to the outlet on the tank, but is placed over the outlet and secured by a rope. Failure of this rope would result in the pipe being forced away from the lorry, resulting in a failure in containment. A suggestion for improvement was made to include the addition of a catch net under the outlet so that if a failure was to occur, any fish that are spilled, would be captured and could be returned to the tank. The valve for each tank is opened and fish are gravity fed into the cages. The lorry driver supervises the discharge from above the tank and confirms when all the fish have been discharged. The pipe is then flushed with water to ensure no fish remain in the transfer pipe, before it is disconnected and moved onto the next tank.
The pipe that discharges into the cage, is secured with a single rope to the cage structure and is placed across the lowered side net and submerged in the water within the cage. Using radios, site staff located at cage side confirm with staff at the shorebase when the discharge pipe is in position and secure before fish are discharged into the cage. Cage side staff supervise the discharge of the fish into the cage and notify shorebase staff when no more fish are coming through and to begin flushing the pipe to ensure any fish remaining in the transfer pipe are flushed out and into the cage before the pipe is
The transfer pipe is made up of several sections of pipe which are attached by secure locks and supported by ratchet straps to ensure contingency if the locks were to fail.
Evidence that the recommendations in relation to the case were made for implementation was submitted by 06/09/24. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0710Case Number: 2021-0259
Download1 dead observed across site, not fresh dead. 1 fish removed for VMD appeared in very good condition, with no sea lice observed.
Mortalities removed by ROV, divers still used on site, but they focus on net checks and other work. Nets washed every two weeks, by net wash boat, nets were very clean with very little growth observed and very well tensioned.
All harvests are dead haul and go through the Yell Packing Station.
No issues observed or reported on site.
Remote paperwork conducted 15/07/21. Site inspection conducted 21/07/21 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0303
DownloadMortality records, sea lice records, treatment records, FMS and BMP checked remotely on 14/08/2024 by whilst supervised by . Health surveillance records were inspected remotely on the 02/09/2024 by whilst supervised by
SW to SW transfer risk assessment checked - satisfactory
Farm management did not note sharing of sea lice data and treatments, however this is highlighted in their sea lice management strategy. Also note sites operating in the area are owned by the same company - satisfactory.
Elevated mort's (note are below reporting threshold) - 2023 wk37 to wk43 due to environmental conditions (during this period there were high algae and jellyfish numbers). Cages 2 and 3 most impacted during this period.
Overall population of fish were in good condition and shoaling well. Fish had a good feed response. 3 runts that were lethargic were observed across site. Across site 3 mort's were observed at time of inspection. High number of wild lumpsuckers were observed on site - note these are not wild caught for the purpose of cleaner fish, lumpsuckers have entered as small fish and grown whilst in the cage (No authorisation concern). 2 fish were sampled for VMD. Sampled VMD internal condition was good.
Inspection of site and all records/case paperwork was carried out on site and completed by whilst supervised by .
VMD sampled by whilst supervised by .
Reasons for sea lice notification discrepancies and corrections were received on 03/10/2024 and 05/11/2024 and were found to be satisfactory. Reasons and corrections were inspected remotely by . [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1293Case Number: 2020-0438
DownloadEscape reported 17/1/20- 0 fish lost. Hole in net and seal in pen
Reported MRT events
19/10/2020-25/10/2020; 2019S0 3.38%; Gill Health/suspected CMS; 21671 fish @ 3.3kg
14/09/2020-20/09/2020; 2019S0 2.02%;Post treatment/gill health; 13367@ 3kg fish; Hydrogen peroxide treatments were being administered for AGD resulting in post treatment mortalities.
Wk 44 morts reported to be 6%/site/wk. Attributed to CMS and gill health. Currently undergoing a FW wellboat treatment. It is hoped this will bring the mort figures down. 4 pens already treated and hope to be complete by 12/11/20. Treatment had been delayed due to poor weather. Health reports show high AGD and PGD in September as well as heart pathology possible
CMS. Salmosan is being administered along with FW treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0562
Downloadhydrogen peroxide treatment were conducted on 22/11 and 23/11/2021 due to AGD spiking in Wk46 and Wk47, hence the subsequent mortalities.
Site stocked 1st week in August 2021, and is of two origins:
Pens 1-6- Mowi, Loch lochy
Pens 7-8- Applecross
Lumpfish input 02/12/2021 from Otterferry
Remote inspection conducted by and supervised by on 02/12/2021.
Site inspection conducted by and supervised by on 08/12/2021. VMD samples taken by , observed by on
08/12/2021. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0209Case Number: 2020-0454
DownloadPSI carried out in response to a welfare complaint received by APHA and passed onto FHI. The site has been fallow as of
19/10/2020, and so an inspection of the site itself was not carried out. Inspection of records carried out remotely with APHA vet also in meeting.
Recent increased mortality: w/b 31/08/20 - 569 (1.16%), w/b 07/09/20 - 437 (1.04%), w/b 21/09/20 - 529 (2.25%), w/b 28/09/20 - 194 (1.17%), w/b
05/10/20 - 215 (1.87%), w/b 12/10/20 - 55 (1.2%) . Attributed to a combination of CMS, gill issues and seal damage. Low numbers of fish remaining on site also contributed to the higher % mortality. All instances had been reported to the FHI.
Throughout the production cycle weekly mortality was generally low (0.1% - 0.2%). There were weeks were mortality rose up to
0.5%, this occurred following physical treatments, in each case mortality fell to normal levels the subsequent week.
Average adult female lice numbers rose above 1 from week 35 2019 and fluctuated around this level until the end of 2019. A combination of physical and medicinal treatments (Slice, salmosan, H2O2) managed the lice numbers. Numbers did not exceed the reporting level of 2. No further medicinal treatments were carried out in 2020.
CMS first detected on site from histology samples taken on 12/02/2020, confirmed by pcr on 20/02/2020.
Algal blooms affected site during August and September 2020, mitigated against by providing oxygen during and after physical treatments for lice.
Seal activity increased around site during September and October 2020. Net tension was increased at all stocked cages and dive inspections increased to twice weekly. No equipment damage was found during dive inspections. Site also utilises A.D.D. system.
Cleaner fish stocked on site during production cycle - Lumpfish (farmed) and Wrasse (farmed and wild caught) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0325
DownloadPhysical inspection conducted by and on 22/09/2021. The site was due an ECI inspection but the water temperature was too high. No remote inspection conducted due to the inspection being scheduled too late.
Seal found in the cage the week before the inspection. No breach in containment was observed by the site staff. The seal got into the cage over the top of the net. The seal cannot get through the net as it is a seal pro net. Divers were on site the same day, the net was dropped and the seal was encouraged to leave. The divers confirmed that no hole had be caused in the net.
Slice treatments and Azasure (Salmosan) used earlier in the cycle as lice numbers were increasing on site. Five treatments since input (3 SLICE and 2 Azasure).
Lice numbers currently very low on site. It is thought that this is caused by the introduction of wrasse. The manager is hoping to get some lumpfish on site soon before the water temperature drops too low. Lumpfish reportedly are more active feeders of lice as water temperature drops.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically healthy and no gross pathology was observed.
All wrasse are ballan and caught from the wild [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0056
DownloadFish came on in March 21 from Barcaldine Smolt Unit and have been performing well since input.
Wildcaught wrasse and lumpfish from Ireland are stocked in the cages and are reported to have been performing well in keeping lice numbers low on the Salmon stock. 2.9% mortality since input.
Only 2 sea lice treatments done on site since input. SLICE treatment in April 21 and Azasure treatment in June 21. A peroxide treatment was conducted in November 21 for gills.
Average adult female Leps across the site for the period 01/09/21 to 13/03/2022 was 0.06. Caligus across the site for the same period was 1.25.
Site does live haul harvests to South Shian. Harvesting is currently ongoing across the site to manage stocking density.
Seals are present around the site in high numbers, however the site hasn’t experienced any damage from predators this cycle.
Sealpro nets are on half the cages and STAR nets are on the other half of cages on the site. Site manager reported that the site intends to replace the STAR nets with Sealpros before next crop comes on.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. Fish that were observed appeared active and in good condition.
A few individuals were noted across the site with physical damage. These fish were not moribund and so were not attempted to be caught using a handnet. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0151
DownloadFish came on from the Barcaldine Smolt Unit in January 23. Fish came onto site with some lesions. Pharmaq recommended a complimentary diet to aid skin healing in February and the site manager has reported that the lesions are healing well and fish are demonstrating a good feed response.
Currently there are no cleanerfish on site, however there are plans to stock locally wildcaught wrasse later in the cycle. No plans to stock lumpfish this crop.
Site will do live harvests to South Shian.
Last crop performed extremely well with few health challenges throughout the cycle. CMS was diagnosed late in the cycle and was listed as the cause, combined with compromised gill health, for the increased mortalities that were observed from Wk33 to Wk43 2022.
Calagus increased in July/August 22 and site responded with AMX which had high clearance rates (~90%).
Average adult female leps for this crop since input: 0.22
Average calagus for this crop since input: 3.21
Two slice treatments have been conducted since input, one in February and the other in March 23. Lice numbers reduced following treatments.
2 dead observed across the site. A handful of lethargic fish were observed across the site with physical damage that the site manager attributed to winter sores. These are in the process of healing, aided by a skin support diet.
Sea lice counts were observed on 2 cages. 20 fish sampled per cage. Fish had none or very low numbers of lice. Gills appeared in good health with few lesions observed on the gills of the fish sampled.
The general population of fish appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. Fish samples for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0528
DownloadSalmon came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328) and had been performing well this cycle with good appetite and growth recorded across all cages. However, in late October, Storm Babet passed through the site with a strong easterly wind for 3 consecutive days. A sharp decline in appetite was observed across the inshore cages (1-8). AGD, PGD, bacterial infections
(SRS and Furunculosis) and PMCV had been detected on site. The upwell of sediment and debris during the storm agitated the gills and subsequently resulted in an increase in mortalities across the site in wks42 and 43.
Cage 5 underwent a peroxide treatment 2 weeks ago following the period of bad weather. The peroxide treatment, combined with the health issues on site and poor environmental conditions, a significant mortality event occurred the following week
(wk45), with most of the mortalities on site originating from cage 5.
Cages 1-8 were FW treated last week (wk46) for 4hrs. Appetite is still below expected levels, but mortality has dropped significantly from the previous week, although remains above the reporting threshold.
A slice tretament was completed in June this year, but since then, only FW treatments and one peroxide treatment have been completed.
Wildcaught wrasse from Skye and Orkney are also stocked on site. Mortality for the wrasse since the last inspection was:
Wk42 2023: 1.61%, Wk43: 8.06%, wk44: 11.45%, wk45: 21.13%, wk46: 8.85%
Company vets last visited the site on 17/10/23. Swim bladders were pink in colour, consistent with furunculosis and external lesions consistant with SRS. Pale gills were observed on most fish. Full health checks will be completed tomorrow and will include bloods, gill swabs, kidney swabs, histology samples and samples for PCR. Site is currently feeding a Biomar skin assist diet.
A FW wellboat was on site during the inspection and was on the last cage. The entire site had been FW treated over the last 2 week period. The crowd was calm and controlled. An aerator was also present.
The general population of fish across the site appeared in good body condition but were lethargic. Several lethargic and moribund fish were observed near the surface in all cages, some with lesions and physical damage to varying extents. These fish were removed and humanely dispatched. Five of these fish were sampled for diagnostics.
It is worth noting that site staff had already been around the site in the morning to remove moribund fish.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1338Case Number: 2021-0055
DownloadPaperwork conducted remotely 13/05/21 by , observed by . Site inspection by , shadowed by . VMD sampling by
Site is very exposed, especially from northerly. A lot of movement reportedly goes through the site.
2 fish sampled for VMD, both appeared healthy, site is due to undergo freshwater treatments as sea lice numbers have increased. Site has been harvesting, with the pens worst affected by CMS being targeted) and were thinning down cages during the site inspection using the Inter Caledonia.
Site manager reported that the seal pro nets have been very effective mitigation measure against seal predation, with no seal damage noted on any fish (incl mortalities) since input.
Fish were sitting deeper in the water and visibility was poor at time of inspection.
10-15 mortalities observed across site at time of inspection, these were to be removed, a team was working round the pens, but there were multiple operations on-going including net washing.
One pen unable to inspect fully due to net washing operations and one pen where wellboat operations were on-going where the fish were being crowded to be split to an empty pen. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0042
DownloadOne dead wrasse observed during inspection. One dead (not fresh dead) and one lethargic salmon observed across site.
Visibility during inspection was very variably due to winds gusting to force 7 or greater, due to deteriorating weather, last two cages were inspected from the boat. No issues observed or reported on site
Site is due to fallow mid May 2023 and restock with growers from Loch Erisort sites in mid June 2023, these will be harvested out by November 2023 to allow site to fallow before restocking in 2024. Next smolt input 2024 Q1 (planned for Feb 2024)
Due to weather conditions experienced on site, Scalpay is treated as a high energy offshore site, with site staff receiving a higher level of boat training.
Split of fish moved to Rum and further movements to Rum are planned for near future. [Original PDF]
Sconser Quarry
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1330Case Number: 2020-0462
DownloadRecords inspected remotely on 30/10/2020.
Lumpfish from Ireland stocked on site during March, July, August and October. Majority coming on site in October. Cumulative mortality for lumpfish prior to October input 21%, significant proportion attributed to post treatment losses.
Salmosan treatment carried out 28/07 - 05/08
Thermolicer treatment 24-25/09
Freshwater treatment carried out 14-21/10 for treatment of AGD
Average adult female lice numbers rose above CoGP criteria for treatment but below FHI reporting levels w/b 06/07/20 and w/b 21/09/20. Subsequent treatments (shown above) reduced numbers significantly on both occasions.
Site thermometer used due to battery failure in FHI thermometer
2 mortalities observed across site, these were removed by site staff. No moribund or lethargic fish observed.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0530
DownloadRemote inspection and physical inspection conducted by , observed by . Site thermometer used as inspector's thermometer not available. Only two cages stocked on site at the time of inspection due to harvesting. The site had experienced some mortality in October due to a previous gill insult/anaemia. The site was treated with freshwater in late
October followed by a Salmosan treatment in early November. From the inspection the fish appear healthy with no visible signs of disease observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0041
DownloadNo issues observed on site, Salmosan treatment was being conducted at time of inspection. Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good condition. 2 dead observed across site, not fresh dead, therefore not sampled. Site staff removed these for disposal at time of inspection.
Site consists of 7 x 160m pens, all pens have pole supports for top nets rather than the central support. The use of the pole supports was reported to have removed the potential for losses due to concussion on the central net support.
Sites operated from Maol Ban shorebase are numbered sequentially from north to south - Sconser Quarry - Cages 1 - 7, Maol
Ban - Cages 8 - 12 and Cairidh -Cages 13 -17
Weather conditions very changeable during the inspection.
Sea lice numbers have been increasing, but still below the increased monitoring level. Targeted treatments were being conducted. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0502Case Number: 2021-0563
DownloadStock: Geocrab and Heb Smolt (Mingarry Hatchery)
Management transferred from Mowi to TSSC in 2021. Fish input was on 13/10/2021.
Visibility of the fish was poor, due to the fish feeding deeply. Fish sampled for VMD were healthy and in good condition.
Recent Treatment:
Slice: 23/11 - 29/11/2021
Remote inspection conducted by supervised by on 01/12/2021.
Site inspection conducted by , and supervised by on 08/12/2021. VMD samples taken by and supervised by
on 08/12/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0456
DownloadMortality events commenced from wk 26 2022. Gill health issues were attributed to cause of mortality on site, with PGD being main issue following increased plankton episode. Aeration increased to manage plankton burden as well as reduction in handling.
Slight anaemia also observed on site. Mechanical treatments planned were cancelled due to the fish not tolerating mechanical treatment. FW treatments commenced in WK 31 to aid gill issues experienced on site. From health screening, initial results were positive for AGD, Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion. Functional feed scheduled for Wk32. mortalities remained high and constant following second round of FW treatments in Wk36.
Mortality events 2022 (all attributed to gill health and bacterial disease as described in recent disease problems):
Wk37, 7385, 1.96%
WK36, 6797,1.77%
Wk35, 6832, 1.75%
Wk34, 8137, 2.05%
Wk33, 14021, 3.30%
Wk32, 26251, 5.97%
Wk31, 29022, 6.18%
Wk30, 26868, 5.41%
Wk29, 9155, 1.81%
Wk28, 11019, 2.13%
Wk27, 7427, 1.41%
Wk26, 6841, 1.29%
Five fish were removed during the site inspection for diagnostic sampling purposes. All fish were observed to have liver colours of 2/3 as well as no food and yellow pseudofaeces present on examination. In addition, some hearts were observed to be pale and slightly enlarged. Pen two and three were observed to have an increased amount of moribund and lethargic fish on inspection. During site inspection, pen 8 was being treated with freshwater with a new wellboat- Ronja Star - as lice were increasing on site.
Cleanerfish mortality (wrasse and lumpfish) 2022:
Wk18, 8405, 14.80% (FW treatment)
Wk19, 17029, 35.18% (black losses)
WK23, 4990,16.56% (black losses)
Wk24, 4687, 18.65 (black losses) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0456
DownloadMortality events commenced from wk 26 2022. Gill health issues were attributed to cause of mortality on site, with PGD being main issue following increased plankton episode. Aeration increased to manage plankton burden as well as reduction in handling.
Slight anaemia also observed on site. Mechanical treatments planned were cancelled due to the fish not tolerating mechanical treatment. FW treatments commenced in WK 31 to aid gill issues experienced on site. From health screening, initial results were positive for AGD, Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion. Functional feed scheduled for Wk32. mortalities remained high and constant following second round of FW treatments in Wk36.
Mortality events 2022 (all attributed to gill health and bacterial disease as described in recent disease problems):
Wk37, 7385, 1.96%
WK36, 6797,1.77%
Wk35, 6832, 1.75%
Wk34, 8137, 2.05%
Wk33, 14021, 3.30%
Wk32, 26251, 5.97%
Wk31, 29022, 6.18%
Wk30, 26868, 5.41%
Wk29, 9155, 1.81%
Wk28, 11019, 2.13%
Wk27, 7427, 1.41%
Wk26, 6841, 1.29%
Five fish were removed during the site inspection for diagnostic sampling purposes. All fish were observed to have liver colours of 2/3 as well as no food and yellow pseudofaeces present on examination. In addition, some hearts were observed to be pale and slightly enlarged. Pen two and three were observed to have an increased amount of moribund and lethargic fish on inspection. During site inspection, pen 8 was being treated with freshwater with a new wellboat- Ronja Star - as lice were increasing on site.
Cleanerfish mortality (wrasse and lumpfish) 2022:
Wk18, 8405, 14.80% (FW treatment)
Wk19, 17029, 35.18% (black losses)
WK23, 4990,16.56% (black losses)
Wk24, 4687, 18.65 (black losses) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0449
DownloadScotasay is currently stocked with fish from Applecross, Barcaldine and Landcatch. So far, they have had a good start to the cycle, mortality on site has remained low since input. In mid August of this year the site experienced a bloom of micro jellyfish which has lead to some environmental damage to the gills. Pens 6 and 8 were worst affected and are displaying some elevated scores for PGD. The site treated with freshwater on 27/08/2023 (Ronja Star) and again on 18/09/23 (Ronja Fisk) which has had a successful impact on treating the gills. Sea lice infestations have remained below the treatment threshold for the duration of this cycle thus far, the site conducted a precautionary SLICE treatment from 28//08/23 - 04/09/23.
The site has been continually stocking with wild caught ballan wrasse between 16/09/23 - 22/09/23. Two cleanerfish mortality events were observed occurring during the inspection of the sites records for this production cycle. These mortality events occurred during the two freshwater treatments the site has conducted this cycle, the first being on 27/08/23, 1766 (26.07%) and 3,521 (49.63%). For 24 hours prior to each FW treatment the site deployed 3 - 4 baited creels into each stocked pen in attempt to remove cleanerfish prior to treatment. The site also tried to separate the salmon stock from the cleaner fish stock using the well boats however this proved difficult due to the wrasse being of similar size to the salmon stocks.
Upon the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease were observed during the inspection of the stocks.
Fish removed for VMD sampling appeared healthy, with no gross pathology observed.
Cleanerfish : Week 39 (32, 0.90%), Week 38 (3,521, 49.63%), Week 37 (21, 0.35%), Week 36 (80, 1.31%). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0156
DownloadIDN placed on site as it is within 1 tidal excursion of site confirmed with clinical BKD- Seaforth
Site visit arranged [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0165
DownloadWrasse - wild caught
Pen 6,7, 8 initally stocked at the start of cycle with wrasse but due to harvests and FW treatments no wrasse remain on site.
No wrasse were seen during site inspection. livehaul harvests
Stock origins of fish on site: stofinfiskur- scottish sea farms (barcaldine) stofinfiskur - applecross native hebs - landcatch (ormsary)
Increased Mortality 2024:
Wk13 - 1.21%, 6578 wk15 - 1.21%, 6142
Wrasse mortality:
2023, Wk52, 1096, 44.4% (post treatment, freshwater/FLS)
2024, Wk1, 893, 65.09% (post treatment, freshwater/FLS)
Treatment- last Slice treatment conducted 13/12/2023 - fish no longer in withdrawal
A statutory inspection was conducted following the confirmation of clinical BKD at a site within the 1 tidal excursion from
Scotasay. An initial designation notice was placed on the site, and therefore this inspection aimed to determine whether clinicals signs for BKD can be observed.
During the site inspection, all stocked pens were inspected with pen 8 and 2 noted as pens with elevated mortality compared to the rest of the site. Targeted harvests were planned for 28/05/2024 and 29/05/2024, with plans to empty pen 1 on
28/05/2024 and destock pen 8 from 29/05/2024 onwards, following submission of movement request on 28/05/2024. ~4-6 lethargic and moribund fish were observed per pen, and upon removal and inspection no clinical signs of BKD were observed.
Due to furunculosis being highlighted as an health issue on site, and lesions were seen in some of the fish, two fish were sampled for diagnostic purposes. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1042Case Number: 2020-0149
DownloadThermolicer booked from December - bad weather meant site couldn’t be treated until January so sea lice numbers increased rapidly
Lice were out of control so had to treat to get the lice numbers down. Some treatments had to be abandoned due to fish dying in the crowd/ bad weather.
Low levels of AGD were present. Freshwater treatment had helped with gills. Currently treating everything with freshwater as harvesting has been delayed. By Monday 30th March everything will have been fresh water treated, mortality has dropped right back down. Site manager believes physical treatments are to blame for increased mortality throughout march as hydrolicer was used.
Site manager raised concerns that high mortalities would occur when mechanically treating fish with PD , after post treatment mortality occurred only fresh water treatments were planned to reduce handling stress on fish.
Due to issues surrounding Covid-19 dates for fallowing and restocking are uncertain.
Mortality Event – reported – 06/03/2020 – Between – 24/02/2020-01/03/2020
-Fish Size – 2.8kg (1.01% - 10336) - ~Freshwater treatments.
Mortality Event – Reported 12/03/2020 – Between – (02/03/2020-08/03/2020)
2.8kg – 3.07% - 30703 – Treatment related mortality * PD
Mortality Event - Reported 20/03/2020 – between (09/03/2020-15/03/2020)
2.7kg – 1.4% PD and treatment related mortality. - 10901
Collected during inspection - Mortality between (16/03/2020-23/03/2020)
2.7Kg - 5,462 -0.85%
Inspection conducted by
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak a Passive surveillance inspection was conducted remotely instead of a site visit. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0310
DownloadEnsiled on site, and transported by Ferguson onto the mainland and take to Biogas-Energen, Cumbernauld.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by and supervised by on 21/09/2021.
Site inspection conducted by and shadowed by on 15/09/2021.
VMD samples taken by , supervised by on 15/09/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0007
DownloadMortality events reported:
29/11/2021 1.32% 25459
06/12/2021 3.15% 59962
13/12/2021 2.53% 46789
20/12/2021 2.51% 45244
27/12/2021 2.0% 351172
03/01/2021 2.95% 50753
Recent sealice figures:
2021 wk49: 1.15 wk50: 2.14 wk51: 1.70
Wk52: 3.05
Salmon stock origins are from Loch Ness. Glenfinnan and Loch Arkaig. First signs of infection were observed on Noster side of Seaforth. Clinical signs of haemorrhaging on swimbladder and eyes was observed. Seaforth experiencing higher mortalities than Noster since 06/12/2021. Health checks have and are being conducted every two weeks.
Lumpfish input in October 2021. As a result of freshwater and mechanical delousing treatments there are no more lumpfish on site. Attempts were made prior to the treatments to remove fish with a brailler. Lumpfish origin: Ocean Matters, Anglesey.
The site has access to 'Foover' as a result of the 41m deep nets, and is able to remove any missed morts.
Florocol was administered as a first treatment on the whole of the site. Florocol shortages in UK have affected second treatment. Therefore, pen 3 and 5 will continue on Florocol and the rest of the site will be treated with Aquacen
(Oxytetracycline hydrochloride). This second treatment will commence w/b 17/01/2022. Prior to the second treatment, thermolicer commenced on 14/01/2022.
PSI conducted by and supervised by on 14/01/2022. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0015
Download2 and 12 combined to free up a pen. Biomass was low in both. lump fish 180,000 ready to go into the pens once fresh water is complete. End of Feb
Surplus morts not able to be ensiled are taken to white shore cockles.
Site has recently suffered from a prolonged P.Skyensis infection which has resulted in high mortalities for several weeks running. Mortality is under control on site currently with some localised spikes attributed to post mechanical treatment loss.
Once the freshwater treatments are completed they will then feed medicated feed, staggered approach.
Thermolicer treatments under way during site visit. Most of site has been treated, 2 pens remaining. Good results from treatment over 90% clearance.
Some lethargic hanging fish observed in the pens that have recently been treated, also signs of lice damage on some fish, although mostly clear of lice. 2 pens that have yet to be treated had no hanging fish, except for a couple of runts. Some post treatment mortality was recorded but base line mortality in each pen is very low. Pens are 40 meters deep so catching fish for
VMD was difficult, only one fish was able to be caught.
Sampling error occurred during collection of VMD samples. Two antibiotic treatments were administered, the first was florfenicol and the second was oxytetracycline. Paperwork was conducted remotely before the Oxytetracycline was administered to the fish on site. So samples were taken for AMS3 residues which resulted in a positive result. On receipt of the positive result, further information was gathered from the operator which confirmed that Oxytetracycline had been administered on site and all proper records for the treatment had been maintained. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0076
DownloadSite inspected in response to rapid increased mortality. Week 45 (206,563, 11.32%) and Week 46 (151,275, 8.82%). Mortality at Seaforth has been aboved the reporting threshold since week 39 2023, Mortality has been attributed to a combination of issues including AGD, PGD, treatment losses and bacterial infection.
Due to time constraints imposed by poor weather on the date of inspection, only 2 pens were inspected for clinical signs of disease. 5 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from the two pens inspected.
From inspection of the stock, approximately 50 fish in each pen were observed as moribund and lethargic, approximately 30 fish were observed with lesions to the head and flanks. A healthy population of fish was observed shoaling in each pen.
The most recent results reported from the site company vet was on 21/11/2023 which showed positives for Pasteruella skyensis and PRV.
Treatments - Tricaine, FW 20/11/2023, Thermolicer 11/11/2023.
Cleanerfish mortality - Week 46 (0, 0%), Week 45 (1,117, 0.36%), Week 44 (3,854, 1.23%), Week 43 (2,363, 0.97%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0097
DownloadPeaks in salmon mortalities: 2023 wk 48 33387 (2.88%), wk 49 59170 (5.19%), wk 50 79026 (7.31%), wk 51 21285 2.13%), wk 52 20242 (2.07%). Pasteurella the main cause of mortalities with some thermolicer mortalities in wk 49 also, antibiotic
(Florfenicol) administered
2024: wk 3 17504 (1.97%) recorded as acute loss medicine (salmosan) and some pasteurella.
Mortalities for the last four weeks,18th to the 26th March 2024 5415, wk 11 8962 (0.90%), wk 10 13613 (1.54%), wk 9 20576
(2.40%), wk 8 19456 (2.22%) moritella, physical damage, poor performers some seal predation and some decomposed.
Lumpfish peaks in mortality, 2023: wk 47 3161 (2.12%), wk 48 6104 (4.18), wk 51 5112 (3.70%), wk 52 (3575 (2.68%), mainly recorded as tenbaculum but some handling morts as well.
Lumpfish mortalities for the last four weeks: wk 8 1391 (2.70%), wk 9 1928 (3.85%), wk 10 1071 (2.22%), recorded as tenebaculum, wk 11 4867 (10.33%) treatment losses (FLS flusher),
CMS potentially onsite, awaiting results of tests.
On inspection of the site a number of moribunds were observed in each pen, some with obvious physical damage. Site staff have been removing moribunds daily.
Mortality, movement and treatment records inspected 21/3/2024 remotely, all other records inspected on the 27/3/2024. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0149
DownloadIntel received from the Marine Directorate intelligence team about suspicion of BKD. - 14/05/2024
FHI contacted business with a follow up, requested health reports from site - 14/05/2024
IDN placed following information (test results from a 3rd party veterinary company) from business about suspicion of BKD.
16/05/2024 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0152
DownloadSite visited following notification of the presence of BKD from a third party.
Site has had positive results for Pasteurella, Moritella and Tenacibaculum. CMS has also been confirmed.
Site currently has permission to do livehaul and deadhaul harvests. Livehaul harvest was completed on the morning of the day of inspection. Fish are taken to Mallaig station then loaded into tankers before being transported to Blar Mhor in Fort William for processing. Deadhaul harvests are taken to Ullapool before being loaded into tankers and taken to Blar Mhor.
Mortalities from the site are preferentially ensiled on the barge before being uplifted by Fergusons and taken to either Pelagia in Shetland or ScanBio. Last collection of ensiled material was on 30/10/23.
Only tricaine used since the last inspection for sealice counts. FW and FLS was on site March 9th and good clearance (>95%) was reported. A thermolicer was on site during the inspection.
Farmed lumpfish were stocked at 5% and are being removed from harvest cages and transferred into stocked pens. 33.25% mortality since last inspection.
Site is stocked with a mix of Stofinfiskers and Aquagens. The fish came on from Inchmore and Lochailort hatcheries via Loch
Arkaig (Stofinfiskers) and Loch Lochy (Aquagens).
PGD scores have been increasing over the last couple of weeks but remain below 1.The gills of the fish sampled were pale with zoning.
Morts since last inspection:
Wk16: 0.36%, Wk15: 0.22%, Wk14: 0.22%, Wk13: 0.38%
Site plan is to fallow by September 24, however, this may be accelerated.
Several fish that were dark in colour were observed in every pen. The fish that were moribund and displaying clinical signs of disease were removed for diagnostic sampling. There were several leathargic fish also observed across the site but could not be caught with a hand net and so were not sampled. Fish sitting deeper in the water, although slightly lethargic, appeared in good physical health. The moribund fish/lethargic fish sitting at the surface had higher than average lice loads.
Sites covered by movement restrictions are automatically scored as high risk for surveillance frequency. [Original PDF]
Setter Voe
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0316Case Number: 2020-0430
DownloadAll pens inspected with no moribund/lethargic, dead or fish behaving abnormally spotted. Fish seen were all behaving as expected and looked in very good condition. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no signs of disease and no physical damage either. Internal examination of the fish showed fish to be in good health, all had food in the gut.
Case paperwork carried out remotely on the 12th October 2020 by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0227
DownloadSite visited in response to ongoing mortality. Problem cages have now been harvested and site mortality has returned below the
26/05 - Health report form Pharmaque - PCR tests found CMS in cage 5. Fish from cage 5 were transferred from West of
Burrwick early in the cycle. WoB now fallow. Cage 5 was harvested in WK25.
Case paper work carried out on the 15/07/2021 by , observed by .
VMD sampling carried out by , observed by . VMD fish looked healthy when opened. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0044
DownloadPens 1,7,8 are Migdale stock
Pens 4,5,6 are Kames stock
During the site inspection, fish were found to be swimming deep therefore were observed via camera.
Fish are harvested and transferred via deadhaul.
Fish only have been transferred onto site within last couple weeks. High mortality seen in the Kames stock, and attributed to reverse osmoregulatory issues/failed smolts. Pen 5 had the highest mortality on 16/02/2022 (1560, at 3.78%).
No cleanerfish forecast on site.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by and supervised by on 03/03/2022.
Site inspection conducted on 10/03/2022 by and supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 10/03/2022 by and supervised by . Fish sampled were seen to be healthy and exhibited no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0528
DownloadSite inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
The site has a touch of AGD and CGD following a bloom of micro jelly fish in early October. Mortality remains low despite the environmental insult. Water temperature is decreasing and the site is hopeful that this will aid gill recovery.
From the physical inspection of the site, fish were observed to be shoaling well and responding positively to feed. A few fish in
Pen 8 appeared slightly lethargic, the rest of the site displayed no clinical signs of disease and appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0400
DownloadAfter current cycle stocking will be alternated between Langa and Setter Voe, so there are currently no plans in place for restocking.
Recent mortalities on site have been attributed to CMS. There were very few moribund fish seen on site. Site is harvesting to fallow by mid to late September
33.3% (73,054) in Dec 2022 - Ronja Queen - Significant mortality during treatment. Reported to FHI.
Waste transported by to Pelagia
VMD fish appeared healthy when sampled. [Original PDF]
Setterness North (Bomlo)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1076Case Number: 2020-0154
DownloadReported mort events;02/03/2020 08/03/2020 3.5kg 1.41% Treatments/CMS 8165
Contacted company for further information, site was treated with the optilicer but due to underlying CMS some pens had increased mortality. Mortality rate is now reducing. FHI to monitor following weeks mortality rate. Site was inspected 3/12/19
(case 20190715) and elevated mortalities were recorded also following optilicer treatment.
09/03/2020 15/03/2020 3.5 kg 1.59% Treatments/CMS 9079
Slight increase on previous weeks mortality report. FHI to monitor following weeks mortality rate. Should mortality remain above reporting levels an inspection will be organised.
16/03/2020 22/03/2020 3.5 kg 3.43% CMS 18270
Post-treatment losses following optilicer treatment w/b 2nd March 2020. Contacted site for further information. Full scale harvest will begin next week (30/03/2020), specifically targeting pens with larger fish and where CMS is causing higher mortalities. This will be reviewed in 2-3 weeks’ time by site management staff. FHI to monitor mortality levels in the coming weeks.
23/03/2020 29/03/2020 3.6kg 2.79% CMS 14387
Harvests started Contacted site manager. Harvest began yesterday. Harvests are restricted due to factory through put and
COVID19 situation but plan to harvest 3-4 times a week. Mortalities still continuing from the treatments at beginning of the month and CMS (very low CT values ).
30/03/2020 05/04/2020 3.6kg 1.88% CMS 9220
Site manager contacted previously. Harvests underway. Starting 30/3/20 and planned for 3-4 times per week. Combination of
CMS and harvest mortalities.
06/04/2020 12/04/2020 3.6 kg 2.8% CMS 12,816 -PSI to be conducted
Morts slightly down so far this week; 3000 for last 5 days.
Treatments since last visit; 23/2/20- 5/3/20 Optilicer , 14/12/19-22/12/19 peroxide/salmosan in wellboat, 16/4/20 salmosan tarp treatment of the Girlsta fish.
Harvesting ongoing 2-3 harvests per week, limited by COVID19 situation only allowing 10000 tonnes a load but now accepting
15000 tonnes per load. Next week 3 harvests scheduled.
Three stocks on site, Landcatch in two pens, Kames in 6 pens and Girlsta in 2 pens. Grilsta input were later stocked and are smaller average wt (2.6kg). Girlsta fish appear not to be as badly effected by CMS and it is hope these will remain on site until
October. Target harvesting the Landcatch fish currently.
The 2 Girlsta pens were given a salmosan tarp treatment yesterday and it appears to have gone well with little mortalities in these pens. No mechanical treatments planned for the site due to CMS. Lice levels have been kept low with company treatment triggers of 0.8 average female.
PSI case conducted as unable to visit site due to COVID19 situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0148
DownloadOwnership of site about to change so uncertain regarding next input date.
Wk 10 2020 mortality reported 1.41% record is 1.77%. The company biologist explained this was due to human error and should be 1.77% (10,303 fish). This does not affect any actions taken by the FHI at the time of initial reporting.
No mention on FMS that the area is stocked with a single year class but stated in VHWP.
Remote inspection on 13/07/21 done by , observed by .
Physical inspection and VMD sampling carried out by observed by .
Fish appeared healthy, exhibiting normal behaviour. No dead fish observed and less than one moribund/lethargic fish per cage noted. The fish sampled for VMD looked healthy, no clinical signs noted. No sea lice present on the fish. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0324
DownloadIPN detected recently in routine health monitoring samples, but no elevated mortalities and no clinical signs observed.
Mortalities removed daily by staff and monitor fish using cameras in cages. Divers on site monthly to conduct net checks.
SLICE treatments of current cycle in April (5-11th), May (16-22nd) and July (11-17th). Plan to undertake hydrogen peroxide tarp treatment for AGD in August.
Take daily water samples (Monday-Friday) to monitor plankton. Samples sent to lab in Lerwick.
All stocks on site from Barcaldine, but a variety of ova sources (Fanad, Aquagen and Benchmark).
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. Fish deep in water and difficult to catch even using box net.
Mortality and sea lice records completed remotely on 21/7/23, other paperwork and inspection completed on 25/7/23. [Original PDF]
Sgeir Dughall
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1262Case Number: 2023-0201
Downloadpeaks in mortality 22021 wk 19 6625 (2.83%), wk 20 5376 (2.57%), wk 21 4110 (2.02%), wk 22 2905 (1.53%) wk 23 1854
(1.12%) all CMS related.
Main treatments have been FW, lice numbers have been low and gills health has been good throughout the current cycle.
FW treatment boat equipped with a flushing system (FLS system) to remove weakened sea lice post treatment, less pressure is required to remove lice. Clearance of lice is reported to be excellent. All water is filtered through drum filter four times to remove lice prior to discharge.
Recent mortalities slightly increased, on inspection of the site lethargic fish were observed in all cages, some bilateral exophthalmia also noted. Furunclosis like lesions were also observed. Three fish were removed for diagnostic sampling [Original PDF]
Sgian Dubh
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1281Case Number: 2020-0342
DownloadMortality information (last 4 weeks)
Week 33 - 102344 - 39.55%
Week 32 - 11582 - 2.12%
Week 31 - 5107 - 1.46%
Week 30 - 7464 - 1.82%
Week 49 (2019) - 13048 - 1.58%
Week 46 (2019) - 15895 - 1.76%
Sgian dbhu has been one of the worst affected sites in loch striven due to historic levels of PD and AGD levels, higher biomass may have exacerbated effects of environmental insult, site is also closest to the freshwater run off and therefore would have been the most exposed to suspended solids in the loch after the extreme recent downpour.
Dinoflagellate combined with solids in water after heavy rainfall resulted in environmental insult. Mortality is now back at normal levels and appetite are doing well.
Fish have been doing really well but have succumbed to an environmental insult caused by a multitude of factors in the loch.
Environmental event lasted only a few days and mortality levels are back to normal. Harvesting procedures have commenced and fallow is expected within the month. Environmental insult combined with historic PGD is thought to have been the main source of high mortality. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0245
DownloadFished sampled for VMD looked in good condition. Fish were feeding very deep.
Water temperature was found to be above 14 degrees Celsius. So full ECI could not be completed. Case type changed to
REG [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0451
DownloadInspection conducted by , observed by .
The main population looked healthy, feeding deep in the water column. One dead fish and a small number of lethargic fish observed. One moribund seen in pen 8 and taken out for diagnostic sampling.
The site has been inspected on the 15/07/2021 but the water temperature was found to be above 14 degrees Celsius. So full
ECI could not be completed. Case type changed to REG, CNI, SLI. Biosecurity, containment and sea lice records were found to be adequately maintained and therefore they have not been inspected again. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0460
DownloadSalmon came march this year, wrasse in June
Stock on site have come from - Applecross, Kinlochmoidart, Harris Lochs, Hebridean Smolt (Clachen Hatchery) and
Couldoran - Most stock are native Hebridian.
Wrasse mortalities - Wk38 - 2.48% (1,321), Wk37 - 2.92% (1,600), Wk36 - 2.98% (1,470), Wk35 - 2.88% (1,250). Wrasse mortality attributed to environmental reasons - jellyfish, possible pollution from forestry upstream (wrasse don't like suspended solids in the water).
Freshwater treatments last week and the rest of the site is being treated tonight.
Latest health report - systemic bacterial infection. Furunculosis, suspected Tenacibaculum sp., mixed gill infections with AGD,
Branchiomonas-like epitheliocysts and lamellar pathology suspicious of infection with Desmozoon lepeophtherii. Waterborne environmental damage to gills - possibly jellyfish or stinging cell contact.
Health team including head vet are on site today to collect samples for general health screening.
Sealice - SLICE was a precautionary measure.
During physical inspection of the site, 4 out of 16 pens had a couple of mortalities observed on the surface of the water. No moribund fish were observed on site. A handful of lethargic fish were observed across the whole site but when approached all fish swam off quickly. Water visibility on site was poor due to the large volume of freshwater input from the recent wet weather.
Fish that were observed were shoaling a few feet below the water surface.
Fish for VMD samples were collected from pens 1, 4 and 10. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally with no lice observed on any fish collected. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0860Case Number: 2021-0279
DownloadRemote inspection conducted 01/10/21 by , observed by as part of competency audit
Site Inspection conducted 06/10/21 by , VMD sampling and full mock diagnostic conducted by , observed by as part of competency audit
Site currently stocked with 4 pens of salmon due to go to Noust Geo and the remaining 8 pens are stock that will stay on
Shapinsay. Noust Geo fish are due to move in Mid November 2021, only stocked on Shapinsay due to delays with Wyre
(Noust Geo's nursery site) fallowing and undergoing fallow period.
Shapinsay stocked pens were deeper in the water, but showed a good feeding response. All appeared healthy, 3 dead observed across the 8 pens, these were removed by site staff at time of inspection. The Noust Geo fish were shoaling well, but ~50 failed smolts observed in pens 11 and 12, all still active One fish observed with lesion behind dorsal fin, but still very active.
Shapinsay is a nursery site for Puldrite, fish are input in spring and transferred when ~1kg (Aug/Sept time).
Weather very calm during inspection, changing between sunny and overcast. This made visibility in some pens better than others, fish could be observed shoaling deeper in the water. 3 fish removed for VMD all appeared healthy and in very good condition. Site currently undergoing a SLICE treatment, there was a lot of jumping behaviour in the Noust Geo stock, caligus are slightly elevated, but not at level to cause issues on site. It was reported that Leps are becoming more common on sites within Kirkwall bay. Water temperature was reported to be high for time of year and currently 12.4oC.
AGD - Reported that CT values from swab samples appear to be stronger (lower CT) since Pharmaq took over testing from
FVG, this is being investigated to look at differences in CT values. H202 treatment conducted at Shapinsay for the Noust Geo fish 30/09 & 01/10
Currently participating in Gill health study with Aberdeen University/MSS. Includes E.DNA work (for AGD in water), and sampling has been undertaken (incl histology) In June, September and will be sampled Nov/Dec.
Mortalities are ensiled in Orkney, however, if there was an issue with the ensiler or large number of mortalities, these would be disposed of at Pelagia on Bressay - Shetland.
SSF Orkney sites will be moving to using uplift systems and moving away from dead basket for mortality removal.
There is weekly communications between SSF and CAS regarding sites in Orkney, including exchange of sea lice numbers. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0366
DownloadSite stocked: 06/05/2023. Stock origin: Barcaldine (6 pens are Aquagen and 2 are Stofnfiskur)
Shapinsay currently stocked as a nursery site. 2 pens of salmon due to be transferred to Puldrite. The remaining pens are stock that will stay on Shapinsay.
Mortalities are collected via the foover. These are then moved into bins which get disposed of at the business ensiler on
Orkney, located in Twatt.
Treatments since input:
Slice 03/08/2023
Slice 23/06/2023
Peroxide: 29/07/2023-31/07/2023
Seasonal caligus becomes a burden on site, therefore site has treated with slice and peroxide (Paramove 50) to stay on top of any issues. Lep numbers to date have continued to remain low.
Health inspections from health manager are conducted once a month. Health reports inspected from 18/07/2023 showed positve PCRs for AGD (10/12 samples). Histology reports also inspected, taken on 03/07/2023, showed no significant results.
Site mortality has remained low since input. Any mortalities have since input have been attributed to mainly birds and runts. To mitigate bird predation, bird nets have been doubled, increased tension and kites and scarecrows deployed.
Wrasse input was conducted on 14/07/2023. WK33: 1 mortality has been found . Wk34: 20 mortalities
All harvests are conducted via live haul.
Risk assessment in place for the fact that FMA does not fallow synchronously. FMA also does not note whether one or more year classes are stocked but detailed in business risk assessment. Found to be satisfactory therefore no issues raised with
FMA presently.
Fish were sampled for VMD from 4 pens (4,7,8,9) and were observed to be healthy. Stofnfiskur stock in pen 7 and 9. Aquagen stock in 4 and 8.
Fish on site were seen to be shoaling well with only 4 moribund or runts observed across the whole site. Upon inspection no clinical signs of disease were observed. [Original PDF]
Shuna Point
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1354Case Number: 2022-0227
DownloadThis is Shuna points first inspection as part of the surveillance program. The site was registered in March 2022. It is replacing
Shuna FS0695 - Which will no longer be operated, under the conditions of the new sites licence.
No Cleanerfish mortality reported since input in week 24.
FISA - name of new net manufacturer
Enhanced containment inspection conducted as the site is newly registered.
Recommendations for improvement were made by 01/12/2022. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0029
DownloadStock origin: Barcaldine Smolt unit, Stofinfiskur
Wrasse on site, wild caught from Orkney. Mortality on site low but furunculosis was observed on site and is attributed to spikes in mortality. Wrasse mortality since input- 5124
An inspection of the site was scheduled for the 08/02/2023 following repeated weeks of increased mortality above the reporting threshold. On site, pens 3, 7 and 8 were highlighted as the pens that had the highest mortality on site. Few moribund fish were observed in the pens, but those that were seen were lethargic and moribund. White ring-shaped lesions were also observed in some fish but only two were able to be caught for sampling with such lesions. 5 fish in total were removed and sampled for diagnostic purposes; 2 fish from pen 3, 1 fish from pen 8 and 2 from pen 7.
VMD samples taken from pen 3 and pen 8. Fish sampled were observed to be in a healthy condition. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0197
DownloadSite inspection following third party complaint relating to welfare and mortality. Salmon stock from Barcaldine (Stofinfiskur stock) in April 2022. Wrasse are wild caught and were inputted between July and September 2022 have been reported to have grown well.
Dead fish incinerated on site. Contingency measures when excessive mortality experienced - material collected by Ferguson
Transport (boat and tankers) for disposal at Barkip, Dalry - not used this method on site since last year.
Recent mortality main causes associated with CGD and bacterial lesions.
Mortality - 46% since June last year, 54% since smolt input. 20.7% mortality in wrasse since input - attributed to handling / wellboat treatment. Currently mortality in wrasse up to 88 per week for site - last 11 weeks lost just over 300 fish
Site suffered extensive mortality last year as a result of micro jelly and algal blooms. There is still some continuing impact from those events with fish suffering from CGD and undergoing regular treatments.
Ongoing FW treatment for site to end 19 May, undertaken using the Inter Caledonia. AMX treatment 13/14 April - cages 7&3.
FW treatment for gills and lice
Stofinfisker stock reported to lack tolerance to treatment / challenge and handling.
One cage (cage 4) moved to Dunstaffnage FS0299 - to free up space for treating and discharging fish following treatment.
>1% weekly mortality - week 39-42 (2022); 48-52 (2022); 1-6 (2023); 9 (2023)
Week 48 (2022) to week 02 (2023) - mortality up to 8% weekly- up to 35k fish attributed to CGD - cages 2 &4 worst up to 4k for worst week. Mortality not. cage specific and experienced across the site.
Treatments: azasure 13/06 - 16/06 - all cages for lice. And 11 July to 12 July azasure - cages 3, 4, 5, 6, 13/08 - cage 4 amx 27 to 29 July. All cages except cage 1
Azasure and AMX for sea lice - pen 3 reported to be worst. Sea lice have increased a little over the past couple of weeks - up to 2.5 adult females per fish. Lice reported to be coming down. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0405
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by .
Salt water (SW) to SW transfer from Dunstaffnage (FS0299), risk assessment available and adequate. Freshwater (FW) treatment during transfer. Fish were treated with SLICE while at Dunstaffnage. FW treatment planned for 06/11/2024.
Mortalities can also be disposed of via uplift to South Shian and incinerated if they cannot be incinerated onsite but procedure has not been implement since last inspection.
Wrasse (WRS) stocked are wild caught ballan wrasse. Current mortality is attributed to aggression between individuals and physical damage.
30/10/2024 third party health report - AGD 30/30 positive detection, PRV 3/3 positive detection. 04/11/2024 third party health report - PRV 4/5 positive detection. PRV levels currently not of a concern. FW treatment scheduled to start 06/11/2024.
Thermolicer treatment 11/10/2024 to 15/10/2024.
During site inspection approximately 5 moribund fish were observed. Fish sampled for VMD showed no clinical signs of disease.
Updated FMS received 12/12/2024 which details date of review and information on sensitivity testing of sea lice treatments available, evidence supplied meets requirements. [Original PDF]
Shuna SW (Rubh'an Trilleachain)
Kames Fish Farming Ltd FS1290Case Number: 2021-0139
DownloadAGD was the biggest health challenge last cycle so gill swabs are being taken and analysed by PCR every 2 weeks.
Lumpfish arrived on site in October from Otter Ferry and were stocked at 6%. 4 lumpfish mortalities observed across the site, not fresh dead so no diagnostic samples taken. Lumpfish mortality for April was 7.2% attributed to handling.
Fish on site came from Inchmore and Loch Lochy and have been vaccinated against furunculosis and IPN.
Site doing live and deadhaul harvests. Harvest boat was on site during inspection.
Majority of fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. A few fish were observed with physical damage but were not moribund or lethargic.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Paperwork inspected remotely 20/05/2021. Site inspection completed on 27/05/2021 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0139
DownloadWRS and LUM all farmed from Mowi owned farms
Cleaner fish treated with florfenicol in feed treatment since date of input (food from World of Feeds)
Moritella detected on site using PCR with high CT-values. Reportedly no clinical signs of the disease. No clinical signs of disease observed during inspection of the stock.
Pseudomonas anguiliseptica detected in lumpfish population via PCR with low CT-values. Higher than average lumpfish mortality has been attributed to this pathogen.
Fish caught for VMD samples appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Sian Bay
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0361Case Number: 2021-0087
Downloadincreased mortality after input in 2018 was reported to FHI as well as mortality event in 2019 due to enviromental insult.
Movement of Lumpfish from out width GB onto site from Bantry at end of 2020. Health certificates inspected on site.
Visibility poor on day of site visit. Fish had been fed already in the morning so feeding response was quite poor. Unable to catch fish for VMD samples.
Remote inspection conducted by , Observed by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0505
DownloadMortality events:
9th August 2021 - 1.5% (2,611)
16th August 21 - 1.9% (3,215)
23rd August 21 - 2.8% (5,484)
30th Aug 21 - 1.8% (2,706)
4th Oct 21 - 3.2% (339)
25th Apr 22 - 2.4% (9,403)
All attributed to gill health and viral disease
Aquagen stock. Site manager has reported good growth rates and reports that fish are performing well.
Peroxide treatment completed in wk40 to promote gill health.
A seal was observed by site staff in pen 7 on 26/09. Reported to have entered the net over the handrail and was directed out over a lowered side net. Net has been checked with cameras and ROV and site manager has confirmed no holes have been discovered. The site was satisfactory with regards to containment on the day of inspection.
Fish came on from Barcaldine smolt unit.
Internal biologist visits the site every quarter. Last report from Q3 details AGD as the main cause of morbidity on the site.
Fish will be split down between Sian Bay and Kempie Bay end of November. Live haul harvests.
Lumpfish are due to arrive on the site in November 22 from Otterferry. No cleanerfish were stocked at the time of inspection.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. Fish that were captured in the box net were inspected and appeared in good physical health. 2 runt mortalities observed across the site. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]
Skelwick Skerry
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1312Case Number: 2022-0102
DownloadNormally, Skelwick Skerry is the grower site, as the other sites around Westray are nursery sites. Stock is usually transferred onto site at 1.6-3kg until harvest size. Fish have been graded at Bay of Cleat (North) onto the wellboat and then transferred to
Mortality is uplifted by the Foover and taken in mort bins to pier on Westray. Mort bins are taken to dounebay were they are tran
Skelwick Skerry is not remote fed, due to its offshore location. Feed blower on work boats conduct the feeding instead.
Due to windy weather and wave height, only 4 pens were fully walked around and inspected. The other 4 were viewed from the
Remote inspection conducted by on 13/05/2022, supervised by
Site inspection conducted by on 17/05/2022, supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 17/05/2022 by supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0145
DownloadA visit is being conducted at Skelwick Skerry after receiving notification from the company that positive BKD results have been found by a Pharmaq vet carrying out routine inspections. At the time of notification (two weeks prior to the visit on 8th May), no raised mortality was observed on site.
External vet (Pharmaq routine visit for upcoming harvest) had one positive result for BKD when sampling last week (sampled only 4 moribund fish). This fish had some clinical signs - granulomas on spleen and this is why it was tested for BKD. Staff on site have been vigilant for BKD since Chalmers Hope outbreak and have not been seeing any signs of clinical disease when looking at moribunds etc.
Mortalities are now going to be sent by separate bulker - in line with what is done at Chalmers Hope. No mortality movements have been done since site got positive result. Mortalities are removed by ROV on site and delivered to Dounby Yard in their own tanker which will then be disinfected completely.
Fish have been on site since January and have come on from Bay of Cleat North (FS1080) and Vestness (FS1210).
Mortality - Week 20 mortality had 445 fish down as 'environmental mortality' - PGD, jellyfish, plankton. Since the movement restriction order was put in place last week no mortality uplifting has taken place on site until the mortality movement SOP has been put in place.
Mortality since last visit - very low, rarely above 1, in the last cycle the mortality only increased above 1 in the last 3 weeks of the cycle shortly before fallowing. These mortality were mainly attributed to heart disease and handling.
Fish are organic and have had no treatments other than freshwater or T.M.S for health checks.
Health wise - AGD when fish first came on to site and were transported in freshwater. Little bit of PGD and gill bleeding. Few fish with sores observed but these are determined to likely be from seals trying to grab them through the net.
Health report - Internal health report 7th May 2024 - routine inspection "fish are looking in good condition and appear to be feeding well. Environmental damage observed as well as some gill bleeding. AGD 0-1 non AGD (PGD) 0-4"
Increased plankton counts over the last 4/5 weeks but not high enough to stop feeding.
Inspection of site: All eight pens were inspected. Despite no uplift of mortality for a few days, no dead fish were seen floating on the surface of the water. Due to the overcast day and dark waters, it was difficult to observe fish. Fish seen just below the water surface or jumping from the water appeared healthy, a good weight and with no clinical signs of disease. Across the whole farm only 2 fish were observed to be of poor health. One fish in pen 5 had a 2 inch sized facial lesion (top of head missing and exophthalmic eyes) - staff tried netting the fish out however the fish swam off quickly when approached. It will be removed if staff are able to catch it.
A moribund fish was observed in pen 3 swimming slowly with a weak body condition (runt looking), an exophthalmic eye, had a higher lice load and was easily caught with the hand net. A one fish diagnostic of this fish was taken. Upon inspecting the fish internally, no clinical signs of disease were observed. There was still a bit of fat surrounding the pyloric caeca and spleen however no food was observed in the hind gut. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0148
DownloadIDN placed following information from business about suspicion of BKD. 16/05/2024. FHI to visit w/c 20/05/2024.
No report issued with this case type [Original PDF]
Slocka Ronas Voe
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1018Case Number: 2021-0057
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by 13/07/21, site inspection and VMD sampling by 22/07/21
9/10 cages have 10m sea lice blinds installed and 10th cage has a 13m sea lice blind installed. No issues reported on site with gill swabs testing negative for AGD and histology results not indicating anything of note.
Site did experience a plankton bloom WK 27 2021, plankton included Pseudo nitzschia, feed was withheld and no issues reported.
May stock with Lumpfish later in year, dependant on sea lice numbers. Site was stocked with both wrasse and lumpfish during the previous cycle.
Fish were deeper in the water column, visibility was very good and the fish observed appeared in good condition and of uniform size. 6 failed smolts observed with some tail damage, these were also deeper in the water.
Sea lice - very low levels of caligus and no Leps counted in last sea lice count.
8 fish removed for VMD, all appeared healthy and in good condition.
One site within one tidal excursion, long term fallow with no plans to restock, but to remain active. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0325
DownloadAll stocks from Girlsta Hatchery (Aquagen stock), input at 130-140g.
SLICE treatments of current cycle in February (20-26th), April (24-30th) and June (7-13th) and July (4-10th). No more SLICE treatments planned.
Planning freshwater treatment for AGD in next couple of weeks.
Mortalities removed daily. Divers check nets monthly. Take daily water samples (Mon-Fri) which are analysed for plankton.
First harvests planned to start in December (live harvest).
Other site in voe, Pobie Sukka, has been fallow for over 6 years with all equipment removed so Slocka Ronas Voe only stocked site in voe.
No moribund fish observed and fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Mortality and sea lice records completed remotely on 21/7/23, other paperwork and inspection completed on 26/7/23. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0542Case Number: 2021-0441
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by Site inspection carried out on 01/11/2021 by
with shadowing.
No lethargic fish observed. Water was murky but fish were coming up for feed and shoaling as would expect. Fish sampled for
VMD showed no external or internal signs of disease.
Fish waste currently being held by TWMA Shetland and is to be used to produce biofuel by SEM once fully approved and operational.
Water temperature taken from site thermometer as there had been a delay with delivery of package to Shetland office, which contained inspectors thermometer. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0646Case Number: 2020-0193
DownloadMortality information - Reported.
MRT01598 -week 14 - 1.95% 11198 fish @ 3kg Acute morets and physical damage due to thermolicer.
MRT01627 -week 18 - 1.14% 5657 fish @ 3.3kg Acute treatment losses
Cleanerfish Mortality - wk19- 1891, wk18 - 2441, wk17 - 1236, wk16-1059
Last salmosan treatment - end of April 7 pens treated.
Alphamax treatment used for Caligus settlement last year
Thermolicer treatments also used to keep lice under control, with freshwater treatments used in 2019.
Full site treatments - Salmosan starting 14/05/2019 - Pre-adult settlement. Site manager expects to see a small spike in mortality due to CMS and PD confirmed on site. mortality spike in week 18 attributed to treatment loss in one pen. Large fish with CMS, didn’t take well to salmosan treatment.
Pen number 2. Mortality returned to normal the following week. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0174
DownloadAdditional morts salmon: 2020 wk 27 2474 (1.02%) PD/CMS, wk 28 1677 (1.42%) PD/CMS
Cleaner fish mort peaks: 2020 wk 24 8929 (17.08%)without diagnosis, wk 25 12516 (28.88%)without diagnosis, wk 26 6941
(22.52%) other infectious diseases and without diagnosis, wk 27 6612 (74.44%)without diagnosis, discussed with site manager, he wasn’t sure what the undiagnosed was but thought that this was the end of cycle cull at the harvest station.
Site currently treating with slice, salmosan had been administered earlier in May. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0096
DownloadPeaks in salmon mortality 2023 wk 24 2942 (0.85%), wk 25 2881 (0.91%), wk 26 3988 (1.49%) , wk 27 7535 (3.47%), wk 28
1450 (1.41%) mainly attributed to CMS but some moritella. Wk 50 3463 (0.80%), wk 51 3376 (0.78%), wk 52 3587 (0.85%) these were recorded as seal predation and without diagnosis.
Salmon mortalities in 2024 have been persistently elevated, a fw treatment loss occurred in week 2 (13305 (3.17%), with physical damage and seal predation the main cause of mortality until week 6 with 16256 recorded. Week 6 16594 (4.25%) was recorded in the main as fw treatment loss but gill infection (AGD) and physical damage also noted. Week 7 8921 (2.38%) were partly due to the treatment losses in week 6 but mainly attributed to bacterial infection (Moritella) which is recorded predominantly as the cause of mortality through to week 12 with 44723 recorded.
Salmon morts for the last five weeks: wk 12 7718 (2.45%), wk 11 8347 (2.58%), wk 10 12667 (3.77%), wk 9 16003 (4.54%) wk
8 12799 (3.50%).
Lumpfish mortalities for the last four weeks: 17867 no diagnosis.
Wrasse peaks in mortality, 2022: Wk 33 8994 (12.32%), wk 34 (8332 (11.78%)
Lumpfish peaks in mortality 2023: wk 14 2599 (3.78%), wk 15 2996 (4.53%), wk 16 2900 (4.59%), wk 17 2582 (4.28%).
Fish were transferred from Hellisay in October due to water quality issues (jellyfish and gill health)
A number of moribunds and lethargic were observed, clinical signs included lesions and fin erosion, five were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Mort, sea lice and treatment records inspected remotely on the 21/3/2024 remaining records inspected on the 26/3/2024. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0281
DownloadSite inspected in overcast conditions and a calm sea state, visibility of the stocks was good. The site was inspected following reports of prolonged increased mortality. The site was previously inspected on 26/03/2024 and diagnostic samples were taken, case 2024-0096.
Upon inspection of the stocks, fish were observed to be residing quite deep within the pens. The majority of the population were observed shoaling well. A small population of fish in each pen were slightly lethargic. 2 moribunds, with one fish displaying abnormal swimming behaviour was removed from pen 7 for diagnostic sampling. 3 further moribunds were observed in pens 3 and 14 and were removed for sampling.
Salmon mortalities at Soay have been persistently elevated throughout the duration of 2024. For May June and July mortality has regularly been above 1% weekly. Since the date of last inspection, mortality peaked at 4.74% w/b03/06/24 and 3.58% wb
24/06/2024. In these weeks mortality was mainly attributed to treatment losses (post thermolicer treatment), Gill damage and
Cleanerfish mortality within last 4 weeks : Ballan Wrasse - 44, 1.15%. Lumpfish - 867, 4.36%.
Recent mortality within the last 4 weeks has been mainly attributed to HSMI and treatment losses.
Lice levels on site appeared low upon inspection of the stocks. [Original PDF]
Sound of Harris
Loch Duart Ltd FS1260Case Number: 2021-0336
DownloadMortality related to AGD has been seen across all pens. Specifically, the smaller grades more affected.
Failed smolts seen during wk8 to wk10 and fish with fungus was noted. Transferred from Ormsary and Clachbreac. Low level plankton observed throughout the cycle. Fish transferred from Oldany/Clashnessie for top up of stock following gill issues on site in Autumn 2020.
Locally, wild caught ballan WRS. Since the start of the cycle.
Site holding future broodstock fish. 5000 fish will be kept and transferred to Oldany/Clashnessie Bay.
All harvests are by deadhaul.
Site is not currently located in a CoGP Farm management area
Cleanerfish Mortality per production cycle:
2018 571 ballan wrasse
2020 2513 ballan wrasse; 940 lumpfish
Number of lethargic fish seen in all pens Five fish removed from one pen for diagnostic sampling.
Remote inspection conducted by and supervised by on 28/09/2021.
Site inspection conducted by , shadowed by on 06/10/2021.
VMD sampling conducted by and supervised by on 06/10/2021.
Diganostic taken by and on 06/10/2021. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0572
DownloadStock origin: Landcatch/Hendrix Genetics
Input of stock onto site: Wk12 2022
Treatment history:
First SLICE treatment was conducted in June (14-21/06/2022). Increase in gill health issues on site appearing in September promoted first H2O2 treatment from 02-07/10/2022 and 19-20/10/2022. FW treatments have been conducted between these with a duration of 3 hours. Planned H2O2 treatment in Wk47.
Health Issues: AGD inentified on site in September following potential environmental damage which was emphasised by histology reports. Mild PRV diagnosed, as well as Branchiamonas cysticola, PGD and Tenacibaculum maritum. October health visits conducted routine health screening. Following continued issues, continued high levels of PGD and AGD were reported on 27/11/2022 by health reports with last internal visit being on 15/11/2022.
2022: June, 6; August, 605 (due to freshwater treatment); September, 54; October, 95; Novemeber, 15.
Wrasse on site sourced locally or from Isle of Skye (all wild caught).Wrasse movement records were also inspected.
Site visit: first set of 10 pens inspected. Pens 7 and 8 are the pens with the highest mortality in this first set. ~20 moribund and letharic fish were seen around the sides of the pens worst affected, many of which were exhibiting gasping behaviour. On the second set of 10 pens, pen 13, 17 and 18 were the most affected pens. During the inspection two pens were seen recieving
Paramove 50 treatments.Current plan on site is to conduct Paramove 50 treatments on all the pens in the next week fews, should weather allow. AGD is the noted as the primary cause of mortality on site. Company biologist and cleanerfish coordinator on site supervising treatments. Wrasse are only creeled out during FW treatments, but hides allow for wrasse to seek shelter during H2O2 treatments. Wrasse were seen in all of the pens and appeared to be healthy. All fish sampled were moribund and lethargic. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0110
DownloadLast ECI 06/10/021 / last visit (DIA and REP) 22/11/2022
Mortality: Wk 48 and 49 2022 - 25,672 (7.33%) and 20,929 (6.45%) - AGD. FHI were out in wk47 for diagnostic. Wk 13 2024
9057 (1.33%) - delivery losses.
Salmon started coming on to site 16/03/2024. Salmon came from the hatchery with some fungus however that has cleared up well since being in seawater. No cleanerfish on site.
Last cycles treatment: Weekly optimase and tricane use for health checks. SLICE June 2022, Freshwater Aug 2022,
Paramove in Oct and Nov 2022, Feb 2023. Salmosan March 2023, freshwater April 2023. AMX (alphamax) treatments July and August 2023.
Deadhaul harvest to Dingwall
Last health report is from the last cycle (October 2023) - PCRs - AGD and low level branchiomonas.
VMD - Pen 2 Clachbreac (FS0892)
In terms of containment: Weighted Seal pro nets, seal fence (collar), bird nets. Seal fence is tied to the top of the normal net.
Site is a deadhaul site so no live movements of fish during harvesting.
During the physical inspection, no moribunds were observed. Fish taken and sampled for VMD appeared healthy both externally and internally. Site staff and company biologist were carrying out health checks including gill swabs and lice counts while I was on site. All fish that I observed appeared healthy externally - a few scored low for AGD and a handful of caligus were observed over the 30 fish health checked. [Original PDF]
South Cava
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1198Case Number: 2020-0013
DownloadSome runts observed in several cages.
Most cages with seal pro netting, although no issues with seal interaction.
No sea lice issues. All fish sampled for VMD had zero lice. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0365
DownloadStock on site from Pegal Bay and Kirk Noust. (Stofnfiskur and Aquagen stock). Site transferred fish on in Wk30 2023.
Organic site.
Hydrolicer treatment conducted in March 2023, before end of crop (previous production cycle fallowed wk 24). Fish transferred from Pegal via FW.
Only T.M.S used so far on site as a medicinal treatment.
Site was inspected following confirmation of BKD at Chalmer's Hope, which is within one tidal excursion for inspected site. The purpose of the inspection was to determined whether any fish were presenting with signs of clinical BKD. No fish were seen with signs of clinical BKD.
During site inspection, it was difficult to see the fish as water was dark and fish lower down in the water column. Two moribund fish were observed on the day of the inspection. These were removed and sampled for diagnostics. [Original PDF]
South Sound
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0183Case Number: 2020-0059
DownloadVisibility poor at time of inspection due to wind and swell which were increasing throughout the inspection. Fish were deeper in the water, could be observed on camera system shoaling well. 2 dead observed across site. Two fish removed for VMD appeared in very good condition.
Lumpfish were stocked in Decemeber 2019, these did not appear to have had an impact on adult Lep numbers. Site had planned a physical treatment using the hydrolicer, however this was delayed due to weather and demand for the hydrolicer elsewhere. Numbers have been elevated since beginning of November 2019, recent hydrolicer treatment conducted 29 &
30/01/20, this has reduced sea lice counts but still above the reporting levels.
Fish showed good feeding response.
Mortalities are now disposed of to Pelagia rather than TWMA, this is the same for all SSF sites in Shetland, small volumes will go to Waste to Energy plant in Gremista.
No bath treatments conducted for sea lice this cycle. 4 SLICE treatments and physical treaments.
Lumpfish mortality ~2% per week [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0571
DownloadFish arrived on site 29th September. No waste transfers have occurred yet this cycle due to small size of fish that can be ensiled on site.
SLICE 7th-13th November due to increased number of caligus
Site changes to sapphire seal pro nets when fish get bigger.
Paperwork and inspection conducted by , supervised by . VMD taken by . [Original PDF]
Stead of Aithness
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0637Case Number: 2022-0043
DownloadThe stock origin of the fish on site is Furnace (FS0339).
Lice skirts are used in the first year of the cycle.
The fish at harvest are transferred off site via deadhaul.
Weather on the day of the site inspection was inclement, therefore fish were not seen. In addition, the fish were swimming deep
Remote inspection conducted by on 03/03/2022, and supervised by .
Site inspection conducted by on 09/03/2022, supervised by .
VMD samples taken on 09/03/2022 by and supervised by . Fish sampled for VMD were seen to be healthy and did not exhibit any signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0570Case Number: 2023-0316
DownloadSite is not currently in use and has been fallow sine August 2019. Site to remain active. Mortality records since last inspection to fallow were collected. No movements on or off since last inspection so no movement records collected. [Original PDF]
Strondoir Bay
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1019Case Number: 2020-0262
DownloadInformation from Mort event spread sheet;period;03/08/2020to 09/08/2020 average weight;3.1kg 1.48%mort/site/wk attributed to; Water quality/Plankton 8317
Period;10/08/2020 -16/08/2020 average wt;3.1 kg 1.03%morts/site/wk attributed to Water Quality/Plankton FHI comments;
Spoke with health manager, samples have been taken, awaiting results, gill damage observed as well as observing fish twitching when brought up during mortality retrieval, potentially caused by a paralytic algal toxin. Freshwater treatment is planned.
Lump fish on site from Ocean Matters and Otterferry
Mortality had been very low since input until August. This week looks like mort level are decreasing. Fish still off feed. Every cage effected.
Morts; Dundas, whole in skips
Slice; 4 treatments, one in March 2020 and Dec 2019
Ongoing low level AGD.
Fish vet group results show Toxic algae shock. Higher levels of PGD (marked as 2) observed in fish. No unusual plankton observed on site. Oxygen reported as remaining normal. Fish observed high in cage, off food and remain off food. Dead and moribund fish appeared normal but with pale gills.
Estimate last week at 1.5%morts/wk/site but await confirmation once full week of figures available and will report should the full week figure be over 1%. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0531
DownloadThe site was inspected following reports of mortalities above the reporting threshold. Records were inspected remotely on the
26/11/2020 and the site inspection on the 2/12/2020
Morts: week 32 8317 (1.48%), week 33 5700 (1.03%) week 34 5947 (1.09%), week 35 17191 (3.18%) week 36 13620 (2.82%) week 37 7815 (2.30%)
Week 40 6676 (2.02%) week 41 2467 (0.76%), week 42 8839 (2.75%), week 43 3331 (1.07%), week 44 8486 (2.75%) following week numbers below reporting threshold, initial morts caused by toxic algal bloom but not confirmed. Second spike the result of hydrolicer for sea lice resulting in handling mortalities.
Treatment with hydrolicer 20/11/2020, previous treatments have included optilicer, hydrolicer through August up to recent treatment on the end of October
FW treatments on 30 Aug, 1 2 and 4 Sep primarily for gills
30/7/2020 sea lice numbers breached reporting levels hydrolicer used and number returned below reporting level.
High number of grilse reported to be in the stock, some fish with physical damage from rubbing the net evident.
Five moribund fish were removed for further examination and subsequent diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0115
DownloadSome increases in mortality, above the 1% mortality threshold. These have been reported to the FHI.
Hydrolicer Treatment is taking place this week due to an increased number of juveniles. Some fish observed with physical damage in cages most recently treated with Hydrolicer. Most fish that were attempted to be removed swam away strongly and very few fish with physical damage in pens not treated/treated previously.
Sea lice figures above CoGP suggested levels for treatment:
30/07/2020 - 1.28 AF
12/03/2020 - 1.01 AF
15/03/2020 - 3.01 AF
Company hydrolicer is now stationed within Loch Fyne and is used whenever lice numbers begin to rise.
VMD fish looked healthy when opened.
Due to Covid-19 paperwork was completed remotely on the 07/05/2021 and a physical inspection of the site took place on the
12/05/2021. Paperwork and inspection completed by , observed by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0486
DownloadCleaner fish stocks attributed as black loss. Poor performace of cleaner fish - both wrasse and lumpfish on site. Constant low level mortality since inputs with occasional instant losses after input. AGD identified within stocks but uncertain of cause of mortality. Site considers that no stocks remain on site, although several wrasse observed in some of the cages.
Several moribund fish observed although not in vast numbers. Occasional fish observed with sea lice damage to the head.
Diagnostic samples taken from 4 fish.
Additional treatments in cycle - 4 x FW treatments, 1 FW and Salmosan, 4 x slice treatments, 2 rounds of hydrolysing [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0059
DownloadTreatments; 23rd Oct 2022 FW and FLS system ( flusher) for AGD & lice -Wellboat; 7-12th Dec GRSS (flusher system), lice hydrolicer; 5th-7th Jan 23 lice hydrolicer, 30/1-4/2 FW 3 hours and FLS , 13-14 March FW 3hour and FLS for AGD and Lice.
Wrasse and Lump fish there on site but lump fish suffered gill issues (AGD) and wrasse although removed prior to fw treatments net washing and black loss have meant none now thought to be left- await harvest to confirm.
Morts transported to Barkip Biogas by Billy Bowie whole in skips
Optimize now used on site- 7 degree days withdrawal - Benzocaine.
Sealpro nets on site and working well, Double base on bottom of net at centre where lift up sits
Health report histo 18/1/23 Reactive changes (increased numbers of circulating leukocytes) are observed in the internal organs, but no bacteria are detected.
Health report 12/1/23 PCR; AGD positive. Negative for; furunculosis, PRV - 1 (HSMI) PMCV (CMS), SRS, Pasteurella
Skyensis, SAV and Moritella viscosa
PCR report 9/2/23 AGD negative.
FHI visit 11/10/22 ERM (1/4) , Furunculosis( 2/4) Gill health issues
Site inspection; very few moribund fish observed. Some mature grilse (about 5 across site) with skin damage observed [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1056Case Number: 2020-0298
DownloadFish suffered a PGD insult toward the end of 2019, DIA conducted 21/11/2019. This has meant the gills have been more compromised since then. Environmental conditions in the Loch with DO being low normally occur slight later in the year
(August/Sept time) but recently have dipped lower which has resulted in increased mortality w/b 6 July 2020.
Plans are in place to move fish to a different site in the same CoGP farm management area which has better environmental conditions, site is currently also using aeration stones in the worst affected cages and has started harvesting to reduce biomass.
Lice levels have been very low through the cycle.
Mortality SAL: 20-23/07/2020 0.29%, 1,178 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 0.61%, 2,557 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 1.48%, 6,682 morts (reported to FHI); w/b 29/6/2020 0.44%, 2,000 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 0.25% 1,200 morts;
Mortality WRS: 20-23/07/2020 0 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 37 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 16 morts; w/b 29/6/2020 0 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 2 morts;
Mortality LUM: 20-23/07/2020 36 morts; w/b 13/07/2020 291 morts; w/b 6/07/2020 129 morts; w/b 29/6/2020 33 morts; w/b 22/06/2020 69 morts; [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0341
DownloadMortality information (last 4 weeks)
Week 33 - 79381 - 32.84%
Week 32 - 8182 - 3.09%
Week 31 8627 - 2.17%
Week 30 - 3287 - 0.82%
Week 28 - 6682 - 1.48%
Dinoflagellate combined with solids in water after heavy rainfall resulted in environmental insult. Mortality is now back at normal levels and appetite are doing well.
Fish have been doing really well but have succumbed to an environmental insult caused by a multitude of factors in the loch.
Environmental event lasted only a few days and mortality levels are back to normal. Harvesting procedures have commenced and fallow is expected within the month. Environmental insult combined with historic PGD is thought to have been the main source of high mortality. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0246
DownloadIncreased mortality
Week 35 2020 - 2977 fish 3.12% - end of cycle - Fish being harvested out, small number of fish left on site. Reported to FHI
Water temperature was above 14 degrees Celsius so full ECI could not be completed. Fish observed during VMD sampling looked healthy and in good condition. Fish were feeding deep so hard to observe. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0491
DownloadSite inspection by , observed by .
The fish looked healthy and they were feeding well, though deep in the water column. Two dead fish observed.
The site has been inspected on the 15/07/2021 but the water temperature was found to be above 14 degrees Celsius. So full
ECI could not be completed. Case type changed to REG, CNI, SLI. Biosecurity, containment and sea lice records were found to be adequately maintained and therefore they have not been inspected again. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0511
DownloadSite inspection and paperwork conducted by , observed by & UKAS auditors.
The site is stocked with 14 pens of 2023 Q1 SAL, stocked from Applecross (FS1336), Loch Langavat (FS0149), Hebridean
Smolts (FS0394) and Ormsary Hatchery (FS0575). The site is also stocked with a mix of wild caught ballan wrasse (Scotland) and farmed wrasse from Otterferry (FS0001).
Pen numbers and stock origin : Applecross - 1, 10,11 & 14. Loch Langavat - 2,3,4,5 & 6. Hebridean smolt - 7,8 & 9. Ormsary -
12 & 13.
Cleanerfish mortality - Week 44 (150, 0.27%), Week 43 (167, 0.30%), Week 42 (42, 0.08%), Week 41 (633, 1.13%)
Cleanerfish peaks in mortality : Week 15 (1.75%), Week 17 (3.63%). Mortality events associated with failures post input.
A period of low level mortality occurred onsite between weeks 35 and 41 of 2023. The site reported mortality just above the 1% reporting level to the FHI in week 37,38 and 39.
Through routine fish health checks the site identified a mild bacterial infection throughout Q3 of 2023 which seems to be now resolving. The bacterial infections appear to be secondary to other insults, it is thought that low O2 in Loch Striven has resulted in a poor immune response in fish which has allowed a mixed bag of furunculosis and SRS to present in outlier fish. Last fish health report dated 25/10/2023.
The site was inspected in a calm sea state in overcast weather. Visibility allowed observation of the stocks to approximately 3 meters. The majority of the stock observed appeared healthy, the general population of fish observed across all cages could be seen shoaling well and responding positively hand feeding by the site operator, which was observed when capturing fish for
VMD sampling.
Clinical signs of disease were observed during this visit and four fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. Across the site, evidence of bacterial infection was clear as many fish were observed with small, circular lesions. Of the 14 cages stocked, approximately 3 to 15 moribund and lethargic fish were observed in each pen. Pen 14 had the largest number of moribunds observed at approximaly 15, 2 fish were observed hanging vertically, 6 fish were observed having a darkened body and exophalmia. All moribund fish observed had small circular lesions present. Clinical signs of disease were similar in each cage across the site in varying degrees of severity.
Fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from pens 14, 3 and 2 which appeared to be the worst affected cages based on the visible clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection.
An additional 9 fish were removed for VMD sampling, 6 of these fish had a few small circular lesions although appeared to be otherwise healthy. No gross pathology was observed.
The site conducted a round of freshwater treatments in week 41. At the time of inspection the stock were in withdrawal of
SLICE and Optomease. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0524
DownloadSite was re-visited following a positive PCR for ISA (2023-0511). Sequencing to determine if positive for ISA HPR-0 or ISA
HPR-deleted was unsuccessful due to small volume of sample. Case has not yet been closed and FHR has not yet been issued.
Statutory sample of 150 fish was taken from the site. Fish from every cage were sampled. Few moribunds were observed
(generally 1-2 fish per cage) and these were prioritised for sampling. Where there were not enough moribunds to make up the sample, clinically healthy fish were sampled.
Site is sharing a shorebase with Sgian Dubh (FS1281). Sites have separate entrances to the shorebase office, with foot baths and disinfectant at the entrance for Strone staff. Site staffs are using site-specific PPE, changing rooms, equipment and boats
(with Strone workboats being moored in a seperate location from Sgian Dubh workboats).
No movements on or off the site had occurred since the last inspection.
Site is stocked with a mix of farmed and wildcaught wrasse. Wrasse mortality for Wk44 was zero.
sampled: F1-6, 11-16, 23-28, 33-38, 45-50, 55-60, 65-70, 75-80, 85-90, 95-100, 105-110, 115-120, 125-130, 137-142,
sampled: F7-10, 17-22, 29-32, 39-44, 51-54, 59-64, 71-74, 81-84, 91-94, 101-104, 111-114, 121-124, 131-136, 143-148.
Moribund fish: 1-10, 19, 22, 47, 61, 78-79, 81-84, 92, 101, 112, 114, 118, 120, 122, 124, 132-133, 136 and 139. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1259Case Number: 2020-0279
DownloadMore wrasse arriving on days of inspection and over next 3 weeks until they reach 2% of fish in the pen (~17,000 fish required)
All wrasse on site are wild caught
Lumpfish from hatcheries in Dorset and Anglesey which are now Mowi owned (recent purchase)
Maybe more LUM next week as they don’t want to damage the gills using lice treatments
Conducted Salmosan treatments as lice number were creeping up (0.2 adult females per fish). Treatment stopped after 1.5 hours on third cage once increased mort numbers were noticed on previous 2 cages. Many more morts collected after treatment from all cages. The three cages treated with Salmosan had the highest mort numbers. Feeding stopped as a precaution. Full histo and gill samples sent for analysis at FVG. Water samples sent for analysis at Mowi. Microscopic jellyfish observed on gills and high number of toxic algae in water samples and plankton samples. Sweep net used on site everyday and analysed but no toxic algae observed. New "Van Dorn" system has been used and toxic algae are observed when using this new plankton collection method.
Gill scores increasing in mid June. Freshwater treatment used, did work to bring gills scores down.
Reportedly gill issues are common in current stock
Morts and moribund fish have reduced and appetite has increased in last few days [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0062
DownloadSalmon came on from Glenfinnan, Loch Lochy and Garry in October 21. Lumpfish came on from Anglesay in December 21.
All fish are reported to be doing very well with low gill scores and good growth.
Site has experienced low lice levels since wk7 2022 and treatments have had good clearance. Caligus levels have increased slightly in recent weeks from 0.03 to 0.09. Slice treatment may be planned to reduce numbers of Caligus. Peroxide treatments were completed in December 21 and January 22. The Aqua Skye was on site in February for a FW treatment. Gills are showing stable condition when AGD scored (~0.25 since wk7, a drop from 1.2 prior to treatment).
Fish will be live harvested to Mallaig.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but appeared to be shoaling well and were responsive to feeding.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0418
DownloadSite has reported 2 mortality events in the last 2 weeks (wk33 (1.11%) and wk34 (4.22%)). In total, site has lost 42,073 fish over that 2 week period. Mortalities were attributed to gill infections.
The mortality for the site last week (wk35) reached 3.9% (38,035 fish). Mortalities removed from the site on Monday and
Tuesday this week (5th and 6th September) totalled 3.7% (27,377 fish), all being attributed to poor gill health.
In addition to poor gill health, PD, CMS and HSMI have also been detected in the stocks but are currently not contributing to the mortalities on site. Poor gill health has been reported as the primary cause for mortality on the site.
Gillls positive for AGD, Branchiomonas, Paranucleospora and Poxvirus in August 22.
Deadhaul harvest completed yesterday, with 12,110 fish removed from two of the worst affected cages (7 and 9). More fish will be harvested next week, potentially moving to live haul. Site plans to harvest all the fish from the 8 worst affected cages
(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) over the next 8 week period and then monitor the remaining fish.
Whole site was FW treated in June and July 22 and the cages with lower mortalities are due to be treated with FW again next week (wk37). A peroxide treatment was also completed in July 22.
A total of 64,571 lumpfish were input in December 21 and a further 27,359 in August 22. Of the 91,930 lumpfish put into the site, only 32,680 remain. 59,250 mortalities have occurred since input (64%). Only 2 lumpfish were observed across the site and both appeared in poor physical health. They were positioned beyond the reach of the hand net so could not be caught for sampling.
Staff had not been out with sweep nets the day of inspection. There were a lot of visible mortalities in the majority of the cages
(~10 in some and betweenn 20-30 in others). The general population were very lethargic and lice were visible on some fish that were sitting high in the water column. Several moribunds were noted across the site. Moribunds were targeted from the worst affected cages and removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0418
DownloadSite has reported 2 mortality events in the last 2 weeks (wk33 (1.11%) and wk34 (4.22%)). In total, site has lost 42,073 fish over that 2 week period. Mortalities were attributed to gill infections.
The mortality for the site last week (wk35) reached 3.9% (38,035 fish). Mortalities removed from the site on Monday and
Tuesday this week (5th and 6th September) totalled 3.7% (27,377 fish), all being attributed to poor gill health.
In addition to poor gill health, PD, CMS and HSMI have also been detected in the stocks but are currently not contributing to the mortalities on site. Poor gill health has been reported as the primary cause for mortality on the site.
Gillls positive for AGD, Branchiomonas, Paranucleospora and Poxvirus in August 22.
Deadhaul harvest completed yesterday, with 12,110 fish removed from two of the worst affected cages (7 and 9). More fish will be harvested next week, potentially moving to live haul. Site plans to harvest all the fish from the 8 worst affected cages
(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) over the next 8 week period and then monitor the remaining fish.
Whole site was FW treated in June and July 22 and the cages with lower mortalities are due to be treated with FW again next week (wk37). A peroxide treatment was also completed in July 22.
A total of 64,571 lumpfish were input in December 21 and a further 27,359 in August 22. Of the 91,930 lumpfish put into the site, only 32,680 remain. 59,250 mortalities have occurred since input (64%). Only 2 lumpfish were observed across the site and both appeared in poor physical health. They were positioned beyond the reach of the hand net so could not be caught for sampling.
Staff had not been out with sweep nets the day of inspection. There were a lot of visible mortalities in the majority of the cages
(~10 in some and betweenn 20-30 in others). The general population were very lethargic and lice were visible on some fish that were sitting high in the water column. Several moribunds were noted across the site. Moribunds were targeted from the worst affected cages and removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0075
DownloadInput of lumpfish (103720) - 7th Feb 2024, Ocean Matters.
Pseudomonas suspected to be currently causing a few mortalities (4.5% since input)
Stock Origin: Loch Garry, Loch Lochy.
Aquagen, Mowi Ireland (fanad).
Staggered stock input in 2023: 12/10, 14/10, 16/10, 24/10, 9/11, 21/11
Increased mortality:
19th Nov, 2023, 6561, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
20th Nov, 2023, 1703, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
21th Nov, 2023, 6075, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
Lumpfish mortality:
2024: Wk7,532,0.51%; Wk8, 378,0.37%; Wk9, 515,0.50%; Wk10, 3105,3.04%;
Attributed above with transport losses and Pseudomonas in wk 10.
09-14/11/2023 - Slice; 13-19/12/2023 slice for latter pens
15-18/12/2023- paramove peroxide, gill inflammation
08/01 to 09/02/2024 - paramove; delousing and gill inflammation, (not everyday because storms, so drawn out longer)
Next planned treatment - FW- treatment following results that showed samples were 80% positive for AGD .
12/02/2024- health visit: AGD present
08/03/2024- last health visit, and taken swabs for Pseudomonas. health team - out every once every two weeks. Swabs also done by site team and sent to own lab.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 13/03/2024.
Weather did not permit to conduct site inspection on 20/03/2024. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0111
DownloadLumpfish from Ocean Matters
LUM mortality: Wk13: 945 (1.11%), Wk14: 781 (0.93%), Wk15: 5389 (6.47%), Wk16: 1606 (2.06%) - attributed to bad weather, pseudomonas and freshwater treatment in week 15.
Last health report: 12 and 16th April 2024 - Pseudomonas in lumpfish. Salmon gill swabs 1/20 positive for AGD.
Treatments: SLICE 2-9th April 2024. Freshwater Wk15
During physical inspection of site fish were hard to observe due to the weather conditions. A sweep net was used to catch fish for VMD sampling as feed response was low as fish had already had the morning feed. Salmon and lumpfish caught in the net appeared externally healthy with few lice on the salmon. Fish sampled for VMD also appeared healthy internally. [Original PDF]
Swarta Skerry, Dury Voe
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1335Case Number: 2020-0062
DownloadRecent mortalities due to physical damage from bad weather and seals scaring fish, making them burrow. On inspection of stock on site, could see mild physical damage on the heads and on the flanks, but vast majority of the fish appeared in good condition. One to two moribund fish close to the surface per pen but were swimming away on closer inspection.
Morts disposed of by Pelagia Shetland Ltd. Allowed to use Waste to Energy incinerator in Lerwick if less than 1 tonne/week.
Arrangements and storage of dead fish not in FMS but is in waste management plan. Nothing in FMS regarding sensitivity testing but is in VHP. Biological controls are in FMS but doesn't include under what circumstances they will be used under. Site manager says that they are planned to be used as a routine prevention measure and will be introduced at the start of each cycle. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0109
DownloadRemote inspection 19/04/22 by , observed by
Site inspection and VMD sampling 26/04/22 by , observed by
Site had experienced low level AGD from PCR screening, not causing issues on site and levels from recent samples have decreased.
Very good visibility at time of inspection. Fish were shoaling deeper in the water. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Site were conducting sea lice counts at time of inspection, 10 fish per cage. Physical treatments recently undertaken on site for sea lice, thermolicer and two cages with the hydrolicer. There were 1 to 2 lethargic fish in the cages treated with the
Thermolicer, but noticeably more lethargic fish observed in cages recently treated with the hydrolicer, some with varying degrees of physical damage. The Thermolicer treatments were conducted using the new purpose built Inverlussa boat, which was reported to be very effective and had capacity to treat a cage quicker than previous thermolicers used.
All cages have double nets installed
T304 used, however not in drop down list therefore left blank. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0598
DownloadFish are taken whole by Henderson and transported to Pelagia for biogas generation.
Mortality has been ongoing since WK 34. It has been attributed to CMS and CGD.
Freshwater has been used to treat gills and lice, however recently the hydrolicer has been used to treat for sealice as the gills are compromised. Cages 6, 10 are worst affected by sealice (average across the site was ~2.71 WK 46) and have been scheduled to be harvested WK47, although this is dependant on weather.
WK43 - HydrL
WK45 - HydrL
WK34 Peroxide treatment, one cage was done, but aborted after 1 cage as fish suffered high mortality.
WK35 - FW treatment
WK40 - Hydrolicer treatment
Site is currently harvesting - worst affected cages (sea lice) are being harvested out first and will be emptied this week, followed by cage 10.
Physical inspection of cages could not be undertaken due to weather.
Inspection completed by observed by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0080
DownloadSite inspected in overcast conditions with a flat sea state, visibility of the stocks was good. Fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to hand feeding. 5 moribunds (pens 2, 4, 10) were observed during the inspection of the site. 2 fish displaying an abnormal swim behaviour was also observed in pen 10. Site staff were conducting lice counts during the time of inspection, fish appeared healthily with clean gills and good body condition.
3 fish were removed for VMD sampling, 1 fish from pen 1 and 2 from pen 5, the fish appeared healthy both internally and externally.
Lice counts in recent weeks have been elevated and above suggested criteria for treatment advised by the CoGP. the Most recent treatments conducted was a thermolicer treatment on 17/05/24 and prior to that a Salmosan treatment commencing on
05/04/2024. The site are planning to treat again with Salmosan commencing on 28/05/2024. The site are currently using MS-
222 for anesthetization. No physical damage was observed on any of the stocks during the physical inspection of the site. [Original PDF]
Swining Voe 3
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0903Case Number: 2020-0086
DownloadMRT01601 (06/04/2020) - 5,158 (1.28%) - 2019 S1 - Physical damage following mechanical lice treatment. Harvesting to begin soon.
MRT01629 (04/05/2020) - 10,708 (2.85%) - 2019 S2 - Treatment losses / CMS
Mortality last 4 weeks:
W/b 13th April: 2,478 (0.62%) - attributed to CMS (affecting entire site however cages 2 and 3 are experiencing more mortalities from this)
W/b 20th: 3,458 (0.88%) - CMS
W/b 27th: 2,407 (0.62%) - CMS
W/b 4th May: 10,708 (2.85%) - Losses after freshwater treatment/crowding/stress.
Mortalities reduced the following week and sea lice numbers have also reduced.
Sea lice weekly counts over 2 since August:
Wk39: 3.3
Wk40: 3.85 followed by a freshwater treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Wk46: 3.66 followed by a physical treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Wk51: 3.6 followed by a physical treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Wk4: 5.4 followed by a physical treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Wk8: 2.95
Wk9: 2.5 followed by a physical treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Wk15: 2.53
Wk16: 5.22 followed by a freshwater treatment, lice load was reduced to below 1.
Site receives fish input from Girlsta Hatchery FS0504.
Site due to begin harvesting at the beginning of June 2020. The site is expected to be fallow by the middle of July.
Site currently only doing dead haul harvests.
PSI completed due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0250
DownloadOwnership of site about to change so uncertain regarding next input date.
Seal predation, biting fish through net but no equipment damage.
No mention on FMS that the area is stocked with a single year class but stated in VHWP.
Remote inspection on 14/07/21 done by , observed by
Physical inspection and VMD sampling carried out by observed by .
Fish looked healthy and were behaving normally, no dead fish observed. Less than one fish with physical damage observed per pen. No sea lice seen on the fish sampled for the VMD, no clinical signs observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0370
DownloadOnly 3 pens currently stocked with locally caught wild wrasse but remaining pens will be stocked in the coming months.
Weights range from 22g to 336g. Wrasse first brought on site week 34 (21/08) 2023.
Stock on site looking in good condition with only 1 lethargic fish observed. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no clinical signs of disease or gross pathology.
Three pieces of information found to be missing from the FMS:
Circumstances under which biological controls and cleanerfish are to be used.
Dates by which the area or individual farm will be fallow and the earliest date when a farm or area may be restocked.
Whether one or more year classes may be stocked onto sites covered by the agreement or statement.
This information was however available in the sites VHWP and husbandry manual. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1297Case Number: 2021-0412
DownloadFish came on from North Shore (FS1033)
Farmed lumpfish and wildcaught wrasse on site.
Mortalities and waste are stored in sealed bins on site until they are transferred to a common skip at the shorebase. The skip is collected by JD and taken to whiteshore cockles for landfill.
Mortality events:
Wk31: 5.3%, Wk45 (2019): 3.17%, Wk 44 (2019): 2.62%, Wk43 (2019): 3.64%), Wk42 (2019): 1.52%
Mortality events that occurred in 2019 were attributed to the presence of CGD, CMS and PD on site. The mortality event that occurred in August 2021 was post-treatment.
Average adult female leps increased to 2.21 in wk29 and the site responded with a FW treatment which had good clearance, reducing the count to 0.29 the following week. The average count increased to 5.78 in Wk33. A salmosan and thermolicer treatment reduced the count to 1.86 in wk34. An average count of 2.32 was recorded in wk35 but reduced to 0.29 in wk36 as a result of an ongoing thermal treatment. When the average adult females increased again to 2.17 in wk28, a hydrolicer treatment reduced the count to 1.18 in wl39.
Site is conducting live haul harvests to Mallaig processing plant.
New thermolicer was on site during inspection. This was the first site to be treated. If the clearance rate of sea lice is high, then the boat will move to North Shore.
No mortalities observed across the site and only 4 moribunds were noted.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0170
DownloadInput of fish from Loch Ness and Glenfinnan occurred in Sept 2022.
Slice was administered between 03/03/2023 to 12/04/2023. Therefore, on date of inspection fish were in withdrawal for Slice.
The end of the withdrawal period is expected to be 04/06/2023.
AGD has been an issue on site with currently ~ 20% of the site showing lesions. Many fish have outgrown their lesions and are coping weel with it. Freshwater treatments are planned for end May/June.
Seal interacions were an issue in December 2023 but since have decreased. Pens most affected were pen 9, 10 and 15. A seal was observed in pen 10 on 26/12/2022 during net washing. Bird net lifted and seal exited. Netwashing camera showed no holes in the net when checked and divers confirmed this on 27/12/2022. Notifications recieved on 25/05/2023 following discussion that this incident should have been reported previously in Decemeber 2022.
HSMI has been observed specifically in pen 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Migdale Transport used for any transfers.
During the inspection of cleaner fish records, increased mortalities were observed in the wrasse population. From week 37 to
41 2022 , the site received weekly wrasse inputs of farmed and wild wrasse. Simultaneously, elevated mortality was occurring following these inputs, with percentages between 1.34% and 5.65% observed. Elevated mortality continued until week 10
2023, with average weekly mortality percentage at 6.66% and average weekly mortality count of 5334. Specifically, two spikes in mortality were noted; Wk 50 2022 with 19.75% (18681) and Wk 3 2023 with 19.68% (10099). The cause of mortality was attributed to poor quality on input, with these morts being classed as ‘without diagnosis- fresh’ in mortality reports. To date, from week 37 2022, an approximate total of 133,119 wrasse have been lost from an input total of approximately 164,109. lumpfish onsite have been input onto site in April 202 from cleanerfish.
Recent Lumpfish mortality (2023):
Wk15- 0.14%, 51
Wk16- 1.68%, 602
Wk17- 1.28%, 452
WK18 - 1.85%, 645
Site inspection conducted on 16/05/2023. During site inspection very few moribund fish observed, with some fish seen swimming deeper with old and healing moritella lesions. These fish were out of reach and swimming behaviour was normal, therefore no fish were samples for diagnostic purposes. Fish removed for VMD sampling were in good and healthy condition.
Site is planning to move 4 pens from Tabhaigh to Scalpay on skye in summer 2023. [Original PDF]
Taing of Railsbrough Catfirth
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0501Case Number: 2020-0065
DownloadSite currently fallow and has been since wk 21, 2018. Site may be used as a nursery site this autumn, after which there are no future plans to use again so to be made inactive. Site still has 10 pens in the water at location but no nets. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0267
DownloadSite currently fallow, future of site uncertain following recent acquisition of GSS by SSF. Was to be made inactive, however, the site will remain active at present. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0549Case Number: 2021-0165
DownloadSlice treatment started wk 20.
Remote inspection done on 28/05/21 by , supervised by . Physical inspection done on 01/06/2021 by , supervised by .
No issues on site. Fish looked healthy when sampled by for VMD (observed by ). [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0125
DownloadRemote inspection done on 22/04/22.
Wild wrasse from Orkney.
No issues on site, the fish were feeding deep in the water column during the site inspection but from what could be observed they appeared healthy and with no signs of damage or fin erosion. The fish sampled for the VMD appeared healthy. No sea lice was observed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0495
DownloadAll fish on site from Barcaldine.
Nevis sites being stocked this week
80 m circles on site
FW well boat treatment at site today. Peroxide last week
Fergusons boat removing current mortalites. Final disposal destination is Dumfries.
Mort; 8/10 0.75%; 15/10 2.55%, 22/10 6.45; 29/10 12.33%. 2/11 3.53 (part week)
Individual cages worse than others. Aquagen fish in pens 1,4 ,5 and 6 worst effected.
AGD peroxide (Paramove)treatment 23/9- 26/9 - tarp treatment; Peroxide July, Current treatments peroxide and fresh water
Health reports - 11/7/23 vet report lamellar lesions on gills; August test results AGD Moderate to High [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0064
DownloadMortalities over threshold:
Wk33: 1.3% (4,043)
Wk37: 1.1% (3,367
Wk38: 3% (9,235)
Wk41: 2.6% (7,636)
Wk42: 6.5% (18,784)
Wk43: 12.3% (33,604)
Wk44: 9.6% (22,855) wk45 - 7.1% (15,357)
Wk46 - 3.7% (7,476)
Wk47 - 4.7% (11,145)
Wk48 - 5.3% (13,444)
Wk49 - 2.71% (6,685)
Wk50 - 1.4% (3,288)
All mortality events have been attributed to poor gill health (CGD) combined with FW treatment losses in Wk48, 49 and 50
2023. Wrasse mortality since input for farmed stock was 45.69% and 27.28% for wildcaught stock.
Average adult female leps combined has remained below the CoGP treatment threshold since last EC inspection in April 2022.
Two batches of fish received onto site. One input in February 23, followed by a 2nd input in April 23 (within 6 weeks of each other). A mix of Fanads and Aquagens are currently on site and all came on through Barcaldine and Fada.
Site is stocked with a mix of farmed and wildcaught wrasse and site manager reported them to be effective at controlling sea lice on the site.
Lesions have been observed on some fish across site but appear to be healing well. Fish are being fed a skin assist diet to aid recovery and will soon move onto a Resist X diet to support gut function.
SLICE was administered in February 24, following a peroxide treatment in Nov 23.
General population of fish on site appeared in good external health, with a handful of individuals across the site appeared in poor health and were exhibiting skin lesions. These were removed during the inspection and humanely culled. No other clinical signs of disease were observed so diagnostic samples were not taken on this occassion.
The fish sampled for VMD was clinically healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. Gut was full of food on examination.
Remote inspection completed on 21/03/24. Site visited on 26/03/24. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0752Case Number: 2020-0153
Downloadw/b 23/09/2019 4.37%/wk; AGD; 39460 dead; Treatment was administered and mortality reduced back to normal level w/b 11/11/2019 1.06%/wk; AGD; 5696 dead; Treatment administered, improvement immediately after. w/b 24/02/202 1.10%/wk Treatment handling 5823 dead; Hydrolicer treatment w/b 02/03/2020 2.15%/wk Treatment handling; 11296 dead; Hydrolicer treatment w/b 09/03/2020 1.28%/wk Post Treatment/Seal Predation 6583 dead w/b 16/03/2020 1.32%/wk; Seal Predation; 6977 dead; DI got in touch with company, Seal pressure from Kyles of Vuia has shifted to east Loch Roag now that Kyles of Vuia has seal pro nets installed. Plan to install seal pro nets at Taranaish, (5 month waiting time) and in the meantime ADD's are being adjusted constantly, site staff are focusing on mortality removal, and problem seals are being identified for culling.
Wk 13 24/3-30/3 0.37%, Wk14 31/3-6/4 0.13%
Mort disposal; whole fish in skips and landfill at white shore cockles.
Treatments; Nov; peroxide for AGD, Slice, Dec; hydrolicer, Feb, slice, Feb/March, hydrolicer. Planned mechanical treatment and peroxide.
Sea lice had been over two in Feb. Storms had prevented treatments. Wk 5 2020, over two reported.
Lump fish input from Ocean Matters and Swansea.
Awaiting seal pro nets but delayed due to covid issue, predator nets seal blind have been considered but not thought appropriate (further details to follow); They have a licence to dispatch. Dispatched in Loch Roag area.
Emailed update; "All nets have seal blinds fitted as standard, and this will be applied to the Seal Pros when they are deployed.
Predator nets are not used due to the damage that they can do to wildlife, plus the difficulty in keeping them clear of growth which has an impact on the water flow to the fish. A site like Taranaish, with a history of AGD which can escalate quickly would not be suitable for predator nets, for health and welfare reasons". [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0343
DownloadMortality information (last 4 weeks) week 33 - 15807 - 4.09%) week 32 - 8084 - 1.96% week 31 - 2961 - 0.71%) week 30 - 1078 - 0.25% week 28 - 7016 - 1.55% (post treatment)
Gill health and a mixture of PGD and post treatment mortality, site manager has reported jelly fish in the area. FW treatment had post mortality within the crowd, Mechanical treatment had post treatment mortality recently in certain pens worst affected by gill health and environmental. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0174
DownloadSmolts from Ormsary Smolt Unit, Inverkerry Smolt Unit and Russel Burn. No issues since transfer and fish feeding well.
Site will stock with locally caught wrasse later in the summer and lumpfish in the autumn/winter. Fish treated with Slice in May
Seal Pro nets fitted on site.
Fish will be graded in autumn with large grade transferred to Vacasay (October).
Water dark and fish low, but no moribund fish observed. All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted 02/06/21. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0553
DownloadFreshwater treatment completed on 28/11/2021; 6 hours. No cleanerfish on site due to consecutive freshwater treatments.
Ballan wrasse mortality events: wk34, 609, 14.17% wk35, 295, 6.20% wk38, 552, 8.91% wk43, 3550, 55.31% wk45, 2868, 100%
Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by on 02/12/2021.
Site inspection conducted by , shadowed by on 07/12/2021. Inspectors were accompanied by APHA for the site inspection. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0275
DownloadWrasse mortality peaks 2021 wk 34 609 (14.17%) black losses Wk 43 3550 (55.31%) post treatment/predator, wk 45 2868
(100%) post treatment.
Salmon mortality peaks 2021, wk 43 24,990 (3.70%), wk 44 31146 (4.79%) wk 45 92861 (14.99%) wk46 75434 (14.32%), wk
47 129 650 (28.73%) wk 48 75303 (23.42%), wk 49 66000 (26.87%) wk 50 22884 (12.99%), wk51 9125 (5.31%), wk 52 7168
These mort peaks were part of the same event, AGD, PRV,SAV tenebaculum identified, morts mainly attributed to AGD and treatments. All mortality peaks had been reported to the FHI and a site inspection and diagnostic sampling conducted (case
2021 0553)
Lice numbers have been low this cycle.
PD detected in pen 5, on inspection a number of moribunds were observed, some lesions and also cataracts noted, five fish removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Tarbert South
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0767Case Number: 2020-0136
DownloadSeal in the pen since last inspection but no holes and not suspected losses, situation now resolved.
4,900 LUM stocked in January into two pens (5&6), however LUM experiences increased mortality and the batch of Lumpfish was diagnosed with atypical furunculosis, remaining lumpfish were culled as part of the move of these cages to Rubha Stillaig as well as sustained high mortality. Risk assessment for LUM movement available, resulting in decision to cull remaining fish.
2019 S1 moved from Sgian Dubh to Tarbert South in November 2019 and then on to Rubha Stillaig in February 2020. Risk assessment available. FMS outlines fallowing includes consideration for this. treating with SLICE at the moment
Fish very deep in the water. Fish from 4 cages removed for lice counts appeared to be in very good condition and very clean.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. No containment issues observed on site. Net and top net still fastened to the handrail with zip ties every few meters. No seals observed in the vicinity of the site during the inspection.
Initial and Final notification (MSe041219SAL) received 11/5/2020. Documents reviewed as satisfactory regarding recommendations made with regards to containment and escapes. 14/5/2020 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0379
DownloadNo dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed. Small number of fish observed deeper in the water with physical damage, attibuted to post treatment.
Treatments have been targeted to cages that have had numbers above TSSC treatment threshold, rather than treat the whole site. All recent treatments have been hydrolicer, with only SLICE being used earlier in the cycle. Site stocked with wrasse
(wild caught) and along with targetting specific cages, this has reported to have helped the management of sea lice so far this cycle.
No recent issues reported on site, fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Visibility good at time of inspection and fish observed shoaling deeper in the water. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0143
Download10 cages from Heb Smolt (Clachan hat) – 1st input 23/09/2021 & 4 cages from Loch Damph 1st input 5/10/2021
Four SLICE treatments this cycle Oct 2021, Dec 2021, Jan 2022 and 11 - 17 April 2022. Also FW treatment; 3.1.22 and week
17 2022 - 1 hour treatments.
Cleanerfish farmed and wild- Wrasse -Mull, Anglesey - Lumps
Live haul harvest unloaded at Ardyne.
FW treatment April, Wellboat for gill health. - 1 hour. Cleaner fish also treated. Fine with very low mortality. If longer treatment have wellboat the Ronja Kvaloy has a dewaterer that can remove lumps and wrasse. Ronja star being build to include cleaner fish removal system.
Cleaner fish mortality in this cycle to date; 67% since input. Ballan wrasse input; 2227, Lumpsucker input 25308, wrasse mixed species 6093 input. Mortality not attributed to anything specific with 11500 mort were attributed to "black losses". [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0500
DownloadHealth reports suggest fish exposed to water borne insult, potentially harmful plankton bloom or stinging jellyfish. Routine water sampling hasn't identified any harmful plankton or jellyfish. Sites within loch are conducting Freshwater treatments using the Ronja Star, wellboat is set up where fish can either be pumped straight back to cage after freshwater treatment or diverted through a separate delousing system, which is a mild 'flush' low pressure FLS water system to remove sea lice and the combined FW and FLS system are reported to be giving up to 99% clearance. This can be bypassed if low lice numbers and not required.
Mortality removal using uplift. Bakkafrost also have access to boat Bakkaness, that has been converted to deal with mortality events with ensiling system on board and reportedly has 600 tonnes of storage for ensiled waste.
Weather deteriorating during inspection with swell picking up due to exposed nature of site. No dead or moribund fish were observed during the inspection. 1 - 2 slightly lethargic fish observed per cage but these were deeper in the water and actively swam away when approached, majority of fish observed were shoaling well and were deeper in the water. All feeding is currently undertaken from the Stronachuillin shorebase.
WK 41 - (up to 12/10/22) - 640 (0.29%) - Gill Health Related
WK 40 - 3,228 (1.47%) - Gill Health Related
WK 39 - 2,928 (1.23%) - Gill Health Related
WK 38 - 4,118 (1.43%) - Gill Health Related
WK 37 - 4,668 (1.79%) - Gill Health Related
WK 36 - 12,023 (4.4%) - Gill Health Related
WK 35 - 3,477 (1.26%) - Gill Health Related
WK 40 -259 (3.4%)
WK39 - 345 (5.28%)
WK 36 - 281 (4.12 %)
WK 35 - 36 (0.53%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0028
DownloadFish came on from Applecross, some of which were dead on arrival following a failure in the hatcheries biofilter prior to transfer. This failure resulted in a spike of ammonia which caused a chronic gill insult, which presented as PGD type damage for a period of time post transfer, but which healed well in SW. Following transfer however, the fish have been reported to be performing well. PD, Moritella and AGD have been diagnosed on site and fish are being fed extra vitamins to promote skin healing.
Sea lice levels have been low on site so far this cycle. 3 SLICE treatments have been completed since input. The first course was administered prophylactically, the following 2 were in response to increasing lice numbers with good clearance reported.
The site has also completed FW treatments combined with FLS which have also been successful at significantly reducing lice loads.
Site fallow in wk11 2023. Restocked in wk32 2023. No mortality above the reporting threshold since wk52 2022.
Company biologists are out on site every second week to collect swabs and bloods. Divers are also on site monthly to conduct sub-surface equipment inspections and the site also has access to a net washer which is in the water every 10 days.
Fish on site were sitting deep in the water on the day of inspection so were difficult to observe. 3 moribunds were observed across the site showing signs of infection with Moritella. These were removed and examined externally. The skin lesions appeared to have begun healing over and no other clinical signs of disease were observed so fish were not sampled for diagnostics.
Fish sampled for VMD had a strong response to feed and appeared in good external and internal health upon examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0393
DownloadSite was inspected following reports of increased mortality.
From the site's most recent fish health report dated 04/10/2024 Frunculosis, gill health and physical damage were the main drivers for mortality.
Mortality at the site first became elevated in week 32 2024 and has remained elevated to date, peaking in week 40 at 3.95%.
Initially pens 13 and 14 were the worst affected, these fish were harvested out in week 39. At present peens 2, 3 and 10 are accounting for the largest volume in mortality. These three pens have now been placed on the harvest schedule for the coming weeks.
The site have conducted three rounds of 3 hour freshwater bath treatments since the end of July 2024, the most recent round of treatments was completed on 18/09/2024. Sea lice counts are low on site and below the CoGP suggested criteria for treatment. The site completed a round of slice treatments on 27/08/2024.
The site was inspected in a rough sea state resulting in extremely poor visibility of the stock. Only 4 pens were inspected due to these conditions, moribund and lethargic fish were observed in each pen that was inspected and 5 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Frunculosis is currently present on site and the site staff reported that approximaly 20% of the mortalities removed from the site exhibited lesions commonly associated with the disease. However, due to the poor conditions and lack of visibility of the stocks during the inspection of the site, no fish with lesions were observed from the pen side.
Water quality at the site is good at present, plankton checks are conducted daily and the site remains below the trigger levels intervention in relation to any harmful phytoplankton's. Around mid September 2024 the site did experience some elevated plankton levels which may have contributed to some of the gill health issues being experienced at present. [Original PDF]
Teisti Geo
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1093Case Number: 2022-0237
DownloadFish from Barcaldine (Aquagen) and Girlsta (Stofinfiskur)
Slice 27/5/22 - 02/06/22 all pens treated.
Potential use for cleaner fish but no plans to use them for this site in the near future
Seeing a lot of caligus at the moment but have treated previous rises recently with SLICE which has worked.
During on site inspection only 2 mortalities were observed on the whole site. Fish were deep in water but those observed looked healthy. A couple fish had lesions to the face which were potentially previously caused by net damage.
VMD samples taken from cages 3 and 7 by .
Mortality levels above reporting threshold from during July 2019 through to October due to CMS. Mortality levels again elevated the following cycle in late May 2021 to August due to gill health issues. All events were reported to FHI.
24/05/22 - 26/07/22 due to CMS but numbers never above reporting level.
Paperwork inspected remotely by , supervised by on 15/07/22. Site inspection carried out by , supervised by
on 21/07/22. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0234Case Number: 2020-0098
DownloadNo records of lumpfish offsite maintained as numbers are not known, the numbers are counted and recorded at Mallaig harvest station along with records of wild fish that have been transferred.
Lumpfish mortalities increased December 2018 (5168 no diagnosis), January 2019 (4031 No diagnosis), February 2019
(5332 atypical furunculosis) and March 2019 (5143 atypical furunculosis), April 2019 (5168,(no diagnosis) , florfenicol had been administered.
Lumpfish morts 544 last four weeks [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0482
DownloadElevated mortalities due to gill issues currently an issue. Mortalities related to gill issues began during week 35 with a marked increase in week 39.
Salmon mortalities week 39 4689 (0,54%), week 40 7448 (0.86%), week 41 14571 (1.69%), wk 42 5691 (0.84%), wk 43 32494
(4.86%), wk 44 (2.02%) 11109, wk 45 10074 (2.08%)
Additional mortality peak recorded in week 26 6906 (0.82%) and week 27 4287 (0.49%) attributed to post treatment losses, this also affected cleaner fish mortalities with 9947 and 5389 recorded.
Cleaner fish mortalities have been elevated also with 2324 recorded for the last four week in the wrasse being attributed to atypical furunculosis, lumpfish mortalities have been 5938 due to pseudomonas and handling.
Sea lice numbers have been above the CoGP recommended threshold for treatment since week 39 with a breech of the reporting threshold in week 45 (4.72) and week 42 (4.93)
Gill anaemia a significant problem. At the time of inspection two boats were conducting freshwater treatments. A number of lethargic fish were observed in the pens however these difficult to catch with a hand net but five fish were removed for further examination and diagnostic sampling.
Extremely poor weather condition made stock inspection difficult.
Due to ongoing issues on site a meeting with the manager could not be arranged as he just too busy therefore some records could not be inspected and some details not clarified. Sea lice and mortality data was provided prior to the inspection as well as stock details for the salmon however some information was not available.
Results of animal health surveillance discussed on site with company biologist. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0482
DownloadElevated mortalities due to gill issues currently an issue. Mortalities related to gill issues began during week 35 with a marked increase in week 39.
Salmon mortalities week 39 4689 (0,54%), week 40 7448 (0.86%), week 41 14571 (1.69%), wk 42 5691 (0.84%), wk 43 32494
(4.86%), wk 44 (2.02%) 11109, wk 45 10074 (2.08%)
Additional mortality peak recorded in week 26 6906 (0.82%) and week 27 4287 (0.49%) attributed to post treatment losses, this also affected cleaner fish mortalities with 9947 and 5389 recorded.
Cleaner fish mortalities have been elevated also with 2324 recorded for the last four week in the wrasse being attributed to atypical furunculosis, lumpfish mortalities have been 5938 due to pseudomonas and handling.
Sea lice numbers have been above the CoGP recommended threshold for treatment since week 39 with a breech of the reporting threshold in week 45 (4.72) and week 42 (4.93)
Gill anaemia a significant problem. At the time of inspection two boats were conducting freshwater treatments. A number of lethargic fish were observed in the pens however these difficult to catch with a hand net but five fish were removed for further examination and diagnostic sampling.
Extremely poor weather condition made stock inspection difficult.
Due to ongoing issues on site a meeting with the manager could not be arranged as he just too busy therefore some records could not be inspected and some details not clarified. Sea lice and mortality data was provided prior to the inspection as well as stock details for the salmon however some information was not available.
Results of animal health surveillance discussed on site with company biologist. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0140
DownloadAdditional peaks in mortality 2020 Wk 45 - 11,275 (2.08%) due to gill infections (10,074) and anaemia (1,201). 2020 Wk 46 -
17,884 (3.82%) due to gill infections (8,735) and FW treatment loss (9,149). Mortalities reduced significantly the following weeks.
Lumpfish mortalities - For April total mortality 2,595 (4.78%). Other peaks in mortality - Nov 2020 9,700 (8.38%) (7,692 transport losses), Dec 2020 5,165 (5.91%) (mainly without diagnosis), Jan 2021 4,522 (11.54%) (mainly without diagnosis, some handling sea lice mortality). Following discussion with the manager it was confirmed that the mortalities recorded without diagnosis should have been recoded as post treatment mortalities.
1 side swimmer and 1 mort observed. Not removed for sampling.
Paperwork (ECI,SLI,VMD) completed by , supervised by . CNA completed by , observed by . VMD completed by . Site inspected by and 11/05/2022. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0459
DownloadSalmon Peaks in mortalities 2022 wk 42 5850 (1.34%) gill health and HSMI. Wk 43 5028 (1.17%) gill health and HSMI, wk 48
4186 (1.65%) CMS, wk49 10473 CMS/thermolicer (4.67%), wk 52 1788 (1.23%) CMS.
Salmon Peaks in mortalities 2023 wk 1 1952 (1.73%) CMS, wk 2 1372 (1.79%) CMS, wk 3 1506 (2%)CMS/thermolicer, wk 20
2374 (1.77%) FW treatment handling, wk 26 1167 (1.19%) CMS.
Salmon morts for the last 4 weeks, wk 39 2490 (% not provided) wk 38 2648 (0.28%), wk 37 4580 (0.48%), wk 36 5844
(0.60%) all attributed to nephrocalcinosis.
Lumpfish input week 39, mortalities recorded as 255 due to transport losses.
Wrasse mortality for the last four weeks wk 39 1777 (3.08%), wk 38 1787 (3.01%), wk 37 1612 (3.03%), wk 36 750 (1.65%), no diagnosis.
Lumpfish peaks in mortality 2022 wk 21 4118 (8.30%)handling/ no diagnosis, wk 22 6312 (8.01%) Handling, wk 28 10831
(9.74%) transport losses, wk 29 14106 (14.05%) without diagnosis, wk 30 8104 (9.39%) without diagnosis, wk 31 8738
(11.17) without diagnosis/other infectious diseases.
Wrasse peaks in mortality 2022 wk 45 2806 (9.17%) without diagnosis, wk 46 2698 (9.71%)without diagnosis,, wk 47 2051
(8.17%)without diagnosis,, wk 48 3029 (13.15%)without diagnosis, wk 49 1789 (8.94%)without diagnosis, wk 50 1530
(8.40%)without diagnosis,, wk 51 1169 (7%)without diagnosis.
Mortalities are ensiled and if PH (3-3.4)is correct it goes to Scanbio in Inverness, if other PH goes to Energen.
Last cycle issues with gill health.
Some dead wrasse observed in 2 pens. 2 moribund salmon noted but away from edge of cage so not removed. Poor visibility due to weather conditions. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0397
DownloadSite visited due to prolonged mortality over threshold: Wk 37 - 1.98%, Wk 38 - 1.96%, Wk 39 - 2% and Wk 40 - 1.3% attributed to anaemia, FW treatment losses and gill issues.
Mortality is currently highest in pens 2, 4 and 7. In the last week (1-8th October) pen 2 had the highest mortality at 3.24%.
Currently this week mortality has been 0.48%. Per pen: 1 - 0.59%, 2 - 0.95%, 4 - 1.05%, 6 - 0.21%, 7 - 0.44%, 9 - 0.11%, 10 -
0.47%, 11 - 1.12% (harvested out yesterday), 12 - 0.25%. Pen 4 is being harvested out tomorrow.
Fish came onto site August 2023. Site has begun to harvest on the 06/05/24, most recent harvest was on the 08/10/24 and site is now harvesting to fallow in mid December (mostly deadhaul). Targeting harvest - keeping an eye on mortality levels each week.
Site also has both lumpfish and wrasse on site. A total of 70,665 wrasse have been input onto site since August 2023. Today there are 21,274 wrasse on site. Wrasse mortality has been attributed to freshwater treatments and environmental issues
(microjellies and plankton). In September 2023 the first batch of 63,089 lumpfish arrived on site and not long after lumpfish mortality started to rise. After testing by the company it was found that furunculosis was the cause (lumpfish were vaccinated but further testing revealed it was a different strain). Company believed the cause of the outbreak were the wrasse on site.
Medicated feed blocks were ordered in October but due to a delay the blocks didn't arrive on site until 15/11/2023 by which point 59,549 lumpfish had died. The next input of lumpfish was not until Feb 2024. Since Feb 2024, 60,000 lumpfish have been input onto site and as of today the site has 33,924 lumpfish. Lumpfish mortalities in 2024 have been attributed mainly to environmental conditions (microjellies and plankton) as well as freshwater treatments.
Gill issues on site from December 2023 until March 2024 which then began again at the end of August. Lots of microjellies in the water - counts ranging from 1000 to 2200 cells per millilitre in some samples taken daily on site during June/July. Most recent (7th October) had 100 cells/ml.
Treatments - Freshwater treatments were carried out in March, July and September 2024. September treatments carried out on 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th and 18th. Some days were weathered off. Averaging about 2 cages per day. Last year's treatments could grade out the lumpfish due to their small size however the most recent treatments have happened on a boat that can't grade out lumpfish.
Sealice - have been low in number.
Last health visit - 23/09/2024 but report hasn't been sent through yet.
Last health report - 27/08/2024 - "gill health decreased with a lot of gill bleeding, CGD present, only 1 or 2 moribund per pen, mortality (80%) attributed to anaemia, feed response good".
When inspecting site, only one moribund fish was observed in pen 2. This was caught and taken for diagnostic sampling. Gills of this fish were bleeding. Staff on site were carrying out lice counts and the majority of fish they caught also had bleeding gills but these fish all appeared healthy otherwise. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1024Case Number: 2021-0452
DownloadFish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328) over 3 inputs during September, October and Novemeber 2020.
Mortality event w/b 20/09 -
Sudden increase in mortality in cages 3,4,5,6,7,9 and 10, low ambient and in-cage dissolved oxygen. No signs of physical damage were observed on the fish (internal and external). Feeding rate also reduced during this time.
Mortality the week before was 0.25%. Cages 1,2 and 3 had a hydrolicer treatment and the mortality was attributed to this handling event and acounted for the majority of mortalities that week. IN general, mortalities at the site have been low since input with mortalities being attributed to planned handling events.
Fish have reportedly been in good physical health, with a low lice burden that was treated. AGD treatment shortly after input and recent swabs have returned moderate AGD positive. Treatment options are currently being arranged. Fish were feeding well prior to the mortality event and have had a demonstrated a high conversion rate.
Dissolved oxygen at the site dropped from >10mg/l down to <6mg/l during the week of the mortality event.
Current working diagnosis of the mortality event has been attributed to heart failure due to impaired respiration associated with
CGD during a period of hypoxia.
Site emergency harvested the worst affected cages.
First cycle of stocking wildcaught wrasse. 12,187 wrasse were input to the site on 16/09/2021. 5,765 (47.3%) fish were removed at the same time the Salmon were harvested from the worst affected cages following the mortality event on 26/10/21.
No other mortality has been recorded since input in September. Site manager reported that the wrasse were having a positive effect on reducing the lice count across the site. Albeit, sea lice counts have been low this cycle.
Weather was very poor on day of inspection. Inspector walked round 2/5 cages before the large swell was compromising safety. The remaining cages were inspected from the boat.
The fish were difficult to see as they were sitting deep in the water and were not surfacing for feed. No moribunds observed in any of the cages and only 1 mortality was noted across the site, although not fresh dead so not sampled.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0520
DownloadNo fish health issues in the last four weeks. Passive grading just completed some physical damage. Furunc had been identified on site but no issues in the last four weeks.
Last inspection 13/9/2023.
Escapes information: 22/10/2023 a seal was observed in pen 10, divers were on site to conduct a site containment check due to three continuous days of poor weather. Some time given to see if the seal would leave by itself but this did not occur so divers entered the cage and patched the hole which was 5 or 6 meters down and was 40 x 40 cm. It took 1 hour, from the first observation of the seal to the pen being made secure. The fish were shoaling well and no escapees observed so not thought that any escapes would have occurred. No subsequent decrease in appetite noted for the pen.
Newly serviced nets have been ordered and a complete replacement will occur when boats are available. The nets are sapphire nets. The site is to have 120m pens installed at the end of this cycle which is why brand new nets are not being
Movement records were to be inspected in the office following the offshore part of the CNA but issues with a rope snagging the prop of the work boat delayed the return to shore, copies have been requested to be emailed.
Issues raised, movement records were provided 19/1/2024. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0796Case Number: 2020-0284
DownloadSite fallow since February 2019 with no plan to restock. Site to be inactivated at request of business, authorisation amendment form has been sent to business correspondent.
Site to be inspected as fallow when inspectorate visit other sites operated by the business later this year.
Mortalities over 1% since last inspection:
Wk34 (2018) - 5,276, 3.86%
Wk35 - 3,679, 2.8%
Wk36 - 1,479, 1.16%
Wk37 - 1,298, 1.03%
Wk38 - 1,275, 1.02%
Wk1 (2019) - 823, 1.93%
Wk2 - 587, 1.73%
Wk3 - 236, 1.18%
Wk4 - 331, 2.11%
Wk5 - 200, 1.64% [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0205
DownloadMovement records collected and site inspected as fallow. Cages have been removed from the site and all that remains are the mooring buoys which are expected to also be removed in the near future. Site to be inactivated. [Original PDF]
Trilleachan Mor
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1118Case Number: 2020-0150
Download55000 fish came from mowis seaforth site, October @1kg
Mechanical treatment started on 18th of February- Sea lice levels required treatment. Fish were dying in the crowd and post treatment with Hydrolicer. Site got good clearance of lice on the fish but sustained heavy mortality post treatment.
Cages 1, 3 and 6 were worst affected.
Mortality has dropped back down to normal levels.
CMS confirmed on site - had been detected at low levels up until week 6, then started to see it at higher levels. Mortality has dropped back down and CMS is at low levels. Site is being monitored closely and target harvesting could be used if mortality becomes an issue.
Mortality last 4 weeks.
Week 14 - 777 fish and 0.16%
Week 13 - 3186 - 0.66% week 12 - 4136 - 0.86% week 11 - 14529 - 2.92%
Little bit of mortality as result of freshwater, but most attributed to CMS, company biologists conducted diagnostics and found clinical signs of CMS as well as confirmation via PCR
Due to Covid-19 outbreak a passive surveillance inspection was conducted remotely instead of a site visit. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0173
DownloadRecords only available from wk 14 2022 as this is the first cycle of fish to be grown at the site since it was taken over by Mowi.
Some assessments on SLI is based on submissions made by TSSC to FHI.
Stock on site a thin down from Seaforth, historic AGD on site.
Seven day treatment of Slice administered on the 24th April to the 30th April, site records indicate withdrawal but standard treatment.
A high number of lethargic/moribund fish evident in all cages, some lice grazing damage and evidence of net abrasion noted.
These fish were all high in the pens and the general population appeared in reasonable condition although they were deep in the water column. Advised that focus on moribund removal should be prioritised.
Five fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0530
DownloadSite inspected in response to rapid increased mortality. Week 45 (54,755, 9.93%) and Week 46 (77,987, 15.7%) attributed to a combination of issues including AGD, PGD, treatment losses and bacterial infection.
Due to time constraints imposed by poor weather on the date of inspection, only 2 pens were inspected for clinical signs of disease. 5 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling from the two pens inspected, sampling was conducted in a rough sea state in wet and windy weather on the floor of the sites voe boat.
From inspection of the stock, approximately 50 fish in each pen were observed as moribund and lethargic. A healthy population of fish was observed shoaling in each pen.
The most recent results reported from the site company vet was on 21/11/2023 which showed positives for PRV, P.Skyensis,
Piscirickettsia, Yersinia and Tenacibaculum.
Site planning to treat Aquatet (Oxtetracycline) antibiotics, 10 - 14 day treatment started Friday 24th.
Slice treatment 16/11/2023, Tricaine, 14/11/2023 Freshwater FLS, 3 hour treatments.
Cleanerfish mortality (Wrasse) - Wk 47 (217, 1.03%), Wk 46 (36, 0.17%), Wk 45 (70, 0.33%), Wk 44 (98, 0.46%).
Cleanerfish mortality (Lumpfish) - Wk47 (615, 0.73%), Wk46 (138, 0.16%), Wk45 (1,144, 1.33%), Wk 44 (525, 0.61%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0024
DownloadSite inspected during a spell of heavy snow fall, sea state was calm.
A strong healthy population of fish were observed in each stocked facility, shoaling well. Approximately 10 - 20 moribund were observed in each pen. The site are currently clearing moribund following a prolonged spell of increased mortality earlier this production cycle. Of the moribunds observed, lesions to the flanks and heads were present. Lice levels appeared low.
This production cycle of fish at Trilleachan Mor sustained a severe and prolonged spell of mortality In October and November of 2023. Mortality on site was attributed to a range of factors including environmental damage, AGD, bacterial infection and treatment loss. Mortality on site in December and January has significantly improved and the site has seen a great feeding response from the fish.
The most recent company fish health visit reported some signology suggestive of moritella and CMS.
3 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling, the site was previously inspected and diagnostic samples taken on 21/11/2023.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared health both internally and externally.
Cleanerfish mortality : Lumpfish - Week 5 (373, 0.4%), Week 4 (72, 0.09%), Week 3 (253, 0.33%), Week 2 (596, 0.77%).
Cleanerfish mortality : Wrasse - Week 5 (243, 1.26%), Week 4 (38, 0.2%), Week 3 (147, 0.75%), Week 2 (190, 0.97%). [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0617Case Number: 2021-0193
DownloadSite currently fallow - Last fish came out of Tuath - 4th December 2019 - site to be made inactive.
8 cages still on site, no barge. No current future plans to use site for stocking fish. Remaining equipment to be removed when possible.
Mortality 2019. week 20 - 3594 - 1.95% - During live haul harvest. week 23 - 1855 - 1.35% Issues with PD week 31 5464 - 2.73% - post treatment/PD/gill health week 39 - 4042 - 1.72% Gill health/environmental/post treatment week 40 - 3103 - 1.58% Gill health/environmental/post treatment
All increased mortality since last inspection was reported to FHI. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0451Case Number: 2021-0443
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 01/11/2021 by
under observation by .
Site was due an ECI inspection but became fallow 29/09/2021 so a REG was carried out instead. Site visually inspected. No nets currently in the water. Site staff unsure of future stocking plans. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0112
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection conducted by , supervised by . Temperature taken using thermometer T309. Visibility on site was very good, fish observed shoaling well. No clinical signs of disease or any moribund fish observed.
Only one cage stocked with broodstock, freshwater treatment planned for week beginning 02/05/2022.
Sea lice counts are visual inspection only due to site being stocked with broodstock. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0082
DownloadPaperwork completed remotely on 17/05/2024.
Site inspected in a calm sea state, weather was overcast and visibility of the stocks was good. Only two stocked pens left at
Turness following a recent transfer of fish to Hollywood Breeding Centre (FS0614) for stripping on 14/05/2024. From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to hand feeding. Approximately a dozen fish in pen 3 were observed with physical damage to the snout, site management explained that this was likely abrasion damage caused by fish colliding with the base of the pens hamster wheel which had visible marine fouling present. The stock in pen 3 recently went though a 7 hour FW treatment (24/05/24) for lice and gill health. Very few lice were observed on these fish during the inspection. The stocks in pen 1 were observed as having an elevated level of sea lice infestation, the site have planned a 7 hour FW treatment for pen 1, due to commence 29/05/2024. No physical damage associated with sea lice were observed on these fish.
The last routine fish health visit conducted by the company vet was completed 04/05/2024. Prominent heart pathology suggestive of cardiomyopathy syndrome wad identified in 2 of the fish sampled. Fish that were sampled during this fish health visit were removed from cages 2 and 4 which have since been transferred and are now empty. No clinical signs suggestive of
CMS was observed in any of the stocks during the inspection of the site.
No treatments have been used at the site since the date of last inspection. As it’s a Broodstock site, no counts for sea lice have been submitted as broodstock populations are subject to visual sea lice checks from the pen side. [Original PDF]
Loch Duart Ltd FS0881Case Number: 2020-0194
DownloadMRT01540 (20/01/2020) - 20,484 (1.97% (reported), 3.86% from fishtalk) - Gill health and treatment losses.
Unreported mortality (24/02/2020) - 7,821 (1.31%) - Infection with Moritella viscosa, physical damage and poor performers.
Treated with Florfenicol the following week.
MRT01630 (04/05/2020) - 9,337 (2.24%) - Treatment losses - Optilicer
Mortality last 4 weeks:
W/b 13th April - 2,101 (0.5%), attributed to physical damage from treatments in previous weeks and poor performers.
W/b 20th April - 3,580 (0.84%), attributed to physical damage and poor performers.
W/b 27th April - 1,388 (0.33%), attributed to poor performers.
W/b 4th May - 9,447 (2.27%), attributed to physical damage from optilicer treatment.
Sea lice counts over 2 since last inspection:
Wk5 2020: 2.24
Wk6: 3.76
Wk7: 3.94
Wk8: 4.32
Wk9: Freshwater treatment conducted over a 3 week period.
Wk11: Fish were moved off to Loch Snizort East (FS1309) so no count conducted.
Wk12: 5.93
Wk13: Began H2O2 treatment, reduced lice load to 4.45
Wk14: Ongoing H2O2 treatment reduced lice load to 3.28
Wk15: 3.83
Wk16: 3.9 Optilicer arrived at Loch Snizort FS1309 (neighbouring site)
Wk17: 4.57
Wk18: 5.73 Optilicer arrived at Uig.
Wk19: Optilicer treatment began and lice counts dropped to 2.94.
Site manager reported that they had since come down further this week.
PSI conducted due to current COVID-19 lockdown restrictions preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1255Case Number: 2020-0283
DownloadSite fallow since May 2019. There are plans to use the site for thinning out stock from other nearby sites towards the end of
2020/beginng of 2021.
Site manager was unavailable at time of inspection. Information was provided by a neighbouring site manager.
Fish coming onto site will be coming from two neighbouring sites; Maragay Mor (FS1304) and Maaey (FS1315).
Site plans to do live harvests, with fish going to the Stornoway harvest station.
Site is expected to be fitted with new cages before moving fish on. It is expected there will be less than 12 in the new configuration. [Original PDF]
Uyea Isle
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0382Case Number: 2020-0339
DownloadBeginning of August restocked (06/08/2020) from Balta Isle (last fish moved on 12/08/2020). Site was fallow from 01/07/2020.
Harvest delayed due to coronavirus
All fish harvested dead
Hydrolicer available to use on request. First choice for lice issues is the hydrolicer. The hydrolicer is used all around Shetland and is operated by the company. They may let the use of the hydrolicer to another company if not being used by Cooke.
Bird nets, seal-pro sapphire netting, tensioned nets, contract with pest control company at shorebase
Some sites in the FMS are not synchronised with the same year class of fish
Marsali is new Migdale boat and has ben used to deliver fish to site
Some minor signs associated with AGD observed in last site visit by biologist (20/08/20), but no treatment thought necessary at that point.
ADD available to use at the shorebase if required
Remote inspection carried out by on 11/09/2020 via Microsoft Teams
Site inspection and sampling by
No issues noted on site, flat calm and excellent visibility, fish showed an excellent feeding response and were shoaling well.
Slight increase in AGD scores, but overall gill health was reported to be good this year so far and water temps have been slightly lower.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0073
DownloadFrom the physical inspection of the site, fish appeared to be in good condition. Fish were shoaling well and responded positively to hand feeding, observed during the capture of specimens for VMD sampling. A wider than normal variety in fish size was observed during the inspection of the stock. The site was diagnosed with PD earlier in the production cycle which had a varied impact on the feeding which appears to have slowed the growth of some fish. The site has since recovered and fish are back taking their full feed. Mortality has remained below the reporting threshold for the duration of the cycle.
Fish sampled for VMD were healthy with no clinical signs of disease observed internally. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1091Case Number: 2023-0276
DownloadSite hasn’t been stocked since December 2021, historic sea lice and mortality records checked as the last ECI inspection was the 5/9/2018
All sea lice figures have been reported as required.
Ballan wrasse peaks in mortality 2018, wk 44 730 (80.75%) post treatment.
Lumpsucker peaks in mortality 2018 wk 40 9522(100%) black losses
Lumpsucker peaks in mortality 2020 wk 8 3091 (9.75%) no cause recorded, wk 12 2602 (9.38%) no cause recorded, wk 23
2453 (10.69%) mainly black loses, wk 27 12863 (65.25%) black losses, wk 30 2287 (34.45%), wk 32 4287 (100%) black losses, wk 33 1801 (5.49%) no cause attributed, wk 34 1431 (4.61%) no cause attributed, wk 40 22177 (80.55%) black losses.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2018 wk 36 14671 (5.44%) weather related, wk 37 16886 (6.73%) weather and post treatment, wk
38 10711 (4.76%) mainly post treatment, Wk 40 3684 (2%) post treatment.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2020 wk 33 5689 (2.85%) post treatment, wk34 7470 (3.85%) post treatment, wk 37 9181 (4.97) weather post treatment and disease, wk 38 18365 (10.45%) weather, post treatment and disease, wk 39 14327 (9.11%) mainly weather some harvest morts, wk 40 2726 (2.73%) weather and harvest morts.
Salmon peaks in mortality 2021 wk 38 1643 (2.89%) some physical damage, wk 39 1642 (2.89%) AGD and physical damage, wk 40 4857 (9.09%) AGD and post treatment, wk 42 5150 (10.71%) AGD, seals, wk 43 15395 (24.28%) AGD, post treatment, wk 44 2866 (5.97%) AGD, wk 45 6957 (15.41%) AGD, wk 46 2481 (6.50%) AGD harvest mortalities.
The future of the site is undecided. [Original PDF]
Vee Taing
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1057Case Number: 2022-0110
DownloadRemote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection, VMD sampling and diagnostic sampling conducted by , supervised by (27/04/2022).
During site inspection fish were deeper in the water, displayed good shoaling behaviour and responding well to feed. Dead baskets are available on site, mortalities are removed using an ROV with basket. This was reported to be very effective and worked well across sites. The work boat with ROV was operating on neighbouring site at time of inspection.
The general population of these cages appeared healthy. Approximately 30 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in cage 4 and approximately 20 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in cage 6 at time of inspection. These fish displayed varying degrees of eye damage and lesions to the flanks. One fish observed hanging vertically, however, unable to catch as closer to centre of cage. The site underwent a physical treatment for sea lice on 01/04/2022.
A routine health inspection was conducted on 05/04/22 by CAS health team, no significant results identified. [Original PDF]
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1210Case Number: 2020-0528
DownloadInspection of site records carried out remotely on the 26th November 2020 by with shadowing. Inspection of stock on site carried out on the 2nd December 2020 by .
Water clear but fish staying low due to rougher seas. Fish shoaling closer to surface appeared well and responding to feed. No issues observed while on site. Fish removed for vmd sampling appeared in very good condition externally with no lice noted.
No gross pathology observed on internal examination of fish taken for vmd sampling.
FMA not fallowed synchronously but RA conducted in accordance with CoGP 4.3.101 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0439
DownloadFish are on North East Nutrition (organic feed) and have been performing well since input with a high feed conversion rate.
Company's own biologist in Orkney every week or every couple of weeks to perform basic health checks including taking gill samples and performing lice checks. Routine health surveillance ensures that any potential health issues are detected early and can result in a quick response from the health team.
Seals are present in the area surrounding the site but are reported to not be interacting with the cages and not contributing to mortality. During inspection, a seal was observed resting on the walkway of a cage.
All sites in the farm management area stocked with a single year class, however fallow periods are not synchronous. Risk assessment in place.
Site produces organic salmon so freshwater and hydrolicer treatments are used to control sea lice. Hydrolicer was on site in
October 2021 and demonstrated good clearance.
No site specific sea lice management plan available due to low lice numbers present in Orkney historically. However, the site's sea lice strategy statement details that the health team would develop a site specific sea lice management plan if this was ever required.
Wild lumpfish were observed in some of the cages.
Mortalities are uplifted from the cages by boat and either taken to the shorebase for storage in sealed bins before uplift by approved contractor or the uplift boat will also sometimes transfer the mortalities directly to Kirkwall for further transport to
SCM biodiesel or Pelagia for further processing.
AGD on site but not causing significant mortalities. Site just recently FW treated over the weekend.
Fish have reportedly been performing well with good conversion rates. Plans to move fish off to Skelwick for the remainder of the cycle and will be dead haul harvested from Skelwick. No harvesting done from Vestness.
1 moribund fish observed across the whole site. Handful of fish observed with physical damage, attributed to handling from the recent freshwater treatment.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally.
Paperwork and site inspected by , supervised by . VMD sampled by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0169
DownloadSAL peaks in mortality 2023 wk 31 16224 (4.13%) (handling), wk 42 17182 (4.72%) gill health, wk 43 6923 (2.0%) (gill health),
Wk 44 17605 (5.18%) gill health, wk 45 4585 (1.42%), wk 49 3263 (1.05%) gill health. Jelly fish the main cause of the gill health issues.
Site stock grown to organic standard. Site is used as a nursery grow out site. Current stock was direct fw input. Fish to be transferred out within six weeks and then restocked with 400g growers (sw to sw transfer). This is just a one off due to logistics and poor weather preventing usual stocking practices. [Original PDF]
Vidlin North
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0608Case Number: 2020-0060
DownloadExcellent visibility on site at time of inspection, >6m. Fish observed shoaling well and showed good feeding response. Fish sampled for VMD in excellent condition. Sea lice numbers had been elevated, a thermolicer treatment was completed near the end of wk 7, there was an issue with the thermolicer and the treatment in cage 8 was stopped.
Site has been experiencing an increased problem with seal predation which began in August 2019, the site has Sapphire seal pro nets on all cages, weighted nets and an OTAQ ADD, they also have an Airmar ADD available. The cages are due to be replaced before next cycle and plan to have sinker tubes next cycle. Seal predation accounts for 32.5% of mortalities this cycle, this has not been an issue previous generations of fish.
Site was stocked, 7 out 12 cages, with lumpfish in December from Otterferry, lumpfish mortaity is currently 13% since input.
No moribund fish observed during inspection, 2 dead, both with predation damage were removed during the inspection. Some lethargic fish were observed in the cages that had recently finished physical treatment, however they looked in good condition and were shoaling.
Site has 6m sea lice sheilds installed on all cages. Only bath treatment this cycle has been a hydrogen peroxide treatment for
AGD, only other theraputant treatment has been SLICE. Site had been due to receive an additional input of lumpfish to stock the remaining cages.
Stock was also observed on camera system at shorebase, showing excellent shoaling behaviour. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0113
DownloadRemote inspection 19/04/22 by , observed by .
Site inspection and VMD sampling by , observed by
Site has been experiencing some CMS, the worst affected cages have been harvested. Other reported cause of mortality on site is seal predation, it was thought that this was likely masking mortalities that should have been attributed to CMS.
Site underwent a Thermolicer treatment at the start of April 2022, reported to have given good clearance.
Fish shoaling well and were deeper in the water. Approximately 7 seals observed in close proximity to the site and this had and affect on the salmon, with increased jumping. No equipment damage report on site and all cages have Seal Pro nets installed, all nets are fully tied to the handrail. There have been occasions where a seal has accessed a cage either over the hand rail or over the top of the net. The seals have waited for site staff to lower part of the net to the water line and the seal leaves the cage. No damaged to nets has been recorded or was reported. The seal issue has reportedly worsened this cycle, since the introduction of double nets to Dury Voe sites and the removal of ADD's. For next cycle the site plans to install double nets to all cages.
Thermometer No T304 used, option not available on case sheet
Site staff reported that O2 levels have been lower over winter than would be expected, new environmental monitoring system in use at site.
Daily water samples taken at site, no recent issues noted.
SSF are modelling for potential new site at the end of the Voe, which would be more exposed. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0212
DownloadGeneral population of fish were shoaling as expected, responded to external stimuli and had a good feed response. On average 2 runts were observed per pen, but responded to stimuli. There were 4 morts removed across site at time of inspection. It was observed at the 4 most exposed pens at site, slightly increased presence of fish showing physical damage but were healing well. The observed physical damage was contributed by environmental events including extreme weather, low O2 and increased algae. Fish have since had numerous bath treatments.
2 healthy fish were removed from 2 different pens for VMD sampling. During VMD sampling visual inspection was conducted on the fish, fish were observed to be healthy. Sampled VMD fish in withdrawal from Optomease.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted by whilst supervised by . VMD sampled by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0433
DownloadSite was inspected following reports to the FHI of mortalities above the reporting threshold. The mortalities reported were attributed to environmental and CGD/ gill health issues. Reported mortality events to the FHI - 07/10/2024; 1.2%(3860) environmental, gill health, CGD. 14/10/2024; 2.3%(7352) environmental, gill health, CGD, harvest. 21/10/2024; 2.3%(6736) environmental, gill health, CGD, harvest.
During the summer months the site was experiencing high numbers of jellyfish and low oxygen levels. Site had conducted net washing of the inner and outer nets on all pens to help increase oxygen levels.
Site had conducted FW/ FLS treatments between 17/09/2024 to 23/09/2024 and 25/10/2024 to 08/10/2024. FW/ FLS treatments was conducted over 12hrs per cage. Site representative suggested the length of treatment has attributed to some of the mortalities across site.
Cages 8, 10 and 18 had the highest mortalities across the site. Wk40; cage 8- 530 (1.82%) - due to this high mortality site started with FW/ FLS treatment. Wk41; cage 10- 642 (2.63%). Wk42; cage 8- 884 (3.13%), cage 10- 6891 (3.75%), cage 6-
885 (2.76%). wk43; cage 8- 736 (2.69%), cage 10- 1253 (5.48%). wk44; this all cages were being treated with FW/ FLS during this week all cages had low mortalities. wk45; cage 8- 1155 (4.34%), cage 10- 440 (2.04%), pen 18- 361 (1.44%)
The site was preparing to harvest pen 8 on the day of the inspection. Site is currently reducing stock on site through harvest to relieve stocking density pressures to help with mortalities. Stock is live haul via well boat to Lerwick processing plant to be harvested.
Company vet has advised site to be on starve for 10 days starting from 12/11/2024 whilst site is being harvested. Although, due to pen 8 experiencing the highest mortalities they have been on starve for approximately a week at time of inspection.
Health surveillance report conducted by company vet on 12/11/2024 observed some stock to have damage from sea lice but is healing well, although sea lice levels are low. No external signs of disease or infection were observed. Haemorrhaging in the swim bladder and very occasional signs of AGD in the gills were observed. Some Aeromonas sp was also observed. In the report there was suggestions of furunculosis and Yersinia ruckeri (bacterial infection). Histology and PCR samples were taken and awaiting results. Histology results from 19/10/2024 found no significant results - it was observed in the histology samples moderate levels of liver necrosis and moderate gill necrosis and haemorrhaging/ inflammation.
General population were swimming and shoaling and were observed to be in good body condition. It was observed that some of the general population had physical damage that was healing. In the observed cages there were a high number of lethargic fish hanging close to the net. 3 moribund and 1 runt was observed across the inspected cages. In pen 10 it was observed that there was a moderate number of fish with sea lice damage on their heads but healing well - note no sea lice was observed on sampled fish. 3 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling (2 moribund and 1 healthy fish (healthy fish was also sampled for
VMD). The 3 fish sampled internally were observed to have no clinical signs, note there was strong adhesions around the spleen and fish 2 had haemorrhaging on the swim bladder.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted on site by whilst supervised by . Diagnostic sampling and VMD sampling conducted by whilst supervised by [Original PDF]
Vuia Mor
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1103Case Number: 2020-0110
Download1.38% mortality during wk16 5753. Transfer and handling mortalities. There were fish being transferred from Euhglim FS1233 on the 06-07/03 and 21/03. Transfer and handling caused some scaling and physical damage of the fish. Some of the pens at
FS1233 were needing to be thinned down, so fish were brought over to harvest at this site as well,.
Mortality in last 4 weeks:
16 – 1.38% (5753)
17 – 0.86 (3347)
18-0.26 (931)
19-0.39 (1372)
20- 0.20 (675)
Hydrolicer in December and the optilicer at the end of January. Hydrolicer treatment in Feb. Slice and Alphamax treatments on different cages. April and May Hydrolicer treatments
Routine health checks still being carried out on the fish, no significant results noted during period checked.
Sea lice level have been up and down and reports have been sent for those weeks which were over two. The last report was sent in February 2020 week 5 when ongoing storms meant they couldn’t get access to the farms. The last 4 weeks have been
WK 16 - 1 AF
WK17 - 0.51
18 - 1.05
19 - 0.04
20 - 0.19
Only operators in Loch Roag, area is fallowed and stocked synchronously [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0197
DownloadRemote inspection conducted on 15th June by , shadowed by . Physical inspection conducted on 22nd June by
, shadowed by .
Site carried out Slice treatment from 14th May - 20th May 2021.
Seal Pro nets now deployed at site.
No moribund/ lethargic fish spotted. Stock on site remaining low in water so hard to observe
Fish sample for VMD appeared healthy- internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0417
DownloadPSI conducted following reports of high morts on site.
Mortality was low and slowly increased wk31 0.3%, wk32 0.22%, wk33 0.73% then wk34 2.34%. Then a freshwater treatment wk 34 reduced to 0.75% in wk 35 and health improved until wk38 4.87% and wk 39 10.67%.
Routine visits of health biologist to sites every 2 weeks in Summer, regular haematocrit and gill swabs taken but quick onset of anaemia and some AGD which seems to have been exarcebated by a plankton/jellyfish environmental event. However, daily water samples haven't shown anything conclusive although water cloudy and full of sediment. Water quality is poor and low rainfall over summer months also. During this period aeration of water has been on 24/7. Site stocked Jan 2021.
Sea lice numbers were low, gradual increase week 27 to31 but below coGP then over 3 af week 32 and 33. FW treat week 34 and hydrolicer wk 35. Thermolicer wk 38. Hydrolicer planned wk42.
Sea lice counts - 26 28/06/2021 0.03
27 05/07/2021 0.28
28 12/07/2021 0.20
29 19/07/2021 0.19
30 26/07/2021 0.67
31 02/08/2021 0.60
32 09/08/2021 3.06
33 16/08/2021 2.37
34 23/08/2021 No count on vet advice
35 30/08/2021 1.08
36 06/09/2021 2.54
37 13/09/2021 3.34
38 20/09/2021 6.83
39 27/09/2021 1.29 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0182
DownloadVuia Mor completed its stocking in February 2023 for the current production cycle, two stocks of SAL currently make up the site including 2022 Q4 fish from Applcross Smolt Unit and 2023 Q1 fish from Geocrab Hatchery. The site suffered some mortality of their 2022 Q4 stock initially post transfer onto site however very little mortality to their salmon stocks have been observed since.
The last internal fish health visit on 10/05/2023 noted some mild scoring for AGD and PGD, the salmon stock is otherwise healthy and developing well.
The site sustained some high mortality to their Lumpfish stock between weeks 9 and 15 of 2023. Two lumpfish were sampled on 06/03/2023 and signs consistent with a severe systemic bacterial infection were detected in both fish. Bacterial morphology and distribution were suspicious of Pseudomonas anguilliseptica. The companies fish health biologist at the time advised the site to cull any lumpfish which were displaying any such clinical signs of the disease. From weeks 16 to present lumpfish mortality onsite has greatly reduced.
During the physical inspection of the site only a few individuals of Lumpfish were clearly observed across the site and no clinical signs of disease were observed. Some lumpfish were also observed on camera and no clinical signs of disease were observed in these stocks. The salmon stock onsite appeared healthy during the inspection, fish were observed shoaling and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. 8 fish were removed for VMD sampling and all fish sampled were healthy externally and internally.
Lumpfish mortality (Last 4 weeks) - Week 19 (191, 1.53%), Week 18 (409, 3.18%), Week 17 (466, 3.5%), Week 16 (590,
During the inspection of the site, two small holes (2x1 square and 2x2 square) were observed just above the water line at pen three, these were pointed out to staff and repaired immediately. A further two holes (4x3 square and 3x5 square) were observed in pen 12, one slightly above the waterline and one on the waterline which were also pointed out to site staff and repaired immediately. The site were unsure on how this damage to their nets has occurred, site staff inspect their nets visually on a daily basis as part of their daily site checks of their equipment and facilities with no damage being reported on the previous day. The site is currently undergoing routine net washing and it is possible that this damage may have occurred during these procedures. The site intend to employ divers to check the site for any further damage. [Original PDF]
Walters (East Lismore)
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0875Case Number: 2020-0425
DownloadLumpfish imported from Ireland (Bantry Marine Research Station) - One input this year in February.
Salmon came onto site from Barcaldine in two inputs over 2 days in December 2019.
Fish are transported live haul to South Shian processing plant for harvesting.
Average female leps rose above the CoGP threshold for treatment in weeks 39 and 40 (4.77 and 1.06 respetively). Hydrolicer was brought onto site in wk39 and numbers reduced the following week, with numbers below the threshold for treatment by wk
Mortalities across the site were above 1% in wk38 and wk39, attributed to environmental insult in combination with gill health issues. These were reported. Mortalities reduced the following week and have remained below 1% since.
The site operates with a risk-based seasonal approach to gill health, taking gill swabs every week from 10 fish per cage.
Thermolicer treatment carried out in w/b 12/10.
One motality observed across the site. Fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe, but when observed on the camera, appeared healthy and exhibited good shoaling behaviour and feeding response.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0021
DownloadWrasse mortality (2022)
Wk6: 0%, 0
Wk5: 0.42%, 32
Wk4: 0%,0
Wrasse had not been imported since the last inspection and are not planning to do so in the future.
The wrasse have been wild caught in the Sound of Mull and were input onto site in October 2021, prior to the the input of salmon. The wrasse have been not been very active, nor feeding very well. In addition they are found very deep in the pen.
These observations have been attributed to colder temperatures.
Harvests are live haul using wellboats. In terms of the wrasse, Solway Transport is used for transfers.
Salmon were transferred onto site in October 2021. The stock origin is Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328).
Remote paperwork inspection was conducted on 17/02/2022 by , supervised by .
Due to bad weather, physical site inspection scheduled for the 23/02/2022 was not able to be carried out. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0066
DownloadA previous site inspection was scheduled for the 22/03/2022, but due to bad weather was cancelled. Therefore, a REG case was assigned (2022-0021). All the paperwork was collected for that case on 17/02/2022. A new date was set to reschedule the cancelled site inspection; paperwork dating back to the 17/02/2022 was collected prior to the new inspection date on the
30/03/2022. Therefore, case 2022-0066 depicts the data collected from the 17/02/2022 to the 22/03/2022.
The recent low level mortality has been attributed mostly to predation from seals. Indirect affects of seal predation are seen through mortality attributed to physical damage.
Wrasse mortality has been very low. Wrasse were input onto site prior to salmon in October 2021. The wrasse have been feeding and swimming deep. From week 7 to 11, no wrasse mortalities were recorded.
Site thermometer used as inspectors thermometer did not work.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by on 22/03/2022 and supervised by
Site inspection conducted by and on 30/03/2022.
VMD sampled by on 30/03/2022. [Original PDF]
West of Burwick
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0937Case Number: 2020-0338
DownloadMortalities have been very low throughout cycle since stocking. Monitored daily by camera.
Sea lice counts very low. Sea lice skirts were in place prior to stocking and just recently removed. Two slice treatments administered one in April and one in July - July treatment due to slight rise in Caligus numbers observed. A wellboat bath treatment with salmosan also conducted for gill health and sea lice, a few leps observed and caligus. 100% clearance after treatment and improvement in gill health. Company generally favour freshwater for sea lice treatments, however other methods are available - chemotherapeutants and optilicer. Details of decision making process for choosing intervention not written into sea lice management plan - to look further into this.
Predator nets and top nets in place - no predator issues.
All records except movement records inspected by remotely.
Site inspection and sampling by
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy, site manager reported that gill health had imporved on previous so far. Fish reportedly growing well. FW treatments have been working well and site have been conducting these at lower stocking densities. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0568
DownloadLast transfer of fish onto site was on 13/11/2022 from Setter Voe.
Half of site is stocked from Setter Voe and the other half from Migdale.
Only a couple or moribunds across whole site.
Mortalities are usually ensiled on site. Small, amounts picked up by SEM, larger mortalities are handled by Pelagia.
Site inspection and paperwork conducted by , supervised by . VMD samples taken by [Original PDF]
West Strome
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1342Case Number: 2021-0258
DownloadRecords checked remotely by accompanied by . Inspection and sampling by , accompanied by and
APHA. 9 pens left stocked on date of site visit (16/09/21). 2 pens harvested on 7th, 1 on 8th and another 1 on 11th. Fish were performing well until recently. The stocks were transferred from Portree in January 2021. Mortalities are normally removed by
Uplift systems and stored in skips at the shorebase for disposal. Mort transfer is by Billy Bowie, usually to Dundas Bros. The recent increase in morts has resulted in removal by contractors using Uplifts and brails. The increase in mortalities is also being transported in tankers following removal by boat via Kishorn. Discussed biosecurity issues with compromised brail and improvements were indicated. Low presence of CMS detected in some fish from PCR samples in August and cage 1 has since been harvested out as a precaution.
Treated with SLICE in January, March, May and July. Had freshwater treatment in May and pen 13 in August. Also freshwater/salmosan treatment in two pens (9 & 16) in August. Optilicer in early July, and hydrolicer in early August then early
September. Planning hydrolicer again in week 38. The site has been combatting unanticipated higher settlements of Chalimus and Pre-adult lice and are trying to prevent a build up of adult stages, although lice numbers have increased recently and lice damage is evident on a number of fish. Received veterinary advice in early September to conduct a treatment to combat sea lice accepting the potential mortality in fish which had been affected by the suspected micro jelly bloom which occurred in mid-
August. Moribund fish present in all cages with cages 10 and 11 currently the worst affected. These cages are to be harvested out in week 38. Rest of cages will receive a Hydrolicer treatment. Pens are also receiving aeration. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0271
DownloadFirst fish on site were from Vacasay (FS1091) and Kyles of Vuia (FS0927) and arrived in weeks 23 and 24 2020. These fish were ~3kg and were transferred to relieve biomass at the origin sites due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fish that were on site during the inspection came onto site from Portree (FS0708) on 8th January. Fish were transported in
FW and were in good health at the time of transfer. Mortality remained very low (<0.5%) in the weeks following the movement.
SLICE is being administered prophylactically and the site has received SLICE treatments in January, March, May and a recent course beginning on 19th July (due to be completed by 25th July).
The hydrolicer has also been on site.
Lumpsuckers came onto site from Otterferry and Swansea University in March 21, arriving over a 3 week period. Lumpsuckers are stocked between 8-10% and the site manager has reported their effectiveness at controlling sea lice on the site.
Fish were sitting deep in the water and so were difficult to observe, but appeared to be shoaling well. Only 1 mortlality was observed across the site but was not fresh dead, so no diagnostic samples taken. No moribunds were observed.
Salmon and lumpfish that could be seen appeared healthy and in good body condition with little to no physical damage.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0205
DownloadSite inspection conducted after reports of increased mortalities during an inspection at another site.
Mortalities have been low since input.
Mortalities for the last four weeks, wk 17 466 (0.08%), wk 18 333 (0.06%), wk 19 saw a marked increase of 2619 (0.46%) and wk 20 6517 (1.15%).
Majority of fish are eating reasonably well. One cage inspected and three fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. ~100 fish swimming slowly on the surface, spiralling, lethargic and moribund. Some Eye damage noted as well as some bi-lateral exophthalmia.
One fw and FLS treatment 24/4/2023 to the 27/4/2023. No significant mortality increase. Sea lice numbers have just increased.
A novel species of jellyfish had been observed in the area suspected to be Sarsia tubulosa, it is unsure if this is part of the increased mortality [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0317
DownloadSalmon came on from Loch Damph and Applecross and have been performing well so far this cycle. Yersinia ruckeri was detected in May 23 and was attributed to increased mortality at the site in wks20 and 21. Mortality has since reduced.
Cleanerfish mortality since input -
Farmed wrasse: 3,861 (14%)
Farmed Lumpsuckers: 38,362 (63%)
Lice numbers have been very low so far this cycle. Slice treatments were carried out in April and June 23. All other treatments have been freshwater and flushes.
Salmon will be livehaul harvested to Stornoway.
Freshwater and flush treatment completed on Monday 17th July. Lethargic fish were observed across the site with some physical damage to eyes and flank, but were responsive to movement and could not be caught with a hand net so were not sampled. Feed was used to bring the fish to the surface for closer inspection as the water was dark and the general population were difficult to observe. These fish appeared in good body condition and had a strong feed response.
The fish that were removed for VMD sampling appeared in good physical health externally and internally upon examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0040
DownloadPaperwork and inspection by , accompanied by .
Site inspected following complaint regarding biosecurity received on 12/12/24.
The complaint was reportedly sent to RSPCA as well and the site was reported to have had their Freedom Foods certification suspended, pending a full audit of the site for the accreditation scheme. The site has recently undergone and passed there audit for Freedom Foods and a harvest so scheduled for 26/02/24. It was reported that the site will undergo additional
Freedom Foods audits this year.
Following the complaint, Bakkafrost reviewed and under took retraining of staff in relation to mortality removal, fish welfare, storage and biosecurity. Training records were available for inspection and were up to date.
In addition to this, training records were available for annual refresher training to cover - Biosecurity, fish welfare, escape contingency, mortality classification, cleaner fish welfare, use of T.M.S., welfare standards, culling & moribund removal, harvest & processing welfare and routine event and fallen stock removal. All training records were available for inspection.
Staff in the video submitted with the complaint were reported to be from another site and were on site to help whilst the site staff were dealing with FW / FLS treatments, this was required as the site has strict operating hours, although it was reported that exemptions can be applied for in specific circumstances.
During inspection of site, bins used for mortality removal were clearly labelled, lids were kept on with exception of when mortalities were being counted and placed in the bins. Mortalities were collected in a braille net using uplift system, with mortalities being counted and recorded against different causes. This was done at the individual pen level, with lid returned to fish bin between pens. No fish were transported in the braille net.
The area at the shorebase the area where mortalities are stored was inspected. A sealed skip is used for mortality collection, with a second skip on site available if required. The area around the skip was clean and tidy. Spare bins used for mortality collection were clean and neatly stacked at one end of the yard. No issues were observed with the processes on site. [Original PDF]
Wester Fearn
Highland Salmon Company Ltd FS0913Case Number: 2020-0387
DownloadEggs came onto site in February 2020 from MOWI Ireland. Fish will be moved off site towards the end of October/beginning of
November 2020 to Cookes Loch Shin site.
Eggs were dipped in Buffodine, and fish were dip vaccinated against ERM in June 2020.
No treatments have occurred since then.
Very low mortality observed across the site. Any mortalities that do occur have been attributed to poor performers. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0370
DownloadSamples taken in December 2020 were negative for SGPV but 4/10 samples positive for IPNV. This was for general screening and it was confirmed that the positive results for IPNV was due to recent vaccination with Alphaject Micro 6.
Some sodium silicate added to water to maintain ph.
No issues with fungus on site. Fish due to be vaccinated w/b 11/10/21.
Paperwork completed by remotely 30/9/2021, site inspection on the 7/10/21. VMD sampling by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0480
DownloadInspection and paperwork by , accompanied by for audit. Paperwork completed remotely on 24/10/23.
All transports carried out by Migdale.
December 2022 poor quality batch of ova, a lot of unviable eggs removed on arrival in the first week.
Comp hatch hatchery system set up in 2 shipping containers. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1305Case Number: 2021-0356
DownloadStock on site inputted in July 2020 from Barcaldine
Risk assessment in place to support the case of non-synchronous fallow of the area
Slice treatments in fish which went to Hunda for caligus and in summer for Leps
Average female leps - 1.39 week 37; 1.34 week 36; 1.80 week 35; 1.34 week 34
Site to stock wrasse (local wild caught from Orkney) to help combat rising sea lice levels. Stock due in 8 October 2021.
Reported loss of stock upon input - captured through supplier mortality records.
Paperwork inspection by virtual meeting - Thursday 30 September 2021 - and
Site inspection by and . Samples from fish 1, fish 2 and fish 3 - pools 1 and 2 taken by . Samples from fish 4 and
5 - pool 3, and VMD samples from fish 6 and 7 taken by under the supervision of
Oxygen levels satisfactory on site and temperature beginning to drop. It is hoped that this will help to alleviate mortality issues.
Several moribund, lethargic and dead fish observed across the site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0352
DownloadSalmon on site originated from Stofinfisker and came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328). Salmon have been suffering from poor gill health during the last few weeks with pale, bleeding and necrotic gills being observed.
Company biologist attends the site every month as a minimum to collect routine histology and blood samples. Body condition is also scored and gills are checked.
Slice was completed end of june/beginning of july. Since input, the site has also done an Azasure treatment (Dec 22), peroxide
(Dec 22), thermolicer (Feb 23), freshwater treatments (May 23) and a hydrolicer (July 23).
FMA not fallowed synchronously, but RA available and found to be adequate.
Fish on site appeared in good health and were actively shoaling in the cages. 2 moribunds were observed across the site but were runts with no clinical signs of disease so were not removed for sampling.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and upon internal examination. [Original PDF]
Wick of Belmont
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0472Case Number: 2021-0442
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 01/11/2021 by
under observation by .
No lethargic fish observed. Water was clear and fish were coming up for feed and shoaling as would expect. Fish were undergoing fresh water treatment at time of physical inspection and had been on starve 4 to 5 days prior. Fish sampled for
VMD showed no external or internal signs of disease.
Fish waste currently being held by TWMA Shetland and is to be used to produce biofuel by SEM once fully approved and operational.
Water temperature taken from site thermometer as there had been a delay with delivery of package to Shetland office, which contained inspectors thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0083
DownloadPaperwork inspected remotely on 17/05/2024.
Site inspected in a calm sea state in overcast weather, visibility of the stocks was good. Fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection of the stocks, fish looked to be in very good condition and feeding well. 3 Runts observed across the whole site (pens 2, 5 and 8).
One fish was removed for VMD sampling and was healthy both internally and externally.
Site does not fallow synchronously due to only sites from the same company within disease management area. [Original PDF]
Wick of Vatsetter
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0407Case Number: 2020-0061
DownloadCurrent stock arrived on site 22 - 24/01/2020. Fish hard to see from walkway around pen as they were keeping low in the water due to recently being transferred to site and it also being a sunny day. Those that I could see appeared in good condition and were coming up for feed. Sea lice levels have been above reporting level over the last few weeks but below the intervention level. Treatment has been delayed due to persistent bad weather but no physical damage was noted. The fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in very good condition externally and internally upon examination.
Mortality levels above reporting level in 2019 on wk 37 (3.13%) & wk 39 - 43 (1.49%, 1.55%, 3.83%, 1.77%, 2.54%) across whole site. This was due to gill health issues. Levels dropped below 1% wk 44 and remained below for remainder the production cycle. Company health manager notified and FHI also notified of situation. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0221
DownloadRemote inspection completed on 31/05/2023 to check site records. Site inspected on 06/06/2023.
Fish observed on site looked to be in good health. Fish all shoaling together as expected with hardly any fish jumping. Only 3 slightly lethargic fish spotted across all pens. 6 of the pens had been treated with the thermolicer the day before the inspection with the 2nd half beginning treatment while inspector on site. No increase mortalities and fish removed for vmd sampling had zero lice coverage. Fish sampled for vmd were in good condition with no gross pathology identified. [Original PDF]
Winna Ness
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0871Case Number: 2020-0378
DownloadRemote inspection carried out on 11/09/2020 by via Microsoft Teams
First choice for lice issues is the hydrolicer. The hydrlicer is used all around Shetland and is operted by the company. They may let the use of the hydrolicer to another company if not being used by Cooke.
Predator mitigartion methods: Bird nets, seal-pro sapphire (anti-predator) nets, tensioned nets, contract with pest control company at shorebase
ADD availble to use on shore base if required
Some sites in the FMS are not synchronised with the same year class of fish
Site inspection and sampling by
No issues noted or recorded on site, visibility excellent, fish shoaling well and showed a good feeding response. Operator has staff working in smaller teams 1 to 2 sites, due to Coronavirus. This may impact ability to inspect multiple sites on one day, unless operated by the same team.
One of the four sites (Winna Ness, Vee Taing, Burkewell and Uyea Isle) in the area will be fallowed each input, rotating through the sites.
Sites feed supplied by Cooke themselves and is reported to be going well [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0074
DownloadFrom the physical inspection of the site, fish appeared to be in good condition overall. The vast majority of the stock was observed shoaling well and responded positively to hand feeding, observed during the capture of specimens for VMD sampling. A wider than normal variety in fish size was observed during the inspection of the stock. The site was diagnosed with
PD earlier in the production cycle which had a varied impact on the feeding which appears to have slowed the growth of some fish. The site has since recovered and fish are back taking their full feed. Mortality has remained below the reporting threshold for the duration of the cycle.
There were approximately 20 - 30 mildly lethargic fish observed across the site, this is likely due to a recent mechanical lice treatment. Approximately 2 - 3 fish per pen were observed having mild abrasions to the flanks, when discussed with the site manager it was determined that this has likely occurred as a result of recent mechanical lice treatments and some fish rubbing against the seal pro nets as the site is very tidal.
Fish sampled for VMD were healthy with no clinical signs of disease observed internally.
Mortality counts in week 6 and 8 were not collected due to adverse weather. [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1294Case Number: 2020-0014
DownloadSite used as nursery site for Eday site and fish will be split down March.
Mortalities transferred to the SSF yard in Twatt and put in bulk container for uplift, BMP states that morts are taken to shorebase for incineration.
Peroxide treatment 1-6 December for gill issues.
One hole in the net due to seal in October 2019. To check if been reported 29/10/19
Some Caligus usually in the summer, Slice treatment administered for this, no welfare issues.
Biosecurity plan details shore based incinerator but morts are taken to SS
Seal damaged fish evident in several pens. Seal pro nets had been successfully used in previous cycles however these are not being effective this cycle. One pen had been raised to lift the seal pro section higher, this is reported to be effective. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0216
DownloadNo moribund fish observed while on site. All fish appeared healthy and feeding well. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no signs of disease (externally and internally).
No FS numbers in movement book - last manager never added them in after last visit. New manager reminded to add them in future.
All fish from Barcaldine Smolt Unit in November/December 2021.
Wk 4 2022 mortality (2532 fish, 0.5%) due to lesion/storm/runt/ failed smolts - only been in the water 8 weeks.
Active substance in Azasure is Azametifos. Site treated with Azasure 19th-24th May 2022.
Very rarely the site would get staff from another site to help out but this hasn't happened anytime recently.
Biologist report 9/05/2022 nothing major, a little bit of AGD.
Vet visit 31st March - Detected AGD in 1/10 samples.
VMD samples from cages 1 and 11, sampled by .
Site paperwork and inspection carried out by , supervised by . [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0049
DownloadSite transitioning from 12 100m to 9 120m - only 4 x 120m circles on site right now.
Fish arrived on site 20th September 2023
Treatments this cycle: Just finished SLICE - 13th-19th Feb. Freshwater 11th Dec AGD.
Last cycles treatments: Paramove (14-16th July then 11-12 Sep 2022) , SLICE (8-14th August 2022), thermolicer (Nov/Dec
WRS mortality: In 2024 up to wk5 only 64 fish. End of last year WRS mortality was larger due to freshwater treatment Wk 44 -
118 , wk45 - 275, wk46 - 364, wk47 - 156, wk48 - 233, wk49 - 90, wk50 - 921, wk51 - 78.
WRS stocked 27/10/2023 (total 3394) and then 3 small shipments in November 2023 (1395). Large wrasse mortality during wk50 2023 (921 fish, approx. 26%) due to freshwater treatment on site. Wrasse were put through with the salmon during the freshwater treatment due to the need to also be treated for AGD. As per the company's cleanerfish booklet the freshwater treatments were shortened to 3 hours to try minimise any mortality.
Sealice: Last cycle Adult females were above 1 between Wk3-Wk9 2023 (Thermolicer in week 10) and then Wk22 2023 and above 2 (2.07) in Wk23 2023 - fish had CMS and lice levels were 0.9 in wk24 due to harvesting out of fish.
FMA going to be reviewed in April. The FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis but an appropriate risk assessment exists.
The 9 fish taken for VMD samples appeared healthy both internally and externally. Sealice levels observed were low apart from two gravids observed on one fish from cage 9.
Due to bad weather (high winds and large waves) only small sections of each pen were observed from the walkway - the rest was observed from the site workboat. Fish were observed shoaling slightly deeper In the cage. Fish had a good feeding response.
Remote inspection for the majority of the paperwork was conducted on 21/02/2024 with the rest including the physical inspection of the site and VMD samples taken on 27/02/2024. [Original PDF]
Yetts O' Muckart
Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd FS0371Case Number: 2022-0476
DownloadSome mortalities go to Widness. Ensiled waste taken by Ferguson's
Increased mortality of 3.18%, (10,653) in WK 21 1 week after input - IPN was suspected, however no clinical signs observed before transport. Company health report stated that the mortality rate dropped significantly after the first week and this was confirmed in mortality records.
S0 fish will be moving to Orkney this year.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity.
Inspection conducted by , audited by [Original PDF]