Latest Inspection Reports

Here are the latest batch of inspection reports we’ve extracted. Click here to see the full list of reports.

Couldoran Incubation Unit

Bakkafrost Scotland FS1051
Case Number: 2023-0199

Gas issue recorded on the site (w/b 5/12/2022) water demand to the hatchery tanks coupled with a suspected fracture in the site pipe resulted in vortex supersaturating air into the water lines. This was vented through the system into the comp hatches resulting in loss of 1159752 (80.01%), and the remainder of 289861 (19.99%) were euthanized. Additional drum filter has been installed on the influent water to ensure degassing prior to entering the comp hatches.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]

Loch Damph

Bakkafrost Scotland FS0300
Case Number: 2023-0200

Site inspected as fallow no plans for the site to be used again, will check with Business to see if it can be made inactive.
Site was stocked last year but only for a short period.
Post transfer mortalities w/b 26/7/2021 18460 (3.36%), fish were transferred onto site from Couldoran due to low water and poor water quality. It is thought that the suboptimal water quality was a factor in the elevated morts post transfer. Mortality events were reported to the FHI at the time. [Original PDF]

Sgeir Dughall

Bakkafrost Scotland FS1262
Case Number: 2023-0201

peaks in mortality 22021 wk 19 6625 (2.83%), wk 20 5376 (2.57%), wk 21 4110 (2.02%), wk 22 2905 (1.53%) wk 23 1854
(1.12%) all CMS related.
Main treatments have been FW, lice numbers have been low and gills health has been good throughout the current cycle.
FW treatment boat equipped with a flushing system (FLS system) to remove weakened sea lice post treatment, less pressure is required to remove lice. Clearance of lice is reported to be excellent. All water is filtered through drum filter four times to remove lice prior to discharge.
Recent mortalities slightly increased, on inspection of the site lethargic fish were observed in all cages, some bilateral exophthalmia also noted. Furunclosis like lesions were also observed. Three fish were removed for diagnostic sampling [Original PDF]

Shuna Point

Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1354
Case Number: 2023-0197

Site inspection following third party complaint relating to welfare and mortality. Salmon stock from Barcaldine (Stofinfiskur stock) in April 2022. Wrasse are wild caught and were inputted between July and September 2022 have been reported to have grown well.
Dead fish incinerated on site. Contingency measures when excessive mortality experienced - material collected by Ferguson
Transport (boat and tankers) for disposal at Barkip, Dalry - not used this method on site since last year.
Recent mortality main causes associated with CGD and bacterial lesions.
Mortality - 46% since June last year, 54% since smolt input. 20.7% mortality in wrasse since input - attributed to handling / wellboat treatment. Currently mortality in wrasse up to 88 per week for site - last 11 weeks lost just over 300 fish
Site suffered extensive mortality last year as a result of micro jelly and algal blooms. There is still some continuing impact from those events with fish suffering from CGD and undergoing regular treatments.
Ongoing FW treatment for site to end 19 May, undertaken using the Inter Caledonia. AMX treatment 13/14 April - cages 7&3.
FW treatment for gills and lice
Stofinfisker stock reported to lack tolerance to treatment / challenge and handling.
One cage (cage 4) moved to Dunstaffnage FS0299 - to free up space for treating and discharging fish following treatment.
>1% weekly mortality - week 39-42 (2022); 48-52 (2022); 1-6 (2023); 9 (2023)
Week 48 (2022) to week 02 (2023) - mortality up to 8% weekly- up to 35k fish attributed to CGD - cages 2 &4 worst up to 4k for worst week. Mortality not. cage specific and experienced across the site.
Treatments: azasure 13/06 - 16/06 - all cages for lice. And 11 July to 12 July azasure - cages 3, 4, 5, 6, 13/08 - cage 4 amx 27 to 29 July. All cages except cage 1
Azasure and AMX for sea lice - pen 3 reported to be worst. Sea lice have increased a little over the past couple of weeks - up to 2.5 adult females per fish. Lice reported to be coming down. [Original PDF]