Latest Inspection Reports
Here are the latest batch of inspection reports we've extracted. (15-01-2025) Click here to see the full list of reports.
Applecross Smolt Ongrowing 1
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1360Case Number: 2024-0444
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities in other Applecross units (FS0500 &
Unit first stocked in December 2023. Current stock has been in the unit since 23/10/24. More transfers planned this week from
Applecross Smolt Unit 2 (FS1362). Mortality has increased in week 46 due to fungus. The flow in the tanks has been increased and the salinity raised to 5ppt. The mortality rate will be below the reportable threshold in week 47 (updated
Fish appeared in good condition and displayed a good feeding response. A small amount of lethargic runts was observed, these would quickly swim away when approached with a net. Minimal fungus observed in the main population. The fish removed for VMD sampling appeared healthy both externally and internally.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0480
DownloadSite inspected and VMD samples taken.
Upon the physical inspection of the stocks approximately 20 - 30 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in each tank. A few fish in each tank were also observed having fungus. A routine fish health inspection was conducted by the FHI on 19/11/2024
(2024-0444), since the last inspection this unit has been stocked with a further 511,711 fish. Mortality on the site since the date of last inspection has been mainly attributed to transfer losses.
The fungus is being controlled onsite by increased flow and the salinity has been raised to 5ppt.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
Applecross Smolt Unit
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0500Case Number: 2024-0445
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities.
The previous biofilter had been killed due to the Furunculosis outbreak in June 2024. The site has been successful at preventing the return of Furunculosis, however because of the new biofilter it was not possible to keep the salinity elevated or treat against fungus. For this reason, mortalities have increased due to Saprolegnia. The salinity was raised once the biofilter was fully established and the mortality rate is now improving (1.6% in week 47 - updated 25/11/24). The fish were due to be vaccinated in week 47 but this has been postponed to week 48 to help the fungus issue clear even further.
During the inspection, the majority of the population appeared in good condition and displayed a good feeding response.
Around 3-5 dead fish were observed in the waste collectors, per tank. A small amount of runty/lethargic fish were observed with healing saddleback lesions residual from the Saprolegnia infection. These fish swam away quickly when approached with a net.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. The site temperature was 12.8 degrees. [Original PDF]
Applecross Smolt Unit 2
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1362Case Number: 2024-0446
DownloadSite visit conducted accompanied by APHA vet following reports of significant mortalities.
Ongoing Saprolegnia infection. Salinity increased from 5ppt to 9ppt to help mitigate the issue, and mortalities are finally dropping (5.2% in week 47 - updated 25/11/2024). The fish are currently on starve as some are due to be moved to FS1360 next week, this will help by reducing the biomass in the unit.
Mortalities have been ongoing since the end of September, when a communication failure within the ozone system resulted in too much ozone being released into the tanks and compromising the gill health of the fish (Tank 1, Jan 2024 stock). The system has since been upgraded and the site now operates on 24 hour cover, with staff working a night shift. Ozone handheld probes are also used in addition to the automated system.
2 weeks later, fish were transferred from Kinlochmoidart Hatchery (Nov 2023 stock) with a pre-existing fungus problem, these are the fish that are currently still battling the Saprolegnia infection.
During the inspection the water in the tanks appeared very turbid, due to the ozone extractor fan being switched off for the past
24 hours for a repair. The majority of the population appeared healthy, no feeding response could be observed as the fish were on starve. Several moribund fish (mostly runts) could be seen swimming in tanks 3 and 4, 10 were removed and examined internally. No gross pathology was observed and therefore no further fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity, thermometers are regularly checked against a mercury thermometer. The site temperature was 12.9 degrees. [Original PDF]
Barcaldine Smolt Unit
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1328Case Number: 2024-0418
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by
The business refers to the site (FS1328) internally as smolt unit 1 and smolt unit 2.
Inspection scheduled due to the business reporting high mortality events attributed to saprolegnia, post-vaccination and
Aquacen (formalin) bath treatments. 31/10/2024 third party health report identified the presence of saprolegnia, 2/10 positive detection. Aquacen and Cress (bronopol) treatments are on going. These fish were vaccinated from 30/9/24 to 23/10/24 in the pre-smolt unit (FS1327). The current fish in pre-smolt unit have a low fungus level which is being controlled with salinity. Going forward the business is aiming to control fungus in all units with salinity rather than formalin and/or bronopol.
Stock currently held at the smolt unit is predicted to go to sea at the end of November, this will be done under veterinary advice. [Original PDF]
Couldoran Incubation Unit
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1051Case Number: 2024-0443
DownloadSite inspected in association with a vet from APHA following a mortality report of 111,427 (7.64%) eggs in week 46 2024.
The site is gravity fed from a dam and while the hatchery (FS0301) supply goes through a header tank, this is bypassed for the incubation unit (FS1051). In the past, this caused issues with total gas pressure (TGP) in the incubation unit. The issue has been resolved by fitting a drum filter, however episodes of heavy rainfall cause debris to block the dam inlet screens and therefore let air into the system which then causes the CompHatch valves to stick and reduce the water flow into the trays - resulting in mortalities. A float switch alarm has been placed next to the drum filter to try and alert the site staff of any issues, but this has been ineffective as the water level dips pass too quickly to result in an alarm.
The farm manager has submitted a proposal to fit a partial recirculating system in the hatchery to solve the issue, and he is hoping it will be approved for set up in the spring. In the meantime, the screens and drum filter are being cleaned more regularly to avoid the creation of air pockets in the system.
The incubation unit is currently fallow but the fry was observed in the hatchery and appeared in good condition.
During the site inspection, it was observed that the size of the pipes feeding the incubation appear to increase and decrease in size, which is probably contributing to the problem of air entering the system. The farm manager is aware of the issue and is certain that setting up a buffer tank and a partial recirc for the incubation unit will solve the issue. [Original PDF]
Eilean Grianain
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1176Case Number: 2024-0440
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by .
Business internally refers to the site as Carradale North and South but site inspected and records checked as one site.
Inspection scheduled due to the business reporting high mortality events attributed to treatment loss and gill infections. Seven pens were treated with freshwater and FLS in week 45 with another 5 pens treated in early October. Treatment of seven other pens is scheduled for the coming weeks. Attempts to remove cleaner fish before treatments are made by creeling and catching with hand nets. Passive grade harvesting has been ongoing at the site since 23/09/2024.
Internal health report from 05/11/24 available indicating AGD and PGD present onsite. Health team scheduled to visit on
Pens experiencing highest mortality were identified for inspection. Two moribund fish were observed across the inspected pens and attempts to remove them for sampling failed due to their swim response. General population were observed to be shoaling well with limited sea lice observed.
Recent Lumpfish Mortality: wk46, 39, 0.02%; Wk45,0, 0%; Wk44,0,0%; Wk43,512,0.33%
Recent Wrasse Mortality: wk46, 165,0.31%; Wk45, 0,0%; Wk44, 0,0%; Wk43, 620, 1.14%
Wrasse mortality historical - 2024 Wk 27, 2870, 4.20%; Wk28,4073,6.22%;Wk29,1487,2.42% (handling related)
Lumpfish mortality historical - 2023: Wk 51, 15784, 6.57% (Storm damage); Wk52, 15460, 6.89%(Pseudomonas). 2024 Wk1,
7955, 3.81% (Pseudomonas). 2022, Wk29, 8751, 5.46% (wounds & fin damage and handling); Wk30, 9846 ,6.86% (wounds or fin damage) [Original PDF]
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0696Case Number: 2024-0127
Download2022 Wk 31: fallowed out previous crop (28/07/2022).
2023 Wk 3: input of new stock onto site. Stock origin: Barcaldine Smolt Unit (Fanad stock), transferred at 150g. First input on
Aquatet, oxytetracycline : 12/10/2023 - 15/10/2023 (720 degree days). Withdrawal end date: 13/12/2023.
Paramove: 08/11/2023- 06/12/2023 (different pens), Hydrogen peroxide.
FW treatments: 20/11/2023 and 01/02/2024
Optomease has been most recently used, but site plans to move back to using tricane again.
Wrasse mortalities:
02/06/2023 input of wrasse. All Scottish wild caught. advised that any fish with lesions to be culled out - after furunculosis
2024: Wk 19, 109, 0.64%; Wk 18, 227, 1.31%; Wk17, 251, 1.42%; wk16, 137, 0.77%
Wrasse dewatered in FW treatments and attemptes are made to creel out fish before any treatments.
Confirmed Furunculosis on 27/09/2023, aquatet treated from 12/10/2023. Prescription of aquatet inspected.
Confirmed CMS 03/11/2023 - no mortalities associated.
Health visits: when required and issues. Once every three months. Gill swabs taken every week usually.
Most recent health report confirmed that furunculosis and CMS present on site, however few/no mortality has been associated with either diseases.
During site inspection on 20/05/2024, a few moribund fish (3-5) seen in each pen but were either too fast to catch or too deep.
Two fish were observed with exophthalmia but not able to be removed due to being too deep. Otherwise, fish were observed to be in good condition. Site noted that over the previous weekend microjelly fish have started to appear, as the site in July
2023 experienced issues associated with them. One fish was removed for VMD sampling; fish appeared to be in great condition with no lice observed.
The majority of paperwork inspected remotely on 15/05/2024. Movement/transport records, predator and containment plan, biosecurity records and dive records reviewed during site inspection on 20/05/2024.
An escape investigation was also conducted on 20/05/2024, following notification from business on 06/03/2024 that a hole in pen 6 was observed on 04/03/2024. The hole observed was 21cm in diameter and found at 16m. A box net was lowered to cover the hole until divers repaired it on 05/03/2024. ROV footage of hole was observed during the escape investigation.
Recommendations were made to review site specific contigency plans and maintain records of any updates. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0567Case Number: 2024-0415
DownloadWild caught wrasse on site
Freshwater only (no FLS) used to treat the AGD.
Two full cages harvested on 07/10 (cage 3) and 09/10 (cage 4). These were harvested due to high mortality from AGD
Pseudo-nitzschia plankton bloom in the area over the last month had caused some mortality.
Last biologist report (from 21/10/24) states that the fish showed signs of PGD but little sign of AGD since last treatment. Also some sign of lesions. Gill health is reported to be stable
Biologist visits twice weekly.
During blooms fish fed alternate days
Freshwater treatment occurred on 29/07/24 all cages for AGD. Second freshwater treatment occurred on 05/09/24 also for
AGD. No FLS used. Gill swabs reportedly have shown the treatments have been successful at reducing AGD.
Moribund fish are removed as and when observed by site staff. Each cage is walked around everyday to remove moribund fish.
Wrasse numbers at harvest do not match-up with numbers counted or removed at harvest time. These losses are classed as black loss on the system. Up to 52% weekly black loss for wrasse on site since input. Input of 1,367 wrasse to cage 3 out of these 985 attributed to black loss. Input of 1,455 wrasse to cage 4 and 680 attributed to black loss. Both cages have now been harvested. Total wrasse black loss over the site is 51.32% (4,385 fish). Manager does not know how this discrepancy has come about.
All ballan wrasse stocked on site. Agreement written by Bakkafrost and signed by wrasse supplier states that all wrasse must be between 12-24cm. Wrasse supplier and site staff perform a visual check of wrasse size before/at input.
Environmental conditions are more favourable and mortality is reportedly reducing.
Site manager will continue to monitor fish health with the help of biologists and if health issues occur again the site will be harvested.
One moribund fish was observed on site during the inspection but was too deep to catch with a hand net
Accompanied by from the Animal and Plant Health Agency who asked questions regarding fish welfare and inspection of livestock. The case was referred to APHA following reports in increased mortality from the business [Original PDF]
Geisgeil (Tank Site)
Loch Duart Ltd FS0885Case Number: 2024-0146
DownloadTreatments - No treatments have been carried out on site. Tricane is only used when fish are going for stripping. "Hands off approach" currently due to the CMS on site. Fish came onto site with CMS from the sea water sites
Mortality - It was noted that in 2023, fish culled for stripping were recorded as "unspecified mortality". Site were reminded that fish culled for stripping should be recorded as culls and these numbers should not be included in any mortality figures.
Health surveillance - PCMV testing - latest report 22/10/2024 - all 14 fish sampled had PMCv (Piscine myocarditis virus)
During the physical inspection of the site, the fish were observed through a small flap in the tank covering. Visibility was limited due to the peaty water however all fish observed were swimming well with no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0242Case Number: 2024-0429
DownloadSlight discrepancy with the fish input figures from the freshwater site due to an issue with the counter, it was estimated that the figures were 10% out, figures have been amended at both sites to reflect this.
Site has had a new barge with ensiling facilities on board, no waste has been uplifted since the last inspection as there is not enough waste.
Fish have settled in well post input and showing a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]
Loch Frisa
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0428Case Number: 2024-0386
DownloadSite has not been used since 2019 and no current plans to stock. Movement records collected and site viewed as fallow from the road. To confirm with business whether to make site inactive.
BMP not checked as site not used for 5 years.
Updated 22/11/2024 - business wish to keep the site active. [Original PDF]
Loch Ness
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0434Case Number: 2024-0417
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by . Remote inspection of biosecurity records undertaken 30/10/2024. Movement, transport, treatment and health surveillance records inspected on site 04/11/2024. Remote inspection of mortality records undertaken 11/11/2024 due to the software being down at the time of visit.
Mortalities can also be disposed of via Billy Bowie as whole fish if they cannot be incinerated onsite. Two uplifts during previous cycle and waste transfer notes available and adequate.
No disease issues observed on site at time of inspection. Fish sampled for VMD showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]
Loch Snizort East
Loch Duart Ltd FS1309Case Number: 2024-0447
DownloadStocked end of June 2024.
Freshwater treatments 1-6/11/24.
Sea lice above 1 in week 35, freshwater treatment conducted. Sea lice has been below 1 since.
No ensiled waste uplifts since stocking.
Harvests will be deadhaul.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 14/11/2024. Site records checked only for current cycle as the site was transferred from a different business in 2022. The site had previously been fallow since week 51 2021.
Site authorised for 10 pens but only are 9 currently in the water.
Only one pen could be inspected by walking all the way around, the rest of the pens were seen from the boat due to the rough weather conditions. The fish were sitting deep in the water column but they appeared in good condition. Only one dead fish observed. [Original PDF]
Bakkafrost Scotland FS1315Case Number: 2024-0462
DownloadSite inspected in calm weather, visibility of the stocks were good. The site was recently stocked on 11th November 2024 with fish split down from Maragay Mor (FS1304). Fish transferred very healthy and no mortality attributed to transfer occurred.
During transfer the fish were treated with Freshwater and FLS. Upon the physical inspection of the stocks fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding. No clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection. [Original PDF]
Meil Bay
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0597Case Number: 2024-0416
DownloadLast harvest on 7/8/2024.
Cleaning and disinfection of site equipment completed on 4/10/2024. Cages and bird net supports lifted out of the water, scraped, power washed and disinfected. Barge and mooring cans also scraped, pressure washed and disinfected. Used
Virkon Aquatic to disinfect on site equipment. Nets sent to Morenot in Shetland and disinfected on 16/8/2024. Will be returned to site for next input. Date of next input not yet confirmed, but should be later this month or next month.
CDN for BKD to be revoked. [Original PDF]
Mingarry Hatchery
Hebridean Smolts Ltd FS0145Case Number: 2024-0461
DownloadMortality on site has been very low since the date of last inspection. Upon inspection of the stocks fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes.
Recently the site has had a touch of fungus in some of the stocks. The site was treated with formalin on 19/11/2024. No fish with fungus were observed during the inspection. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1286Case Number: 2024-0436
DownloadFish were moved on from Etive 6 in September (from DMA 15b to 15e). A RA for the SW to SW movement was available.
SRS has been identified on site (particularly liver lesions, rather than external lesions). Antibiotic treatment successfully completed end of October and bacterial load has lessoned. Jellyfish (Apolemia) on site are now the main cause of mortality.
Gill damage consistent with PGD but mild. HSMI has also been observed with blood clots around the heart noted. PCRs positive for HSMI, Teancibaculosis and Pisciricettsiosis. Fish have been vaccinated with Alphaject Micro6, PD1 and against
Yersinia and Pasteurella.
FW treatments since input with FLS have had good clearance rates.
Although site does not fall within a CoGP MA and so is not required to maintain a FMS, one has been created and was available for inspection. Fallow dates are synchronised on a single year class basis with the sites nearest neighbour, Rum
Several moribunds were observed in each of the cages, with more observed in cages 1, 2, 5 and 8. Five fish were removed from across the site for diagnostic sampling. The general population on site appeared in good body condition and were active in the cages with lots of jumping behaviour observed. Fish from cage 4 were removed for a lice count which was observed by the inspector. Very few lice were observed on these fish and they were in good physical condition with some minor damage to fins.
Site manager was informed that the cleanerfish at Etive were culled prior to transfer of salmon to Muck. However, the VHWP and RA stated that wrasse would be transferred with the salmon. Wrasse were observed across the site in several cages and this was raised with the site manager at the time of the inspection. The movement records were updated to include the transfer of cleanerfish to the site and the site manager was reminded that any mortalities must be recorded going forward.
Updated movement records including the transfer of wrasse to site were received 05/12/24. [Original PDF]
North Kilbrannan
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1365Case Number: 2024-0414
DownloadAll stock on site vaccinated with Alphaject Micro 6 (gives resistance to IPN, Aeromonas salmonicida, Moritella viscosa and some Vibrio strains), Alphaject Micro 1 PD, and vaccination against Pasteurella skyensis.
Freshwater treatment undertaken in wk 35 and 36.
Treating with FLS at the time of the inspection as sea lice levels are reportedly increasing on site.
Farm not within a farm management area in most recent version of CoGP.
Mortality removed from site whole and ensiled on barge at Eilean Grianain (neighbouring site, FS1176). The ensiled waste is then removed from the barge by boat and taken away for disposal.
Fish harvested by dead haul
Some dead fish (approx. 10) observed across the site. These were only observed in cages were stock had reportedly been treated in the hours prior to the inspection.
Although the CoGP management areas have not been updated to include this site, the site manager considers the site within management area M-47, as stated in the farm management statement for the site [Original PDF]
Quoys Hatchery
Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0476Case Number: 2024-0421
DownloadMortalities from the last 4 weeks - wk45 batch1 0.02% (32) batch 2 0.01% (19), wk44 batch1 0.01% (9) batch 2 0.01% (11)
(batch 2 and were combined), wk43 batch 1 0.01% (6) batch 2 0.01% (11) batch 3 0.01% (7), wk42 batch 1 0.02% (72), batch
2 0.01% (15)
Mortalities have been low across site. There has been no health/ disease concerns since last inspection.
Fish were last IP vaccinated 30/09/2024.
New water intake disinfection system has been put in for the egg/ incubation unit. The disinfection system uses ozone, UV and sand filtration.
Limited visibility due to peat. Overall the stock were shoaling well and had a good feed response. 1 mortality and 1 moribund was observed across. 18 fish were sampled for VMD and were dispatched via Tricaine. Sampled VMD fish had good body condition and internally were observed to be in good condition.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted onsite by whilst supervised by VMD fish was sampled by whilst supervised by . [Original PDF]
Rubha Stillaig
Bakkafrost Scotland FS0894Case Number: 2024-0412
DownloadFour treatments using freshwater and FLS in the current cycle. Last FW and FLS treatment from 07/10/24 to 08/10/24
One treatment using Slice in April 2024
SealPro nets installed on site.
Mortality removed onto mortality removal vessel (named "Turas"). Morts ensiled onboard vessel and taken to Dundas
Chemicals via road lorry. Mortality removal boat visits 4-5 sites in the area, disinfecting between sites.
Some grilse observed in the cages whilst inspecting stock on site.
Site representative stated that many plankton blooms were observed over the summer when feeding was reduced to keep the fish deep in the cages, away from the plankton closer to the surface. Mortality remained low during each plankton bloom. Site staff are trained to take samples and identify plankton. Several species of plankton were observed in each bloom. [Original PDF]
Shuna Point
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS1354Case Number: 2024-0405
DownloadInspection lead by , observed by .
Salt water (SW) to SW transfer from Dunstaffnage (FS0299), risk assessment available and adequate. Freshwater (FW) treatment during transfer. Fish were treated with SLICE while at Dunstaffnage. FW treatment planned for 06/11/2024.
Mortalities can also be disposed of via uplift to South Shian and incinerated if they cannot be incinerated onsite but procedure has not been implement since last inspection.
Wrasse (WRS) stocked are wild caught ballan wrasse. Current mortality is attributed to aggression between individuals and physical damage.
30/10/2024 third party health report - AGD 30/30 positive detection, PRV 3/3 positive detection. 04/11/2024 third party health report - PRV 4/5 positive detection. PRV levels currently not of a concern. FW treatment scheduled to start 06/11/2024.
Thermolicer treatment 11/10/2024 to 15/10/2024.
During site inspection approximately 5 moribund fish were observed. Fish sampled for VMD showed no clinical signs of disease.
Updated FMS received 12/12/2024 which details date of review and information on sensitivity testing of sea lice treatments available, evidence supplied meets requirements. [Original PDF]
Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0234Case Number: 2024-0397
DownloadSite visited due to prolonged mortality over threshold: Wk 37 - 1.98%, Wk 38 - 1.96%, Wk 39 - 2% and Wk 40 - 1.3% attributed to anaemia, FW treatment losses and gill issues.
Mortality is currently highest in pens 2, 4 and 7. In the last week (1-8th October) pen 2 had the highest mortality at 3.24%.
Currently this week mortality has been 0.48%. Per pen: 1 - 0.59%, 2 - 0.95%, 4 - 1.05%, 6 - 0.21%, 7 - 0.44%, 9 - 0.11%, 10 -
0.47%, 11 - 1.12% (harvested out yesterday), 12 - 0.25%. Pen 4 is being harvested out tomorrow.
Fish came onto site August 2023. Site has begun to harvest on the 06/05/24, most recent harvest was on the 08/10/24 and site is now harvesting to fallow in mid December (mostly deadhaul). Targeting harvest - keeping an eye on mortality levels each week.
Site also has both lumpfish and wrasse on site. A total of 70,665 wrasse have been input onto site since August 2023. Today there are 21,274 wrasse on site. Wrasse mortality has been attributed to freshwater treatments and environmental issues
(microjellies and plankton). In September 2023 the first batch of 63,089 lumpfish arrived on site and not long after lumpfish mortality started to rise. After testing by the company it was found that furunculosis was the cause (lumpfish were vaccinated but further testing revealed it was a different strain). Company believed the cause of the outbreak were the wrasse on site.
Medicated feed blocks were ordered in October but due to a delay the blocks didn't arrive on site until 15/11/2023 by which point 59,549 lumpfish had died. The next input of lumpfish was not until Feb 2024. Since Feb 2024, 60,000 lumpfish have been input onto site and as of today the site has 33,924 lumpfish. Lumpfish mortalities in 2024 have been attributed mainly to environmental conditions (microjellies and plankton) as well as freshwater treatments.
Gill issues on site from December 2023 until March 2024 which then began again at the end of August. Lots of microjellies in the water - counts ranging from 1000 to 2200 cells per millilitre in some samples taken daily on site during June/July. Most recent (7th October) had 100 cells/ml.
Treatments - Freshwater treatments were carried out in March, July and September 2024. September treatments carried out on 8th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th and 18th. Some days were weathered off. Averaging about 2 cages per day. Last year's treatments could grade out the lumpfish due to their small size however the most recent treatments have happened on a boat that can't grade out lumpfish.
Sealice - have been low in number.
Last health visit - 23/09/2024 but report hasn't been sent through yet.
Last health report - 27/08/2024 - "gill health decreased with a lot of gill bleeding, CGD present, only 1 or 2 moribund per pen, mortality (80%) attributed to anaemia, feed response good".
When inspecting site, only one moribund fish was observed in pen 2. This was caught and taken for diagnostic sampling. Gills of this fish were bleeding. Staff on site were carrying out lice counts and the majority of fish they caught also had bleeding gills but these fish all appeared healthy otherwise. [Original PDF]
Vidlin North
Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0608Case Number: 2024-0433
DownloadSite was inspected following reports to the FHI of mortalities above the reporting threshold. The mortalities reported were attributed to environmental and CGD/ gill health issues. Reported mortality events to the FHI - 07/10/2024; 1.2%(3860) environmental, gill health, CGD. 14/10/2024; 2.3%(7352) environmental, gill health, CGD, harvest. 21/10/2024; 2.3%(6736) environmental, gill health, CGD, harvest.
During the summer months the site was experiencing high numbers of jellyfish and low oxygen levels. Site had conducted net washing of the inner and outer nets on all pens to help increase oxygen levels.
Site had conducted FW/ FLS treatments between 17/09/2024 to 23/09/2024 and 25/10/2024 to 08/10/2024. FW/ FLS treatments was conducted over 12hrs per cage. Site representative suggested the length of treatment has attributed to some of the mortalities across site.
Cages 8, 10 and 18 had the highest mortalities across the site. Wk40; cage 8- 530 (1.82%) - due to this high mortality site started with FW/ FLS treatment. Wk41; cage 10- 642 (2.63%). Wk42; cage 8- 884 (3.13%), cage 10- 6891 (3.75%), cage 6-
885 (2.76%). wk43; cage 8- 736 (2.69%), cage 10- 1253 (5.48%). wk44; this all cages were being treated with FW/ FLS during this week all cages had low mortalities. wk45; cage 8- 1155 (4.34%), cage 10- 440 (2.04%), pen 18- 361 (1.44%)
The site was preparing to harvest pen 8 on the day of the inspection. Site is currently reducing stock on site through harvest to relieve stocking density pressures to help with mortalities. Stock is live haul via well boat to Lerwick processing plant to be harvested.
Company vet has advised site to be on starve for 10 days starting from 12/11/2024 whilst site is being harvested. Although, due to pen 8 experiencing the highest mortalities they have been on starve for approximately a week at time of inspection.
Health surveillance report conducted by company vet on 12/11/2024 observed some stock to have damage from sea lice but is healing well, although sea lice levels are low. No external signs of disease or infection were observed. Haemorrhaging in the swim bladder and very occasional signs of AGD in the gills were observed. Some Aeromonas sp was also observed. In the report there was suggestions of furunculosis and Yersinia ruckeri (bacterial infection). Histology and PCR samples were taken and awaiting results. Histology results from 19/10/2024 found no significant results - it was observed in the histology samples moderate levels of liver necrosis and moderate gill necrosis and haemorrhaging/ inflammation.
General population were swimming and shoaling and were observed to be in good body condition. It was observed that some of the general population had physical damage that was healing. In the observed cages there were a high number of lethargic fish hanging close to the net. 3 moribund and 1 runt was observed across the inspected cages. In pen 10 it was observed that there was a moderate number of fish with sea lice damage on their heads but healing well - note no sea lice was observed on sampled fish. 3 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling (2 moribund and 1 healthy fish (healthy fish was also sampled for
VMD). The 3 fish sampled internally were observed to have no clinical signs, note there was strong adhesions around the spleen and fish 2 had haemorrhaging on the swim bladder.
Inspection and paperwork was conducted on site by whilst supervised by . Diagnostic sampling and VMD sampling conducted by whilst supervised by [Original PDF]