Latest Inspection Reports

Here are the latest batch of inspection reports we've extracted. (18-12-2024) Click here to see the full list of reports.

Applecross Hatchery

Bakkafrost Scotland FS1336
Case Number: 2024-0381

The site was inspected due to a mortality event report received by the FHI for wk 36. mortality records were inspected with the last four weeks being:
Wk 38, 3521 (0.1%), wk 37 213558 (5.75%), wk36 382624 (16.95%), Wk 35 694 (0.03%), mortality event due to water quality issue. No other peaks in mortality noted during the period checked.
The cause of the mortality was a water quality issue. The site has a large ‘make up’ fresh water storage tank that supplies all the Applecross sites, there was a huge demand placed on the storage tank as contractors started to fill up tanks in one of the smolt on-growing units and also lorry transport tanks were being filled with water. The level inside the tank dropped by around four meters still leaving 2 meters within the tank however, due to the influent water and discharge pipes being located one above the other, the low levels resulted in turbulence that caused sediment to be disturbed which went into the pipeline that feeds the sites, the Applecross Hatchery being the first on the line. This resulted in a spike in hydrogen sulphide which increased to 0.03 milligrams/litre stressing the fish and causing a rapid decrease in oxygen. The emergency oxygen was used to bring the O2 levels back up.
On investigation it was found that the water tank had a hole in the roof likely from a storm but this had gone unobserved. They suspect that here has been sediment build up from organic matter landing in the tank as the influent water is screened to 30 microns, ozone and uv treated prior to being in the tank.
The water tank itself was newly installed however the specification it was built too may not be adequate for the conditions on the site as it is fairly exposed, talks are on-going with the contractors.
By the time of the inspection a cherry picker had been used to repair the roof. Ozone has been increased within the refreshing loop to further sterilise the water.
It was reported that the low water level was not really an issue as it was not low enough to trigger the low water alarm.
The system is to be put onto an effective flow through configuration to allow the tank to be fully drained, cleaned and disinfected. The pipe configuration is to be changed so that the influent water pipe is opposite the outflow pipe which should result in less turbulence when water levels decrease.
Histo samples had been taken, which revealed damage consistent with acute gill insult, damage to other tissues indicate an acute water borne insult.
On inspection of the site no moribunds or clinical signs of disease were observed.
Wk 38 mortality data was amended on the 27/9/2024 following communications with the company and shows the data for the full week. [Original PDF]


Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1279
Case Number: 2024-0302

Mortality records, sea lice records, treatment records, FMS and BMP checked remotely on 14/08/2024 by whilst supervised by . Health surveillance records were inspected remotely on the 02/09/2024 by whilst supervised by
SW to SW transfer risk assessment checked - satisfactory
Farm management did not note sharing of sea lice data and treatments, however this is highlighted in their sea lice management strategy. Also note all sites operating within the area are owned by the same business - satisfactory.
Elevated mort's (note are below reporting threshold) - 2022 wk33 1694 (0.96%) handling/ transport (1115) gill health (339).
2023 wk24 2804 (0.93%) sea lice and treatments. These mortality were not specific to any cage.
Harvesting was being conducted at time of inspection
At the time of inspection cages 2, 4 and 6 were being treated by a hydrolicer. Cages 1, 3 and 7 were treated on 21/08/2024 - some fish had lose of scales due to the hydrolicer treatment but appeared to be swimming and shoaling well.
Overall population of fish were in good condition and shoaling well. Fish had a good feed response. 4 runts that were lethargic and 2 fish were observed to have lesions across the site. 14 mort's were observed at time of inspection, mort's were attributed to hydrolicer treatments. High number of wild lumpsuckers were observed on site - note these are not wild caught for the purpose of cleaner fish, lumpsuckers have entered as small fish and grown whilst in the cage (No authorisation concern). 2 fish were sampled for VMD. Sampled VMD internal condition was good.
Inspection of site and all records/case paperwork was carried out on site and completed by whilst supervised by .
VMD sampled by whilst supervised by .
Reasons for sea lice notification discrepancies and corrections were received on 03/10/2024 and 05/11/2024 and were found to be satisfactory. Reasons and corrections were inspected remotely by [Original PDF]


Bakkafrost Scotland FS0567
Case Number: 2022-0487

Site used to hold split of fish from other sites. Issued by: FHI Date of issue: 12/05/2020 No letharic or moribund fish observed. Water dark in colour - difficult to see stock on site. No issues or concerns. Slight increased mortality, especially cage 5 & 6 - suspected AGD, awaiting some results. Mortality dropped across the site in past week. Physical and freshwater treatments - 3 x hydolicer, 2 FW treatments one on transfer 13 Aug and the other 29 September [Original PDF]


Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0742
Case Number: 2024-0388

Fish due to transfer to Loch Etive sites and Camas Glas in October/November using lorry and wellboat.
Current stock from Inchmore and Lochailort Recirculation Units (restocked from July 2024 through to October). Site had been fallow since mid-December 2023.
Some of the fish (350,000) were vaccinated on site (triple vaccine - Alphaject micro 1 PD, Alphaject micro 6 and Pasteurella skyensis/ERM) using vaccination machine which can vaccinate 15,000 fish per hour. Majority of stock was vaccinated at
Inchmore before transfer.
Mortality peak in previous stock in October/November due to fungus. Normally incinerate on site, but two uplifts of whole fish by Billy Bowie during this period.
Monthly health inspections conducted by Mowi staff. No health issues raised with current stock.
Water dark and difficult to observe fish deeper in pen. Two pens were very active possibly due to predator activity in the vicinity
(cormorant observed by site staff). Fish sampled for VMD in excellent condition and appeared healthy.
Seven fish observed across site with evidence of fungal infection. One removed for further examination, but no other clinical signs or pathology observed so no samples taken for diagnostic purposes.
Record & document check, site inspection and VMD sampling conducted by , observed by and UKAS assessors [Original PDF]

Inverkerry Hatchery

Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS1061
Case Number: 2024-0383

Site will be stocked November 2024 to April 2025.
Mortality usually between 2-50 per week per tray. Usually on the lower end of that except when failed hatches occur, resulting in 50-200 mortalities per tray per week. Mortality checked daily and mortality removed but main pickings are done once or twice a week. Only one mortality above threshold last cycle - wk 20 2024 (4.03% for 1st feeding to 5g) due to runts.
Eggs for input onto site are imported from Iceland and most recent health certificates (2023 input) were seen while on site.
Hatchery consists of 3 tray units with a total of 48 individual trays and 9 indoor tanks.
All paperwork inspected on the day of inspection. [Original PDF]


Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0254
Case Number: 2024-0385

Current stock due out by end of year, but stock coming down from Girlsta in November.
Some site numbers missing from movement records but resolved during visit.
Ensiled waste removed by Billy Bowie to Barkip.
Spike in mortality in previous stock due to feed issue but below reporting threshold.
Recent morts mostly single figures per tank per day - with the occasional slightly higher. Mainly attributed to fungus.
Regular screening for Furunculosis and ERM conducted.
Glochidia present on gills of one fish in latest samples. Not present in Knock water source.
Site thermometer - ice point check carried out 18/06/2024.
1 dead fish seen across site. Approximately 10 fish with obvious fungus. Fish generally in good condition with normal behaviour observed. [Original PDF]

Laddie Wood, Loch Garry

Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1104
Case Number: 2024-0338

5 fish removed for VMD were observed to be healthy and were swimming well.
VMD sampling conducted by on 17/09/2024.
Site and records inspected and paperwork completed by , supervised by on 17/09/2024. [Original PDF]

Loch Damph

Torridon Smolts Ltd FS0375
Case Number: 2024-0374

Morts last for weeks, Wk 38 1621 (0.2%) wk 37 4202 (0.5) wk 36 10098 1.3%, wk 35 4006 (0.5%), Wk 34 10432 (1.3%), all
Additional peaks in mortality wk 30 11749 (1.4%) wk 31 10389 (1.3%). Furunculosis
Initial peak in furunculosis in week 30, antibiotic administered 23/7/2024 (Florocol), second treatment administered 22/8/2024 and a third treatment administered 3/9/2024 numbers have reduced after treatment.
Some treatments for whitespot/costia with Aquacen.
No clinical signs of disease noted during the inspection. [Original PDF]

Loch Damph

Bakkafrost Scotland FS0300
Case Number: 2024-0375

Site has also transferred from Bakkafrost to Migdale since the last Inspection, the fish onsite are the first cycle for Migdale.
Mortalities last four weeks: week 16th Aug to 22nd Aug 8630 (1.4%), 23 Aug to the 29th Aug 1641 (0.3%), 30th Aug to 8th
Sep 289, 9th to the 15th September 1012 (0.2%). Morts had been low post input until 16th August when a marked increase occurred, samples were taken and furunculosis was identified. Florocol was used for a 10 day course, this reduced the mortalities.
Furunculosis has been an issue, one treatment of florocol has been administered which was very effective.
Aquacen has been used for white spot/costia.
Pens have been slightly relocated, they are now further offshore. Site can still be accessed by a walkway.
Vaccination is due to commence in the coming days.
Surveillance frequency, movements offsite could not be calculated as this is the first cycle so no fish have moved off, data from the other Loch Damph site used as similar in stocked numbers and fish transfer method. [Original PDF]

Loch Leven (1)

Mowi Scotland Ltd FS0244
Case Number: 2023-0539

Organic site
Lumpfish mortality - First input 26th of November - 6th of December. Mortality over period 533 fish across the whole site.
Fish ensiled on-site. Transported by Fergusons to Barkip
Fish are harvested by dead haul, due to wellboat access restrictions.
Site temperature used, as inspector's thermometer was unavailable.
VMD fish appeared healthy when opened.
Inspection carried out by , observed by . [Original PDF]

Lochailort Recirculation Hatchery

Mowi Scotland Ltd FS1269
Case Number: 2024-0333

Mortality in the last 4 weeks across populations:
Q4 (last transfer off 17/09/2024) - wk37 935 (0.06%), wk36 1974 (0.09%), wk35 3071 (0.15%), wk34 3449 (0.14%)
Q1 parr - wk37 4659 (0.16%), wk36 4198 (0.14%), wk35 2576 (0.09%), wk34 5204 (0.18%)
Q1 smolt - wk37 2577 (0.31%), wk36 10321 (0.28%), wk35 9277 (0.25%), wk34 16152 (0.44%)
Q2 parr - wk37 3622 (1.6%), wk36 1739 (0.76%), wk35 2295 (1.00%), 2731 (1.17%)
Q1 fry - wk37 7577 (0.21%), wk36 10321 (0.28%), wk35 9277 (0.25%), wk34 16152 (0.44%)
Mortality events (reported to FHI):
26/06/2023 - eggs to first feed; 3.39%, 346226, unviable eggs/poor quality (on site issues with aquagen 15% mort on arrival)
21/08/2023 - 5g to smolt; 1.72%, 28242, fungal infection + treatments with formalin and Cress
Site has been struggling with mild fungal issues and have been conducting weekly treatments with Pyceze and Aquacen. At the time of inspection stock were being treated.
Stock last vaccinated between 12/08/2024 to 29/08/2024
During inspection stock were observed to be shoaling and feeding well. Stock were observed to be in good condition with very few fish seen with fungus. Little number of mort's were observed (mort's where observed in mort collectors).
Due to site temperatures throughout the year being above 14 degrees a 30 fish EC sample was taken. During internal inspection of the sampled fish were observed to be in good condition. P1,P3,P4, P5, P6 sampled by . P2 sampled by
Fish health representative conduct fortnightly health checks on stock. Last health check was conducted on the 05/09/2024.
Inspection of site and paperwork conducted/completed by , whilst supervised by . For the MIX inspection, paperwork and site visit were conducted and completed by , shadowed by . [Original PDF]

Nevis B

Scottish Sea Farms Ltd FS0616
Case Number: 2023-0538

Wrasse motality on site low <100 pm across the site.
Lice numbers have been low, however prophylactic treatments (alphamax) was administered just after input.
Site temperature used as inspector's thermometer unavailable.
Inspection and paperwork carried out by , observed by [Original PDF]

Ormsary Smolt Unit

Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd FS0575
Case Number: 2024-0036

No issues observed on site at time of inspection. Site reported some background HSS, this was expected to reduce after grading when fish will be split over tanks and held at lower biomass.
Highland Aqua on site at time of inspection conducting vaccination. Production fish were being vaccinated with Alpha Ject
Micro 6, whilst those that will be used for broodstock were being vaccinated with Micro 6 and Clynav. Vaccination is due to be completed by 2nd week of December. Site has also purchased there own vaccination machine.
Water was very peaty at time of inspection reducing visibility in tanks. No dead or moribund observed at time of inspection.
Site has reported that there have been fewer issues with fungus this year, temperatures were reported to be slightly lower this year compared to the last few years.
Site is currently conducting works to increase capacity on site by installing a further 28 tanks which will be 8m tanks, these are planned to be in place by May/June 25.
Fish sampled for VMD were in very good condition. [Original PDF]


Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS0710
Case Number: 2024-0303

Mortality records, sea lice records, treatment records, FMS and BMP checked remotely on 14/08/2024 by whilst supervised by . Health surveillance records were inspected remotely on the 02/09/2024 by whilst supervised by
SW to SW transfer risk assessment checked - satisfactory
Farm management did not note sharing of sea lice data and treatments, however this is highlighted in their sea lice management strategy. Also note sites operating in the area are owned by the same company - satisfactory.
Elevated mort's (note are below reporting threshold) - 2023 wk37 to wk43 due to environmental conditions (during this period there were high algae and jellyfish numbers). Cages 2 and 3 most impacted during this period.
Overall population of fish were in good condition and shoaling well. Fish had a good feed response. 3 runts that were lethargic were observed across site. Across site 3 mort's were observed at time of inspection. High number of wild lumpsuckers were observed on site - note these are not wild caught for the purpose of cleaner fish, lumpsuckers have entered as small fish and grown whilst in the cage (No authorisation concern). 2 fish were sampled for VMD. Sampled VMD internal condition was good.
Inspection of site and all records/case paperwork was carried out on site and completed by whilst supervised by .
VMD sampled by whilst supervised by .
Reasons for sea lice notification discrepancies and corrections were received on 03/10/2024 and 05/11/2024 and were found to be satisfactory. Reasons and corrections were inspected remotely by . [Original PDF]

Skelwick Skerry

Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd FS1312
Case Number: 2024-0145

A visit is being conducted at Skelwick Skerry after receiving notification from the company that positive BKD results have been found by a Pharmaq vet carrying out routine inspections. At the time of notification (two weeks prior to the visit on 8th May), no raised mortality was observed on site.
External vet (Pharmaq routine visit for upcoming harvest) had one positive result for BKD when sampling last week (sampled only 4 moribund fish). This fish had some clinical signs - granulomas on spleen and this is why it was tested for BKD. Staff on site have been vigilant for BKD since Chalmers Hope outbreak and have not been seeing any signs of clinical disease when looking at moribunds etc.
Mortalities are now going to be sent by separate bulker - in line with what is done at Chalmers Hope. No mortality movements have been done since site got positive result. Mortalities are removed by ROV on site and delivered to Dounby Yard in their own tanker which will then be disinfected completely.
Fish have been on site since January and have come on from Bay of Cleat North (FS1080) and Vestness (FS1210).
Mortality - Week 20 mortality had 445 fish down as 'environmental mortality' - PGD, jellyfish, plankton. Since the movement restriction order was put in place last week no mortality uplifting has taken place on site until the mortality movement SOP has been put in place.
Mortality since last visit - very low, rarely above 1, in the last cycle the mortality only increased above 1 in the last 3 weeks of the cycle shortly before fallowing. These mortality were mainly attributed to heart disease and handling.
Fish are organic and have had no treatments other than freshwater or T.M.S for health checks.
Health wise - AGD when fish first came on to site and were transported in freshwater. Little bit of PGD and gill bleeding. Few fish with sores observed but these are determined to likely be from seals trying to grab them through the net.
Health report - Internal health report 7th May 2024 - routine inspection "fish are looking in good condition and appear to be feeding well. Environmental damage observed as well as some gill bleeding. AGD 0-1 non AGD (PGD) 0-4"
Increased plankton counts over the last 4/5 weeks but not high enough to stop feeding.
Inspection of site: All eight pens were inspected. Despite no uplift of mortality for a few days, no dead fish were seen floating on the surface of the water. Due to the overcast day and dark waters, it was difficult to observe fish. Fish seen just below the water surface or jumping from the water appeared healthy, a good weight and with no clinical signs of disease. Across the whole farm only 2 fish were observed to be of poor health. One fish in pen 5 had a 2 inch sized facial lesion (top of head missing and exophthalmic eyes) - staff tried netting the fish out however the fish swam off quickly when approached. It will be removed if staff are able to catch it.
A moribund fish was observed in pen 3 swimming slowly with a weak body condition (runt looking), an exophthalmic eye, had a higher lice load and was easily caught with the hand net. A one fish diagnostic of this fish was taken. Upon inspecting the fish internally, no clinical signs of disease were observed. There was still a bit of fat surrounding the pyloric caeca and spleen however no food was observed in the hind gut. [Original PDF]

Tarbert South

Bakkafrost Scotland FS0767
Case Number: 2024-0393

Site was inspected following reports of increased mortality.
From the site's most recent fish health report dated 04/10/2024 Frunculosis, gill health and physical damage were the main drivers for mortality.
Mortality at the site first became elevated in week 32 2024 and has remained elevated to date, peaking in week 40 at 3.95%.
Initially pens 13 and 14 were the worst affected, these fish were harvested out in week 39. At present peens 2, 3 and 10 are accounting for the largest volume in mortality. These three pens have now been placed on the harvest schedule for the coming weeks.
The site have conducted three rounds of 3 hour freshwater bath treatments since the end of July 2024, the most recent round of treatments was completed on 18/09/2024. Sea lice counts are low on site and below the CoGP suggested criteria for treatment. The site completed a round of slice treatments on 27/08/2024.
The site was inspected in a rough sea state resulting in extremely poor visibility of the stock. Only 4 pens were inspected due to these conditions, moribund and lethargic fish were observed in each pen that was inspected and 5 fish were removed for diagnostic sampling.
Frunculosis is currently present on site and the site staff reported that approximaly 20% of the mortalities removed from the site exhibited lesions commonly associated with the disease. However, due to the poor conditions and lack of visibility of the stocks during the inspection of the site, no fish with lesions were observed from the pen side.
Water quality at the site is good at present, plankton checks are conducted daily and the site remains below the trigger levels intervention in relation to any harmful phytoplankton's. Around mid September 2024 the site did experience some elevated plankton levels which may have contributed to some of the gill health issues being experienced at present. [Original PDF]