Site Details: Meall Mhor Loch Fyne
Tarbert Road
ArdrIshaig, Argyll
PA30 8ET
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Mar 2019
Total losses: 9.5 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2021
Total losses: 12.4 %
Production cycle end date: Mar 2023
Total losses: 23.8 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0020
Currently feeding SLICE.
Due to adverse weather conditions visibility was limited. Fish were observed shoaling well in one pen, with limited and poor visibility on other pens due to the weather. A few fish with physical damage to the flank (suspected due to sustained adverse weather conditions recently) were observed in the pens on the more exposed side of the site (particularly pen 2). All compromised fish (less than 10) that were able to be caught were removed and dispatched immediately. Fish were opened up but no gross pathology was observed so no diagnostic samples were collected. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0151
Paperwork completed by remotely 19/5/2021, physical site inspection by , shadowed by on 20/05/2021
All treatments 2021: 14 & 21 January (wk. 2 & 3) 2021 Hydrolicer treatment; 05 May & 12 May (wk. 18 & 19) 2021. 5 cages treated on the 5th May with the remaining 2 treated on 12th May. (2 additional pens treated that were scheduled to be harvested but weren't so were treated, half of one of the cages was harvested)
From 6-19 March 2021, 2020 S1's from Lamlash FS0243 (Arran) were moved onto the site. Risk assessment for the transfer inspected (dated 4/3/2021). At the same time a few cages of 2019 S0's were left when the 2020 S1's were moved on site.
2019 S0's were harvested out by 13 May 2021. 2020 S1's were SLICE treated at Lamlash prior to being moved to Meall Mhor.
2021 wk. 16 (19 - 25 April) lice count: 4 AF with eggs strings and 5 AF without egg strings = 9 Total AF (10 fish per cage and
9 cages counted = 90 fish) 0.1AF average for site
Site use a box net to select a random selection of fish for lice count.
Sea lice: From 09 March 2020 until current figures have been below CoGP for average AF until 2021 wk13 1.09 average AF.
Down to 0.0 AF following week - harvests took place of the 2019S1 which predominantly had lice on them, the 2020 S1's from
Lamlash had a SLICE treatment before they came and had 0 lice.
Planned treatment next week: hydrolicer
During physical inspection, sea lice count was observed. Numbers counted on the day of inspection consistent with the numbers that had been reported prior to inspection. Waterproof notepad used for count on site has pre-printed table format for recording pen no., fish no and each stage of lice. This data is then immediately transferred to IT system used by company with notepad then wiped clean to be re-used. IT system immediately returned an average count of each stage equal to total number counted/number of fish.
Weather conditions on day of inspection were rough so bulk of stock remained deep in the pen and were not coming to surface when feed was presented. This resulted in the fish removed to carry out count mainly consisting of poor doers. The physical condition of the fish appeared good with only a few fish showing signs of minor physical damage. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0081
Records inspected remotely on 22/03/2022 by .
AGD confirmed on site by PCR in 2022 but does not appear to be causing issues currently.
Fish difficult to see as they were remaining deep in the water. Those visible were shoaling as expected and appeared in very good condition with no moribund/lethargic fish observed during inspection. Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in good health upon internal examination. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0014
Peaks in salmon mortality 2022: w/b 15/8/2022 4432 (1.37%), 22/8/2022 3149 (0.98%), 29/8/2022 6385 (2.02%), 5/9/2022
(6772 (2.18%), 12/9/2022 3462 (1.33%), 19/9/2022 6198 (2.42%), 26/9/2022 4876 (1.95%), 3/10/2022 7573 (3.09%), all gill health related with some handling/treatment related mortality. 31/10/2022 2659 (1.16%) Furunculosis had been identified with gill health the underlying cause.
Site was restocked with 2023 Q3, some post transfer mortalities recorded for the Q3 input but no other issues with mortalities low.
Peaks in wrasse mortalities 2022: wk 16 229 (7.85%) environmental, wk 38 1952 (35.80%) wk 45 1938 (55.88%), wk 46 1129
(73.89) all classed as black losses.
Peaks in lumpsucker mortalities 2022: wk 13 944 (5.06%) environmental, wk 32 1014 (8.08%) environmental, wk 38 10975
(97.36%) black losses.
No cleaner fish mortality issues noted for 2023/2024.
No cleaner fish to be used this cycle.
Trialling Synacaine anaesthetic
~10 fish observed with physical damage, strong startle response so not removed. [Original PDF]