Site Details: Wick of Belmont
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Oct 2020
Total losses: 23.3 %
Production cycle end date: Jan 2023
Total losses: 31 %
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2021-0442
Remote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 01/11/2021 by
under observation by .
No lethargic fish observed. Water was clear and fish were coming up for feed and shoaling as would expect. Fish were undergoing fresh water treatment at time of physical inspection and had been on starve 4 to 5 days prior. Fish sampled for
VMD showed no external or internal signs of disease.
Fish waste currently being held by TWMA Shetland and is to be used to produce biofuel by SEM once fully approved and operational.
Water temperature taken from site thermometer as there had been a delay with delivery of package to Shetland office, which contained inspectors thermometer. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0083
Paperwork inspected remotely on 17/05/2024.
Site inspected in a calm sea state in overcast weather, visibility of the stocks was good. Fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to routine feeding regimes. No clinical signs of disease observed during the inspection of the stocks, fish looked to be in very good condition and feeding well. 3 Runts observed across the whole site (pens 2, 5 and 8).
One fish was removed for VMD sampling and was healthy both internally and externally.
Site does not fallow synchronously due to only sites from the same company within disease management area. [Original PDF]