Site Details: Ardyne

PA23 7UJ
Operator: Bakkafrost Scotland
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Aug 2018
Total losses: 5.5 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2020
Total losses: 20.5 %

Production cycle end date: Feb 2023
Total losses: 12.1 %


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0340

Mortality information - Last 4 weeks
Week 33 - 20643 - 2.27%
Week 32 - 4042 - 2.37%
Week 31 - 3867 - 2.22%
Week 30 - 292 - 0.21%
Dinoflagellate combined with solids in water after heavy rainfall resulted in environmental insult. Mortality is now back at normal levels and appetite are doing well.
Fish had been doing really well but have succumbed to an enviromental insult casued by a multitude of factors in the loch.
Enviromental event lasted only a few days and mortality levels are back to normal. Harvesting procedures have commenced and fallow is expected within the month. Enviromental insult combined with historic PGD is thought to have been the main source of high mortality. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0244

new site manager - update details on aquadat
ADD's fitted, but not in use, unless needed.
Weather was very sunny, however fish were feeding very deep so difficult to see. Fish sampled for VMD were in good condition.
Water tempreature was above 14 degrees celcius so ECI could not be completed. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0497

NB - BMP, surveillance frequency, CNI, SLI and AMA paperwork completed through case 2021-0244. Inspection of stock and site conducted with respect to sea lice and containment. The site was found to be satisfactory with respect to sea lice levels on site stocks and in relation to sea lice data. The site was found to be satisfactory with respect to containment.
Low lice counts - avg. female between 0.00 and 0.05 per week.
Fish on site deep down and difficult to see. No moribund or lethargic fish observed, mortality reported as low. Wrasse observed round the edges of the cages near the surface grazing on algal growth. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0105

Stock Origin: Strone and Sgian Dubh (December 2023 and January 2024 inputs)
No Wrasse on site- currently no plans to have wrasse for this production cycle.
Optomease used on site instead of Tricaine.
Gills scores have been good on site since input.
Site will be full again by 13/04/2024 - input from fish from Strone and Sgian Dubh.
Net washing occurs every 14 days.
At the time of the site inspection, pen 4 was scheduled to receive a transfer of fish from Strone, and pen 10 was being harvested out. Pen 10 was not inspected due to harvest occurring.
During site inspection, only 4 moribund fish seen across the whole site. These were not removed.
One fish was removed for VMD and appeared to be in a healthy condition.
Paperwork relating to ECI and part of the CNA conducted remotely on 03/04/2024. The rest of the paperwork was conducted on 10/04/2024. [Original PDF]
