Site Details: Vidlin North
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Oct 2018
Total losses: 20.9 %
Production cycle end date: Aug 2020
Total losses: 17.3 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2022
Total losses: 18.8 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0060
Excellent visibility on site at time of inspection, >6m. Fish observed shoaling well and showed good feeding response. Fish sampled for VMD in excellent condition. Sea lice numbers had been elevated, a thermolicer treatment was completed near the end of wk 7, there was an issue with the thermolicer and the treatment in cage 8 was stopped.
Site has been experiencing an increased problem with seal predation which began in August 2019, the site has Sapphire seal pro nets on all cages, weighted nets and an OTAQ ADD, they also have an Airmar ADD available. The cages are due to be replaced before next cycle and plan to have sinker tubes next cycle. Seal predation accounts for 32.5% of mortalities this cycle, this has not been an issue previous generations of fish.
Site was stocked, 7 out 12 cages, with lumpfish in December from Otterferry, lumpfish mortaity is currently 13% since input.
No moribund fish observed during inspection, 2 dead, both with predation damage were removed during the inspection. Some lethargic fish were observed in the cages that had recently finished physical treatment, however they looked in good condition and were shoaling.
Site has 6m sea lice sheilds installed on all cages. Only bath treatment this cycle has been a hydrogen peroxide treatment for
AGD, only other theraputant treatment has been SLICE. Site had been due to receive an additional input of lumpfish to stock the remaining cages.
Stock was also observed on camera system at shorebase, showing excellent shoaling behaviour. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0113
Remote inspection 19/04/22 by , observed by .
Site inspection and VMD sampling by , observed by
Site has been experiencing some CMS, the worst affected cages have been harvested. Other reported cause of mortality on site is seal predation, it was thought that this was likely masking mortalities that should have been attributed to CMS.
Site underwent a Thermolicer treatment at the start of April 2022, reported to have given good clearance.
Fish shoaling well and were deeper in the water. Approximately 7 seals observed in close proximity to the site and this had and affect on the salmon, with increased jumping. No equipment damage report on site and all cages have Seal Pro nets installed, all nets are fully tied to the handrail. There have been occasions where a seal has accessed a cage either over the hand rail or over the top of the net. The seals have waited for site staff to lower part of the net to the water line and the seal leaves the cage. No damaged to nets has been recorded or was reported. The seal issue has reportedly worsened this cycle, since the introduction of double nets to Dury Voe sites and the removal of ADD's. For next cycle the site plans to install double nets to all cages.
Thermometer No T304 used, option not available on case sheet
Site staff reported that O2 levels have been lower over winter than would be expected, new environmental monitoring system in use at site.
Daily water samples taken at site, no recent issues noted.
SSF are modelling for potential new site at the end of the Voe, which would be more exposed. [Original PDF]