Site Details: Tarbert South
Tarbert Road
ArdrIshaig, Argyll
PA30 8ET
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Jun 2019
Total losses: 12.8 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2021
Total losses: 18.1 %
Production cycle end date: Mar 2023
Total losses: 21.9 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0136
Seal in the pen since last inspection but no holes and not suspected losses, situation now resolved.
4,900 LUM stocked in January into two pens (5&6), however LUM experiences increased mortality and the batch of Lumpfish was diagnosed with atypical furunculosis, remaining lumpfish were culled as part of the move of these cages to Rubha Stillaig as well as sustained high mortality. Risk assessment for LUM movement available, resulting in decision to cull remaining fish.
2019 S1 moved from Sgian Dubh to Tarbert South in November 2019 and then on to Rubha Stillaig in February 2020. Risk assessment available. FMS outlines fallowing includes consideration for this. treating with SLICE at the moment
Fish very deep in the water. Fish from 4 cages removed for lice counts appeared to be in very good condition and very clean.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. No containment issues observed on site. Net and top net still fastened to the handrail with zip ties every few meters. No seals observed in the vicinity of the site during the inspection.
Initial and Final notification (MSe041219SAL) received 11/5/2020. Documents reviewed as satisfactory regarding recommendations made with regards to containment and escapes. 14/5/2020 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0379
No dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed. Small number of fish observed deeper in the water with physical damage, attibuted to post treatment.
Treatments have been targeted to cages that have had numbers above TSSC treatment threshold, rather than treat the whole site. All recent treatments have been hydrolicer, with only SLICE being used earlier in the cycle. Site stocked with wrasse
(wild caught) and along with targetting specific cages, this has reported to have helped the management of sea lice so far this cycle.
No recent issues reported on site, fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Visibility good at time of inspection and fish observed shoaling deeper in the water. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0143
10 cages from Heb Smolt (Clachan hat) – 1st input 23/09/2021 & 4 cages from Loch Damph 1st input 5/10/2021
Four SLICE treatments this cycle Oct 2021, Dec 2021, Jan 2022 and 11 - 17 April 2022. Also FW treatment; 3.1.22 and week
17 2022 - 1 hour treatments.
Cleanerfish farmed and wild- Wrasse -Mull, Anglesey - Lumps
Live haul harvest unloaded at Ardyne.
FW treatment April, Wellboat for gill health. - 1 hour. Cleaner fish also treated. Fine with very low mortality. If longer treatment have wellboat the Ronja Kvaloy has a dewaterer that can remove lumps and wrasse. Ronja star being build to include cleaner fish removal system.
Cleaner fish mortality in this cycle to date; 67% since input. Ballan wrasse input; 2227, Lumpsucker input 25308, wrasse mixed species 6093 input. Mortality not attributed to anything specific with 11500 mort were attributed to "black losses". [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0500
Health reports suggest fish exposed to water borne insult, potentially harmful plankton bloom or stinging jellyfish. Routine water sampling hasn't identified any harmful plankton or jellyfish. Sites within loch are conducting Freshwater treatments using the Ronja Star, wellboat is set up where fish can either be pumped straight back to cage after freshwater treatment or diverted through a separate delousing system, which is a mild 'flush' low pressure FLS water system to remove sea lice and the combined FW and FLS system are reported to be giving up to 99% clearance. This can be bypassed if low lice numbers and not required.
Mortality removal using uplift. Bakkafrost also have access to boat Bakkaness, that has been converted to deal with mortality events with ensiling system on board and reportedly has 600 tonnes of storage for ensiled waste.
Weather deteriorating during inspection with swell picking up due to exposed nature of site. No dead or moribund fish were observed during the inspection. 1 - 2 slightly lethargic fish observed per cage but these were deeper in the water and actively swam away when approached, majority of fish observed were shoaling well and were deeper in the water. All feeding is currently undertaken from the Stronachuillin shorebase.
WK 41 - (up to 12/10/22) - 640 (0.29%) - Gill Health Related
WK 40 - 3,228 (1.47%) - Gill Health Related
WK 39 - 2,928 (1.23%) - Gill Health Related
WK 38 - 4,118 (1.43%) - Gill Health Related
WK 37 - 4,668 (1.79%) - Gill Health Related
WK 36 - 12,023 (4.4%) - Gill Health Related
WK 35 - 3,477 (1.26%) - Gill Health Related
WK 40 -259 (3.4%)
WK39 - 345 (5.28%)
WK 36 - 281 (4.12 %)
WK 35 - 36 (0.53%) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0028
Fish came on from Applecross, some of which were dead on arrival following a failure in the hatcheries biofilter prior to transfer. This failure resulted in a spike of ammonia which caused a chronic gill insult, which presented as PGD type damage for a period of time post transfer, but which healed well in SW. Following transfer however, the fish have been reported to be performing well. PD, Moritella and AGD have been diagnosed on site and fish are being fed extra vitamins to promote skin healing.
Sea lice levels have been low on site so far this cycle. 3 SLICE treatments have been completed since input. The first course was administered prophylactically, the following 2 were in response to increasing lice numbers with good clearance reported.
The site has also completed FW treatments combined with FLS which have also been successful at significantly reducing lice loads.
Site fallow in wk11 2023. Restocked in wk32 2023. No mortality above the reporting threshold since wk52 2022.
Company biologists are out on site every second week to collect swabs and bloods. Divers are also on site monthly to conduct sub-surface equipment inspections and the site also has access to a net washer which is in the water every 10 days.
Fish on site were sitting deep in the water on the day of inspection so were difficult to observe. 3 moribunds were observed across the site showing signs of infection with Moritella. These were removed and examined externally. The skin lesions appeared to have begun healing over and no other clinical signs of disease were observed so fish were not sampled for diagnostics.
Fish sampled for VMD had a strong response to feed and appeared in good external and internal health upon examination. [Original PDF]