Site Details: Shapinsay

Orkney Regional Office
KW15 1SD
Operator: Scottish Sea Farms Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Jan 2019
Total losses: 10.9 %

Production cycle end date: Jan 2021
Total losses: 4.7 %

Production cycle end date: Feb 2023
Total losses: 4.2 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: CMS
Historic mortality event identified through routine site inspection. At the time site was harvesting to fallow and was empty wk 8 2023.
Historic event - no further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health related
Gill Health related
AGD; post FW wellboat treatment
First report this cycle. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0279

Remote inspection conducted 01/10/21 by , observed by as part of competency audit
Site Inspection conducted 06/10/21 by , VMD sampling and full mock diagnostic conducted by , observed by as part of competency audit
Site currently stocked with 4 pens of salmon due to go to Noust Geo and the remaining 8 pens are stock that will stay on
Shapinsay. Noust Geo fish are due to move in Mid November 2021, only stocked on Shapinsay due to delays with Wyre
(Noust Geo's nursery site) fallowing and undergoing fallow period.
Shapinsay stocked pens were deeper in the water, but showed a good feeding response. All appeared healthy, 3 dead observed across the 8 pens, these were removed by site staff at time of inspection. The Noust Geo fish were shoaling well, but ~50 failed smolts observed in pens 11 and 12, all still active One fish observed with lesion behind dorsal fin, but still very active.
Shapinsay is a nursery site for Puldrite, fish are input in spring and transferred when ~1kg (Aug/Sept time).
Weather very calm during inspection, changing between sunny and overcast. This made visibility in some pens better than others, fish could be observed shoaling deeper in the water. 3 fish removed for VMD all appeared healthy and in very good condition. Site currently undergoing a SLICE treatment, there was a lot of jumping behaviour in the Noust Geo stock, caligus are slightly elevated, but not at level to cause issues on site. It was reported that Leps are becoming more common on sites within Kirkwall bay. Water temperature was reported to be high for time of year and currently 12.4oC.
AGD - Reported that CT values from swab samples appear to be stronger (lower CT) since Pharmaq took over testing from
FVG, this is being investigated to look at differences in CT values. H202 treatment conducted at Shapinsay for the Noust Geo fish 30/09 & 01/10
Currently participating in Gill health study with Aberdeen University/MSS. Includes E.DNA work (for AGD in water), and sampling has been undertaken (incl histology) In June, September and will be sampled Nov/Dec.
Mortalities are ensiled in Orkney, however, if there was an issue with the ensiler or large number of mortalities, these would be disposed of at Pelagia on Bressay - Shetland.
SSF Orkney sites will be moving to using uplift systems and moving away from dead basket for mortality removal.
There is weekly communications between SSF and CAS regarding sites in Orkney, including exchange of sea lice numbers. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0366

Site stocked: 06/05/2023. Stock origin: Barcaldine (6 pens are Aquagen and 2 are Stofnfiskur)
Shapinsay currently stocked as a nursery site. 2 pens of salmon due to be transferred to Puldrite. The remaining pens are stock that will stay on Shapinsay.
Mortalities are collected via the foover. These are then moved into bins which get disposed of at the business ensiler on
Orkney, located in Twatt.
Treatments since input:
Slice 03/08/2023
Slice 23/06/2023
Peroxide: 29/07/2023-31/07/2023
Seasonal caligus becomes a burden on site, therefore site has treated with slice and peroxide (Paramove 50) to stay on top of any issues. Lep numbers to date have continued to remain low.
Health inspections from health manager are conducted once a month. Health reports inspected from 18/07/2023 showed positve PCRs for AGD (10/12 samples). Histology reports also inspected, taken on 03/07/2023, showed no significant results.
Site mortality has remained low since input. Any mortalities have since input have been attributed to mainly birds and runts. To mitigate bird predation, bird nets have been doubled, increased tension and kites and scarecrows deployed.
Wrasse input was conducted on 14/07/2023. WK33: 1 mortality has been found . Wk34: 20 mortalities
All harvests are conducted via live haul.
Risk assessment in place for the fact that FMA does not fallow synchronously. FMA also does not note whether one or more year classes are stocked but detailed in business risk assessment. Found to be satisfactory therefore no issues raised with
FMA presently.
Fish were sampled for VMD from 4 pens (4,7,8,9) and were observed to be healthy. Stofnfiskur stock in pen 7 and 9. Aquagen stock in 4 and 8.
Fish on site were seen to be shoaling well with only 4 moribund or runts observed across the whole site. Upon inspection no clinical signs of disease were observed. [Original PDF]
