Site Details: Corlarach

Dunvegan Pier
IV55 8WF
Operator: Loch Duart Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Mar 2019
Total losses: 13.3 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2020
Total losses: 51.3 %


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0248

PSI conducted in response to notification of increased mortality on site by the company.
Company are currently conducting a review of their Skye operations and will determine whether the site is to be restocked in
September, if it is decided not to restock site will be made inactive.
Fish were transferred from Gob Na Hoe WK26. Mortality at Gob Na Hoe was low in the run up to the transfer -
WK23 - 462 (0.14%)
WK24 - 990 (0.09%)
WK25 - 1194 (0.11%)
WK26 - 2225 (0.2%)
Fish at Gob Na Hoe tested positive for HSMI, although no clinical signs observed. Risk assessment was in place and transfer w
Salmosan treatments were conducted on the fish in the well boats before fish were released into Corlarach. Mortalities are being attributed to post treatment and transfer losses. Since input mortality has been coming down and it is thought that it will be below reporting threshold in WK28.
WK26 - 6173 (4.34%)
Sea lice numbers onsite - 0.67 AF. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0336

Decision made to harvest site, due to sea lice and gill health issues, plan to be fallow by November, but possibly sooner.
Jellyfish bloom has also affected Corlarach in addition to neighbouring site Leinish.
Mortality information:
Week 33 - 15250- 6.64%
Week 32 - 34000 - 13%
Week 31 - 11,975 - 4.43%
Week 30 - 3311 - 1.19
Sea lice information
Week 34 - 8.31
Week 33 - No count - bad weather
Week 32 - 5.39
Week 31 - 3.79 week 30 - 2.98 week 29 - No count week 28 - 0.77
Week 27 - 0.53
Remote paperwork inspection by - 21/08/20
Site inspection and VMD sampling by . Accompanied by APHA vet.
APHA visited the site the previous week following reports of mortalities at sites within the area and storage of mortalities at the
Dunvegan pier. Mortality events had been reported to FHI.
No moribund or lethargic fish observed, however, low stocking densities in most cages on site as site was harvesting all cages to fallow, no intention to use site again. Ferguson transport boat on site at time of inspection removing mortalities, these were going directly in to tankers on the Ferguson boat. Large number of dead observed floating on surface of one cage, which was being emptied by Ferguson boat and divers. Due to COVID-19 physical distancing requirements, this cage was not accessed.
It was reported that CGD and jellyfish bloom were cause of moralities. [Original PDF]
