Site Details: Barcaldine Smolt Unit

Barcaldine Hatchery
Oban Argyll
PA37 1SE
Operator: Scottish Sea Farms Ltd
Water type: Freshwater

Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Saprolegnia
Bath treatments ongoing. Business contacted: mortality due to fungus increased last week post vaccination, treatments are underway to control and mortality has come down significantly through this week so far.
Site visited 23/7/24. Fungus observed but no moribund fish observed on site. No samples collected. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Saprolegnia
Bath treatments ongoing
Mortality has decreased from previous week. Site visited 23/7/24. Fungus observed but no moribund fish observed on site. No samples collected. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0364

Paperwork completed remotely by DJM on 09/09/2020
Movement records now kept in Excel spreadsheet instead of physical book
Mortality Last 4 weeks
Week 36 - 517 - 0.03%
Week 35 - 258 - 0.02%
Week 34 - 108 - 0.01%
Week 33 - 124 - 0.01%
Medicines stored in secure area.
Cress (Bronopol) and Aquacen (Formalin) used post vaccination.
Site inspected on 14/09/2020 by JET accompanied by APHA vet as part of APHA's professional development programme.
Movement records copies taken.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0022

Red vents observed on a few fish removed for VMD sampling. A couple also had slightly swollen spleens and yellow pseudofeces the biologist thought this likely to be the result of recent vaccination, these were not included in the VMD sample.
Diagnostic samples were not taken as the fish were not moribund or lethargic and had no gross pathology indictative of listed disease.
Fungus is often seen after vaccination, but fish are not treated until there is a significant burden.
For transfers, the fish are transferred on to wellboats through gravity fed pipes. To ensure that there are no escapes, the pipes are flushed before leaving the facility, and secondary screens are in place in the pipes so that any remaining fish are contained.
One batch of parr are sent to Knock hatchery for ongrowing.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity considerations.
Remote paperwork inspection conducted by and supervised by on 16/02/2022.
Site inspection conducted by and supervised by on 22/02/2022.
VMD sampled by on 22/02/2022, supervised by . [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0091

Site consists of 2 separate units with each unit containing 8 tanks. Avg. weight in unit 2 is 66g, while 98g in unit 1.
Fish consist of Stofnfiskur and Aquagen origin. Fish observed in tanks looking good and healthy with no moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish removed for vmd sampling showed no signs of disease both externally and upon internal examination. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0328

25/07/2023 - three tanks are already empty and 2 are planned to move offsite (200,000). 9.5 tanks plan to remain for w/b
Site aims to grow fish to 120g smolts however due to some delays fish may sometimes move out larger.
Recent Mortality (2023)-
Smolt unit 1 (Aquagen): Wk30 0.1%, 36; Wk29, 0.1%, 60; Wk28, 0.1%,79; Wk27, 0.1%, 78
Smolt Unit 2 (Stofnfiskur): Wk30, 0.01%, 63; Wk29, 0.01%, 59; Wk28, 0.01%, 69; Wk27, 0.02%, 163.
Last treatment conducted 20/05/2023: Aquacen & Cress. Administered following vaccination when fungus was observed.
Fish observed during health inspection and sampled for VMD were found to be healthy and in really good condition.
Fish are not in withdrawal except for T.M.S
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons - 12.5. [Original PDF]
