Site Details: Wick of Vatsetter

Yell Shorebase
Mid Yell
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Nov 2018
Total losses: 22.6 %

Production cycle end date: Nov 2020
Total losses: 9.5 %

Production cycle end date: Oct 2021
Total losses: 13.5 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2022
Total losses: 7.7 %

Production cycle end date: Nov 2023
Total losses: 15 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health+CMS
Gill Health+CMS
Site just been treated with FLS system, morts expected to rise next week post treatment. Site should be fallow by end of October. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health
Gill Health
Mortality report for WK 43, reported WK 50. Site fallowed WK 45
No further action


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0061

Current stock arrived on site 22 - 24/01/2020. Fish hard to see from walkway around pen as they were keeping low in the water due to recently being transferred to site and it also being a sunny day. Those that I could see appeared in good condition and were coming up for feed. Sea lice levels have been above reporting level over the last few weeks but below the intervention level. Treatment has been delayed due to persistent bad weather but no physical damage was noted. The fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in very good condition externally and internally upon examination.
Mortality levels above reporting level in 2019 on wk 37 (3.13%) & wk 39 - 43 (1.49%, 1.55%, 3.83%, 1.77%, 2.54%) across whole site. This was due to gill health issues. Levels dropped below 1% wk 44 and remained below for remainder the production cycle. Company health manager notified and FHI also notified of situation. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0221

Remote inspection completed on 31/05/2023 to check site records. Site inspected on 06/06/2023.
Fish observed on site looked to be in good health. Fish all shoaling together as expected with hardly any fish jumping. Only 3 slightly lethargic fish spotted across all pens. 6 of the pens had been treated with the thermolicer the day before the inspection with the 2nd half beginning treatment while inspector on site. No increase mortalities and fish removed for vmd sampling had zero lice coverage. Fish sampled for vmd were in good condition with no gross pathology identified. [Original PDF]
