Site Details: Corry Farm

IV26 2TN
Operator: Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd
Water type: Seawater


Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Jun 2018
Total losses: 4.3 %

Production cycle end date: Aug 2020
Total losses: 6.3 %

Production cycle end date: Aug 2023
Total losses: 5.5 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Low oxygen experienced with high water temperatures, and a moderately high AGD burden.
Low oxygen experienced with high water temperatures, and a moderately high AGD burden.
Planned split downs to our other farms were brought forward and completed by 30/06/2023. Fish were transferred in freshwater as an AGD treatment. Business contacted: Corry Farm has currently 70,000 fish remaining there, these have no health issues. 420,000 fish were moved off and split between Ardmair and Ardessie B, the fish at Ardmair have experienced some transport mortality. Remaining 70,000 fish will be moved next week.
Business contacted for additional information. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2022-0124

Acts as nursery site for Salmon up to 1.5kg before they are moved to Ardessie and Ardmair. No harvests from this site.
Current stock from Loch Merkland and Loch Shin (Migdale smolt). Wild wrasse caught in Loch Broom.
The fish are currently on photoperiod, which seems to help diminish seal activity. Seal curtains also in place. The site experienced issues with heron predation in the winter so they have installed two bird scarers (long pole with moving fake bird attached), which appear to work well at deterring the animals.
The cloudy weather during the site inspection made it harder to see the stock, however good response was observed during hand feeding and the fish coming up to the surface appeared healthy. No moribunds or dead fish were observed on site. All fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy both internally and externally. No sea lice observed.
The site has never had to use therapeutic treatments to control sea lice and have managed to achieve a level of zero adult females throughout the production cycle using cleanerfish alone. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0209

From mort spreadsheet; Movement in March to Torridon, 10 hour well boat treatment . 1.77% morts FW wellboat treatment during transport 2374 fish @ 3.6kg- from Ardmair not Corry Farm - Possible CMS - informed during visit that this movement was of larger fish from Ardmair. Thought stress and CMS may have caused the mortality.
Recent tests for SAV ,PRV, CMS - PCR negative
All fish treated for AGD, trap treatments. - Paramove 21/5/23 because it was a gill treatment and not for sea lice it is off label and given a 500oday withdrawal. Fish also on withdrawal for TMS.
Site used as a nursery site as oxygen levels can be low in the summer so fish tend to be moved to another site for on growing.
Mort disposal moved off site whole by Hazco - Denholm Environmental, Grangemouth. - disposal site Binn Group, Bin Farm,
Glenfarg, Perth PH2 9PX. cleaner fish mortality for period 1/1/23 to 7/6/23 ; wrasse 86/site; lumps 3941/Site. Lump mortality attributed to bacterial infection - no treatments undertaken. [Original PDF]
