Site Details: Scallastle
PA65 6AY
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Oct 2018
Total losses: 7.4 %
Production cycle end date: Oct 2020
Total losses: 9.9 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0454
PSI carried out in response to a welfare complaint received by APHA and passed onto FHI. The site has been fallow as of
19/10/2020, and so an inspection of the site itself was not carried out. Inspection of records carried out remotely with APHA vet also in meeting.
Recent increased mortality: w/b 31/08/20 - 569 (1.16%), w/b 07/09/20 - 437 (1.04%), w/b 21/09/20 - 529 (2.25%), w/b 28/09/20 - 194 (1.17%), w/b
05/10/20 - 215 (1.87%), w/b 12/10/20 - 55 (1.2%) . Attributed to a combination of CMS, gill issues and seal damage. Low numbers of fish remaining on site also contributed to the higher % mortality. All instances had been reported to the FHI.
Throughout the production cycle weekly mortality was generally low (0.1% - 0.2%). There were weeks were mortality rose up to
0.5%, this occurred following physical treatments, in each case mortality fell to normal levels the subsequent week.
Average adult female lice numbers rose above 1 from week 35 2019 and fluctuated around this level until the end of 2019. A combination of physical and medicinal treatments (Slice, salmosan, H2O2) managed the lice numbers. Numbers did not exceed the reporting level of 2. No further medicinal treatments were carried out in 2020.
CMS first detected on site from histology samples taken on 12/02/2020, confirmed by pcr on 20/02/2020.
Algal blooms affected site during August and September 2020, mitigated against by providing oxygen during and after physical treatments for lice.
Seal activity increased around site during September and October 2020. Net tension was increased at all stocked cages and dive inspections increased to twice weekly. No equipment damage was found during dive inspections. Site also utilises A.D.D. system.
Cleaner fish stocked on site during production cycle - Lumpfish (farmed) and Wrasse (farmed and wild caught) [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0325
Physical inspection conducted by and on 22/09/2021. The site was due an ECI inspection but the water temperature was too high. No remote inspection conducted due to the inspection being scheduled too late.
Seal found in the cage the week before the inspection. No breach in containment was observed by the site staff. The seal got into the cage over the top of the net. The seal cannot get through the net as it is a seal pro net. Divers were on site the same day, the net was dropped and the seal was encouraged to leave. The divers confirmed that no hole had be caused in the net.
Slice treatments and Azasure (Salmosan) used earlier in the cycle as lice numbers were increasing on site. Five treatments since input (3 SLICE and 2 Azasure).
Lice numbers currently very low on site. It is thought that this is caused by the introduction of wrasse. The manager is hoping to get some lumpfish on site soon before the water temperature drops too low. Lumpfish reportedly are more active feeders of lice as water temperature drops.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically healthy and no gross pathology was observed.
All wrasse are ballan and caught from the wild [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0056
Fish came on in March 21 from Barcaldine Smolt Unit and have been performing well since input.
Wildcaught wrasse and lumpfish from Ireland are stocked in the cages and are reported to have been performing well in keeping lice numbers low on the Salmon stock. 2.9% mortality since input.
Only 2 sea lice treatments done on site since input. SLICE treatment in April 21 and Azasure treatment in June 21. A peroxide treatment was conducted in November 21 for gills.
Average adult female Leps across the site for the period 01/09/21 to 13/03/2022 was 0.06. Caligus across the site for the same period was 1.25.
Site does live haul harvests to South Shian. Harvesting is currently ongoing across the site to manage stocking density.
Seals are present around the site in high numbers, however the site hasn’t experienced any damage from predators this cycle.
Sealpro nets are on half the cages and STAR nets are on the other half of cages on the site. Site manager reported that the site intends to replace the STAR nets with Sealpros before next crop comes on.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. Fish that were observed appeared active and in good condition.
A few individuals were noted across the site with physical damage. These fish were not moribund and so were not attempted to be caught using a handnet. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0151
Fish came on from the Barcaldine Smolt Unit in January 23. Fish came onto site with some lesions. Pharmaq recommended a complimentary diet to aid skin healing in February and the site manager has reported that the lesions are healing well and fish are demonstrating a good feed response.
Currently there are no cleanerfish on site, however there are plans to stock locally wildcaught wrasse later in the cycle. No plans to stock lumpfish this crop.
Site will do live harvests to South Shian.
Last crop performed extremely well with few health challenges throughout the cycle. CMS was diagnosed late in the cycle and was listed as the cause, combined with compromised gill health, for the increased mortalities that were observed from Wk33 to Wk43 2022.
Calagus increased in July/August 22 and site responded with AMX which had high clearance rates (~90%).
Average adult female leps for this crop since input: 0.22
Average calagus for this crop since input: 3.21
Two slice treatments have been conducted since input, one in February and the other in March 23. Lice numbers reduced following treatments.
2 dead observed across the site. A handful of lethargic fish were observed across the site with physical damage that the site manager attributed to winter sores. These are in the process of healing, aided by a skin support diet.
Sea lice counts were observed on 2 cages. 20 fish sampled per cage. Fish had none or very low numbers of lice. Gills appeared in good health with few lesions observed on the gills of the fish sampled.
The general population of fish appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. Fish samples for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0528
Salmon came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328) and had been performing well this cycle with good appetite and growth recorded across all cages. However, in late October, Storm Babet passed through the site with a strong easterly wind for 3 consecutive days. A sharp decline in appetite was observed across the inshore cages (1-8). AGD, PGD, bacterial infections
(SRS and Furunculosis) and PMCV had been detected on site. The upwell of sediment and debris during the storm agitated the gills and subsequently resulted in an increase in mortalities across the site in wks42 and 43.
Cage 5 underwent a peroxide treatment 2 weeks ago following the period of bad weather. The peroxide treatment, combined with the health issues on site and poor environmental conditions, a significant mortality event occurred the following week
(wk45), with most of the mortalities on site originating from cage 5.
Cages 1-8 were FW treated last week (wk46) for 4hrs. Appetite is still below expected levels, but mortality has dropped significantly from the previous week, although remains above the reporting threshold.
A slice tretament was completed in June this year, but since then, only FW treatments and one peroxide treatment have been completed.
Wildcaught wrasse from Skye and Orkney are also stocked on site. Mortality for the wrasse since the last inspection was:
Wk42 2023: 1.61%, Wk43: 8.06%, wk44: 11.45%, wk45: 21.13%, wk46: 8.85%
Company vets last visited the site on 17/10/23. Swim bladders were pink in colour, consistent with furunculosis and external lesions consistant with SRS. Pale gills were observed on most fish. Full health checks will be completed tomorrow and will include bloods, gill swabs, kidney swabs, histology samples and samples for PCR. Site is currently feeding a Biomar skin assist diet.
A FW wellboat was on site during the inspection and was on the last cage. The entire site had been FW treated over the last 2 week period. The crowd was calm and controlled. An aerator was also present.
The general population of fish across the site appeared in good body condition but were lethargic. Several lethargic and moribund fish were observed near the surface in all cages, some with lesions and physical damage to varying extents. These fish were removed and humanely dispatched. Five of these fish were sampled for diagnostics.
It is worth noting that site staff had already been around the site in the morning to remove moribund fish.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by [Original PDF]