Site Details: Kingairloch
By Fort William
PH33 7AE
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Kingairloch Production cycle end date: Nov 2019
Total losses: 12.3 %
Kingairloch Production cycle end date: Feb 2021
Total losses: 5.1 %
Kingairloch Production cycle end date: Jul 2021
Total losses: 4.2 %
Kingairloch Production cycle end date: Apr 2023
Total losses: 11.8 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0539
Cleaner fish mortality - WRA - 24.1 % LUM - 53% since input Lumpfish mortalities were suspected to have been caused by
Tenacibaculum maritimum and florocol has been administered.
Hydrolicer treatment in week 47 led to an increase in mortalities, although mortalities remained below the reporting threshold.
Peroxide treatment for gill health, limited excess mortalities.
PRV-1, the causative agent of HSMI was confirmed onsite during routine health screening, although there has been no associated clinical signs.
Sea lice numbers remained below intervention level until week 49 when they rose to 1.1. Site has been conducting mechanical treatments since WK 47 when numbers began to rise.
accompanied for remote inspection which was carried out on 04/12/2020. Physical inspection took place on
Site temperature used as inspector's thermometer was faulty. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0058
Paperwork completed remotely on 20/04/2021 by , shadowed by
Physical site inspection on 27/04/2021 by
Lice: 2021 wk15 1.27AF and 2021 wk16 1.31AF planning treatment within two weeks. Possibly salmosan treatment or mechanical treatment.
Are working on agreeing a Farm Management Agreement but this is not yet in place. Farm management statement inspected.
WRS left over from last cycle, with risk assessment. New input of lumpfish for current stock. Risk assessment for SAL movement from Port na Cro to Kingairloch inspected. Movement required due to biomass.
Some smaller slower moving fish observed in some cages, a few fish with lesions/damage observed deeper in the water column in a few pens, however these were swimming actively and were out of reach. Two lethargic fish were removed and dispatched. One had a damaged eye but was otherwise a large health fish, the other one appeared to be a poor dooer with darker coloration. The fish was opened up but no gross pathology was observed so no samples were collected. From the last pen 6 dead lumpfish and a few SAL mortalities were removed. This pen had been attempted to do a swim through the previous day but the net had gotten tangles with a rope, which is thought to have been the cause of the mortality. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0053
LUM - all farmed from Anglesey, Otterferry, Weymouth
WRA - 50% wild, 50% farmed from Anglesey and Weymouth
No cleanerfish form Ireland currently but may import them again in the future.
No FMA in place but health teams communicate between sites in area re diseases and treatment plans.
Farms in area include RTR sites stocked with multiple year classes and no fallow plans.
Slightly increased seal activity observed due to raised Tenacibaculum moribunds presence, especially pens 5 and 6. No seals o
Remote inspection done on 10/03/22 by , supervised by
Site inspection and sampling done on 15/03/22 by , observed by .
Fish currently on photoperiod. Small percentage of lethargic fish observed in all cages, mostly runts with some lesions present around the mouth & head. Worst affected cages were 5 & 6. Five fish removed from pens 1, 5 and 6 for diagnostic sampling.
No internal pathology observed.
The main population and the fish sampled for the VMD looked healthy and appeared to be feeding well. [Original PDF]