Site Details: Ardnish

PH38 4LZ
Operator: Mowi Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Feb 2018
Total losses: 11.1 %

Production cycle end date: Nov 2020
Total losses: 6.4 %

Production cycle end date: Jun 2022
Total losses: 32.9 %

Production cycle end date: Sep 2023
Total losses: 11.8 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish / Gill infections
Jellyfish / Gill infections
First report this cycle. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish / Gill infections
Jellyfish / Gill infections
Site is now fallow, mortalities were caused by gill health from Jellfish/plankton.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: AGD
Site fallow


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0060

2020 above 2: wk41 2.02AF; wk44 4.12AF, wk45 3.38AF, wk46 2.29AF, site fallow from wk47. Towards the end of the cycle last year when numbers increased had planned a hydrolicer treatment however this was abandoned as due to availability for harvesting sites in the area, the site emptied earlier than originally anticipated (site fallow 2020 wk47 rather than December).
2021 all counts 0
Historic sea lice notification for 2020 data above reporting criteria received 28/4/2021. (Data recorded from records checks above.) Confirmation that no data above reporting criteria for years 2018 & 2019.
Paperwork completed on 21/04/2021 by , shadowed by . Physical site inspection on 29/04/2021 by . Stock in trial pens at very low density and deep in the water so difficult to observe. Good feed response in the two mobile pens. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. Two mobile pens have a larger mesh outer net with a smaller (mesh) shallower net inside it, this means there is a space between the nets at the bottom and this is hoped to prevent any possible seal attacks, site does not have a history of seal issues. All new nets have been put on the site with stronger more rigid mesh to prevent possible seal attacks. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0100

Fish came on Nov 2023 - Just trout for this cycle as far as manager is aware. 6 Pens from Kinnaird. 3 from Frandy.
Mortality levels seem to be slightly higher in Frandy fish - nothing coming back on samples but hearts seems larger.
Last Salmon harvested out September 2023. Fish leave site dead. Been using the Nove Scotia (deadhaul) boat recently but this cycle they might use the harvesting equipment on shore.
Grumbling mortality - seems to be from failed fish changing from brackish water to this concentration of salinity.
Treatments this cycle: SLICE at start of Feb 2024 (7 days)
Is the only site in management area so isn't fallowed synchronously.
Latest health report: 7th March 2024 - no significant findings regarding tests (Aeromonas, Piscine orthoreovirus, IPN, moritella viscosa, SAV, PDV, yersinia ruckeri, PMCV or ternacibalum spp.) but an increase in the number of misshaped hearts could be observed.
Sealice: Lice levels increased just before the harvesting period in 2022 (2.74 in week 20) and 2023 (3.67 in week 32).
During physical inspection of the site fish appeared healthy, shoaling well and had good feed responses. Fish taken for the statutory ISA sampling had no lice on them and appeared healthy both internally and externally. [Original PDF]
