Site Details: Cairidh
IV48 8TD
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Oct 2019
Total losses: 18.3 %
Production cycle end date: May 2021
Total losses: 16.8 %
Production cycle end date: Mar 2023
Total losses: 11.4 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2022-0478
2021 Sal mortalities wk 16 5197 (1.36%) CMS, wk 14 7160 (1.34%) CMS, wk 13 6911 (1.27%) CMS , wk 09 5094 hydrolicer and 2454 CMS (1.30%)
2020 Sal mortalities wk 52 2500 fw treatment, 4840 hydrolicer (1.36%)
2022 lumpfish mortalities wk 44 2498 (2.49%) mainly without diagnosis.
2021 lumpfish mortalities wk 05 2057 (2.33%) handling, wk 04 3830 (4.14%) handling and treatment.
2020 lumpfish mortalities wk 52 4526 (4.54%) handling , wk 51 2365 (2.32%) handling, wk 42 2179 (5.80%) handling, wk 31
1322 (5.13%) post transfer, wk 30 1069 (3.99%) post transfer
2021 wrasse mortalities, wk 01 295 (4.52%) handling
2020 wrasse mortalities, wk 42 3614 (30.82%) atypical frunc and handling , wk 41 1952 (14.27%) atypical frunc and handling
5 x 160m circles now on site. All fish input from the Scalpay site. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0207
2022 peaks in salmon mortality, wk 44 6598 (1.42%) mainly transfer losses but some AGD recorded.
2023 peaks in salmon mortality, wk 1 4922 (1.12%) mainly AGD some runts, wk 2 5330 (1.22%) mainly AGD some runts, wk 3
6370 (1.48%) AGD and post hydrolicer, wk 4 4451 (1.05%) mainly post FW treatments losses and also AGD. Site fallow end of wk 9.
2022 peaks in lumpfish mortalities, wk 45 5980 (6.11%) recorded as without diagnosis.
2023 peaks in lumpfish mortalities, wk 2 5716 (4.92%), wk 3 6306 (5.70%) attributed to AGD.
No peaks in wrasse mortalities for period checked.
Some ensiled waste went to Duranta Tees side Ltd some to Whiteshore Cockles
Yersinia ruckeri identified post transfer following FW treatment.
Site was stocked with fish from WRS Corry site (SW to SW transfer), satisfactory risk assessment was available for inspection.
Fish were transferred off to Muck last cycle (SW to SW transfer), satisfactory risk assessment was available.
2023 Q4 stocked into Moal bhan, Cairidh, Sconser Quarry, the site in Scalpay is stocked with 2024 Q2. The area will not be fallowed on a single year class area this cycle but will in the next cycle.
Lumpfish rocket trailed onsite, a rocket shaped hide that can be used in the pens to allow the extraction of lump fish from the crowd prior to treatments.
Only three pens in situ at the time of inspection but the site has permission for five.
No lump fish recorded as being stocked but >20 MVG were noted in pen 16. These must have been transferred in with the stock from Corry, manager is to check with source site. [Original PDF]