Site Details: Loch Damph

Loch Damph
IV54 8UY
Operator: Bakkafrost Scotland
Water type: Freshwater

Inspection reports

Case Number: 2023-0200

Site inspected as fallow no plans for the site to be used again, will check with Business to see if it can be made inactive.
Site was stocked last year but only for a short period.
Post transfer mortalities w/b 26/7/2021 18460 (3.36%), fish were transferred onto site from Couldoran due to low water and poor water quality. It is thought that the suboptimal water quality was a factor in the elevated morts post transfer. Mortality events were reported to the FHI at the time. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0375

Site has also transferred from Bakkafrost to Migdale since the last Inspection, the fish onsite are the first cycle for Migdale.
Mortalities last four weeks: week 16th Aug to 22nd Aug 8630 (1.4%), 23 Aug to the 29th Aug 1641 (0.3%), 30th Aug to 8th
Sep 289, 9th to the 15th September 1012 (0.2%). Morts had been low post input until 16th August when a marked increase occurred, samples were taken and furunculosis was identified. Florocol was used for a 10 day course, this reduced the mortalities.
Furunculosis has been an issue, one treatment of florocol has been administered which was very effective.
Aquacen has been used for white spot/costia.
Pens have been slightly relocated, they are now further offshore. Site can still be accessed by a walkway.
Vaccination is due to commence in the coming days.
Surveillance frequency, movements offsite could not be calculated as this is the first cycle so no fish have moved off, data from the other Loch Damph site used as similar in stocked numbers and fish transfer method. [Original PDF]
