Site Details: Cairndow Hatchery

Ardkinglas Estate
PA26 8BH
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture (Freshwater) Ltd
Water type: Freshwater


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: IPN
historic report, collected during site inspection 2023-0063

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Viral disease
Viral disease
IPN confirmed on site. Stocking density reduced.
Stock tested +ive for IPN (confimed by PCR/Histology reports submitted to FHI), some fish moved to Yetts to reduce biomass. Mortality levels have reduced. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Furunculosis outbreak
Furunculosis outbreak
Florocol treatment currently being undertaken
First mortality notification of this cycle. Florcol treatment being undertaken this week to reduce mortality. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Furunculosis outbreak, plus Saprolegnia outbreak
Furunculosis outbreak, plus Saprolegnia outbreak
Florocol treatment, Aquacen treatments.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Spate conditions and saprolegnia outbreak
Spate conditions and saprolegnia outbreak
Aquacen treatments
FHI to monitor. - Business contacted for number of fish lost

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Spate conditions and saprolegnia outbreak
Spate conditions and saprolegnia outbreak
Aquacen treatments
FHI to monitor. - Business contacted for number of fish lost


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0007

Fish on site will be 2020 S0 -Put to sea in October. They will be held onsite until about 10-15g then transferred to Loch
Garasdale and Furnace,
Current stock imported as ova from Stofnfiskur.
Mortalities are ensiled on site and collected by Hasco about once a year. Transported by tanker to Energen biogas plant,
Deerdykes wk 13/1/20 Issue with spate and matting caused mortality increase due to suffocation in C section; 16,000 morts on Sat
18/1/20 and 65,591 on Friday 17/1/20. Morts now back to normal.
Last cycle some fish held until S1. Not planning to do that this year due to water shortage in the summer.
High morts in spring 2019, poor water quality resulting in morts attributed to fungus and lesion only in C section. - 27/5/19 approx. 70.000 lost at 0.25g in C section. 10/6/19 peak; about 153356 morts for C section in week. Wt 0.4g
Site thermometers used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0554

Eggs going into 18 tanks today. Eggs arrived from Iceland last night and being laid down today.
Morts ensiled - waste removed by Hazco to either Energen Biogas or Scottish Water Deerdykes anaerobic digestion plants.
Import of eggs from Iceland - certificate checked - ICE GJ 36/21 - dated 26/11/2021 - arrived 01/12/2021.
Also checked ICE GJ 09/21, ICE GJ 02/21 (departed 12/01/21 signed on 07/01), ICE GJ 34/20, ICE GJ 14/20.
All original certificates available on site.
Increased mortality in one tank in March 2021 due to water issues - 4.89% of the batch (roughly half a tank) but site percentage for week below reporting threshold (2.45%). A couple of other slight peaks in mortality due to failed hatch.
Aquacen and Cress used - no withdrawal recorded- both should be 500 degree days. Issue raised but no further action required as template updated during visit. All other required information recorded in treatment record.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity measures on site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0063

Unreported mortality 2022/wk21 5g to smolting 2.03% (27,952); first feed to 5g - 0,72%; whole site 1.4% stock split: for 2023/wk06 whole site 2.02% (64,286) of which 55,000 failed ova.
Ensiled wasted collected by Denam environmental.
Water temperature: UnitB = 9.5C, Unit C = 9.4C, Unit E = 3.6C
Smolts: Some fin damage was evident in some tanks, some tanks this seemed to be more the pectoral find in other tanks this seemed to be more the dorsal fin. Water very clear and otherwise fish appeared to be in good condition. Fish sampled for
VMD appeared healthy.
Fry: These appeared to be in good condition. Aquagen (from Quoys) and Stofnfiskur stock on site. Aquagen stock seemed to be moving through the water column more freely, whereas Stofnfiskur stock appeared to congregate at the bottom of the
Alevins: Appear to be in good condition. The way these are hatched in small tanks, rather than comp hatch tray makes removal of dead eggs more difficult. Dead egg with fungus were observed in a few tanks. These don't appear to cause any issues and will be removed once fish are moved. Site generally very little fungus problems.
Surveillance Frequency assessment amended 16/10/23: Compliance with CoGP/Regulator changed from Yes to No, adding 3 points. Changing the surveillance frequency from Medium to High. EC report reissued with amended surveillance frequency. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0011

Temperatures across three different units ambient E unit 6.3, C unit 11.5, F unit 7.1
Ova mort S0 2024 (Batch 1) 100,000 from the 21/12/2023 to 6/2/2024 mainly fungus/unhatched etc. (5.84%)
Ova morts S1 2025 (Batch 2) 5/1/2024 to 6/2/2024 47892 (3.84%) unviable eggs
2024 S1 mort from 6/1/2024 to 6/2/2024: 12633 (3.84%) fungus.
Elevated mortalities w/b 8/5/2023 parr batch 1 9065 (0.92%), fry batch 1 9215 (0.93%) both IPN in these batches.
W/b 19/6/2023 batch 2 7087 (1.39 %) low water levels, high temps followed by heavy rain. 26/6/2023 Batch 2 (2023) 18580
(3.71%) water chemistry issues following high rain (disease testing carried out no issues noted). 3/7/2023 Batch 2 2023 16252
(3.37%) continuation of water chemistry issue. 12/9/2023 batch 2 5605 (1.96%) Furunc identified coupled with spates touch of fungus also. 25/9/2023 batch 2 8458 (3.11%) furunc spate conditions and fungus.
W/b 9/10/2023 Batch 4 2024's 5739 (1.67%) landslides resulting in large amount of clay mud accumulating in the tanks.w/b
18/12/2023 batch 4 6915 (1.99%) spate fungus, w/b 7918 (2.33%) fungus, w/b 1/1/20234 (4346 (1.31%) fungus
October 2023 massive landslides resulted in deluge of clay/mud building up in the tanks blocking screens, influent filters and outflows, tanks did overflow due to backup. No escapes possible due to filters in place.
Some fungus observed.
Medicines records were inspected but no VMD samples were taken.
Site thermometer used due to biosecurity protocols. [Original PDF]
