Site Details: Coutts Mill

Coutts Mill Hatchery
Uyeasound Unst
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Freshwater

Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0452

During ECI inspection of Quoys Hatchery, inspector noticed that the ova coming onto the site were from Coutts Mill. This site was made inactive November 2016. An unannounced inspection of Coutts Mill was then carried out. Seems to be a lack of communication within the company led to this. Relevant paperwork was submitted to FHI post inspection and site was reactivated 19/11/2020. Enforcement Notice is being prepared to issue to the operator.
At last inspection the company stated that they had no plans on using the site again so it was made inactive. But brood fish from Turness (FS0451) were brought onto the site October 2019 and subsequently stripped through November to December
2019 then culled. The site was then fallow from 7 December 2019 until 1 October 2020 when more brood fish have been brought onto site from Bay of Cleat (South) FS0595 and are due to be stripped November. Company are planning to repeat this process for 2021.
3 raceways currently holding 719 brood fish. No lethargic or moribund fish visible on site.
2019 Generation Morts.
6 (0.7%) morts for whole generation on site (849) from 3rd October to 7th December
Staff at site also operating at Quoys Hatchery but separate PPE being used at each site along with equipment.
Inspection of mortality records etc completed remotely on 30th October by . [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0526

Site inspection and paper work conducted by , observed by .
Fish due to be stripped and the site fallowed by the end of November 2022.
From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were active within the raceways and appeared to be in good health. Some light scaling damage was present on a few individuals but no moribund or lethargic fish were observed.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity. [Original PDF]
