Site Details: Loch Creran (B)

South Shian
Oban, Argyll
PA37 1SB
Operator: Scottish Sea Farms Ltd
Water type: Seawater


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Sep 2019
Total losses: 22.1 %

Production cycle end date: May 2021
Total losses: 34.6 %

Production cycle end date: Aug 2022
Total losses: 36.7 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Environmental
Jelly fish - awaiting diagnostic results, Mortality reducing in following week 20
Mortality reducing, FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Environmental
mortality increased coinsiding with spring plankton bloom in wk 13, Vet visit.
Mortality levels back below reporting threshold for wk 22 (30/05/22). No further action.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Environmental
mortality reducing, below 1% threshold in following week 22.
Mortality levels back below reporting threshold for wk 22 (30/05/22). No further action.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0132

All pens inspected. Zero morts, moribund or lethargic fish spotted. Hard to see bulk of stock as they were remaining low in the water. Fish held in box nets for health and sea lice counts being carried out on the day appeared in very good condition with no damage noticed and 0 scores for gills and sea lice. No internal signs of diseases when sampling fish for VMD.
ADD's removed from water but site has access to them if need be. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0486

Visit was organised in conjuction with APHA in relation to a welfare complaint made by a third party.
41730 - no of Fish harvested to date.
Timeline of events in relation to mortality and sea lice levels:
Start of September samples were taken for suspected CMS and gills insult, heart inflammation and damage to gills noted. Gill damage from possible environmental insult - CMS was negative in all samples. Minor levels of AGD detected. Slice treatment conducted on 20th of September 2020
Sea lice treatments were planned - 30/09/2020 - but cancelled to due to plankton event. Asterionellopsis and Chaetoceros species observed- Event lasted for about a week going by plankton numbers per litre - no abnormal weather. as soon as mortality increased - mort recovery increased, air lift systems installed the following week, and aeration systems installed as well.
Vets visited the following week - decision was made to halt lice treatments to give fish time to recover from gill issues caused by environmental insult.
Sea lice numbers are now back below the reporting threshold following a round of physical treatments. Thermolicer treatments resumed 15nd of October 2020, with a second round on the 22nd of October 2020 - Selective harvesting was also ongoing during this period.
Diagnostic samples taken throughout mortality event, negatives for CMS. heart inflammation and significant environment type damage to gills noted. most of badly affected fish have now been removed or harvested through targeted harvesting. footage shown from the feeding cameras (06/11/2020) - fish looking healthy, no lice damage observed.
Site visit completed with APHA vet on 10/11/2020 - Windy conditions with lots of fresh water present. 9 pens remain stocked after worst affected pens were harvested out. Residual lice damage was observed on some fish in all pens. Damage Is now healing and no fresh damage was observed anywhere on site. 2-3 fish were observed hanging near the surface in each pen, however would elicit a escape response when approached with hand net. Site staff netted out 3 fish that that sustained physical damage from pen furniture, these fish had increased numbers of pre adult lice and fish and showed signs of slight gill damage consistent with historic environmental insult, No AGD was observed on these fish. No moribund fish were observed in any of the pens, hanging fish appeared to be flushing gills in freshwater layer near surface. Further mechanical lice treatments are planned for when adult lice numbers start to rise again. Site manager and company vet expressed that gills were looking good considering the recent environmental insult. [Original PDF]
