Site Details: Turness

Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Turness Production cycle end date: Nov 2018
Total losses: 16.8 %

Turness Production cycle end date: Oct 2019
Total losses: 7.2 %

Turness Production cycle end date: Oct 2021
Total losses: 7.5 %

Turness Production cycle end date: Dec 2023
Total losses: 9.4 %

Turness Production cycle end date: Nov 2024
Total losses: 9.1 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Handling
Business correspondent contacted. Transport mortality. Mortality currenlty decreasing but will be above threshold in week 8 as well. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Handling
Business correspondent contacted. Mortality continuing to decrease in week 9. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0443

Remote inspection carried out on 27/10/2021 by under observation by . Site inspection carried out on 01/11/2021 by
under observation by .
Site was due an ECI inspection but became fallow 29/09/2021 so a REG was carried out instead. Site visually inspected. No nets currently in the water. Site staff unsure of future stocking plans. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0112

Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection conducted by , supervised by . Temperature taken using thermometer T309. Visibility on site was very good, fish observed shoaling well. No clinical signs of disease or any moribund fish observed.
Only one cage stocked with broodstock, freshwater treatment planned for week beginning 02/05/2022.
Sea lice counts are visual inspection only due to site being stocked with broodstock. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0082

Paperwork completed remotely on 17/05/2024.
Site inspected in a calm sea state, weather was overcast and visibility of the stocks was good. Only two stocked pens left at
Turness following a recent transfer of fish to Hollywood Breeding Centre (FS0614) for stripping on 14/05/2024. From the physical inspection of the stock, fish were observed shoaling well and responding positively to hand feeding. Approximately a dozen fish in pen 3 were observed with physical damage to the snout, site management explained that this was likely abrasion damage caused by fish colliding with the base of the pens hamster wheel which had visible marine fouling present. The stock in pen 3 recently went though a 7 hour FW treatment (24/05/24) for lice and gill health. Very few lice were observed on these fish during the inspection. The stocks in pen 1 were observed as having an elevated level of sea lice infestation, the site have planned a 7 hour FW treatment for pen 1, due to commence 29/05/2024. No physical damage associated with sea lice were observed on these fish.
The last routine fish health visit conducted by the company vet was completed 04/05/2024. Prominent heart pathology suggestive of cardiomyopathy syndrome wad identified in 2 of the fish sampled. Fish that were sampled during this fish health visit were removed from cages 2 and 4 which have since been transferred and are now empty. No clinical signs suggestive of
CMS was observed in any of the stocks during the inspection of the site.
No treatments have been used at the site since the date of last inspection. As it’s a Broodstock site, no counts for sea lice have been submitted as broodstock populations are subject to visual sea lice checks from the pen side. [Original PDF]
