Site Details: Loch Tralaig

PA35 1HJ
Operator: Kames Fish Farming Ltd
Water type: Freshwater

Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0392

Accompanied APHA vet for site inspection following welfare complaint in relation to mortalities and moribund fish observed on site.
Site inspection conducted on 17/09/2020 with verbal information provided on mortalities and treatments. Record checks carried out remotely on 22/09/2020. Movement records not checked.
Site manager reported that following vaccination (w/c 10/08) the water temperature on site was approximately 19-20C and therefore did not carry out a formalin treatment immediately. He had thought the water temperature was high enough to avoid issues with fungus. However, fungus did become established resulting in increased mortality - although below the reporting criteria.
First signs of fungus were observed on 19 August and formalin treatments were started on 21 August. Morts started to drop down again around 10/09. The site licence conditions allow for the treatment of 2 cages per day, so treatments take place over
2 days for the whole site.
In future the site manager plans to treat immediately following vaccination to avoid fungus becoming established in the stock.
Mortalities are removed from site in bins and transferred to the shore base at Kilmelford for ensiling. Morts are normally immediately transferred to the ensiling system but there was a breakdown in the system recently resulting in bins being stored until it was fixed. Waste transfer record for last batch of ensiled waste checked - removed by Ferguson's Transport to Energen biogas on 6 August 2020.
Mortality over last 5 weeks - (week ending) - 22/08 - 1.35%, 29/08 - 1.44%, 05/09 - 1.48%, 12/09 - 1/19%, 19/09 - 0.28%.
Total mortality of 8829 attributed to fungus. Cages 2 and 3 were more affected by fungus. Morts peaked at 300/day for cage 3 and 245/day for cage 2 on 30/31 August. Cages 4 and 5 peaked at 78 and 89 respectively - a week earlier than cages 2 & 3.
Morts over last few days - 0-29/cage/day.
Formalin treatments were initially carried out every second day, with gradual increase in time between treatments as fungus levels reduced. Treating 2 cages on day of visit - this was 5 days after the previous treatment. One more treatment for each cage due before stock transferred to sea at end of September/beginning October.
Mortalities had been removed from 2 cages prior to inspection with 16 from one cage and 29 from the second cage. Very few dead fish seen - 2 or 3 per cage floating on surface. No moribund fish seen.
Treatment records were completed correctly for the majority of treatments but it was noted that anaesthetic use for vaccination had not been recorded this year. This had been recorded for previous years. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0243

Remote inspection undertaken on 22/07/2021 by , observed by .
Last stock of fish moved off site in Sept 2020
No treatments on current stock as it only moved on site last week (15/07/2021)
Site management have decided to extend fallow period in between cycles due to issues with fungus. The site is frequently treated with formalin in the summer months to keep fungus levels low. No fungus observed on fish by site staff yet in this cycle.
Only 2 of the five cages stock at the time of the remote inspection. Later in the cycle, as the fish grow, they will be graded and thinned out into the other cages on site.
There is one wooden cage on site that is only used to transport fish from the shore. When fish are moved on to the site they are transported by lorry, and discharged into this wooden cages at the shore. The fish are then transported in the cage to the plastic circle cages in the centre of the loch.
No Kames staff available to accompany FHI on site visit due contact with another person confirmed positive for COVID. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0067

Business correspondent: change email to:
Will not be stocked with RTR below 5g
Any increased mortality will be disposed of in the ensiler at the shorebase (waste disposal note observed). Most mortality is disposed of in the domestic waste skip
Only treatments on site are for sample weights
Triploid stock on site from Kames Broodstock program
Fish due to be moved off the site week after inspection.
Good feed response observed on site
A small number side swimmers observed close to the middle of the cages. Fish were able to right themselves once feeding
Inspection of site and paperwork conducted by , observed by [Original PDF]
