Site Details: Ormsary Smolt Unit

PA31 8PE
Operator: Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd
Water type: Freshwater

Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0010

Export of 315@58g smolts to Wageningen University in Holland, IntraGB.2020.0001584. Transported by Solway Transport.
From tank E1. Vaccinated 20/11/19 and post treated with formalin. Morts in tank low and attributed to fungus.
2020 S1 going to sea starting wk10 to wk17 - going SSC - Lamlash, Loch Duart to Sound of Harris
FVG in for lesions observed mainly in tank X9, suspected bacterial growth, likely Flavobacterium - treatments; florocol, cress and formalin. Morts across the site since vaccination in September about 2.2% in 2020 S1s.
Florocol treatment 16th Jan 2020 - all 2020 S1 tanks treated and currently under treatment finishing on Sunday. Feed mixed on site. wk3 peak morts in tank X9 -146 for the day all with lesions; 13/1/20, tank X10 338 morts due to lesions
Feed mixing licence from 2014 - is an annual licence sent out? Contacted VMD licences are not sent out annually. 2014 one is currrent. Site contact informed 3/2/20 [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0331

Export of 315 salmon parr (ref. no. md20/042, to Wageningen University, Netherlands. Fish to be transported by Solway transport on 18/08/2020. C&D disinfection sheet for trailer to be used submitted by Solway Transport to
FHI and inspected 14/08/2020.
Fish all coming from tank C16. Stock as of 13/08/2020 was 34,681 @ 16.2g average weight. No treatments carried out in the last 8 weeks.
No lethargic or moribund fish noted in the tank. Fish appeared in good health with no signs of disease. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0391

Export of salmon to France. No clinical signs of disease in fish due to be exported, mortality in this batch of fish has been very low in the previous 4 weeks. Health certificate issued (INTRA.GB.2020.0020669).
Site stock split between 2020 S0 - 1,901,246 @ 75g, and 2021 S1 - 2,398,754 @ 25g
Fish for export from tank A03, average weight 75g
A03 recent mortality: w/b 17/08/20 - 22 (0.04%), 24/08/20 - 3 (<0.01%), 31/08/20 - 12 (0.02%), 07/09/20 - 20 (0.04%).
Mortality throughout the remaining tanks on site attributed to saprolegnia and HSS, majority in 2021 S1 stock. Fish vet group have attended site and taken samples, no obvious signs of pathology from histology samples.
Records (excluding movement records) submitted via email for inspection on 14/09/2020
Movement records inspected and copies taken during inspection of site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0401

Regular treatments across the site in response to fungal infection. Treatments are dictated by mortality cause and rates . No treatments have been applied to the stock in A03.
Inspection of stock for export to France. 18,500 20S0 from A03 being sent to BDV SAS France via SARL Transport Desille.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorry which was observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificate INTRA.GB.2020.002199, MD20/059 completed, signed and left on site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0402

Regular treatments across the site in response to fungal infection. Treatments are dictated by mortality cause and rates. No treatments have been applied to the stock in A03.
Inspection of stock for export to France. 18,500 20S0 from A03 being sent to BDV SAS France via SARL Transport Desille.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorry which was observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificate INTRA.GB.2020.0021100, MD/20/060 completed, signed and left on site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0118

Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons
Due to ongoing covid-19 situation paperwork was completed remotely on the 19/05/2021 and the physical inspection took place on the 13/05/21. Both were conducted by and observed by .
Mortality -
WK18 - 22S0 - 3510 (0.45%), 21S1 2219 (0.06%)
WK17 - 21S0 - 3049 (0.08%)
WK16 - 21S1 - 1232 (0.29%), 21S0 - 3011 (0.08%)
WK15 - 21S1 - 467 (0.11%), 21S0 - 4604 (0.12%) [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0334

Inspection of stock for export to France (BDV). 36,500 21S0 from E26 and E27 being sent to BDV SAS France via Migdale.
Disinfection certificate provided for the transport lorries which were observed to be clean and disinfected. Fish inspected appeared to be in good condition.
Certificates MS/2021/0016, 0017 & 0018 completed, signed and left on site.
Formalin is the only treatment that has been adminstered since last inspection in response to fungal infection and post- vaccination with Alphaject Micro PD1 and Micro 6.
Fish were difficult to observe across the site due to the dark peaty colour of the water. All tanks were inspected and fish were caught using a handnet in random tanks for closer inspection. Fish observed appeared to be in good health. One moribund was observed across the site that appeared to be infected with Saprolegnia sp.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good health. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0555

Mortality for last week - total for site 306 (0.02%).
Fish going from tank E1 to France.
Morts for last 4 weeks in E1 - total 24 out of 21550
Movement document MD/2021/0056 issued for smolts going to France, [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0498

Site holding stock for Bakkafrost Scotland and Loch Duart, most stock on site due to go off as 2023 S1, some are to be held on site for use as broodstock and will be moved to the Broodstock Unit. 10 tanks of S0 smolts still on site and due to go to sea first week of November 2022.
No issues noted or observed on site during inspection. No fungus observed on stock, water very peaty at time of inspection.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Good biosecurity, footbaths and hand sanitiser available between different units.
Vaccination of S1 stock planned for January 2023.
Low transfer mortalities were reported for recent S0 transfers and S1 transfers earlier in year.
Site never fully fallow, individual areas are fallowed and cleaned and disinfected. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0166

Site thermometer used due to biosecurity procedures on site.
No external sources of fish, out with Ormsary, brought on site, site only receives stock from Ormsary Hatchery.
Site was due to receive it's next input of fry the day after inspection (26/04/23), ~1,000,000 fry were being moved from
Ormsary Hatchery.
Good biosecurity between the different Smolt unit buildings, footbaths and hand sanitiser stations at entry to each.
Site still has 23 S1 stock on site, but these were due to begin moving off this week (28/04/23) and all 23 S1 stock should be off site by 10/05/23.
No issues noted on site and fish sampled for VMD appeared in very good condition, site has been conducting regular Aquacen treatments to prevent any issues with fungus, until the 23 S1 stock are transferred. Water was very peaty, reducing visibility in tanks, however, fish showed a good feeding response and only 3 dead observed across site in tanks.
Site never fully fallow, fallow individual tanks, which are cleaned and disinfected after each batch.
Vet was on site conducting pre transfer inspection of stock.
A transfer of Parr was also scheduled this week. The parr were to be moved to Loch Damph (FS0375) for ongrowing. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0301

Accompanied official veterinarian for export inspection carried out for 2 consignments of salmon smolts to France (56,666 and
Movement documents MS/2023/0035 and MS/2023/0036. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0036

No issues observed on site at time of inspection. Site reported some background HSS, this was expected to reduce after grading when fish will be split over tanks and held at lower biomass.
Highland Aqua on site at time of inspection conducting vaccination. Production fish were being vaccinated with Alpha Ject
Micro 6, whilst those that will be used for broodstock were being vaccinated with Micro 6 and Clynav. Vaccination is due to be completed by 2nd week of December. Site has also purchased there own vaccination machine.
Water was very peaty at time of inspection reducing visibility in tanks. No dead or moribund observed at time of inspection.
Site has reported that there have been fewer issues with fungus this year, temperatures were reported to be slightly lower this year compared to the last few years.
Site is currently conducting works to increase capacity on site by installing a further 28 tanks which will be 8m tanks, these are planned to be in place by May/June 25.
Fish sampled for VMD were in very good condition. [Original PDF]
