Site Details: Meil Bay

Crowness Point
Kirkwall, Orkney
KW15 1GP
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Meil Bay Production cycle end date: Jan 2020
Total losses: 8.6 %

Meil Bay Production cycle end date: Oct 2021
Total losses: 10.4 %

Meil Bay Production cycle end date: Sep 2024
Total losses: 47.3 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish/Gill Damage
Jellyfish/Gill Damage
Business correspondent contacted. First report since 2016. FHI to monitor. Updated 17/11/2022: received FW wk 45. Prior to the environmental gill damage was some AGD present on gills. Mortality has reduce in Wk45 to 3.61%. No figures yet for wk 46 due to weather conditions inhibitig counts. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Jellyfish/Gill Damage
Jellyfish/Gill Damage
FW treatment and mortalities have reduced, however weather is hampering efforts to remove them, Majority of morts post FW treatments . FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage
Gill Damage
Some gill related damage, mortalities elevated due to weather preventing access to site the previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage
Gill Damage
Mortality decreasing from previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage
Gill Damage
Freshwater treatments currently ongoing. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill damage
Gill damage
Area manager contacted. Mortality rate increase due to AGD and the treatment for AGD using freshwater. Lice numbers were also a factor and the treatment for lice using Salmonsan. The increase in mortality is thought to be multi-factoral involvoing disease and their associated treatments. Mortality has reportedly improved since the treatments. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Predator/Other
FHI to visit w/b 06/02/2023

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Sealice Related
Sealice Related
FHI visited 8/2/23. Business contacted for further details on sea lice issue . Update 14/23.23 Mortality post hydrolicer treatment


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0294

Smolts came on from Yetts O'Muckart (FS0371) in April 2020.
Used as a nursery site. Fish will be moved off to Carness and Quanterness.
Deadhaul harvests go to Kirkwall processing plant within the disease management area. No discharge into DMA.
All mortalities are transferred to Doon Bay in sealed bins where they are collected by a Cooke road lorry and transferred to
Pelagia in Bussy, Shetland where they are ensiled.
Seal presence has been noted around the site. Although not causing damage to equipment, the majority of mortalities at the site have been attributed to seal damage.
Site is equipped with both nylon nets and seal blinds on half of the cages and sapphire nets on the other half. Mortalities attributed to seal damage are higher in cages with nylon nets. Site plans to replace the nylon nets with sapphire nets during fallow.
Sites within the FMA are not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, but there is a documented risk assessment for this which was made available during the inspection.
Fish were sitting deep in the water so difficult to observe. One moribund observed across the site, removed at the time of inspection and humanely dispatched.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and demonstrated a strong feeding response. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0034

Peaks in mortality 2022 wk 44 44781 (7.73%) wk 45 19302 (3.61%) mainly gill health issues (AGD). Wk 50 6806 1.89% attributed to sea lice (Salmosan) and gill health (AGD). 2023 wk 03 4797 (1.38%) recorded as predator/other (Post treatment morts being eaten by seals likely some gill health related morts).
All morts from Cooke transferred to Kirkwall shorebase, then transferred to Dounby (near Kirkwall) for bulk uplift to Shetland.
Salmosan administered 10,11 and 12th December 2022. No other medicinal treatments administered.
Gill health is under control. Fish may be transferred to Bay of Vady and treat on route.
Inspection of site limited due to high winds. No pens were walked round on safety grounds but seven pens were inspected from the work boat and three from the walkway when moored to collect samples for VMD. Good feeding response to feed.
Three fish were removed for VMD and were in good physical condition, no clinical signs of disease or gross pathology observed. Two leps observed. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0144

A visit is being conducted at Meil Bay after receiving notification from the company that a positive BKD result has been found on site through a routine inspection with a Pharmaq vet. One fish was found with clinical signs out of the 4 sampled fish. The other 3 fish had clinical signs of CMS which is a known disease currently on site.
Before receiving the positive BKD result mortalities went to Dounby Yard but would be mixed with other sites mortality. Now mortalities and fish waste will be retrieved by divers as usual but will then be put into specific site mort bins and transferred to
Dounby Yard where they will be kept in a separate area away from other site mortalities. Fish from BKD sites will then be transferred to Dundas Chemicals in a specific tanker which will then be fully disinfected afterward. All divers have separate gear for sites with BKD.
Mortality: Week 19 has no mortality due to bad weather and divers could not retrieve the morts. Week 20's mortality figure is made up of mortality from both week 19 and 20. Site is experiencing a high volume of seal presence on site - trying to grab fish through the nets (Seal Pro). The majority of mortalities on site are currently being attributed to CMS or seal damage.
Treatments: SLICE at the start of April (7th April) - week long treatment. T.M.S for health checks.
Health report: Internal - 29th April 2024 "Fish looked good and feeding well, CMS confirmed through PCR. Signs of CMS observed in some pens. AGD 0-2, non AGD (PGD) 1-3".
Recent in house histo report (from 29th April): 2/2 fish positive for CMS. Internal PCR results for CMS had a mixture of results for CMS but the majority were positive.
Through regular health checks by site staff, no clinical signs of BKD have been seen. Staff are also regularly checking moribunds for clinical signs but none have been seen.
During the physical examination of the site a small number of floating mortalities were observed in six cages (a total of 13 across the whole site). These mortalities were older and had started decomposing. Mortality removal has not occurred on site since the positive BKD result last week. Now that permission has been granted and the mortality removal SOP updated to comply with restrictions placed on site, divers are due on site tomorrow to carry out mortality removal.
Visibility into the pens was reduced due to the dull weather conditions and dark water. Of the fish seen, the majority were observed shoaling beneath the surface and those in pen 5 were observed during feeding and had a good feeding response.
Across the whole site only 5 fish were observed as moribunds but only 3 could be caught using the hand net. All three caught were cut open and examined for any clinical signs of BKD. Two fish appeared healthy internally and so were not sampled. One fish when cut open had clear clinical signs of BKD including granulomas on the kidney and liver and contained bloody ascites in the body cavity. A diagnostic was carried out on this fish. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0147

IDN placed following information from business about suspicion of BKD. 16/05/2024. FHI to visit w/c 20/05/2024.
No report issued with this case type [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0416

Last harvest on 7/8/2024.
Cleaning and disinfection of site equipment completed on 4/10/2024. Cages and bird net supports lifted out of the water, scraped, power washed and disinfected. Barge and mooring cans also scraped, pressure washed and disinfected. Used
Virkon Aquatic to disinfect on site equipment. Nets sent to Morenot in Shetland and disinfected on 16/8/2024. Will be returned to site for next input. Date of next input not yet confirmed, but should be later this month or next month.
CDN for BKD to be revoked. [Original PDF]
