Site Details: Gob a Bharra
Tarbert Road
ArdrIshaig, Argyll
PA30 8ET
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: May 2019
Total losses: 16.7 %
Production cycle end date: Apr 2021
Total losses: 3.7 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 27.9 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0327
Lumpfish mortality - 7.46% since input.
Paper work completed on the 28/08/2020, however site visit could not be conducted until 21/10/2020.
Vmd fish appeared healthy when sampled.
Site thermometer used as case inspectors not working [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0031
Inspection conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams, no physical inspection conducted at site.
Two initial notification submitted in February 2021 (MSe250221SAL1 and MSe220221SAL1). During the latest event a seal was observed in the cage, and in the earlier event a hole was discovered by the net cleaning team. No fish were thought to have escaped during either event.
The company used to use a person with a MML who was deployed to sites around Loch Fyne when required. He will no longer be used due to a change in law regarding MML's
The site now has a license to use an ADD, required during a recent policy change.
Weather before both incidents was windy, but the wind was not enough to cause an issues by itself.
Fish will be harvested on Saturday from cage 9. Most recent notification.
About 38,533 lumpfish were input on the site. Left with about 2,000 over the site. Unsure exactly how the LUM have died.
Maybe due to increase procedures around within the cage e.g. net washing etc. Estimate taken from observing cleaner fish on the sorting table during grading. No moribund fish were observed during the cycle. TSSC biology team were notified but there were no moribund fish to sample.
LUM hatchery reared from Ocean Matters.
Although initial notifications for escapes were received, it is thought no fish have escaped.
All lice treatments using Hydrolicer this year, Optilicer also used last year. Lice numbers have not caused any issues.
Mse220221SAL1 - cage 10, most south westerly cage. Initially net lifted to stop fish escaping. Then a patch was placed over the hole by yhte dive team, using nylon thread to secure it. Fish moved to another cage (cage 5) as the hole was big and they had capacity on site. Hole possibly caused by the net rubbing on a bridle during bad weather (manager is 99% sure this was the cause). The bridle rope was the only thing close to the hole. Edges of the hole were frayed suggesting that it had rubbed on something. Fairly sure there was no snag as the hole did not have clean edges that you would expect from a snag. FNC8 system (flying net cleaner, distributed by Akva Group) is remote controlled and comes equipped with HD cameras and lights to see any damage. One cage is cleaned every week during which the nets are checked for damage. FNC8 travels between sites in the area (disinfection takes place between sites). External company (Inverlussa) comes in to inspect and adjust bridles at end of cycle. The company has attended since escape.
Seal pro nets will be used in the next cycle. Always been many seals on the site. They have had problems on and off for several years. They did have a contractor with an MML but no longer due to policy change.
MSe250221SAL1: possibly caused by seal. The edges of the hole were not as frayed at the first event. Little significant boat activity close to cage, so unlikely to be caused by boat handling. The hole was small but so was the seal. The seal swam out of the cage once the edge of the net was dropped and the divers chased it out. Patch placed over the hole and stitched onto net using nylon thread. Fish will be harvested out of the cage by Saturday (20/03/21), the fish will be counted off the site. Should have numbers next week. The net will not be used on site again as they are switching to seal pro nets.
All nets have seal blinds at the bottom
Although cleaner fish were on side during time when the breaches in containment occurred, it is thought very unlikely that any escaped as there are very few left in the cages and both the salmon and cleaner fish were very low in the water column and the holes were closer to the surface. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0082
Records inspected remotely on 22/03/2022 by .
AGD confirmed on site by PCR in 2022 but does not appear to be causing issues currently.
Fish difficult to see as they were remaining deep in the water. Those visible were shoaling as expected and appeared in very good condition with no moribund/lethargic fish observed during inspection. Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared in good health upon internal examination. [Original PDF]