Site Details: Fiunary
Oban, Argyll
PA37 1SB
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Fiunary Production cycle end date: Nov 2018
Total losses: 10.4 %
Fiunary Production cycle end date: Oct 2020
Total losses: 14.8 %
Fiunary Production cycle end date: Jul 2022
Total losses: 12.3 %
Fiunary Production cycle end date: Oct 2024
Total losses: 14.7 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2022-0054
Fish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit via Fishnish. Input at Fiunary in wk21 2021. Four treatments have been conducted since input: Salmonsan and Azasure in May/June 21, Alphamax and Paramove in September 21. Fish are performing better this year and have good gill scores and low lice numbers. CMS has been confirmed by PCR and histology samples taken in
January 22, but not causing significant mortalities.
Wildcaught wrasse were input in June 21 and have been performing well to keep lice numbers low. Original input was 24,900
(6,150 mortalities since input (24%).
Site using Optomease this crop as anaesthetic for sea lice counts (alternative to Tricaine). Active ingredient is Benzocaine.
Site is doing live haul harvests. Harvesting is ongoing and fish are taken to South Shian for processing.
Fish were sitting deep in the cages but those that were observed appeared active and in good condition, with the exception of a few individuals who had lesions on their flank. These fish were also quite active and were not moribund, so no attempt was made to remove them with a handnet.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0127
2022 Wk 31: fallowed out previous crop (28/07/2022).
2023 Wk 3: input of new stock onto site. Stock origin: Barcaldine Smolt Unit (Fanad stock), transferred at 150g. First input on
Aquatet, oxytetracycline : 12/10/2023 - 15/10/2023 (720 degree days). Withdrawal end date: 13/12/2023.
Paramove: 08/11/2023- 06/12/2023 (different pens), Hydrogen peroxide.
FW treatments: 20/11/2023 and 01/02/2024
Optomease has been most recently used, but site plans to move back to using tricane again.
Wrasse mortalities:
02/06/2023 input of wrasse. All Scottish wild caught. advised that any fish with lesions to be culled out - after furunculosis
2024: Wk 19, 109, 0.64%; Wk 18, 227, 1.31%; Wk17, 251, 1.42%; wk16, 137, 0.77%
Wrasse dewatered in FW treatments and attemptes are made to creel out fish before any treatments.
Confirmed Furunculosis on 27/09/2023, aquatet treated from 12/10/2023. Prescription of aquatet inspected.
Confirmed CMS 03/11/2023 - no mortalities associated.
Health visits: when required and issues. Once every three months. Gill swabs taken every week usually.
Most recent health report confirmed that furunculosis and CMS present on site, however few/no mortality has been associated with either diseases.
During site inspection on 20/05/2024, a few moribund fish (3-5) seen in each pen but were either too fast to catch or too deep.
Two fish were observed with exophthalmia but not able to be removed due to being too deep. Otherwise, fish were observed to be in good condition. Site noted that over the previous weekend microjelly fish have started to appear, as the site in July
2023 experienced issues associated with them. One fish was removed for VMD sampling; fish appeared to be in great condition with no lice observed.
The majority of paperwork inspected remotely on 15/05/2024. Movement/transport records, predator and containment plan, biosecurity records and dive records reviewed during site inspection on 20/05/2024.
An escape investigation was also conducted on 20/05/2024, following notification from business on 06/03/2024 that a hole in pen 6 was observed on 04/03/2024. The hole observed was 21cm in diameter and found at 16m. A box net was lowered to cover the hole until divers repaired it on 05/03/2024. ROV footage of hole was observed during the escape investigation.
Recommendations were made to review site specific contigency plans and maintain records of any updates. [Original PDF]