Site Details: Noust Geo
Eday Pier
KW17 2AA
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Apr 2019
Total losses: 4.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2021
Total losses: 7.8 %
Production cycle end date: Aug 2023
Total losses: 43.2 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2022-0029
Mortality events reported: wk28 - 10/07/2017 - 1.53% (2,345) post-transfer wk36 - 04/09/2017 - 1.5% (879) maturation wk39 - 25/09/2017 - 2.07% (120) maturation wk48 - 29/11/2021 - 4.9% (25,773) gill health wk49 - 06/12/2021 - 9.2% (46,268) gill health wk50 - 13/12/2021 - 6.6% (30,186) gill health wk51 - 20/12/2021 - 1.5% (6,230) gill health wk2 - 10/01/2022 - 2.1% (8,586) gill health
Fish came on from Shapinsay in November 2021 which is used as a nursery site and have been doing well since the transfer.
Paramove was used in January 22 as a profilactive treatment to maintain low levels of lice across the site.
FMA not fallowed synchronosly on single year class basis, but risk assessement is in place. This was inspected and found to be satisfactory.
Fish were sitting deep in the cages. A handful of fish were sitting higher up but these fish were not moribund and evaded a hand net and so were not sampled for diagnostics. No mortalities observed across the site.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0051
First time the site has been stocked straight with smolts.
Recent mortality due to storm damage - abrasions on fish. SE gales (big swell and tide). Week 7 mortality of 1.23% was not reported to the FHI as fish had an average weight <750g and reporting threshold would have been 1.5%.
Last cycle's mortality: In 2022 - Wk14: 1.3% (4753 fish) due to AGD and handling, Wk38: 4.2% (16,865 fish) due to treatments and PD.
Sea Lice - Very low levels so far this cycle. Last cycle a number of weeks were about 1 but site was treated with SLICE and freshwater which reduced levels back below the recommended treatment levels.
Recent gill swabs (11/02/2024) detected AGD in 4/6 samples.
FMA going to be reviewed in April. The FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis but an appropriate risk assessment exists.
Fish taken for VMD sampling appeared healthy both internally and externally. Only one caligus was observed on one of the fish caught for VMD sampling.
During physical inspection of the site, a couple of moribunds were observed in each stocked cage. Fish were a little deeper in the water column with some showing signs of physical damage (abrasions) due to recent storms in the area. Feed responses observed on site were good. [Original PDF]