Site Details: Geasgill
PA73 6LY
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Apr 2018
Total losses: 11.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2020
Total losses: 18.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2022
Total losses: 24 %
Production cycle end date: Mar 2024
Total losses: 52.2 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2021-0194
Fish were feeding quite low, fish observed during VMD sampling appeared healthy and in good condition.
Site experiences severe weather regularly.There was a containment breach incident in 2020 where uplift system tore through the net, 5 tonne ring system for keeping net tensioned has been introduced as well as seal pro nets.
Site is stocked with farmed lumpfish which were observed at sides of pen and in hides, lumpfish looked healthy and in good condition. There has been issues with black loss in Cleanerfish (mortality unaccounted for discovered during harvest or grade.)
Site manager mentioned steps are being taken to try and reduce this by implementing new hides and more of them to improve survival during winter months when Cleanerfish are most vulnerable to bad weather)
All weeks where Sea lice numbers were above the reporting threshold were reported to the FHI as required. week 15 (2019) black loss at end of cycle - Lumpsuckers - 62 400 -
2021 Lump fish mortality (last 4 weeks)
Week 19 - 600 week 20 - 326
Week 21 - 248
Week 22 - 240 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0419
PSI conducted follow reports of increasing mortality on site. Low dissolved oxygen in week 34/25 affected gills, and incidence of AGD increased in routine health samples taken and morts went over 1% in weeks 37 and 38 and over 4% in week 39. This week so far 0.78%. Freshwater treatment undertaken wk 40/41. Sea lice levels generally below CoGP but over 2 in week 38.
Lot of moribunds on site affecting average counts and being removed where possible. Moribund fish generally uplifted by Billy
Bowie to Dundas, but sometimes also go to Barkip or Energen - Biogas. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0269
Inspection of paperwork and site undertaken by accompanied by .
Two stock of fish on site at the time of inspection from Landcatch and Applecross.
Wrasse caught from wild from around Mull. No average weight taken. All wrasse ballan caught between 12cm - 24cm. One cage not fully stocked with wrasse due to availability issues. The cages will finish stocking with wrasse soon. Artificial kelp on site.
FLS system in use on site during the inspection. The clearance of lice and survival rate is reportedly increased compared to other lice treatments. Hydrolicers no longer owned by company. FLS also used in March as lice numbers were slightly increased. A treatment was conducted in May due to AGD. Company policy is to use FLS as well as freshwater treatment if lice are observed on site prior to treatment for AGD.
Sites on Mull reportedly get PD each year. PD resistant fish are being bred in Western Isles and the plan is to stock them onto sites in the future.
Site switched from TMS to Optomease to anaesthetise fish. Switch was made due to ease of administration and safety.
Product contains benzocaine.
SLICE treatment administered 27/03 - 02/04 as prophylactic.
There is reportedly a plan to move smolts onto site bigger at about 400g, next cycle fish will come on at 240g, which is bigger than previous stockings.
Vita Aqua Feed block used to feed wrasse. This is reportedly not pasteurised.
The site temperature (over 14 degrees C) was discovered after the paperwork had been completed.
Site was not inspected after temperature observation, although VMD samples were taken. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0350
Site inspected after company reported increased mortalities wb 10/07/2023. All pens showing similar levels of mortality. No specific pens showing elevated levels from other pens. Cleanerfish mortality levels have not significantly increased as in the salmon stock on site. Site diagnosed with PD at the end of February 2023 but mortalities did not increase. AGD also recently high but did not show increased mortalities. AGD levels were reduced through FW treatment. Cause of recent mortalities is being put down to a combination of PD, jellyfish damage and AGD but with environmental factors being the main driving force.
Secondary Tenacibaculum also said to be driving mortality levels from recent health reports. Neighbouring site of Geasgill also had high levels of Muggiaea on site recently.
Site currently carrying out FW treatments which had started the day prior to inspection. A 6 hour FW treatment per pen is being undertaken and expected to finish within a week. Wrasse are being separated out so are not going through the treatment process. 2 pens had been treated by the time inspector was on site and looked to have improved from the stock in the remaining pens. Fish were seen to be swimming slower with slight gasping for air but wouldn't necessarily be classed as lethargic as they were responding and diving adown when approached. 2 fish were caught for sampling but only pale gills were observed. The wrasse on site did not appear to be suffering to the same extent with no wrasse observed gasping for air.
Mortality numbers for week 31 (31/07) look to still be elevated but appear to be reducing from previous weeks. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0529
Salmon came on from the Ormsary Smolt Unit (FS0575) and Applecross (1 cage of this stock remains on site) and were performing well until a period of elevated mortality during June and July. The elevated mortalities were attributed to PD, combined with FW treatments. Mortality has since reduced and has been below the reporting threshold since wk41.
Slice treatments were completed early on in the cycle (in Dec, Feb and Mar) and only FW treatments have been conducted since.
Site normally grows to harvest, however fish were split down and 2 cages were sent to Lamlash for ongrowing. Lamlash lies in a different CoGP area (M-48) and a different disease management area (20) to Geasgill (M-37 and 16a). Lamlash is the only site in its DMA and both sites hold the same yearclass of fish. Lamlash was also fallow prior to receiving fish from Geasgill.
Wrasse that were on site at the time of transfer, were moved across to Lamlash with the salmon. A risk assessment was completed and was available for inspection.
Site conducts live haul harvests to Carindow.
Mortality above reporting threshold:
Wk37-50, 52 2021.
Wk1, 5, 18, 21-22 2022.
Wk28 2023: 20,535 (2.97%), wk29: 53,901 (8.02%), wk30: 85,914 (14.93%), wk31: 49,593 (11.01%), wk32: 35,268 (8.8%), wk33: 27,165 (7.43%), wk34: 12,633 (3.73%), wk35: 15,741 (4.83%), wk 36: 3,981 (1.28%), wk37: 5,478 (1.79%), wk38:6,485
(2.16%), wk39: 3,493 (1.19%), wk40: 3,773 (1.3%).
Mortalities above reporting threshold this cycle were attributed to PD, combined with poor gill health and treatment losses. All were reported with the exception of the event that occurred in wk44 2021. Information was collected during the inspection and a notification was submitted retrospectively. NFA.
Fish were vaccinated against furunculosis, IPN and 22Q3 stock were also vaccinated against PD. Fish displaying clinical signs of PD were observed during the inspection, but were unable to be caught using a handnet. Fish in the next cycle will be vaccinated with the Claynav PD injection following positive results during trials.
Wk36 2021: 1.03 average adult female leps. Reduced week after. Wk38: 2.5 (physical treatment), wk41: 1.89, wk42: 1.51, wk43: 4.38, wk44: 3.78 (physical), then dropped to 0.48.. Wk21 2023: 0.98 then 1.14, then 0.6, 1.58, 0.65.
Wildcaught wrasse sourced from the local area were input to site in June and have been performing well since input. Appeared in good health during inspection. Site has lost 12,101 wrasse since input.
The general population of salmon across the site appeared in good condition and were actively shoaling in the cages.
Lethargic fish exhibiting physical damage were also observed in most of the cages. Physical damage had been attributed to previous SRS infection followed by secondary bacterial infection. The extent of the damage ranged from minor to moderate.
Where these fish could be caught with a handnet, they were removed at the time and humanely dispatched.
Inspection and paperwork completed by , observed by . [Original PDF]