Site Details: Loch Garasdale
by Tarbert
PA29 6XG

Water type: Freshwater
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0006
Going to sea 28th March - Stronsay in Orkney.
Fish not vaccinated until 16th of March to prevent fungal issues
Morts are ensiled on site and collected by Hazco for disposal. Collected once a year when site is fallow. Stored in IBCs.
Pumped out of IBCs and into a tanker.
Current stock input from Carindow in July 2019.
No issues with previous cycle of fish
Last treatments were post-vaccine for previous cycle - Formalin treatments - 23/3/19 - 30/3/19
Herons and Cormorant predation; some fish damage but no equipment damage - Changing to Dynema nets [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0458
Inspection conducted remotely only. Site manager has confirmed that medicated feed has not been mixed on site for at least 6 years. Photos were submitted on 26/10/21 of facilities on site. Remote inspection conducted on 28/10/21.
Remote paperwork completed by
Last EC inspection 22/01/2020
Last treatment conducted in March - Post vaccination Formalin treatment. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0065
Water very peaty and dark with limited visibility. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. 3 fish with suspected fungus patches observed in pen 5 these were still actively moving around the pen but were easily visible due to the water condition. All other pens none observed. Likely site will conduct another fungal treatment prior to smolts being moved to sea. Fish going to
Orkney. [Original PDF]