Site Details: Winna Ness

Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Mar 2018
Total losses: 32.5 %

Production cycle end date: Apr 2019
Total losses: 24 %

Production cycle end date: Jul 2021
Total losses: 10.9 %

Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 10 %

Production cycle end date: Jun 2024
Total losses: 13 %


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0378

Remote inspection carried out on 11/09/2020 by via Microsoft Teams
First choice for lice issues is the hydrolicer. The hydrlicer is used all around Shetland and is operted by the company. They may let the use of the hydrolicer to another company if not being used by Cooke.
Predator mitigartion methods: Bird nets, seal-pro sapphire (anti-predator) nets, tensioned nets, contract with pest control company at shorebase
ADD availble to use on shore base if required
Some sites in the FMS are not synchronised with the same year class of fish
Site inspection and sampling by
No issues noted or recorded on site, visibility excellent, fish shoaling well and showed a good feeding response. Operator has staff working in smaller teams 1 to 2 sites, due to Coronavirus. This may impact ability to inspect multiple sites on one day, unless operated by the same team.
One of the four sites (Winna Ness, Vee Taing, Burkewell and Uyea Isle) in the area will be fallowed each input, rotating through the sites.
Sites feed supplied by Cooke themselves and is reported to be going well [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0074

From the physical inspection of the site, fish appeared to be in good condition overall. The vast majority of the stock was observed shoaling well and responded positively to hand feeding, observed during the capture of specimens for VMD sampling. A wider than normal variety in fish size was observed during the inspection of the stock. The site was diagnosed with
PD earlier in the production cycle which had a varied impact on the feeding which appears to have slowed the growth of some fish. The site has since recovered and fish are back taking their full feed. Mortality has remained below the reporting threshold for the duration of the cycle.
There were approximately 20 - 30 mildly lethargic fish observed across the site, this is likely due to a recent mechanical lice treatment. Approximately 2 - 3 fish per pen were observed having mild abrasions to the flanks, when discussed with the site manager it was determined that this has likely occurred as a result of recent mechanical lice treatments and some fish rubbing against the seal pro nets as the site is very tidal.
Fish sampled for VMD were healthy with no clinical signs of disease observed internally.
Mortality counts in week 6 and 8 were not collected due to adverse weather. [Original PDF]
