Site Details: Clachbreac

Ormsary, Lochgilphead
PA31 8NZ
Operator: Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd
Water type: Freshwater

Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Vaccination mortality due to high temperature & anaesthetic use
Vaccination mortality due to high temperature & anaesthetic use
Post vaccination mortality
Mortalities caused by vaccination, in combination with heat. Mortalities occurred on the first day and stabilised in the second, with further pens vaccinated without mortality. Is not expected to be on-going. Site name updated following visit, previously entered as Inverkerry.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Vaccination mortality due to high temperature & anaesthetic use. Some secondary Saprolegnia on pectoral fins
Vaccination mortality due to high temperature & anaesthetic use. Some secondary Saprolegnia on pectoral fins
Continuing recovery of dead fish from the vaccinating operation. Aquacen treatment, 3 alternate-day baths @ 250ppm.
Majority of morts were collected on Monday & Tuesday. Current daily rate is ~0.3% but improving. FHI to monitor. Percentage updated March 2023 following site visit, but changed back following clarification of different figures provided.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Final removal of old vaccination mortality from all tanks
Final removal of old vaccination mortality from all tanks
No ongoing mortality concerns
Combined mortality rate betweeen 06 to 08/08/2022 is 0.38%. Mortality has decreased. FHI to monitor. Percentage updated March 2023 following site visit, but changed back following clarification of different figures provided.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Post vaccination damage and possible anaesthetic OD
Post vaccination damage and possible anaesthetic OD
Daily monitoring
First report of the year.Business correspondent contacted. Mortality followed vaccination that took place 10/07/2023.9 tanks were vaccinated with mortalities elevated in 3 of the 9, which are stocked with smaller grade of fish. First signs of elevated mortality observed evening of 14/07/2023. A veterinary inspection was carried out 17/07/2023; signs of physical damage consistent with vaccination process as well as handling damage observed. Due to pronounced vents observed, bacteriology and histology taken. Mortalities are expected to be still elevated for wk 29. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Post vaccination damage
Post vaccination damage
Increased tank water flows to ensure old morts are brought onto outlet screens. Still awaiting veterinary findings & report
Business contacted - Daily mortality numbers have decreased significantly and it is hoped this will continue. Contact noted that due to the number of fish on site (200,000), the mortality level on site may continue to be above the reporting threshold in the following week.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Saprolegnia
Initiate anti-fungal treatment. Veterinary inspection scheduled. The initial Saprolegnia infection has been contained by the treatment regime imposed last week but the mortality is increasing and so there is suspicion that there is another cause at work. Business contacted 15/05/24: confirmed Furunculosis. 10 day Florocol course started on 14/05.
Business contacted 15/05/24 for additional information. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0009

Morts are frozen on site and regularly taken to Ormsary for incineration
All fish going out as S1 starting wk15 - Loch Duart and Organic Sea Harvest small amount of fish with fungus observed on site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0061

Vet reports seen dated: 21/06/2021 (no significant findings, suspect issues with Sarolegnia & transfer stress); 15/09/2021 (no significant findings, some mild gill issues); 17/09/21 (no health issues observed - ok for SW transfer); 24/08/22 (2 fish sampled, some gill damage but not significant); 25/8/22 ( fish in good condition, recovered from fungus, no Saprolegnia observed)
Only outside tanks are in use. One floating mortality observed in one tank. No moribund or lethargic fish observed.
3 mortality event reports updated on return to lab. Slight difference in percentage for 2 and the third had the wrong site name entered.
updated 27/04/23 - clarification of difference between submitted mortality reports and the figures provided during the inspection was received. The original figures were correct, errors had been made when producing the report for the inspection.
Mortality event spreadsheet updated further. One additional week had not been reported at the time - this was also added. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0237

FHI was notified in wk 29 that site was experiencing increased mortalities in recently vaccinated stock. 8 tanks were vaccinated and graded into outdoor tanks on 10th July, with mortalities first observed on the evening of the 14th July. Fish were presenting with bloodshot eyes and reddened vents, both observed by husbandry staff and internal & external vets.
Stock origin: Stofinfiskur (organic)
Indoor tanks (3/12) are stocked with fish at 30g, 15883, unvaccinated
Outdoor tanks (8/9) are stocked with fish at 40g, 176538, vaccinated (planned move out of facility in Wk35)
Fish moved from Ormsary at 10g to Clachbreac in Wk 20 2023.
Mortality since input to site in Wk 20, up until Wk28 very low.
Site uses flow through system. Water quality monitoring indicated that all parameters were within acceptable limits (DO,
Vaccine used: Microjet 6 and PD1 in combination
Vaccination audit indicated the depth of needle penetration was satisfactory, however blood was observed at entry point of needle.
From the vaccination record, calibration comments described depth and site of vaccination and indicated no issues.
Mortalities have been observed to have severly eroded fins and fungus.
Treatment records indicate that formalin was last used 25/7/2023 to flush fish for fungus signs following vaccination (post vaccination plan). Formalin administered in all stocked vaccinated tanks.
Vaccinated fish are due to go to sea in 4 weeks time. Internal and external health checks will be conducted prior to output. Fish vet checks only occur at site when necessary/issues arise with health of fish.
Fish health reports seen following histology and bacteriology samples taken on 17/07/2023. No positive samples found and
Saprolegnia suggested as primary cause for fish sampled in tanks B1 and B7.
Two moribund fish with severe loss of equilibirum were observed in tanks B4 and B7 respectively and removed for diagnostic sampling.
No other moribund fish observed during site inspection.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity reasons. [Original PDF]
