Site Details: East of Holm Heogland (Burkwell)
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: May 2018
Total losses: 34.3 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2019
Total losses: 25.7 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2020
Total losses: 7.8 %
Production cycle end date: May 2022
Total losses: 5.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 11.8 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2024
Total losses: 10.1 %
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2022-0111
Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection and VMD sampling conducted by , supervised by (27/04/2022)
Temperature taken using thermometer T309. Harvesting has commenced onsite, cage 1 had been crowded and was being harvested (dead haul) by Aqua Viknes at time of inspection. Fish are unloaded at Cullivoe and transported to the Yell packing station. Fish crowded for harvest appeared in good condition.
Fish in remaining cages were deeper in the water, but were shoaling well and appeared in good condItion. Good feed response displayed across all cages.
Workboat with ROV system was on site removing mortalities from cages at time of inspection, this was reported to work well and removed the reliance on divers to remove mortalities. [Original PDF]