Site Details: Chalmers Hope
KW16 3NT
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Apr 2018
Total losses: 10.7 %
Production cycle end date: Feb 2019
Total losses: 13.6 %
Production cycle end date: Oct 2019
Total losses: 4.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2020
Total losses: 3.4 %
Production cycle end date: May 2021
Total losses: 16.6 %
Production cycle end date: May 2022
Total losses: 8.8 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 37.1 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2024
Total losses: 20.5 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0512
Site records checked up until 20/11/2020 by on 20/11/2020
Site inspection and collection of movement records 24/11/20 -
Fish displayed good shoaling behaviour, they were deeper in the water, but visibility was excellent at time of inspection. No dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and in very good condition. MA never fully fallow, operator only stocks S0 inputs within MA.
Planning to expand site, moving from 12 x 90m circles to 12 x 120m circles, also plan to move the site further from shore.
No issues reported or observed on site at time of inspection
Site completed a FW treatment three weeks ago, slight AGD, but not causing any issues, FW was reported to be successful at reducing AGD levels. Treatment was conducted using the new Migdale wellboat, this removes the reliance on having a reservoir of FW as the wellboat can produce it's own. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0038
Fish came on from Lyrawa Bay (FS0054) and after slightly elevated mortality following transfer, the fish are reported to have performed very well on the site with low mortality levels since. AGD scores have also been very low.
Site has only used Tricaine for sealice counts since input. Site manager shared his observation that leps are becoming more prevalent in the water so a hydrolicer treatment has been scheduled for next month (March), alongside harvesting the site which is currently ongoing.
All harvests are deadhaul.
Majority of population appeared healthy and in good condition. A few individuals were noted across the site that displayed physical damage as a result from a hydrolicer treatment that was conducted at the end of 2021.
No moribund fish or mortalities were observed in any of the cages.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally and demonstrated a good feed response. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0359
IDN placed . Phonecall from business informing us of suspicion of the presence of BKD. FHI to visit 16/8/23. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0360
Salmon were moved from Fara West (FS1017) to Chalmers in Wk30. Mortality data is from input.
Salmon originated from Ardtaraig Hatchery (FS0648) and Yetts O' Muckart (FS0371) (mix of Stofinfisker and Aquagen). Yetts fish have been feeding and performing well. Few moribunds observed in the cages stocked with fish from Yetts (1-6). Cages stocked with fish from Ardtaraig (7-12) had high numbers of moribunds that were dark in colour, most exhibiting exopthalmia and some physical damage to flanks with visible haemorrhaging along the throat and ventrum. Fish were removed from these cages for diagnostic sampling.
Mortality events above reporting threshold:
Wks 48, 49, 51 and 52 2022 - all events attributed to poor gill health on site combined with environmental insult.
Wk4 2023 - also attributed to poor gill health and environmental insult.
Wks48 and 49 mortality events were not reported as required. Mortality notifications for these weeks were submitted retrospectively, NFA.
Last crop had a hydrolicer treatment in March/April 2022, followed by a thermolicer treatment in April 22. Current crop have only had a Salmosan treatment in July following transfer from Fara West and Tricaine for sea lice counts and sampling.
Last crop were dead haul, harvested out by 21st June 23. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0119
Fish came on from Fara West (FS1017). SW to SW RA available for inspection. Fish originated from Yetts O' Muckart
(FS0371) and Ardtaraig (FS0648). Site was diagnosed with BKD in August 2023 and CDN is currently in place on site
(CDN2023001). Mortalities have been low since the last inspection.
Site is currently deadhaul harvesting to Stromness before fish are taken to Kirkwall for processing. All fish waste from the site is taken by bulker to Dundas Chemicals for further processing.
Salmosan was completed in Dec 23 and a hydrolicer was on site at the beginning of April 24. No other treatments (medicinal or mechanical) have been done since the last inspection (with the exception of anaesthetic for lice counts).
The CoGP FMA is not fallowed synchronously and a RA for this was available for inspection.
There were several moribunds observed in almost all of the cages on site during the inspection, exhibiting dark bodies and exophthalmia. The moribund fish that were observed had a higher than average lice load but the lice load on the general population reflected records. The site currently has a CDN for BKD. Some also had physical damage to the flank and head which was attributed to the recent hydrolicer treatment in the 2nd week of April 24. The general population of fish that were sitting deeper in the water were difficult to observe but appeared healthy externally and were actively shoaling in the cages.
The fish sampled for VMD appeared clinically health externally and internally and had good body condition. 1 moribund was removed and opened for internal examination. No gross pathology was observed so no diagnostic samples were taken on this occasion.
The site is currently harvesting 3 days a week and is expected to be fallow in the coming weeks. No live movements of fish have taken place since the last inspection so no records collected.
Paperwork was inspected remotely on 02/05/24 by . Site inspection was completed by , shadowed by . VMD fish was sampled by under the supervision of .
Sites holding susceptible and/or vector species covered by movement restrictions are automatically scored as high frequency, irrespective of the surveillance frequency score.
Non-reported sealice counts received 14/06/24. [Original PDF]