Site Details: Strondoir Bay
Tarbert Road
ArdrIshaig, Argyll
PA30 8ET
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Apr 2019
Total losses: 8.2 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2021
Total losses: 24.1 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 44.5 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2020-0262
Information from Mort event spread sheet;period;03/08/2020to 09/08/2020 average weight;3.1kg 1.48%mort/site/wk attributed to; Water quality/Plankton 8317
Period;10/08/2020 -16/08/2020 average wt;3.1 kg 1.03%morts/site/wk attributed to Water Quality/Plankton FHI comments;
Spoke with health manager, samples have been taken, awaiting results, gill damage observed as well as observing fish twitching when brought up during mortality retrieval, potentially caused by a paralytic algal toxin. Freshwater treatment is planned.
Lump fish on site from Ocean Matters and Otterferry
Mortality had been very low since input until August. This week looks like mort level are decreasing. Fish still off feed. Every cage effected.
Morts; Dundas, whole in skips
Slice; 4 treatments, one in March 2020 and Dec 2019
Ongoing low level AGD.
Fish vet group results show Toxic algae shock. Higher levels of PGD (marked as 2) observed in fish. No unusual plankton observed on site. Oxygen reported as remaining normal. Fish observed high in cage, off food and remain off food. Dead and moribund fish appeared normal but with pale gills.
Estimate last week at 1.5%morts/wk/site but await confirmation once full week of figures available and will report should the full week figure be over 1%. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2020-0531
The site was inspected following reports of mortalities above the reporting threshold. Records were inspected remotely on the
26/11/2020 and the site inspection on the 2/12/2020
Morts: week 32 8317 (1.48%), week 33 5700 (1.03%) week 34 5947 (1.09%), week 35 17191 (3.18%) week 36 13620 (2.82%) week 37 7815 (2.30%)
Week 40 6676 (2.02%) week 41 2467 (0.76%), week 42 8839 (2.75%), week 43 3331 (1.07%), week 44 8486 (2.75%) following week numbers below reporting threshold, initial morts caused by toxic algal bloom but not confirmed. Second spike the result of hydrolicer for sea lice resulting in handling mortalities.
Treatment with hydrolicer 20/11/2020, previous treatments have included optilicer, hydrolicer through August up to recent treatment on the end of October
FW treatments on 30 Aug, 1 2 and 4 Sep primarily for gills
30/7/2020 sea lice numbers breached reporting levels hydrolicer used and number returned below reporting level.
High number of grilse reported to be in the stock, some fish with physical damage from rubbing the net evident.
Five moribund fish were removed for further examination and subsequent diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2021-0115
Some increases in mortality, above the 1% mortality threshold. These have been reported to the FHI.
Hydrolicer Treatment is taking place this week due to an increased number of juveniles. Some fish observed with physical damage in cages most recently treated with Hydrolicer. Most fish that were attempted to be removed swam away strongly and very few fish with physical damage in pens not treated/treated previously.
Sea lice figures above CoGP suggested levels for treatment:
30/07/2020 - 1.28 AF
12/03/2020 - 1.01 AF
15/03/2020 - 3.01 AF
Company hydrolicer is now stationed within Loch Fyne and is used whenever lice numbers begin to rise.
VMD fish looked healthy when opened.
Due to Covid-19 paperwork was completed remotely on the 07/05/2021 and a physical inspection of the site took place on the
12/05/2021. Paperwork and inspection completed by , observed by [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2022-0486
Cleaner fish stocks attributed as black loss. Poor performace of cleaner fish - both wrasse and lumpfish on site. Constant low level mortality since inputs with occasional instant losses after input. AGD identified within stocks but uncertain of cause of mortality. Site considers that no stocks remain on site, although several wrasse observed in some of the cages.
Several moribund fish observed although not in vast numbers. Occasional fish observed with sea lice damage to the head.
Diagnostic samples taken from 4 fish.
Additional treatments in cycle - 4 x FW treatments, 1 FW and Salmosan, 4 x slice treatments, 2 rounds of hydrolysing [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0059
Treatments; 23rd Oct 2022 FW and FLS system ( flusher) for AGD & lice -Wellboat; 7-12th Dec GRSS (flusher system), lice hydrolicer; 5th-7th Jan 23 lice hydrolicer, 30/1-4/2 FW 3 hours and FLS , 13-14 March FW 3hour and FLS for AGD and Lice.
Wrasse and Lump fish there on site but lump fish suffered gill issues (AGD) and wrasse although removed prior to fw treatments net washing and black loss have meant none now thought to be left- await harvest to confirm.
Morts transported to Barkip Biogas by Billy Bowie whole in skips
Optimize now used on site- 7 degree days withdrawal - Benzocaine.
Sealpro nets on site and working well, Double base on bottom of net at centre where lift up sits
Health report histo 18/1/23 Reactive changes (increased numbers of circulating leukocytes) are observed in the internal organs, but no bacteria are detected.
Health report 12/1/23 PCR; AGD positive. Negative for; furunculosis, PRV - 1 (HSMI) PMCV (CMS), SRS, Pasteurella
Skyensis, SAV and Moritella viscosa
PCR report 9/2/23 AGD negative.
FHI visit 11/10/22 ERM (1/4) , Furunculosis( 2/4) Gill health issues
Site inspection; very few moribund fish observed. Some mature grilse (about 5 across site) with skin damage observed [Original PDF]