Site Details: Bay of Vady

KW17 2PR
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Sep 2018
Total losses: 48.8 %

Production cycle end date: Oct 2019
Total losses: 14.7 %

Production cycle end date: Dec 2020
Total losses: 0.7 %

Production cycle end date: Jan 2022
Total losses: 3 %

Production cycle end date: Oct 2022
Total losses: 10.8 %

Production cycle end date: Dec 2023
Total losses: 39.5 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gills/ Predation
Gills/ Predation
First report, this input. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health / Predator
Gill Health / Predator
WK43, submitted WK 50. Mortalities reduced below reporting levels
No Further Action


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0513

Site records checked up until 20/11/2020 by on 20/11/2020
Site inspection and VMS sampling by - 25/11/20, movement records collected 24/11/20
3 cages remaining on site, currently harvesting site, with fish going through Kirkwall plant. No issues observed on site, fish were shoaling well and very good visibility on site at time of inspection. Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and was in very good condition. No sea lice observed.
No issues reported on site. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0281

The company makes a treatment plan on a case by case basis for lice management procedures and harvest strategies where parts of the population need to be held without treatment.
Farm management area is not fallowed synchronously as it includes both Cooke and Scottish Sea Farm sites.
Paperwork completed over teams 27/06/2023
Mortality event Wk19 2023 was not reported as it was within the 6 week post stocking period.
Site inspection and VMD samples carried out 28/06/2023.
During inspection of the pens on site a total of 7 moribund fish were observed hanging by the edges of pens. All other fish were deeper in the water column and shoaling together. Feed responses observed were good. A few fish were observed swimming with their mouths permanently open. The manager confirmed these fish were dubbed "screamers" and were unable to close their mouths at all however despite this a number of these fish were growing well.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]
