Site Details: Toyness
KW15 1SD
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: May 2018
Total losses: 6.2 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2020
Total losses: 8 %
Production cycle end date: May 2022
Total losses: 32.1 %
Production cycle end date: May 2024
Total losses: 24.5 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2021-0452
Fish came on from Barcaldine Smolt Unit (FS1328) over 3 inputs during September, October and Novemeber 2020.
Mortality event w/b 20/09 -
Sudden increase in mortality in cages 3,4,5,6,7,9 and 10, low ambient and in-cage dissolved oxygen. No signs of physical damage were observed on the fish (internal and external). Feeding rate also reduced during this time.
Mortality the week before was 0.25%. Cages 1,2 and 3 had a hydrolicer treatment and the mortality was attributed to this handling event and acounted for the majority of mortalities that week. IN general, mortalities at the site have been low since input with mortalities being attributed to planned handling events.
Fish have reportedly been in good physical health, with a low lice burden that was treated. AGD treatment shortly after input and recent swabs have returned moderate AGD positive. Treatment options are currently being arranged. Fish were feeding well prior to the mortality event and have had a demonstrated a high conversion rate.
Dissolved oxygen at the site dropped from >10mg/l down to <6mg/l during the week of the mortality event.
Current working diagnosis of the mortality event has been attributed to heart failure due to impaired respiration associated with
CGD during a period of hypoxia.
Site emergency harvested the worst affected cages.
First cycle of stocking wildcaught wrasse. 12,187 wrasse were input to the site on 16/09/2021. 5,765 (47.3%) fish were removed at the same time the Salmon were harvested from the worst affected cages following the mortality event on 26/10/21.
No other mortality has been recorded since input in September. Site manager reported that the wrasse were having a positive effect on reducing the lice count across the site. Albeit, sea lice counts have been low this cycle.
Weather was very poor on day of inspection. Inspector walked round 2/5 cages before the large swell was compromising safety. The remaining cages were inspected from the boat.
The fish were difficult to see as they were sitting deep in the water and were not surfacing for feed. No moribunds observed in any of the cages and only 1 mortality was noted across the site, although not fresh dead so not sampled.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2023-0520
No fish health issues in the last four weeks. Passive grading just completed some physical damage. Furunc had been identified on site but no issues in the last four weeks.
Last inspection 13/9/2023.
Escapes information: 22/10/2023 a seal was observed in pen 10, divers were on site to conduct a site containment check due to three continuous days of poor weather. Some time given to see if the seal would leave by itself but this did not occur so divers entered the cage and patched the hole which was 5 or 6 meters down and was 40 x 40 cm. It took 1 hour, from the first observation of the seal to the pen being made secure. The fish were shoaling well and no escapees observed so not thought that any escapes would have occurred. No subsequent decrease in appetite noted for the pen.
Newly serviced nets have been ordered and a complete replacement will occur when boats are available. The nets are sapphire nets. The site is to have 120m pens installed at the end of this cycle which is why brand new nets are not being
Movement records were to be inspected in the office following the offshore part of the CNA but issues with a rope snagging the prop of the work boat delayed the return to shore, copies have been requested to be emailed.
Issues raised, movement records were provided 19/1/2024. [Original PDF]