Site Details: Vee Taing
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Apr 2019
Total losses: 21.2 %
Production cycle end date: Jun 2020
Total losses: 14.4 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2022
Total losses: 11.5 %
Production cycle end date: Jul 2023
Total losses: 14.7 %
Production cycle end date: Aug 2024
Total losses: 26.3 %
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2022-0110
Remote inspection conducted by , supervised by (20/04/2022)
Site inspection, VMD sampling and diagnostic sampling conducted by , supervised by (27/04/2022).
During site inspection fish were deeper in the water, displayed good shoaling behaviour and responding well to feed. Dead baskets are available on site, mortalities are removed using an ROV with basket. This was reported to be very effective and worked well across sites. The work boat with ROV was operating on neighbouring site at time of inspection.
The general population of these cages appeared healthy. Approximately 30 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in cage 4 and approximately 20 moribund or lethargic fish were observed in cage 6 at time of inspection. These fish displayed varying degrees of eye damage and lesions to the flanks. One fish observed hanging vertically, however, unable to catch as closer to centre of cage. The site underwent a physical treatment for sea lice on 01/04/2022.
A routine health inspection was conducted on 05/04/22 by CAS health team, no significant results identified. [Original PDF]