Site Details: Inverawe (East) Etive 2

Loch Etive Trout Farm
PA35 1HU
Operator: Dawnfresh Farming Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Furunculosis
Furunculosis, already seen in the Eastern basin sites recently, apparently re-emerging. Samples taken to confirm - probable antibiosis to follow.
Routine site inspection scheduled for 10.10.22. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Plankton Bloom
Plankton Bloom
Plankton bloom of (mostly) skeletonema discovered 14/09/2022. Feeding and handling suspended. Plankton counts are being undertaken every morning, but numbers are still 2 mil cell/l across all sites. Weather is biggest factor, no change is forcast. Samples sent to Pharmaq, MS and SAMS
FHI to visit wb 03/10/22

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Environmental conditions on site are temperatures rising coupled with very low environmental oxygens throughout the day (6-7mg/l) Plankton levels at current are low, however, in previous weeks there has been a skeletonaema bloom on site. Fish are appetent on site and no clinical symptoms presenting. Samples are currently with the lab being analysed.
Two stocked pens affected. Overnight oxygen logging system being deployed onto site to monitor 24hr oxygen.
Contacted the business, two stocked pens on site, low oyygen levels continues. Plankton levels have reduced so not thought to be part of the issue. Fish are due to be graded in a couple of weeks when new pens are installed. No clinical signs of disease and no gross pathology observed. Some morts had been examined, it was noted that the fish were packed with feed and some had a slightly inflamed hind gut. Feeding is being reduced. Disease testing results will be shared with the FHI. Site inspected 7/6/2023

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Fish are active on site and no clinical symptoms presenting. Environmental oxygen levels have begun to rise (7-9mg/l) from 07/06 onwards. Histology samples found no significant pathology in any of the samples taken. This week we have a Pharmaq Analytic vet out on site to visit all sites and take more samples if required.
Due to mortality, fish have actively been put on starve or reduced ration in order to reduce stress with agreement from the vet.
Site visited on 07/06/2023 - no moribund fish or clinical signs of disease observed during inspection. FHI to continue to monitor. DIA samples taken at Etive 3 which had suffered from same problems - await results.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Pharmaq Analytica vet out 15/06 and samples taken. PCR samples mostly negative with a small number of high CT value PRV3 positives. Previous histology has returned no significant or pathological findings. Environmental oxygens have improved, currently 7-9mg/ml each day. Fish still very active and appetant. No clinical signs presenting.
Mortality has remained above breach levels for week 24 following week 22 and 23 notifications. Still await further PCR and histology results. Pharmaq Analytiq vet out on site 15/06 and further samples were taken, however, there still continues to be no clinical presentations. Fish remain active on site and some cages on site have slowly been reintroduced with a feed ration and some remain on starve. Environmental oxygens remain (78-95%, with 78% DO being the lowest during the night). All samples so far have returned no significant pathology. Close monitoring to continue and carry out ongoing sampling.
Site visited on 07/06/2023. No moribund fish or clinical signs of disease observed during inspection. Mortality levels have decreased, FHI to continue to monitor. Diagnostic samples taken at Etive 3 which had suffered from same problems. All PCR results returning negative, awaiting bacteriology and histology results.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
MS inspector on site 07/06, Pharmaq Analytic vet Jaime out 15/06, Environmental oxygens fluctuate dip overnight ~50-60%. Fish still very active and appetant. No clinical signs presenting, bacti samples taken and all negative, PCR samples mostly negative with a samll number of high CT value PRV3 positives. Previous histology has returned no significant or pathological findings
Starve days for fish to reduce stress. Further ongoing sampling. Haemotology work being carried out. Van dorn sampler working to sample and check CO2 readings
Site inspected 07/06/23, no moribund fish or fish showing climical signs of disease were observed by the inspector. Mortlaities are decreasing, FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Event mortality associated with salmosan bath treatment
Event mortality associated with salmosan bath treatment
Staff present reported no adverse signs during treatment. Histology was taken on the day morts discovered - awaiting results. One pen affected with 4691 ascribed mortalities. Only two pens on site with fish from same input. Wk37 mortality until 15/09/2023: 0.16%, 49.
FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0208

All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease.
Water was very murky, lots of fresh water present in the loch. Fished looked to be in good condition. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0588

FHI received a report of increased mortalities on the site of an unknown cause. Two pens were affected both have stock from
Kinnaird Mill.
The site was inspected on the 7/12/21 some runts were observed as well as a number of lethargic and moribund fish, bilateral exopthalmia was evident in the majority of the lethargic/moribund fish. Five were removed from the pens for further examination and diagnostic sampling. Gill health has been poor.
Mortalities had been slightly elevated from week 43 until week 47 where 1.55% (3303) was recorded, week 48 reduced to
0.52% (1090). Divers were to be on site shortly to complete morting. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0463

Mort reports; 29/8/22 1.63% (6593 fish) furunculosis.12/9/22 6.17% 14878 fish, plankton bloom.
Fish input; splits from other Etive sites and Rocks lodge in January.
All fish were vaccinated for Furunc. Etive 2 and 3 have had antibiotic treatment.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 9/8/22 - withdraw period ended 26/9/22. Currently on withdrawal for Azasure (azamethiphos) in pens E1 and E6.
Health reports; 12/7/22 - furunculosis, Piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI). 14/9/22 Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion
Certificate available for import 18/5/22; wrong number and site destination but they had consulted with at the time and email correspondence available to view.
On site inspection 3 dead fish were observed. No moribund fish were observed.
Lice numbers 17/9/22 3.1 average adult female, 24/9/22 5.4 average adult female. No lice damage to the head area of the fish on inspection. Grazing damage - grey skin observed on the dorsal surface of some fish. Two well boats available next week for treatment of all the Etive sites and tarp treatments planed at Etive 2 and 3. Very heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and it is hoped that this will reduce reinfection post treatments. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0463

Mort reports; 29/8/22 1.63% (6593 fish) furunculosis.12/9/22 6.17% 14878 fish, plankton bloom.
Fish input; splits from other Etive sites and Rocks lodge in January.
All fish were vaccinated for Furunc. Etive 2 and 3 have had antibiotic treatment.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 9/8/22 - withdraw period ended 26/9/22. Currently on withdrawal for Azasure (azamethiphos) in pens E1 and E6.
Health reports; 12/7/22 - furunculosis, Piscine orthoreovirus (HSMI). 14/9/22 Brachiomonas cysticola and paranucleospora theridion
Certificate available for import 18/5/22; wrong number and site destination but they had consulted with at the time and email correspondence available to view.
On site inspection 3 dead fish were observed. No moribund fish were observed.
Lice numbers 17/9/22 3.1 average adult female, 24/9/22 5.4 average adult female. No lice damage to the head area of the fish on inspection. Grazing damage - grey skin observed on the dorsal surface of some fish. Two well boats available next week for treatment of all the Etive sites and tarp treatments planed at Etive 2 and 3. Very heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and it is hoped that this will reduce reinfection post treatments. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0161

Paperwork and Inspection by , observed by , Inspector Competency audit conducted by . Stock details and BMP inspected on 11/10/23 prior to site inspection, remaining paperwork inspected on 12/10/23 at shorebase.
Site currently consists of 6 x 60m circles, stocked with 2 pens of 2021 year class (48,183 @ 1.407kg) and 4 pens of 2022 year class (96,121 @ 1.430kg).
No inputs to site since Jan 2023, fish are normally input to site before being split to other sites within Loch Etive. Current applications in planning system to change species from rainbow trout to Atlantic salmon. It was reported that the intention was thought to be to use the sites as nursery sites if successful in changing species. It was reported that no fish had been taken on to site with the intention of fallowing the loch (dependant on out come of planning application) of rainbow trout.
No issues noted on site, fish were observed shoaling well and no sea lice were observed on the fish sampled for VMD.
All sites within Loch Etive are now reported to have seal pro nets with triple panelling at the waterline and the base of the net.
Historically it was reported that from mid November the salinity in the sea loch drops, until spring the following year, which reduces the need to conduct sea lice treatments.
Sites have switched to Aquafarmer in June 2023, prior to this records are in a different system.
Scottish Sea Farms (SSF) also operate within the FMA, no FMAg in place ,but a copy of SSF FMS was available and it was reported that regular communications are held between Dawnfresh and SSF. An MoU is in place between Dawnfresh and
SSF and Dawnfresh also have a risk assesment for not synchronously fallowing their sites.
Site manager reported that with the heavy rainfall experienced recently the water temperatures had dropped by a couple of degrees over the last 2 weeks. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0246

Business reported unexplained increased mortality for wk 22 2023. Site inspection was scheduled for 07/06/2023.
During site inspection, only two pens were stocked on site which were both experiencing increased mortality in week 22.
Following the inspection of stock, no moribund fish were observed. Fish were observed feeding well and no clinical signs of disease were seen so no fish were removed for further inspection . Fish in these two pens have been placed on starve to reduce stress and see if this lowers mortality.
Site had deployed data loggers, measuring DO and temperature since wk 22. Trends in data showed that DO drops to ~71% over night. In addition, from the plankton trawls conducted, there are no signs of harmful algae currently involved in unexplained mortalities. Visibility in the loch is currently limited to 3m however.
Diagnostic sampling has been conducted on site to establish reason for mortalities experienced in wk22 - on day of inspection, still awaiting results. Health visits are usually conducted weekly, but have increased following the issues experienced on site.
Temperature recorded on site: 13.12C [Original PDF]
