Site Details: Bay of Cleat (North)

Unit 3 Quarry Road
Pierowall Westray
KW17 2DH
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Dec 2018
Total losses: 12.2 %

Production cycle end date: Feb 2021
Total losses: 4.1 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage/Other
Gill Damage/Other
Some gill related damage, samples have been taken confirming environmnetal gill dammage. Unsure if mortalities have reduced to weather hampering access to the site. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage/Other
Gill Damage/Other
Some gill related damage, mortalities elevated due to weather preventing access to site the previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage/Other
Gill Damage/Other
Mortality decreasing from previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage/Other
Gill Damage/Other
Gill issues are improving with the colder weather. Mortality decreasing from previous week. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill damage/Other
Gill damage/Other
Area manager contacted. Mortality on the rise due to treatments and compromised gills. Site was treating due to lice issues which they were hoping to knock off before moving the fish to Skelwick Skerry. However, gills were compromised due to AGD which was not picked up using gill scoring. AGD was picked up at a later date using swabs. Compromised gills in addition to more treatments is thought to be the cause of mortality. Mortality is reportedly falling since treatments. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Damage/Other
Gill Damage/Other
Site contacted for further information. Mortality has reduced from previous week. Gill health issues is the main cause for mortality, primarily AGD. The site plans to treat with freshwater over the coming weeks. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Sealice Related/Gill Damage
Sealice Related/Gill Damage
Mortality has increased slightly from previous week. Gill health main cause of mortality, primarily AGD. FW tretaments completed Wk 2 2023. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Handling
Site contacted for further informaton : Mortality caused by handling during a routine wellboat movement. Mortality has now reduced on site below reporting threshold.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health
Gill Health
FHI to inspect site


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0527

Inspection of site records carried out remotely on the 26th November 2020 by with shadowing. Inspection of stock on site carried out on the 2nd December 2020 by WJM.
Water clear with good visibility of the stock. Fish shoaling well and responding to feed. No issues observed while on site. Fish removed for vmd sampling appeared in very good condition externally with no lice noted. No gross pathology observed on internal examination of fish taken for vmd sampling.
FMA not fallowed synchronously but RA conducted in accordance with CoGP 4.3.101. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0351

Fish on site will not be harvested. The site is used for smolt production before fish get moved off around 2.5kgs to neighbouring sites for final ongrowing and harvest.
Fish have been performing well so far with no significant health challenges. No medicinal treatments on this crop (with the exception of tricaine used for weekly sea lice counts); only FW baths combined with a flush have been completed on site and is reportedly resulting in 80-95% clearance.
Companies biologist will be visiting the site in wk32 to perform gill and lice checks along with water sampling.
Mortality events above reporting threshold:
Wk45 2022: 2,260 (1.15%), wk47: 5,390 (2.78%), Wk48: 3,712 (1.97%), Wk49: 2,892 (1.56%), Wk50: 10,289 (5.66%), Wk51:
2,426 (1.41%), Wk52: 2,607 (1.54%) - all attributed to poor gill health combined with seal ice treatments and early maturation.
2023 wk31 3% (13489) recorded as handling.
FMA is not fallowed synchronously on a single year class basis, however a risk assessment was available and was deemed acceptable at the time of inspection.
Mortalities for the last for weeks, wk35 796 (0.21%), wk 34 (723 (0.19%), wk 33 817 (0.22%), wk 32 794 (0.21%) attributed mainly to environmental, handling and transport and other.
Water temperature at 14.3 so REG only completed. Full inspection of the site conducted including completing checks for CNA.
Stocks seemed in good general health, one dead and two runts noted across the site.
CNA paperwork and remote inspection completed by with records checked up to 4/8/2023 but site inspection cancelled due to changing priorities, completed on site CNA and inspected mortality, medicine and sea lice records from 4/8/2023 to
3/9/2023. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0523

Fish will be transferred to Skelwick Skerry and potentiallly onto Moclett (if being used next year).
Treatments on site: only FW treatment conducted - Wk37, brought caligus levels down as well as managing AGD/gill health on site.
ROV used to remove morts. Divers only are called out to site when required (~2 weeks).
Health staff on site every week; sampling conducted every week.
Paperwork inspected: Mass mortality appendix, containment plan and marine biosecurity plan and all deemed satisfactory.
Farm management agreement highlights that sites does not fallow sychronously and does not stock synchronously either. Risk assessment in place and inspected - deemed satisfactory.
Due to adverse weather, the site inspection was not conducted. Therefore only paperwork was inspected remotely. Movement and waste transfer records not inspected due to not being able to get to Orkney to inspect these records. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0555

Site was visited earlier in the year, but due to high water temperature, EC inspection had to be rescheduled.
Wellboat is expected on site this week after the inspection for a FW treatment.
Fish came on from Loch Shin, Garasdale and Yetts O' Muckart. Fish have been feeding and growing well. AGD has been diagnosed on site and is the main cause for mortality. HSMI has also been detected on site but is not causing signfiicant mortalities. Mixed stock from Stofinfisker and Aquagen. Stofinfisker stock have not been coping as well with the AGD and have made up the majority of the mortalities in recent weeks. Wk46 mortality event has been attributed to AGD combined with a period of bad weather and the site being unable to FW treat. FW treatment has been scheduled for the weekend following the inspection.
Site is being used as a nursery site and fish will be transferred to Skelwick and Moclett in the new year. Passive grading will be done in January and the largest fish will be moved first.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but those that were observed appeared in good physical health and were active in the cages. 2 moribunds and 2 mortalities were observed across the site. No other clinical signs were observed so were not sampled.
Updated 21/12/2023 VMD samples collected were surplus to requirements and will not be processed. [Original PDF]
