Site Details: Etive 3 (Port na Mine)

Loch Etive Trout Farm
PA35 1HU
Operator: Dawnfresh Farming Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Furunculosis
Furunculosis, already seen in the Eastern basin sites recently, apparently re-emerging. Samples taken to confirm - probable antibiosis to follow.
Inspector in area 10.10.22 to visit Inverawe (East) Etive 2. If issue persists inspection will be conducted. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Plankton Bloom
Plankton Bloom
Plankton bloom of (mostly) skeletonema discovered 14/09/2022. Feeding and handling suspended. Plankton counts are being undertaken every morning, but numbers are still 2 mil cell/l across all sites. Weather is biggest factor, no change is forcast. Samples sent to Pharmaq, MS and SAMS
FHI to visit wb 03/10/22

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Environmental conditions on site currently showing very low oxygens throughout the day ~6-7mg/l. Plankton currently on site at very low levels, however, in previous weeks there has been a skeletonaema bloom on site. Fish on site are appetent and no clinical symptoms are presenting. The worst affected pens are the smallest fish on site, samples were taken across stocks on site and are being analysed by the lab and further sampling was taken today (05-06-2023).
Recorded across the site (9 pens), smallest fish affected. Overnight oxygen logging system being deployed onto site to monitor 24hr oxygen.Reduced ration to small fish on site. Fish put on starve for 24hr
Site inspected 7/6/2023 and diagnostic samples taken. PCR tests coming back negative, awaiting histology and bacteriology results. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Environmental oxygens remain stable. Fish appetant, no current clinical symptoms. No moribund fish present on surface. Samples taken and are currently being analysed by the lab (histology, PCR, bacti) Pharmaq vet out on site 15/06.
Reduced ration to small fish on site and ongoing sampling.
Nine pens stocked on site, the smallest fish most affected. No clinical signs of disease to note, internally the fish were packed with feed but have been put on starve. Oxgen levels have remained low. Plankton not thought to be the cause of the issue. Disease testing results will be shared with the FHI. Site inspected 7/6/2023

Mortality Rate:
Reason given:
Environmental oxygens fluctuate ~50-60% durign the night, fish appetant, no clnical symptoms, no moribund fish present on surface. Samples taken are currently being analysed by the lab (histology, PCR, bacti). Pharmaq vet out on site 15/06. Bacti come back negative no significant growth and histo nothing significant
Reduced ration to small fish on site and ongoing sampling. Haemotology work being carried out. Van dorn sampler to measure CO2 level
Site inspected 07/06/23, one moribund fish removed for diagnostic testing. Mortalities are decreasing, FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0476

All fish on site input from Etive 2. Originally Kinnard Mill or Rocks Lodge.
Morts stored at shore base in skip- collected by Billy Bowie.
Treatments for this cycle; 6 wellboat salmosan (last one 23/7/20) and 6 alphamax tarp treatments (last one 24/9/20),
Hydrolicer in October.
Last weeks lice counts were 0.12 average adult female leps.
Four sites operated by Dawnfresh in Loch Etive not fallowed in synchrony.
Site thermometer used for biosecurity protocols. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0464

Mort events; 29/8/22 2.42% (6731 fish) furunculosis, 12/9/22 7.02% 26000 fish - plankton bloom
Plankton mainly effected pen P3.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 10/8/22. 19/9 Azasure wellboat treatment. Azasure and Alphamax tarp treatment week 19/9 and
Surveillance frequency sheet completed as noted import on movement records. Surveillance frequency changed from Low to
High. As site has been inspected in October 2022 it will be scheduled an ECI visit in 2023.
Site inspection carried out due to reported increased mort figures however numbers have now reduced to below the reporting threshold and no moribund fish were observed on site inspection. Dorsal sea lice grazing was observed but no head damage.
Four sites stocked in area, Lice numbers for average adult females are as follows; week 17/9/22 Etive 2 3.1, Etive 3 2.9, Etive
4 is 5.2, Etive 6 is 8.9; week 24/9/22 Etive 2 is 5.4, Etive 3 is 2.7, Etive 4 is 12.1, Etive 6 is 13.3
In the last two weeks in the area of Loch Etive 19 pens have been treated, 6 are on harvest plan and 4 remain to be treated.
Have been using well boat and trap treatments, Azasure, Salmosan and Alphamax. Currently have two wellboats for the area, one for 8 days and one for two weeks. Recent heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and hopefully reduce reinfection.
Had been harvesting at an increase level but the main harvest boat was pulled by company operators (not F0456) to work on their sites so rate of harvest has been greatly reduced. Hope to be getting the harvest boat back. Currently harvesting 12-14 tonnes/day but if they get the harvest boat back this can increase to 200 tonnes a week. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0464

Mort events; 29/8/22 2.42% (6731 fish) furunculosis, 12/9/22 7.02% 26000 fish - plankton bloom
Plankton mainly effected pen P3.
Aquatet treatment 1/8/22 to 10/8/22. 19/9 Azasure wellboat treatment. Azasure and Alphamax tarp treatment week 19/9 and
Surveillance frequency sheet completed as noted import on movement records. Surveillance frequency changed from Low to
High. As site has been inspected in October 2022 it will be scheduled an ECI visit in 2023.
Site inspection carried out due to reported increased mort figures however numbers have now reduced to below the reporting threshold and no moribund fish were observed on site inspection. Dorsal sea lice grazing was observed but no head damage.
Four sites stocked in area, Lice numbers for average adult females are as follows; week 17/9/22 Etive 2 3.1, Etive 3 2.9, Etive
4 is 5.2, Etive 6 is 8.9; week 24/9/22 Etive 2 is 5.4, Etive 3 is 2.7, Etive 4 is 12.1, Etive 6 is 13.3
In the last two weeks in the area of Loch Etive 19 pens have been treated, 6 are on harvest plan and 4 remain to be treated.
Have been using well boat and trap treatments, Azasure, Salmosan and Alphamax. Currently have two wellboats for the area, one for 8 days and one for two weeks. Recent heavy and persistent rain will reduce the salinity in the loch and hopefully reduce reinfection.
Had been harvesting at an increase level but the main harvest boat was pulled by company operators (not F0456) to work on their sites so rate of harvest has been greatly reduced. Hope to be getting the harvest boat back. Currently harvesting 12-14 tonnes/day but if they get the harvest boat back this can increase to 200 tonnes a week. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0118

Seal pro nets to be fitted as standard when older nets reach end of service life
Mortalities stated on FMS as going for incineration but these go to Barkip for biogas via Billy Bowie, this was discussed with the site manager and will be included in the next review. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0247

Business notified FHI regarding the increased unexplaied mortalities since wk 22 2023. Report of mortality noted that fish may be experiecing gill issues as a result of low DO in the loch.
During site inspection, pen 6 and 8 were noted as pens experiencing the highest mortality on site. Mortalities have only been affecting smaller fish on site; larger and passively graded fish have not been experiencing any issues. Interesingly, pens on the side closer to the shore were more affected. Only one moribund fish was observed and sampled for diagnostic testing. Fin damage on some fish were observed in pens 6, 8, 7, 10. In addition, no lesions or gross pathology was observed. Pens experiencing increased mortality have been put either on starve or partial starve to reduce stress.
Data loggers have been deployed on site to monitor temperature and DO levels. DO dropped to a minimum of 78% overnight from 06/06 to 07/06.
Two year classes stocked on site; 2021 and 2022 with fish from Rocks Lodge and Kinnaird Mill Trout, respectively. Both stocks since input have been doing well, with low mortality recorded, until wk 22 2023.
Fish removed from pen 7 for diagnostic sampling - stock origing: Kinnaird Mill Trout. Input to site on 14/4/2023.
Mortalities on site have been removed via the foover system; has been very effective. Daily removals occuring. [Original PDF]
