Site Details: Etive 4

Loch Etive Trout Farm
PA35 1HU
Operator: Dawnfresh Farming Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Predation
Heavy seal predation and the worst affected pens are still in dyneema nets. All mortality removed had seal damage. In the process of chaning over all nets to Seal pro nets.
Seal mortality ongoing. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Predation
Heavy Seal predation still ongoing. Plans in place to replace all dyneema nets with seal pro nets by the end of April. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Predation
Heavy seal predation and the worst affected pens are those with dyneema nets. All mortality removed had seal damage.
The site is still in the process of moving over to seal pro nets. Mortality returned below threshold in week 11. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Heavy Seal predation
Heavy Seal predation
Worst affected pens are still in dyneema nets. All mortality removed had seal damage. Strong tides last week causing bags in the nets, higher % of decomposed fish when divers were able to get into the folds of the nets. Site is in the process of changing over all nets to Seal Pro nets. Only a few nets left to change over.
Seal mortality seems to be decreasing since last reported w/b 21/02/22 (1.33%). FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Heavy Seal predation
Heavy Seal predation
In process of changing over all nets to Seal Pro nets. Only a few nets left to change over
FHI to Monitor


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0209

Peaks in mortality - week 38 2020 - 3421 - seal damage 0.9% week 45 - 3254 - Handling - 0.9%
Site is continously stocked from pens split at other sites in the loch.
Water very murky, lots of fresh water present. fish looked in good condition, observed one or two fish with fin/tail damage.
All fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy and showed no clinical signs of disease. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0162

Paperwork, site inspection and sampling by , observed by . conducted an Inspector Competency audit.
Stock details and BMP inspected 11/10/23 before site inspection, remaining paperwork completed on site on 12/10/23.
10 x 100m pens on site, 9 stocked at time of inspection. Site manager reported that site had consent for 12 cages. All pens fitted with seal pro nets, triple panel at the water line and the base of the net.
Last EC inspection was 15/05/21, SLA was conducted on 06/10/21.
Site experienced high levels of L. salmonis during autumn 2021 and Autumn 2022, this was reportedly due to algal blooms within the loch which prevented treatments being conducted. Site manager reported that August 21 the sites experienced a quick resettlement of L. salmonis, which was attributed to a failure with the filters on the treatment boat (Skamik system).
1-2 fish observed per pen, with lesion behind dorsal fin, these fish were very active and shoaling with the general population, no dead or moribund fish observed during inspection. Most recent health reports detailed no conclusive bacteriology findings for cause of lesions.
Fish in most easterly cages observed facing in to the current, which was reportedly much stronger than usual due to increase water being released down the river Awe from the power station following the prolonged period of heavy rain. All fish appeared healthy and pens away from the two pens at the eastern end of the pen group, were shoaling normally. Fish sampled for VMD appeared in good condition, with no sea lice visible.
Unsure of future plans for site at present, currently applications in for changing species on site from RTR to SAL, outcome of those applications will determine the next stocking date, at present the site is due to fallow by the end of the year. [Original PDF]
