Site Details: Gob na Hoe
IV55 8WF
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Gob na Hoe Production cycle end date: May 2019
Total losses: 17 %
Gob na Hoe Production cycle end date: Apr 2021
Total losses: 14.1 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2024-0205
Wrasse mortality last four weeks: 53 (1.97%).
Sal mortalities last four weeks: wk 26 4470 (1.53%) mainly post treatment, wk 25 1510 (0.51%) mainly post treatment, wk 24
342 (0.11%), wk 23 262 (0.09%).
Salmosan treatment administered during transfer onto site with discharge occurring at Leinish.
Only sea lice medicine available is hydrogen peroxide. FW and wrasse are the main sea lice treatments but mechanical treatments could be administered if required.
On inspection of the site a number of lethargic fish were observed with physical damage, three were removed for further examination but no gross pathology was noted. There was an issue with a FW treatment the week before which resulted in some abrasion. Site staff have been removing moribunds on a daily basis. The general population appeared in good general health and were shoaling and feeding well.
Site was stocked with a sw to sw transfer from two separate management areas (Stock from Loch A Chairn Bhain (FS0621)
(known by the company as Reintrad) and Loch Maddy (FS0853). Risk assessment for these movements was available however these types of movement are not in compliance with the CoGP.
Records were inspected remotely on the 27th, 28th June and also the 1st and 2nd July. Records were also inspected on the day of inspection.
Issues raised: information was provided on the 2/9/2024 to clear the issues raised. [Original PDF]