Site Details: Stulaigh

South Uist
Western Isles
Operator: Mowi Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Stulaigh Production cycle end date: May 2019
Total losses: 6.4 %

Stulaigh Production cycle end date: Sep 2020
Total losses: 36.8 %

Stulaigh Production cycle end date: Jun 2021
Total losses: 22.2 %

Stulaigh Production cycle end date: May 2023
Total losses: 51.7 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections
Gill infections
Mortality rate has increased in following week to 4.22%. Fw treatments planned.
Inspector in the area week 3rd October, FHI to monitor - is problems persist a visit can be scheduled for that week.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections
Gill infections
Mortality is currently 1.72% for the Mon - Wed of week commencing 29/08/2022. PGD is currently the main driver of mortality. Highest mortality being seen in 9 of the 14 pens stocked on site. Freshwater treatment due to commence and the site has been put on the harvest plan.
Visit to be brought forward - discuss with AJW as scheduler, but possibly on call to visit if no work planned in area in Sept.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections
Gill infections
Freshwater treating with wellboat
5.51% for Mon to Wed this week. FHI visited 7/9/22. Diagnostic samples taken. Await results- case 20220418

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill-Health Related
Gill-Health Related
Mortality has reduced significantly and may be below reporting threshold wc 19/09 FHI visited 7/9/22. Diagnostic samples taken. Await results- case 20220418

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections
Gill infections
Affected pens being harvested out
Mortality has reduced significantly and may be below reporting threshold wc 19/09. FHI visited 7/9/22. Diagnostic samples taken. Await results- case 20220418

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections / Jellyfish
Gill infections / Jellyfish
Worst affected pens now harvested out
FHI visited 7/9/22. Diagnostic samples taken case 20220418 Idenitifed AGD, Paranucleospora theridion , salmon gill pox virus, piscine myocarditis, SAV, AGD

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections / Jellyfish
Gill infections / Jellyfish
FHI visited 7/9/22. Diagnostic samples taken case 20220418 Idenitifed AGD, Paranucleospora theridion , salmon gill pox virus, piscine myocarditis, SAV, AGD. Worst affected pens now harvested out and mortalities are improving. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: CMS
First report this year, FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Treatment loss (FW in wellboat)
Treatment loss (FW in wellboat)
Business contacted (20/9/24): techincal issue with pump on one cage during treatment.
Business contacted for additional information. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Infections
Gill Infections
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Infections
Gill Infections
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill infections
Gill infections
FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0279

More wrasse arriving on days of inspection and over next 3 weeks until they reach 2% of fish in the pen (~17,000 fish required)
All wrasse on site are wild caught
Lumpfish from hatcheries in Dorset and Anglesey which are now Mowi owned (recent purchase)
Maybe more LUM next week as they don’t want to damage the gills using lice treatments
Conducted Salmosan treatments as lice number were creeping up (0.2 adult females per fish). Treatment stopped after 1.5 hours on third cage once increased mort numbers were noticed on previous 2 cages. Many more morts collected after treatment from all cages. The three cages treated with Salmosan had the highest mort numbers. Feeding stopped as a precaution. Full histo and gill samples sent for analysis at FVG. Water samples sent for analysis at Mowi. Microscopic jellyfish observed on gills and high number of toxic algae in water samples and plankton samples. Sweep net used on site everyday and analysed but no toxic algae observed. New "Van Dorn" system has been used and toxic algae are observed when using this new plankton collection method.
Gill scores increasing in mid June. Freshwater treatment used, did work to bring gills scores down.
Reportedly gill issues are common in current stock
Morts and moribund fish have reduced and appetite has increased in last few days [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0062

Salmon came on from Glenfinnan, Loch Lochy and Garry in October 21. Lumpfish came on from Anglesay in December 21.
All fish are reported to be doing very well with low gill scores and good growth.
Site has experienced low lice levels since wk7 2022 and treatments have had good clearance. Caligus levels have increased slightly in recent weeks from 0.03 to 0.09. Slice treatment may be planned to reduce numbers of Caligus. Peroxide treatments were completed in December 21 and January 22. The Aqua Skye was on site in February for a FW treatment. Gills are showing stable condition when AGD scored (~0.25 since wk7, a drop from 1.2 prior to treatment).
Fish will be live harvested to Mallaig.
Fish were sitting deep in the water but appeared to be shoaling well and were responsive to feeding.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy externally and internally. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0418

Site has reported 2 mortality events in the last 2 weeks (wk33 (1.11%) and wk34 (4.22%)). In total, site has lost 42,073 fish over that 2 week period. Mortalities were attributed to gill infections.
The mortality for the site last week (wk35) reached 3.9% (38,035 fish). Mortalities removed from the site on Monday and
Tuesday this week (5th and 6th September) totalled 3.7% (27,377 fish), all being attributed to poor gill health.
In addition to poor gill health, PD, CMS and HSMI have also been detected in the stocks but are currently not contributing to the mortalities on site. Poor gill health has been reported as the primary cause for mortality on the site.
Gillls positive for AGD, Branchiomonas, Paranucleospora and Poxvirus in August 22.
Deadhaul harvest completed yesterday, with 12,110 fish removed from two of the worst affected cages (7 and 9). More fish will be harvested next week, potentially moving to live haul. Site plans to harvest all the fish from the 8 worst affected cages
(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) over the next 8 week period and then monitor the remaining fish.
Whole site was FW treated in June and July 22 and the cages with lower mortalities are due to be treated with FW again next week (wk37). A peroxide treatment was also completed in July 22.
A total of 64,571 lumpfish were input in December 21 and a further 27,359 in August 22. Of the 91,930 lumpfish put into the site, only 32,680 remain. 59,250 mortalities have occurred since input (64%). Only 2 lumpfish were observed across the site and both appeared in poor physical health. They were positioned beyond the reach of the hand net so could not be caught for sampling.
Staff had not been out with sweep nets the day of inspection. There were a lot of visible mortalities in the majority of the cages
(~10 in some and betweenn 20-30 in others). The general population were very lethargic and lice were visible on some fish that were sitting high in the water column. Several moribunds were noted across the site. Moribunds were targeted from the worst affected cages and removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2022-0418

Site has reported 2 mortality events in the last 2 weeks (wk33 (1.11%) and wk34 (4.22%)). In total, site has lost 42,073 fish over that 2 week period. Mortalities were attributed to gill infections.
The mortality for the site last week (wk35) reached 3.9% (38,035 fish). Mortalities removed from the site on Monday and
Tuesday this week (5th and 6th September) totalled 3.7% (27,377 fish), all being attributed to poor gill health.
In addition to poor gill health, PD, CMS and HSMI have also been detected in the stocks but are currently not contributing to the mortalities on site. Poor gill health has been reported as the primary cause for mortality on the site.
Gillls positive for AGD, Branchiomonas, Paranucleospora and Poxvirus in August 22.
Deadhaul harvest completed yesterday, with 12,110 fish removed from two of the worst affected cages (7 and 9). More fish will be harvested next week, potentially moving to live haul. Site plans to harvest all the fish from the 8 worst affected cages
(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) over the next 8 week period and then monitor the remaining fish.
Whole site was FW treated in June and July 22 and the cages with lower mortalities are due to be treated with FW again next week (wk37). A peroxide treatment was also completed in July 22.
A total of 64,571 lumpfish were input in December 21 and a further 27,359 in August 22. Of the 91,930 lumpfish put into the site, only 32,680 remain. 59,250 mortalities have occurred since input (64%). Only 2 lumpfish were observed across the site and both appeared in poor physical health. They were positioned beyond the reach of the hand net so could not be caught for sampling.
Staff had not been out with sweep nets the day of inspection. There were a lot of visible mortalities in the majority of the cages
(~10 in some and betweenn 20-30 in others). The general population were very lethargic and lice were visible on some fish that were sitting high in the water column. Several moribunds were noted across the site. Moribunds were targeted from the worst affected cages and removed for diagnostic sampling. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0075

Input of lumpfish (103720) - 7th Feb 2024, Ocean Matters.
Pseudomonas suspected to be currently causing a few mortalities (4.5% since input)
Stock Origin: Loch Garry, Loch Lochy.
Aquagen, Mowi Ireland (fanad).
Staggered stock input in 2023: 12/10, 14/10, 16/10, 24/10, 9/11, 21/11
Increased mortality:
19th Nov, 2023, 6561, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
20th Nov, 2023, 1703, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
21th Nov, 2023, 6075, hydrogen peroxide AGD,
Lumpfish mortality:
2024: Wk7,532,0.51%; Wk8, 378,0.37%; Wk9, 515,0.50%; Wk10, 3105,3.04%;
Attributed above with transport losses and Pseudomonas in wk 10.
09-14/11/2023 - Slice; 13-19/12/2023 slice for latter pens
15-18/12/2023- paramove peroxide, gill inflammation
08/01 to 09/02/2024 - paramove; delousing and gill inflammation, (not everyday because storms, so drawn out longer)
Next planned treatment - FW- treatment following results that showed samples were 80% positive for AGD .
12/02/2024- health visit: AGD present
08/03/2024- last health visit, and taken swabs for Pseudomonas. health team - out every once every two weeks. Swabs also done by site team and sent to own lab.
Paperwork inspected remotely on 13/03/2024.
Weather did not permit to conduct site inspection on 20/03/2024. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0111

Lumpfish from Ocean Matters
LUM mortality: Wk13: 945 (1.11%), Wk14: 781 (0.93%), Wk15: 5389 (6.47%), Wk16: 1606 (2.06%) - attributed to bad weather, pseudomonas and freshwater treatment in week 15.
Last health report: 12 and 16th April 2024 - Pseudomonas in lumpfish. Salmon gill swabs 1/20 positive for AGD.
Treatments: SLICE 2-9th April 2024. Freshwater Wk15
During physical inspection of site fish were hard to observe due to the weather conditions. A sweep net was used to catch fish for VMD sampling as feed response was low as fish had already had the morning feed. Salmon and lumpfish caught in the net appeared externally healthy with few lice on the salmon. Fish sampled for VMD also appeared healthy internally. [Original PDF]
