Site Details: Hellisay
Ardveenish North Bay
Isle of Barra Western Isles
Water type: Seawater
Cumulative mortality over full production cycle
Production cycle end date: Jan 2018
Total losses: 17.8 %
Production cycle end date: Dec 2018
Total losses: 11.9 %
Production cycle end date: Dec 2019
Total losses: 10.9 %
Production cycle end date: Feb 2021
Total losses: 13.5 %
Production cycle end date: Dec 2021
Total losses: 12.6 %
Production cycle end date: Oct 2022
Total losses: 23 %
Production cycle end date: Nov 2023
Total losses: 51.5 %
Fish Health Inspectorate mortality
Inspection reports
Case Number: 2021-0352
VMD sampled by , observed by .
CNA/ESC Inspections on 17/03/2021 and 30/10/2019
Mooring works ongoing, winter check in September.
Site monitored by cameras above and below water from feed centre in Loch Boisdale. Generally able to get out to site in rough weather but working on the cages can be difficult due to large swell. Group formed for exposed sites to share experience with sites from Canada and Faroes. Only other Scottish site in this group is Colonsay.
Lumpfish stock almost gone due to two 12 hour FW treatments. Issues with Pseudomonas, treated with Florocol in June 2021.
Stocked in Erisort, transferred with the fish in wellboat from Erisort in FW for 6 to 8 hrs. Farmed juveniles from Ocean Matters.
Not graded out prior to FW treatment, hand netting some lumpfish out during crowd. No facility to separate cleanerfish from salmon. 21,670 fish died due to handling and lice treatments and 9,307 due to Pseudomonas in August (88.06% mortality).
Input count 47,948 - total mortality until August 43,746 (91.2% total) - reported to APHA.
Not taking fish from freshwater sources, just growing fish on from other SW sites. Not mentioned in FMS.
Pens 6, 8, 9, 10 from Rum Q3
Pens 1, 2, 3, 4 Erisort Q4
Pens 5, 7, 11, 12 Erisort Q3
Sea lice data missing in 2021 for weeks 16-28 now submitted to FHI.
Alphamax treatment in August for Caligus, very effective.
Freshwater treatment in weeks 31 and 32 2021
Thermolicer treatment weeks 34 and 35 2021 [Original PDF]
Case Number: 2024-0186
Fish came on from Loch Lochy in April 24 and have been vaccinated against Furunculosis and IPN. A mix of Fannads and stofinfisker stock. Large variation in weight at input but both stocks have been reported to be performing well since input with good feed intake and good growth. Site currently only stocks for 6 months before fish are moved off for ongrowing at other sea sites. No harvests are completed from Hellisay. Stock scheduled to be moved off to Loch Tarbert and Groatay in September for ongrowing to harvest, with the site being fallowed by October 24.
Mortalities above threshold since last inspection:
11/10/2021 - wk41 - 1.39% - 8,950 - Gill Diseases and PD
29/11/2021 - wk48 - 1.09%- 1,082 - CMS
05/09/2022 - wk36 - 2.35% - 11,352 - CMS
12/09/2022 - wk37 - 1.2% - 5,666 - CMS
19/09/2022 - wk38 - 6.38% - 29,680 - Gill infections / Jellyfish.
26/09/2022 - wk39 - 7.91% - 27,065 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
03/10/2022 - wk40 - 11.84% - 29,280 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
10/10/2022 - wk41 - 1.65% - 2,468 - Gill infections / Jellyfish
New cohort of fish:
21/08/2023 - wk34 - 3.12% - 26,740 - AGD
02/10/2023 - wk40 - 2.6% - 20,840 - AGD
09/10/2023 - wk41 - 30.53% - 197,610 - AGD / Low oxygen
16/10/2023 - wk42 - 21.1% - 59,540 - AGD / Low oxygen
30/10/2023 - wk44 - 100% - 80,145 - AGD / Environmental - whole pen of fish lost due to low oxygen and bad weather combined with compromised gills. Only cage left stocked on site before fallow.
All mortality events were reported as required, however there were some discrepancies between site records and FHI records.
These were a result of transfer losses and delays in final counts being received from the wellboat. Retrospective updates have been submitted and FHI records updated as required. NFA.
Health challenges last 2 crops were mainly AGD, exacerbated by environmental insults (Muggaeia atlantica from July followed by Apolemia uvaria in September). Fish will be gill swabbed every week and a FW treatments has been scheduled for July in anticipation of AGD developing on site.
SLICE treatment completed on 13th June 24. A 2nd SLICE treatment is planned for July.
Only site in DMA and CoGP MA.
Fish on site appeared in good physical health at the time of inspection and were active in the cages. One deformed and one moribund were observed in Cage 2 and were removed at the time for examination. No clinical signs observed so no diagnostic samples taken on this occasion. Fish removed for VMD were in good physical health and appeared clinically healthy externally and internally upon examination.
Sealice counts were observed on 2/3 cages. 20 fish per pen were removed for sampling. No leps were observed on any of the fish and 2 caligus were noted on the last fish from cage 1. [Original PDF]