Site Details: Shuna SW (Rubh'an Trilleachain)

Craobh Haven
Loch Melfort
PA31 8UA
Operator: Kames Fish Farming Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Apr 2018
Total losses: 13.8 %

Production cycle end date: Oct 2019
Total losses: 20.5 %

Production cycle end date: Aug 2021
Total losses: 16.9 %

Production cycle end date: Mar 2023
Total losses: 6.4 %

Production cycle end date: Jun 2023
Total losses: 6.9 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Mortality after hydrolicer treatment
Mortality after hydrolicer treatment
Hydrolicer called onto site following lice numbers over the company trigger level. Mortality over the notifiable limit after treating. FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0139

AGD was the biggest health challenge last cycle so gill swabs are being taken and analysed by PCR every 2 weeks.
Lumpfish arrived on site in October from Otter Ferry and were stocked at 6%. 4 lumpfish mortalities observed across the site, not fresh dead so no diagnostic samples taken. Lumpfish mortality for April was 7.2% attributed to handling.
Fish on site came from Inchmore and Loch Lochy and have been vaccinated against furunculosis and IPN.
Site doing live and deadhaul harvests. Harvest boat was on site during inspection.
Majority of fish were sitting deep in the water so were difficult to observe. A few fish were observed with physical damage but were not moribund or lethargic.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy.
Paperwork inspected remotely 20/05/2021. Site inspection completed on 27/05/2021 [Original PDF]
