Site Details: Loch Snizort East

Shore Base
IV51 9XX
Operator: Loch Duart Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Sep 2018
Total losses: 12.2 %

Production cycle end date: Dec 2020
Total losses: 25.8 %


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2020-0198

MRT01628 (04/05/2020) - 11,820 (2.23%) - Treatment losses
Mortality last 4 weeks:
13th April - 835 (0.15%) - attributed to physical damage from previous treatments and poor performers.
20th April - 1,362 (0.25%) - attributed to physical damage from previous treatments and poor performers.
27th April - 1,477 (0.28%) - attributed to physical damage from optilicer and poor performers.
4th May - 11,820 (2.23%) - attributed to physical damage from optilicer.
Sea lice counts over 2 since last inspection:
Wk10: 4.8 - Fish came onto site from Uig FS0881 during a freshwater treatment.
Wk11: 3.75
Wk12: No count
Wk13: 2.84 - Site began a H2O2 treatment.
Wk14: 3.45 - Ongoing H2O2 treatment.
Wk15: 3.59
Wk16: 4.51 - Optilicer arrived on site followed by a plankton bloom.
Wk17: 3.71
Wk18: 1.14 - Optilicer moved to Uig.
Wk19: 2.49 Optilicer ongoing.
Site currently using live haul for harvesting, however this is under discussion and may change in the near future to dead haul.
Site recieves all fish from Uig FS0881.
PSI conducted due to current COVID-19 lockdown restrictions preventing a site inspection. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2020-0466

Inspection of records carried out remotely on 30/10/2020
Average adult female lice counts above 2 from w/b 07/09/2020 not reported to FHI. Previous had breaches had been reported.
Mortality waste stored at Dunvegan before being taken away for disposal
Salmosan and H2O2 treatment carried out w/b 28/09/2020. Lice count unable to be carried out the following week due to poor weather so unable to accurately measure efficacy, the following weeks count (w/b 12/10/20) was lower than pre-treatment levels.
Further salmosan treatment planned for w/b 02/11/2020 weather permitting.
Lower water temperatures seem to be improving the mortaliy levels on site, as well as fish not being treated during October.
PD first detected on site in May 2020, but has become less evident in fish examined in recent months.
Harvesting has now begun.
Site is not due be restocked by business following this production cycle.
During inspection of the site salmon were fairly deep in cages making them difficult to observe.
Salmosan treatment beginning on day of inspection. This had been delayed due to poor weather conditions on site during the past 2 weeks.
Site thermometer used due to battery failure in FHI thermometer. [Original PDF]
