Site Details: West Strome

Mid Strome
IV54 8YH
Operator: Bakkafrost Scotland
Water type: Seawater


Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

West Strome Production cycle end date: Nov 2020
Total losses: 13 %

West Strome Production cycle end date: Feb 2022
Total losses: 39.1 %

West Strome Production cycle end date: Mar 2024
Total losses: 25.2 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Harvests ongoing
Company contacted for further information. Harvesting commenced last week. Mortality increased significantly this week. Plan for site to be fallow by Feburary 2022. FW finished on the 31st December 2021, Spike in mortality due to post treatment loss. Mostly from 3 problem pens. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Harvesting ongoing. Mortality reduced this week. Plan for site to be fallow by Feburary 2022. FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Viral Disease
Viral Disease
Harvests ongoing
Site was fallow in wk4. NFA.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease
Bacterial Disease
FW week 22; enhanced moribund removal
First report of cycle. Freshwater treatment scheduled for this week. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Bacterial Disease
Bacterial Disease
Enhanced moribund removal; In FW schedule
Site inspected 17/5/2023 and diagnostic samples taken. Yersinia ruckeri identified. FHI to monitor

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Site contacted for further information, Gill health related issues from a recent enviromental insult, high levels of muggia altlantica and solmaris identified from routine plankton checks. The majority of mortality onsite has been confined to cage one, which was harvestered out on 14/08/23.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Gill Health Related
Gill Health Related
Targeted Harvest; FW week 33/34
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Viral Disease (CMS); Maturity
Viral Disease (CMS); Maturity
Monitor, targeted harvesting where required. Business contacted: Mortalities below threshold in week 4.
First report since August - FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0258

Records checked remotely by accompanied by . Inspection and sampling by , accompanied by and
APHA. 9 pens left stocked on date of site visit (16/09/21). 2 pens harvested on 7th, 1 on 8th and another 1 on 11th. Fish were performing well until recently. The stocks were transferred from Portree in January 2021. Mortalities are normally removed by
Uplift systems and stored in skips at the shorebase for disposal. Mort transfer is by Billy Bowie, usually to Dundas Bros. The recent increase in morts has resulted in removal by contractors using Uplifts and brails. The increase in mortalities is also being transported in tankers following removal by boat via Kishorn. Discussed biosecurity issues with compromised brail and improvements were indicated. Low presence of CMS detected in some fish from PCR samples in August and cage 1 has since been harvested out as a precaution.
Treated with SLICE in January, March, May and July. Had freshwater treatment in May and pen 13 in August. Also freshwater/salmosan treatment in two pens (9 & 16) in August. Optilicer in early July, and hydrolicer in early August then early
September. Planning hydrolicer again in week 38. The site has been combatting unanticipated higher settlements of Chalimus and Pre-adult lice and are trying to prevent a build up of adult stages, although lice numbers have increased recently and lice damage is evident on a number of fish. Received veterinary advice in early September to conduct a treatment to combat sea lice accepting the potential mortality in fish which had been affected by the suspected micro jelly bloom which occurred in mid-
August. Moribund fish present in all cages with cages 10 and 11 currently the worst affected. These cages are to be harvested out in week 38. Rest of cages will receive a Hydrolicer treatment. Pens are also receiving aeration. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2021-0271

First fish on site were from Vacasay (FS1091) and Kyles of Vuia (FS0927) and arrived in weeks 23 and 24 2020. These fish were ~3kg and were transferred to relieve biomass at the origin sites due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fish that were on site during the inspection came onto site from Portree (FS0708) on 8th January. Fish were transported in
FW and were in good health at the time of transfer. Mortality remained very low (<0.5%) in the weeks following the movement.
SLICE is being administered prophylactically and the site has received SLICE treatments in January, March, May and a recent course beginning on 19th July (due to be completed by 25th July).
The hydrolicer has also been on site.
Lumpsuckers came onto site from Otterferry and Swansea University in March 21, arriving over a 3 week period. Lumpsuckers are stocked between 8-10% and the site manager has reported their effectiveness at controlling sea lice on the site.
Fish were sitting deep in the water and so were difficult to observe, but appeared to be shoaling well. Only 1 mortlality was observed across the site but was not fresh dead, so no diagnostic samples taken. No moribunds were observed.
Salmon and lumpfish that could be seen appeared healthy and in good body condition with little to no physical damage.
Fish sampled for VMD appeared healthy. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0205

Site inspection conducted after reports of increased mortalities during an inspection at another site.
Mortalities have been low since input.
Mortalities for the last four weeks, wk 17 466 (0.08%), wk 18 333 (0.06%), wk 19 saw a marked increase of 2619 (0.46%) and wk 20 6517 (1.15%).
Majority of fish are eating reasonably well. One cage inspected and three fish were removed for diagnostic sampling. ~100 fish swimming slowly on the surface, spiralling, lethargic and moribund. Some Eye damage noted as well as some bi-lateral exophthalmia.
One fw and FLS treatment 24/4/2023 to the 27/4/2023. No significant mortality increase. Sea lice numbers have just increased.
A novel species of jellyfish had been observed in the area suspected to be Sarsia tubulosa, it is unsure if this is part of the increased mortality [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2023-0317

Salmon came on from Loch Damph and Applecross and have been performing well so far this cycle. Yersinia ruckeri was detected in May 23 and was attributed to increased mortality at the site in wks20 and 21. Mortality has since reduced.
Cleanerfish mortality since input -
Farmed wrasse: 3,861 (14%)
Farmed Lumpsuckers: 38,362 (63%)
Lice numbers have been very low so far this cycle. Slice treatments were carried out in April and June 23. All other treatments have been freshwater and flushes.
Salmon will be livehaul harvested to Stornoway.
Freshwater and flush treatment completed on Monday 17th July. Lethargic fish were observed across the site with some physical damage to eyes and flank, but were responsive to movement and could not be caught with a hand net so were not sampled. Feed was used to bring the fish to the surface for closer inspection as the water was dark and the general population were difficult to observe. These fish appeared in good body condition and had a strong feed response.
The fish that were removed for VMD sampling appeared in good physical health externally and internally upon examination. [Original PDF]

Case Number: 2024-0040

Paperwork and inspection by , accompanied by .
Site inspected following complaint regarding biosecurity received on 12/12/24.
The complaint was reportedly sent to RSPCA as well and the site was reported to have had their Freedom Foods certification suspended, pending a full audit of the site for the accreditation scheme. The site has recently undergone and passed there audit for Freedom Foods and a harvest so scheduled for 26/02/24. It was reported that the site will undergo additional
Freedom Foods audits this year.
Following the complaint, Bakkafrost reviewed and under took retraining of staff in relation to mortality removal, fish welfare, storage and biosecurity. Training records were available for inspection and were up to date.
In addition to this, training records were available for annual refresher training to cover - Biosecurity, fish welfare, escape contingency, mortality classification, cleaner fish welfare, use of T.M.S., welfare standards, culling & moribund removal, harvest & processing welfare and routine event and fallen stock removal. All training records were available for inspection.
Staff in the video submitted with the complaint were reported to be from another site and were on site to help whilst the site staff were dealing with FW / FLS treatments, this was required as the site has strict operating hours, although it was reported that exemptions can be applied for in specific circumstances.
During inspection of site, bins used for mortality removal were clearly labelled, lids were kept on with exception of when mortalities were being counted and placed in the bins. Mortalities were collected in a braille net using uplift system, with mortalities being counted and recorded against different causes. This was done at the individual pen level, with lid returned to fish bin between pens. No fish were transported in the braille net.
The area at the shorebase the area where mortalities are stored was inspected. A sealed skip is used for mortality collection, with a second skip on site available if required. The area around the skip was clean and tidy. Spare bins used for mortality collection were clean and neatly stacked at one end of the yard. No issues were observed with the processes on site. [Original PDF]
