Site Details: Bay of Holland

Crowness Road
Kirkwall, Orkney
KW15 1RG
Operator: Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Ltd
Water type: Seawater

Average female lice per fish


Salmon Scotland mortality


Cumulative mortality over full production cycle

Production cycle end date: Feb 2023
Total losses: 13 %

Production cycle end date: Feb 2024
Total losses: 28.9 %


Fish Health Inspectorate mortality

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Handling
Site contacted for further information. Mortality attributed to treatment loss from a recent thermolicer treatment. Mortality on site has now reduced below the reporting threshold.
FHI to monitor.

Mortality Rate:
Reason given: Environmental
Gill health issues primary factor of mortality. Low level CMS but not leading to high mortality.
Business correspondent contacted.FHI to monitor.


Inspection reports

Case Number: 2021-0468

Paperwork - Mortality and sea lice conducted remotely on 04/11/21. Site is within DMA 8B, but is not within a CoGP FMA, however it is included in the FMAg for O2 - between SSF and CAS.
Treatment records, health reports and movement records inspected during site inspection on 10/11/21
Site has poles for top nets rather than the central support, these were reported to work well at the site and cope better with large motion through the site. Also planning to fit these to the Mill Bay site.
Fish will be split to the Mill Bay site at beginning of 2022 after it has undergone fallow period. With fish at both sites being grown to harvest. All dead haul harvests at site. Bay of Holland has a smaller tonnage than Mill Bay, so may have been used as a nursery site, however, for this cycle some fish will be grown to harvest.
Mortality removal conducted using ROV, this was reported to work well.
Mortalities very low on site, no issues noted or observed. Fish removed for VMD appeared in very good condition with no sea lice.
A thermolicer treatment was conducted in early October, this reportedly gave a very good clearance
Site uses an Aquascale to measure weights of fish, this was reported to be very accurate and removes the need to handle fish for sample weighing, used especially on run up to harvests.
Currently 11 x 100m cages on site, grid has capacity for 16 x 100m cages.
No dead, moribund or lethargic fish observed during the inspection, CAS were training two new members of their health team whilst conducting gill scores. Mortality removal was also on-going during the inspection, using an ROV which goes between
Westray, Stronsay and Rousay sites, mortalities were very low.
Weather conditions were poor on site at time of inspection, with winds gusting to force 7 and a large swell >1m going through the cages at the southern end of site. Fish were deep in the water.
Site is currently organic and no medicinal treatments have been used for sea lice. Only treatments T.M.S. for lice counts/gill scores. [Original PDF]
